
8/7/2019 100 Messages of DeepThinking 1/13

A Google SMS Channel

By Shameela Shaikh

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Salam Friends ,

Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living, produces a quest for destiny with

words along a variety of lines that may include writing, speaking or teaching or just simply put…Deep

Thinking. This is just a humble offering which has been bound together by noble intentions and selfless

contribution of some…

Syed Najeeb-ur-Rahman (Najeeb)

Thank you for your help in drafting the Deep Thinking messages e-book. Your input and dedication

contributed greatly to its success. You have a mesmerizing way of putting things in context. As always, it

was a pleasure working with you. Words cannot convey my gratitude. I cannot thank you enough.

Mrs. Kavita Verekar

Major thanks for your patience and helping me format this book. Your creative contribution is just a

small illustration of your actual magnificence. Thank you so much for all you have done for me. You have

my undying gratitude. Thanks again.

Mr. Nisaar Nadiyadwala

I would sincerely like to thank you for your time and consideration for a review on this book.

You believed in me and encouraged me. You have confidence in me and have helped me build my

confidence. My gratitude is endless.

I thank all my friends and acquaintances for being my inspiration and motivation to embark

upon the Deep Thinking journey. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

My appreciation is ever-growing for all those who have taken out time to go through these

messages and helped share these with as many as possible.

Foremost of all, I am grateful to The Almighty for giving me the direction and perseverance to

carry out this noble task. For, He has considered me worthy enough to accomplish this.

We learn about, atstro-physics, quantum theories, astronomy, oceanography, the structure of 

the human body and brain, psychology, physiology and a vast other things in academics, but we hardly

see academics teach us the simple realities of human life. Certain simple thoughts which form the basis

of humanity might have been read long back in our school and have been shut and forgotten since then.

A thought came to my mind, that in today’s busy life where a person hardly has time to think about

himself leave alone about those around him, how can we stimulate the human mind towards good

thoughts and hence was born the sms community “DeepThinking”. This sms channel was created to

help people ingrain the good thoughts and inculcate good habits.

To join DeepThinking free SMS service type “ON DeepThinking” (without quotations marks) on your mobile phone

and send it to 9870807070

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Now I am printing this book in PDF format which is a collection of 100 messages of DeepThinking

sms channel. There are some people who cannot join the sms channel because they are not staying in

India. For them I am publishing this booklet so that they can also take advantage of the DeepThinking

messages and forward them to their family, friends and acquaintances.

I hope you all will be a part of this noble effort and help me in circulating this book and

spreading goodness around (to as many as possible), as this is our social responsibility to help andguide each other to work towards goodness. You may not have to endure much effort in just forwarding

this e-book to your acquaintances but you can be a means of great guidance and enlightenment to them

even if someone inculcates just one good thought in his/her life.

Your feedback and suggestions in response to the sms community DeepThinking will be well

appreciated. Please write your mails to [email protected]

Thank you

Shameela Shaikh

To join DeepThinking free SMS service type “ON DeepThinking” (without quotations marks) on your mobile phone

and send it to 9870807070

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1. Deep Thinking is to Ponder, Analyze, Understand, and Try to reach to a

conclusion regarding matters of daily life or for doing something new in life...

2. A person who thinks with his emotions loses his reason, along with the ability to think


3. To deal with depression... Start having less expectations and try believing in uncertainty...

4. Let your previous mistakes not affect your life in the present, but make sure you are not

repeating it again...

5. The scope of man's thought is so broad that it is almost impossible to put any

constraints or limits on it...

6. Those who only want ease everywhere; hardly find happiness in their lives...

7. Three common things which are the most attractive and can effectively lead people

astray, Money, Fame, and Lifestyle. Always control your level of Satisfaction

8. No two person's way of thinking can be 100% same, so there is always ‘understanding’

for a positive thinker and ‘compromise’ for a negative thinker...

9. Your trouble and anger are actually a test of your patience and wisdom.

10. The best learning is Learning through Experiences... Provided someone takes a lesson

from his experiences.

11. Money always keeps on rotating...

We call it recession if it is blocked somewhere...

12. Good virtues will always be good and useful and bad vices will always remain bad and

harmful, though how much so ever they may be prevalent n the society.

13. It is not always true that 'your heart is always right'.

So better consult some good, authentic and appropriate people before taking any decision...

14. Successful person is the one who is known for his honesty and goodness among those

who know him...

15. Choose as your leader, the person who speaks the Right and the Truth, and at least tries

to implement what he says...

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16. Whatever man's mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve...

17. The truth might hurt for a while, but the damage caused by lies are lifetime, even...

18. Poets, Writers, Musician, Scientist etc make their mind to concentrate deeply to get a

clue... (The basis of creativity starts from a clue)

19. Whenever you receive any news , No matter the news is good or bad, first confirm

whether it is True or False, then only believe it...

20. Striving to be too beautiful makes a person look ugly...

Our attitude should be moderated.

We should avoid extremes.

21. It is essential to think that there is good in all events that seem like trouble and then

everything will result in the best...

