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11 Closely-Guarded Secrets Of The Rich And Super-Rich

The Step-by-Step Path To Financial Freedom and Permanent Wealth

Hi, this is Igor Alexander. I have some important news for you about your financial future: You’ve been lied to. And the lies have all but guaranteed you’ll never be as rich as you would like – unless, that is, you undo the damage. In this Special Report, I will expose the lies, and tell you what you need to do to reverse their effect on you, and get on the path to riches, today – no matter how the economy currently looks to you! I will also tell you who has been lying to you. It may not be who you expected:

Your credit card company

Your bank

Hollywood movie studios

Las Vegas, Lotteries, and the rest of the gambling industry

The restaurant industry

That’s just for starters. The lies are different than you probably thought they were. These lies have everything to do with:

What you need to do to become rich

How rich people actually handle their money

How rich people stay rich

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And how the rich keep getting richer Before I give you the closely-guarded secrets of the rich (which may surprise you in how simple and common-sense they are – yet, you will probably admit, a lot of these secrets are about things much different than how you live your life currently), let me tell you why I put this report together. And what gives me the right to tell you anything about being rich. Recently, some of my closest business associates told me they were very impressed with how my own small business has rocketed from a modest $1000 investment four years ago to making over $10 million in sales. With very high profit margins, as well. They were even more impressed that my business continues to grow in the face of the recent tough economic times. I think one reason they were so interested in what I was doing: What my life was like before this. You see, I had gone broke twice before I was 30. Once, as a highly paid international business lawyer. The second time, as an even better paid Fortune 500 executive coach. While I was going broke, I made just about every mistake anyone could make. Seriously. But I kept track of all my mistakes and learned from them. And I vowed not to make any of the same mistakes a second time. Today, I’m doing quite well with my business interests. My business associates urged me to put together a complete seminar and personal learning system to help others gain the benefit of my experience, so you and others like you would not have to go through the pain I experienced. A seminar to show you a real-world way to become free of money worries and have as much money as you desire. For as long as you like. I thought that was a good idea and agreed to do so. The program began as a two-day invitation-only seminar at a $16 million private mansion in the Bahamas. It was professionally recorded on video. I designed the

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program so anyone could understand it, and I wanted to make sure that it contained everything someone would need if they wanted riches beyond what they could even imagine right now. Once the program was complete, many people asked me how it was different from all the other wealth programs out there. People especially wanted to know: - Is it about an internal change process? - Or is it instruction about making and managing money? The answer: It’s both! You see, when I did my research and development for this exciting new program, I realized so many other wealth programs fell short because they did not adequately answer “Yes” to both questions. What I found was, some trainers focus almost entirely on mindset – the internal change process. Others focus mainly on how you make money and what you do with it – in other words, ways of dealing with money in the world. But there was a problem. Neither one of these approaches by themselves described the way real rich people actually operate. I know this from personal experience and from extensive research. I came from a rich family that lost most of its money. I have worked as a lawyer in international banking, and witnessed first-hand how the wealthy think and how they deal with their money. Let me tell you – as a lawyer, you get “up close and personal” with some fairly wealthy people. They tell you things in confidence that never reach the light of day, so to speak. I have met many multimillionaires and observed what they really do, and don’t do, on a day-to-day basis. I’ve taken a lot of notes. And while I would never, ever betray a personal confidence, nobody ever asked me to

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keep their methods of getting and staying rich, confidential. So I am free to share what I learned with you. And, like I said, I have gone from dead broke to becoming a multi-millionaire and a partner in a fast growing International business. And in case you are wondering, all of this happened before I ever made an attempt to tell others how to get rich. I made my money in completely different businesses. I walked the walk before I ever even considered talking the talk. I have also helped people in all kinds of businesses – from small business to Fortune 500 companies - go from just getting by to becoming very profitable. From all of this personal experience, as well as a tremendous amount of research, I have concluded that you can’t get rich unless you have two very important factors working in your favor: 1. Your mindset – which I call “Your Inner Wealth Blueprint” 2. Your actions – which are so simple, but so vastly misunderstood and under-used, that most people simply don’t know what actions to take or how to take them. In my new program “The Money In Your Mind – How The Rich Keep Getting Richer, and How You Can, Too,” I have taken all my knowledge and skills to break this down to a proven, simple 11-Step System, which is made up of the 11 Closely-Guarded Secrets of the Rich and Super-Rich. I am going to share a Special Report on all 11 steps with you today. My goal today is to give you information you can understand and use immediately, whether you buy my program or not. Of course there’s a lot more in my program than I could fit into this Special Report. But I have made sure you have enough useful information in this report alone to make a permanent difference in your financial life. Because I am confident that once you see how valuable and clear-headed what I have to say is, you will want to give my program a try. I hope you will see that I have designed everything I have to say about money so you can understand it as quickly and easily as humanly possible.

