Page 1: 10 4 Fact and fiction Units Word - · PDF fileIbn Al- Ameed Sec.School - Grade 10 - Module 4 ( Fact and fiction) - Units ( 10-11-12 ) 1 1 lesson Word Definition Meaning 1 Injustice

Ibn Al- Ameed Sec.School - Grade 10 - Module 4 ( Fact and fiction ) - Units ( 10-11-12 )




Word Definition Meaning

1 Injustice n. Lack of fairness or justice الظلم 1 Insolence n. Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect عجرفة -غطرسة 1 Composure n. Feeling of being calm and in control of oneself رباطة اجلأش 1 Constancy n. The quality of being faithful and dependable إخالص -وفاء 1 Gratefulness n. Showing an appreciation of kindness – thankfulness امتنان 1 Enjoin v. To instruct or urge to do something يفرض –يأمر 1 Self-restraint n. Restraint imposed by oneself on one's own actions , self control ضبط النفس 3 Firmly adv. Strongly and clearly بشدة -بقوة 3 Fleet n. A group of boats belonging to one company أسطول 3 Retire v. To stop working يتقاعد 3 Chuckle v. To laugh quietly or inwardly يضحك بصوت خافت 4 Smuggle v. يهرب بضائع 4 Sudden adj. Done quickly without warning مفاجئ 4 Reload v. To load something again يعيد حتميل 4 Borders n. A line separating two countries حدود بني الدول 5 Drop off phr. V. To transport and leave someone somewhere يوصل شخص 5 Register v. To enter your name and details on an official list يسجل 5 Touch down phr. V. To make contact with the ground in landing يتصل 5 Turn up phr. V. To arrive somewhere when you are expected there يصل 5 Set off phr. V. To begin a journey يبدأ -ينطلق 5 Pick up phr. V. To go somewhere to collect someone ( in one's car ) حيضر شخص من مكان 7 Emotive adj. Making people have strong feelings انفعايل 8 Recuperate v. To recover from illness or exertion يتعاىف من مرض 8 Knock off phr. V. To fall off after a collision ينهار 8 Monotonous adj. Dull , tidious and repetitious ممل 8 Overtake v. To catch up with and pass while travelling in the same direction يتجاوز السرعة 8 Stacks of n. A pile of objects ( one is neatly arranged ) أكوام من 8 Crazily adv. To a great degree بشدة 8 Dreadful adj. Very bad سيء جدا

A) Choose the right answer: 1-The workers in this company always complain because of …………………..

a-borders b-fleet c-injustice d-gratefulness 2-…………………. is a required quality in times of extreme anger.

a-self-restraint b-stacks c-injustice d-insolence

3-When do teachers usually ……………….? Is it 60 or 65? a-recuperate b-retire c-overtake d-smuggle

4-Yesterday's film was really …………….. . a-dreadful b-emotive c-monotonous d-sudden

Page 2: 10 4 Fact and fiction Units Word - · PDF fileIbn Al- Ameed Sec.School - Grade 10 - Module 4 ( Fact and fiction) - Units ( 10-11-12 ) 1 1 lesson Word Definition Meaning 1 Injustice

Ibn Al- Ameed Sec.School - Grade 10 - Module 4 ( Fact and fiction ) - Units ( 10-11-12 )



5-A: I am fed up with all this ……………. Work.I’m fed up with all this routine! a-dreadful b-emotive c-monotonous d-sudden

Grammar A) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1-This house is________________ than the other one. a-comfortable b-more comfortable c- the most comfortable d- less comfortable

2-Why don't you call Ali. Certainly he is___________ one to repair your computer a-good b-better than c-the best d-the worst

3-Sorry! . The manager has_________ left. a-just b-since c-for d-ago

4-The boss went out an hour_______. a-just b-since c-for d-ago

5-I haven't seen doctor _________ last October. a-just b-since c-for d-yet

6-I haven't finished my work _________. a-just b-since c-for d-yet

7-I have worked at this company_________ 18 years! a-just b-since c-for d-yet

8-How_____________ did the film last? a-far b-often c-long d-much

9-How___________ information could you get? a-far b-many c-much d-long

10-Do you know_________ happened to me at the mall yesterday? a-who b-what c-when d-where

Set book Questions

1-" Although not a prophet, Luqman was granted enormous wisdom by Allah"

a) There are different types of stories in the Holy Qur’an. Mention two of them ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

b)What do you know about Luqman and his wisdom ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

c)What pieces of advice did Luqman give to his son ? ………………………………………………………………………………………..

