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T% 3,094 -&* *&'. '.7+&! & C7%8! -: &% SBN .8. ! 11/#/12 + ! &% ! 8 -6 &%! %+% *7+% .+7!&* *'&. !& 7 .!& 87*, -7!.&&% !8: -: 7-- -! !. *!78 '+ +.-. *&:8 +. *&+< '8+. & &% -+< +% 87, &% *7+% 87* +% !+87.! + ' &%& ''. & - '%&+': &%7&*. 8. -! &% 88! !*$

1 - 618 Pleading Created by Zach Coughlin Volume 1619-1654 Pleading Created by Zach Coughlin Vol 2

1655-2700 !C "u#tice Court $oc# %older

2701-&'094 (ormal )earing (ile *+, . Zachary +. Coughlin

B&* N$ D*+'&! D+7!&*

1 "1= Pleading Created by Zach Coughlin Volume 12 9 2/21/12 C7%8!>* N&+ A''!+? M&! & D*** ! RCR20120"5"30

(1/14/12 *& .. -: RPD)10 4= 03/05/12 C7%8!>* N&+ A''!+ * CC7!*8 !. M&! & D*** !+!8 &*'** +* - RMC @7. ;88 G.! ! 11 CR 2"405 ("1901)

45 I!.6 & E6%-&* & 3/5/12 8! ' 3" 40 ! 6 %. 4" E6%-& 1 + '4# ' 3= 40 6, C&+& S+ 11/1/11 -: H88>* O+4= ' 40 40 6 (* ' 39 * &&., % *7+% ' +!**&. ;CSO

C8 D*! S7'* L S&7+%88>* .**! &%& D'7&: M+%!>* A.& S+ 88! % '*!88: *. +&! . & C7%8! ! 11/1/11 * 8*)

4912" 11/30/11 N&+ A''!+, M&! C!&!7!+ ! RMC 11 CR 221#" (*"0=3=)

12# TX R'& (RMC ** RCA -: 8, :& &<* **7 &% C7%8! 7&8! 8) -:D4 RMC 12/15/11 @7. H. O. $ 8!

12=151 ' 1 24 F6 C S%& 6 %. #$41 12/1"/11 88. -: C7%8!>* N&+ D!8 S+, IFP A''8+&!, &+ ! 221#"

1521#0 ! ''!& *!, &% E6%-& 1 + ' & C7%8!>* 12/13/11 N&+ A''8,M&! & +&, M&! R+7*8 &% %!. !&8!&. =93 '* '87* CD 58* R! C&: A&&: (2 .*) AP, +.+ & 8*, 1 +.! @%! E88*;8& &8&! ! 221#"


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1#1394 C7%8!>* 3/#/12 N&+ A''8 S7: C!&'& O., M&! & R&7!P*!8 P'&: C!*+&. -: RMC, M&! N T8 !. & A8& A!.S7: C!&'& O. ! RMC 11 TR 2"=00 - @7. H8* (224 ' 6 1$5=' +!**&! 54 ' M&! !. 1"" ' E6%-& 1)

395"12 3/9/12 123=' 21= ' 6 M&! & R&7! C88 P%!*, M&! & S& A*.S7: C!&'& O., N&+ A''8 S7: C!&'& O. ! 2"=00"13"1= 8 C7%8! & RMC C% M*%8 R' 12/14/11 C'8!&-7& M*%8 M!8 !. ! +! +': 11/30/11 C!&'& O., !. RMC>*!+ L' 8! & 6 *7+% * *% %. . &

"13 8* & C7%8! RMC C% M*%8 @7*&! R' !.+&! *7+% * *'!*& + 8 C7%8! 8& ! 12/13/11 <! +'8!& .! M*%8 M!8>* -7*''+% & 10/11/11 !!& ! ;8M& +!.: - '&&: 8+!: +* *78&! ! "0=3=&': *7*'!*!, !. M!8>* !8: <!+<! RMC>* B88. ! 12/13/11 ! &&'&* &!&.& C7%8! %8 C7%8! *7%& & &8: 8 %* N&+ A''8 !. M&! & S& A*.+!+&! 11/30/11, !. R'>* 8! & ..** C7%8!>* +!&!&! &%& &% 11/30/11 O.P7!*%! S7: C!&'& (FHE11) ! 11 CR 221#" * !& '.. & ! *. ! C7%8! -: &% RMC !: &* M*%8* ! 11/30/11 % R', &%, +7** ! &% 11/30/11

@7.!& C!+&! !. C7& O. (&&+%. ! FHE1 & !>* =/23/12 C'8!&) !. & &%SCR 111(") P&&! ! "0=3=) % R' 8* & 88. *7+% FHE11 * *88: '.. &C7%8! -<. !& %* ''&:, !+! RMC @7. H.* @7.+8 A***&!& !+L', % 8& 8. & C7%8! ! .7! 12/5/11 &8'%! C7%8! ! *'!.! &C7%8!>* 7*& +': !: O. !.! C7%8! ! +!&'& (* C7%8! * -*87&8:!& '.. *7+% ! 11/30/11 !:& &%& 7!&8 *7+% * !+87.. ! &% ROA 8. ! &%''8 ! CR1120"4, &%7%, *7+% -! . ! -*!& ! &% '&* (RCA '*+7&

P8 R-&*, E*)"13"1= C7%8!*> 8 *'!* & RMC C% M*%8 R'>* 12/14/11 8 *'!.! &

C7%8!>* 12/13/11 + 8 .! 11 CR 221#" (FHE1, FHE11, &+)$ S7-+&$

RE$ M** 8& ! 12/13/2011 F$ +% C7%8! (+%+7%8!J%&8C)S!& ;. 12/14/11 "$52 PM T$ 'J!G? *<J!G? -88..J!G?!7!+.*J!G

619-1654 Pleading Created by Zach Coughlin Vol 2"20"21 8 C7%8! & SBN ! 4/1"/12 S7-+&$ M !>* **&! ! %* 3/1"/12

8&& %! C7%8! &*$ A!::, I deny guilt  on each an eery allegation

made again#t me by )ill' "udge ,a#h )olme#' and /hoeer el#e ha# %iled a grieance or

comlaint and al#o /ith re#ect to any criminal charge again#t me' including that /hich re#ulted

in a coniction in 11 C 22176' /hich' thin /ill ultimately reeal /a# relete /ith

ro#ecutorial mi#conduct' lying by the 3al-!art lo## reention a##ociate' and lying by the t/o*C olice o%%icer#' in additional to abu#e o% di#cretion and other error# by "udge


"22"23 M '**-8 SCR 121 -+% +!.!&8&: 8&!* -: &% SBN ! !.&!&8:!+87.! &8* *&%! !8! M C'* !. L*8 M! S7-+&$ R !.

MJ++**!"25 ' 2 "3 ' 6 10/3/12 & (9$2" C7%8! & SBN M&! OSC

, ! "0=3=, %+% * -& &, *. &% +'&!, +7%8!>* 10/1"/12 8 *&'.


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M&! OSC ! &% .*+'8!: && ! ! ''8 ! "233#)"=" 6 + *%& ' 1 '+.! "3 ' 6 C7%8! & SBN *&'.

+. -: SBN 10/3/12 (!.+&! &% *%78. - & 8*& *7+% *&'. +.6 C7%8! 9/1=/12 +!**&! C7%8!>* M&! & D***, &%7% &% *! *7+% .+7!& ! &% SBN>* 3,094 ' '.7+&!, %+% * .7-7* ! &% *8!&'&!+ *7+% ! 8%& C7%8!>* 7!& &%& DCR 13(3) '.* &%& !>*87 & ''* *7+% : - &<! * ! .**! &%

"== ' 1 40 ' 6 C7%8! & RMC 3/5/12 6 %. 10$5" N&+ A''!+ * CC7!*8 !. M&! & D*** ! RMC 11 CR 2"405 +!8&*'** +* - @7. ; G.! . & ! !>* =/23/12 C'8!&

#02  page 15  C7%8!>* 3/5/12 M&! & D*** ! 2"405 ('! 3 5 12 0204 2"405M&! & D***>* page 16 6+*. 11 # 12 SBN '.7+&! -&! -&* #02!. #03 .&8! -78: -: H88, ;CSO, RPD, G:8 !, E*, N. C7&*S+*, P< T+, N&%!. A'&!&*, S7' S&, &+, !+.!& & 87& ++. 24 %7* & &!!& +'& 8+<7& . ' NRS 40253), %+%,

+!&: & RMC @7. ; G.!>* 7.+8 *+!.7+& .*'8: ! 78! *7+% &! 8+<* &,+&788: 6'** &% N C!*& A& 4 S+ 21 8&!* &%& &% 7.+: ! ;*% C7!&: !.

R! % -! +7!&!!+! ! .! 7+% &%! &7!! -8!. : & &% *&& *'!*. -78* -: &% ;*% C7!&: S%>* O+ ! 8! & ++. &!!&* &% 24 %7* &%&!!&>* +'& &% (*7: 8) . ' & &% ;CSO +!.7+&! 8+<7& !+.!&& *7: +&!, % ' 1" &% (%+%, !, * 6+*. -: &% &% RMC ! '.! *7+% & &% SBN, -: &% SBN, -7& +88: !& -: C7%8! ! 6! *7+% & &% RMC *&% 6 %.* !. '!&! &%! &88 &% &8 !. 8+< &% SBN !. RMC ! ! '!&!

+!&*&#03 ' 1# C7%8!>* 3/5/12 M&! & D*** ! 2"405#24 88-8 ' 39 40 ' 6 & RMC C7%8! &% ;CSO S&7+%88>* .**!

&%& D'7&: M+%!>* A.& S+ * !++& % & 88* C7%8! *

'*!88: *. where version included by King in 4/16/12 23 Exhibit presentationto !" #creening $anel excised such page

#2"#"0 ' 1 35 ' 6 C7%8! & RMC ! 11 CR 2"405 &*'** +* @7. ;G.! N&+ A''8, M&! & +&, M&! R+7*8, IFP (&% *7+% '8*&! C7%8! * ! E* &% %* N B N7- - +'&!), *'!.! &2/2/12 O. !&! RMC .!. P7!&*> M&! & ;&%.

#33 I!.6 & E6%-&* & C7%8!>* 2/1"/12 M&! !.+&! E6 1 +!**&* 2" '* +*'!.!+ -&! C7%8! !. P7!&* .&8! &% -78* ! C7%8!>* % 8 + -: H88, ;CSO, !. RPD

#"1 ' 1 = C7%8!>* 6 & R@C ! RCR20120"5"30 N&+ A''!+, M&!

& D*** &%& R@C @7.+8 S+&: L T!*!. 8. & SBN ! 4/11/12#"9 .7'8+& '+.! = ' 6. M&! & R@C -: C7%8! .7'8+&. !

''!& *!###=11 C7%8!>* 2/13/12 6 %. 2$5# ' & RMC 35 ' N&+ M&! & *

.7'8+&. !.&!&8: -: C7%8!>* 6! *7+% ! ! 2/1"/12 ! &*'** +* - @7. ; G.!

=12=4" C7%8!>* 2/1"/12 6 %. =$10 35 ' N&+ M&! ! RMC 11 CR 2"405+!8 &*'** +* @7. ; G.! 

=4#==5 C7%8!>* 40 ' 6. &! & RMC 3/5/12 %. 10$5" &% RMC B88.


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+&+&!==4 ' 3= 40 C7%8!>* 6. M&! (!& ' 39 40 * **! ! 8%& '==5 -! ' 40 40, &% *7+% 6+*. ' -! ;CSO S&7+%88>* 2/12/12 .**! !

! 8 & C7%8! &%& D'7&: M+%!>* A.& S+ !.+&! C7%8! *'*!88: *. &% E+&! O. ! &% *7: +&! %!.8. -: H88>* * +&788: 8: '*&. ! C7%8!>* ., !. !& '*!88: *. ! 11/1/11)

==5 ' 40 40 6. M&! & D*** ! RMC 2"405=="925 ' 1 40 C7%8!>* 3/3/12 6 %. 3$09 ' 6 & RMC * 40 '

 N&+ A''!+, M&! & D*** .&8: '+.! &% RMC>* '.!& SBN 8<8: !.+& !!:!+ * +! * 6 &+, &%7% * !& +8%&% ! +': * 6. & +%-* RMC>* +!!!+ C7%8! **'8: %! '-8* .7*&! & %* ! 66 6 .*<&' +'7& !&!& -*.6! ''8+&!

924 ' 39 40 ' 6 & RMC -: C7%8! 3/3/12 +!**&! 2/#/12 8..**! -: ;CSO S&7+%88 &%& *% +!*.* '*&! ! . ! C7%8!>* 8+ . %! ! ! * '*!& & - '*!8 *+

92"92= ''!&8: !.&!&8: *!& -: RMC & SBN &8* M!. ;8 !. P&+<

P< 8&! & &% &+ &&* ! &% RMC9291003 ' 1 #" ' 6 %. =02 & RMC 12/1"/11 6 + *%& .!&:!

C7%8! * &&!: 88. -: S7''8!&8 & N&+ A''8/M&! & +& !RMC 11 CR 221#" ("0=3=) - RMC @7. H.

1002 ' #4 #" ' 6 %. (, ' #5 #" * 6+*. ! +!*.&! !+!7&: -&! SBN -&* *&'! 11 # 12 !. '!&! ' 6 %. 12/1"/11 6 C7%8! & RMC % P #5 * C7%8!>* I!.6 & E6%-&*)

1003 ' #" #"10041093 ' 1 92 C7%8!>* 6. & &% RMC ! 12/19/11 6 %. 5$24 '

D+8&! !. S7''8!& & M&! N T8 ! 11 CR 22#1" (@7. H.

;8M& '&&: 8+!: +!+&! (FHE1, E6% 1 & !> =/23/12 C'8!&), "0=3=, CR1120"4(FHE12) % & -&* 1'052 i# Coughlin# CV08-01709' Carenteir . ame#C** %iling

be%ore 2%!& %udge 'lanagan :age 50 o% 92 age %a;< and bate# 1'082 i# %iling by Coughlin be%ore

 (" %udge "eesley in (")1*)*51*4 &adle &o+ v+ Keller .<

1094 C7%8!>* 2/24/12 6 %. 10$14 ' RMC R+. R7*& .&. 7*&! +': C!&'& O. 8 *&'. 2/2#/12 ! RMC 11 CR 221#" ("0=3=)

1095 C* D+<& RMC ! 11 CR 221#" ("0=3=) - @7. H.109"11#1 ' 1 #" ' 6 C7%8! & RMC 2/24/12 6 %. 9$00 ' 8 *&'.

2/2#/12 & =$14 * .: & &+ +&&! &8 8.! & *7: +!&'&!++&! 5 .:* -: @7. N*% H8* ! 11 TR 2"=00 8*&! 1422 E 9 &% S& K2

* C7%8!>* ..** % H8* %. 2/2=/12 C!&'& O. (FHE4) *!& & 121R R+< ..** *% <! C7%8! %. -! +&.

11#2 C7%8!>* 12/1"/11 24 ' 6 %. & RMC #$41 ! RMC 11 CR 221#" ("0=3=)&% 6 + ' & RCA R-&* 88. -: C7%8!>* N&+ D!8 S+

1192 ' 21 24 *7+% 6121" 8*& ' '&! C7%8!>* 12/13/11 8! ! RMC 11 CR 22#1" 8+<! 6

%. *! %!. .8. & RMC121# ' 2 24 ' 6 8. &% &% RMC C7%8! 12/1"/11 N&+ D!8

S+ &% RMC B88. C&+&! where page 1 o, 24 was excised where such was


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a ,ax cover page listing &oughlin as an attorney and providing his ( "ar o+ in a

 ,raudulent atte-pt by .&0 "allard0 and #" to support bogus I'$ allegations

1"552#00 !C "u#tice Court $oc# %older

1"5" 11/15/11 N&+ S&&! T8 .& 11/30/11 ! RMC 11 CR 221#" ("0=3=)1"5# A..&!8 C* I!&! 8*&. !8 11/14/11 .& -!+% &8 !.+&!$

& city /itne##e# had aeared %or bench trial...$=(=,$,> 3* , C?*>@$A

> >!= ,$ $>= @( +=,C) >B $=(=,$,> 3* >,*P@>=$ +?> ,@>

+@?)> ,>@ C@?>...+ (@(=>?= C,C==$ % *7+% !+* RMC@7. H.>* %! <. C7%8!>* -8, *&&! & & 1,000 % *7+% * !88: 3"000 !11/14/12 7'! H. 88.8: -8! C7%8! 8. & '' H, &%* 11/15/11 N&+S&&! T8 '* &%& H. * &%& C7%8! .. !& 8 & '', !+.!& & %+% &%BAIL FORFEITURE CANCELLED, %, ! .!:! &% M&! C!&!7!+ C7%8!*7-&&. ! 11/29/11 (% &%* 11/15/11 N&+ S&&! &% T8 D& * !& '''&8: *.! C7%8! ! &%& & * 8. & &% : 121 R R+< S& ..** %+% C7%8! %.!. &% RMC % %. -! !788: *78: +&. %* 10/2"/11 A''8+&! !.

