Download pdf - 10 / 5 / 2015


El Semanario

Edison Language Academy – Together Through Two Languages

(310) 828-0335



October 12 – PTA Reflections Art Program Kick-Off

O C T O B E R 5 - 9 , 2 0 1 5


Now that we are settled into the 2015-2016 school year, many of you will start to see occasional absences by your child’s teacher for school-related business. As teachers, our favorite place to be is in the classroom with our students and we try to minimize absences. However, some times, the best way for us to serve our students is by taking a step away from the classroom to assess students individually or to participate in professional development. In order to design appropriate instruction to move all students forward, we need to know where their reading skills are at the beginning of the year. While some reading assessments can be given to the whole class at the same time (on the computer or with paper and pencil) some of the most effective reading assessments are those that are done 1:1 with children. For those types of assessments, we will often provide a substitute to cover the class while the teacher engages in this important assessment work. Your child’s teacher may also be subbed out for the day occasionally for Professional Development – sharpening their skills as a professional educator in a particular area in order to better serve your child. While we do a lot of our Professional Development on Wednesday afternoons when students are dismissed early, sometimes there is an important opportunity to attend a conference or a full day session on a particular topic. For example, some of our teachers will be participating in district workshops on Cognitively Guided Instruction in math presented by Dr. Meagan Franke and her colleagues from UCLA. Others will be attending a session on Readers Workshop presented by Dr. Lucy Calkins from Teachers College. Sometimes, all the teachers at a particular grade level may be out of the classroom to work together planning a unit of study, analyzing assessment data to determine how to best differentiate at their grade level, or looking at student writing or math together. And once in a while, a teacher may be absent for an hour to attend an IEP meeting for a student receiving special education services or to participate in a Student Success Team meeting. Please know that we make these choices thoughtfully and carefully to preserve as much instructional time as possible and teachers prepare detailed plans for their substitutes. But good professional development for a faculty and time to carefully evaluate student progress can result in more effective teaching and better learning for students. So we ask your support and understanding when it is sometimes necessary for a teacher to be away from class. .

Spanish Phonics Workshops for Kindergarten Parents – Sign up on the Kindergarten Bulletin Board for to learn how initial reading is taught in Spanish at Edison -- either September 28 or October 1

st from 2:00-

3:00 or on October 7 at 6:30 pm. Edison Ballet Folklorico – There’s still time to join Edison’s Ballet Folklorico class, meeting Wednesdays until Fall Festival – right after school in the cafetorium (grades K-5). Where Are You From/What is Your Cultural Heritage? – In last week’s packet, you received a form inviting you to share your family’s cultural heritage/origins with Edison. We will be representing the cultural heritages of our community on a large map in the cafetorium as a visual display of the wealth of cultures and experiences represented in our school. Student Investigations for Hispanic/ Latino Heritage Month – With this week’s packet, there is a flyer about an independent learning project about the contributions of Hispanic/Latino Americans. Student submissions are due on Fridays until October 16 when we hope to debut a “Did You Know?” bulletin boards with our students’ investigations. Participation is voluntary. But this could make for a fun family discussion, another way for students to build those Common Core research and non-fiction writing skills, and a way for students to follow an interest of their own to create new knowledge. Transitions to School – We’re now a month into the school year and it’s time for parents to bid farewell to their children in the Courtyard in the morning. Children are now accustomed to class routines and instruction can begin more quickly for everyone when goodbyes stay in the courtyard! Volunteers and Clearing TB Tests – If you are one of the parents who attended the September volunteer trainings and needed to get a TB test, remember to bring proof of that clearance to Yoly asap. Your name cannot appear on the approved volunteer list until your TB test is cleared.

October 7 – PTA Executive Board Meeting 6:00-8:00 p.m.

