Page 1: 1 T T T 11 I (. ç' VCrWTS · Commission (TNRCC), made a presentation to the Board concerning TNRCC Risk Reduction Rules. Copies of his overhead transparencies are included as Attachment

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• Charter Revision

• Approval of Meeting Minutes

• Membership Actions

• TNRCC Risk Reduction Rules - How Clean isClean

• EMRO Update

• RAB Training

• Defense Environment Alert Subscription

• Budget Update

• Subcommittee Reports

• New Business

• Review/Plan Next Meeting

Time Frame3 minutes

3 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

Mr. Medina 15 minutes

Mr. Porter 15 minutes

Mr. Solis 5 minutes

Mr. Medina 15 minutes

Subcommittee chairmen*

Mr. Solis

Mr. Solis 10 minutes


11 December 19956:00 PM

Price Elementary School

Mr. Solis

Mr. Solis

Mr. Solis

Mr. Beyer

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Minutes of the 12th meeting of theKelly Air Force Base Restoration Advisory Board

11 December 1995Price Elementary School

Members and alternates present:Mr. Larry Bailey, RAB Community Co-ChairMr. Gary BeyerMr. Tom CulbertsonMr. Allan HageithornDr. Gene LeneMr. B. Kirk Lofton, alternate for Sam SanchezMr. Armando QuintanillaMr. George RiceMs. Deborah Robinson, alternate for Bill SamMr. Desiderio D. Raygosa, alternate for Nick RodriguezMr. Juan Solis, RAB Community Co-ChairMr. Edward Weinstein

Kelly Air Force Base Staff present:Mr. Michael EstradaMr. Daniel MedinaCaptain Ed von DranMr. Dick WaltersMs. Victoria WarkMs. Adrienne Williams

Members absent without alternates:Mr. Charles AyalaMr. Roy GillMs. Yolanda JohnsonMr. Carl MixonMr. Tom MooreMr. Sam MurrahMs. Kelly Thurlow

Mr. Juan Solis Sr., Community Co-Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. andannounced that a quorum was present. No changes to the agenda were recommended. A copyof the agenda is included as Attachment 1.

Item I: Charter Revision

The Board approved a new charter to take effect at the next meeting. In accepting the newcharter, the Board excluded Sections G, H, and I, dealing with member conflict of interest(COT). These sections and the issue of COT will be placed on a future agenda.

In addition, the Board approved a motion waiving a provision in the original charter. Thatprovision states that changes to the Charter must be read at one meeting and approved at the

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Minutes of the 12th Meeting of theKelly Air Force Base Restoration Advisory Board11 December, 1995 - Price Elementary School

next. Adherence to this provision would have delayed the new charter's approval until thenext meeting.

In discussing the COT provisions of the new charter, Mr. Armando Quintanilla informed theboard that he had filed a claim against the Air Force centering on his property, 710 PriceAvenue. He stated that he would exclude himself from any decisions or discussions concerningthe property. Mr. Solis then asked the board whether any other members had a COT; noneindicated that they had a conflict.

Item II: Approval of Meeting Minutes

The Board deferred approval of the minutes. Several Board members had not received theminutes in time to review them before the meeting.

Item III: Membership Actions

Mr. Larry Bailey reported that he and Mr. Solis had sent a letter to Paul Roberson of theInitial Base Adjustment Strategy Committee asking him to join the Restoration AdvisoryBoard.

Mr. Bailey informed the board that Mr. Tom Smith had been advised of his removal from theBoard for missing two consecutive meetings without an alternate and that Mr. Smith hadindicated an interest in re-joining the Board. Mr. Bailey stated that Mr. Smith was informedthat he would have to re-apply for membership and had been provided with the necessaryapplication.

Mr. Bailey informed the board that Mr. Solis' alternate would be Mrs. Solis.

Additionally, Mr. Bailey reported that Ms. Kelly Thurlow had verbally requested terminationof her membership. Ms. Thurlow will be officially notified of her removal.

Item IV - TNRCC Risk Reduction Rules - How Clean is Clean?

Mr. Gary Beyer, Board member representing the Texas Natural Resource ConservationCommission (TNRCC), made a presentation to the Board concerning TNRCC Risk ReductionRules. Copies of his overhead transparencies are included as Attachment 2. (To be provided)

Mr. Beyer explained the three-level, risk based clean-up standards that the TNRCC enforces.These standards replaced the old standard of "clean to background levels".

In response to a question about which standard was most stringent, Mr. Beyer stated thatstandard 1 is the most stringent, but that it was not economically feasible to always clean up tothat standard. Additionally, Mr. Beyer stated that TNRCC had evaluated the Kelly proposaland found it to be protective of the human health and the environment.

