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101 Beliefs That Muck Up Your Money Mojo What type of money story do you have? Is it a fairy tale? Or more like a horror story? We all have a money story that acts as a filter for all of our interactions with money. Saving it. Spending it. Earning it. The truth is, your money story is not really yours. Unless you’ve done a lot of clearing of your inner beliefs and blocks about money, you are living one or both of your parents’ money stories. And this translates into struggle. Why do entrepreneurs struggle so much? It’s pretty simple. It’s all due to the programming we picked up as children. Those beliefs about money run through our nervous system, triggering the fight-flight-freeze response whenever we talk about, manage, look at, think about, save, spend or earn money. One of the biggest challenges for an entrepreneur is M-O-N-E-Y. This shows up in ways like:

$ Over giving $ Under charging $ Under valuing your services $ Discounting your worth, even at the time of sale

We’ve all been there. We’re all programmed for this, especially women. Including me. My Story: In 1999 I opened up my hypnotherapy/EFT practice. I followed all the rules about building a business: advertising in Yellow Pages and all the local metaphysical and alternative newspapers, putting up flyers in local stores, giving

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talks. I had a beautiful office in San Francisco. Clients trickled in and got great results. I was living my dream. Until it became the Undercharging nightmare – even as I was doing well I told one potential client to pay me what she thought it was worth. So she gave me $60. Looking back, I realize what she received was worth more like $6,000+. I fell further and further behind in my finances, and ended up using my savings and retirement fund until that day when I had to (gasp) go get a job. Even though I was using the Law of Attraction, and I had been working on money affirmations since the 80s, nothing was working. Over the next 10 years, I delved deeper, clearing layers and layers of beliefs about money. I took workshops with Carol Dore, studied Fredric Lehrman’s Prosperity Consciousness and Abraham-Hicks, delved into the Law of Attraction, Louise Hay, and Margaret Lynch’s Tapping into Wealth…going deeper and deeper. And, I TAPPED!! Since then, I have adopted a deeper understanding about my money story. That the horror story I lived by -- my beliefs, programming and emotions -- have held me back all my life, preventing my Money Mojo from attracting what I wanted. I’ve cleared so much! Tapping on those inner beliefs changed my money story. That has changed my life, and now I’m helping my clients change their lives, by changing their money stories. What is my take-away from all this? That we each have a money story. It’s our own private Money Mojo, and it can either attract or repel financial freedom. If it is “mucked up” with old beliefs then every time we look at, think about, spend, save or manage money, those beliefs are running the show. But don’t panic, there’s help for this! Your Money Mojo Self-Assessment You too can shift your relationship with money and change your money story. Below is a list of 101 common beliefs about money that can stop you in your tracks. These are divided up into three sections, and there’s an exercise at the end to help you identify the ones that trigger you along with instructions to start clearing them. The three sections are:

Beliefs about The Rich, & Money

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These are examples of beliefs that can block your ability to manifest money or hang on to it, really Mucking Up Your Money Mojo.

Examples: $ What are your first thoughts when you see an image of a

really wealthy person? $ Or wealthy TV reality stars? $ Or when you think about your savings account (or lack of


Beliefs about Building Your Business These beliefs are specific to entrepreneurs in the following areas.

$ Investing in your business, $ choosing a niche and target market $ designing your signature package—what do I have to offer

and who would pay me for that? $ assigning a value for your services and then actually asking

for the money

Beliefs about Your Personal Finances: Which of these beliefs are nudging you? These can trigger thoughts that interfere with making clear decisions.

$ budgeting household expenses $ planning for the future $ paying bills $ investing your money $ funding your savings account

How to Use this List: Read through the list and circle the ones that seem to “charge” or trigger you. Other beliefs might come to mind as you read these; write them down. When you’re done, follow the instructions in the exercise at the end, designed to shift and release these triggers so you can bring more money – and freedom – into your life and your business, and Magnetize Your Money Mojo! To Your Health & Wealth!