September 30 8:30 am and 6:30 pm Annual Title I Meeting

El Semanario

Edison Language Academy – Together Through Two Languages

(310) 828-0335

5 – 9 D E O C T U B R E , 2 0 1 5


Ahora que estamos acomodados en el año escolar del 2015 – 2016,

muchos de ustedes empezarán a ver ausencias ocasionales por el maestro/a

de su hijo/a para negocios relacionados con la escuela. Como maestros,

nuestro favorito lugar es el salón con nuestros estudiantes y tratamos de

minimizar ausencias. Sin embargo, algunas veces, la mejor manera para

servir a nuestros estudiantes es al tomar un paso fuera del salón para evaluar

estudiantes individualmente o participar en desarrollo profesional.

Para diseñar instrucción adecuada para mover a todos los

estudiantes hacia adelante, necesitamos saber dónde están sus habilidades

de lectura al principio del año. Aunque algunas evaluaciones de lectura se

les pueden dar a la clase entera a la misma vez (en la computadora o con

papel y lápiz) algunos de los asesoramientos más efectivos de lectura se

hacen de 1:1 con los niños. Para los tipos de asesoramientos,

frecuentemente proveemos un suplente para cubrir la clase mientras el

maestro/a se involucra en este trabajo importante de asesoramientos.

El maestro/a de su hijo/a también puede tener un suplente para el

día ocasionalmente para Desarrollo Profesional – afilando sus habilidades

como educadores profesionales en un área particular para servir mejor a su

hijo/a. Aunque hacemos mucho Desarrollo Profesional los miércoles por la

tarde cuando los estudiantes salen temprano, a veces hay oportunidades

importantes de asistir una conferencia o una sesión de un día completo

sobre un tema particular. Por ejemplo, algunos de nuestros maestros

participarán en talleres del distrito sobre la Instrucción Guiada Cognitiva en

matemáticas presentado por Dr. Meagan Franke y sus colegas de UCLA.

Otros asistirán una sesión sobre el Taller de Lectores presentado por Dr.

Lucy Calkins del Colegio de Maestros. A veces, todos los maestros de un

nivel de grado pueden estar fuera del salón para trabajar juntos para planear

una unidad de estudio, analizar datos de asesoramiento para determinar

como mejor diferenciar en su nivel de grado, o mirar escritura de

estudiantes o matemáticas juntos.

Y de vez en cuando, un maestro/a puede estar ausente por una hora

para asistir a una reunión de IEP para un estudiante recibiendo servicios de

educación especial o para participar en una reunión de Equipo de Éxito


Por favor sepan que tomamos estas decisiones con mucho

pensamiento y cuidado para preservar lo máximo del tiempo de instrucción

posible y los maestros preparan planes detallados para sus suplentes. Pero

buen desarrollo profesional para el personal y tiempo para evaluar

cuidadosamente el progreso estudiantil puede resultar en enseñanzas más

efectivas y mejor aprendizaje para los estudiantes. Entonces les pedimos su

apoyo y comprensión cuando a veces es necesario que un maestro/a esté

fuera de la clase.

Taller de Fonética en Español para los Padres de Kindergarten – Apúntense en el Boletín de Kindergarten para aprender cómo se enseña la lectura inicial en español en Edison – el 28 de septiembre o el 1 de octubre de 2:00 – 3:00 o el 7 de octubre a las 6:30 pm.

Baile Folclórico de Edison – Todavía hay tiempo para unirse a la clase de Baile Folclórico de Edison, la cual se reúne los miércoles hasta el Festival de Otoño – inmediatamente después de clases en la cafetería (grados K – 5).

¿De Dónde Eres?/¿Cuál es tu Herencia Cultural? – en el paquete de la semana pasada, ustedes recibieron una forma invitándolos a compartir los orígenes/herencia cultural con Edison. Estaremos representando las herencias culturales de nuestra comunicad un en gran mapa en la cafetería como una muestra visual de riqueza de culturas y experiencias representadas en nuestra escuela.