A.& A''!&!& L8 D!. &%

1659-1792 Coer #heet %or %older titleZC)A C@?), C*= ,@. 11C22176

"?$= D=, )@3$ $=P>!=,> (@? 

I! &%* 8. ! !. &% SBN &&'& & -7*+& &&* 7&% -: !+87.! 8!*,!. .* &&* '*.. -: & 7.* &% &%! RMC @7. H. % &* &% +!8 &*'** +* - @7. ; G.! ! 2"405 !. &% &+ +&&! +* - @7.

H8* ! 2"=00 !+87..

1""2 RMC M*%8 M* '& 12/13/11 %**!& C7%8! -: M*%8 M!81"54 RMC M*%8 M!8 '& 12/13/11 +7& * '8+ *&& ''+% RMC M*%8*1671 Coughlin# email to Ding and Peter# o% 10&11 detailing %ear# related to roiding

hi# hy#ical addre## E King hides this hear to ,urther his la-e #&. 1*

approach vis a vis the ,raudulent /23/12 7,,idavit o, #ervice by $eters attached to


1"#2 RMC C7& A.!*&& @+<*! *!.* ! SCR 111 8&& "1901 (&% +!8&*'** +!+&! - RMC @7. ; G.! ! 11 CR 2"405 "/1=/12) !"/21/12 % *% !. &% RMC 8. & ! "0=3= (<! &% !+87*! *7+% !

8. .!&. & 1"59 * -! &%& '+< 8&. & (&%7% !& +88: , !. '%'*

 -! &% &* +88+&. C7%8!>* +* ! D'&!& 4 !+. ! @7. H8*> 3/14/128&& & &% SBN, &%7%, * 8:*, ! -7*+&* *7+% * 7+% * '**-8 ! %* -. &% &&'&*& -*&7+& &% .*+'8!: '+** (!. % <!* % !: &% !*&!+* ! &&!: -!+!+&. + .*'& SCR 111(3) 7! &%& &% +8< !: +7& ! %+% ! &&!: *+!+&. +*%88 &!*& +&. +': ' &% +!+&! & &% *7' +7&and bar counsel  &%! 10 .:* & &* !&:) 11/30/11 +!+&!, 7+% 8** &% +!8+!&'& +!8 +!+&!* T% SBN>* LCL C.!& C S- &8. C7%8! % '--8:.. !& !. & '& &% +!.: - '&&: 8+!: +!+&! .7! ! 8: @!7: 2012 .*+7**!


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&% C7%8!, %, C7%8! .. !::*1"## 6 R! C&: A&&!: & R+%. G H88, E*, &%& H88 '.. & SBN

+!**&! 2@DC @7. E88&&>* O. .***! C7%8!>* ''8 +!8&*'** +!+&! ! RMC 11 CR 2"405 ("1901) 3 '* 9/10/12 +!&!!=/2#/12 O. ! CR1212"2

1"=0 RMC @7. H.>* 11/30/11 OPSC &+, -&% &* 8+<! !: C&+& M8!

1"=4 C7%8!>* 12/13/11 5$01 ' 8. N&+ A''8, M&! & +& S& A*.,M&! R+7*8 ! RMC 11 CR 221#" ("0=3=) 8+<! !&&: 6%-& 1>* =93 '* %+% * 8. 8! & RMC (-: '**! D B88., %+% *%7.78!&8: 8. & !+87. ! ROA &!*&&. & 2@DC)

1"94 RMC @7. N*% H8* 3/13/12 O. S&<! F7& D+7!& 8. ! 3/#/12(C7%8!>* IFP M&!/A.& ! S7''& !. R7*& A7. 2/2#/12 &8 - H8* ! 11 TR 2"=00 (NG120434)

1#01 3/12/12 O. -: H8* ! 2"=00 &%& -+ FHE51#0# 11/30/11 C7%8!>* N&+ A''!+ M&! C!&!7!+ ! RMC 11 CR 221#"


1#=5 RCA H8&&>* M&! & C!&!7 &*'** &8 ! RMC 2"405 -+7* R+%. G H88,E*, &!**, 88 - ! +&!

1#90 10 10 11 N&+ S&&! &8 11 14 11 C7%8! !&&* M*%8 M!8>* -788:! -% 221#"

1#92 11/30/11 O. C!&!7! T8 -: RMC @7. ; G.! ! &*'** +* 11 CR 2"405("1901) <* ! *!* & & - &%! 8. @7. ! H.

1#931=23 Coer *heet %or %older titled EZachary Coughlin Ca#e no 11>26800 "udge $. ,a#h

)olme# $eartment &

 NOTE$ &%7% &% SBN>* '*!&&! *7+% &%! &% 3,094 -&* *&'. '.7+&!

 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

FHE3 O. **7. 2@DC F8: C7& @7. !. ! +&788: +. *7+% @7.H8*> RMC D'&!& 3 S%78. & - &7 &%& *7+% 4/13/09 OAT -: 2@DC @7. L G.!* !& !+87.. !*& &%* &* ! &% 8. .!&. * &%& 2"=00 - H8* (!. %:78. & - ! *7+% 8., H8* !+87.. & ! % !8 -6 &8* &&+%. & %3/14/12 8&&, & 78. !& 8+88: - '8+. !*& 8. .&. & 2"=00)

S, % ! !. H8* 78&&8: %. & .& &%& ! -&!. 2@DC @7. LG.!>* 4/13/09 O. A& T8 @7. H8* & H8*>* +8< +7&(% !+:8: 8* & .!&: %+% +7& ! ! &&'& & *' .*'. 7.+8 *+!.7+& %!


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 '7.+8 +& ! &%! '!.! +** !8! C7%8! '*.. -: &% : 7.*+&&! *7+% *+!.7+&) '.. & & ! & !>* 7*&, ! !. &% SBN % -!+7%& &&'&! & !'78& &% +. ! &%* && &%! &% 3,094 -&* *&'. ' '.7+&! % &% *& ! '*&!* *7+% FHE3 4/13/09 2@DC @7. L G.! O. A& T8&%! &% %8. .&. & &% NG120204 R+%. G H88, E* !+ 8 (%! & +*.&8: & *88: !!*!*+8 '8+!& @7. H8*> 3/14/12 FHE= 8&& & &%SBN S7+% &&'&* & -7*+& !. -*&7+& &% .*+'8!: '+** ! -. &% *78&. ! &%FHE3 ''! &% !. & &% 88! -&* *&'. '*$

2955301# rieance (ile F,12-0204 G Zachary Coughlin G ichard )ill' =#H.

2959  RMC Judge Nash Holmes' grievance letter to the SBN (why on earth such is

 placed in the folder for 9ill:s grievance other than !eing another attempt at o!fuscation !y

 "ing is not clear at all#29"1 2@DC @7. L G.!>* 4/13/09 O. A& T8, FHE3 +' ;5< in ;15< o,

;.eceived ar 15 2*12<  & &% *!* (.&&) (NOTE$ !>* .+*! & '8+ *7+% FHE4 3/14/12 8&& & &% SBN -: @7. H8* .&8: ' & &% '8+!& FHE3>* 4/13/09 O. A& T8 -: 2@DC @7. L G.! .* 8&&8 & 6'8+&

 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

H8*, ! &% FHE3 4/13/09 O. A& T8 -: 2@DC @7. L G.!F7&%, 8+%$!>* 3/1"/12 8&& & C7%8! & -&* 2#93 +7*. ! * !: '-8* &%& %

* +. & . *<! .**! & & &% 8 %! % *7+% .*$T% + - +7!*8 %* received several grievances +!+!! :7 +!.7+& *

8: T% !+* !+87. *7''&! .!+ ! &% $ 7. :7 +!.7+& !+7& '+.!* !. +'* '8.!* !. .+7!&* ''. !. 8. -: :7 ! 7*&+!. district  +7& T&% &%* !+* * *7* 7*&!* .! :7 +'&!+:!. -8&: & '+&+ 8 T%* +!+!* *7* !. &% + - +7!*8 *


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+!*.! &% !+**&: *<! '&&! & .&! +'&!+: '7*7!& & *7'+7& 78 11# I !+8*! &% &%* 8&& +'* !+ 8&&, &% 7!+'8+7& and a copy o, an order ,ro- district court  '8* *'!. & 88&!* '&!! & :7+!.7+& I 88 < 8-8 :7 !. !*'+&! &% *7''&! .+7!&* !.7. +.!* I % 8& '%! *** !. *!& :7 ! 8 *<! :7 & +88 A* &% .&! &%* 8&& :7 % !& +88. I 78. 8< & & &% :7 * &%& +!.*+7** &%* '&!& && !. * &% * : &%& +! %8' :7 !, '8* +88 & :7 8*& ''&7!&: S!+8:, /*/ P&+< ! A***&!& B C7!*8

29#5 62512 @rder by 2"$C "udge (lanagan in CV11-0&628 :()=2< 42,0"5 &&!: . (NOT A SANCTION, &% '8! '&: &&!:>* . -*. 7'!

*''8+&! NRS "9050, %+% ''8* !8: & 7.!&*, !& *7: +&! .*, !.% NRS 40400 <* 7& +8 &%& NRAP ''8* & ''8* *7: +&! .* T%!8: -** ! &&!: . ! NRAP * NRAP 3=, %+% 7* !.! *!+&!-8+!.7+& &% **7!+ !: *7+% &&!:>* . A* *7+%, % 2@DC @7. F8!!>*=/2=/12 O. ! C1103"2= <* 6'8+&8: +8 &%& %* "/25/12 O. (FHE2) * !& *!+&!,

!. % ! %*8 *!& C7%8! 8&& &% +': *7+% =/2=/12 O.)29#9 SBN B C7!*8 C8< .* ! &oughlin:s 1/23/12 sel, report o, conviction !

"0=3= & ! !. P&*29=1 ()=7 Coughlin# &912 %a; to *+, reg 21412 letter %rom Ding only receied on

&912,  eHue#ting all corre#ondence be coied ia email and %a; due to ob#truction

o% Coughlin# mail :/hich' o% cour#e' Ding' Peter#' and the *+, %ail to do...#o much

%or that *@C= rogram' huhI< :()=7<

298& *+, Ding# 21412 letter to Coughlin :()=6<

29=4 *+, Ding# letter to )ill regarding grieance )ill urortedly emailed to Ding,+' & &% 8&& ! *!& C7%8! 7*! & !*&& C7%8!>* !+*!*& RMC .!. L* !. ;CPD D!

29=5 !>* 8 & C8< !. P&* .&8! :7&7- . =/20/11 RPD *+!.7+& !

!78 *& C7%8! & **7 ! R@C RCR20110"3341 +!&!! H88>* .& ! C7%8!>* 8 & ;CSO, ;CPD, RCA, H88>* **+& B<, &+ 2/10/12 .&8! B< !. ;CSO D'7&: M+%!>* -78: 11/1/11 ! R2011001#0=, C1103"2= & 121 R R+<

3004 C7%8!>* 1/14/12 O''*&! & M&! A&&!: F* ! C1103"2= .&8!H88>* *+!.7+& !+.!& & C7%8!>* 1/12/12 :8<! *& ! !& 121 RR+< % 8 + (NOTE$ &%* * !& ! &% !+8*7* !+. !

&% 88! ' 8 H88 & ! 1/14/12, %+% 8* & % !: *7+% !+8*7*!+87.. &%&

3013301# H88>* 1/14/12 8 & !, ' !+, 7!*!., 7!*! (!&*&!8:,

&% H88 8. & 88: !+87. *7+% .*+8*7* ! 6+*. *7+%,!'''&8:, &%* 3,094 SCR 105(2)(+) '.7+&! 11/#/12, +7*!7+% '7.+ & C7%8!>* .!*

F7&%, &% &% & ''!+* &%! *7+% 3,094 -&* *&'. SCR 105(2)(+)8&! -: &% SBN *7+% FHE3 4/13/09 O. A& T8 -: 2@DC @7. L G.! !*&. !& * 7.78!& '*&! * '**-8 ! !>* &&'&* & *8. &% *'+& &% % -+ ''*. *7+% FHE3, !. -: %, !. &% 7.+8 *+!.7+& '8+&!*


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!%!& &%& % *7+% ''* & -&* 1943 &% &% 8. 7!. -&! -&* 1=2419"4 .!&. !8: -: &% C S%& & -&* 1=24, %+% *8.!8: &&'&* & '** *7+% +%! +7*&.: *7+% FHE3$

1=2419"4 Coer *heet %or Ca#e ,o. 11C22176 "udge Den )o/ard $eartment (our

,@>=G ! !. &% SBN 7&% &&'& & !'78& &% +. * & SCR105(2)(+) &8* & -&* 1=24, %, &% -7*8:, ! %* *'8: &<! &% C S%& &% 8. &%! &% -6 &8* '.. &% @7. H8* 3/14/12 FHE= 8&& & &% SBN!. !+87.. ! *7+% 8. -&! -&* 1=2419"4 (!. & - +8, &% ! '%:*+8 8.*! &% -6 3,094 -&* *&'. '* '.7+. & C7%8! 7 7.+8 .:* ' & &% 8%!, -7& &%, *7+% -6 +!&!. 7 : 8 *&+<* '%&+'* *'&. -: *!8 *%& +.-. -+<! +% !. 8 7-- -!. 7!. +%, !. % ! !. P&* 7*. &!* !: +8:! 7*&!, &% &&! -8 C7%8! *<! !: *& !+ '!&* +!&6& ! +!!+&! &% .!&:! &% *7+ &% &8* !+87.. &%! ;%C7%8! * & 8.*, &% &%! &% 7 ! 8.* *'&. -: 7-- -!.* !. *%& %: +. *&+< -+<! *7+%, % * ! & !*&!+* &%! &%* 7 8.* %! +*%& *&* ''* & .!&: &% &8* ''! &%& * ! +88+&!

.+7!&* &%& 78. +'* &% +!&!&* '%:*+8 8. %. '%&+':! 8. -! .!,%+%, +88:, &% SBN .. !& ., %+% 7&% -*&7+&. C7%8!>* -8&: & *:!&%* !.!8: &%* &8*, '&+78: % !8: *+!& 7 7.+8 .:* .. & C7%8! &. *, ! &%7% SCR 105(2)(+) 7* *7+% - 8-8 & C7%8! 30 .:>* ' & &% %!

;&%! &%* %. '. &8* +788. -: ! (* %+% -7*8: +!!+&. &R+%. G H88 (* 8. -: &% 6 %.* !.+&! *7+% -! 6. &% R! C&:A&&!:>* O+ & H88>* + 7!. &' &% O.* -: 2@DC @7. E88&& ! C7%8!>* ''8 &% +!8 &*'** +* ! 2"405 %! H88 *!. &% +!8 +'8!& &%! !. 8* &*&.& &% "/1=/12 &8 - RMC @7. ; G.!) !. 8<8: '.7+. & &% SBN -: H88 * *7''8!& & %* '7'&. !&8 8 & ! 1/14/12 (%+% -!* 7' &% 7*&! * & %:

&% * ! ''!+ &% =/2=/12 O. ! C1103"2= -: @7. F8!! &%& 78. '& *B.: &8 %, %+% ! 8. & C7%8! * ! &&+%!& ! =/30/12 !. %+%+'8&8: 7!.!* H88 !. !>* **&! &% FHE2 * *!+&!, !. &%-: &&* &%!* +88&8 *&''8 ! *&.* ''+% &% P!8 +%. ! ! ! &&'&! & ''8: &*7+% FHE2

T% !. &% &8* 7!. ! &% 8. -!!! &% RMC @7. H.+ *%& & -&* 1=2419"4 Coer *heet %or Ca#e ,o. 11C22176 "udge Den )o/ard

$eartment (our #eem to con#i#t 88: !.+& !. &7*% &&'&* -: RMC +7& *& &+!.7+& * +'! C7%8! % C7%8! %. -7%& & 8%& &% 7* *+!.7+& &% RMC 8! + *7'* D!! B88., &% +8<* *% *7'**, &% RMC M*%8*, !.

