

The Story ofLatin America Imperialism

Group 6



Key Terms

Foraker Act - 1900 Act providing a civil government for Puerto Rico; a main goal of the act was to prepare Puerto Rico for free trade with the US. It gave most power in Puerto Rico to US-appointed officials.

Platt Amendment - 1901 amendment to the Cuban constitution by which the US was allowed certain concessions, including the right to indefinitely maintain Guantanamo naval base in Cuba.

USS Maine - American warship sent to patrol Cuban waters at the beginning of 1898. When the ship mysteriously exploded on February 15, 1898, it gave the US a final reason to go to war, even though the cause of the explosion is still debated today.

Yellow journalism - The type of sensationalist (sometimes fictitious) journalism practiced by newspapermen such as Hearst and Pulitzer in order to boost circulation.

Protectorate - A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power



Spanish-American War, the Panama Canal project, Monroe Doctrine, Dollar Imperialism, and the Roosevelt Corollary, Haiti, Puerto Rico



Many Caribbean and Latin American were in revolutions and political unrest

A lot of the Latin American regions were in deep debt

“Non-colonial imperial expansion”

Can insert in laws that will allow American businesses to have an advantage.


Spanish-American War

The Spanish–American War was an armed military conflict between Spain and the United States that took place between April and August 1898, fourt months) over the issues of the liberation of Cuba.

Treaty of Paris ended the war


Cause of Spanish-American War

American demand for a compromise in Cubans struggle for independence was rejected by Spain

Economic Reason

Monroe Doctrine

Expansionist feelings

Yellow Journalism





Yellow Journalism



Results of the Spanish American War

America’s involvement increases in Asia and South America

Cuba gains independence

America is recognized as a world power


Consequences on America

America successfully controlled and handled the “splendid little war"

Ensured a constant U.S. military presence in the Caribbean and Central America for decades

Treaty of Paris gave United States control over Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam


After Spanish American War

U.S. sets up an military government in Cuba

U.s. fears that other imperialist nations might try to take control of CUba after Spanish-American War

Platt Amendment

U.s. Withdraws troop but maintains a base.


Imperialism of Cuba

General John Brooks becomes leader of the occupation government

Newly promoted General Leonard Wood, former leader of the Rough Riders becomes leader of the second occupation government


The Good

Wood’s main goal was to improve Cuban life

He modernized education, agriculture, government, healthcare, and so forth

Wood also had Havana's harbor deepened, in preparation for a higher volume of trade with the US.

Wood followed Dr. Walter Reed’s advice and destroys many swamps, marshes; reduces frequency of yellow fever cases


The Bad

Wood set up structure in place so that Afro-Cubans would be kept out of politics

Raised resentment


The UGLYThe Teller Amendment was a promise to withdraw entirely from Cuba after the Spanish American War

U.S.: honored promise but forced Cubans to write the Platt Amendment into their constitution

Platt Amendment gave U.S. a Cuban base (Guantanama)

Cubans: resented that the U,S. had left a military base


Latin American (Cuban) Viewpoint

Resented U.S. intervention

Resented military government

Resented U.S. preventing it to become truly independent

America’s control of the Dominican Republic’s customhouses helped bring short-term financial security to the nation.


Platt Amendment

Treaty between the United States and Cuba embodying the provisions defining the future relations of the United States with CUba contained in the act of Congress”

Limits Cuba’s ability to sign treaties with other nations and gave U,.S. right to intervene in CUban affairs

Cuban becomes protectorate of U.s.


“Dollar Diplomacy”

William Howard Taft believed in economic expansion, and so therefore introduced "dollar diplomacy."

The “dollar diplomacy” was to advance and protect American businesses in other countries.

The term is also used historically by Latin Americans to show their disapproval of the role that the U.S. government and U.S. corporations have played in using economic, diplomatic and military power to open up foreign markets.