Investigaciones Estudiantiles para el Mes de Herencia Hispana/Latina– con el paquete de esta semana, hay un volante sobre un proyecto de aprendizaje independiente sobre las contribuciones de los Americanos Hispanos/Latinos. Las entregas de los estudiantes deben ser entregadas los viernes hasta el 16 de octubre cuando esperamos estrenar un boletín de “¿Sabes Que?” con las investigaciones de nuestros estudiantes. La participación es voluntaria. Pero esto puede ser una discusión familiar divertida, otra manera para que los estudiantes crean las habilidades de Investigaciones de las Normas Estatales y de escritura de no ficción, y una manera para que los estudiantes sigan un interés propio para crear nueva sabiduría.

Transiciones a la Escuela– Ya llevamos un mes en el año escolar y es tiempo para que los padres se despidan de sus hijos en el patio de la cafetería en la mañana. ¡Los niños están acostumbrados a las rutinas de las clases y la instrucción puede comenzar más rápido para todos cuando las despedidas se quedan en el patio de la cafetería!

Voluntarios y Aclarando las Pruebas de Tuberculosis– Si ustedes son algunos de los padres quienes asistieron a los entrenamientos de voluntarios y necesitaban tomar la prueba de Tuberculosis, por favor acuérdense de traer su comprobante de los resultados a Yoly lo antes posible. Su nombre no puede aparecer en la lista de voluntarios aprobados hasta que su pruebe de Tuberculosis sea aclarada.



30 de septiembre 8:30 am y 6:30 pm Reunión Anual de

Título I

7 de octubre –Reunión

de la Mesa Directiva Ejecutiva de la PTA

6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

12 de octubre– Comienzo del Programa de Arte Reflexiones


$100,000 Match! Pledge or donate and double your impact.


Your gift during Pledge Days will be matched up to $100,000 by a very generous anonymous donor. Together, we can make the match!

Thank you to those who have already donated! Please stop by the Pledge Week table to pick up your donor gifts.

one lucky donor from each school will win a family pass for 4 to Pacific Park.

Donors from 7/1/15 to 10/9/15 will be eligible for the Pacific Park drawing.

September 30During drop-off & pick-up at edison or online starting Sept. 28


¡$100,000 Para Igualar!Prometa o done y duplique su impacto.


su regalo durante los días de Promesa será igualado hasta $100,000 por un muy generoso donante anónimo. ¡Juntos, podemos hacer que iguale!

¡Gracias a aquellos que ya han donado! Favor de pasar por la mesa de días de Promesa a recoger sus regalos de donantes.

un afortunado donante de cada escuela se ganará un pase familiar para 4 personas a Pacific Park.

Los donantes desde el 07/01/15 al 10/09/15 serán elegibles para el sorteo de Pacific Park.

30 de septiembredurante el dejar y recoger de su niño en Edison

o en línea a partir del 28 de septiembre

Edison is a very diverse school community. Our students often have multiple identities, backgrounds, and cultures. And while the question, “where are you from?” is meaningful to those of us who identify with the immigrant experience, others of us are descendants of the first peoples of North America, from families that have lived in the United States for generations, or are descended from people brought to the Americas by force, or are from regions where the United States came to them rather than us coming to the US.

Also, while we self-identify government forms about race/ethnicity, the categories we have to choose from don’t account for the many ways in which we are of mixed heritages – sometimes forcing us to choose one of several ethnicities with which we may identify, or just choosing a “mixed race” category.

As we observe Hispanic/Latino Heritage month (September 15-October 15), we’re inviting you as parents to have a conversation at home with children about your family’s cultural heritage or country (or countries) of origin.

If you’d like to share with us, we have a large map that we’re going to use to create a heritage map for Edison. Just return this page to school by September 30 and we’ll compile a representation of the various cultural heritage / origins of our Edison community.

Name: _____________________________________ Grade: ______

What is your family’s cultural heritage: __________________________________________


Edison es una comunidad escolar muy diversa. Nuestros estudiantes frecuentemente tienen múltiples identidades, historias y culturas y aunque la pregunta, “¿De dónde eres?) es significante para nosotros quienes nos identificamos con la experiencia de inmigrante, otros de nosotros somos descendientes de las primeras personas de Norte América, de familias quienes han vivido en los Estados Unidos por generaciones, o son descendientes de personas traídas a las Américas por fuerza, o son de regiones donde los Estados Unidos vinieron a nosotros en vez de que nosotros viniéramos a los Estados Unidos.

