  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience





  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    Online Businesses are hard work.

    It's not that the work is necessarily difficult, it's just that there are a lot of different things you

    need to do in order to be successful.

    There is very rarely one silver bullet that solves all your marketing woes. In fact many times it

    is the consistent effort of doing many best practices well that keeps you ahead of the gamewhen it comes to building a powerful online audiences.

    Here are Tweakys top 10 tips for building a powerful online audience. Lets get started.


  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    1. Make Great Content

    Great content is anything that people want to read and most importantly share with their


    Great content comes in many different forms. It could be a blog post, a video, a well-crafted

    Tweet or even a Facebook content. The most important thing is to make it remarkable.

    Now being remarkable doesnt mean huge or epic. It means bringing something inherently

    valuable to your audience and that differs depending on who your customers are. Think

    carefully about your target audience and ask yourself, What would remarkable content for

    them look like?.

    What looks remarkable for one person may not be the same for the other, but thats ok. As long

    as youre remarkable to your customers thats all that matters.

    You'll know when you're writing great content because you'll have a smile on your face, you'll

    feel like you're adding something to the community around you and you seem to get nice

    comments back.

    Action :

    Sit down and have a session with your team brainstorming questions about your

    industry. What big questions do you want to answer? Even better take some customers

    out for a coffee and ask them what content would they love to read about their industry.


  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    2. Make lots of content

    The first time you produce a blog post or a video it's going to be terrible. But that's ok,

    everything is hard the first few times you do it.

    The key is perseverance. The more you post the better you'll get at writing, for instance, and

    the more feedback you'll get from your readers to make it better.

    As an example I wrote the music blog at twice a day for 2 years. I was a

    terrible music writer to start with and not a whole heap better by the end of it but I was

    averaging 50,000 unique visitors a month after 2 years.

    9 times out of 10 great content beats bad content. But any content beats none.

    Action :

    Build a simple spreadsheet and make sure you have content ideas scheduled for at leastthe next 2 weeks with a deadline on when each piece will be submitted. Share this with

    your team or at least one other person who will keep you accountable to deadlines.


  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    3. Stay consistent in your communication

    There is nothing worse than giving your brand a split personality. Are you serious or quirky? Are

    you well spoken or do you say the occasional swear word? Do you talk about business stuff or

    fun stuff?

    Always be mindful of keeping the voice of your company consistent. This is your brand, andswitching between serious and funny messaging regularly is going to confuse your audience

    and dilute your brand.

    Action :

    Create a spreadsheet with a list of your brands key messages. Each message should be

    1 sentence at most but that will help you quickly establish the tone and style of all



  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    4. Maintain a Pulse

    A "pulse" is a sign of life out of your business. It tells the outside world that you still exist.

    If you don't have a pulse, you die. Signs of a pulse include regular tweets or Facebook

    messages, regular blog posts, and a regularly updated website.

    Maintaining a pulse is also important for SEO in terms of maintaining freshness on your site. As

    Google crawls websites they notice if new content has been produced. If they regularly see

    content being produced they will visit your site more often and your pages get indexed sooner.

    The faster your pulse is running the better, but don't get it too high - you don't want to have a

    heart attack and burn out.

    Action :

    Use tools like Buffer App to queue up all your content sharing via social networks. Havea regular email newsletter that you use to keep in touch customers.


  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    5. Solicit Feedback

    No man is an island. Thats how the saying goes and its true.

    It's hard to operate in a bubble, away from the opinions of the people around you because you

    dont get any feedback.

    Getting constructive feedback from the people around you is crucial to knowing whether you're

    nailing it or just failing.

    At Tweaky we asked conversion optimisation expert Peep Laja what he thought about ourlanding page and he ended up producing us a 3 page report on how to fix it. Thanks Peep!

    Action :

    Solicit feedback from customers with simple surveys (via your email newsletter). A great

    tool for this is survey monkey.

    Also reach out to people you admire who have experience in your industry and ask their

    opinion on what youre doing.


  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    6. Collect Email Addresses

    Lets be clear on this... email marketing is one of the MOST effective marketing channels out


    Very rarely do we hear about companies that dont get a great return from email marketing.

    Email addresses of customers and prospects are incredibly valuable. Everyone lives in their

    inboxes so sending your customers an email means they're likely to read your messages.