RMC C7& A.!*&& C**!. @+<*! (7+% %+% * -7%& & NB @7. B*8:>*&&!&! ! C7%8!>* 3/30/12 8! ! 1005104, %+% B*8: * * *'+7*8: *8!& & ! %**! &*&!: B*8:>* +77* 87 & !&! *7+% ! !: : <* 88 &% 7!++'&-8 &% SBN !. B*8:>* +!&!7. 7*8 & '. &%& & %+% C7%8! * -*87&8:!&&8., &% 8&& & &% SBN .! C7%8! &%& @7. B*8: &*&. -7&

H! -! +7%& ! %* !8 8* 7'! C7%8! +'! ! !. P&* *&&!&*.7! ! '*! .*+7**!* &% C7%8!, &8'%! +!*&!*, !. &&! +*'!.!+ -&! &% &%, ! * 8& &% '&!* * & % & '8+ *7+% FHE3 &%! &% 3,094


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 ' -&* *&'. '.7+&!, -7&, 78&&8:, !. !& *7'*!8:, ! +%* &% *& 7.78!&!. -. &% &&'&* & -*&7+& &% .*+'8!: '+** !+! '8+!& *7+% FHE3 -: '8+! *7+% &%! &% 8. .&. & &% R+%. G H88, E* !+ (&% ! +78. !&- &%& % %. 8. C7%8! -+<&+<! 8 4/19/12 *<! & 8& &% 8*! %* 8 & C7%8! 4/2/12, !.+&! *7+% FHE3 * +. &% +7& +8< (%! 7. %* +:8: 8! & *'+: %+% +7& 78. '!& C7%8! +! -&% RMC@7. G.! !. RMC @7. H8* !& .&&! &% ** 7.+8 *+!.7+& &%: !. !&% 2@DC @7. L G.! !. RMC @7. H. * * '&! +&. . * -**  '!!&8: .*-! ! &&!: ! ..&! & '*!! &% 88 * & &%* 7.* &%! *&88 '*.! +!8 '*+7&!* !*& C7%8! *7+% 6&7.+8 *7+* %%8: '7.+8 !&7, *'+88: % ; G.! 8. & +7* %*8 &% &*'** +* !.% RMC +7& *& +!.7+&. * +'! C7%8! % !: !.+&!* *7''& &% &%& *7+% * .! &% &% -8**!, !. !+7!&, !, RMC @7.* (@7. H.>*& ! C**!. @+<*!*> 8 & RMC @7.* '&+788: !*&7+& ! &%* .) , 8<8:, % 7*& **7. &% N. S7' C7& 78. - & -7*: !. '&%&+ & !&+ *7+%&&'&* -: ! & -7*+&, ! C7%8!, % 7!8<8: & ** & ! !. &% SBN,!. & *:!&%* 88 &%* &8* !& +%* !8:** .!&:! &% 7. &&!.!& &

! !. &% SBN>* '*!&&! SCR 105(2)(+) &8* !. &* +!.7+& &%7%7& &%* && !+!*.&! !>* 7.78!& 76&'*&!! FHE3 * *& &% - ! '8+* *7+%FHE3 & -&* 1943, !&88:, &%! 8. .!&. * '&!! & RMC @7. H. !. &% '&&: 8+!: &&, !8: & &%! '8+ *7+% FHE3 (&% NG120435 @7. L!. G.! G!+F8 &%-. &%! &% 8. .&. & H88>* NG120204 !+ (&%! %+% ! 8*7.78!&8: '8+* @7. N*% H8* FHE= 8&& 3/14/12 & &% SBN)

!>* 7.78!& ''+% * 8. ! +'! %* 4/2/12 &&! *&&!& &%& T%=rievance ,ro- %udge =ardner  8&* & % O. A& T8 ! &% +* A*%! @*% B&@*%, C* N7- D0=011"= &% %* 4/19/12 &&! *&&!& &%& >ou wanted to ?now how I

learned o, or obtained a copy o, %udge =ardner@s rder a,ter trial that was ,iled in 2**+ It was sent

to -e by the cler? o, the court at -y reAuest0 pursuant to -y investigation ! +&788: .. !&! !.+& %+% .'&!& % +. *7+% L!. G.! . , ! 7&% .!*&&! !>* &&'& & -7*+& &% *+!.7+& L G!., ; G.!, H., !. @7.H8* * * &% 6&7.+8 *7+ 78 !. &% '&! !+ !*& C7%8! -*.7'! ! . &%& 2@DC @7. L G.! <! *% %. +&., % *% &% !. &% &% 7.* &%& *7+% %. -! +&. !&, &% &% <! &%* 7.* ! ++'8+, !. &%8&& !& -! .*'*& * & *7+% 7.* !!+!+ 78&

1943 FHE3 &% +&. 4/13/09 O. A& T8 -: 2@DC @7. L G.! (RMC@7. ; G.!>* sister ) &% &% SBN>* 78& *%.: RECEIED MAR 15 2012

STATE BAR OF NEADA RENO OFFICE *&'!, &% &% 5 ! &% 15 -! .! ! -: %!. . 88 &% 7*&!-8: -: SBN ! !. P&* 7.78!& &&'&* & '**  NG120435 ( 0434 .'!.! ! %+% 8 !>* ! * -:) * -! !++. 2@DC @7. L G.!



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RE$ M !>* **&! ! %* 3/1"/12 8&& F$ P&+< ! (P&+<J!-O) S!&$ T%74/19/12 2$2= PM T$ +%+7%8!J%&8C (+%+7%8!J%&8C) A'8 19, 2012 +%C7%8!

D M C7%8!, A *+!! '!8 &% N&%! N. D*+'8!: P!8 & !T7*.: 7pril 1*0 2*11 & ..** &% grievances 8. !*& :7 T% '!8 .+&. & '+. & 8 .*+'8!: %! A* *7+%, I 88 - ''! 8 C'8!& >ou wanted to ?now

how I learned o, or obtained a copy o, %udge =ardner@s rder a,ter trial that was ,iled in 2**+ It

was sent to -e by the cler? o, the court at -y reAuest0 pursuant to -y investigation I& 78. %8' !. '%'* :7*8, :7 78. *'!. !. 6'8! %: :7 +!+&. &%& !. %: :7 %8. ! +!&'& C7& 7 : - 88 *. & 6'8! %& .8 *7* :7 &<! & < *7 :7 . !& '& &% +!.7+& +'8!. -7& I +!!& :7 88 .+H I +! *7*& :7 +'& &% B +7!*8* !*&&! !. &%& :7 *'!.*'++88: & &% 88&!* +!&!. ! @7. H8* !. R+%. H88* !+ 8&&* & &%+ B C7!*8 P&+< !

E=G my attemt to be roided acce## to the grieance# %iled today

F$ P&+< ! (P&+<J!-) T%* *!. * ! :7 * 8*&S!&$ T7 3/2#/12 9$24 AMT$ +%+7%8!J%&8+ (+%+7%8!J%&8+)

M+% 2#, 2012D M C7%8!,

P%'* :7 !& 788: :7 -% A& 7 - &! :*&.: I '+.:7 * : %*&8 !. ! &%&!! U!. &%* ++7*&!+* I 8& & -&& & &!& &%&!

I & * !& :7 !&!& & '' %*&8 & &&'& & !&.& &%! :7 %&

+!*. % I '+. :7 +!.7+& I %. !&!.. & &: & 8*&! & :7 !. .&! % :+ +78. -*& %8' :7 ..** &% !+* &%& I % +. 7 *. :7 .. !& %& !. *'8: !&. & 7 -7& :7 +'& 8 8 I .. !& *: &%& I .. !& + :7 +. &% !&! I *!& & :7, I *. I .. !& + % :7 +. &, * 8! * :7+. & I . + &%& :7 + &% !&! &%& I *!. & :7  7s I atte-pted to explain0 I

will be -eeting with a panel to have the- -a?e a deter-ination about the grievances that have been

-ade against you by r+ 9ill and the %udge ,ro- !epart-ent 3 that you read at -y o,,ice I %*<. &&! *'!* & &%* !+* I! *'!* I +. !: 8* &%&&+%!&* I 88 *! - *%! &% !+* &% .*+'8!: '!8 !. 88 .* &% :7 *'!** & .&

I 88 <' :7 .*. &% '!8* .&!&!S!+8:, P&+< !

O! %* & ! &% SBN !. B*8: !&. & <' B*8:>* ! 7& &%* * 7+% * '**-8 ! M+% %! **+&. &% B*8:>* ! !. 88 &% 88&!* &%! &%&B*8: .!*&&. !&! ''+% & *<! & 8 &% SBN !. NNDB * %* ! '*!8 '& !&! ''&7* !. +'&& .!& '.7+

=G my attemt to be roided acce## to the grieance# %iled today


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F$ P&+< ! (P&+<J!-) T%* *!. * ! :7 * 8*&S!&$ M! 4/02/12 3$5# PMT$ +%+7%8!J%&8+ (+%+7%8!J%&8+) D M C7%8!,

I % '!. 3 .*+'8!: 8* !*& :7 T%: .!&. -: !7- -8$ NG120204 +%: B C7%8!, E* B N 94#3 (2005) M H88 NG12*435  +%: B C7%8!, E* B N 94#3 (2005) @7. H8* NG12*434  +%: B C7%8!, E* B N 94#3 (2005) @7. G.! 

7 % +. &% !+ M H88 !. 8* &% !+ @7. H8* T%=rievance ,ro- %udge =ardner  8&* & % O. A& T8 ! &% +* A*%! @*% B&@*%, C* N7- D0=011"=, %! *% .*+-* :7 +!.7+& & '* 12 !. 13 I %+. +&. +'* &% +!&'& .*, +&. +': &% +!+&! & ;8M&, !. !!+.!& '& M*%8* T%'*! !. C'' .! :7 +!.7+& ! M+% 22, 2012 I8* % &% +.!* &% +7& '+.!* & **7

A& &%* &, I do not expect to be providing you with any additional in,or-ation I :7 %..&!8 !&! &%& :7 !& & - . ! *'!* & &% !+* .!&.

- '8* 8 & 8 &% & S!+8:, P&+< !, A***&!& B C7!*8

;88, *%&, ! &% SBN *&'! *7+% L G.! 4/13/09 O. A& T8 (FHE3)* +. ! 3/15/12, *7+% &% * !& +. !*& &% -6 &8* &%& H8*!+. ! FHE= * '.! & ! &% % 3/14/12 8&&, *7+% * !+87.. !. &% SBN>*! !. P&* &&'&. & 7.78!&8: *.+& * 8!! &%& @7. H8* *!+87.. *7+% FHE3 &%&%, , @7. H8* .. !& !+87.. *7+% FHE3 &%! &% -6 &8* ++'!:! % 3/14/12 8&& (! !&788: !.+&. ! %* 4/19/12 8 & C7%8!&%& % 7*&. +': *7+% . &% +8< +7& -! +78 !& & *'+: %+% +8<

which court ! +. *7+% ! *'!* & !>* re$uesting such (%+% -!* 7' &%7*&! 7*& % ! -+ *7+% FHE3, !. +. *7+% ! *7+% +8* '6&:(3/15/12 +'. & 3/14/12 .&* +. *&'* ! FHE3 !. FHE=, *'+&8: & * !& &% RMC !. @7. H8* % ! 8!. FHE3 (*7* FHE3 %! -!. & ! '7*7!& & C!! 2, R78 215 -: a %udge, 7+% 8** the %udge % '*.. the divorce case from which &H issued )

I! %+% +* RMC @7. H8* (% * +78 ! % *! &*&!: & . *7+%!7: * 7+% * '**-8) 7%& - . & 6'8! %: *% ''!&8: -*+!.. % NC@CC!! 2, R78 215 .7&: & '& ''!& 8: *+!.7+& & &% SBN, &% '''& 7&%&:! *7+% +*!. +&!8: &% *7*&! + 7' -: &% RMC @7.* H8*, G.!,

H. (!. '**-8: D8&%) * '*!& &%!, % &% *7-*7!& .**! -: @7. ;G.!, 7'! C7%8! +! %* %!. .7! &% 4/10/12 &8 ! 2"50" G.! &&'&. & %8. !8&! NRS 1#=405 (!. ; G.!>* *&&!&* ! &% +. &% : &88! !. !.+& +.!&. !& -&! ; G.! !. H8* &%& &% FHE3 . -: ; G.!>*  sister  78. !& - '.. & &% SBN -: RMC @7. H8* (* 88 * ; G.!>* !++7& ++7!&* %&% !: +'&!+: **7* !+. ! &% .* -: @7. H8* C7%8! '7& & % &*7+% '!& (88:, ; G.! * &&88: ! & &%7% &% &% &8 ! 4/10/12, 7!&8 C7%8!!88: +!. L* & .*'8:! * *-8!+ '**!8* (& .* !& + *: &&%) !. % C7%8!>* +**6!&! ; G.! *78&. ! G.! -+! &


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87*&. & ., %7'!, &% &%! +!! &% NRS 1#=405 .7&* &&!.!& & @7.H8* 3/12/12 O. *7*'!.! &% &8 ! 2"=00 !. H8* FHE= 8&& & &% SBN (-&% %+% !+ C7%8!>* 88. +'&!+: **7*, !&8 !*&-8&:, !. .+'!*&!),; G.! &% '**. %* *7*'!.! &% &8 4/10/12 (-7& !8: & %, L*, !. RCAH8&&S&!* & * &! < ..**., &+, +8 +': *7+% &8 .& 4/10/12 !2"405 - ; G.! 8-8 % (!. *7+% * '.. & -&% &% SBN !. P!8 ' & &%11/14/12 8 %!$ %&&'$//:7&7-+/&+%P615+   A8*, * 8 -! &*& - % ! &% +8 7. &% RMC &% 5/=/12 %! ! &%& * 2"405 +!8&*'** +*$ %&&'$//:7&7-+/&+%S;#"+M7<P+  ) * -! ! *'!* & *&%!&% &%! 88 &% +!* @7. H8*> -%!. &% *+!* +%!&!* '7& ; G.! !

C88:, @7. H8* !. &% SBN>* ! + &% * *+%8 !7+&7! &%''!+ &% 7& &%* (FHE=$ T% ++'!:! -6 &8* .!*&&* * &% '-8* &% &% '+&+ &%* &&!: being experienced by -ysel, and the other three Budges

in .eno unicipal &ourt >ou will have the ,ull cooperation o, -ysel,0 the other Budges0 and the

sta,, o, .eno unicipal &ourt in your pursuit o, this -atter  M C7%8! %* '*&!. %*8 * 6&7* 8&!& ! 7 +7&, !&!! &% *& and even our pro te-p Budges ! &% *& *'8&+ !. *.! &&*), +-!! &%& &% +!**&!&8: &&'&! & -7*+& %&

+ *&, &% 7*& !&!, 8!*, &% &8* A**& B C7!*8 ! !. &%SBN, * !.'!.!&, 87!&:, NC@C C!! 2, R78 215 8 -: a %udge (*7* -: *'8: +7& % * !& 7.) (FHE=  I apologiCe ,or ta?ing two days to get this pac?age to

 you... & @7. H8* & ! (!.+&! ! 7*&. *% !. &% RMC '. *7+%&8* &% &%! H8* !. &% RMC . * !.'!.!& &%)

H, !, H8* .. !& !+87.. &% FHE3 2@DC @7. L G.! O. &%& *%.&* & %! -! '**. -: RMC @7. ; G.! (% .&* %! -! '**. *7+% -:%* **&, 2@DC @7. L G.!, % **7. & ! &% && *% '*.. ), &%! %: ..H8* !& * '. *7+% & &% SBN (SBN !>* 8 & C7%8! 4/19/09 !88: +* +8!,*%& * & % ! !. &% SBN +. FHE3 (&%7%, +88:, ! * *&88 &&'&! &

+ 7' &% 7.+8 *+!.7+& -: 2@DC @7. L G.!, RMC @7. ; G.!, RMC @7.H8*, RMC @7. H., ('**-8: RMC @7. D8&%, &%7%, -! &% **!. &! &%&% *, @7. D8&% *8: +7*. %*8 &% .+787* '*+7&!* C7%8! ! &%R! C&: A&&!: C% ;! * +7!&8: !**&! ! -!! !*& C7%8! ! RMC 13 CR3913 !. 3914 (%! ;! * '*+7&! C7%8! &% *& .+787* 88. 8&!* ;<'8+ H**!& TPO !. EPO 88. (++7*! C7%8! 8&! *7+% -: *7-&&!.+7!&* 8! &% &% C8< C7& &% SBN ! &%! '!.! &&* 7+% .7 '+**, %7% T%* ''8 %78&! &% S&& B N. !. &% N. S7' C7& !&% '+** &%* * ! 7+% 8!) * & %* 8. +< & &% A&&!: G!8>* O+,+7!& SBN A**& B C7!*8 ! (% &&'&. & & ;! & '. % C7%8!>* +!8

%*&: (* 3,094>* -&* 2#23 8 4/10/12 & SBN RCA D! ;! .! SBN 88 -7!-8 & & C7%8!>* +!8 %*&: (P!! C8&, &+)) @7. D8&% ''!&8: .+..(-:!. &% .+*! &%& & 8*& &% ''!+ ''&: !. -* +88. *7+% +7*8) &%&&%* * RMC @7. ; G.!, @7. H8*, !. 2@DC @7. L G.!>* ** !. &%: +78..8 &% & &%*8*, &%!< :7 : 7+%


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1#94 3/13/12 S7 S'!& O. D!:! R8 S7%& ! I'' D+7!& ! 2"=001#93 3/13/12 O. S&<! F7& D+7!& F8. ! 3/#/12 2"=001=04 3/12/12 O. ! 2"=00 &% +8 !. +!!+! 8!71=10 2/2=/12 O. ! 2"=001=1" RMC D!! R B88. S&&!& .*+-! 12/13/11 6+%! &% C7%8! !.