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101 Beliefs That Muck Up Your Money Mojo

Beliefs about “The Rich” & Money

1. Money is the root of all evil.

2. It takes money to make money.

3. If I become rich, everybody will be asking for money.

4. It’s not spiritual to be rich.

5. Rich people are greedy.

6. Money can’t buy happiness.

7. I feel guilty having money when there’s so much poverty in the world.

8. Rich people can’t be trusted.

9. Money brings out the worst in people.

10. Money can’t buy love.

11. Money makes the world go around.

12. Rich people don’t go to Heaven.

13. The poor get poorer, the rich get richer.

14. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

15. Having a lot of Money is a curse.

16. Rich people are users.

17. Rich people are selfish.

18. Money changes people for the worse.

19. I’d rather have love than money.

20. A penny saved is a penny earned.

21. There’s never enough.

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22. Money will make me mean and stingy.

23. Money corrupts.

24. I’m a spiritual person, and spiritual people should not be rich.

25. I won’t like myself if I had a lot of money.

26. Some people are just lucky.

27. Earning more money than I need attracts something bad that takes it all

away (car breaks down, kids need extra school supplies, my spouse gets

laid off, etc.). The other shoe is always ready to drop.

28. Having a lot of money is not worth the trouble.

29. People won’t like me if I have a lot of money.

30. If I have a lot of money I’ll be seen as greedy.

31. I won’t be able to hold on to it if I have a lot of money.

32. My friends won’t like me anymore if I have a lot of money.

33. My family won’t know me if I am rich.

34. It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich

person to enter heaven.

35. My church would frown on me being rich.

36. I don’t know if I really want to be rich.

37. Rich people waste resources.

38. Rich people don't do anything useful in the world.

39. Rich people are too materialistic.

40. Rich people don't have anything to offer someone like me.

41. Rich people are only concerned about making more money.

42. Rich people are only focused on themselves.

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43. Rich people take advantage of people.

44. You can’t win against a rich person.

45. Rich people have more resources to beat the system.

46. Rich people take advantage of others.

47. I never want to be rich like them.

48. Those rich people waste money.

Beliefs about Building My Business

49. It’s wrong for healers to charge for their services.

50. If I become successful, there will be way more demands on my time, my energy, my money.

51. It’s impossible to make a lot of money.

52. Making money is hard work.

53. It’s too hard to become wealthy.

54. I wouldn’t know what to do with a lot of money.

55. People will try and steal it from me.

56. I’ll have to manage people who are managing my money.

57. When I have money, it just disappears.

58. Every time I get a little bit ahead, something happens, like my car breaks


59. No matter how much I earn, it’s never enough.

60. I’ll have to sell my soul to earn more money.

61. I’m afraid of what the future holds.

62. Time is money.

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63. If something can go wrong, it will.

64. I feel cut off from the Universal abundance that supposedly is there for


65. It seems to be really easy for other people to be in the “flow of abundance”;

not me.

66. I feel guilty expecting God or the Universe to provide for me without hard

work and sacrifice.

67. I’m just not going to have money in this lifetime, and that’s okay.

68. Clients want too much from me.

69. Why do I even need that much money?

70. Why bother?

71. Who am I to ask for that money?

72. I don’t deserve to charge that much money.

73. Spiritual people don’t ask for money, they receive love offerings. Therefore

I should just ask for love offerings.

74. My gifts are from the Divine, so I shouldn’t charge for them.

75. I’ll never get ahead.

76. Growing my business is too hard.

77. I feel guilty charging more for my services.

78. All of my colleagues are struggling in their businesses, why should I be


79. I’ll never be a 7-figure business owner like them.

80. I can’t take risks for my business because I can’t afford to lose my money.

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Beliefs about My Personal Finances