También, aunque nos auto-identificamos en formas del gobierno sobre raza/etnicidad, las categorías de las cuales tenemos que elegir cuando completamos formas oficiales sobre raza/etnicidad, no toman en cuenta todas las maneras en las cuales somos de herencias combinadas – a veces forzándonos a elegir una de varias etnicidades con las cuales nos podemos identificar, o simplemente elegir la categoría de “raza combinada”.

Mientras observamos el mes de Herencia Hispana/Latina 9del 15 de septiembre – 15 de octubre), invitamos a ustedes como padres que tengan una conversación en el hogar con sus hijos sobre la herencia cultural o País (o países) de origen de su familia.

Si les gustaría compartir con nosotros, tenemos un mapa grande que vamos a usar para crear un mapa de herencia para Edison. Solamente entregue esta página a la escuela antes del 30 de septiembre y compilaremos una representación de las varias herencias culturales/orígenes de nuestra comunidad de Edison.

Nombre: _____________________________________ Grado: ______

¿Cuál es la herencia cultural de tu familia?: _____________________________


National Hispanic / Latino Heritage Month

September 15 – October 15, 2015

From September 15 to October 15 each year in the United States, people recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the United States and celebrate the group's heritage and culture. Our SMMUSD School Board passed a resolution at its September 2nd Board Meeting asking all schools to participate in having students learn about Hispanic/Latino heritage and culture.

Edison teachers are doing many things in the classrooms to observe this month. And we are also partnering with our PTA Community Integration team to invite Edison students to stretch their skills as independent learners. Students are invited to use their curiosity, research, and writing skills to contribute to our community’s knowledge about Hispanic/Latino Americans. And we’re creating an information wall titled “Did You Know? /¿Sabes qué? that will showcase student research and writing.

Students are invited to research something about Hispanic/Latino Americans that they would like to share with the greater community. Submissions must be a non-fiction piece of writing, of no more than 300 words – shorter submissions are also welcome. Students might want to research a Hispanic/Latino leader, scientist, artist, community activist, musician, etc. They can also choose to investigate a particular historical event of significance, or learn and report about a particular cultural observance, etc. Anything appropriate to our theme of celebrating the history and heritage of Hispanic/Latino Americans. We encourage you to talk with your child and see if you can help your child identify something that he or she would like to know more about. These are the kinds of research and writing skills our students need for school and careers.

This project is voluntary, but we look forward to showcasing the work of our students. Students may submit their research (in Spanish or English) by Friday October 16 and we’ll compile their investigations into a display titled “Did You Know?/¿Sabes qué?. Submissions do need to be typed or very clearly written please! All submissions should have the author’s name, grade and room number and a title.

Mes Nacional de Herencia Hispana/Latina

15 de septiembre – 15 de octubre, 2015

Del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre cada año en los Estados Unidos, la gente reconoce las contribuciones de los Americanos Hispanos y Latinos a los Estados Unidos y celebran la herencia y cultura de los grupos. Nuestra Mesa Directiva Escolar de SMMUSD pasó una resolución en sus segunda reunión de la Mesa Directiva de septiembre pidiéndoles a todas las escuelas que participen en que los estudiantes aprendan sobre la herencia y cultura Hispana/Latina.

Los maestros de Edison están haciendo muchas cosas en los salones para observar este mes. Y también nos estamos asociando con el Equipo de Integración Comunitaria de la PTA para invitar a estudiantes de Edison a que amplifiquen sus habilidades como aprendedores independientes. Los estudiantes están invitados a usar sus habilidades de curiosidad, investigación y escritura para contribuir a nuestro conocimiento de la comunidad sobre Americanos Hispanos/Latinos. Y estamos creando un muro de información titulado “Did You Know? ¿Sabes qué?” que mostrará las investigaciones y escrituras de los estudiantes.

