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Question 1: Bryophytes are:1. the most ancient land plants.2. All of the options are correct. 3. Plants with a life cycle dominated by the gametophyte.

4. Mosses, liverworts and hornworts.Question 2:

hich of the following statements abo!t a moss sporophyte isINCORRECT "1. #he sporophyte is a diploid $ygote. %

2. #he sporophyte is part of the antheridia. % 3. #he caps!le of the sporophyte contains sporocytes that !ndergo

meiosis to prod!ce haploid spores.4. The sporophyte is partially parasitic.

Question 3: &ispersal of bryophyte spores is aided by:1. 'n e%plosion of the caps!le in response to warmth from the s!n.2. ind blowing spores after release of spores at night.3. Changes in peristo e shape in response to hu i!ity releasingspores out of the capsule. 4. (nsect pollination.

Question ": )erns:1. *ave a dominant sporophyte.2. are homosporo!s.3. All the options are correct. 4. have a well+developed vasc!lar system incl!ding %ylem and

phloem- for water and n!trient sampling within the plant.

Question #: #he prothall!s of a fern is:1. a heart$shape! ga etophyte. 2. a free+living mat!re sporophyte.3. a cl!ster of sporangia.4. parasitic on the gametophyte.

Question %: #he sperm of gymnosperms is:

1. itho!t a flagella. 2. *omosporo!s.

3. &ispersed by insects.4. &or e! in the larger ale cone.

Question ': hen comparing e!dicots and monocots, which of the followingstatements is CORRECT "1. Monocots have one cotyledon while e!dicots have threecotyledons.2. Monocots have flower parts in fives, while e!dicots have flower

parts in fo!rs.

3. (ascular )un!les of onocots are close! an! scattere! throughthe ste *hile +ascular )un!les of eu!icots are open an! arearrange! in a ring for ation.

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4. Monocots have peg roots while e!dicots have tap roots.

Question ,:hich of the following is NOT a !nifying feat!re or characteristic of

angiosperms"1. Angiosper s ha+e a !istinct lifecycle *ith an e-ten!e! haploi!

phase. e%tended diploid stage

2. 'ngiosperms have a red!ction of the gametophyte phase in theirlifecycle.3. 'ngiosperms have seeds in a protective str!ct!re which are borne

in fr!it.4. 'ngiosperms have specialised reprod!ctive str!ct!res called


Question :hich of the following statements abo!t female flower parts is /0#

correct"1. #he female parts of the flower are the ovary, stigma and style.

2. The petals for the corolla *hich is the outer ost part of thefe ale flo*er co ponents.3.#he female parts of the flower are also collectively nown as thegynoeci!m.4.#he female component of flowers is nown as the carpel and this isthe inner part of the flower.

Question 1/:hich of the following statements abo!t male flower parts is0 #"

1. #he male parts of the flower are collectively nown as theandroeci!m.

2.#he anther or pollen bo%- forms the fr!it after fertilisation.3.#he male parts of the flower are the stamen, anther, filament,receptacle and sepal.4.All the options are correct.

5!estion 11: *ypogyno!s flowers have: 1. an inferior ovary with a c!p+shaped receptacle. % inferior ovary with a flat receptacle. %3.a superior o+ary an! flat receptacle.4. a c!p+shaped receptacle that is not f!sed to the ovary. % epigeo!s

Question 12: (n angiosperms, the microspore develops into:1. the embryo sac.2. the tapet!m.3. the megaspore.4. the ale ga etophyte.

Question 13: Pollen prod!ction:1. ta es place in the stigma.2. stim!lates growth of the pollen t!be.3. ta es place in the pollen t!be which prod!ces the pollen grain wall.4. ta0es place in the anther.

Question 1": #he o!termost coat of the pollen grain is called the:

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1. tapet!m.2. pollen coat.3. e-ine .4. e%ospora.

Question 1#: )ertilisation of the egg cell triggers:

1. seed formation.2. fr!it prod!ction.3. en!osper !e+elop ent.

4. embryo germination.

Question 1%: 0nce the seed is formed, which of the following is NOT tr!e"1. #he seed contains ad!lt leaves folded within the thic ened ov!lewalls.2. #he stem within the seed has two meristems, root and shoot.3. #he seed dries o!t and enters a dormant phase ready for dispersal.4. #he seed contains one or two cotyledons on a stem a%is.

