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ELEVEN FOR TWELVE11 Trends for 2012

By Aaron Perrino

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1. Integration Nation

Last year we saw the humble beginnings of design for an eco-system of screens. This year we get smarter seeing a more seamless integration of products and services across all devices and systems.

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2. Two Way TV

Cutting the cord to cable is becoming a new norm as exciting business models give consumers a myriad of options when it comes to content. This year our TV's will become fully connected devices that allow us to talk both literally (SIRI-Style) or

through applications on our mobile devices. 2012 the choices for content will be infinite.

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3. Dream American

It was a rough year for the American Psyche as Politicians and Wall Street tried to kill off the middle class. Americans are a resilient bunch…This year I think you will see a deeper loyalty to the brands who stand up for the ideals of the common man

and harken back to the optimism and belief in the American Dream. This is not a year for cynicism its a year for civility.

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4. Don't show me the $

We've all heard about Google Wallet, Square, NFC Chips. I think 2012 all this stuff will be refined and build momentum. Apps will be able to track your purchases, loyalty, buying habits, coupons as we come closer to a currency free economy.

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5. Tech Spectacles

If you follow the trend blogs it seemed every day there was a new projection video, augmented reality experience, or other fantastical stunt using technology. I think this year its only going to magnify as hackers, and digital artists partner with brands

to push the envelope of creativity and use all these gadgets, touch screens and interactivity to dizzying new heights.

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6. Return of the Hi-fi

Technology has made what we see clearer, brighter, three dimensional, and more realistic than ever. Strangely audio was left behind as a generation of ipod users listened to compressed mp3 files through cheap white headphones. This year audio

quality is going to catch up with a series of hi fidelity products from headphones, analog to digital convertors as we recapture the warmth and clarity of superior sound.

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7. Digital Minimalism

Content, stuff, videos, sites, junk…Obviously none of it is going away…This year as we become more digitally aware we will find ways to categorize, simplify, and make sense of the infinite wasteland of things on the internet. Elegant design and

minimalism will make our web experiences cleaner and more enjoyable.

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8. Earned Mediums

Social Media is here to stay, but the agencies who specialize in it will be discovered for the frauds they are. Being an expert in Social Media will mean more than coming up with pithy Facebook and Twitter posts. The new experts will need to be masters of

PR, Traditional Media, as well as futurists who understand what the internet wants and needs.

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9. Brand Daredevils

Brands are becoming more comfortable in their own skin as they learn that all this openness on the web can actually be fun and liberating. This year I think you'll see a whole slew of brands take more risks experimenting with new business models and digital platforms. Even the biggest companies are adopting a start-up mentality as they try to be pioneers discovering the new

digital frontier.

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10. Barter Bazaar

We consume there is no doubt about that. As we become more conscious about recycling and reusing I think there is a lot of potential for new business models around the exchanging of goods as the world becomes one digitally connected swap meet.

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11. My Life Grand Cru

Instagram and a million other apps allow up to document every second of our lives digitally for the world to see. With all the cloud services and places we keep this stuff I think there is room for products that help us curate the life we want to remember.

The best photos and videos presented for future generations to remember.