d)Which is more important, stories that entertain or that have a moral message , why ?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

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2- "And we have enjoined on man (To be good ) to his parents: In travail upon

travail did his mother bear him." a) List some of the virtues that Luqman stresses :

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

b)What are our duties towards our parents?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3-" O my son! Establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is


a)What did Luqman advise his son not to do?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

b) How do the stories in the Holy Quran benefit us? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

c) It is important to read or hear stories. Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4- "The businessman said, Then you could retire. Move to a small fishing

village where you could sleep late, fish a little, play with your grandchildren

and talk to your wife."

a)What pieces of advice would you give to someone who wants to enjoy a happy life?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

b)What would you prefer to be rich businessman or a poor fisherman? Why?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Treasure Island Episode 4

1-"Just then I heard voices, getting closer and one of them was Silver. I quickly hid

under a tree." A)How did Jim feel when he got away from Silver?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. B)What did Jim do when he saw Silver and Tom?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. C)If you were Jim ,how would you feel?


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Ibn Al- Ameed Sec.School - Grade 10 - Module 4 ( Fact and fiction ) - Units ( 10-11-12 )



2-"You've killed Alan?" shouted Tom. "Then you're no friend of mine! Kill me too,

if you can." A)How did Silver kill Tom?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. B)What would you do if you were in that situation?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3-"Suddenly, a man jumped out from the trees. His skin was burnt by the sun and

his clothes were torn." A)Whom did Jim see among the trees?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. B)What did Ben Gunn ask Jim for?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. c) How long has Ben been marooned in the island?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. d) What did Ben want in return for helping the Squire and his men?


4-"I looked and saw two men by the fence, one was holding a white flag and the other was Silver himself." A) How has Silver become the captain of the ship?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. B)In your opinion, what's a white flag used for?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. C) What did Silver want from Captain Smollett?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. d)Did Captain Smollett agree to give him the map? What was Silver's reaction towards that?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. E) What was the result of the fight between them?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. F)What did Jim do with Ben's boat?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. G)Where was Ben's boat hidden?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. les son

Word Definition Meaning

1 Urgent adj. Requiring immediate action or attention

Yesterday I had an urgent call. my brother had a terrible



1 Rearrange v. To change the position ( order of something )

I'm busy tomorrow. could we rearrange the meeting for


يعيد ترتيب

1 Colleague n. A person with whom one works in a profession or business Mr. Fahd has many colleagues in his company.


1 Asap expression As soon as possible We need to discuss the problem. Could we meet asap?

بأسرع ما ميكن

2 Starvation n. Lack of food

Many African countries suffer from starvation.

املوت جوعا

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2 Impromptu adj. Done without being planned ,organised or rehearsed

The band gave an impromptu concert.


2 Well sealed adj. Closed very securely

The bottle is well-sealed .It needs an opener to be opened.

حمكم الغلق

2 Unreliable adj. Untrustworthy , irresponsible

Telephone service in most countries is unreliable.

غري موثوق فيه

2 Current n. A body of water moving in a definite direction I couldn't go swimming yesterday because the current was too strong.


3 Fasten v. To fix It is important to fasten your seat belt when you drive.

يثبت –يربط

3 Homing adj. Relating to an animal's ability to fly home from a great distance

The homing pigeon is extremely skilled in carrying messages.

الرغبة يف العودة القدرة علي العودة للوطن

3 Illegally adv. Against the law

Some people were caught smuggling heroin illegally

inside the country.

بصورة غري شرعية

3 Instinct n. A natural or intuitive way of bahaving

Animals have a natural instinct for survival.


4 Deadline n. The latest time by which something should be completed He missed the deadline for applications.

املوعد النهائي

4 Flash v. To shine a bright light on and off Lightning always flash across the sky.

يومض -يعكس

4 Harmony n. Agreement or concord

It is important for all people to work and live in harmony.


4 Conference call n. A linking of several telephones ( people in diffrerent places can speak )

The conference call has been rearranged for later in the week املكاملة اجلماعية

5 Band n. The wavelength of a radio or digital signal I think this waveband is not clear , could you change it please?

تردد موجات

5 Hassle n. Irritating inconvenience

It's such a hassle not having a washing machine.

مشاحنة –صراع ازعاج-مضايقة

5 Upgrade v. To raise something to a higher standard

I think your computer system should be upgraded.

حيدث - يطور

5 Portable adj. Easily carried

My father bought me a portable CD player last week.