M*%8 M!8 (NOTE$ +7*, &% SBN 6+*. -&% &%* S&&!& -: &% RMC>*D!! B88. !. B88.>* ! 4/11/12 A.& &% 4/1"/12 23 E6%-& '*!&&! & &% S+!! P!8 !. !:&%! *% &% F8 H! P!8, !&% +& &%& B88. * &% SBN>* & +&+&! ! * !: F8 H!E6%-&* (FHE) %&% !& &%: .+7!&* &% +7& *% <* (RMC) !& (2@DC, * B88.>* +&+&!* ! 2@DC @7. E88&&>* O.* ! FHE12 !.FHE13) T%*, +-!. &% B88.>* 7.78!& '&+'&! ! &% -7* IFP*+!.7+& 88&!* (* !&: & 1=#1), !. B88.>* 7.78!& 87 & ++7&8:'*!& &% ROA &!*&&. & &% 2@DC ! &% ''8 &% ;8&M& '&&: 8+!:+!+&! ! 11 CR 221#" (CR1120"4, * "0=3=) 887*&&* &% ** *+!.7+&B88. 788: !* ! !. %+% *% 7*& - -7%& & 7*&+, !., 7-8:,

. % '*& & &% RMC

124)164  Coer *heet %or Ca#e ,o. 11C22176 "udge Den )o/ard $eartment (our

1=3# 3/21/12 RMC *&'. ! 3/15/12 2@DC E88&& O. A! R78! &% RMC221#" 20"4 (NOTE$ -: &7 &% .&* ! &% &* &%! &%* 8., %+%

+!&!* &% 6+& * (&% &%! &% -&* *&') !& !. &6& &%& &% + ' 7!. &1"59, *7+% 8. +78. !& % -! &%& '*!&! &% &8* @7. N*% H8* !. %&*% * & * 7 *& ! % 3/14/12 FHE= 8&& & &% SBN +88+&. C7%8!>* +* -@7. H. ! 221#") N*% H8* %. C!! 2, R78 215 .7&: & '& &% *+!.7+& @7. H. ! 88788: 8&! &% 200= I!.!& D!* O. ! 221#" I& * &88! &%& &% *

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

&% SBN %. !& -! %!. -: @7. H8*

1="5 RMC D!! B88. A.& & SBN 4/11/12 221#" 2"405 (* !& !&: & -&*1=1" !. +78 6+*! &%* A.& -: &% RMC>* B88. %* 23 E6%-&S+!! P!8 '*!&&! -: !)

1="# RCA H8&&>* M&! & S&< M&! & D*** C'8!&1=#1 only age# 2 and & o% Coughlin# & age %iling  12/14/12 M&! & P+. IFP

!. A.& ! S7''& 8. -: 6 !. 8 %+% D!! B88. '.. 6'**7&%&! , !& ! +8 %+% +* *7+% * !, -7& .8**, C7%8! %.!&. +7& % * ! &&!: 8.: ! -&% +** ! ..&! & .! * ! &%8. *! &%* & IFPS ! 221#" !. 2"405, !. 8<8: ! &% 6 + *%&


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* 881=#11=#3 7& . 88 &% '* 3 ' 12/14/11 6 *7-&&. M&! & P+. IFP !

2"405 B88. !&. !. '.. & &% SBN &%7% *% 8. & !.+&. *% %.! '**! & 8 -: 8 & C7%8! !. &%& -&% C7%8!>* 8 !. 6+ *%& .!&. % * ! &&!:, !. .8**, 88 .'&!&* &% **':RMC 88 &%& +&, ! -:!. C7%8! 8.: %! *&&. & ! &%+., ! +7& ! 11/30/11 ! 221#" !. & &% !!& ! 11/14/12 & @7. ;G.! 2"405

1==3 C'8& P8+ R'& (, +!&!! !& 7*& &% &:'+8 A*& R'& !. D+8&! P--8 C7* *%&*, -7& 8* &% ;&!** S&&!&* !. N& &% A*&!O+, %+% * !& & - 8*. .7! &% '!.!+: +!8 &&, (&%* *!%* .& '!&. 4/4/12, -!! 7' &% 7*&! 7*& % &% SBN * -8 &-&! *7+% +!.!&8 '&, !. 7*& % '.. *7+% & &% SBN

1=="1==# *&! RPD O+ C%* C&, @>* N& ! &% P8+ R'& &% 11/13/11+!8 &*'** *& & **7 ! RMC 11 CR 2"405 ("1901, CR1212"2)

1=== RMC @7. ; G.!>* 4/10/12 O. S7*'!.! P+.!* ! +!8 &*'**+* ! 11 CR 2"405 *.*&''! &% +& &%& G.! * 88 %* 88

RMC @7. (* NRS 50#1, NRS 1#=405) @7. N*% H8*> 2/2=/12 !. 3/12/12O.* ! 11 TR 2"=00 !. % 3/14/12 !+ !*& C7%8! & &% SBN &%&!.+&. *% 8& C7%8! * .+'!*&! (FHE4, FHE5, FHE=) * '.! !.&: -** ''8:! &% *&: 7. -: NRS 1#=405F7&%, @7. ;G.! *& &&'&. & %8. &% &8 ! 4/10/12, &%!, &%& ''! & 7&8!.*%, '+.. & 88 RCA H8&&S&!*, E*, !. RMC +7& ''!&. .!. &%L*, E*, & %8. &! %! !. -&! 78!* ' & *7*'!.! &% '+.!* (*8 8&!* NRS 1#=405 8. -: &% : 6*&!+ @7. ; G.!>* 3/20/12 !. 3/21/12 O.* ! 2"405, ! ..&! & &% 3/#/12 T8S&&! *&&! 4/10/12 * &% .& &% T8 ! 2"405)

1==9 RMC @7. ; G.!>* O. K1 ! +!8 &*'** && ! 11 CR 2"4051=91 RMC @7. ; G.!>* O. K2 ! +!8 &*'** && ! 11 CR 2"4051=93 RMC @7. H8*> 2/2=/12 O. F!.! &% D!.!& ! C!&'& C7& !.

I'*! S!+&!* ! 11 TR 2"=00 (FHE4)1=9# RMC @7. H8*> 3/12/12 O. ! 11 TR 2"=00 (FHE5)1903 C7%8!>* 6 8. &% &% RMC 12/14/12 M&! & P+. IFP (%+% * 8.

8 '7*7!& & &% '**! ! ! &! -: RMC>* F8! O+ S7'*B88., % *7+% 8 +88: .!&. C7%8! * ! &&!: ( !. - &%+& &%& &% A*& R'& &&+%. & &% C!8 C'8!& .. * * 88) &%+&+&! -: B88.

190" 12/15/11 O. -: RMC @7. H. ! 11 CR 221#" (* "0=3=) (FHE10) *7 *'!&determining  &%& C7%8! %. 8. & ''8: * +&: &&!:, .!:! !.!&C7%8!>* M&! P7-8+&! T!*+'& & P7-8+ E6'!* !. M&! & P+.IFP, !. 8! & ..** C7%8!>* M&! R+7*8

19101913 4/10/12 A.& -: RMC M*%8 M&&% T%'*! !. M*%8 U!& R'&.&8! 3/22/12 %**!& C7%8! ! RMC 8! + +7!& .&&! &&' +.! C7%8! ! +7&%7*

191"191# 4/10/12 A.& -: RMC M*%8 S+&& C'' .&8! 3/22/12 %**!& C7%8! ! RMC 8! + +7!& .&&! & &' +.! C7%8! !


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+7&%7*191= 4/11/12 A.& -: RMC +7!& +8< D!8 C*88* (C7& S'+8*&) ..**. &

N. S&& B .&8! 3/22/12 %**!& C7%8! -: RMC M*%8* C''!. T%'*! ! RMC F8! O+ +7!&, !. C*88* 7*8 & '. .+<& 11 TR 2"=00 & & C7%8! *7-&&! %* *+!. R+.* R7*& *<! +': &% 7. &% 2/2#/12 &+ +&&! &8 - @7. H8* & **7 !FHE4,5,=, !. FHE9

1920 RMC C7& A.!*&& C**!. @+<*!>* 4/11/12 A.& (RE$ I! &% M&& +%: C7%8!) 4/11/12 .&8! 88. 7T7- .*, '*, !.!77* '8:* &% RMC 6'**! +!+! &% '+: !. *&: N&. -: @! B8

1921 8 RMC C7& A.!*&& C**!. @+<*! & SBN>* ! 4/9/12 ++>. &RMC @7.* ; G.!, N*% H8*, D8&%, !. H. ('**-86&7.+8 +7!+&!* &% . 87+< &QQ +%! &% !+ & &%4/10/12 T8 ! &% +!8 &*'** +* (11 CR 2"405 * "1901) . -: RMC @7.; G.! * & %* SCR 123(3) 8&! !** &% &! &% NNDBS+!! P!8 ! 4/10/12), !+87.! 8!<* & .* @+<*! 88* C7%8! '*&. &

7 T7- .! %* *&* !. !&+&!* &% &% RMC *& %+% @+<*!88* %* -! : 7'*&&! & * &% +7& *&, * M C7%8! !&!**8 *& -* -: !, 8! &% *8: !&! S &% *& %*6'**. +!+!* &% *&: !. '+: I :7 % !: 7*&!*, !.7&% !&!, '8* 8& <! !. . 87+< &QQ M:, :%&-8:, &-8: '&8 !. !& & 88 ! ! ''!+ ''&:, &7 ', &%&C**!. @+<*!

19221924 88 3 '* 3 &% 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&! !. C7& O. %,!&+-8:, ' 3 &% * 6+*. -&% !>* !+87*! *7+% 11/30/11 O.! %* 23 E6%-& '*!&&! & &% S+!! P!8, -7&, +77*8:, !& ! &% ''!+

*7+% ! &% =/23/12 C'8!& & ROA 1#14 A8* !& &% 8* **&! ! &%A..&!8 C* I!&! !&: & ' 3 3 (-&* 1924) &% !!& 10/10/11 &%& DEFENDANT DID NOT ;ANT A COURT APPOINTED ATTORNE,%+% * 8*, -7&, &%, RMC @7. ; G.! 7*. & 88 C7%8! & +!.7+&!: *& +!8+& +%+< -: 7*! & '. C7%8! &% !* &% 7 '*'+& +7& ''!&. .!.* &%& &% RMC %* ! ! !.'!.!& +!&+&&:' -** % *7+% .!.* !&! '& '+&+* %!.8! -&% +8 !.+!8 +* (% C110312" !. C7%8!>* *7! &% : RMC +7& ''!&..!. L* T&8, E*>* 7!7&%. '+&&!* 8 *%! &% !!8:* -7*!** '&!*, N. C7& S+*, . T&8>* '*!&&! ! &%

+!8 &*'** && *&! C7%8!>* *& & &% : % 8+ % NCS %. &&+<. !. &*'**. !*& C7%8!, ! 11 CR 2"405, &% '-8&+

1925 C7%8! R+. R7*& & RMC ! 2"405192"192= 88 &% '* &% 6 8. *! (%. 12/14/11 & 12$13 ) (&%7%,

!&+-8:, !& &% 8 8. *! C7%8! '.. & RMC B88. 7'! %&&! ''8 *7+% 8! -: 8) C7%8!>* M&! & P+. I! FP7'* ! &% ;8M& RMC @7. H. +* ! 221#" ("0=3=) (&% '* 2 !. 3 -! &% A.& P&: ! S7''& M&! & P+. IFP) &%& !


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7.78!&8: 6+*. ' 1 !+87*! ! %* 23 E6%-& '*!&&! & &%S+!! P!8

1929 RMC DCA P8 R-&>* E*>* 12/15/11 N&+ D!8 S+ ! C* NIC110"2#, %+% * !& &% ++& +* !7-, &%7% & ''* *% !& & 8*7+% ! 11 CR 221#" ("0=3=) &%7% RMC @7. H. . ! *7 *'!& 78!*&<! R-&>* N&+ ! &%& ., 7!8< @7. H.>* '&!&8: -*. FHE10 !.*8 *7+% . 12/1"/11 !. 12/21/11 ! 221#" ("0=3=)

1934 RMC @7. H.>* 12/1"/11 O. ! 221#" .!*&&! -7* &% +!&'& ' ! &%&!! *7+% ! *'!* & !.!&, +!&8: +&. C7%8!>* 7&8!8 ! %* &&'& & ++** 7*&+, *'+88: % H. %. .!. C7%8! %*%& & +7!*8 7!. &% S6&% A!.!& !. 7!+!*+!-8: 7*. *&: !:8!&% & &%! '+&+! &&!: C7%8! ' & H.>* 7&8!.*% 3 .: *7:!++&! *7: +!&'& (FHE11) 11/30/11 (!& 193" !. * !:&% !*&!+* &% R! C&: A&&!:, RMC +7& ''!&. .!.*, !. &% RMC88! *+ 7'! +% &% 8, 8!, !8: & 7* *7+% & !.!&*(88, 6+'& %! RMC B88. 8. & C7%8!, ! &!, ! N- 2011D+- 2011 .! &% &&! '**! *% '.. & C7%8! & 8

8, !. &% +!+&!& 7. B88. !. &% RMC +&&. &% *'+& & &%.+!& ROA 221#" ! CR1120"4)

139# C7%8!>* R+. R7*& &% 7. &!*+'& &% 11/30/11 &8 ! 221#"*7-&&. ! '*! -: C7%8! & &% RMC 8! ! 12/=/11, % &% RMC !8:8 *&'. *7+% ! 12/13/11 ! *7++**78 &&'& & '7.+ C7%8!>*> ''&! %* ''8 !. M&! N T8

193=1939 FHE11 RMC @7. H.>* 11/30/11 O. S7: P7!*%!& C!&'&,+'8&8: 8+<! !: C&+& S+ % *7+% O. * *& .!&8: !& '.. & C7%8! * !:& ! 11/30/11, & !:& &%& 7!&8 -!!+87.. ! &% ROA &% RMC &!*&&. & &% 2@DC ! C7%8!>* ''8 -&% &%

*7: +!&'& !++&! !. &% 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&! !. C7&O., % &% 2@DC 8. & .7.+& C7%8!>* ''8 &% *7: +!&'&!++&!

1940 FHE10 RMC @7. H.>* 12/1"/11 O. 1943 FHE3 &% +&. 4/13/09 O. A& T8 -: 2@DC @7. L G.! (RMC @7. ;

G.!>* sister ) &% &% SBN>* 78& *%.:  .E&EI(E! 7. 15 2*12 STATE BAROF NEADA RENO OFFICE *&'!, &% &% 5 ! &% 15 -! .! ! -:%!. . 88 &% 7*&!-8: -: SBN ! !. P&* 7.78!& &&'&* & '** NG120435 ( 0434 .'!.! ! %+% 8 !>* ! * -:) * -! !+ +. 2@DC @7. L G.!

195# 12/1"/11 O. -: RMC @7. H. .! C7%8!>* 8! &% RMC B88.+&+&!

19"0 C&. C': D+<& -: RMC ! 221#" &% B88. C&+&! !.+&! 9/14/11* &% .& 8! &% C!8 C'8!& 8. +%! D!.!& &% P&&L+!: % B88., &% RMC, RCA, !. R! S'<* I!.! C8!: 88 7*. &88 C7%8! & '7+%* ! !: : -&! +': ! &% & ' A*&R'& !. D+8&! P--8 C7* &%& * &&+%. & 88 +!8 +'8!&* (&%RMC B88. 88! &% RMC .. !& ! % &% C'8!&, 7+% 8** &% &&+%.ARDPC) !. 78. !&, 7!&8 & &% 10/10/11 !!& D!! B88. * *7'


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*%.:, *'+88: % &% * .+<& &%! .&8: &%& 8*&. 9/14/11,&% A*& R'& !. D+8&! P--8 C7*

19"3 RMC C**!. @+<*!>* C&+& T!*&&8 C'8& R+. ! A''8 221#" & &% 2@DC 12/22/11

19"4 C&+& S+ *7+% ROA -: &% RMC ! 221#" & C7%8! 8*&! &% : =1# N ! S& K2 ..** C7%8! &%& FHE4 !. @7. N*% H8* 8. & *!.*7+% 2/2=/12 O. P7!*%! C!&'& -: H8* & C7%8! &, 7+% 8** & &% 1422E 9&% S& K2 ..** &% RMC * 7'.&. &% C7%8! ! 1/9/12, % H8*!*&. *!& *7+% & &% : 121 R R+< ..** *% %. -! !. !!77* ++*!* &%& C7%8! * !788: +&. ! N- 2011

1965 ?nadorned or unidenti%ied in any /ay nde; to =;hibit# %rom the 2& =;hibit

re#entation Ding :I< roided to the *creening Panel at the second  meeting thereo%'

uon Ding being in%ormed a%ter the 41012 initial re#entation to the *creening

Panel that he had not met hi# burdenI

19"" =;h-& 1 O. 8. D+- 1", 201119#0 =;h. 2 O. A! R78! &% R! M7!+'8 C7& -: 2@DC @7. E88&& !