Question 1': ' fr!it is:1. a non+mat!re ovary.2. a dry and s!cc!lent organ which attracts herbivores.3. a gro!p of ovaries which contains ov!les.4. a ature o+ary *hich contains see!s.

Question 1,:hich is the CORRECT statement regarding the two patterns of seed

germination"1. epigeo!s, where the cotyledons remain in the soil and hypogeo!s,

where the cotyledons are carried above the gro!nd2. hydrogermination, where the seed is stim!lated by water and

thermogermination, where the seed is stim!lated by warmth3. geotropism, where the root grows downwards towards the centre

of the arth and thigmotropism, where the root grows toavoid gravel and large particles in the soil4. epigeous *here the cotyle!ons are carrie! a)o+e the groun!an! hypogeous *here the cotyle!ons re ain in the soil

Question 1 : hich of the following is NOT tr!e of a plant6s breeding system"

1. ' breeding system involves a range of genetically controlledmorphological and physiological mechanisms in a plant.

2. Breeding systems reg!late the degree of cross+ and self+fertilisation in a species or pop!lation.

3. Breeding systems are important for plant pop!lation dynamics beca!se plants are sessile and most angiosperms arehermaphrodites.

4. ree!ing syste s fa+our hy)ri!isation of species as a for ofout$)ree!ing.

Question 2/: (n angiosperms, a!togamy is the condition where:1. genetically !ifferent plants inter)ree! .2. reprod!ction is vegetative, no seeds are prod!ced.3. self+fertilisation or inbreeding occ!rs.

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7 8(0/ 393 ;3<< 3. B(08 ( 1=24. seeds are formed ase%!ally.

Question 21: 8elf+incompatibility is:1. the ina)ility of a plant to set see! *hen pollinate! )y its o*npollen. """""

2. a plant6s inability to prod!ce pollen.

3. a recognition reaction between the stigma or style and anther thatidentifies the male genotype .4.a plant6s inability to prod!ce flowers and fr!it at the same time.

Question 22:Plants with separate male and female flowers on the same individ!alare called:1. dioecio!s.2. hermaphrodites.3. gametophytic.4. onoecious.

Question 23: 'ngiosperms provide most ma>or crop species. hich of the followingstatements abo!t angiosperm crops is INCORRECT "1. 'gric!lt!re began independently in different parts of the world.2. &omestication of crops involved selecting and breeding m!tants

with desirable characteristics.3. 'gric!lt!re probably began abo!t 1=+12 tho!sand years before

present.4. 'gric!lt!re is dominated by species which originate from the

wettest parts of the world.

Question 2": #he ?beans on toast6 families are:1. &a)aceae an! in0oaceae. 2. 7iolaceae and Proteaceae.3. 'steraceae and Proteaceae. Poaceae

and )abaceae.

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Question 2#: leistogamy involves:1. auto atic self$pollination using non$opening flo*ers.

2. 'll the options are correct.2. flowers that are m!ch smaller than normal.

3. species that sometimes prod!ce !ndergro!nd flowers.Question 2%: (n a e!dicot stem, @@@@@@ is the gro!nd tiss!e e%ternal to the system

of vasc!lar strands and @@@@@@ is the gro!nd tiss!e internal to thesestrands.1. %ylemA phloem 2. corte%A pith 3. pith4 corte-4. %ylemA corte%

Question 2': @@@@@@ are types of tracheary elements.1. 7essel elements and %ylem parenchyma2. ylem fibres and tracheids

3. #racheids and %ylem parenchyma4. (essel ele ents an! trachei!s

Question 2,: 'lb!mino!s cells are tho!ght to have the same f!nction as:1. sie+e cells .2. companion cells.3. tracheids.4. vessel elements.

Question 2 : oot hairs are prod!ced in the:1. region of aturation. 2. region of cell division.3. !iescent centre.4. region of elongation.

Question 3/: 8!bstances moving thro!gh the root corte%:1. follo* )oth sy plastic an! apoplastic path*ays .2. follow an apoplastic pathway only.

3. follow a symplastic pathway only.4. are !nable to travel via cell walls.

