Page 1: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you
Page 2: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die.


2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer.

3. Extra ? Space means you have to answer another question or go back to where you were.

Page 3: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

4. Trade Spaces means you can switch places with any other team (or not if you’re in the lead.)


5. Roll Again means you can simply roll again without answering a question.

6. Exact roll is not needed to finish.

Page 4: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you
Page 5: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Pierre wants to find out if a plant grows taller when given a new fertilizer called Evergrow. He plants seeds in pots and adds the proper amount of fertilizer according to the directions. What else should Pierre do to find out if Evergrow really does make plants grow taller?

a.Provide more light to his plants

b.Grow some seeds without fertilizer

c.Put the plants in windows in different rooms

d.Water the plants at the end of 2 weeks

b. Grow some seeds without fertilizer

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Page 7: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Janis wants to compare the number of snails in two different areas of a park. What is the best way for Janis to do that?

a.List ways that people make it hard for snails to live.

b.Use a table to show the number of snails in each area.

c.Make a drawing showing different features in each area

d.Graph how often the two groups of snails eat food.

b. Use a table to show the number of snails in each area

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Page 9: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Which of the following is a solution?

a.Water and gravel

b.Water and oil

c.Water and sugar


c. Water and sugar

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Page 11: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Jimmy observed how baking soda reacts with vinegar. He noticed tiny bubbles formed when he dropped vinegar onto the baking soda. Which type of change occurred?

a.Chemical c. Mechanical

b.Electrical d. Physical

a. Chemical

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Page 13: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Lamps and flashlights produce light. When they are on, they also produce another type of energy. What other type of energy do these objects emit?

a.Chemical c. Solar

b.Nuclear d. Thermal

d. Thermal

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Page 15: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Which statement best describes how the grand canyon was formed?

a. The canyon once had a waterfall.

b. Big rainstorms washed rocks out of the canyon.

c. A flowing river cut into the rocks to form the canyon.

d. Rocks from other places formed the canyon.

c. A flowing river cut into the rocks to form the canyon.

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Page 17: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Keisha knows that Earth rotates on its axis. What evidence indicates that Earth is rotating on its axis?

a.There is day and night.

b.There are 365 days in each year.

c.There are 4 phases of the moon.

d.There are different seasons of the year.

a. There is day and night.

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Page 19: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Celia saw a goldfish living in a tank by itself. She took it home and put it in her aquarium with other goldfish. What must this goldfish do to survive in its new environment?

a.Camouflage itself in its new surroundings

b.Compete with the other goldfish for resources.

c.Allow other goldfish to use the resources first.

d.Build a home that is similar to its old home.b. Compete for resources.

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Page 21: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Why does the base level contain the most producers?

a.They prey on predators

b.They supply the most


c. They hunt animals

d. They prey pass energy to the producers

b. They supply the most energy

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Page 23: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Which organism gets its energy from the bird?

The snake

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Page 25: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Which block would experience the least amount of friction?

The Ice Block

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Page 27: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Johnny conducted an experiment with mealworms and fruit. What conclusion could he make from the data:

a.Mealworms prefer pears c. Mealworms prefer neither

b.Mealworms prefer apples d. Mealworms don’t like fruit

b. Mealworms prefer apples

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Page 29: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Susan designed an experiment to test the speed of a toy car released from the top a a ramp. She already has a meterstick. Which other tool should she use to measure the speed?


b.Inclined plane

c.Spring scale


d. Stopwatch speed=distance/time

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Page 31: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

James wants to split a piece of wood. Which simple machine would make his job easier?

a. Lever b. Wheel and Axle

c. Wedge d. Inclined plane

c. wedge

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Page 33: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Deep under the Earth’s surface there is a layer of hot liquid rock called magma. Pressure forces magma, together with ash, smoke, and steam, to burst through cracks in the ground.

What landform is this describing?

a.Earthquakes b. faults

c. Geysers d. volcanoes

d. volcanoes

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Page 35: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Which of the following is the way metamorphic rocks form?

a. Deposition b. Erosion

c. Heating d. Weathering

c. Heating

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Page 37: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

An old commercial says that oranges are like packages of Florida sunshine, all stored up for you to eat. How is this true?

a.Oranges are the same color as the sun

b.Your mouth feels sunny when you eat them.

c.Orange trees use sunlight to make food stored in oranges.

d.Orange trees use sunlight to make oxygen.

c. Orange trees use sunlight to make food

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Page 39: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

The Millers used fertilizer to keep their lawn thick and green, and pesticides to kill insects. The Millers moved and the Schwartz family moved in. the Schwartzes did not use chemicals. Insects killed the grass in some spots and birds started to visit their yard. What happened?

a.The lawn was thicker without fertilizer

b.Without chemicals, insects came and so did birds that eat them.

c.The birds could see the insects better through the grass

d.The fertilizer killed the grass and made it thinner

b. Without chemicals, insects came and so did birds

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Page 41: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Derek is doing an investigation with pendulums. He is counting the number of times they swing in one minute. His data does not support his prediction. What should he do?

a.Make up data to support his prediction

b.Turn his investigation in with no data

c.Record his data and then repeat the investigation.

d.Copy his classmates data.

c. Record and repeat

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Page 43: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Kevin’s nervous system helps him start running after his friend. What other body systems help him move?

a.Circulatory and excretory

b.Digestive and skeletal

c.Muscular and skeletal

d.Respiratory and digestive

c. Muscular and skeletal

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Page 45: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Darren’s baby brother can do several things. Which one did he learn?

a.Breathing b. drinking milk

c. Playing peek-a-boo c. sleeping

c. Playing peek-a-boo

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Page 47: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Mike’s family wants to use a renewable resource to heat the pool. Which resource could he use?

a.A gas heater c. Solar Panels

b.An electric heater d. A coal heater

c. Solar Panels

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Page 49: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

A smoke detector runs on a flashlight battery. It beeps loudly when it goes off. What energy transformation occurs when the smoke detector goes off?

a. Kinetic to light b. Electric to sound

c. Electric to kinetic d. Potential to electric

b. Electric to sound

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Page 51: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Which is both a herbivore and a consumer?


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Page 53: 1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer. 3. Extra ? Space means you

Which is the best reason scientists should accurately report their data?

a.So others can graph it

b.So others can admire it

c.So others can repeat the experiment

d.So others can disprove it

c. So others can repeat it.

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The END!Study Hard!
