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 May 6th, 2012



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Service of the word

This order was originally prepared by the Department of Liturgics and released in 1991 in a booklet by the Board for Congregational Life for use in the Lutheran Church of Australia.


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L: I will sing to the Lord,C: because he has won a glorious

victory.L: The Lord is my strong defender;C: he is the one who has saved



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L: His right hand is awesome in power;

C: it breaks the enemy in pieces.L: Faithful to his promise, he led the

people he had rescued;C: by his strength he guided them

to his sacred land.


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L: He brings them in and plants them on his mountain,

C: the place that he has chosen for his home,

L: the temple that he himself has built.

C: The Lord will be king forever and ever.

[Exod 15:1,2,6,13,17,18]12

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Opening HymnWe sing our opening hymn:

Blessèd Jesus, at Thy word

LH 500 CAL 293

Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier

Tobias Clausnitzer 1619-84

Tr Catherine Winkworth 1827-78, alt.

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Blessèd Jesus, at Thy word 1. Blessèd Jesus, at your word

we are gathered all to hear you;

let our hearts and minds be stirred

now to seek and love and fear you;

by your gospel pure and holy

teach us, Lord, to love you solely.

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Blessèd Jesus, at Thy word 2. All our knowledge, sense and


lie in deepest darkness shrouded,

till your Spirit breaks our night

with your beams of truth unclouded;

you alone to God can win us,

only you work good within us.

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Blessèd Jesus, at Thy word 3. Glorious Lord, yourself impart,

light of light from God proceeding;

open lips and ears and heart,

help us by your Spirit's leading;

hear the cry your Church now raises;

Lord, accept our prayers and praises. †

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L: Let us confess our sins in the

presence of God and of each other.

C: We confess to you, almighty God, before the whole company of heaven, and to each other, that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed by our own fault. »»

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Have mercy on us, for Jesus’ sake, forgive us all our sins, and bring us to eternal life. Amen.

L: The almighty and merciful Lord grants us pardon; and forgives us all our sins.

C: Amen.

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Lord have mercy

L: Let us call on the Lord, to whom we belong through our baptism.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the true vine:C: Lord, have mercy.L: You give us growth as branches in

you:C: Christ, have mercy.L: You make us produce fruit by

remaining in you:C: Lord, have mercy.

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L: As God’s people through our baptism into Christ, let us confess our faith.

C: I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

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And in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead.

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He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty, from thence he will come to judge the living and the dead.

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I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen

*or: Christian; ‘catholic’ here means ‘universal’

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L: I will thank you, Lord.C: Although you were angry with

me,L: your anger has turned awayC: and you have comforted me.L: Surely God is my salvation;C: I will trust him and not be afraid.

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L: The Lord God is my strength and my song;

C: he has become my salvation.L: With joy you will draw waterC: from the wells of salvation.

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L: Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;

C: make known among the nations what he has done,

and proclaim that his name is exalted.

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L: Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things;

C: let this be known to all the world.L: Shout and sing for joy, people of

Zion,C: for Israel’s holy God is great,

and he lives among you.

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L: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

C: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

L: The Lord be with you.C: And also with you. 

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PRAYER OF THE DAY L: Let us pray that we love others.

C: Merciful Father, you have reached out to all people through your Son Jesus, who died for us all. Encourage us to live as your chosen people and give of ourselves to others.

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PRAYER OF THE DAY We ask this through Christ our

Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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Philip and the Ethiopian


R: The first Reading for the Fifth Sunday of Easter is written in Chapter 8 of Acts, beginning at Verse 26.

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Acts 8:26-40 26The LORD'S angel said to Philip,

"Go south along the desert road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza."

• 27So Philip left.

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Acts 8:26-40

An important Ethiopian official happened to be going along that road in his chariot. He was the chief treasurer for Candace, the Queen of Ethiopia. The official had gone to Jerusalem to worship 28and was now on his way home. He was sitting in his chariot, reading the book of the prophet Isaiah.

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Acts 8:26-40 29The Spirit told Philip to catch up with

the chariot. 30Philip ran up close and heard the man reading aloud from the book of Isaiah. Philip asked him, "Do you understand what you are reading?"