Mr. Beyer also discussed the US Environmental Protection Agency's role in the clean up ofKelly Air Force Base. The EPA has authorized TNRCC to evaluate Base clean up proposals

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Minutes of the 12th Meeting of theKelly Air Force Base Restoration Advisory Board11 December, 1995 - Price Elementary School

and actions, but the EPA maintains an oversight role. EPA will review the process at the timeof Base closure.

During and following his presentation, Mr. Beyer took questions from the Board. In responseto a series of the questions, the following responses were offered:

• The Kelly Air Force Base Environmental Management organization makes arecommendation regarding clean-up standards which are reviewed and approved forsubmittal to TNRCC by the Base Commander.

• Kelly is not seeking a change in the status of the shallow aquifer at this time.

• Storage tanks come under a different program and therefore different specific standards.

• Public hearings provide an opportunity for public input to the decision/approval process.Mr. Quintanilla stated that he, speaking as a citizen and on behalf of other Base neighbors,felt the clean-up standard was too low and that the proposed 30-year clean up time was toolong.

• TNRCC receives funding from a variety of sources including state and federal funds. Thefederal funds include funding from the Department of Defense.

ITEM V - EMRO Update

Captain Edward von Dran (Kelly AFB EMRO) informed the board that the draft final report ofthe 1995 Basewide Remedial Assessment was available for review. Copies of his overheadtransparencies are included as Attachment 3.

• Captain von Dran said the report was developed to identify, track and monitor anyprogress of potential contamination and to assure that Kelly Air Force Base is addressingall the issues.

• Mr. Rice commended the Air Force, calling the report "very good work". He noted thatthe Air Force is not assuming that the interim cleanup systems are working, but hasidentified potential problems and is working on fixes.

ITEM VI- RAB Training

Mr. Jody Wireman, Armstrong Lab briefed the Board concerning the Lab's role in the KellyAFB Installation Restoration Program. He stated that Armstrong Lab would be reviewingexisting data and risk assessments with an emphasis on public health aspects. Copies of hisoverhead transparencies are included as Attachment 4.

In response to questions following Mr. Wireman's presentation, the followingresponses/clarifications were offered:

• The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry study should help determine anyhealth effects on the community.

• The results of the study could affect the decisions concerning the Base proposals.

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Minutes of the 12th Meeting of theKelly Air Force Base Restoration Advisory Board11 December, 1995 - Price Elementary School

• Mr. Wireman could not confirm whether or not Armstrong Labs or ATSDR would lookinto the fire at East Kelly and the 10,000 gallons of contaminated water that entered LeonCreek.

• Overall human health is the focus of Armstrong Lab.

ITEM VII - The Defense Environment Alert Subscription

Mr. Bailey suggested two copies he purchased; however, several board members suggestedonly a single copy be purchased. No final decision was reached on the number of copies orhow they would be made available to the RAB.

ITEM VIII - Budget Update

Mr. Dan Medina briefed status/forecast of Kelly's FY96 clean up funding. Copies of Mr.Medina's overhead transparencies are included as Attachment 5.

• 80% of the projected budget is for clean-up, with most of the emphasis on Zone 3.

• Mr. Quintanilla suggested the Board may wish to develop a budget subcommittee at somepoint to review the RAB budget.

• There was a discussion about community outreach and draft Defense Department guidanceon including RAB input to the budget process.

• The FY96 budget should he available for review in the next few weeks.

ITEM IX - Subcommittee Reports

Groundwater Sub-committee Mr. Rice stated that he was developing a hydrologic model thathe would like to present at a future meeting. Mr. Solis asked if this was the groundwatercommittee's project or a personal project of Mr. Rice's to which Mr. Rice indicated that thiswas a personal project hut welcomed input from anyone. There will be a Groundwater sub-committee meeting in January and Mr. Rice will present his findings at that meeting.

RAB Newsletter In lieu of Mr. Sanchez (absent), Mr. Quintanilla related that those in thecommunity, with whom he had spoken regarding the newsletter, felt it was directed moretoward RAB members than the community. Mr. Quintanilla also related that the communitywants to read about what is being done by the RAB.

Mr. Rice requested information on submission of articles to the newsletter. Anyone maysubmit an article by submitting it to the RAB community co-chair, Mr. Solis. The Newslettercommittee will approve or disapprove articles for publication.


Mr. Michael Overbay, EPA Senior Project Manager for Base Closure Team briefed the RABon the BRAC process and EPA's role in it.

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Minutes of the 12th Meeting of theKelly Air Force Base Restoration Advisory Board11 December, 1995 - Price Elementary School

• Government property cannot be sold (a deed cannot be transferred) before EPA certifiesthat the property is clean. This does not prevent a long-term lease. EPA will hold closingmilitary bases to the same safe standards as with any industry clean-up.