5 Slide v. To move smoothly over a surface

My brother began to slide on ice losing his balance.


5 Frequency n. The wavelength of a radio This radio station broadcasts on three different frequencies.


5 Handy adj. Convenient to handle or use – useful The screwdriver is a handy little tool.

مالئم -سهل

5 Unlock v. To make a phone accessible to the user

Unlock the door! We can't go out.


5 Activate v. To make active and able to operate Cooking fumes may activate the alarm.

يفعل -ينشط

7 Confident adj. Feeling assured about something He looks confident of having the job as he passed the interview.


7 Alarm v. To cause someone to feel frightened or disturbed حيذر-يفزع –يرعب

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I don't want to alarm you, but I can’t find the key. 7 Answer phone n. Answer machine

Did you leave a message on my answer phone? جهاز استقبال املكاملات

7 Briefly adv. Of short duration Hamad explained briefly what we had to do.


7 Next of kin n. A person's closest living relative

May I have your name, address and you next of kin



اقرب األقارب7 Ring n. An informal term for a telephone call

While I was sleeping ,I heard a ring at the doorbell.


7 Tone n. A musical note or sound used as a particular signal on a telephone

I usually like the guitar's tone.


7 Tutor n. A private teacher

Many children are educated at home by tutors.

مدرس خصوصي

Vocabulary Exercises

A) Fill in the spaces with words from the list : ( starvation /band /current /urgent /colleagues )

1.Rashid is one of my best ………………. I've been working with him for 10 years . 2.We need easy emergency numbers in ………………………..matters . 3.No, I advise you not to go swimming .The…………………………. is strong and the waves are high too. 4.We should start up a campaign to help those poor sufferers who die because of…..…………. 5.“Kuwait land and home” is my favorite radio…………………………..

Grammar Correct the verbs in brackets: 1) Listen ! Somebody (cry) …………………….. inside this room. 2) Have you ever ( fly ) ……………………. a plane ?

3) Hamad is to blame. If he studied well, he (succeed) ………………………… 4) After I ( visit ) ………………………Faisal, I went home . Do as shown between brackets:

1- I read many books to get more information. ( Join using : so that ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Sami often goes to Al-Fanar cinema on Thursday. ( Make Negative ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

3- Mothers vaccinate their children against polio. ( Make Passive ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

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4- Rashid visits his uncle on Fridays. ( Ask a question )

……………………………………………………………………………………………… Do as shown in brackets : 1-Muslims say Eid Prayers in the Grand Mosque. ( Change focus ) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-Candidates ought to answer all the questions in the test. -All the questions ………………………………………………………... ( Complete ) 3-Millions of people speak and write foreign languages. ( Change into passive ) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Farmers grow vegetables at Wafra all the year round .

Vegetables………………………………………………………………. ( Complete ) 5. I haven't bought the ticket yet . ( Change focus ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Language Functions

Complete the missing parts of the following mini dialogues:

1. A: Would you come for my party tomorrow? B: ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. A: ……………………………………………………………………………… B: It’s ok, never mind, I’ll buy another one. 3. A: What do you think the weather would be like tomorrow? B: ………………………………………… Complete the missing mini dialogues: 1. A: I have decided to buy a new car. B:………………. ……………………………………………………………. 2. A: See what you have done to my dress. B:………………. ……………………………………………………… ……… 3. A: You must take injection twice a day. B:………………. ………………………………………………………………. 4. A: Some one helped you to change the tire of your car. B:………………. ……… C) Complete the following exchanges:

1- A : Be careful when parking. Shall I help you? B…………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- A : I lost my mobile somewhere. B:…………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.A………………………………………………………………………………………… B : Never mind. Just try to be more punctual next time. 4-A : It's raining outside. Why don't you stay until it stops? B……………………………………………………………………………………………

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Set book Questions 1-" Pigeons have carried messages for humans for humans 5,000 years."

a) Mention some different ways of sending messages now and in the past. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

b) People send messages for many reasons; such as: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

c) Communication via the internet is preferable to other ways of communication by some people . Why ?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. d)- What are the benefits of e-mail and phone text messages?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

2-"Pigeons have a natural instinct to fly back to their nests or homes from wherever they are." a) Pigeons were perfect for carrying messages over long distances because…

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

b) What did the Caliph use pigeons messaging for ? ………………………………………………………………………………………..

c) Pigeons messaging have been used in wartime . Why ? ………………………………………………………………………………………..

d) Pigeons were used for different purposes . Mention them . ………………………………………………………………………………………..