• 31The official answered, "How can I understand unless someone helps me?" He then invited Philip to come up and sit beside him.

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Acts 8:26-40 32The man was reading the passage

that said, He was led like a sheep on its way to be killed. He was silent as a lamb whose wool is being cut off, and he did not say a word.

33He was treated like a nobody and did not receive a fair trial. How can he have children, if his life is snatched away?

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Acts 8:26-40 34The official said to Philip, "Tell me,

was the prophet talking about himself or about someone else?"  35So Philip began at this place in the Scriptures and explained the good news about Jesus. 

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Acts 8:26-40 36-37As they were going along the road,

they came to a place where there was some water. The official said, "Look! Here is some water. Why can't I be baptized?" 38He ordered the chariot to stop. Then they both went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.

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Acts 8:26-40 39After they had come out of the water,

the LORD'S Spirit took Philip away. The official never saw him again, but he was very happy as he went on his way. 

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Acts 8:26-40 40Philip later appeared in Azotus. He

went from town to town, all the way to Caesarea, telling people about Jesus. 

This is the Word of the Lord.C: Thanks be to God.

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Psalm 22:25-31 CEV 

R: The Psalm is Psalm 2225When your people meet, you will fill

my heart with your praises, LORD, and everyone will see me keep my promises to you.  

C: 26The poor will eat and be full, and all who worship you will be thankful and live in hope.

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Psalm 22:25-31 CEV 

R: 27Everyone on this earth will remember you, LORD. People all over the world will turn and worship you,

 C: 28because you are in control, the ruler of all nations.

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Psalm 22:25-31 CEV 

R: 29All who are rich and have more than enough will bow down to you, LORD. Even those who are dying and almost in the grave will come and bow down. 

C: 30In the future, everyone will worship and learn about you, our LORD. 

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Psalm 22:25-31 CEV 

R:31People not yet born will be told, "The LORD has saved us!" 

C: Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit;

As it was in the beginning is now, and will be for ever. Amen

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Second reading1 John 4:7-21 CEV

Love one another, as God loved us.

R: The Second Reading is written in Chapter 4 of First John, beginning at Verse 7.

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1 John 4:7-217My dear friends, we must love each

other. Love comes from God, and when we love each other, it shows that we have been given new life. We are now God's children, and we know him. 8God is love, and anyone who doesn't love others has never known him.

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1 John 4:7-219God showed his love for us when he

sent his only Son into the world to give us life. 10Real love isn't our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven. 11Dear friends, since God loved us this much, we must love each other. 

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1 John 4:7-2112No one has ever seen God. But if we

love each other, God lives in us, and his love is truly in our hearts. 

13God has given us his Spirit. That is how we know that we are one with him, just as he is one with us. 14God sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. We saw his Son and are now telling others about him.

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1 John 4:7-2115God stays one with everyone who

openly says that Jesus is the Son of God. That's how we stay one with God 16and are sure that God loves us.

God is love. If we keep on loving others, we will stay one in our hearts with God, and he will stay one with us. 17If we truly love others and live as Christ did in this world, we won't be worried about the day of judgment.

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1 John 4:7-2118A real love for others will chase those

worries away. The thought of being punished is what makes us afraid. It shows that we have not really learned to love. 

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1 John 4:7-2119We love because God loved us first.

20But if we say we love God and don't love each other, we are liars. We cannot see God. So how can we love God, if we don't love the people we can see? 21The commandment that God has given us is: "Love God and love each other!" 

This is the Word of the Lord.C: Thanks be to God.

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GOSPEL John 15:1-8 CEV

The true vine and the fruitful branches

L: The Holy Gospel is written in Chapter 15 of the Gospel according to St John, beginning at Verse 1  

C: Glory to you, O Lord .