• One full-time employee will be arriving in January (from EPA) to work directly with theKelly Base Closure Team.

• He clarified the RAB's role in the BRAC procss as advisory rather than a decisionmaking committee. RAB members are individuals providing input and a majority opinionis not required for opinions to be considered.

• Regulators - EPA and TNRCC have the final decision regarding when clean up is done andwhether 30 years is a normal time frame for groundwater clean-up. The State does look atthe time frame and selects the most appropriate process for clean-up. EPA and TNRCCwork with on and off-site locations.

• Mr. Quintanilla questioned Mr. Overhay concerning lowered property values (off-base)caused by contamination. Mr. Overhay stated that EPA cannot remedy this problem.

ITEM XI - Review/Plan Next Meeting

The next Restoration Advisory Board meeting will be 5 February 1996 at Price ElementarySchool at 6:00 p.m.Mr. Solis accepted the following agenda items for the 5 February meeting.

• Discussion of Responsiveness Summary

• RAB working with contractors

• Presentation by the city on the status of the Quintana Road culvert relocation project.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

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11 December 19956:00PM

Price Elementary School

Time Frame• Charter Revision Mr. Solis 3 minutes

• Approval of Meeting Minutes Mr. Solis 3 minutes

• Membership Actions Mr. Solis 10 minutes

• TNRCC Risk Reduction Rules - How Clean is Mr. Beyer 15 minutesClean

• EMRO Update Mr. Medina 15 minutes

• RAB Training Mr. Porter 15 minutes

• Defense Environment Alert Subscription Mr. Solis 5 minutes

• Budget Update Mr. Medina 15 minutes

• Subcommittee Reports Subcommittee chairmen*

• New Business Mr. Solis

• Review/Plan Next Meeting Mr. Soils 10 minutes

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Minutas de la Reunion #12 de IaJunta Consejera para Ia Restauración (RAB) de la Base Aérea Kelly

11 de diciembre de 1995Price Elementary School

Miembros de Ia Junta y alternos presentes:Sr. Larry Bailey, Presidente de la Junta representando Ia Fuerza AéreaSr. Gary BeyerSr. Tom CulbertsonSr. Allan HageithornDr. Gene LeneSr. B. Kirk Lofton, alterno del Sr. Sam SanchezSr. Armando QuintanillaSr. George RiceSra. Deborah Robinson, alterna del Sr. Bill SamSr. Desiderio D. Raygosa, alterno del Sr. Nick RodriguezSr. Juan Soils Sr. Presidente de Ia Junta representando la ComunidadSr. Edward Weinstein

Representantes de Ia Base Aérea Kelly presentes:Sr. Michael EstradaSr. Daniel MedinaCapitán Edward von DranSr. Dick WaltersSra. Victoria WarkSra. Adrienne Williams

Miembros ausentes sin representación de alternos:Sr. Charles AyalaSr. Roy GillSra. Yolanda JohnsonSr. Carl MixonSr. Tom MooreSr. Sam MurrahSra. Kelly Thurlow

El Sr. Juan Soils Sr., Presidente de Ia Junta representando Ia Comunidad, liamó Ia reunion alorden a las 6:10 p.m. y anunció que habla mayoria presente. La agenda the recibida sin cambios.Se inciuye copia de Ia agenda en el Anexo 1.

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Minutas de Ia Reunion #12 de IaJunta Consejera para Ia Restauración (RAB) de la Base Aérea Kelly11 de diciembre de 1995, Price Elementary School

TEMA I: Revisón de Ia Constitución

La Junta aprobó una nueva constituciOn que entrará en vigor en Ia próxima reuniOn. Al aceptar Ianueva constituciOn, Ia Junta excluyó las secciones G, H e I que están relacionadas con conflicto deintereses. Estas secciones y el tema sobre conflicto de intereses de los miembros seránconsiderados en una reunion thtura.

Además, Ia Junta aprobó una moción para diferir Ia aplicación de una cláusula de Ia constituciónoriginal. Esta cláusula estipula que los cambios a Ia constitución deben leerse en una reunion y serconsiderados en Ia próxima reunion. De no diferir la aplicación de esta sección de Ia presenteconstitución, la aprobación de la nueva constitución tendria que posponerse hasta Ia próximareunion.

Durante la discusión de la cláusula de la nueva constitución sobre conflicto de intereses de losmiembros, el Sr. Armando Quintanilla informó a Ia Junta que éi ha presentado una demanda encontra de Ia Fuerza Aérea relacionada con su propiedad ubicada en Ia Avenida Price #7 10. El Sr.Quintanilla indicó que pedirá a Ia Junta que se le excluya de cualquier discusión relacionada consu propiedad. El Sr. Soils preguntó a los demás miembros de Ia Junta si algiin otro miembro teniaun conflicto de intereses. Nadie indicO tener conflicto de intereses.