Los estudiantes están invitados a investigar algo sobre Americanos Hispanos/Latinos que les gustaría compartir con el resto de la comunidad. Entregas deben ser una pieza de escritura de no ficción, de no más de 300 palabras – entregas más cortas también son bienvenidas. Los estudiantes tal vez querrán investigar a un líder Hispano/Latino, científicos, artista, activistas comunitarios, músicos, etc. También pueden optar por investigar un evento histórico particular de observación cultural. Recomendamos que ustedes hablen con su hijo/a y vean si les pueden ayudar a identificar algo de que a ELLOS les gustaría saber más. Estos tipos de habilidades de investigaciones y escritura que nuestros estudiantes necesitan para la escuela y sus carreras.

Este proyecto es voluntario, pero esperamos mostrar el trabajo de nuestros estudiantes. Los estudiantes pueden entregar sus investigaciones (en español o inglés) por el viernes, 16 de octubre y la información será agregada al mostrador en un muro de información titulado:“Did You Know? / ¿Sabes qué?” ¡Escrito a maquino o escrito claramente por favor! Todas las entregas deben tener el nombre del autor, grado y número de salón y un título.

Dear Edison Families,

Superintendent Lyon wanted us to share with you a district-wide memo on heat

concerns (attached). Fortunately for us, these concerns on the Edison campus

were addressed last year. Edison classrooms all have roll down shades, ceiling-

mounted fans, free-standing fans, and air conditioning. Our library and cafeteria

are also air conditioned. So it is much easier for us to keep students comfortable

at a variety of different temperatures.

We also monitor outdoor temperatures and conditions and adjust outdoor activities

accordingly. Sometimes, that just means using shaded areas for line up and

outdoor instruction, reduced aerobic activities and more frequent water and cool

down breaks. However, when the temperatures climb into the mid 80’s , we use a

special inclement weather schedule that keeps children in air conditioned spaces

for recess , lunch, PE and snack times. While there is still physical activity during

indoor PE, aerobic activity is reduced and water breaks are frequent even in those

settings. Just a reminder that sunscreen, hats with brims, sunglasses, and a

reusable water bottle are always a good idea during warm and sunny days. Thank

you for the great job you do in reminding your children to stay hydrated! If you

have specific concerns about your child’s health in the heat, please let our Nurse

know. If you have questions about the inclement weather schedule or Edison’s

facilities, feel free to contact me.


Lori Orum, Principal


From: Superintendent Sandra Lyon

Date: September 25, 2015

Re: Heat Memo for Your School Community

We understand staff and parent concerns about temperatures in classrooms and are committed to moving forward with continued short-term strategies that will relieve some of the discomfort as we pursue a long-term plan that will establish classroom temperatures that are conducive to teaching and student learning. Short-term:

We deployed more than 500 fans last year and 600 more this year across our 16 district schools and are installing wall fans which appears to help far more than floor or pedestal fans. If you need a wall fan installed, please work with your principal or manager to submit a work order so we can put these up as quickly as possible. We ask that you be patient with the process of other work orders as the installation of fans has backlogged our non-heat related work orders.

Purchasing and the Maintenance Management Team met with a representative from BAF to discuss benefits and cooling ability of ceiling fans. A possible strategy is to install direct drive multi speed ceiling fans. In addition to the Roller Shades this will make rooms cooler in warm weather as well as improving heating conditions in cooler weather.

We are planning to install roller shades in classrooms and other instructional spaces across the District. In addition to reducing sunlight in the classroom, the roller shades will be used to improve safety and to darken rooms for classroom technology use. This process will likely take the duration of the 2015 – 2016 school year. A job walk is scheduled for October 8th. Once we have the pricing and details, we will be able to establish and communicate a timeline for installation.


Our new bond manager, Steve Massetti, will begin the process of contracting for a heat study and facility analysis so that we can get a recommendation on the best way to proceed with the best way to deal with temperatures in our classrooms and work spaces. We anticipate issuing a Request for Proposal within a month to select a consultant to perform the review. At this point, it is unknown how long the review of our instructional and office spaces will take, but once we have selected a consultant, we will provide an update as to the timeline for the review and recommendations. After the recommendations are received, if we go forward with adding additional cooling, we will begin the design process and bid out any proposed work, including any proposed air conditioning.