. f)- Why are e)pigeons sometimes called “homing pigeons” ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

3-" The SIM card makes it easy to switch to a new phone by simply sliding the SIM out of one phone and into another"

a) A SIM card is regarded as a mini hard disk because it holds……….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

4- " I'm sending this message out to sea to see if anyone will find it." a)- Well-sealed bottles were used as a means to send messages .Why ?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

b) Why do people prefer to send electronic messages? …………………………………………………………………….………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..

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c). In what ways has sending messages changed since the first carrier pigeon?

…………………………………………………………………….………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….…………………

L Word Definition Meaning 2 Exemplary adj. Excellent –providing a good example to others :

The company has an exemplary record in environmental

issues .

مثايل -منوذجي

2 Gliding n. The sport of flying in a light engineless aircraft :

My favourite hobby is gliding . I'd like to be a pilot .

رياضة الطريان الشراعي

2 Aviation n. The flying of a plane : Commercial aviation has developed a lot in the last decade .


2 Coincide with v. To happen at the same time as something else : My birthday coincide with the National Day of Kuwait .

يتزامن مع

2 Notably adv. Especially- in particular :

Many countries , notably Denmark , have refused to sign the

agreement .

علي وجه اخلصوص

2 Instructor n. A person who teaches something :

Mr Hamad is a good instructor . He teaches driving skillfully


2 Intensely adv. Strongly – in a high degree :

It rained intensely last night .


3 Transcontinental adj Crossing a continent :

In the past there was a transcontinental railway between

Turkey and Saudi Arabia .

عرب القارات

3 Biplane n. An early type of plane with two pairs of wings : I took my first lessons on a biplane .

طائرة ذات أربعة مراوح

3 Rusty adj. ( of a metal object) Covered in a reddish _brown substance :

You should cover these iron bars , lest it will get rusty .


3 Plague v. to cause continual trouble to a group of people :

Most African peoples are plagued by poverty and diseases .

يومل -يزعج

3 Prejudicial adj. Having a bad effect on something :

Some men are prejudicial against women's work .

منحاز ضد

3 Landmark adj. A feature of a landscape that is easily seen and recognized :

Kuwait Towers are tourist landmarks of Kuwait .

عالمة احلدود-عالمة بارزة

4 Courteously adv. Said or done in a polite manner : Mr Ali is very polite . He treats people courteously .


4 Stern adj. Serious and unrelenting :

Talal is always stern . He doesn't smile at all

صارم –عابس

4 Stunned adj. Astonished or shocked :

He was stunned when he heard about Adel's death .


4 Confrontational adj Likely to seek argument or disagreements : Most people avoid him because he is confrontational .

جمادل-قابل للمواجهة

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4 Expression n. The look on someone's face that shows a particular emotion :

The children's conduct made his expression very stern .

أسلوب التعبري

4 Acclaimed adj. Highly praised : The book has been acclaimed by teachers and pupils .

حمرتم -مبجل

4 Attendant n. A person employed to provide a service to the public : The flight attendant asked passengers to fasten their seatbelts

مضيف جوي

4 Mumble v. To say something quietly (too difficult for others to hear)

A woman on the corner was mumbling to herself .


4 Cabin n. The area for passengers in a plane : Businessmen usually sit in the first class cabin .

قمرة الركاب

5 Corporation n. A big company or a group of companies : Faisal is an accountant in Al- Ghanim Corporation .


5 Resemble v. To look or seem like :

Samy resembles his father .


7 Buzzing adj. Low , continuous humming or murmuring : I can't stand this buzzing . Keep quiet , please .

طنني -أزيز

7 Baby carriage n. A four_wheeled carriage for a baby : While the mother was pushing a baby carriage , a car knocked her and the baby .

عربة الطفل

7 Custom_built adj. Made for a customer's special order :

This car is a custom – built for Prince Charles .

مصمم خصيصا للعمالء

7 Eyewitness n. A person who has seen something happen :

The eyewitness described the accident thoroughly .

شاهد عيان

7 Incident n. An unusual event :

The road is closed following a serious incident earlier today .


8 Aviate v. To pilot or fly in a plane : Now you can aviate without the help of your instructor


8 Altitude n. The height of a plane in relation to sea level You need to carry oxygen when you are climbing on high altitude .


8 Endeavour v. To try or attempt :

He endeavoured to make the best of a very difficult situation


8 Headline n. A heading at the top of an article or page :

The president's assassination was the main headline of all

the newspapers .

