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With the exceptions of the likes of Tennyson and Shakespeare, our men definitely believe that actions speak louder than words, and thank God for that! They might not be able to find the right words at the right time. But if you are lost in the woods, you can definitely rely on your guy to get you out of the wilderness. Research has proved that men are generally good with numbers and reading maps, but when it comes to communication and handling emotions, women certainly do a better job. Besides science, there is society that has further made our men inept in scripting their emotions into words. Everything they see around tells them that they have to be strong, and matters of the heart, like communicating one's feelings, is a woman's domain. However, if we pride ourselves in being able to handle emotions well, then even men have found ways of expressing them through their behavior. All you have to do is to be able to read the sure signs that he likes you.

Page 3: 10 signs he really likes you

1.He always uses your name when he talks to you. He knows your name and likes to say it.

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2. When a boy likes you he would want to spend more time with you. He wouldn't mind riding a few extra blocks to your home to go to school with you. He may even volunteer to watch Titanic with you, despite being a Star Trek fan. If you find a guy doing things he normally would not do, it means that he is ready to do things he does not enjoy, just to be able to spend more time with you. This is a sure sign that he likes you more than a friend.

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3.He notices and remembers things about you that most people don't. Your birthday. What you wore on a certain day. Your favorite TV show. When and where you met your best friend. What you had for lunch yesterday. Average Joe won't remember that shit, even if you tell him. Hot For You remembers all of it (but if he knows stuff about you that you never told him—creeper alert!).

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4. He calls you on the phone. Most guys hate talking on the phone. If a guy calls you, it means one of three things: you're his best friend, he needs help with his homework.

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5.A guy might not talk much but he can surprise you at times by pointing out the minutest change in your appearance. He might compliment you on the way that you parted your hair even when your best friend might not have noticed it. When a guy likes you, he will be very observant about you. So any slight change in your appearance or even behavior will hardly go unnoticed. This can be one of the telltale signs a man likes you.

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6. A guy who likes you may be the only one in the audience who responds and encourages you when you are talking about something that was a complete turn-off for the rest of your friends. You may also find him to be the only one laughing at your jokes that others did not even find remotely funny. While some guys may do this to impress you, others may do so because whatever you do or say genuinely interests them. In either case, the guy is trying to tell you that he likes you.

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7. One of the common tactics that men make use of, to show that they care, is to make fun of the woman they like in a light and inoffensive way. He may tease the girl or even call her funny names. Some women may find it strange and even a little weird, but this is the way guys grew up. Haven't you seen the way guys laugh and pull pranks at each other? If he likes you, he will express his interest in the same way that he did with his buddies. This just reflects the level of comfort he has with you. This would also be a tactic to attract your attention.

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8.He touches you, even subtly—a hand on your arm, a pat on your back, a grab of your shoulders. Humans are naturally drawn to things that attract us—we want to look at them, touch them. If you find a guy's hand on you, especially more than once, that's a huge giveaway that he likes you.

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9.He asks you what you think about certain other guys.

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10.If a guy likes you, it will be evident in the way he would treat you. Even if he is a flirt, his words would be more genuine when he talks to you. His compliments to you would be more sincere than those he uses for other girls. He would also be more courteous and attentive towards you than with anyone else.