    Once you've got a good sized and well engaged email list you can send out specials you're

    running or new product announcements. These will convert into sales which means your email

    list is actually worth money.

    Action :

    There are a heap of different ways to capture email addresses but we generally

    recommend having a fixed email capture form in the header of your website. Works like a



  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    7. Network, Network, Network

    The more people who know about you, the better. You need to get your brand out there as

    much as possible and seize opportunities to enhance your audience.

    Activities such as posting comments on blogs you like, emailing people who you admire and

    offering help to someone in a time of need are great ways to build relationships.

    The more connected you are, the faster you can make things happen - whether it's sharing

    your content, getting feedback or connecting with people who can help build your business.

    Got a problem that you're struggling with right now? Why not get talk to someone on our team

    via our free marketing consultation reports.

    Action :

    Put together a list of people in your industry who are influential and you would like to

    connect with. Start following them on Twitter and engage with their tweets, blog posts

    etc. Let them know you genuinely love what theyre doing and reach out to them to


  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    8. Leverage larger communities

    One of the best ways to exponentially increase the size of your audience is to find bigger

    communities in a related space and work with them.

    Say youre a eCommerce store for dog products you should connect with a local dog

    enthusiasts society, maybe a Facebook group for dog lovers or even a blog about loving dogs.

    There are always people with bigger audiences who operate in your industry but arent

    competing with you. Find angles to work with them and expose your brand to a wider


    Examples of working together are guest blogging on their site or running special offers for their

    community members.

    Learn to leverage larger audiences in your niche and youll find yourself getting a headstart tobuilding an influential brand

    Action :

    Do a quick search on Google and Facebook for interest groups in your niche that arent

    competitors. Put together a list of 20 of these groups and work a specific angle to

    approach each of them. Go out there have a conversation and at the very least build up a

    strong relationship so you can do something down the track.


  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    9. Measure Everything

    If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.

    More than that - if you're not monitoring your marketing efforts you're not going to notice when

    things start to go south.

    When we first launched Tweaky we focused on a single metric to keep things simple. The

    metric was the number of completed tweaks in a week. We watched the number slowly go up

    over the course of 4 weeks and were excited every time.

    Then the number started going down and we couldn't figure out why. The reason was that new

    customers were not coming into the funnel - this eventually ended with no customers

    completing projects in a week.

    Measure everything and then as you go along learn to monitor the right things.Action :

    Start getting a handle on your web analytics. At the very least understand how Google

    Analytics works. If you need help with Google Analytics get in touch with us via the free

    marketing consultation.

  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    10. Test in small batches

    When you first start out with trying different marketing channels you will be basing all your

    decisions on what you assume should work. The only way to know for sure if something works

    is to test it.

    Building your audience is exactly the same. You have no idea what will work so you should testassumptions on your content. The smaller your tests can be the quicker you can move on if

    they fail, or the quicker you can increase your investment if they work.

    As an example we wanted to find out if setting up email auto responders would increase sales.

    Instead of spending a couple of weeks putting together email template designs, writing a

    dozen emails etc we just sent a single email to customers 7 days after their projects finished.

    We immediately saw how many extra sales this gave us and could justify the investment of

    time and resources into making a more complex email auto responder system.

    Likewise, instead of investing in a huge marketing project that takes 4 weeks to complete whynot scale it down into a 1 week project to quickly test its effectiveness. If it works then investmore. If it doesnt tweak the approach or dump it.

    Action :

    Look at your marketing plans right now and ask yourself whether youre over investing in

    an unproven marketing channel. If you are, look at ways of scaling the campaign down

    and running a small test to validate its effectiveness.


  • 8/22/2019 10 Tips to Building a Powerful Online Audience


    So what now?

    Get started! If you follow our action points youll be well on your way . Remember to keep

    persevering and that consistent work builds a powerful online audience.

    If youd like to get advice from a marketing expert about your business sign up for one of our

    free marketing consultations.

    Who is Tweaky

    Tweaky makes it easy and affordable for anyone to make small changes to their website.

    Tell us what you would like to improve about your website and our project managers will create

    simple tweaks for each task. Pre-approved developers can then start work on your project and

    get the job done.

    All of this backed by our 100% money back guarantee.