TEMA II: Aprobación de las minutas

La aprobaciOn de las minutas the diferida debido a que algunos miembros de Ia Junta no lasrecibieron con tiempo suficiente para estudiarlas antes de Ia reunion.

TEMA ifi: Decisiones sobre Ia membresIa

El Sr. Larry Bailey reportó que él y el Sr. Soils enviaron una carta al Sr. Paul Roberson, miembrodel "Initial Base Adjustment Strategy Committee" pidiéndole que forme parte de Ia Junta.

El Sr. Bailey informó que se Ic notiflcó ai Sr. Tom Smith de su remoción de Ia Junta por haberfaltado a dos reuniones consecutivas sin enviar a su representante alterno. También informó queel Sr. Smith ha indicado su deseo de voiver a unirse a Ia Junta. El Sr. Bailey indicó que se leinformô a! Sr. Smith que tenla que solicitar de nuevo su membrecla y que se le hablaproporcionado una aplicaciOn.

El Sr. Bailey informó que el representante alterno del Sr. Soils es la Sra. Soils.

El Sr. Bailey reportó además que Ia Sra. Kelly Thurlow soiicitó verbalmente retirarse comomiembro de Ia Junta. La Sra. Thurlow será notificada oficialmente de Ia aceptación de surenuncia.


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Minutas de Ia Reunion #12 de IaJunta Consejera para Ia Restauración (RAB) de Ia Base Aérea Kelly11 de diciembre de 1995, Price Elementary School

TEMA IV: Reglas de TNRCC para Ia Reducción de Riesgo - Que tan limpio es Iimpio?

El Sr. Gary Beyer, miembro de Ia Junta representando a Ia Comisión para la Conservación de losRecursos Naturales de Texas (TNRCC), explico a Ia membresla las Reglas de TNRCC para IaReducción de Riesgo. Una copia de las transparencias usadas en su presentación acompafianestas minutas en el Anexo 2.

El Sr. Beyer explicó los tres niveles de clasificación usados por TNRCC como normas paralimpieza. Estas normas reemplazan las viejas normas que requerlan una limpieza al "niveloriginal".

Respondiendo a una pregunta sobre cual era Ia norma más estricta, el Sr. Beyer indicó que Ianorma más estricta es Ia Nümero 1, pero indicó que no es económicamente factible limpiarsiempre a este nivel. El Sr. Beyer explicó que TNRCC evaluó Ia propuesta de Kelly y encontróque el plan de limpieza propuesto proteje Ia salud y el ambiente.

El Sr. Beyer también explicó Ia ingerencia de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) en elplan de limpieza de Ia Base Aérea Kelly. La Agencia de Protección Ambiental ha autorizado aTNRCC para evaluar las propuestas presentadas por Ia Base Aérea Kelly para Ia limpieza delambiente. Pero, EPA siempre mantiene supervision sobre el programa de limpieza. La EPArevisará el plan de Ia Base Kelly para Ia limpieza del ambiente antes del cierre de la base.

Varios miembros de Ia Junta hicieron preguntas a! Sr. Beyer quien respondió a éstas de Iasiguiente forma:

• La Dirección del Departamento Ambiental de Ia Base Aérea Kelly hace recomendacionessobre las normas para limpieza del ambiente. Estas recomendaciones son revisadas yaprobadas por el Comandante de Ia Base quien las envia a TNIRCC.

• La Base Aérea Kelly no ha solicitado cambiar Ia clasificación del aculfero ilano.

• Los tanques para almacenaje de productos son considerados en otro programa diferente y porlo tanto son considerados bajo otras normas.

• Las audiencias ptThlicas le ofrecen al püblico Ia oportunidad de opinar en el proceso deaprobar ó rechazar reglas. El Sr. Quintanilla indicó que éI, hablando corno ciudadano y anombre de los vecinos de Ia Base Aérea Kelly, cree que las normas de limpieza son muy bajasy que el tiempo de limpieza propuesto de 30 ailos es muy largo.


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Minutas de Ia Reunion #12 de IaJunta Consejera para la Restauración (RAB) de Ia Base Aérea Kelly11 de diciembre de 1995, Price Elementary School

TNRCC recibe fondos de varias fuentes incluyendo el gobierno Estatal y el Federal. Entre losfondos federales se incluyen fondos del Departamento de Defensa.