Monroe Doctrine

The era of colonization had ended

Threat of European powers to the Western Hemisphere

America would avoid affairs with Europe


Roosevelt Corollary“Big Stick” Policy

Roosevelt adds the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Roosevelt warns that disorder in Latin America might “force the U.S. to exercise of an international police power



American View

Use economic power to achieve policy goals

Undermine the chances of European interference in America’s imperialism in Latin America


Latin American Debts

Latin America, and many of the “Banana Repulic” began owing heavy debts to European powers such as Germany and England

German warships sank two Venezuelan vessels and bombarded a Venezuelan town

Threatened America’s security


International Policemen

Venezuela failed to pay debtsEurope retaliates

Dispute settled by Roosevelt


Puerto Rico

President McKinley wants to restore order and protect American Investments

Puerto Rico, which became an American protectorate under the Treaty of Paris, was very poor.

US troops were welcomed in 1898, and the Puerto Ricans greatest hopes were for increased rights and a better economy.


The Good

Puerto Rico's experience under US rule was more positive than that of the Philippines.

In 1900, Congress passed the Foraker Act, which set up a civil government for the Puerto Ricans, and gave the Puerto Ricans some amount of self-government.

The US went right on working to Americanize Puerto Rico, importing institutions, language, political systems, and the like.


The Bad

However, most power still belonged to officials appointed by the US government, a fact which angered many Puerto Rican natives.



However, U.S. was always vague over Puerto Rico’s political future

Resistance movement, led by Luis Munoz Rivera



Gradually, the US granted more and more concessions to the Puerto Ricans

1917, Puerto Ricans were made US citizens, with full citizens' rights.


Panama CanalPeople wanted a faster way to travel back and forth from the Atlantic to Pacific and vise versa

U.S. buys right to canal and tries to sign treaty with Columbia to build canal

Columbia refuses to sign treaties

Panamanian revolutionaries want to break off from Columbian; Teddy ecnourages them

Teddy supports revolution

Nation of Panama signs treaty to give U.S. control over the Canal zone and permission to build the Panama Canal


American Viewpoint

Good deal; the Panama canal cut the original journey of about 13,000 miles into half the length of the journey

They collected about $340 million a year at the Panama Canal tollgate


Latin America (Panama) Viewpoint

Panama took control of the canal on December 31, 1991

Happy because Latin America had become a cross world of world trade.


HaitiThe U.S. government's official reason for invading was to protect human rights and restore democracy.

This interest in Haiti was part of the larger Caribbean plan, which in turn was part of the broader effort by the U.S. to become an imperialist power capable of challenging its European rivals.

America wanted to stop its rivals, particularly Germany, from acquiring more influence.


Consequences of Haiti being Imperialized

America wrote and imposed a convention giving the U.S. the right to police the country and take control of public finances.


Consequences of Haitian

(The Good)

Successful maintenance of foreign debt repayment was in fact probably the only "positive" achievement of the nineteen-year occupation

Learned how to build prisons


Feelings of Haitians Expressed(The Bad)

Majority of Haitians were against the occupations and opposed

Nationalist sentiments (“Indigenist,” “Haitianist,” or “”Africanist”

Black nationalism


Feelings of Haitians Expressed(The UGLY)

Rebellions in which Haitians were crushed

America raises taxes and “postpones” elections of a hated president due to a economic recession cause by the coffee market

Haitians rebel furiously and burn down marine homes


U.S. pulls out..after 200 years

U.s. agrees to pull out on conditions

U.S. government would maintain supervision of Haitian finances


U.S. Empire

Pledging that it was fighting a war against empire with anti- imperialist statements like the Teller Amendment, the US somehow emerged from this originally anti-imperialist war with an empire of its own.

dualism in American foreign policy; U.S.’s not imperialism actions always help U.S. foreign policies


U.S. Empire

As a further result of the war, US national pride soared, and nationalism and jingoism peaked. The US took a first successful step onto the world stage.

Finally, the Spanish-American War offered a sign that the US really was a union again. For the first time since the Civil War divided the country, Northern and Southern soldiers had fought on the same side against a common enemy.


Consequences for Latin America

had a few brief moments where it was not in a complete revolution

rose the distrust and fear of people living in latin America as America kept failing to bring peace to the region.


Latin America

Was imperialized by America

Was modernized in education

Resented America’s constant military intervention



“Remember the Maine.” 14 Jan 2009 <>.

“The Press and Spanish-American Relations in 1898.” 14 Jan 2009 <>.

“SparkNotes: The Spanish American War (1898-1901): Important Terms, People, and Events.” 14 Jan 2009 <>.

“The Panama Canal.” 14 Jan 2009 <>. -
