Page 1: 10 Most Commonly Used Online Payment Methods

Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003 [email protected]

10 Most Commonly Used Online Payment Solutions

Publisher: Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.



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Page 2: 10 Most Commonly Used Online Payment Methods

Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003 [email protected]

10 Most Commonly Used Online Payment Solutions

Going online is the new buzzword in business the world over. A great business model, a strategic and

aesthetically brilliant website and the best of products could all sum up to a nought without a robust

online payment method.

When it comes to ecommerce website development of ou e site the ai uestio s is Whi h o li e pa e t solutio should e used ? Whi h o e is the Best? Will the pa e t solutio p o ide what we want, is it suitable?


If statistics are any index, there are more than 200 online payment solutions to date but not all are

reliable. Some of the more popular options could well include:

# 1 The Wallet

The wallet or Google Wallet, as it is better connoted is essentially a Google variant of the popular Pay

Pal option. This amazing option comes replete with an array of customer centric options like money

transfer and even a Google Wallet Card.

The future projections are even more impressive considering that Google plans to provide physical card

to their subscribers. They would be linked to the account of the user and one would be able to use them

at retail outlets too.

# 2PayPal

This is one online payment option which needs no introduction considering that 8 million transactions

are made through this modality every day and the numbers continue to increase. With 137 million active

accounts in 193 markets and 26 currencies Pay Pal is one option which has few parallels.

Some innovative benefits with this amazing option include the likes of a card swiping option which helps

make purchases without the need to leave your site.

# 3Dwolla

Although a relative newcomer to online payment, Dwolla is no minnow considering that online shoppers

now consider it as a viable alternative to Pay Pal. What makes it even more appealing is the fact that

unlike Pay Pal there is no transaction fee for payments less than $ 10.

Page 3: 10 Most Commonly Used Online Payment Methods

Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003 [email protected]

# 4Amazon Payments

A smart way to pay online, Amazon Payments are becoming increasingly popular the world over. This

could well be attributed to the fact that the methods is secure as well as simple to use. All that you

would need to do is to log on and transact with a click. All that you would need is an Amazon account.

#5Authorize. Net

This is one online payment method considering that it was first launched way back in the year 1996 and

continues to grow in popularity. If statistics are any index, it is one of the most commonly used payment

gateway on the internet at this point of time.

Those with a penchant for numbers would indeed find it fascinating that there are well over 375,000

merchants using this mode of online payment and the annual transaction volume is a staggering $88


#6 ACH Payments

If you are operating in the online business domain and would like to use single or recurrent transactions

for directly debiting the saving account of your client; then in all probability you will find ACH Payments

the pick of options.

Thus regardless of whether it is a mortgage payment, bill payment or even loan repayment; ACH is the

preferred choice and is fast replacing the more conventional paper checks and credit cards.

#7We Pay

Whe ou t a sa t o li e We Pa ill pa . This is o e optio hi h is e t e el popula o side i g that it is secure and protects you from fraud at all times. In addition to being a zero risk option, it is also

relatively easy to use.


Regardless of the size of your business, if you are in the business of ecommerce then arguably you

would be looking for a power packed option like Stripe. This is online payment option that is replete

with an array of options ranging from seamless security to a powerful toolkit.

What makes this option even more viable it the fact that it is a scalable option and can be customized to

the size of your business.

Page 4: 10 Most Commonly Used Online Payment Methods

Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003 [email protected]


If you do not reside in the US but would like to get your money in a U.S. bank account, then in all

probability you would want to opt for Payoneer. This is one smart online payment option which enables

one to get a virtual U.S. bank account even if the country of residence is other than the U.S.


Skrill or Money bookers, as they were formerly known are positioned as a global online payment option

although they have a stronger presence in the UK and the European Market. This could well be

attributed to the fact that Skrill has a more favourable transaction fee structure within these markets.

Nevertheless acceptability continues to be high considering that top website and service providers like

eBay and Skype accept this modality of payment.


Thus it could well be surmised that recent advances in technology and an increasing incidence of

businesses going for ecommerce web development for their website has ushered in the need for online

payment methods. Regardless of the nature or complexity of your business, there are some excellent

o li e pa e t optio s a aila le. Although the e is o o e est ethod, ou ould ell pi k a d choose the most optimal option which would help ensure safe and quick transaction for you and your


To get solution for your ecommerce website development requirements it is a must to get in touch with

web development companies who have experienced not only in designing ecommerce websites but

also have good knowledge of online marketing. So in short knowledge of Ecommerce Web

Development + Online marketing= A website that generates more lead and sale

Please share any other online payment solution which you think is a good option for fellow online


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