  • Ready to use the #1 B2B social media platform to get your content in front of the right eyes?

    Download Secret Sauce: How LinkedIn Uses LinkedIn for Marketing

    to get an inside look at how we execute eective campaigns.

    94%of B2B Marketers use LinkedIn to

    distribute content.

    LinkedIn SlideShare reaches 70M unique visitors a month. The site is now among the top 100 most-visited websites in the world.

    70M1010 pieces of content are consumed before a purchasing decision is made.

    57%of all those who visit LinkedIn do so on a mobile device.

    Your website doesnt turn o when you sleep, and neither should your content marketing strategy.

    Always-on Content is Key

    46% of social media traic coming to your company site comesfrom LinkedIn.

    79% of B2B Marketers view LinkedIn as an eective source forgenerating B2B leads.

    92% of B2B Marketers leverage LinkedIn over all other social platforms.

    43%of marketers say that they have sourced a customerfrom LinkedIn.

    80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn.

    of B2B Marketers believe social media is an eectivemarketing channel.

    79%People spend time on other networks, but they invest time on LinkedIn.

    Heres Why You Need a Marketing Plan on LinkedIn

    You Didnt Know About

    Marketing On LinkedIn

    10 Surprising Stats