22. Humans are social beings by nature, that’s why the world is need based and we are

dependent on each other

23. You are not a responsible person if you tend to repeat your previous mistakes...

24. Great is he who is known for his helpfulness, love & devotion

Greatness comes by doing small events at big scale, rather than big events at small scale

25. Whenever you are in depression, do something good for yourself...

or pursue one of your hobbies...

26. Man is never burdened more than his capacity of tolerance, so there is no need to even

contemplate suicide...

27. There is no good in excess words...

28. Giving is the art of Living; Kindness in giving creates love...

29. Consulting others to take our own decision increases mutual trust and respect, and at

the same time helps you take better decision...

30. Every person has his own personality and skills; you should try to find your own at


31. After every difficulty there is relief...

32. To be humble is to win the hearts...

Current example is Prime Minister of India Dr.Manmohan Singh...

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and send it to 9870807070

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33. Pride, Arrogance and Boasting are enough to reduce somebody in Stature…

34. Man gets nothing but what he strives for...

35. The day you will be of no use, you will die, so behave well with old aged people as they

are also not useless...

36. To control your anger, drink water whenever you get angry...

37. The regular charity (given to needy) will surely help in equal distribution of money

amongst people, and hence there will be no recession any time...

38. Copying in exams cannot increase anybody’s aptitude level...

39. Never help anybody in doing wrong, and never refuse to help somebody in working for

the good cause...

40. The HAPPIEST people DO NOT necessarily have the 'BEST' of THINGS. They simply

APPRECIATE the things they have...

41. Two faced people are the most dangerous. They maintain dubious personalities…

42. Noble work can only be started with Right intentions...

43. Human should realize his role for Mother Nature earth...

44. The thing that weights most heavily in balance (of good deeds) is a good attitude....

45. The thing that weights most heavily in balance (of good deeds) is a good attitude....

46. Don't take rest after a success, people may take your previous victory as a luck if you fail

next time...

47. Deep Concentration (meditation) is the best way to become more positive in life...


Deep Concentration (Deep Thinking) involves a different way of meditation, in which you

can sit for some time and think about the beauty of this world, or greatness of sky, and

being thankful For e.g. You can think “Sky is so high?”, “Grass is beautifully green”, “sun

and moon grow at proper time”… Thinking all this will help you become more positive in

your life…

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48. Think on It:

Have you ever thought about the beautiful flowers ... How they grow from muddy soil

and then turn to colorful and beautiful flowers...?

49. Think on It:

Think about the Flavors and Odors which we cannot capture in Camera... Though

technologically we are well advanced...

50. Think on It:

How different colors are flawlessly distributed on earth's surface, It would be impossibleto tolerate Fluorescent Green for sky instead of Blue

51. Think on It:

How water reaches from the root of a big tree to the leaves on top passing through

completely wooden branches...

52. Think on It:

Whenever you see greenery around you always feel peace and happiness... Researches

says that green color of the grass is the most restful color53. Think on It: 

A flower grows from the muddy black soil, but it blossoms, looks perfectly clean, and is


54. Think on It:

Everything on earth is of significance, for example mountains are for balancing the

earths rotation, to save us from great earth quakes

55. Think on It:Scientists have conducted many studies in order to produce a fluid like blood, but they

failed... as blood cannot be reproduced...

56. Think on It:

How flawless the proportion of growth in human body parts is

If the skull stops growing but the brain continues 2 grow then we can die instantly.

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57. Leadership Qualities: 

A good leader asks questions instead of giving direct orders...

58. Leadership Qualities:

A leader handles a mission such that he involves all the members and makes them take

interest in accomplishing the task.

59. Leadership Qualities: Knowledge & Wisdom

One can acquire knowledge through study & hard work but Wisdom comes only through

experience and seeking sincere Guidance.

60. Leadership Qualities:

You can be a good leader, if people around you never hesitate to share their problems

with you...

61. Leadership Qualities:

It is good if a leader consults those who have knowledge and can provide sound advice,

before decision-making.

62. Best of Behavior: 

Make sure the volume of you TV or any other Electronic device is not disturbing any

patient or student in neighborhood...

63. Best of Behavior: 

Never forget to take permission before entering someone's house or before interrupting

someone while he is talking...

64. Best of Behavior: 

Let not some people amongst you laugh at others... It may be that the latter are better

than the former...

65. Best of Behavior: 

Wish for others the same, what you like for yourself…

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66. Best of Behavior: 

Virtue is noble behavior, and sin is that which creates guilt and you do not like people to

know about it.

67. Best of Behavior: 

If you love someone express it. If you can't express, forget it...

68. Best of Behavior: 

It is the best tradition that a man receives his guest at his door and sees him off at the


69. Best of Behavior:

Do not hurt your parents, remember the days of your childhood, when they understood

your needs, even though you couldn't talk

70. Best of Behavior: 

In a group of three persons, two should not talk confidentially so as to exclude the


71. Best of Behavior: 

Do not even say 'uff' to your parents, if when they grow old. In old age it is almost

impossible to change one's mentality...

72.Best of Behavior: 

Excellent actions: gladden hearts of humans, feed the hungry, help the afflicted, lighten

the sorrow of others, remove others sufferings of , heal the injured.

