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10 Easy Online Jobs for College Students

College goers, more often than not, get highly bogged down by the curriculum demands. Attending classes, completing homework assignments and on-campus clubs/groups or fraternities take up most of their time. Getting through college life with increasing tuition fees and student loan rates always proves to be a tough task. Asking for money from parents also feels a bit awkward at this stage. This is why college students look for part-time jobs to fund their way through college. Online jobs are the most sought after because the working hours are flexible, and the payout is sufficient.

If you have the following things in possession:

A computer/laptop with an internet connection An e-mail account Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and similar applications A PayPal/Payza/Skrill account A bank account for check deposits and withdrawals Skype (not necessary but it will be helpful),

Tuition and pizza money is guaranteed!

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So, here is a list of 10 online jobs that can surely keep students and their pockets happy for the rest of their college lives:

1. Online Article Writing Jobs

If there’s one thing that the young generation has mastered if not anything else, it is high typing speed on a keyboard. And now college students can use this expertise to earn some money online by signing up for an Online Article Writing job.

There are general steps that need to be followed for this type of job –

You have to sign up on their website first and submit your article for review.

If they find your article to be publishable-worthy, they will contact you via email and tell you that your article has been accepted and published.

They will then pay you via an online payment site – mostly it’s either PayPal, Payza or Skrill.

Every website has their own terms and conditions with patterns of work process. For example, ‘What Culture’ pays its writers on a ‘per view’ basis

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where the number of audience views of the article determines how much you earn.

Our recommendations for a fruitful writing experience:

College Humour – Mainly comedic content with high entertainment value.

Strong Whispers – Articles on social issues and the like. Cracked – Again a humor site with infographics, visuals, etc. Developer Tutorials –This site publishes articles on useful lists for

web tools and software developers.

Who knows you may even write your own e-book and make a fortune.

Average amount you can expect from this job: $37,180 annually.

2. Selling Your Stock Photographs

This is new, right? Well, it isn’t a novelty as such. Peter Parker (Spiderman) did this years ago!

Selling your photos to sites, that require images for their ads, is a nice way to get paid for a hobby. This is also perfect to kick-start a career in photography.

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You sell your stock (photos clicked by you and have your copyright on them) photos to sites and blogs that require distinct images for their articles or ads.

Stock agencies act as the middleman between the buyers and sellers of photos. They pay the photographers and take some amount as services fee. Their service consists of being a search tool to find the required photos and completing the billing process.

At present, there are two types of agencies –

Macrostock – They deal exclusively with professional photographers and the payout is usually very large.

Microstock – College students fall into the amateur category and are better off in dealing with microstock agencies. The payout is far lesser than macrostock, but the quality and theme restrictions are much more relaxed.

Our favorite sites offering this amazing job are:

iStock Photo Dreamstime PhotoStock Plus Shutterstock

Click away shutterbugs!

Average amount you can expect from this job: $49,050 annually.

3. Designing T-shirts Online

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Clothing companies are running out of ideas for designing their clothes. So they have left it to the people to tell them what designs they want, by letting the people design their T-shirts themselves!

Online T-shirt designing is turning into a lucrative job option for creative designers and an excellent source of feedback for the textile industry. Some organizations also hire people to design T-shirts relating to their line of work.

All you need to do is go to the websites that pay to design T-shirts - like Design By Humans - and submit your design. Then on the combined basis of the company’s preferences, and also the opinion of direct buyers, your design will be accepted and used on t-shirts. You will be rewarded handsomely if the public consensus is great.

You might even be given a job as a designer with any of the companies that are mentioned below, if your submitted designs get rave reviews.

These sites are waiting to print your brilliant designs on their t-shirts:

Threadless La Fraise Zazzle ArtFire

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Average amount you can expect from this job: $40,200 annually.

4. Online Tutor

College students are quite knowledgeable in their field of study. So logically, tutoring should be the best option for a part-time job. Online tutoring allows you to work from home and tutor students via video conference or chat.

Tutoring sites will have tests to determine whether you know enough of your subject matter to tutor students.

You can focus on one student or take a batch class depending on your expertise.

Creating accounts on these sites is fairly simple:

Just register yourself as an online tutor with valid details Give your Paypal/Payza/Skrill account information Once you’ve created an account, the site will inform you when a

student requires your services Congratulations! You are now an Online Tutor.

Online Tutoring knows no boundaries. Any college student with knowledge of any subject can get an online tutoring job. This is why it is such a big hit among college goers.

Top picks for sites that allow you to be an online mentor to students are: Homework Tutoring Aim 4 A

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Tutor Vista – This site requires you to apply as applying for any standard job. They ask for your resume and a cover letter stating your goals and qualifications.

Average amount you can expect from this job: $35,385 annually

5. Survey Completion

Take one look in your spam folder and you will find hundreds of sites paying you to complete surveys for them. Since they are in the spam folder, you think they are just promotional and promise falsely.

Well, there are few of these sites that actually pay you to spend 10-15 minutes out of your schedule and take their surveys.

You’d think they are insane, but for them, these surveys are valuable sources of feedback. They save huge amounts of money by taking the advice from these surveys and pay a small portion to survey takers.

Although the payout isn’t that much, yet for a college student, something is better than nothing. They can at least get a day’s worth of groceries by completing 5-10 of these surveys. Not that bad is it? Also, some surveys take longer and have a larger payout. That’s something you could go for.

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These sites have a huge number of takers -

Pinecone Research – They pay $3 promptly if you qualify for the survey.

My Survey – Points are redeemable for cash or other prizes. 1000 points = $10.

Survey Spot – They pay $5 for every survey, and you can even request a $5 payout!

iPoll – Point rewards are given for every survey which are redeemable for cash.

Average amount you can expect from this job: $12,000 annually.

