
A healthcare professional

Consultant Pediatric Oncologist

A healthcare professionalPEDIATRIC HEALTHCAREObjective

Following are the attributes of a healthcare professional:

Who is a healthcare professional?

How should a practitioner conduct in a cancer hospital setting?


Responsibilities of Pediatric oncologist

Role of pediatric oncologist in disease diagnosis, treatment and prognosis


any care that alleviates symptoms, whether or not there is hope of a cure by other means; thus, palliative treatments may be used to alleviate theside effectsof curative treatments, such as relieving thenauseaassociated withchemotherapy.



13Patients Radiographs

Huge soft tissue abnormality. Fibula was partially eroded, tibia seemed to be intact on the radiograph. According to the practitioner the diagnosis was probably bone cancer.14Patients CT scan

CT was ordered to rule out the possibility of mets. The practitioner wanted to be accurate in staging the cancer.15Patients MRI scans

osseous destruction of right fibula and it is involving all the muscular compartments of right lower limb below the knee joint till the ankle joint.16

A healthcare professional puts in utmost effort to deliver good quality healthcare to the patient.A consultant paediatric oncologist understands the turmoil of his patient and the attendants.He is empathetic towards them but makes sure that he does not inculcate false hope.Paediatric oncologists ensures appropriate treatment regarding the patients ailment.His practice revolves around supportive care and counseling for his patient.

