Page 1: 10days, 10ways - emo · PDF filewhen to do each activity and how to do ... balloon you signify to the Universe that you are handing over that ... Forgiveness is one of the most powerful

To Transform



Page 2: 10days, 10ways - emo · PDF filewhen to do each activity and how to do ... balloon you signify to the Universe that you are handing over that ... Forgiveness is one of the most powerful

Life is about growth. It is the most natural of cycles. In this life, we are born, we grow, we learn, we change, we transform. It is a continual cycle – every cell in our body is constantly transforming. Our energy body is constantly transforming.

We are living breathing thriving beings. And much of this transformation occurs without our conscious awareness.

And yet, way to often, in our conscious awareness we feel that we are not growing or trans-forming. We feel stuck and cannot move to where we see ourselves going. Stagnation sets in and we move through the motions of life. Wake, eat, work, eat, work, sleep – repeat.

This is existing. This is not truly living.

I believe that we have been gifted with life to make the most of the experience and have the fullest experience possible, including being the fullest version of our SELF possible.

My work in this life, is to guide people to become the fullest version of their SELF. To guide them through the transformation process and bring them back to who they really are. Their truth and the person that they are called to be in this life.

If you are reading this, in some way you have heard your calling to transform to move from a place of stagnation and take your SELF and your experience to another level.


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10 Days, 10 Ways To Transform has been designed to introduce you to the transformation experience, and how the use of simple techniques, can connect you with, and begin the movement of stagnant emotional energy. When combined with commitment and consis-tency, these techniques will create a profound impact on you and your life in as little as 10 days.

In honouring your emotions and working with them on a daily basis, the gentle yet powerful flow of emotional energy is activated, releasing those which no longer serve and creating space for more of how you desire to feel in this life.

It is my honour to guide you in this transformative experience.

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Each day there are the same 10 activities for you to use. I have provided guidance on when to do each activity and how to do them, but it really is up to you how much you give this experience.

The more energy you give to this experience, through your intention and commitment, the more you will receive from this transformative process.

It is recommended that you allocate at 30-60 minutes each morning to set yourself up for the day. And another 30 minutes before you go to sleep each night.

Where focus goes energy flows

The more you give the more you receive

How To Use This Guide

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01Before beginning your experience, I recommend buying a new book to complete your morning journaling. First thing in the morning, start writing, allowing the words to flow from you, bringing through the subconscious self onto your pages.

In the stillness of the early morning, and before your mind becomes actively engaged in the day, allow your inner SELF to connect with you and share her wisdom and guidance. Ask questions and ponder and release whatever you are holding on to.

Pretend you are writing a letter to your best friend and she is writing back to you at the same time. Allow her to speak to you through your writing. Do not think, just flow. And write for as long as it is flowing from you.


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02As you hold another (person or animal) feel love or in your mind’s eye, see yourself with another and feel the love you have for them. Or take yourself in your mind’s eye to a place where you feel complete love just being present in this place.

Connect to THAT feeling and hold onto that feeling for 5-10 minutes. Practice reconnecting to this feeling throughout the day.

Be IN Love

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03Our intentions are powerful. What we think we create. In clearly setting an intention of how you desire to feel for the day, you are creating that thought, that vibration and the Universe will respond to that vibration. Be very clear in your intention but do not attach an expecta-tion around how you feeling this way will look.

Surrender that to the Universe.


04Before you move into your day, cleanse your physical body by showering and washing away the remnants of your sleep and awaken your energy to a new day. Set the intention that you cleanse your energetic body and release energetic debris from your sleep that are causing stagnation in your energy body.

Drinking lemon juice in hot water, before eating or drinking anything else, cleanses both your physical and energetic body. As you drink, be very clear with your intention, that you are releasing that which no longer serves you and you welcome in whatever your intention is for the day.


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05Prior to beginning your experience, buy a packet of balloons and always have them handy. Maybe even put a couple in your handbag. When you feel emotions stirring that are mak-ing you feel uncomfortable, simply take a balloon and as you blow up the balloon, hold the intention that you are releasing the emotions that no longer serve you. As you tie the knot, you are securing this redundant emotional energy within the balloon and as you pop the balloon you signify to the Universe that you are handing over that energy to it to be taken care of.

Use this simple technique at any time during the day when you feel emotionally blocked or before bed to release any residual stagnant emotional energy.

Emotion Release

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06When you do the things that you love to do, those that make you feel good, then you raise your vibration. And when you move through the day with a higher vibration you are in a more potent position to transmit positive energy to others and to draw positive people and experiences into your life.

Whether it be as simple as a cup of tea in the sunshine; a walk on the beach; a bath; a massage; a date with a friend; a lounge and a good book, gift yourself, the time each day to fill your cup and in turn raise your vibes.

Fill Your Cup

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07Pop on your favourite playlist and let your body move to the music. It may be through dance, it may be through walking, running, yoga. Whatever it is, the power of music com-bined with movement, creates a dynamic flow within the energy body, transforming stag-nant energy into flowing energy. As you move, hold the intention, that you release that which no longer serves you and invite into your energy body, how you desire to feel. Let these emotions infuse themselves within your energy body as you move to the music.

Dance / Music / Move

08Forgiveness is one of the most powerful keys to transformation. Whilst you are still holding negative emotions towards yourself or another, you are being held in the story and the energy attached to that memory. In opening yourself to forgiving yourself or another, you allow the energy attached to the story to be balanced and while the memory remains, the emotion attached to it is transformed, from one which lowers your vibration to one which raises your vibration.