TEMA V: Informe del Departamento de Restauración Ambiental (EMRO)

El Capitán Edward von Dran, del Departamento de RestauraciOn Ambiental de Ia Base AéreaKelly, informO que el reporte "1995 Basewide Remedial Assessment" en su forma casi final (DraftFinal) está disponible para ser revisado. Copia de las transparencias usadas en Ia presentaciOn delCapitán von Dran están incluldas en el Anexo 3.

• El Capitán von Dran explicó que el propOsito de este reporte es identificar y monitorearcualquier cambio de contaminaciOn potencial y asegurar de que Ia Base Aérea Kelly estáconsiderando todas las medidus necesarias para responder q un posible cambio.

• El Sr. George Rice elogió a Ia Base Aérea Kelly indicando que este reporte "representa unbuen trabajo". RecalcO que Ia Base Aérea Kelly no asume que el sistema interino de limpiezainstalado está füncionando adecuadamente, sino que trata de identificar los problemaspotenciales y está trabajando para corregirlos.

TEMA VI: Entrenamiento para los miembros de Ia Junta

El Sr. Jody Wireman, en representación de los Laboratorios Armstrong, presentó una resefla delpapel que juega los laboratorios en el programa de limpieza de Ia Base Aérea Kelly. Indicó quelos Laboratorios Armstrong revisarán la información existente y los estudios para riesgoenfatizando el aspecto de Ia salud püblica. Copia de las transparencias usadas en Ia presentaciOndel Sr. Wireman están incluidas en el Anexo 4.

Se le hicieron varias preguntas al Sr. Wireman quien respondió a éstas de Ia siguiente forma:

• El estudio que llevará a cabo Ia Agencia para Substancias Tóxicas y Registro deEnfermedades (ATSDR) (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) debe ayudar aidentificar cualquier efecto en Ia salud de Ia comunidad.

• Los resultados de este estudio pueden afectar los planes de limpieza de Ia Base Aérea Kelly.

• El Sr. Wireman no pudo confirmar silos Laboratorios Armstrong o Ia agencia ATSDRestudiará el fuego ocurrido en East Kelly y los 10,000 galones de agua contaminada queIlegaron hasta Leon Creek.

• Los Laboratorios Armstrong concentran sus estudios en Ia salud de los humanos.


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Minutas de la Reunion #12 de IaJunta Consejera para Ia Restauración (RAB) de Ia Base Aérea Kelly11 de diciembre de 1995, Price Elementary School

TEMA VII: Subscripción a Ia revista "Defense Environment Alert"

El Sr. Bailey recomendó que se compren dos copias de esta revista. Algunos miembros de laJunta indicaron que una copia era suficiente. No se llegó a una decision sobre cuantas copiasdeberlan comprarce o cómo se le haria llegar ésta revista a los miembros de Ia Junta.

TEMA VIII: Informe sobre ci presupuesto

El Sr. Daniel Medina explicó Ia presente situación de fondos para el programa de limpieza de IaBase Kelly para el el aflo fiscal 1996 y cómo se proyectan los fondos futuros. Copia de lastransparencias usadas en la presentaciOn del Sr. Medina están incluidas en el Anexo 5.

• El 80% del presupuesto está destinado al programa de limpieza,con especial énfasis en IaZona 3.

• El Sr.Quintanilla sugirió que Ia Junta deberIa considerar Ia formación de un Subcomité dePresupuesto para estudiar el presupuesto, de la Junta.

• Se discutieron los temas en referencia a "Acerramiento a Ia Comunidad" y las "GuIaspreliminares de el Departamento de Defensa para la participaciOn de el RAB en el Proceso deel Presupuesto."

• El presupuesto para el año fiscal 1996 debe estar disponible para los miembros de Ia Junta enlas próxima semanas.

TEMA IX: Reporte de Subcomités

Subcomité de Aguas Subterráneas - El Sr. Rice informó que está desarrollando un modelohidrologico y que espera presentarlo en una reunion futura. El Sr. Solls le preguntó al Sr. Rice siéste era un proyecto del Subcomité de Aguas Subterraneas 0 Wi proyecto personal. El Sr. Ricerespondió que era un proyecto personal, pero que aceptaba recomendaciones de cualquierpersona. El Subcomité de Aguas Subterraneas se reunirá en enero y el Sr. Rice presentará susresultados en esta reunion.

"RAB Newsletter" - En ausencia del Sr. Sanchez, el Sr. Quintanilla comentO que algunosmiembros de Ia comunidad le habIan indicado que ésta publicación esta orientada más hacia losmiembros de Ia Junta que a Ia comunidad. El Sr. Quintanilla cornentó que Ia comunidad quiereenterarse sobre lo que ha realizado Ia Junta.