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Now, without further ado, here are the 11 Steps of “The Money In Your Mind” System: Step 1 is “Unlock Your Inner Wealth Blueprint” Some people have said “abundance is our natural state,” and they are telling the truth. But telling the truth, I’m sorry to report, is not by itself enough to make things happen. Recently a writer on the Internet wrote about the large group of baby-boomers who are headed for financial disaster in their retirement years. She made a very important statement: “Hope is not a plan of action.” And yet, part of your brain is already wired to see available riches right under your nose. The problem for most people is that this part of your brain is sound asleep and you need to wake it up. Step 1 is waking up your brain so you can see and use your Inner Wealth Blueprint. You’ll see how the rich think and how easy it is for you to think that way too. And you’ll discover an important truth, that is very counter-intuitive for most people: that is, how you think can make you wealthy, no matter what your income is. I know that sounds a little far-fetched right now, but I’ll prove to you that it’s true. The lies that poison your thinking (and keep you from getting rich) start with advertising agencies, Hollywood movie studios, lotteries, credit card companies, and social pressure everywhere. They are all ganging up on you. Their aim is to mislead you, day in and day out, about what makes a person wealthy. They want to make sure they have your money, so you can never accumulate and manage the wealth you need to get rich. For example, for their own selfish reasons, these skilled persuaders want you to believe that buying expensive things needlessly is a sign of being rich. They have convinced many people at a deep level that showing off expensive purchases is proof positive of having a high net worth. But that’s simply just not true. I know many multimillionaires. And there is a lot of independent research that confirms what I say. Being careful with your money is what real rich people do. To be sure, flashy celebrities are the exception – although many are not nearly as rich as

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they would have you believe. But for the most part, the rich are frugal — not profligate spenders. And another thing. Real rich people are naturally alert all the time to new ways of bringing more money easily, legally, and eventually, almost automatically into their life – and of course, into their bank accounts. There are many forces at work to discourage the rest of society from taking in money from multiple sources. Obvious messages as well as more subtle things, such as clever use of shame by those who keep an advantage over you, when you see limits on your future wealth. I’m sure most or all of what I just said makes sense to you. But merely knowing it is one thing. Doing it is another. Because for many people, breaking old spending habits and developing new wealth (earning) habits is about as easy as breaking a drug addiction. I have some good news for you in that regard. My program “The Money In Your Mind” gives you a very straightforward, psychologically sound way to permanently change your habits from the inside – so your unconscious mind is working with the rest of you to start thinking and acting like a wealthy person. A real one. The kind who is rich, and keeps getting richer. These new habits will make it so much easier for you to get to wherever you want to go financially. They really will. Step 2 of this system is “Take The Simple Step Towards Wealth Most People Tragically Miss.” Did you know that most lottery winners typically lose everything they have won within a few years
 and many end up in worse financial shape than before they ever won the lottery? It’s true. There are two reasons for this, and they’re important for you if you want to have more money in your life on an ongoing basis. The first reason is that even though the money is in their life and in their bank account
 for a while, anyway
. deep inside their mind, they still have the old “Inner Poverty Blueprint.” They haven’t prepared their minds for a wealthier lifestyle. But there’s something else as well.