عنوان رئيسي

8 Fog n. Thick cloud which is difficult to see through :

Fog makes it difficult for us to see .


8 Radar n. A system for detecting the speed and position of aircrafts

The Stealth air fighters can't be seen by radar .


8 Co_pilot n. A second pilot in a plane assisting the pilot : The co-pilot flew the plane when the pilot felt tired .

مساعد الطيار

8 control The switch by which a machine is operated مفتاح التحكم و السيطرة

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Vocabulary Fill in the spaces with words from the list :

( starvation /band /current /urgent /colleagues )

1.Rashid is one of my best ………………. I've been working with him for 10 years . 2.We need easy emergency numbers in ………………………..matters . 3.No, I advise you not to go swimming .The…………………………. is strong and the waves are high too. 4.We should start up a campaign to help those poor sufferers who die because of…..…………..… 5.“Kuwait land and home” is my favorite radio…………………………..


)Choose the correct answer :

1.An architect is someone ----------------- designs buildings . a. which b. whose c. who d. whom

2.The window --------------- was broken has now been repaired . a. whose b. where c. who d. which

3. It seems that Earth is the only planet ------------can support life . a. which b. where c. whose d. when

4. What was the name of the man -------------- wife became ill and was taken to hospital . a. which b. whose c. where d. whom

5-I can never forget the place --------------------------- I was born. a-when b-where c-why d-what

6-We have had dinner in a restaurant ------------------- offers the most delicious meals. a-which b-who c-whose d-whom

7-We all remember that old days ----------------- we were younger and had more fun. a. Where b-why c-when d. what

8-I'm so sorry. I don't know------------------- Adel lives. a-what b-when c-how d-where

9-The one -------------------- car was the first, got a fair compensation after the accident a-whom b-which c-who d-whose

Do as shown in brackets :

1-If he doesn't speak English well , he …………… (not get ) the new job . ( Correct )

2- If Salwa didn't come early , she ……………….. ( not get ) a seat . ( Correct )

3-If you don’t study , you …………………( not succeed). ( Correct )

4. If it doesn’t rain , we’ll go for a walk. (Use : Unless)


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5. If you didn’t play well , we’d lose the match. (Use : Unless)

Unless ………………………………………………………………………………

6-If you hadn’t come late , you ………………………….( be ) allowed in. ( Correct )

7- If she hadn't bought that house , she ………………………….. ( not become ) happy Put the verbs between brackets in the right tense: 1.My father usually (wake up)…………………….. at 6.30 a.m. 2.Wood (not/sink) ………………… water. 3.I (book) ……………………a ticket a week ago. 4.I couldn't meet the manager, but I (speak)…………………… to the secretary. 5.They (be) ……………………………..excited at the party last night. 6.I (just/meet) …………………….Hamad at the bank. 7.Ali (never/be)……………….. to Italy before. 8.Look! Someone (walk)…………………….. across the garden. 9.Ali (have) ………………….a bath now. 10.I (repair) …………………………… car when it started raining.

Set book Questions

1- "At the age of 19, Munirah has become Kuwait's first female pilot and one of the

world's youngest captains." a)What are the advantages of working as a pilot?

a) …………………………………………………………………….………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. b) What are the disadvantages of working as a pilot? a) …………………………………………………………………….………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. c)Munirah Mohammed Buruki is an exemplary representation of Kuwaiti

women can achieve. Discuss.

…………………………………………………………………….………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..

2- "When 10 years old Amelia Earhart saw her first plane at a local fair, she was not impressed." a)Munirah's father played an important role in her life.discuss.

…………………………………………………………………….………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..

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b)How could Munirah make her dreams come true?

…………………………………………………………………….………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..

c) Dr. Massouma Al-Mubarak, like Munirah, is an exemplary representation of what Kuwaiti women can achieve. Discuss.

…………………………………………………………………….………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………..

d) In what way has air travel changed the way people live?

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e) Who is Amelia Earhart? What do you know about her?

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f) Describe Amelia Earhart's first plane.

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g) Amelia was given the nickname "Queen of the Air". What are her great achievements?

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3- " Al-Adwani died in 1990, at the age of 67. He left behind an extensive collection of

unpublished and unedited stories, poems and scripts"

A- What was Ahmad Mishari Al-Adwani's job?

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B- Mention some of Ahmad Mishari Al-Adwani's contributions to Kuwait?

(Focus On SB 96)

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