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John 15:1-8  Jesus said to his disciples:

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.   2He cuts away every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit. But he trims clean every branch that does produce fruit, so that it will produce even more fruit.   3You are already clean because of what I have said to you. 52

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John 15:1-8  4Stay joined to me, and I will stay

joined to you. Just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays joined to the vine, you cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to me.   5I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. 53

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John 15:1-8  But you cannot do anything without

me.   6If you don't stay joined to me, you will be thrown away. You will be like dry branches that are gathered up and burned in a fire. 7Stay joined to me and let my teachings become part of you.


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John 15:1-8  Then you can pray for whatever

you want, and your prayer will be answered.   8When you become fruitful disciples of mine, my Father will be honoured.  

This is the Gospel of the LordC: Praise to you, O Christ ,

raised to live forever.


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 L: Lord Jesus, thank you for being the true vine and making us your branches.

Keep us united to you and help us to bear much fruit.

C: Amen.


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HymnWe sing :

O worship the King v.1,4,5,6

LHS 463 CAL293

Robert Grant (1779-1838), alt.

based on William Kethe, 1561

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O worship the King

1. O worship the King all glorious above;

O gratefully sing His power and His love:

Our shield and defender, the ancient of days,

Pavilioned in splendour and girded with praise.

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O worship the King

4. Your bountiful care what tongue can recite?

It breathes in the air, it shines in the light;

It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,

And sweetly distils in the dew and the rain.

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O worship the King

5. Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,

In You do we trust, nor find You to fail;

Your mercies how tender, how firm to the end,

Our maker, defender, redeemer, and friend.

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O worship the King

6. O measureless might, ineffable love,

While angels delight to hymn You above,

Your humbler creation, though feeble their lays,

With true adoration, shall sing to Your praise. †


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HymnWe sing :

Lead Thou me on v.1,2,3,5

LH396 CAL 293

Alfred Ernest Richard Brauer (1866-1949)

Based on ‘Lead, kindly Light’, by J.H. Newman

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Lead Thou me on

1. O lead me on, You kindly, heavenly Light, O lead me on;

My pathway home is shrouded in dark night,

I see no dawn.

You are the light dispelling this world’s gloom;

O light my path, and lead me safely home.

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Lead Thou me on

2. O lead me on, O Saviour Jesus Christ, You are that light;

You for my sin and guilt were sacrificed,

To cheer my night.

Shine in my heart with Your celestial ray;

If You but lead, I shall not lose my way.

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Lead Thou me on

3. O lead me on, unworthy though I be, Though sin-defiled.

I chose a path that led away from You;

Forgive Your child.

Remember not the sin of former years;

Have mercy, Lord, and calm all doubt and fears.

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Lead Thou me on

5. So lead me on, my Saviour and my guide, Home to my God.

I fear no foe; for You are by my side,

My gracious Lord.

O lead Your child with Your own eye of love,

Till in Your arms I rest in heaven above. †

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Offering prayer

C: Loving heavenly Father, thank you for giving us new life through your Son. Make us fruitful branches of the true vine. Help us to keep trusting in him and to show your love by loving other people.

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Offering prayer

Lead us to live in harmony with one another and to help others in need. Amen.

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L: Lord Jesus, your Spirit grafted us lovingly into Jesus, the tree of life. Feed new life into us through your word, like healthy sap flowing into us from a spring of eternal waters.

For your winning love,C: we praise you, Lord.

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L: Lord Jesus, you are the tree of life and we are the branches. By your Spirit, produce the fruit of love, joy, peace, and patience in our lives for others to enjoy, just as fruit on a healthy tree is there for people to taste and enjoy. Keep us from hanging on to love and keeping it for ourselves.

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Prune the selfish love from us and fill us with the new love from the Father.

For your winning love,C: we praise you, Lord.

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L: Lord Jesus, your love wants to reach out and do something positive for strangers, for those who are lost, and for those whom we find unlovable. Give us your love, that we may share the good news about you with people who are confused about religion and are searching for the right answers to the mysteries of life and death.

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Give us your courage to take risks, just as you took a risk by dying so that your enemies could be adopted into your family.

For your winning love,C: we praise you, Lord.

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L: Lord Jesus, you do not hold us selfishly to yourself and smother us with selfish love. Send us out into the world to minister to people who are dying spiritually, to those who love only themselves, and those who are driven by fear.