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They have also not taken an important step that people who have ongoing wealth have taken. And that step is to secure financial freedom before they start worrying about buying and showing off what they mistakenly believe to be the trappings of wealth. Most people don’t know, what financial freedom is. And not knowing this can lead to misery and bankruptcy, no matter HOW much money you start out with. In fact, if you don’t understand the basics of financial freedom, you can work harder and harder, make more and more money, and still end up poorer and poorer. In its most basic form, financial freedom simply means you have set up your finances so you never have to work again. You can work, if you want to. And for many people, it’s a good idea to work at something they enjoy. But they never have to. Once you understand the basics – and they’re very easy to understand, the way I explain them – then you can have everything you want
 have it legally
 and have it WITHOUT borrowing a penny
 And you’ll still have plenty of money to spare! Step 3 of the system is to “Unleash Your TRUE Abundance Mindset.” By the way, “Your TRUE Abundance Mindset” is not necessarily what you may have heard about with “The Law of Attraction.” And I have some more news that may cause you a little bit of distress, but you need to hear this: The old saying, “The more you give, the more you get” is, in fact, a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can interpret it the way most people do. But giving that way could become a path to the poorhouse. Most people give out of guilt or obligation – definitely not a good idea, and not the way the rich typically give. But interpret giving, and act on it, the way I will share with you – the way the truly rich understand it – and you are on the path to unending riches! In Step 3, I share with you the secrets of generosity and gratitude from a genuine wealth perspective. You give to create benefit and increases of value, something most people aren’t aware of and don’t know how to do. But you will, with my program. You’ll also learn how to get rid of your inner “Poverty Guards” that keep you in “Money

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 and enjoy the freedom that REAL wealth can give you. Let’s move on to Step 4. It’s important. “Make Just One Shift And TOTALLY Change Your Financial Picture.” This shift represents just about the biggest difference between being rich or being poor. Maybe 1 person in 100 truly understands this difference. And that person is already rich! It’s simple, the way I explain it to you. By the way, Hollywood, Madison Avenue and most of the other “dream merchants” in our society have ganged up to make sure you never figure this one out on your own! It’s very simple. Turn off the money faucet. Turn it off – now. You probably have no idea how much you and your family spend on things you want but that you don’t need. If you’re like most people, it’s a lot. But you’re blind to it. You’ve been conditioned to waste money without realizing it. And it’s keeping you from accumulating the wealth you need for financial freedom. The one shift for Step 4 is: to cut way back on your spending. Without living a miserly life. When you do this the way I teach, it will make a huge difference for you and you’ll feel great while you’re doing it! Step 5 is to “Take The ‘Monkey Off Your Back’ That Keeps You From Having A True Abundance of Money.” Have you ever met a high-income individual who is terribly stressed about money and not even close to being financially free? Don’t be surprised if you have. Because, in America alone, there are millions of people who fit this description. And many millions more around the world. They simply haven’t taken this step
 and until they do, they will never enjoy financial ease and true wealth. But I will show you how and make it easy for you to take the step: you’ll want to, I promise you. It’s irresistible and rewarding.

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Here’s a hint: This step is so powerful it has been referred to as “turning on the ‘money printing press inside your brain!’” And here’s the step: It’s all about getting rid of debt. All debt. It’s much more of a monkey on your back than you may have ever realized. But getting rid of debt is possible. For you. And what a difference it will make! Let’s move on to Step 6: “Get Your Priorities Straight
 And Watch Even More Improvements Occur, Automatically” Have you heard all the stories of money that comes rushing into people’s life, like a genie on a magic carpet? It seems fanciful, but it does happen. The funny thing is, those stories are true, but you don’t usually get to know what happened beforehand to make the person ready to receive money effortlessly. I have gone into considerable detail to show you what the “beforehand” will look like, for you. It’s not hard, but it does require some simple adjustments. I have developed some shortcuts to make it easy to make the changes. Rich people have certain ways of doing thing that they learned, either through their families, or from some closely-guarded advice, or by accident. These ways of doing things have almost nothing to do with the amount of money you have now. But they have everything to do with how much money you will have for the rest of your life! For the first time anywhere, I will show you how to effortlessly and automatically bring these ways of doing things into your own life. So that you are getting set up for money to start effortlessly flowing to you – the way it happens in the REAL world. They key to making this happen is to change your thinking and your action so you pay yourself first. You save and invest before you spend. You learn to start building wealth right away. It may sound impossible but I’ll show you how it’s very possible. For you!