CR1120"4 3/15/12 (FHE12) * & RMC @7. H. 11/30/11 R78! ! 221#"("0=3=)

19#5 =;h. 3 O. S7: P7!*%!& C!&'& C&&. ! &% I.& !. P*!+ &% C7& (*7: !++&! &% .:* -!!! 11/30/11)

19#= =;h. 4 A!.. C!8 C'8!& 8. D+- 5, 2011, R@C C* N RCR 20110"3341 (P%! '&&: 8+!: *& =/20/11)

19=4 =;h. 5 C!8 C'8!& 8. @!7: 23, 2012, R@C C* N RCR 20120"5"30(1/14/12 *7* 911 *&)

19=9 =;h. " N&+ A''!+, E!&: P8 N& G78&:, ; R%& &A!!&? M&! & D*** 8. F-7: 21, 2012, R@C C* N RCR 20120"5"30

199= =;h. # C!8 C'8!&, A*& R'& !. D+8&! P--8 C7* !&. N- 14, 2011 ! C* N 11221=5 (11 CR 2"405) (NOTE$ +&788: &%* 6%-& -ate# 2**1 to 2**3 includes the arrative o, .$! ,,icer &hris &arter0 %r+ P8+ R'& ('!&. 4/4/12) %+% * !& '7-8+8: 8-8 .7! '!.! +!8!*&&!/'!.!+: +!8 '*+7&! F7&%, &% ;&&! S&&!& -:&!** R+%. G H88, E*, %* +77*8: -! 6+*. &% P8+ R'& %+% *7+% N& * .!, %+% * %%8: .7-7* +!*.! H88>* ;&&!

S&&!& 8*8: 88. &%& C7%8! * *. +&! ''* ! 11/1/11 %*7+%, +88:, ! 8%& I, R7**88 8!, !. M:* UI, * '&!&8: !& &7, '&+788: % H88>* O+ !. &% ;CSO !. RPD +&788: -78!C7%8!>* % 8 + ! &% 87 & -. -: &% 7!& ! NRS40253(5)() &%& &% '**! 24 %7* 7*& ++7 &% &!!&>* +'& *7+%*7: 8 . T% 4/4/12 .& '!&! RPD O+ C&>*N& !+**8: .!*&&* &%& *7+% * !& &&+%. & &% 11/14/12 8.C!8 C'8!& ! &% RMC, !. &% SBN 7*& 6'8! % !. % &-&!. *7+% +!.!&8 N& '8+ '& ! '!.! +!8


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 '*+7&!2000 A*& R'& !. D+8&! P--8 C7* S%& -: RPD O+ C%* C& @

8. &% C!8 C'8!& &*'** -: R+%. G H88 ! RMC 11 CR 2"405 !11/13/11 8*&! C7%8! * ! &&!:, 7&% &&! SBN !. RMC>* 7.78!&**&! &%& C7%8! 8. & .*+8* +& % * ! &&!:

2004 =;h. = O. S7*'!.! P+.!* 8. A'8 10,2012, C* ! 11 CR 2"405200" =;h. 9 N&+ A''!+ * CC7!*8 !. M&! & D*** 8. M+% 5, 2012,

C* N 11 CR 2"405 (NOTE$ page 3 o, 4* (* 88 * &% 6 %.* : ' &%* 6 8. -: C7%8! &% &% RMC M&! & D***) %a# been %raudulently

remoed by Ding in an attemt to get around the %act that the 3C*@' P$' and

)ill and +aer burglariJed Coughlin# %ormer home la/ o%%ice :#ee note at bate# 1998' and note

the %act that the' &'094 age roduction o% 11712 by the *+, doe#' in other in#tance#' contain

 such page ) of *+' ie' 3C*@ Ciil $ii#ion *ueri#or *tuchell# emailed admi##ion o% 2712 to

Coughlin i# a i# the burglary by $euty !achen :ie' Eer#onally #ered dubiou# o#ition<

20442045 % SBN ! 6+*. ;CSO S&7+%88>* 2/#/12 8. .**! & C7%8! &%&

% + * '*!88: *. & !+87.. '*&! ! . C7%8!>* % 8 + %! !-.: * '*!& &%!, &% 24 %7 8+<7& +&! ., !8&! NRS 40253, +7' *<! 7!, P& ! *%78. - .*-. (NOTE$% * 6 %.* C7%8!>* 6 8! *7+% & &% RMC &%& * '*!& !: &% ''!+ *7+% 3/3/12 3/5/12 N&+ A''!+, M&! & D*** -: C7%8!)

2049 =;h. 11 O. K2 8. M+% 21, 2012, C* N 11 CR 2"405 .7-7*8: .+8!C7%8!>* 7!&* ! C7%8!>* 3/5/12 M&! & D*** ! 2"405 !. 6'*! &% -78: -: H88, &% ;CSO, !. RPD * &%7& &

2052 =;h. 12 O. F!.! &% D!.!& ! C!&'& C7& !. I'*! S!+&!* 8.

F-7: 2=, 2012, C* N 11 TR 2"=00 21205# =;h. 13 O. 8. M+% 12, 2012, C* N 11 TR 2"=00 21 (+' &% 88

8-8&: &% & &% *! ! +&788: &&+%. & &% =/23/12 C'8!& ! ROA8 1, &%! & &% *! ! &&+%. &%! FHE1, * 88 * & &%& 7!. & -&*1901)

20"4 =;h. 14 F!!+8 I!7: A''8+&! !. M&! & P+. I! P7'* 8.D+- 14, 2011, C* N 11 CR 2"405 2120"5 +77*8: -8!< ' 88 -: .7-7*8: 6+*. ' 1 3 &% '. *! C7%8!>* 12/14/12 M&! & P+. IFP !. A.&* ! *7''& &% (-&% 3 '* +%) &%& C7%8! emailed   8! & RMC B88. ! ++.!+ &% %

&&! '**! '.. & C7%8! 88! *7+% 8! -: 8!, % !!. B88. %* 7.78!&8: 7&8. &%* *! *7+% 8! (% ! 2"405, %&% &%, **!&88: .!&+8 *! * .!. &% +* !7- 221#") *+88: '!&. 7*! &% '. *! C7%8! &&+%. & %* 12/14/12 8 & RMCB88., &% &%! &% *!* &% 12/14/12 M&! & P+. IFP/A.& !S7''& &% -! 6 %.* C7%8!>* 12/14/11 +'. +*8&!***! & &% RMC

2067 =;h. 15 A.& P&: ! S7''& M&! & P+. I! P7'* 8.D+- 14, 2011, C* N 11 CR 2"405 21 (NOTE$ 1=#1 !8: '* 2 !. 3


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

20#0 =;h. 1" O. 8. D+- 15, 2011, C* N 81 CR 221#" -: RMC @7. H.

20#5 =;h. 1# A.& M&&% T%'*! /&&+%. M*%88>* R'&20=0 =;h. 1= A.& S+&& C'' /&&+%. M*%88>* R'& !. 8* 12/14/11

 -&! C7%8! !. RMC C% M*%8 @7*&! R' M*%8 M!8>* %*&8%**! C7%8! !. RMC D'&!& 4 @7. H.>* @7.+8 A***&!&!+ L'>* 7.78!& 87 & '. C7%8! +': &% 11/30/11 O.P7!*%! S7: C!&'& (FHE11)

2091 =;h. 19 A.& D!8 C*88*, C7& S'+8*&, RMC2094 =;h. 20 A.& C**!. @+<*!, C7& A.!*&& R! M7!+'8 C7&

88. -: @+<*!>* !+.-8: !'''& 8 & ! 4/9/12209# =;h. 21 N&+ A''!+, M&! C!&!7!+, E&+ 8. N- 30, 2011,

RMC C* N 11 CR 221#" 212242 =;h. 22. N&+ A''8 S7: C!&'& O.? M&! & R&7! P*!8

P'&: C!*+&. B: R! M7!+'8 C7& !. &* M*%8*? M&! N T8!. & A8& A!. S7: O. 8. M+% #, 2012, C* N 11 TR 2"=00(NOTE$ &%* E6%-& 22 * +&788: 7-8. %.'. -: &% SBN &8* &%& ;8M& '&&: 8+!: RMC && ! 11 CR 221#")

21#" RMC @7. H.>* 21#" 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&! !. C7& O.(% ' 3 3 &% %* -! 6+*. -: !, !&! &% +!& &% -&& &% ' ''8. -&* *&'! ! *7+% .+7!&* (, 191192, &+))

21##21#= ;% &% P S+ 7%& - &% 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&! !. C7&

O. -: RMC @7. ! H., o% cour#e' there i# none to be %ound' :e#eciallynote/orthy con#idering the age & o% & Hua#i Certi%icate o% *erice by bullying !C

!ar#hal# i# to be %ound el#e/here in #uch &'094 age roduction by the *+,< %+%* '&+788: !&+-8 &%& %+% * !& *&*. -: !: !.&! *&!.., , &%88. 11/30/11 O. P7!*%! S7: C!&'& ! RMC 11 CR 221#", 887.78!&8: !. -: &% SBN>* !, & -*&

204" =;h. 10 O. K1 8. M+% 20, 2012, C* N 11 CR 2"405 .7-7*8: .+8!C7%8!>* 7!&* ! C7%8!>* 2/13/12 8. M&! ! 2"405 !. 6'*! &% -78: -: H88, &% ;CSO, !. RPD * &%7& &


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21=1 C7%8!>* 8. & RMC B88. (&% ! 8 &%& +88: .!&* C7%8! * !&&!: '.* %* N B N, % &% RMC * 8.: 788: ''*. &%& +&! !77* ++*!* '7*8:, !+87.! ! &!, * C7%8!>* 11/30/11 M&! C!&!7!+ ! 221#") '. *! 12/14/11 M&! & P+. IFP !. A.&! S7''& &% 

21=4 RMC H.>* 12/1"/11 O. ! 221#" (FHE10)21=" !+!77*8: '8+. +!&!7&! RCA R-&>* 12/15/11 N&+ D!8 S+

! 221#" (& -&* 21=#$8!* 1011 RCA R-&* !&* &% !&!. 8*+!&! 8!<* !. &&+%!&* &%& &% C&: !. I 88 !& '! * % +!+!* -7&+'7& 7** A''!&8: &% !&%6 ! &% USPS 8 *+ 88! &% !&* 9/11 8. & !!. *7+% ! ''+% R-&* * * USPS8

2190 RMC H.>* 12/1"/11 O. .! !.!& C7%8!>* 8! (&%&!! &-7* &% +!&'& ' * -: @7. H.) % 2192 8* &%, 7%,arrangement  -&! &% RMC !. RCA ! *7+% C&+& S+ % I!!+ 8 88! .!: -7*!** '+&+* * +%+<. * &% !* '.! +': *7+% O. & &% R! C&: A&&!: (!& ! !&+, -7&, &%, &%

''!& F7.! *8' !!+ 8)2193 H, & * * ! !. &% RMC/RCA *%! , % &% TX R'&

*&-8*%! &% *+ -: &% RMC ! &% RCA (!!+ 8, ''!&8:)8* *7+% 12/1"/11 O. * emailed  -: &% RMC & &% RCA, % *7+% O.&*8 &%&!* &% -7* &% +!&'& ' -: RMC @7. H. !*& C7%8! C7%8!>* 88.8: emailing  *&%! & &% RMC, !. % H.>* 12/15/11O. (FHE10) *7 *'!& .!* 88 C7%8!>* 12/13/11 M&!* (88, +&788: *7+%O. .&* & 7*& '8! 7** & ..** C7%8!>* M&! R+7*8) *7 *'!&, ' & &% '**! &% & 88&&. C7%8! & ! -! 7!!! * &C7%8!>* %& & 8 R'8: * &% *'!* 8! & RCA R-&>* 12/15/11

 N&+ D!8 S+ ! 221#"2194 C7%8!>* 6 + *%& & RCA R-&* !. &!&: &% ' N&+ D!8

S+, O''*&! C&: R!>* N&+ D!8 &%&, +77*8:, .* !& +!&! 6%. (RMC B88. .. 8 !, *8+&8:, * C7%8!>* *7-&&. 8 !8: 8!*, &88) *!& & &% RMC '. ! ! 8) (+' & -&* 12=151 ' 1 24 F6 C S%&6 %. #$41 12/1"/11 88. -: C7%8!>* N&+ D!8 S+, IFP A''8+&!&+ ! 221#" !. -&* 11#2 C7%8!>* 12/1"/11 24 ' 6 %. & RMC #$41 ! RMC 11 CR221#" ("0=3=) &% 6 + ' & RCA R-&* 88. -: C7%8!>* N&+ D!8 S+ !. -&* 121# ' 2 24 ' 6 8. &% &% RMC C7%8! 12/1"/11 N&+ D!8 S+ &% RMC B88. C&+&! % ' 1 24 * 6+*. % *7+% *

6 + ' 8*&! C7%8! * ! &&!: !. '.! %* N B N ! 7.78!& &&'& -:RMC, B88., !. SBN & *7''& -7* IFP 88&!*) (NOTE$ ! !: !*&!+* ! C7%8!>*'.7+&! &% SBN>* 11/#/12 '.7+&! & C7%8! 3,094 '* C7%8! %* '8+. &%.!&+8 *!* * &% 8! 8!* -: C7%8! (%+% C7%8! 8.: %. ! .&8 '.&, 6'&. .+&8: . '+**, %+% !.* *%' '. &%& 7&8* 8** *&*'+ -:&*, &+ &%! 78. *+!!! ! 88 *7+% !*&!+* C7%8!>* 8! 8!* 7!. !*7+% 3,094 ' '.7+&! (&%7%, !:! !&* & &*& &, C7%8! .. *+! ! *7+% 3,094 '*, '!*&<!8:, !. C7%8! &%+88: ! 7'* &% - % % % '!&* &%* 7& &% &%! &<!&% &+& &%& ! &< ! !*&! +8!, 8-8 +': RMC @7. H8>* 3/12/12 O.


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* E6%-& 3 & !>* =/23/12 C'8!& (& ROA 20 *) ! &* +8! !+!&! ! FHE1,*'+88: % &% 8-8&: '+** * !&8 & &%* '+.!* &%! &% 8-8&: * !. 8! -: C7%8! &%! *7+% 3,094 ' '.7+&!, %, ! ! !*&!+ (*:- &% " ' ' ' *!* C7%8!>* E6%-& 1 & %* 12/13/11 8! ! 221#", ..C7%8! 7&8! %* .&8 *!* *7+% 8! 8!* !. ! 88-8 .+7!& 8-8,%* &% SBN>* ''+% ! &% 2/13/13 ROA .. *7+% & !. & !, ! &% * .+&!,

 '&+788: &% *'+& & &% 6%-&* & C7%8!>* 8!*)221= C7%8!>* 12/=/11 *7-&&. RMC R+.* R7*& &% 7. &!*+'& &%

11/30/11 T8, %+% &% RMC &. 7!&8 12/13/11 & 8 *&'. (&% .: M&! N T8 78. % -! .7, !+-7& 8&!&* ! &&!:* 88.8: 7. & -&!  7.* '**! & 7. +. '+.! &%: '&: &, .+&! ! -%8 +8!&! ;% !&* & -& &% RCA/RMC +7& ''!&. .!.* ! & *<. &%: +.!!. & * .: +'* !: 7. &%: 7*&, 8. & &%, *7* &% 8> :7 % & ..! % & '+< 7' &% .*+ !. & 88 !& - .: < &%& &% RMC +!**&!&8: !!7!+*

& !8 8&!&*)2219 ' 3 3 (7*P S+ -: -788:! RMC M*%8* (* % &% 7.

&!*+'& (!. &&'&* & &!*+- -: C7%8! ! %* "/1=/12 8! ! "0=3=) &%

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

7. & 8 ! !: &% : '. C7%8! +': *7+% 11/30/11 O. P7!*%!S7: C!&'& ! 8%& % !++& (& -*&) **&! &%& C7%8! * *. +': *7+%* &% +!+87*! &% 11/30/11 &8) &+ % !&% &% 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&! !.C7& O. ! 221#" &% 11/30/11 O. S7: P7!*%!& C!&'& - !:&%! !&% : H7*&! *&:8 & *&'! *7+% *7: +!&'& .* % &% -.:  7*'7.!+ 8&. &%& <* 7& +8 *7+% 7*& - !8: +!&'!7* &% &%!.&! *7+% *7: !++&! .* (FHE4>* & *&'! 3$4# ' ! 2/2=/12 *7: !++&! ++7! & 4$00 ' ! 2/2#/12 * &88!, 8*& * 7+% * &% %!.!&8!&! ! &% & 6+*. -: ! !. &% RMC P 3 3 &% 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&! !. C7& O. %! 7*P S+ -: -788:! RMC M*%8 (& ** &%

RMC &% +*& *&' !. &% M*%8* & & 86 ! ''8 .8: !+.!& &%&, * &% M*%8*!. RMC >-7& &) 8*&* =$23 ' * &% & & %+% &% DEFENDANT 7*. & *! %*! &%& & * ''!&. &6& &%& 78. %.8: '&, .8**, * !:&%! *7+!& && M<%! *&!.. (8*, !& &% 78& .+: 7-- *&'. *!&7 of (!y,# RMC @7.H. *&'. !& *7+% P 3 3 *7+% 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&! !. C7& O.(%& C7& O. C&!8: &% * !&%! ! *7+% 3 '* & *7''& *7: +!&'& . ' &% H7*&! *'++&: 7!&*'%'* *7+% 887.* & &% *7-*7!&8: +**. 7&+7!&: *+ 7!& (!+, H. .&* %* mista-e ! &%!< C7%8! +7*. &%+!&!7!+ &% 11/14/11 &8 ! 221#" (&% &%! &% 8 -!! C7%8! & +7& !