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Minutas de la Reunion #12 de IaJunta Consejera para la Restauración (RAB) de Ia Base Aérea Kelly11 de diciembre de 1995, Price Elementary School

El Sr. Rice pidió información sobre cómo someter artIculos para ser incluidos en esta publicación.Cualquier persona puede someter artIculos enviandolos al Sr. Soils. El comité responsable de éstapublicación aprobará o desaprobará los artlculos sometidos para publicación.

TEMA X: Asuntos nuevos

El Sr. Michael Overbay, EPA Senior Project Manager en el Grupo para el Cierre de la Baseinformó a Ia Junta sobre Ia ingerencia de Ia Junta y de EPA en ci proceso para el cierre de Ia base.

• La propiedad del gobierno no se puede vender (una escritura sobre Ia propiedad no se puedetransferir), sin que la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) certifique que la propiedad estálimpia. Esto no impide que se arriende la propiedad por un largo plazo. EPA aplica lasmismas normas de limpieza tanto a las bases en proceso de cerrarse como a Ia industria engeneral.

• En el mes de enero llegará a San Antonio un empleado de tiempo completo de EPA paratrabajar directamente con ci Grupo encargado de el Cierre de Ia Base Kelly.

• El Sr. Overbay explicó que el trabajo de Ia Junta en el proceso de cierre de Ia base es servir deconsejero y no de hacer decisiones para el cierre. Los miembros de Ia Junta son individuosque presentan sus consejos individualmente y no es necesario Ia aprobación de Ia mayoria paraque sus opiniones sean escuchadas.

• Los Reguladores (La Agenda de Protección Ambiental (EPA) y TNRCC) son Ia autoridadfinal paradeterminar cuándo ci agua del acuifero Ilano ha sido restaurada y si 30 años es citiempo apropiado para realizar Ia limpieza. El Estado estudia ci tiempo para lievar a cabo Ialimpieza y selecciona ci proceso más apropiado. Ambas agencias trabajan con lugarescontaminados dentro y fuera de Ia Base.

• El Sr. Quintanilla interrogó al Sr. Overbay sobre Ia baja en ci valor de Ia propiedad (fliera dela base) causada por Ia contaminación. El Sr. Overbay respondió que EPA no puede remediareste problema.

ITEM XI: Resumen.y plan para Ia próxima reunion

La próxima reunion de Ia Junta será el 5 de febrero de 1996 a las 6:00 p.m. en Ia escueia PriceElementary.


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Minutas de Ia Reunion #12 de IaJunta Consejera para Ia Restauración (RAB) de Ia Base Aérea Kelly11 de diciembre de 1995, Price Elementary School

El Sr. SolIs aceptó Ia siguiente agenda para Ia próxima reunion:

• Discusión del reporte "Responsiveness Summary".

• La Junta trabajando con los contratistas.

• PresentaciOn de Ia Ciudad de San Antonio para informar sobre el estatus de el proyecto derelocalizacjón del alcantarillado en Quintana Road.

La reunion concluyó a las 8:30 p.m.


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• Use of 3 performance standards involving removal,decontamination or control actions

• Protective of human health and the environment

• Continuing responsibility dependent uponeffectiveness of the closure/corrective actioneffort in eliminating or reducing risk

• Agency preference for remedies that providepermanent solution

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'.• ... . ........:...

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Risk Reduction Standard 2Steps For Attainment

Perform NotificationL 335.8(c)

VPerform Remedial Investigation


335.553(a) and (d)J

VSee Charts Determine Actions and C?eanup Levels

1-6 Necessary to Achieve Standard335.555(bkd)::.:

Perform Remedial Action

VPerform Verification Sampling

and Analysis335.553(a) and (d) and 335.5(d)(2)

Prepare and Submit Final Report335.553(a) and 335.555(e) and (f)




Person Released from Post-Closurebut Must Perform Deed Certification


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.Kelly AFB

Basewide Remedial Assessment




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.. . S

Basewide RemedialAssessment

The Basewide Remedial Assessment wasestablished to conduct recurring basewidesurface and groundwater monitoring, toconduct compliance monitoring of RCRAsites, and to evaluate the effectiveness ofRemedial Systems.

• The 1994 Basewide Remedial Assessment isa baseline evaluation of both both existingand newly installed Interim Remedial Action

• Pump and Treat systems designed to inhibitor halt the movement of impactedgroundwater.

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.. . SBasewide Remedial


Project ScopeConduct compliance monitoring of RCRAsites

• Evaluate Leon Creek• Assess the entire base for impacted

Groundwater• Model the effectiveness of interim systems• Inspect, repair and upgrade monitoring

wells• Gather data and model groundwater on the


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.. . .Present Status

1995 & 1996 - Continued evaluation of KellyAFB

Draft Final of the Annual ReportN The final veris ion of the Basewide numerical

groundwater flow model should be out beforethe end of the year.