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Step 7: Discover The Amazingly Simple Key to Growing Your Wealth I want you to throw everything out the window you’ve ever heard about needing special advantages to get rich. These things include: specialized formal education
 insider connections
 nonsensical mystical thinking
 a high income to start with
 or anything else out of the ordinary for you. You don’t need any of those things. But there is ONE thing you must have, however. Here’s the good news: You can get this one thing for free. Here’s why: One ordinary single woman who had a low-paying job and no special advantages, recently donated $4.5 million of the wealth she built to her community. Anyone can do what she did – and you’ll learn how in this step. Who was she and what did she do? Her name was Verna Oller and she worked in a fish cannery. She made close to minimum wage. But she got herself a first-class investment education at the public library. And that is how she turned working-class wages into a multimillion-dollar fortune. You can become educated, even expert, in investing. You don’t have to be a fancy Wall Street expert to do this. But you need to know more than you probably know now. Step 8 is a NEWS FLASH: “Suddenly, you have a STUNNING amount of EXTRA MONEY left over at the end of each month.” By the time you are taking this step, your entire financial picture has changed. Unfortunately, most people, including many high-income people, never take this step. Remember how many people, including multi-millionaires, lost everything because of convicted scam artist Bernie Madoff? If they have followed this one simple rule
 and I didn’t make it up; one of the world’s richest men religiously follows this rule
 they never would have lost their fortunes.

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That man is Warren Buffett, and here’s the rule: Never invest in anything you don’t understand. Madoff investors violated the rule. They really had no idea what Bernie Madoff was doing with the money. If they had known, they never would have invested theirs with him. Now that you know what Step 8 is, you have all the pieces in place for financial freedom, your path to lifelong wealth can begin without worry. That’s covered starting in Step 9: “Cash In On the REAL Secret of Making Money While You Sleep.” One amazing thing about wealth: Often, the bigger the money gets, the simpler the solution to more wealth becomes. The secret of steadily increasing passive income is so simple that young children can understand it in a flash. Why don’t most people practice it, then? Once you see the simple demonstration in the training as to how this works, you’ll know why others don’t do it, and how you can make an easy adjustment to make it work in your life. It’s the power of compound interest. It works a lot like a snowball rolling down a mountain. It can start small and grow slowly at first. But the further it goes, the more it picks up speed and the faster it keeps growing and growing and growing. As soon as you understand this the way I explain it, your financial life will instantly be changed, forever. Step 10: “Take Out ‘Wealth Insurance’ – The Key To Automatic, Lifelong Prosperity. This step is an interesting combination of seeing things a little differently, and knowing what to do with ever-increasing streams of passive income. I’ll show you the three main ways to turn on the “money spigot” and keep the cash coming in. In brief, I’m talking about collecting multiple streams of passive income. Three of the

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most popular ways are with investments in real estate, or stocks and bonds, or in a business. The great news is, making money this way is a lot easier than you might have believed. That’s because at least one of these ways will involve doing something you enjoy and are already familiar with. And that brings us to Step 11 – my favorite – “Smile and Relax – Now Your ‘Wealth Insurance’ is On Autopilot” Once you follow the first 10 steps, you’re in a perfect position to become wealthier than you ever dreamed of. Yes, other people will think you are “lucky” with money, but you know better. It’s not a matter of luck. It’s simply a matter of having followed proven steps in thinking and action. But people will swear you have the ability to create money “at will” – and with your new abilities, it will probably look like that to them! So that wraps it up. Let me summarize the 11 steps of the “Money In Your Mind” system: 1. Unlock Your Inner Wealth Blueprint 2. Take The Simple Step Towards Wealth Most People Tragically Miss 3. Unleash Your TRUE Abundance Mindset 4. Make Just One Shift And TOTALLY Change Your Financial Picture 5. Take The “Monkey Off Your Back” That Keeps You From Having A True Abundance Of Money 6. Get Your Priorities Straight
 And Watch Even More Improvements Occur, Automatically 7. Discover The Amazingly Simple Key to Growing Your Wealth 8. NEWS FLASH: Suddenly, you have a STUNNING amount of EXTRA MONEY left over at the end of each month

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9. Cash In on the REAL Secret of Making Money While You Sleep 10. Take Out “Wealth Insurance” – The Key to Automatic, Lifelong Prosperity 11. Smile and Relax – Now Your “Wealth Insurance” Is On Autopilot In “The Money In Your Mind,” you will find these steps become nearly automatic, and you take control of money, possibly for the first time in your life. Now I invite you to learn how you can try out my program risk-free. Most people, even those who have studied other wealth programs, tell me that they get a number of valuable insights and new things to do right away within the first hour or two of watching the program. Just click on this link to find out how you can make the closely guarded secrets of the rich and super-rich yours, now (this video explains everything about the program and also gives you an extra $100 discount compared to the general public)