6. Blogging

This isn’t a job as such, but more of a hobby which is paid for, through appropriate advertising.

How does it work?

You create spaces for advertisements on your blog website or blog page by posting an ad code

Utilize the services of an ad agency that will bring your site to the attention of advertisers

The advertisers bid in a real-time auction for ad space on your site.

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The agency handles the billing part and pays you the money that was bid by the highest bidder. They take a small commission for their service.

The best agency to carry out this advertising task is Google AdSense. It is the easiest way to make money from blogs.

Another method of making money from blogs is by writing and marketing your very own e-book. You should write on a topic that coincides with two factors –

a. The book should be based on a topic that you are knowledgeable in.

b. The topic should be one that readers have so much interest in, that they will pay to buy it.

This online job is restricted to students who love writing blogs and know how to market them.

Average amount you can expect from this job: $40,397 annually.

7. Document Translation

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Expansion of firms into more than one country gives rise to one common problem – Communication. That is why, companies are paying good money to translate their documents and web content to local languages.

International college students can easily perform this task by translating these documents and content to their mother tongue. And generally, students who are multilingual can use their language skills to earn money simply by translating. Applications like Skype can be used to translate live conversations or recordings. Document Translation has a global base and so flexible working hours are guaranteed.

Spanish is the most sought after language for translation, followed in order by Japanese, Korean, Chinese and French. If you know a rare language, and if a document is asked to be translated into that language, you can command a high fee! is a directory site on which you have to upload your resume and employers will find you directly. Then there are agency sites like Gengo and Verbalizeit wherein you can enlist your preferences of date, time and type of translation job. They will find a job that matches your specifications and help you apply there.

Average amount you can expect from this job: $45,280 annually.

8. Interview Transcriber

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Nowadays, interviews of all kinds of people are taken on an audio device. Journalists and Investigators conduct interviews that run into thousands of hours. They do not get enough time to listen to all of them and then type whatever was said.

This is where online Interview Transcribers come into play. They get the audio files via the internet through Dropbox, Cloud Storages, and even e-mail. They just have to follow these simple steps –

Listen very carefully to the audio bit by bit Type the words that they hear Do a re-check by hearing the interview and matching the words

that he/she wrote Send the transcribed interview back to the person or

organization who assigned this task Receive payment from the person or organization via

PayPal/Payza account or directly to your bank account.

You can visit a transcription service website like Verbalink, Scribie, and Rev to find regular transcription work. Another way is to contact newspapers, TV news stations, etc. for transcription work.

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Average amount you can expect from this job: $31,000 annually.

9. Virtual Assistant

This online job is for students who can schedule appointments and organize documents efficiently for a busy executive or a business owner.

Administrative experience, organizational skills and efficiency in time management are the key skills required to become a Virtual Assistant.

This job is offered mostly by people like a busy executive who wants to organize her house schedule (doctor’s appointments, grocery bills, house budget, etc). It is also offered by business people that look for assistants to handle their mail, organize their travel schedule including booking of hotel rooms, hiring of car, etc.

Employment agencies are the best way to find a job such as this because they narrow down searches and give the best match.

We have enlisted a few sites where you can search for a Virtual Assistant Job:

Zirtual Virtual Assistant Jobs EA help Indeed Elance

Time management and organizational skills are rewarded handsomely. So if you are efficient, expect good remuneration from this job.

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Average amount you can expect from this job: $40,000 annually.

10. Online Data Entry

Last but not the least - for those college students who are low on technical efficiency, but still need money, an online data entry job is the perfect choice.

This job is offered by companies who want their paperwork to turn digital. They require constant upgrading of data and for this they delegate the task to online data entry operators. The work profile of an online data entry operator is to enter/upload data from already available sources to a computer database system.

The skills required for this job depend on the type of data being entered. Lengthy documents require immense concentration, patience, and high typing speed. Sensitive data like medical records, military data, and personal information require integrity in the data entry operator’s character. General skills required are good typing speed and accuracy in typing.

Students should beware of scam sites, and should carry out a background check by calling these sites’ HR personnel to get the required information.

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Authentic sites picked out by us for your convenience:

Elance Capital Typing HEA-Employment Virtual Bee

Data Entry job should be the easiest of the lot for a college student to earn sufficiently.

Average amount you can expect from this job: $33,500 annually.

Students have to understand that the expected salary figures are median figures of the job payouts. The final amount that you earn depends solely on you. The number of working hours and quality you put in are the major factors in income generation. These 10 online jobs make college life easier because they save time, they save energy, and most importantly, they generate extra income! They also give a sort of a work experience brought in by the responsibility of completing work before deadlines. It’s a big virtual world out there waiting to be utilized, so get going and enjoy your college life with your own money.

Take the assistance of to complete your assignments on time

Assignments and essays suck the life out of college students. With so much to do like attending classes, playing for the college team, working part-time to support your studies, etc., the time to write and complete assignments reduces manifold.

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Why you should take help from these writers?

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They are highly qualified with Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from reputed universities in UK, USA, and Australia, with years of experience in assignment writing.

They know what the Universities of these countries demand as they are natives. provides diligent work in quick time. It is committed to provide the best assignment help services along with attractive benefits to students.

Here are just few of our services–

Free revisions of the work guaranteed till students are satisfied with the quality of the work.

A 24x7 live chat facility that allows students to converse with the writers directly and clear their doubts. Also, information regarding bookings of orders to booking of re-work can be done through this facility.

Payment methods are easy and safe as students can pay via their PayPal account on the ‘http’ secured site. Thus, ensuring complete privacy.

Many students have passed their college degree with flying colors due to and its diverse range of services. If you also face problems of time shortage or lack of quality, or if you’d like to improve your grade substantially, place your assignment orders with as early as possible.