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ducationEThursday, November 4, 2010

The Brownsville States-Graphic

page 10Limo ride a reward for HES fundraisers

HES students who reached their goal for the Fall Fund Raiser were treated to a tour of Brownsville in this stretch limo. Way to go guys and girls!

The Science and Engineering Exposition is an educational event open to all students from all schools in the county (including home schools).

Students learned to work on scientifi c research projects spanning months and sometimes years in pursuit of discovery.

The student’s project should show creative

ability and originality in the questions asked. All projects must follow the Scientifi c Method, including problem solving, as well as the analysis of the data, and the interpretation of the data. Creative research should have supported an investigation and help answer a question in an original way.

Winners from HJH

were: Seventh grade: First Place- Rebecca Lee Cunningham; Second Place-Sequaya Springfi eld and Deuncay Weddle.

Eighth Grade: First Place- Samantha Goodman and Natalie Sweat; Second Place- Emma Baumheckel; Third Place- (tie) Lauren Markowski and Dejay Gammell.

HJH Science Exposition

Dejay Gammell

Emma BaumheckelLauren Markowski

Rebecca Cunningham

Samantha Goodman and Natalie Sweat

Sequaya Springfi eld and Deuncay Weddle
