Page 1: 10.1 Attitudes for Success. The importance of a positive attitude, high self- esteem, and enthusiasm in the workplace How to assert yourself Employers


10.1Attitudes for Success

Page 2: 10.1 Attitudes for Success. The importance of a positive attitude, high self- esteem, and enthusiasm in the workplace How to assert yourself Employers


The importance of a positive attitude, high self-esteem, and enthusiasm in the workplace

How to assert yourself

Employers value workers who are upbeat, enthusiastic, and confident in their abilities

and ideas

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Attitudes for Success

Attitude is a person’s outlook on life Your attitude affects how you react to

situations and how you are perceived by others

The first step in building a positive attitude is to think positively

Thinking positively can bring you success in your life and on the job

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Positive Thinking Can…

Positive thinking leads to positive results because: Positive thinking helps you to get along

better with others Makes others feel more comfortable around

you Helps you to handle problems more

effectively Improves your health Helps you reach your goals because it

motivates to act

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Self-Esteem is recognition and regard for oneself and one’s abilitiesIt’s essential for a positive attitude

Developing Self-Esteem It builds your confidence Confidence generates success Success builds self-esteem

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Overcoming Doubt

Positive self-talk means to “Outtalk” your negative inner voice

Try repeating confidence-building comments to yourself as often as you can

Making a list of positive statements can also help you to overcome doubt

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Building Self-Esteem

Make a list of your abilities and successes Think about how you have had a positive

impact on someone else’s life, strive to help others

Work on improving your abilities

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The Importance of Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is eagerness! Sometimes we all have to work at

pushing ourselves to act enthusiastically An upbeat attitude in difficult situations

will help you to develop a reputation as a hard and willing worker who can handle a challenge

Act with enthusiasm & you will find yourself becoming enthusiastic!

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Dealing with Mistakes

Mistakes are simply opportunities to learn and grow fromIf you think you have made a mistake, try the following steps:1. Make sure you really made a mistake!2. Don’t try to cover it up, take responsibility3. Offer a way to solve the problem4. Learn from your mistake, don’t make the

same mistake twice5. Forgive yourself for being human & move on

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Asserting Yourself

Assertiveness is the confident presentation of yourself and your abilities

Be friendly and outgoing Use positive body language and speak with

confidence Make an effort to get to know your coworkers

and supervisors Offer your opinions or suggestions

sometimes Ask for advice

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Representing Yourself

Some ways to make yourself better known are to:

Volunteer for committees or projects Become an expert at your job/company Keep a journal of your accomplishments

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Assertiveness ~ NOT ARROGANCE

Arrogance is an excessive display of self-regard

The difference between assertiveness and arrogance has to do with respecting other people and their abilitiesMake sure to use the proper attitude and tone with people

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Section 10.2

Acting Like AProfessional

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How to react professionally to workplace pressures, criticism, and gossip

Methods used to control anger on the job

To succeed in the workplace, you must be able to handle difficult situations in a professional manner

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Acting like a professional

Professionalism means acting maturely and appropriately on the job

Think things through before taking action

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Accepting Criticism

Being able to accept criticism properly is vital to your success in any jobConstructive Criticism!!!This is criticism presented in a way that helps you learn and grow. It’s often given during performance

reviews or evaluations It may come up in conversations during

work activities

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What Makes Criticism Constructive?

Many supervisors will offer positive comments before offering criticism If your boss is abrupt when making

suggestions, focus on the advice given so that you can grow professionally

Criticism is easier to handle when you see it as being helpful

Some employees welcome criticism because it teaches them better ways to succeed at their job

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Responding to Criticism

Defensiveness means guarding yourself emotionally by closing yourself to negative opinions

When you can’t listen, you can’t grow

Be receptive, not defensiveRespond to criticism by:1. Listen closely to the criticism2. Make sure you understand, ask if you don’t3. Identify a solution to the problem4. Take action to fix the problem, break it

down if it’s alot

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Handling PressureA few tips……..

Break large tasks into smaller ones Ask for help if you’re overwhelmed Use a daily “To Do” list Prioritize your duties If you have two supervisors, make sure

your priorities are clear

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Handling Gossip

Gossip is idle talk that usually consists of rumors It is usually untrue and hurtful Gossip hopes the gossiper as well, the more

often an employee gossips, the less coworkers will trust them

Before you join in gossiping, ask yourself:1. What’s my motivation for gossiping?2. Could my comments unfairly damage some

one else’s reputation?~ Do Unto Others as you would have done

to you~

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Controlling Anger

If you get frustrated and angry, follow these tips:1. Count to 102. Take a few deep breaths3. Consider what you are really angry about4. Channel your energy into solving the


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Controlling Anger

To solve the problem, follow these steps:1. Define the problem2. Decide on the best possible solutions3. Evaluate possible solutions4. Make a decision5. Take Action

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Summing it Up

Accept challenges as opportunities

Learn to analyze a situation from all angles, even if some of those viewpoints differ from yours

Always show respect and consideration for others, even if you disagree
