Page 1: 100% Renewable Energy for Cities & Regions in Kenya...renewable energy potential in Kenya, a comprehensive appraisal of funding mechanisms, and local situational analysis for renewable

100% Renewable Energy for Cities & Regionsin Kenya

We are proud to announce the launch of the 100% Renewables Cities & RegionsRoadmap project (or 100% RE) in Kenya!

The project "100% Renewables Cities & Regions Roadmap" (IKI 100% RE Project) offers support to nationaland regional level governments to promote a move towards 100% renewable energy strategies with increasedawareness and stakeholder engagement. The 100% RE project is being implemented in Kenya, Indonesia andArgentina to work with cities and regions in these focus countries to build a path for focus cities to finance andimplement renewable energy projects, through the assessment of local RE potential and project concepts, aswell as the development of financeable projects. The project will foster multi-level governance, and putcollaboration at the heart of the sustainable energy transition.

100% RE project cities & regions

Page 2: 100% Renewable Energy for Cities & Regions in Kenya...renewable energy potential in Kenya, a comprehensive appraisal of funding mechanisms, and local situational analysis for renewable

What does this mean for Kenya?

Endorsed by the Ministry of Energy (MoE) for implementation in the County Governments of Kisumu(deep-dive County), Mombasa and Nakuru (network Counties), the 100% RE project will:

Promote multi-level governancepolicy dialogues and strengthencapacities of key stakeholders

through various workshops

Encourage the development ofenabling frameworks at national,

regional and local level to unlock REand energy efficiency potential

Support local policy developmentthat enhances energy security,improves energy efficiency andstimulates the local economy

Enable the counties to develop boththeir County Energy Plans andfinancially viable and bankable

renewable energy projects, as well asexplore access to public and private


Contribute to achieving therespective national climate andenergy targets, as reflected in

Kenya’s policy landscape - includingthe Nationally Determined

Contributions (NDCs) (2017), theClimate Change Act (2016), and other

relevant climate change strategies

Support with the development of arenewable energy roadmap in Kisumu

county towards achieving 100%renewable energy and effectively

implement local climate actions, inline with Vision 2030

County Government of Kisumu Kick-off meeting

The county kick-off meeting, which marked the official launch of the 100% RE project implementation in KisumuCounty, was held on 10 June 2020. Opening remarks were made by the County Minister for Energy andIndustrialisation, Mr. Nerry Achar, and attended by Kisumu county technical staff, representatives from theMinistry of Energy, national energy entities, development partners, private sector, civil society and academia. The100% RE Project was endorsed by Eng. Edwin Omwenga, on behalf of the Secretary for Renewable Energy,Eng. Isaac Kiva, from the Ministry of Energy (MoE).

Page 3: 100% Renewable Energy for Cities & Regions in Kenya...renewable energy potential in Kenya, a comprehensive appraisal of funding mechanisms, and local situational analysis for renewable

"Renewable energy investments are considered a key solution to introduce widespread, affordable, reliable andsustainable energy access to the country. The government remains focused on investing in renewable energy withmodalities being in place to bring down the cost of electricity for industrial development and benefits tohouseholds. Furthermore, the government’s Big Four Agenda is dependent on provision of adequate andcompetitively priced energy.”

- Eng. Edwin Omwenga, Ministry of Energy

The kick-off meeting introduced county stakeholders to the 100% RE Project, while an overview of KisumuCounty’s energy needs was given, and linked to Kenya’s burgeoning policy and legislative landscape onrenewable energy. An important outcome was a co-developed energy stakeholder mapping process. Aproject implementation team was established with leading technical staff. The next steps will include theCounty undertaking energy modelling, which will be used to develop a “roadmap” towards 100% renewableenergy, and convening a workshop aimed at developing a shared vision for the community transition to100% renewable energy.

How can you be involved in the 100% RE Project?

Take 5 minutes to answer our renewable energy and stakeholder mapping survey: As an important county-stakeholder, you have the opportunity to provide valuable input and guidance on the formulation of processesthat will promote renewable energy strategies at the local level.

Become an active participant in the 100% RE Project: Be part of strategic, fully-participatory meetings andmulti-level governance dialogues with academia, the private sector, civil society, and our national partners,including the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Council of Governors, EPRA, KenyaPower, REREC etc. Receive updates, news and access to information, including assessments of nationalrenewable energy potential in Kenya, a comprehensive appraisal of funding mechanisms, and local situationalanalysis for renewable systems in Kisumu, Nakuru and Mombasa counties.

For additional information, updates and highlights about the project visit the 100% RE project website, theKenya 100% RE webpage on the ICLEI Africa website or contact the Project Manager, Nachi Majoe.

100% Renewables Cities and Regions Roadmap is implemented by ICLEI –Local Governments for Sustainability and funded by the German FederalMinistry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety(BMU) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The ICLEI WorldSecretariat is responsible for project management and coordination.