Question 31:(n a woody root one metre in diameter, which tiss!e wo!ld NOT be

present"1. epi!er is2. secondary %ylem3. endodermis4. secondary phloem

Question 32: Cnli e 3 grasses, 4 grasses have leaves:1. witho!t Dran$ anatomy.2. with an interveinal distance of more than fo!r cells.


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3. *ith a esophyll an! )un!le$sheath cells in t*o concentriccircles.

4. with small b!ndle+sheath cells containing small chloroplasts.

Question 33: ompared with s!n leaves, shade leaves:

1. have a lower ratio of mesophyll s!rface area to leaf blade s!rfacearea.

2. are thic er. % 3. ha+e ore e-tensi+e +ascular syste s.

4. have thic er+walled epidermal cells. %

Question 3": Most tendrils are modified: 1. ste s .

2. roots.3. leaves.

4. b!ds.Question 3#:

hich of the following statements abo!t secondary growth is&A78E "1. (t is responsible for the increase in girth of a plant.2. Roots !o not un!ergo secon!ary gro*th.3. (t can occ!r sim!ltaneo!sly with primary growth.4. (t res!lts from the activity of the vasc!lar cambi!m and the cor


Question 3%:'ll the tiss!es o!tside the vasc!lar cambi!m are collectively nownas:1. pith.2. periderm.3. cor .4. )ar0.

Question 3': ' friend has discovered a new plant and brings it to yo! to classify.#he plant has the following characteristics: a taproot system withgrowth rings evident in cross section and a layer of bar aro!nd theo!tside. hich of the following best describes the new plant"1. herbaceo!s monocot2. *oo!y onocot 3. woody e!dicot4. herbaceo!s e!dicot

Question 3,: Cnli e the leaves of e!dicots and magnoliids, most monocot leaves:1. have a netted vein pattern.2. !ndergo secondary growth.3. ha+e parallel +ein pattern. 4. have veins arranged in branching pattern.

Question 3 : ' person wor ing with plants may remove apical dominance by doingwhich of the following"

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1. transplanting2. deep watering of roots3. pruning 4. fertilising

Question "/: hich of the following statements abo!t parenchyma cells is &A78E "1. They can only ha+e secon!ary cell *alls. 2. #hey are involved in secretion.3. #hey can !nderta e photosynthesis.4. #hey are capable of cell division.

Question "1: ' plant with helical phyllota%y has:1. one leaf per no!e arrange! spirally. 2. a dec!ssate leaf arrangement.3. one leaf per node, arranged in two opposite ran s.4. three or more leaves per node.

Question "2: hich of the following is NOT fo!nd in leaves"1. corte- an! en!o!er al cells 2. %ylem and phloem cells3. g!ard and s!bsidiary cells4. pallisade and spongy mesophyll

Question "3:hich part of a plant absorbs most of the water and minerals ta en !p

from the soil"1. the thic parts of the roots near the base of the stem2. storage roots3. root hairs 4. taproot

Question "":ells with !nevenly thic ened primary walls that s!pport still

elongating parts of the plant are"1. sclerenchyma2. collenchy a3. parenchyma4. tracheids

Question "#: hich of the following is a TR5E statement abo!t growth in plants"1. 0nly stems have secondary growth.2. 0nly primary growth is localised at meristems.3. 8o e plants lac0 secon!ary gro*th .4. 0nly secondary growth prod!ces reprod!ctive str!ct!res.

Question "%: *eartwood is different from sapwood, in that heartwood:

1. is fo!nd closer to the vasc!lar cambi!m. 8apwood is 2. has a lighter colo!r. 8apwood is lighter 3. is non$con!ucting.

4. contains living cells. &ead cells


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Question "': )!nctional phloem:1. is composed of primary tiss!e.2. is part of the inner bar .3. consists of living and dead sieve elements.4. functions pri arily to store foo!s.

Question ",: hen yo! eat broccoli, yo! are eating:1. a!%iliary b!ds.2. stems.3. blades.4.unopene! flo*ers.

Question " : ' so!rce leaf:1. is the yo!ngest leaf.

2. is in an alternate arrangement on the stem.

3. is the ol!est leaf.4. has a net e%cess of photosynthates.