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A.!*&& S&! !&8 %8&% **7* 8 .* '!&! @7. H. -! -8& %8. &% &8 % *7%& & '*. ! &%& .&) !., !*&. ! &8, +!! &%''&: &&!.!& & %* -&% .!:! +!&!7!+ ! ..&! & 8&! &% S6&% A!.!&R%& T C7!*8 (& *: !&%! &% -7* &% +!&'& ' % .!*&&., !. '&!& -*! +% !. : 78! % . &%& .:, '&+788: &%* ! .!&: !&7) H. *'8:%. &% +7!&: *+ 7!& 6+*.N& -&* 2219 &% 11/#/12 3,0#4 ' '.7+&! !. &% -&* *&'! 233 ''8. ! &% +!& &% -&& &% ', %+%,+!!!&8:, -*+7* &% '!&! &%* -8 ! *7+% 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&!,

&+ O! %* & %!. & & &% SBN, & 88: * '7&&!> ! - < %! & %* -&**&'* * &788: (!., +!!!&8:) ''8.

2222 ! ''!& *! &% + ' & C7%8!>* E6%-& 1 & %* 12/13/11 M&!  N T8 ! 221#" * !+87.. %, &% C7%8!>* %!.&&! !&8!&! &%& *7+%

E6%-& (* '.. & RMC B88. 8 7'! % ! C7%8! &&! '**! & . *,%+% B88. &%! 7.78!&8: 8. & -. -: ! &% ROA &% RMC &!*&&. 221#" & &%2@DC ! CR1120"4 ! 12/22/11!&% RMC C7& A.!*&& C**!. @+<*!/D!!B88. 7.78!& '.7+&!) &%& *7+% E6%-& 1 +!**&. =93 '* '87* CD 5 8* R! C&: A&&!: (2 .* AP +.+, !& 8*, +.! @%! E88* ;8M& &8&!

222" & 2240 (NOTE$ % C7%8! %* *+!!. ! & 300 .' (&% 78&: 8* '!& &%& NRAP 10 11 !+*, %+% &% R@C !. RMC !. SBN +!**&!&8:, !. +!!!&8: (& &%+7&* !. '*+7&*) 8 & -. -:, *8+&8:) *7+% '* 6+&8: * '.7+. & C7%8! !11/#/12 -: &% SBN (!. '*7-8: * &%: ''. 7'! &% SBN '*!&! *7+% & &% S+!!P!8) * +'*! &% 8-8&: *7+% & &% .&8 *! &% * &8* &%&C7%8! !*&. ! '8+ 300 .' *+!!! &% SBN/RMC>* '%&+':! *7+% * 7&887!&! (!. *7+% -+ 6& 8!+ ! &% ''8 *7+% ;8M& +!+&! !221#" ! &% ROA &%& @7. E88&& (* FHE12) 7!. * 8+<! ! 7*&:! .!:! C7%8!>*''8 *7+% +!+&! (+' &% .!+* -&! *7+% " '* ' ' .&8 *! &

 -&* 15" & 1#0 &% &% *+!!. & 300 .' *!* &% * &8* 7!. &

 -&*$ 222"2240 (%+% 8&& *! * *&88 7+% 8-8 &%! &% *+!!. & #5 .' *! &%

&% RMC !+87.. ! &% ROA 22#1" ! &!*&&. & &% 2@DC ! C7%8!>* ''8 &% +!+&! !. +!&'& . *78&! ! %* +7!& &': *7*'!*! (88, &%+!+&! '&&: 8+!: &%!, & 8*&, * &% 2@DC 7*. & .7+& C7%8!>* ''8 &%*7: +!&'& . ! FHE11, %+% * +!!!& & &% SBN/P!8>* &&'& & ''8: SCR111(5) & ! &%* 88&! C7%8!>* 8&! RPC>* &%& +!&!* +'8&8: .!&8!&* &%! &%* 7!. ! NRS 22030 !8:** C% E+% +:8: !. %'! !% C7%8!>* ''8 * .!. &% *'+& & *7+% +!+&!* +!8 +!&'& (* !''8* 88., %&% ! 8%& 2@DC @7. E88&& 7*! & .7.+& *7+% &%

*'+& & RMC @7. H8* .*-:! NRS 1=9010 ! *&<! C7%8!*> N&+* A''8  -&% &% O.* ! FHE4 !. FHE5, ! % E+% +%788: *7 *'!& &7'&. ! -7&% &% .*&+& +7& .!. C7%8!>* ''8* &% ;8M& '&&: 8+!: +!+&! ! 221#"!. &% +!8 &*'** +!+&!

2467 =;h. 2&. M&! & R&7! C88 P%!*? M&! & S& A*. S7: C!&'& O.?!. N&+ A''8 S7: C!&'& O. 8. M+% 12, 2012, C* N 11TR 2"=00

2686 =;h. 24 2@DC @7. L G.!>* (FHE3) 4/13/09 O. A& T8 8. A'8 13, 2009,


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C* N D0=011"=

2#013,094 (ormal )earing (ile *+, . Zachary +. Coughlin

2#022#93 rieance (ile F,12-04&5 G Z. Coughlin' =#H. G "udge $orthy :#ic< ,a#h


2#05 ! .* P&* C7%8!>* 4/2#/12 8 S7-+&$ U'.& !. R7*&! .&8!&% +& &%& C7%8! * ! .. ! !8 &! ! ''&7!&: & &% &8*

*7-&&. ! +!7!+&! &% &% !+* ! 78: 887.. &2#0" ! .* P&* C7%8!>* 8 %+% !+87.* !>* 4/19/12 8 & C7%8!S7-+&$ RE$ M !>* **&!* ! %* 3/1"/12 8&& %! C7%8! .!* 88 88&!* !.! &&'&* & *8. C7%8! * & &% *7+ %+% ! -&!. 2@DC @7. LG.!>* FHE3 4/13/09 O. A& T8 !. % ! 7*&* *'!* C7%8! !8: *& @7. H8* !. H88>* !+*, &% &&! !: 7!& &% SBN <* &%& C7%8!

8. & *'!. & !: !+ 8& & @7. L G.! % !>* 4/19/12 8 & C7%8!.*$ >ou wanted to ?now how I learned o, or obtained a copy o, %udge =ardner:s rder a,ter

trial that was ,iled in 2**+ It was sent to -e by the cler? o, the court at -y reAuest0 pursuant to -y

investigation I& 78. %8' !. '%'* :7*8, :7 78. *'!. !. 6'8! %: :7 +!+&. &%& !. %: :7 %8. ! +!&'& C7& 7 : - 88 *. & 6'8!%& .8 *7* :7 &<! & < *7 :7 . !& '& &% +!.7+& +'8!. -7& I+!!& :7 88 .+ H I can suggest you cooperate with "ar counsel:s investigation

and that you respond speci,ically to the allegations contained in %udge 9ol-es and .ichard 9ill:s

 grievance letters to the o,,ice o, "ar &ounsel T%& * !+87.. C7%8!>* 4/1"/12 8 & ! (S7-+&$ M !>* **&! !

%* 3/1"/12 8&&) %! C7%8! .&8* &&! ++7*&!+* 8& & *7..! .**87&! 7 !. %8 : .*&+ '&!*%', !. 6* -*+!.! &% & 8*& & !&%* !&, H88 !.B<>* !78 7* *7: +&! '+.7* !*& ++8 &!!& % !+7* -** '8.

Coughlin denie# guilt a# to each and eery allegation made by )olme#' )ill' and

anyone el#e' and a# to the 22176 3al-!art coniction' and detail# the delayed receit o% Ding#

&1612 letter and inter%erence /ith Coughlin# ?*P* mail incident to dome#tic iolence >P@#

being obtained in Coughlin# %aor again#t %ormer hou#emate#' and mi#conduct by ?*P* olden

Valley Po#tal *tation and ayle Dern' =#H. incident to /rong%ul #ummary eiciton in e2012-


2710-2711 Coughlin cooerate# and re#ond# & SBN>* 7*&* * * +!+&! ! 221#"(;8M&)

2#1" B! G!*8*, E* (''*! +7!*8 ! &% & +'!! !78 &!&!*7&* C7%8! 8., ! ! C1101=9" !*& 7*& ;*% L8 S+* (<! G!*8*>''!+ ! -%8 T% ;!>* S+* &% ''86!, !& *!&!-8) !. &% &% !&% C1101955 *7& 8. 7 .:* 8& %! C7%8! !. &% ;*% L8 S+* * +.!.!&* &% : CAA; % &% 7. '*.! &%& && 8. & .78 % *. *&% P*.!& &% E6+7& B. &%, !. G!*8*> +8!&, T% ;!>* *+) email

re%erring to other attorney %ee a/ard# mae# curiou# Ding# only reHue#ting Coughlin ay )ill#


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landlord client# a/ard in Ding# clo#ing argument (* 11/14/12 8 %! &!*+'&$ (P*330$20 & 331$5) I &% '!8 +%** !& & .*- M C7%8!, -7& !*&. . % *''&7!&: &%7% !*&&!&, .8**, I -8 & 78. - '''& *!+ :7 %..!+ ! &% **7 &% +7& . &%& % ': !r+ erliss:s ,ees+ T%& !: !*&&!&, :7.!>& .*- % '!!&8:, 78. - % 78. - 7. & 88 &%& +7& . & ': &%**) ;%& !>* +7*! *88: ! %* 7*& & & &% P!8 & . C7%8! 7*& ': DM8**>* * *7*& * &%& &% ! !. H88 % * *& +88+&!* *%! !&, ! <!* &%& 2@DC @7. E88&&>* wor-  ! C1101955 * *7+% ! -!&! 7.+8*+!.7+& * & < !>* 7* 2@DC @7. E88&&>* .* ! FHE12, !. FHE13 *!+&!-8 !

!. &*8 (* NSCT "031#)2#1# !>* SCR 111(") P&&! ! "0=3=, '8+. ! NG120434 <* ! *!*2#1= R@C @7.+8 S+&: L T!*!.>* 4/11/12 8 & ! +!&!! .+7!&*

RCR20110"3341 (@7. S) !. RCR20120"5"30 (@7. C8&!) R@CC% C8 C8< &8. C7%8! @7. C8&! &8. % !& & *'!. & C7%8!>*10/30/12 SCR 110 *7-'! !. *7-'! .7+* &+7

2#20  .& %udge 9oward  (11 CR 221#" +!+&! 8.! & "0=3= &' *7*'!*!)>*4/4/12 e-ail to King regarding ;D)tube< postings A S'8!, E!&* & RMC 3/12/12

C&: R! M*%8 H8:, A88*! O*? RMC -7!+. -: R! M*%8*''!&8: C7%8! * & &% RMC ! 3/12/12 !. 7*& .. !& <! &% &8 ! 2"=00* +!&!7!

2#21 RMC C7& A.!*&& C**!. @+<*! 8 & RMC @7.* 6. -: N*%H8* () 7*& ' 2 3 3/22/12 1$1# ' 6 ''!&8: & SBN

2#22 8*& ('.. & SBN -: RMC) .&8! C7%8!>* !** -&! 9/9/11 !.1/12/12

2#23 8 4/10/12 & SBN RCA D! ;! .! SBN 88 - 7!-8 & &C7%8!>* +!8 %*&:

2#2" H8* *! &% &% RMC>* 6 & SBN 3/22/12 1$1# ' ' 3 3

+!&!! C7%8!>* 3/22/12 FOIA R7*& !. S+!. R+. R7*& 7. 2/2#/12 &8!.+&! B88. !.+&. C7%8!>* *& 7*& *7+% 7. * !& '+**., !. *<!!:&%! 8&. & &% +!*+&! C7%8!>* '*!8 ''&: ! 2/2=/12 &% ;*%

C7!&: 8, 7*&! +%! +7*&.: !&!, RMC M*%8>* '&*, &+2#2#2#32 RMC .!. P7!&* 1/1#/12 M&! & ;&%. '*!&! C7%8! !

+!8 &*'** +* - @7. ; G.! ! 11 CR 2"405 88. -: P7!&*1/3/12 M&! N T8 +* ! 2"405 * 88 % &% RMC 6+*. -&% E6%-&

A '* '7'&! & 6'8! %: P7!&* * .'! C7%8! %* %& & *'.: &8(!8! &% .*+ .* !. '%&* H88 ''7!.. & &% R! C&: A&&!: !. P7!&*!+& ***&!+ +7!*8 +7* +!&!7!+ ! &% 1/3/12 6%-& & 2#32 % &% 1/1#/12

6%-& & -&* 2#2= !.+&* P7!&* -8* '*!&&! %* -+ 7!*!-8: .+78&% C7%8! .!.! P7!&* & < 7!&* .+&. & -78* -: H88, ;CSO, !.RPD ! 8%& &% ;CSO 87 & ++. &% 24 %7* &!!&>* +'& *7: 8. ' & +&7&! 8+<7&2#332#34 3/2/12 rder in &(11)*362 2%!& %udge 'lanagan ''8 *7: +&! &%

H88 !. B< * ''*! +7!*8 denying  )ill# +aer# 12112 !otion %or @rder to

*ho/ Cau#e a%ter hearing on &2&12 and &2612. Ding# lacing #uch order %rom

the aeal o% the #ummary eiction handled by )ill# %irm /ithin the )olme# grieance %ile i# yet

another %raudulent attemt on Ding# art to get around the multitude o% eidence #uorting


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the %act that Ding ha# iolated P$ &.8 reeatedly throughout thi# roceeding.

2#3" !C Coer *heet /ith Ei#t o% document# attached all %rom 26800 tra%%ic ca#e

re#ided oer by "udge )olme#$ 3/13/12 .&8* .+7!&* &+ +* -H8*$ 2/2=/12 O. (+!&'&)? 3/#/12 N&+ A''8, M&! R&7! P*!8 P'&:C!*+&. -: RMC M*%8* (224 '*)? 3/12/12 M&! & R&7! C88 P%!* (21= '*)?

3/12/12 O. (5 '*)? 3/13/12 O. S&<! F7& D+7!& 8. ! 3/#/122#3=2#39 4/1"/12 6 RMC D'& 2 (@7. ; G.!) 1 !. 2 2 ' A*& R'& !.

P--8 C7* S%& 11/13/12 +7*&.8 +!8 &*'** *& &% PC S%& -:RPD C& !. H88>* C!8 C'8!&

2#4041 RMC M*%8 @P @!P M* '& 12/13/11 M*%8* @* M!8,M&&% T%'*!? ;&!** 1 D!! B88., ;&!** 2 T B&8.$

2#422#44 RMC M*%8 @* M!8 !+.!& '& .&8! C7%8!>* 8! N&+ A''8 !. M&! N T8 !. *<! +': &% 7. &% 11/30/11 &8! 11 CR 221#" ("0=3=), !+* **' &% R@C C% B8 M+%8 S6&!, 88 '. +&: !. +7!&: M*%8* !. B8* 88: .!>& 8< <! 7!&8 +8*! &

2#452#4= RMC M*%8 S+&& C'' !. M&&% T%'*! !+.!& '&* .&8! C7%8!>*3/22/12 *& & RMC 8! +7!& & 8 S+!. R7*& A7. &% 2/2#/12 &8 - H8*

! 11 TR 2"=00, %+% -& NG120434@7. H8* .&8: 6* SBN C7%8!>* FOIAR7*& ! % .*'& &%& % *+!.7+& 88 - 6'** !+.!& & RMC M*%8* 8&!F7&% A!.!& & % .+&! ! &! 8 ! 2/2=/12 %& %. 8.: -! -<.!& C7%8!>* '*! ''&: (% M*%8 C'' '788. D'7&: C%7! !& -+< *88:

 -: & 8 & .*+7** *7+% +!*+&!)2#49 3/22/12 8 C7%8! & ! S7-+& R H88 +% C7%8! !+!

G**! !. C%*&!*!2#53 C7%8!>* 4/2/12 8 & ! =G my attemt to be roided acce## to the

grieance# %iled today #eeing material# %rom 26800 and clari,ication regarding

whether %udge F+ =ardner hersel, ,iled grievance.

2#54 !>* 4/2/12 8 & C7%8! .&8! 3 !+*, lying about ,12-*434 being agrieance receied E ,ro- "udge ardner, ! !!7!+* % * !! ! %* '7* !.+&! &%& C7%8! 78. - .. &% &8* *7-&&.! +!!+&! &% &% !+*, !+* RMC M*%8* C'' !. T%'*!>*3/22/12 '& & SBN (% ! !&88: &&'&* & 6 NG120434 & &% !++. 2@DC @7. L G.!, &% &%! &% NG120435 !7- 78&&8:**!. & *7+% !+

2#5" C7%8! 8 & SBN P&* 3/2"/12 !+! .*&+ 8!+ % %*6'!+. !. +!+&!& -*&7+&! %* 8

2#5# C7%8!>* 3/2"/12 8 & SBN 8! !>* 7*8 & 88 ++** &

!+ &8* '7*8: .2#59 Coughlin# &2912 email to *+, indicating King had -ade no reAuest  %or any

written response to any grievance by ardner or )olme#' Coughlin# detailing

maniulatie u#e o% Coughlin# hy#ical #tature #iJe by Ding' /hich Ding lied about at 141&

>P@ e;ten#ion hearing in "C CP2012-000607.