• Quarterly and annual RCRA and Leon Creekreports for 1994 are on file.

• Leon Creek status report forthcoming in early1996

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.. . S


• Annual Monitoring Data usedRemedial Designs.

• Models also used to enhanceDesigns.

to support the

the Remedial

• Existing systems are being improved asa result of the modeling.

• Data collection will also support futuremodels.

Leon Creek assessments used to support notonly the RDs but also aid in compliancemonitoring.

birectorate of Environmental Management Pt.

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.. . S

1994 Annual Report

Executive SummaryIntroduction provides an in depth look at theproject scope and background.Section - 2 Gives detailed site descriptions.Section - 3 Describes procedures, identifiesmeasuring points.

• Section - 4 Provides basic data and analysisof ground and surface water flows throughpotentiometric surfaces and water budgets.




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. . S

1994 Annual Report cont.Section 5 - Groundwater Recovery SystemPerformance Modeling.Section 6 - Summarizes the Analytical Data.Section 7 - Concludes the report.Section 8 - Lists References.Appendixes A-P - Detail data.Volumes IV - Xl contain laboratory packagesthat support the report.

• Only one copy of vols IV - Xl exists.• Vols IV - Xl are kept in the EMRO

technical library.. - :"••

1 Directorate of Environmental Management


•.tt THR



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Remediation System Locations

\ /2093

AirSparging SystemD-5 Recovery System

D-4 Recovery SystemE-3 Recovery System

E-1 CollectionTrench

FIGURE 1.1Remediation System Locations.

Kelly Air Force Base Basewide Remedial Assessment, 1994


—- THR

.. . .

(-\ \\\\\ Lackland Air

Force Base


1500 Area SVERecovery System




IWTP Recovery System

S-8 Recovery System

CS-2 Recovery System

S-4 Recovery System

Leo,;CS-2 Collection

TrenchNot to Scale

CS-2NB Recovery System

of Environmental Management/

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Path Line Plot


.. . .

Dfréitoraté of Environmental Management



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., . S




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. . .


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The Role of theArmstrong Laboratory

in the

Data Gap Samplingand

Analysis Plan

Kelly AFB, TXFI1S I !Ofl'1 I a l)OI'il (0!

()ccupational tVI'IR'Ine I)ivtsion

NJn niIr kflVIF()flfl(9utl1 Sciences Uranch

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Team MembersArmstrong Laboratory

• Cornell Long• Major Maccabe• Capt Sassarnan• John Hinz• Dr. Ron Porter• Dr. Liz Maull

• Jody Wirernan• Don Hammer• TSgtWestbrook• SSgt Jacobsen• Luis Salazar• Steve Strausbauch


A rins I rong La bora to()ccupational Iviedicinc Division

I '-Uide Nutnhr knvironinental Sciences I3rancl'i

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• . S

Purpose of Visit

• Data Gap Sampling and Analysis Plan(DGSAP)- Conduct Site Visit- Identify Data Gaps (Public Health

Methodologies)- Recommend Sampling and Analysis Plan

/\rnst ron I ii hUM tory()ccupitiont.I N'I(IICiflC L)ivisiori

Nu !nhr knvironniental Sciences I3ranch

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• .Base Responsibilities

• Provide Historical and EnvironmentalOverview of Base

• Provide Site tours and access toenvironmental information

• Present Base and Community IlealthConcerns

/\ ti1S tIOI I d hora tory()cctIjatRnaI N'Iedicine i)ivision

hi! Ntiinhr 4Sciences I3raiich



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• What is a PiThlic HealthEvaluation?

• Data Evaluation of historical hazardoussubstance releases

• Discusses past, current, and futureimpact on public health

• NOT an EPA risk assessment— Describe the health implications of living

near a hazardous wasLe si e versusselection of a remedial adion

A rms t roi Liboiatory(Dccii paLlc)nal Medicine Division

I Nuinhr

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Public Healti? EvaluationFoundation

S Environmental Characterization Data

e Health Outcome Data• Community Health Concerns

i SI ron '. La bo rat or()ccupational N'Iedicine Division

nvironnentaI Sciences branch

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.Exposure Pathway Evaluation

O Nature and extent of contamination• Community in pathway• Comparison with health effects


• •

I/\ rnp;tro,' I

f\'i.Iicine L)i'istotikn'tronnuntiI Scitnces 13riiich

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Data Gap Sa?npling andAnalysis Plan

O What is the Purpose?• What is the Timeline?

A rin;( roi I hordtory

)''I1'ltioih1l IVIedtCifle L)IVLSIOfl

II ( rJ III) 1 I 'I 1

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Lessons Learned

• Public health evaluations; extent andfocus

• Public health methodologies

I flVItC)IlIflL rit ii SLILnLs I3rinLli

. S .