Additionally, the possibility to alter schedules, such as early release on days of high temperatures, must be considered carefully. Currently, any alterations to school schedules would require the district to have a plan to make up any minutes that are reduced. There are also potential impacts to students and families that need careful consideration. Before such action is taken, we must open a discussion with our bargaining units to consider potential options. We will work on scheduling those meetings in the next few weeks. We know staff members understand that addressing this issue cannot happen overnight and that there are important considerations to be made so that we are able to roll out a plan that improves learning and working conditions. We will be keeping the board, staff and community apprised of the progress of our long-term plan and will update the board at the October 15, 2015, Board of Education meeting. We know many parents have wanted to donate both fans and A/C units to our schools. Unfortunately we cannot accept them as we do need to consider conditions across the district, adequate electrical systems to support any additional units, and safety. Each school has slightly different needs and infrastructure challenges and decisions regarding short-term cooling strategies must be needs-based. We understand staff and parent concerns about temperatures in the classrooms and are committed to researching, evaluating and implementing short term cooling strategies that will relieve some of the discomfort as we pursue a long term plan that will establish classroom temperatures that are conducive to teaching and student learning. cc: Board of Education Jan Maez, CBO Mark Kelly, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Terry Deloria, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Gail Pinsker, Community and Public Relations Officer Carey Upton, Interim Executive Director of Facilities Terry Kamibayashi, Maintenance & Operations – Construction Steve Massetti, Bond Manager Tara Brown, Director of Student Services Keryl Cartee-McNeely, Chief Steward, SEIU Sarah Braff, President, SMMCTA Rochelle Fanali, PTA Council President

La escuela con el porcentaje de participacion

mas alto gana $250 para su PTA

SMMUSD Escuelas observando Bike It! Walk It!durante la semana

Es fácil y divertido

Caminata Nacional a la Escuela: 07 de octubre 2015

SMMUSD Schools observing Bike It! Walk It! throughout the week

National Walk to School Day:October 7, 2015

October 5 - 9

Free One-Way Ticket


Present this ticket or showit on your mobile device & ride any Big Blue Bus free.

Safe Routesto


, 2015

Edison Ballet Folklorico Wednesday afternoons

Class for Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd

Class for 3

graders – 1:40 – 2:10 pm rd –4th -5th

Edison Cafeteria

Graders – 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Classes begin on September 30, 2015

Sponsored by the Edison PTA and taught by Cabeza de Vaca Cultural Dance School

First Session: Six Weeks – September 30 – November 4 with a performance at Edison’s Fall Festival on November 7

Tuition: $12.00 per child for the first session (payable in advance to the Edison

PTA). Can be paid in weekly installments $2.00 per class.

Register Today. Space is limited.

For more information, contact Gina De Vaca at (310) 266-2810 or [email protected]

Baile Folclórico de Edison Miércoles por las Tardes

Clase para estudiantes de Kindergarten, 1o, y 2o grado – 1:40 – 2:10 pm

Clase para los estudiantes de 3o –4o-5o Grado – 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Cafetería de Edison

Las clases comienzan el 30 de septiembre, 2015

Patrocinado por la PTA de Edison y enseñado por la Escuela de Baile Cultural Cabeza de Vaca

Primera Sesión: Seis Semanas – 30 de septiembre – 4 de noviembre con una presentación en el Festival de Otoño el 7 de noviembre

Costo: $12.00 por cada niño por la primera sesión (se debe pagar por adelantado a nombre de Edison PTA ). Se puede pagar semanalmente en pagos de $2.00 por clase.

Regístrense hoy. El espacio es limitado.

Para más información, comuníquense con Gina de Vaca al (310) 266-2810 o [email protected]

The Santa Monica High School Orchestras

Featuring the sights of Disney animation and the sounds of the Samohi Orchestras

Costume ContestFor All Ages

Lots of PrizesFood

October 9, 2015, Doors Open 6:30 pm, Barnum Hall, Samohi, 601 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica

come in costume!