73. Best of Behavior: 

Whenever you speak, your voice should be moderated neither too loud nor too soft...

74. Best of Behavior: 

Treat everyone same when you donate something amongst people...

75. Best of Behavior:The state of conflict and disagreements can come at any point of time among us, but we

should always say those words that are the best without causing hurt to others

76. Best of Behavior:

The state of conflict and disagreements can come at any point of time among us, but we

should always say those words that are best

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77. Best of Behavior: 

It is the best tradition that a man receives his guest at his door and sees him off at the


78. Self Analysis: 

You are most well mannered, if you are attended by most guests...

79. Self Analysis: 

Before sleeping at the end of the day, think about your whole day’s activities whether

they were Right or Wrong...

80. Self Analysis: 

To keep yourself away from bad habits, make a questionnaire for yourself (always

question your activities) and always be truthful to yourself...

81. Helpful Habits:

Salt is the best thing you can take before & after meals, Scientists says, SEA SALT has the

ability to purify universal energy from blockage

82. Helpful Habits: 

Always sleep on your Right side so as to decrease the pressure on your heart, which is

on the left side of your chest…

83. Helpful Habits:

People by nature are forgetful

So Write down your transactions (with others) in presence of witnesses(more than one)

with all fairness

84. Health with Honey: 

Honey with warm water half an hour before breakfast helps you lose weight; this is a

scientific fact...

85. Benefits of Honey: 

Combination of Honey & Milk is known to be helpful for the digestive system &

increases appetite.

To gain weight it is taken before bedtime daily.

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86. Time Management: 

You can complete your paper well in time, if you do not carry a watch in exam hall...

Not a joke, its true

87. Time Management: 

A ‘To Do’ List for a day can help you complete most of your daily work... So why not try

from today itself...

88. Learn & Teach: 

Make your hobbies useful for others

e.g. If you are interested in drawing then draw meaningful drawings & paintings to

spread good behavior, helpful habits in the society.

89.Learn & Teach: 

Whenever you learn try to teach it to at least 1 person...

Let others benefit from your knowledge and experiences...

90. Save Environment: 

ACs, Refrigerators, Washing Machines waste a lot of energy. Limit their usage to save

the environment from GLOBAL WARMING

91. Avoid Fireworks:

'The Ecologist' says millennium celebrations in 2000 caused environmental pollution

worldwide filling sky with Carcinogenic Sulphur

92. Save Environment: 

Grow plants so that it can help passerby to take rest under it and also it reduces air


93. Eye Opener: 

Better you yourself vote instead of SOMEONE ELSE VOTING ON YOUR BEHALF

It is your own Right to take the Right decision...

94. The Reality: 

Man is a social element, Living alone is never the solution for any problem...

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95. Smile Please: 

Smile is the universal language understood by everybody, though from any country, any

religion, any age group...

So greet people with a smile...

96. Tricks: 

A liar speaks excessively in an effort to convince...

97. Peaceful World: 

If all of us at least start caring for our neighbors, we will find the world more peaceful....

98. Way of Life: 

Don't repent about yesterday

Don't dream about a rosy tomorrow

Concentrate ONLY on today

Do your today’s work in the best possible way...

99. Way of Life: 

Assume nothing

Expect little

Do more

Demand less

Smile the most


Fight against evil…

100. Achievement: 

There is no limit what a person can achieve, if he does not care about who gets the


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and send it to 9870807070

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Association of Muslim Professionals an NGO

“Contribution to the society is the rent we pay to stay on this planet” this is the driving thought

process which is the basis of formation of Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP).

It is a well established fact that education is the root for the development of any society and paucity of 

which is the root cause of decay of the society. Education helps shape up a mature thought process and

build a refined individual. It has been observed that this basic aspect is very much sparse in our society.

AMP has identified this aspect and is working towards the educational and social upliftment of our 


AMP is a non-political and non-sectarian organization, which endeavors to promote social welfare,

community spirit and knowledge in our society. It is founded by a group of professionals who are citizensof India.

AMP is a platform for all Muslim professionals, and willing volunteers to share their knowledge,

intellect, experience and skills for the overall development of Muslim Community in particular and the

Indian society in general and further empowering them in the educational, social, political and economic

front of life. Though the organization works primarily for the betterment of the Muslim community, it

does not distinguish between people on the basis of caste, creed, religion, regionalism or nationality. It

believes in working towards National Unity and instilling a sense of loyalty and pride towards our nation,

working within the framework of our National Constitution.

AMP inspires Indian Muslims and their well-wishers to ignite the young brilliance and intellect among us

to cater to the need of our Community. There is no time to wait and waste. If you feel that you are

dedicated, competent, passionate, and blessed enough with a desire to help and support the noble cause of 

upbringing of Muslims then join our organization, which shall with the help of you and all other 

professionals and experts, initiate the change to light up the dark world of those less fortunate, so that we

can walk shoulder-to-shoulder with our non-Muslim brethren to form a progressive society which will

serve as a base for a great nation - our nation, India.

To know more about AMP and its activities kindly refer the website

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