2#"0 ot# o% email# bet/een Coughlin and the *+, Huite cooeratie and re#on#ie to

any an all *+, reHue#t# %or in%ormation or cooeration in any ine#tigation#

/hether relating to )ill' ardner' or ,a#h )olme#' etc.

2##2 C7%8!>* 8 & ;CSO .&8! D'7&: M+%!>* -78: &% H88>* **+&


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B< 11/1/11, M+%!>* 8* .& .! '*!88: *! C7%8! 24%7 8+<7& . ! 11/1/11 -78: -: H88>* **+& B< &%& .&

2#90 C7%8!>* 3/1"/12 e-ail to King indicating he has yet to ,inish sending everything in

response to 9ill:s grievance+

2#92 D#$# &erti,ied ail rac? G &on,ir- ending in 65  !>* 8! 3/1"/12('7'&. 8&& ! & C7%8! &%& ! * & . &/+!8+&. &*< .**! &% & 11/14/12 8 .*+'8!: %!) &%& * 7!.8-8* ..**. ! .*&+ 8!+ -7* %7*&* -*&7+&! C7%8!*> 8! +!7!+&! &% G:8 !, E* (* -&* 295" .7'8+& !+87*! *7+% !

7.78!& & !>* & *&-8*% *7+% 3/1"/12 8&& *% ''8* & !: !. 88 !+*!+. '7*7!& & &% RPC =1 !8:** % ! %* 6+*. !: +!&6& !.+&! %&* !+87.. &% &&+%. & *7+% 8&& *7+!& & < &% +. .. !: *7+% !.+&!279& Ding# &1612 letter to Coughlin indicating the @+C Eha# receied #eeral

grieance# concerning your conduct a# a la/yer :#ee reaearance o% thi# e;act #ame

&1612 t/o age letter %rom Ding at bate# 2957 /ithin the %older indenti%ied a# the %ile %or the

ichard . )ill' =#H. grieance< :#ee the lacement o% thi# #ame letter %rom Ding to Coughlin at

bate# 2956 :?*P* Certi%ied !ailing #ho/ing #uch /a# returned to #ender at *+,< and 2958 :the

&1612 letter' though here' in it# aearance at 2794' it i# not %ollo/ed by anything' a# the ne;t%older begin# immediately herea%ter #uch aearance o% Ding# &1612 letter to Coughlin' a# %rom

bate# 2794 to 2954 the coer #heet at 2794 announce# the beginning o% /hat Ding and the *+,

re%er# to a# the E(@! P=$,* (=< ... /ill mae aailable %or your reie/ and

in#ection the #uorting document# and audio recording#

,ote Ding# !+87.! &% * 3/1"/12 8&& &% &% H88 !+ 8 !. &%*8'': ''+% -: ! ! 8! & +&788: *'+: %+% .*&+& +7& 7. &% . %!+* * -! &&+%. (!. 7*& %+% . * &&+%. * !& . +8 !>*!'78&! &%* SCR 105(2)(+) &8* ! &%* 3,094 ' -&* *&'. '.7+&!(& -&* 295= 3/1"/12 8&& SBN ! & C7%8! .! *8 !+* ..8: '8+.

&% Hill's !+ 8 %! 3/1"/12 8&& !+* @7*&+ C7& (The ,,ice o, "ar &ounselhas received several grievances concerning your conduct as a lawyer+ he grievances include

supporting evidence in the ,or- o, audio o, your conduct in court proceedings and copies o,

 pleadings and docu-ents prepared and ,iled by you in %ustice and !istrict &ourt  *7+% '7'&.3/1"/12 8&& & C7%8! ! .*) (*, &%, !, 8< &% &% @7. L G.!!+ ! NG120435, * +7%& 8:! ! ! **&! *7''&! .!+ !+* &%OBC +. +!**&! C7%8!>* 8! ! @7*&+ !. D*&+& C7& (! ! -7* &&'&& 6&!. &% *+' %* %& '+ -:!. 7*& H88 !. &% RMC) S7+% '*!&* &% 6&!& & %+%! +!*&!&8: &. & +%+& * %! -! +. ! &% !+ &%& %+%! %*8 7*&. &% R@C>* @7.+8 S+&: L T!*!., !. %+% *78&.!

T!*!.>* 4/11/12 8 & !,)

2#942954 (@! P=$,* (= in ,12-0204' 04&4' 04&5

2#952#9" 10/9/12 A.& L7 P&* (NOTE$ !+!77*8: '8+. & &% *& +!& 8!! &%* 8 '8.!* 8 % *7+% 10/9/12 A.& L7 P&* -* 8*&'. -7*8: ' ! & & &% 8!* '8+. .&8: - & ! %& *&%* &% &:'+8 * +%!8+8 . (*& +!& 8!* ! &') 8+/8! + < ! '** +* 8 (- &% ROA * &%! +!*&&7&. !


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++& -&* *&'. *& ! & & *& +!& 8! +%!8+8 .)2#9#99 O. 10/31/12 -: P!8 C% E+% (C7%8!>* 10/31/12 8 *&'. P

H! M&! & D***/S7: @7.!&/M!.7 L *%78. % -!!+87.. % -: &% SBN * *7+% * '8+. ! &* '****! & 4$45' ! 10/30/12,!., &%, +78. % ! 7& &% &% &8* ! 88* *!& & &% '!&. ! 11/1/12)

2=00 O. 10/30/12 O. A''!&! F8 H! P!8 -: NNDB C% @ T%*S7*+%, E*

2=02 SBN !>* 10/24/12 O''*&! & R*'!.!&>* M&! & B7+& H!, M&! &D***

2=0" C7%8!>* 10/1"/12 M&! & R/I!*'+& B R+.*, M&! & B7+&, M&!& D***, &+

2=49 C7%8!>* M&! O. & S% C7*2911 C7%8!>* M&! & D***2915 ' 4 5 C7%8!>* M&! & D*** % SBN 6+*. E6%-& 1 & C7%8!>*

8!, &88 &8 : -! &% !+!77* '8+!& ' 5 &% &%  -&* *&' 2914 % ' 4 &% * ! SBN -&* *&' 2915, %+% +!**&. !

I!.6 & E6%-&* (1 E6%-& 1$ 9 9 12 L&& & S7*+% !. !) % SBN 6+*. &%& 8&& C7%8!&&+%. * E6%-& 1 &%&

291"292" ' 3 3 11/30/11 @7.!& C!+&! !. C7& O. RMC @7. H. ! 11

CR 221#" &% 7*P S+ 6 R7*. (88-8 !&8* !8:) 11/30/11 J 20$2388! ''!&. ! -8!< 88! I 7!.*&!. !. '* & -: &%* . D!.!&), %+%SBN ! 7.78!&8: 6+*. &% *! % !+87.. ! %* 23 E6%-& '*!&&! & &% NNDBS+!! P!8, %+% 7!.*+* &% RMC !. SBN>* 7.78!& ''+% * * &% !! *+ &%

11/30/11 O. P7!*%! S7: C!&'& %+% . FHE11

2954 =/23/12 A.& S+ C'8!& -: P&* &&+%. & C'8!&

2955301# rieance (ile F,12-0204 G Zachary Coughlin G ichard )ill' =#H.

295" C': !8' USPS C&. M8 K #010 2#=0 0003 5429 "5#= SBN *!& &C7%8! ! 3/1"/12 (% FHE" & &% 2/13/13 ROA -: &% SBN & ROA 1##9

.!*&&* !>* 8&& & C7%8! !+! !+ -: H88 * '7'&.8: 8. !2/14/12) &% USPS :88 *&+< D7"FE '.H7.! '. .E(IEH  .&. 3/31/12 (, &%** ! -7* &&'& & *.+&! -: ! % *7+% 3/1"/12 USPS C&. M8! +*'!.*&% &% &% H8* !+ ! 0434 &% L G.! !+ ! 0435, -&%, % '&%& &% SBN <! *7+% * !& .8. & &% SBN * : '-8&+ & !>* 88&! &%&C7%8! 8&. RPC =1 D*+'8!: M&&* * & &% &% H8* L G.!

!+*! '8+! &%* !8' % (!& &% USPS :88 *&+< +-&* C7%8!>*++7!&* *'+&! &% !&!+ &% %* 8 .7! *7+% '. &) '*!&* 7.78!&&&'& & -7*+& &&*295= 3/1"/12 8&& SBN ! & C7%8! .! *8 !+* ..8: '8+.

&% Hill's !+ 8 %! 3/1"/12 8&& !+* @7*&+ C7& (The ,,ice o,

 "ar &ounsel has received several grievances concerning your conduct as a lawyer+ he grievances

include supporting evidence in the ,or- o, audio o, your conduct in court proceedings and copies

o, pleadings and docu-ents prepared and ,iled by you in %ustice and !istrict &ourt  *7+% '7'&.


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3/1"/12 8&& & C7%8! ! .*) (*, &%, !, 8< &% &% @7. L G.!!+ ! NG120435, * +7%& 8:! ! ! **&! *7''&! .!+ !+* &%OBC +. +!**&! C7%8!>* 8! ! @7*&+ !. D*&+& C7& (! ! -7* &&'&& 6&!. &% *+' %* %& '+ -:!. 7*& H88 !. &% RMC) S7+% '*!&* &% 6&!& & %+%! +!*&!&8: &. & +%+& * %! -! +. ! &% !+ &%& %+%! %*8 7*&. &% R@C>* @7.+8 S+&: L T!*!., !. %+% *78&.!T!*!.>* 4/11/12 8 & !,

T88!8:, ! 8* & !+87. *7+% R@C @7.+8 S+&: T!*!.>* 8 & ! (%+%! &%! &&'&. & '** * !+ +. @7*&+ C7& 7., ''!&8:, !!>* *! &*&!: & &% 1/4/13 ;<'8+ H**!& TPO 6&!*! %! ! RCP2012000"99C88:, ! *<* & -87 &% 8!* -&! - +7!*8 < '.7+& !. !+*+.  Judges (8!& & &% NC@C C!! 2, R78 215 .!* +88&8 *&''8 !8:**)&% &8* 8. & % -: RMC C7& A.!*&& C**!. @+<*! !. RMC F8!O+ S7'* D!! B88., !. RMC < E C-8, %+% +: ! *7+% !*+88&8 *&''8 8! '&!&8 !. ! +!*&!&8: &* & % & -&% :*, ,*&%! * - +7!*8 < '.7+& !. !& *7-+& & SCR 105(2)(+) SCR 121(11) %! !!.* & & - (&% !+8*7* & H88>* 1/14/12 8 & ! &%& ! 7*. & '.

C7%8!!. !.+&! * & 7*& 6+&8: %& * !+87.. &% &% -6 &8* @7.H8* !+* * !+87.! &% % FHE= 3/14/12 !+ 8&& !*& C7%8! ..**. &&% SBN (* %+% H8* &<* +.& !+8*! !8: & &%! '** &% -7+< & 7*& '.! ! &% 7. &'* C7%8!> %! ! D'&!&* 2 !. 5 (% D2 *@7. ; G.! !. D4 * @7. H.) @7. ! H., D'&!& 4, %. +* ! MC7%8! 8& 8*& : &%& * ! ! ''8 & &% S+!. @7.+8 D*&+& C7& @7. B88 G.!,D'&!& 2, 8* %* && +7!&8: '!.! ! %* +7& &% M C7%8! * &% .!.!& I% !+8*. * +'* .+7!&* &%* &&*, ! +%!8+8 ., *'8: -+7*&%: '' & .!*&& &%& % * 7+<8: .+'!*&! ! %* !&8 *&&7* O7 *& 8* .:7 * 7. &'* C7%8! %!* ! D'&!&* 2 !. 4 * :7 +! % :7*8 %

&%* &&!: +&* ! +7&) +.* &% 7*&* &8* &%& ! . & 88 &% 7* 7.*, 7.+8 ***&!&*, 7.+8 *+&*, !. +8<* (, R@C @7.+8 S+&:>* T!*!.>*4/11/12 8 & ! +&!8: 8* & + +** * &% *& +*'!.!+ +7!+&! -&! &% &* *7+%, *'+88: % ! &&'&* & '** &% &&+%!&* & T!*!.>*4/11/12 8 & ! * '& &% *7''&! .!+ ! &% +'* '8.!* !..+7!&* ''. !. 8. -: :7 ! @7*&+ !. D*&+& C7& (* !>* 3/1"/12 8&& &C7%8! (%+%, +7*, 8* & &%! !.+& - 88. &%& -: !:&%! 6'8+&! 7*&%& ! * * !+8*! ! &* '8+!& ! &% 3,094 ' '.7+&!) (&%& ! ''!&8:!+87.. * E6%-&* = & 10 &%!, ! &% 4/1"/12 23 E6%-& '*!&&! & &% NNDB & &% *+!.''&7!&: ! * ! & & * SCR 105 %. ''8 &%) &%! &% 8.*

&% !+* +. &% H88, @7. L G.!!8: & !+87.. *7+% ! &% 8. &% H8* !+ ( -&! 3,094 ' -&* 2#022#93 * rieance (ile F,12-04&5 G Z.

Coughlin' =#H. G "udge $orthy :#ic< ,a#h )olme#' %+% !+87.* & -&* 2#1= R@C @7.+8S+&: L T!*!.>* 4/11/12 8 & ! +!&!! .+7!&* RCR20110"3341 (@7.S) !. RCR20120"5"30 (@7. C8&!) R@C C% C8 C8< &8. C7%8! @7. C8&!&8. % !& & *'!. & C7%8!>* 10/30/12 SCR 110 *7-'! !. *7-'! .7+* &+7*

2959  RMC Judge Nash Holmes' grievance letter to the SBN (why on earth such is placed in the

 folder for 9ill:s grievance other than !eing another attempt at o!fuscation !y "ing is


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not clear at all especially where what follows after this letter in the SBN's +)* !ates

 stamp production rather o!viously fails to evince %ust what was in that .!o/ of materials0 this &H1

23*234 letter to the SBN !y Judge Nash Holmes references as !eing included therewith where Judge

 &lanagan's 5246234 7rder follows immediately afterwards (ie such did not even e/ist to !e included

within .!o/ of materials0 as the time such 23*234 &H1 letter !y Holmes was written#

29"1 2@DC @7. L G.!>* 4/13/09 O. A& T8, FHE3 +' ;5< in ;15< o,

;.eceived ar 15 2*12<  & &% *!* (.&&);88, *%&, ! &% SBN *&'! *7+% L G.! 4/13/09 O. A& T8 (FHE3)

* +. ! 3/15/12, *7+% &% * !& +. !*& &% -6 &8* &%& H8*!+. ! FHE= * '.! & ! &% % 3/14/12 8&&, *7+% * !+87.. !. &% SBN>*! !. P&* &&'&. & 7.78!&8: *.+& * 8!! &%& @7. H8* *!+87.. *7+% FHE3 &%&%, , @7. H8* .. !& !+87.. *7+% FHE3 &%! &% -6 &8* ++'!:! % 3/14/12 8&& (! !&788: !.+&. ! %* 4/19/12 8 & C7%8!&%& % 7*&. +': *7+% . &% +8< +7& -! +78 !& & *'+: %+% +8< which court ! +. *7+% ! *'!* & !>* re$uesting such (%+% -!* 7' &%7*&! 7*& % ! -+ *7+% FHE3, !. +. *7+% ! *7+% +8* '6&:(3/15/12 +'. & 3/14/12 .&* +. *&'* ! FHE3 !. FHE=, *'+&8: & * !&

&% RMC !. @7. H8* % ! 8!. FHE3 (*7* FHE3 %! -!. & ! '7*7!& & C!! 2, R78 215 -: a %udge, 7+% 8** the %udge % '*.. the divorce case from which &H issued )

I! %+% +* RMC @7. H8* (% * +78 ! % *! &*&!: & . *7+%!7: * 7+% * '**-8) 7%& - . & 6'8! %: *% ''!&8: -*+!.. % NC@CC!! 2, R78 215 .7&: & '& ''!& 8: *+!.7+& & &% SBN, &% '''& 7&%&:! *7+% +*!. +&!8: &% *7*&! + 7' -: &% RMC @7.* H8*, G.!,H. (!. '**-8: D8&%) * '*!& &%!, % &% *7-*7!& .**! -: @7. ;G.!, 7'! C7%8! +! %* %!. .7! &% 4/10/12 &8 ! 2"50" G.! &&'&. & %8. !8&! NRS 1#=405 (!. ; G.!>* *&&!&* ! &% +. &% : &88! !. !.+&

+.!&. !& -&! ; G.! !. H8* &%& &% FHE3 . -: ; G.!>*  sister  78. !& - '.. & &% SBN -: RMC @7. H8* (* 88 * ; G.!>* !++7& ++7!&* %&% !: +'&!+: **7* !+. ! &% .* -: @7. H8* C7%8! '7& & % &*7+% '!& (88:, ; G.! * &&88: ! & &%7% &% &% &8 ! 4/10/12, 7!&8 C7%8!!88: +!. L* & .*'8:! * *-8!+ '**!8* (& .* !& + *: &&%) !. % C7%8!>* +**6!&! ; G.! *78&. ! G.! -+! &87*&. & ., %7'!, &% &%! +!! &% NRS 1#=405 .7&* &&!.!& & @7.H8* 3/12/12 O. *7*'!.! &% &8 ! 2"=00 !. H8* FHE= 8&& & &% SBN (-&% %+% !+ C7%8!>* 88. +'&!+: **7*, !&8 !*&-8&:, !. .+'!*&!),; G.! &% '**. %* *7*'!.! &% &8 4/10/12 (-7& !8: & %, L*, !. RCA

H8&&S&!* & * &! < ..**., &+, +8 +': *7+% &8 .& 4/10/12 !2"405 - ; G.! 8-8 % (!. *7+% * '.. & -&% &% SBN !. P!8 ' & &%11/14/12 8 %!$ %&&'$//:7&7-+/&+%P615+   A8*, * 8 -! &*& - % ! &% +8 7. &% RMC &% 5/=/12 %! ! &%& * 2"405 +!8&*'** +*$ %&&'$//:7&7-+/&+%S;#"+M7<P+  ) * -! ! *'!* & *&%!&% &%! 88 &% +!* @7. H8*> -%!. &% *+!* +%!&!* '7& ; G.! !