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Help us to show your winning love to other people because we have experienced it in our lives, and we know there is no human love like it.

For your winning love,C: we praise you, Lord.

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L: Lord Jesus, by your Holy Spirit, focus our love on the people who have special needs:

* victims of hatred and racism* refugees who are not accepted by

any country* single people who yearn for a life

partner to share your love with

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* those confused about religion* victims of sexual, physical and

emotional abuse in their families* those who think you don't care

because they are sick, or suffer from an incurable disease.

For your winning love,C: we praise you, Lord.

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L: Encourage and fill with new love the people who work in

* Lutheran World Service* Amnesty International* Community Aid Abroad* Red Cross and all other caring

agencies.For your winning love,C: we praise you, Lord.

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L: Lord Jesus, you invite the undeserving people to your table and offer them the best wine you have, to refresh growing souls with the taste of your free forgiveness and eternal life. Fill us with your Spirit so that we go out into your world and share your love

* with our families

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* with our work colleagues* with the strangers we meet* and with the poor, the hungry and

those with special needs,so that they can experience your

winning love.C: Amen.

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L: Finally, let us pray for all those things which our Lord would have us ask, saying: C: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

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C: Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

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(EPH 1:3–10)

L: Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

C: For in our union with Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world.

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(EPH 1:3–10)

L: Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ,

C: so that we would be holy and without fault before him.

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(EPH 1:3–10)

L: Because of his love God had already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his children — this was his pleasure and purpose.

C: Let us praise God for his glorious grace, for the free gift he gave us in his dear Son!

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(EPH 1:3–10)

L: For by the blood of Christ we are set free, that is, our sins are forgiven.

C: How great is the grace of God, which he gave to us in such large measure!

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(EPH 1:3–10)

L: In all his wisdom and insight God did what he had purposed, and made known to us the secret plan he had already decided to complete by means of Christ.

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(EPH 1:3–10)

C: This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head.

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L: the God of peace, who raised from the dead our Lord Jesus, provide us with every good thing we need in order to do his will; . .

The blessing of almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be with us always.

C: Amen.

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L: Go in peace, and love one another.

C: In the name of Christ.


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We sing :

I Know that my Redeemer Lives

LHS 103 CAL 293

Samuel Medley 1738-99, alt.

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I Know that my Redeemer Lives 

1. I know that my Redeemer lives;

what comfort this sweet sentence gives!

He lives, he lives, who once was dead;

he lives, my ever-living head.

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I Know that my Redeemer Lives 

2. He lives to bless me with his love,

he lives to plead for me above,

he lives my hungry soul to feed,

he lives to help in time of need.

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I Know that my Redeemer Lives 

3. He lives, my kind, wise, heavenly friend,

he lives and loves me to the end;

he lives, and while he lives, I'll sing;

he lives, my prophet, priest, and king.

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I Know that my Redeemer Lives 

4. He lives, and gives me daily breath;

he lives, and I will conquer death;

he lives my new home to prepare,

he lives to bring me safely there.

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I Know that my Redeemer Lives 

5. He lives, all glory to his name!

He lives, my Jesus, still the same;

O the sweet joy this sentence gives:

I know that my Redeemer lives!

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I Know that my Redeemer Lives 

• 1. I know that my Redeemer lives;• what comfort this sweet sentence

gives!• He lives, he lives, who once was

dead;• he lives, my ever-living head.•  • 2. He lives to bless me with his

love,• he lives to plead for me above,• he lives my hungry soul to feed,• he lives to help in time of need.•  • 3. He lives, my kind, wise,

heavenly friend,• he lives and loves me to the end;• he lives, and while he lives, I'll

sing;• he lives, my prophet, priest, and

king.•  • 4. He lives, and gives me daily

breath;• he lives, and I will conquer death;• he lives my new home to prepare,• he lives to bring me safely there.•  • 5. He lives, all glory to his name!• He lives, my Jesus, still the same;• O the sweet joy this sentence

gives:• I know that my Redeemer lives!•  

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Go in peace, and love one another.

Please stay a while

and have a cuppa

and chat with us.