In this activity, you simply allow your conscious and subconscious self to release the pain that you are holding in not forgiving. Simply start by writing ‘I forgive myself for’ and allow the words to flow from you. Take as long as you need until you feel clear or complete. There may be more on other days, so continue to do this daily. There are alternate days for for-giving self or for forgiving others. Trust that the person who first comes to mind on those days when you are to forgive another, is the person you are being called to forgive.


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09In this simple activity, you are allowing yourself to see yourself as the amazing being that you are. Each day using the prompt ‘I am amazing because….’ list all the ways that you are amazing. Allow the words to flow from you and your inner SELF to remind you of your magnificence.

Over the course of the 10 days, you will add to the depth of this technique by reciting the words you have written into a mirror. Looking deeply into your soul self and expressing your love for your SELF.

Self Love

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10Each day, you are called to sit in gratitude and feel, not simply think, about what you are grateful for. In writing your gratitude list, you are encouraged to feel into the emotion of gratitude and as you recall all your blessings, allow yourself to sink into the feeling of grati-tude.

The more you experience the vibration of gratitude the more familiar you are with that feel-ing as you move through each day. In consciously choosing to sit in gratitude each day, you open yourself to being more present in your life and more connected to the Divine support of the Universe that is being gifted to you each day.


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01Day Start now and choose simple

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.

Todays affirmation: “I am

“Today I choose to feel “.


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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Self

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive myself for:

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09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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02Day She who lives fearlessly

flies freely

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.

“I am



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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Self

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive myself for:

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09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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03Day Forgiveness unlocks your

wings so you may fly free

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.

“I am



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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Self

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive myself for:

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Today, look at yourself in mirror and while staring into your eyes, recite everything written down for last three days about why you are amazing.

09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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04Day Now, is however you

choose it to be.

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.

“I am



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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Other

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive for:

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Today, look at yourself in mirror and while staring into your eyes, recite everything written down for last four days about why you are amazing.

09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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05Day As she gently opened she

was reborn

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.

“I am



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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Other

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive for:

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Record on video everything written down for last 5 days and then watch the video back.

09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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06Day Change is possible if you

believe in the power of your intention

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.


Todays affirmation: “I am “.

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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Other

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive for:

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Re-watch ‘I’m amazing video Day 1-5’.

09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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07Day Gratitude is a choice in how you

perceive the world.You choose peace or struggle.

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.


Todays affirmation: “I am “.

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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Self

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive myself for:

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Recite into mirror and watch video.

09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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08Day With gratitude

everything is enough

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.


Todays affirmation: “I am “.

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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Self

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive myself for:

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Recite into mirror and watch video.

09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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09Day Surrender to not

knowing and trust in what is

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.


Todays affirmation: “I am “.

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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Other

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive for:

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Recite into mirror and watch video.

09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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10Day Look with eyes of wonder at the

world and feel the love in all that is surrounding you.

01. Journal

02. Be IN Love

03. Set Intention

04. Cleanse

05. Emotion Release

“Today I choose to feel

Blow Up Balloon, holding the intention:“I lovingly release these emotions that no longer serve me.”

Pop Balloon, voicing the intention:“I hand over this energy with gratitude for what it has taught me, to the Universe to be taken care of and I return to my true self.”

On showering and drinking lemon juice, voice your intention: “Today I cleanse that which no longer serves me and I welcomeinto my energetic body”.

“I am



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06. Fill Your Cup To Raise Your Vibe

07. Dance / Music / Move

08. Forgiveness For Other

Do something for no other reason than it makes you feel good.

Listen to your playlist and move.

I forgive for:

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Recite into mirror and watch video.

09. Self-Love

10. Gratitude

I am amazing because:

I am grateful for:

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Congratulations on completing your 10 Day Transformation. Your commitment to this experience is reflected in the change that you are feeling within yourself. The powerful shifts that you have activated in your emotional energy, has opened a door for your emotional energy to flow and your healing and growth to expand.

This is just your beginning.

I thank you for trusting me to guide you on this transformative experience. I encour-age you to continue to follow the daily rituals that you have established. The more consistently you complete these activities, the stronger your connection to your inner SELF will become and the more you will experience transformation in your life, within your SELF and in your journey back to who you really are.

I believe in the power of who you truly are and know she is waiting for you. I wish you well on your journey home to her.

Thank you Bernadette

Thank you...

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My transformations since working with Bernadette have been profound on so many levels. I have seen changes in everything from my health, my outlook on life, my relationship with my husband and a much deeper connection to my children. I can only attribute this to feeling so much more emotionally balanced within myself. I feel calmer and more positive about myself and life and this flows through in my relationships. Bernadette has taught me so many simple techniques that I use each day to keep me in a balanced state. And even on those days when it doesn’t come together and I find myself a bit off, I know what I need to do and that I can start afresh tomorrow.

Bernadette has been my little secret weapon that has guided me back to who I wanted to be. I feel more me than I have in decades. Jump into Bernadette’s programs because I guarantee you too will feel the changes. She’s a little bit of magic and a whole lot of heart.

Sabrina, Life Coach

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Emotional Energy Exchange

Transforming Your DayTransforming Your Life

Transforming You

Bringing You Back ToWho You Really Are

Emotional Energy Exchange – Bernadette O’Connor


Bernadette O’Connor