81. Money makes the world go around.

82. You have to spend money to make money.

83. I can’t afford to hire anyone to help me.

84. I don’t earn enough money to save.

85. Any money I save goes out the window.

86. My family needs me more than my business.

87. Anything I earn goes right out the window to taxes (or _____).

88. I’ll never get ahead.

89. My family has never been rich, how can I expect to be rich?

90. My family has always been middle class, and I’m proud of it.

91. I’ll never get out of debt.

92. Having a lot of money is not worth the headache.

93. Money slips through my fingers.

94. I’m afraid to look at my debt.

95. I’m ashamed to admit I can’t balance my checkbook.

96. I don’t know how to manage my money.

97. I can never budget my money.

98. It’s normal for me to scrape by.

99. It’s normal to be in debt.

100. I don’t understand investing so I’ll never be wealthy.

101. I’m afraid to hire people to manage my money.

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Your Money Mojo Exercise This exercise uses Tapping (EFT) to reduce the intensity of the belief, so that it no longer triggers you. Tapping works by reducing or even eliminating the fight-flight-freeze response. It is a mind-body technique; think of it as acupressure for the emotions (without needles!). Instructions can be found in multiple places on the internet. For your convenience, I’ve provided a drawing with the Tapping points at the end of this document. Go there now if you need help. Now that you are familiar with the Tapping points, let’s get started. 1 - Go back to the top of the list, and for each belief you’ve circled you’ll do a “test” on how intense it feels.

$ Say the sentence out loud, and ask yourself, on a scale of 1-10, “how true

does this feel?”. Take the first number that comes into your mind. $ Write down that number next to the belief.

2 – If you have a 5-6 or above on a belief statement, use the Tapping technique on it to reduce the intensity or power of the belief.

$ Tap through the points while saying the belief out loud. For example, repeat out loud, “Money slips through my fingers” as you Tap gently on each point about 7-8 times. When you’ve Tapped on each point from the top of the head (TOH) to the underarm (UA), you’ve done one round. Congratulations!

3 – At the end of the first round, “Test” again: how true does that belief feel to you now, on a scale of 1-10? Your intention is to reduce the number to less than a 3. $ Say the sentence out loud again, and ask yourself “How true does that feel?” Write down the first number that comes to mind.

$ Notice if it reduced. Keep repeating the process until it ‘s 3 at most.

$ You might notice other related beliefs coming up while you were Tapping. Maybe a memory of a time when you were a child and your allowance fell out of your hand and you lost it. Great! You’ve uncovered another limiting belief so use the Tapping process on that! $ Tapping works by uncovering our layers of beliefs like an onion. We keep peeling the onion until we finally Tap on the core, and then

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we are free! You might have very few layers in your onion, or many. It’s okay! Just keep Tapping! $ You might notice certain emotions (or feelings) coming up when you read a statement. Notice where it is in your body. On a scale of 1-10, how intense is the emotion? Write it down, and Tap on that until you get a 2-3 or under.

5 – When you’re done, take a deep breath. You should feel lighter, calmer. Once you’ve done this exercise, watch for the shifts in your money, in your life and in your business. This is how you Magnetize Your Money Mojo! Keep reading for a special offer…. AN INVITATION: I hope you experienced some shifting in your emotional reactions to these beliefs, and feel lighter, calmer, more peaceful. If you feel it isn’t working--if your numbers aren’t going down, or actually go up-- there are probably other beliefs hiding behind it that are getting triggered, keeping your Money Mojo from working for you. My Offer: If you are interested in having some help to identify some of these beliefs for further Tapping, I’d like to offer you a complimentary 30-minute Money Mojo Tapping Session. We’ll spend half an hour on the phone together, Tapping on the belief(s) that are plaguing you the most. To take advantage of this special offer, email me at [email protected]. Be sure to write “Money Mojo Session” in your subject box. I will respond within 24 hours to schedule the appointment with you. I work with both U.S. and international clients via phone and Skype.

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Wishing you health and wealth!

Linda J. Wells, MSEd Money Mojo Mentor

Magnetize Your Money Mojo Website: email: [email protected]

Connect with me:

On Facebook, On Twitter,

Thank you!

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Side of Eye

Under Eye

Under Nose


Under Arm



Top of Head

Karate Chop

EFT Tapping Points

© 2016 Linda Wells |