Question #/: hat is the most commonly eaten plant cell"1. epidermis2. parenchy a 3. sclerenchyma4. sieve t!be element

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=2# ar0s> =Reco en!e! ti e: 3/ inutes>

Ans*er A77 ?uestions.

E1. Fist T<O feat!res of bryophytes that indicate they are the oldest gro!p of land plants. 2 mar s-

i- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

ii- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

E2. Fist T;REE feat!res of monocots that differentiate them from all otherangiosperms. 3 mar s-

i- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

ii- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

iii- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

E3. 'fter fertilisation of mosses, a $ygote is formed. (s this $ygote diploid or haploid"1 mar -


E4. #he moss sporophyte has three regions or parts. /ame each region. 3 mar s-

i- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

ii- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

iii- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

EE. Fist T<O similarities and ONE difference between bryophytes and ferns.3 mar s-

8imilarity 1@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

8imilarity 2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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7 8(0/ 393 ;3<< ;. B(08 ( 1=2



I.6. No.: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &ifference@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

E . )ill in the missing words to correctly complete the statements below.

)ern spores are prod!ced in the @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, thro!gh the process

of @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ . 8pores germinate to prod!ce the gametophyte.

Gametes prod!ced by the gametophyte are male and female. Male gametes are

formed in the @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, while female gametes are formed in the

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 2 mar s-

E9. omplete the following table tic ing the appropriate str!ct!re or tiss!e that isfo!nd in each of the main plant gro!ps. 2 mar s-

#a%on ylem and phloem

ood 8eeds )lowers




0a s

E<. hat is a perfect flower" 1mar -



E;. ' !ni !e feat!re of angiosperms is that they show do!ble fertilisation. )ill in themissing words to correctly complete the statements below.

E mar s-

a- #he first sperm f!ses with the @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ to give rise to the

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@.


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b- #he second sperm f!ses with the @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ to gi

to the@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.

c- hich sperm prod!ces the new plant"


=. &efine simple,aggregate and m!ltiple fr!its. Provide ane%ample of each.

3 mar s-

8imple @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


'ggregate @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


M!ltiple @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@



8;ORT AN8<ER Q5E8TION8 =2# ar0s> =Reco en!e! ti e: 3/ inutes>

Ans*er A77 ?uestions.

1. 'nswer the following !estions i to iv- on potatoes.

i- hich organ of the potato plant is eaten" 1 mar -


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I.6. No.: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ii- hen was the potato introd!ced into (reland, and why did it become s!ch a staple

of the (rish diet" 1 mar -



iii- hy did a dependence on the potato crop lead to a rapid decline in the (rish pop!lation in the mid 1;th cent!ry" 2 mar s-




iv- hat co!ntry is the largest prod!cer of potatoes in the world" 1 mar -


2. 'ddress the following !estions below to describe the Hs!gar triangleI.E mar s-

i- ho introd!ced s!garcane to the est (ndies and when did this occ!r"


ii- *ow many slaves were moved to the cane fields and what wastheir li elihood of s!rviving to old age"



iii- hat was shipped from ngland to est 'frica and for what p!rpose"


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iv- hat was shipped from the est (ndies to ngland and what p!rpose"



v- here did the second HtriangleI form and in what did this res!lt"



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3. a- &escribe T<O en$ymatic adaptations that have evolved to enhance thecarbon fi%ation steps of photosynthesis. 2 mar s-

i- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


ii- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


b- %plain why less secondary phloem than secondary %ylem acc!m!lates in thestem. 3 mar s-








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7 8(0/ 393 ;3<< 14. B(08 ( 1=2

CONTIN5E64. a- 8tate T<O classes of compo!nds that are transported thro!gh the phloem.2 mar s-

i- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

ii- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

b- 8tate the direction of phloem movement. 1 mar -


c- 8tate the definition of:

i- a so!rce leaf @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


ii- a sin leaf @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


2 mar s-

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Root hair


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CONTIN5E6E. /ame the $ones or tiss!es indicated by letters on the diagram of the root.E mar s-

a- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ e Vascular cylinder

b- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

c- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

d- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

e- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Root apical meristem


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7 8(0/ 393 ;3<< 1 . B(08 ( 1=2