For information and ticket puchase:


Presentando la Animación de Disney con los Sonidos de las Orquestas de


Concurso de disfraces para todas las edades


¡Vengan en Disfraz!

9 de octubre, 2015 ... Las puertas abren a las 6:30 p.m.Barnum Hall, Samohi, 601 Pico Boulevard, Santa Mónica

Para más información y para comprar boletos:


WHAT?Team Santa Monica offers swim classes for beginners, teaching water safety & stroke technique

WHY?Water safety, preparation for competitive program & preparation for Junior Guards

WHEN?Flexible schedule, Monday - Saturday Assessments MWF 3:30 - 3:45 PMNo appointment necessary

WHO?Ages 3 & up

ABOUT TSMOur team has been a non-profit organiza-tion since 1955



OR CALL:Coach Carl: (509) 386 1142

Team Santa Monica

Bring Flyer to Assessment for One FREE Class

Broadway Gymnastic School Helping Children Grow for over 30 Years

5433 Beethoven St.

5433 Beethoven Street

Los Angeles, CA 90066

P: 310- 302.0035 x 26 F: 310.302.9199

w w w . b r o a d w a y g y m . c o m

2 007 R E GI STR A T I ON


2015-2016 Registration

STUDENT INFORMATION: (Please print clearly)

Last Name: ______________________ First Name: ____________________ Birthday: ___/___/___ =Age: ___

Address: ________________________________________ City: __________________ State: ______ Zip: _______

Father’s Name: __________________________________ Mother’s Name: _________________________________

Home #: _______________ Cell #: _________________ Work #: ________________ Fax #: _________________

School: Teacher/s Last Name: ____________________________ Room #: _______




1 2 3 4 5 Wednesday 1:30 2:15- 3:10 3:45

Please transport my child back to Edison. I will meet the van at the front of the school._____

Please sign my child back into aftercare. Teacher/s Last Name: ____________________________ Room #: _______

I will pick up my child from Broadway Gymnastic School and sign him/her out at the receptionist desk. _____

CHECK PAYMENTS: Please highlight all of the sessions you would like to enroll your student in and calculate the

total cost plus the annual fee. Please make all checks payable to Broadway Gymnastic School and mail it to the above


No Class Dates: 9/23/15, 11/4/15, 11/11/15, 12/23/15, 12/30/15, 3/23/16, 3/30/16


FALL 9/2/15- 10/21/15 (7 classes) $245.00

$40.00 Includes T Shirt!

#______ $_________

WINTER 10/28/15- 1/13/16 (8 classes) $272.00 #______ $_________

WINTER/SPRING 1/20/16- 3/9/16 (8 classes) $272.00 #______ $_________

SPRING 3/16/16- 5/25/16 (9 classes) $306.00 #______ $_________


VISA #: ______________________________________________________________ MASTERCARD #: ______________________________________________________

Name as indicated on card: _______________________________________ Expiration Date: _____ / _____

Save credit card information for future sessions? Yes ___ No ___ 3 Digit CVV Code: ______________

BGS will only charge your card on file when authorized verbally or in writing to do so.

I authorize Broadway Gymnastic School to charge $__________ to the credit card account indicated above.

Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / __________

Broadway Gymnastic School is a private establishment and is not affiliated with Edison. Gymnastics classes are

offered to all Edison students as an afterschool enrichment program. Enrollment includes: a registration form,

emergency card and payment. Registration is accepted on a first come, first serve basis. ALL REGISTRATIONS

MUST BE DELIVERED BY MAIL, E-MAIL, IN PERSON, OR BY FAX. No gymnastics classes are scheduled on

the days that Edison is closed. On minimum days students will resume their regular schedule. If your child will be

absent, please contact Broadway Gymnastic School. If you have any questions please contact Laura Smith at ext. 26.

I have read and completed all of the above and understand there are no make-ups, transfers, credits, or refunds.

Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _____ / _____ / __________