A +8* +!*.&! %& &% SBN '8+. ! &% H88 !+ 8 !. %: 7&% .&8*&% SBN>* 7.$2955301# rieance (ile F,12-0204 G Zachary Coughlin G ichard )ill' =#H.


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295" C': !8' USPS C&. M8 K #010 2#=0 0003 5429 "5#= SBN *!& &C7%8! ! 3/1"/12 (% FHE" & &% 2/13/13 ROA -: &% SBN & ROA 1##9

.!*&&* !>* 8&& & C7%8! !+! !+ -: H88 * '7'&.8: 8. !2/14/12) &% USPS :88 *&+< D7"FE '.H7.! '. .E(IEH  .&. 3/31/12 (, &%** ! -7* &&'& & *.+&! -: ! % *7+% 3/1"/12 USPS C&. M8! +*'!.*&% &% &% H8* !+ ! 0434 &% L G.! !+ ! 0435, -&%, % '&%& &% SBN <! *7+% * !& .8. & &% SBN * : '-8&+ & !>* 88&! &%&C7%8! 8&. RPC =1 D*+'8!: M&&* * & &% &% H8* L G.!!+*! '8+! &%* !8' % (!& &% USPS :88 *&+< +-&* C7%8!>*++7!&* *'+&! &% !&!+ &% %* 8 .7! *7+% '. &) '*!&* 7.78!&&&'& & -7*+& &&*295= 3/1"/12 8&& SBN ! & C7%8! .! *8 !+* ..8: '8+.

&% Hill's !+ 8 %! 3/1"/12 8&& !+* @7*&+ C7& (The ,,ice o,

 "ar &ounsel has received several grievances concerning your conduct as a lawyer+ he grievances

include supporting evidence in the ,or- o, audio o, your conduct in court proceedings and copies

o, pleadings and docu-ents prepared and ,iled by you in %ustice and !istrict &ourt  *7+% '7'&.3/1"/12 8&& & C7%8! ! .*) (*, &%, !, 8< &% &% @7. L G.!

!+ ! NG120435, * +7%& 8:! ! ! **&! *7''&! .!+ !+* &%OBC +. +!**&! C7%8!>* 8! ! @7*&+ !. D*&+& C7& (! ! -7* &&'&& 6&!. &% *+' %* %& '+ -:!. 7*& H88 !. &% RMC) S7+% '*!&* &% 6&!& & %+%! +!*&!&8: &. & +%+& * %! -! +. ! &% !+ &%& %+%! %*8 7*&. &% R@C>* @7.+8 S+&: L T!*!., !. %+% *78&.!T!*!.>* 4/11/12 8 & !,

T88!8:, ! 8* & !+87. *7+% R@C @7.+8 S+&: T!*!.>* 8 & ! (%+%! &%! &&'&. & '** * !+ +. @7*&+ C7& 7., ''!&8:, !!>* *! &*&!: & &% 1/4/13 ;<'8+ H**!& TPO 6&!*! %! ! RCP2012000"99C88:, ! *<* & -87 &% 8!* -&! - +7!*8 < '.7+& !. !+*

+.  Judges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

@7. ; G.! !. D4 * @7. H.) @7. ! H., D'&!& 4, %. +* ! MC7%8! 8& 8*& : &%& * ! ! ''8 & &% S+!. @7.+8 D*&+& C7& @7. B88 G.!,D'&!& 2, 8* %* && +7!&8: '!.! ! %* +7& &% M C7%8! * &% .!.!& I% !+8*. * +'* .+7!&* &%* &&*, ! +%!8+8 ., *'8: -+7*&%: '' & .!*&& &%& % * 7+<8: .+'!*&! ! %* !&8 *&&7* O7 *& 8* .:7 * 7. &'* C7%8! %!* ! D'&!&* 2 !. 4 * :7 +! % :7*8 %&%* &&!: +&* ! +7&) +.* &% 7*&* &8* &%& ! . & 88 &% 7* 7.*, 7.+8 ***&!&*, 7.+8 *+&*, !. +8<* (, R@C @7.+8 S+&:>* T!*!.>*4/11/12 8 & ! +&!8: 8* & + +** * &% *& +*'!.!+ +7!+&!


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rieance (ile F,12-04&5 G Z.

Coughlin' =#H. G "udge $orthy :#ic< ,a#h )olme#' %+% !+87.* & -&* 2#1= R@C @7.+8S+&: L T!*!.>* 4/11/12 8 & ! +!&!! .+7!&* RCR20110"3341 (@7.S) !. RCR20120"5"30 (@7. C8&!) R@C C% C8 C8< &8. C7%8! @7. C8&!&8. % !& & *'!. & C7%8!>* 10/30/12 SCR 110 *7-'! !. *7-'! .7+* &+7*

2959  RMC Judge Nash Holmes' grievance letter to the SBN (why on earth such is placed in the

 folder for 9ill:s grievance other than !eing another attempt at o!fuscation !y "ing is

not clear at all especially where what follows after this letter in the SBN's +)* !ates

 stamp production rather o!viously fails to evince %ust what was in that .!o/ of materials0 this &H123*234 letter to the SBN !y Judge Nash Holmes references as !eing included therewith where Judge

 &lanagan's 5246234 7rder follows immediately afterwards (ie such did not even e/ist to !e included

within .!o/ of materials0 as the time such 23*234 &H1 letter !y Holmes was written#

29"1 2@DC @7. L G.!>* 4/13/09 O. A& T8, FHE3 +' ;5< in ;15< o,

;.eceived ar 15 2*12<  & &% *!* (.&&)

C88:, @7. H8* !. &% SBN>* ! + &% * *+%8 !7+&7! &%''!+ &% 7& &%* (FHE=$ T% ++'!:! -6 &8* .!*&&* * &% '-8* &% &% '+&+ &%* &&!: being experienced by -ysel, and the other three Budges

in .eno unicipal &ourt >ou will have the ,ull cooperation o, -ysel,0 the other Budges0 and thesta,, o, .eno unicipal &ourt in your pursuit o, this -atter  M C7%8! %* '*&!. %*8 * 6&7* 8&!& ! 7 +7&, !&!! &% *& and even our pro te-p Budges ! &% *& *'8&+ !. *.! &&*), +-!! &%& &% +!**&!&8: &&'&! & -7*+& %&+ *&, &% 7*& !&!, 8!*, &% &8* A**& B C7!*8 ! !. &%SBN, * !.'!.!&, 87!&:, NC@C C!! 2, R78 215 8 -: a %udge (*7* -: *'8: +7& % * !& 7.) (FHE=  I apologiCe ,or ta?ing two days to get this pac?age to

 you... & @7. H8* & ! (!.+&! ! 7*&. *% !. &% RMC '. *7+%&8* &% &%! H8* !. &% RMC . * !.'!.!& &%)

H, !, H8* .. !& !+87.. &% FHE3 2@DC @7. L G.! O. &%& *%

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;<'8+ H**!& TPO !. EPO 88. (++7*! C7%8! 8&! *7+% -: *7-&&!.+7!&* 8! &% &% C8< C7& &% SBN ! &%! '!.! &&* 7+% .7 '+**, %7% T%* ''8 %78&! &% S&& B N. !. &% N. S7' C7& !&% '+** &%* * ! 7+% 8!) * & %* 8. +< & &% A&&!: G!8>* O+,+7!& SBN A**& B C7!*8 ! (% &&'&. & & ;! & '. % C7%8!>* +!8%*&: (* 3,094>* -&* 2#23 8 4/10/12 & SBN RCA D! ;! .! SBN 88 -7!-8 & & C7%8!>* +!8 %*&: (P!! C8&, &+)) @7. D8&% ''!&8: .+..(-:!. &% .+*! &%& & 8*& &% ''!+ ''&: !. -* +88. *7+% +7*8) &%&&%* * RMC @7. ; G.!, @7. H8*, !. 2@DC @7. L G.!>* ** !. &%: +78..8 &% & &%*8*, &%!< :7 : 7+%

FHE=, @7. H8*> 3/14/12 8&& & &% SBN .*$@7. N*% H8*> 3/14/12 !+ & - +7!*8 .*$

R$ +%: B< C7%8!, N. B N 94#3

D M C8<$T%* 8&& +!*&&7&* 8 +'8!& &&!: *+!.7+& !./ .*-8&: !*&

+%: B< C7%8! T% ++'!:! -6 &8* .!*&&* * &% '-8* &% &% '+&+ &%* &&!: -! 6'!+. -: :*8 !. &% &% &% 7.* ! R! M7!+'8 C7& M: & *& +!& O.* ! %& *%78. - *'8 &++&&! +* *86'8!&: !. !+87.., &&% &% +'* ** .+7!&*M C7%8! %* 68. & 7 +7& ! &%* +* A7. +.!* & : %!* !&%* && 8* !+87.. H 8. & '' &% *+!. ! &%* '*& M!.:

I % !&% &+ +* '!.! &8 &% % &%& * **!. & -*. ! 7D'&!& I 7. -! 7& *7: ; % 78&'8 ..*** M C7%8! !. +!>&* & 8+& % -&! +** : *8: ; *&&! &%& +* &8 !. &&'&! &* % & &% *& +!& ..** % (1422 E 9&% S& K2 R! N =9512), 8&%7% I

%. &.: % : - 8! ! %* %+8 *% ; . % ! ..** %* &%,%, * *% +!&8: '*&. '& ! %

@7. ! H., D'&!& 4, %. +* ! M C7%8! 8& 8*& : &%& * ! !''8 & &% S+!. @7.+8 D*&+& C7& @7. B88 G.!, D'&!& 2, 8* %* &&+7!&8: '!.! ! %* +7& &% M C7%8! * &% .!.!& I % !+8*. * +'* .+7!&* &%* &&*, ! +%!8+8 ., *'8: -+7* &%: '' & .!*&&&%& % * 7+<8: .+'!*&! ! %* !&8 *&&7* O7 *& 8* . :7 * 7. &'* C7%8! ! D'&!&* 2 !. 4 * :7 +! % :7*8 % &%* &&!: +&* ! +7&7 +! * %* -% ! : &+ +&&! +* .* !& '' & - ! *8&. !+.!&

 It is -y understanding that .eno %ustice &ourt also has a -atter pending on this

attorney M: @7.+8 A***&!& * +!&+&. -: &% ;*% P7-8+ D!. ! F-7: %! I%. M C7%8! 8. C!&'& C7& !. &%: *&&. &%& &%: '*!& % ! G**M*.! && ! R@C I % ! &% !&! ! &%&

7 88 % &% 788 +'&! :*8, &% &% 7.*, !. &% *& R!M7!+'8 C7& ! :7 '7*7& &%* && M C7%8! %* '*&!. %*8 * 6&7* 8&!& ! 7 +7&, !&!! &% *& !. ! 7 ' &' 7.* ! &% *&*'8 &+ !. *.! &&* I . &%!< &%* * +* * 7!+:, !. I apologiCe

 ,or ta?ing two days to get this pac?age to you? 7 IT '*! * 88 !. +78. !& < &%+'* &% 7.* M C7%8!>* %!* 7!&8 &.:, !. I ,elt it was i-portant that the


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audios be included in the -aterials to be considered  -: &% S&& B O! F-7: 2#, 2012, MC7%8! &8. % * +&8: '+&+! 8 !. %. ''!&!&* &% +8!&* I . !&<! &%& * &7, -7& *, % +78. - +7*! *7* % & &% '+&+ 8 ! N&%! N. !. +78. - '.! *!>* . ''&: !&*&*

/*/ @7. D&%: N*% H8*, R! M7!+'8 C7& E!+8*

, course0 its very cute ,or King to then place i--ediately therea,ter in the ,older

indenti,ied as the =12)*2*40 ;.ichard =+ 9ill0 EsA+ =rievance 'ile< 2%!& %udge 'lanagan:s

6/25/12 rder '9E28

29#5 62512 @rder by 2"$C "udge (lanagan in CV11-0&628 :()=2< 42,0"5 &&!: . (NOT A SANCTION, &% '8! '&: &&!:>* . -*. 7'!

*''8+&! NRS "9050, %+% ''8* !8: & 7.!&*, !& *7: +&! .*, !.% NRS 40400 <* 7& +8 &%& NRAP ''8* & ''8* *7: +&! .* T%!8: -** ! &&!: . ! NRAP * NRAP 3=, %+% 7* !.! *!+&!-8+!.7+& &% **7!+ !: *7+% &&!:>* . A* *7+%, % 2@DC @7. F8!!>*=/2=/12 O. ! C1103"2= <* 6'8+&8: +8 &%& %* "/25/12 O. (FHE2) * !& *!+&!,

!. % ! %*8 *!& C7%8! 8&& &% +': *7+% =/2=/12 O.)

29#9 SBN B C7!*8 C8< .* ! &oughlin:s 1/23/12 sel, report o, conviction !"0=3= & ! !. P&*

29=1 ()=7 Coughlin# &912 %a; to *+, reg 21412 letter %rom Ding only receied on

&912,  eHue#ting all corre#ondence be coied ia email and %a; due to ob#truction

o% Coughlin# mail :/hich' o% cour#e' Ding' Peter#' and the *+, %ail to do...#o much

%or that *@C= rogram' huhI< :()=7<

298& *+, Ding# 21412 letter to Coughlin :()=6<

29=4 *+, Ding# letter to )ill regarding grieance )ill urortedly emailed to Ding,+' & &% 8&& ! *!& C7%8! 7*! & !*&& C7%8!>* !+*!*& RMC .!. L* !. ;CPD D!

29=5 !>* 8 & C8< !. P&* .&8! :7&7- . =/20/11 RPD *+!.7+& !!78 *& C7%8! & **7 ! R@C RCR20110"3341 +!&!! H88>* .& ! C7%8!>* 8 & ;CSO, ;CPD, RCA, H88>* **+& B<, &+ 2/10/12 .&8! B< !. ;CSO D'7&: M+%!>* -78: 11/1/11 ! R2011001#0=, C1103"2= & 121 R R+<

3004 C7%8!>* 1/14/12 O''*&! & M&! A&&!: F* ! C1103"2= .&8!H88>* *+!.7+& !+.!& & C7%8!>* 1/12/12 :8<! *& ! !& 121 RR+< % 8 + (NOTE$ &%* * !& ! &% !+8*7* !+. !

&% 88! ' 8 H88 & ! 1/14/12, %+% 8* & % !: *7+% !+8*7*!+87.. &%&

3013301# H88>* 1/14/12 8 & !, ' !+, 7!*!., 7!*! (!&*&!8:, &%H88 8. & 88: !+87. *7+% .*+8*7* ! 6+*. *7+%, !'''&8:, &%* 3,094 SCR 105(2)(+) '.7+&! 11/#/12, +7*! 7+% '7.+ &C7%8!>* .!*

301=3043 rieance (ile F,12-04&4 G Zachary Coughlin G "udge inda ardner

3019 3043 '7'&. '!&7& 3/15/12 .! '*+7&8 *+!.7+& ! 7* *&&**7* &% %&&'$//+%+7%8!*.'**+&% %. &%& .* P 1 1094 !. *&'. FI *!8: *7''*.


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! &% *& ' (NOTE$ !&%! & !.+& !:&%! * +. 2@DC @7. LG.!)

3044 Zach Coughlin 111 Petition

304= C7%8!>* ''8+&! 88 .!. !. 10/2#/11 RMC @7. H. O.D!:! L8 D!. 

3050 RCA P8 R-&*, E* O''*&! & M&! N T8 12/21/11 ! 11 CR221#" ("0=3=) (NOTE$ 8+<* &% +&78 6%-&* & *7+% &!, !. !*&. **8.!8: 88. -: &% E6%-&* & !>* 10/15/11 SCR 111(4) P&&! ! "1901

3055 E6%-& 1 & !>* SCR 111(4) P&&! ! "190130"5 SCR 111(4) P&&! ! "1901 10/15/1230## "0=3= O. T': S7*'!*! !. R8 & D*+'8!: B. "/#/1230=0 SCR 111(") P&&! ! "0=3=3091 5/=/12 *&'. USPS D*&+ R&7! R+'& PS F 3=11 "0=3= C&. M8!

#010 2#=0 0003 5429 "#52