I Ni nher C)

FIiIS t U)fl' 1 iihora tory(.)ccupa Liona I MediCine I)ive;ion

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• AL Health i!ssessmentAssistance

• Evaluate future sampling plans• Assist in sampling efforts• Review sample results to ID health risk• Participate in public forums• Perform health consults

k!1 \'l l)fl fl't(I1 Id I Iiinih


is I ron I ahoratotOccujii (nona I VIed ncnne IJivisnon

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. .AL Contact for Kelly AFB

Mr. Cornell LongAL/ OEMH2402 E DriveBrooks AFB, TX 78235-5114

Phone: 210-536-6121

FAX: 210-536-2315

/\ riist ron I i hor toryOcCUpLiOfl1l N'edicifle Division

;hd ii kflVlr()ilflleiltdI Scit'ncos [31drlch


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.Kelly AFB IRPBudget Update


11 DEC 1995






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• S •Kelly AFB IRP Anticipated

Work- FY 96 97

• Soil & Groundwater Remedial ActionsZones 1, 2, & 3 (upon completion ofRemedial Design)

• Soil & Groundwater Feasibility StudiesZones 4 & 5 (upon regulatory approvalof the Remedial Investigation)

Directorate of Environmental Man agemen I

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FY 96 BudgetProjected budget approx. $30 million

o Actual cleanup budget approx. $20 million• Breakdown per zone

• Zone 1 - 6%

• Zone 2 - 28%

• Zone 3 - 54%

• Zone 4 - 5%

• Zone 5 - 7%

• Operating under Continuing ResolutionAuthority

O/J1!1.(.)t1O7iI7l.('1l.I(ti M(1.I1 (l.4I)L(11.i.

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- -'




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Kelly Air Force Base - - San Antonio Air Logistics Center


Installation Restoration Program

Progress ReportOffice of Public Affairs, 807 Buckner, Kelly AFB TX 78241-5842 (210) 925-7951 AV 945-7951

Sound wave test to map soils,gravels, water under East KellyResidents along the East Kelly bound-aries may hear a sound like muffled gun-shots as the baseattempts to build a 3-dimensional underground map usingsound waves. The goal is to use soundwaves to look for areas of gravel or sandwhere shallow underground water col-lects or moves.

The testing will last from Dec. 12 untilDec. 17. The equipment is anew technol-ogy, not yet in widespread use. Kelly'stests will determine how well the equip-ment functions in tight clays and siltysoils.

To produce the sound waves, a smallamount of liquid propane is placed in thetop of a cone-shaped device. When it isignited, the muffled "bang" sends soundwaves into the ground. A listening devicethen measures how ion git takes the soundto bounce back from underground. Soundtravels at different speeds in differenttypes of soils.

The goal is to obtain measurementsthat show where old stream beds arelocated and whether or not shallow un-derground water is present. A secondgoal is to record the depth and conditionof the underlying Navarro clay layer.Cracks, channels and eroded spots on thetop of the Navarro clay are also likelycollection points for shallow undergroundwater.Current as of December 1995

An environmental company, CH2MHill, will be conducting the test, called ahigh resolution seismic survey, as part ofthe remedial investigation for Zone 4(East Kelly). The project will cost ap-proximately$15,000. Thecontractorwillgenerate about 200 data points duringthis project.

The proposed line for data collectionwill be on the west side ofEast Kelly fromaround the Family Campground down tothe southwest corner, and then along thesouth boundary of East Kelly throughthe Defense Logistics Agency storageyards towards the water tower. Theactual test points may be moved, depend-ing on site accessibility, undergroundutilities, or distances required betweencontrol points.


The sound wavesmay resemble muffledgunshots.. informationis collected as thesound waves bounceback from variouslayers of soil or clay.,,

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The survey at East Kelly wifi use "highresolution seismic" equipment that wasdesigned for exploring shallow layers ofsimilar material.

WHAT IT CAN DOThe sound waves will be traveling

through black and brown clays, into theclayey gravels (where shallow undergroundwater collects), and then into the Navarroclay. The contractor expects enough of asound change from the saturated gravelsto the Navarro clay to identify the under-ground layers. The contractor also hopesto be able to find and map the change frombrown clay to clayey gravel.

If the system performs as expected, itwill essentially create simplified boringlogs without installing a soil boring orwell. This is helpful because sound wavemapping will cost considerably less thansoil borings or monitoring wells.

This would allow the base to explorethe shallow underground areas along thebase boundaries using testing points thatare much closer together on the same bud-get that would provide oniy a few wells orborings. By getting better data about un-derground spots where water moves orcollects, the base can design more efficientcleanup systems.

If the seismic survey is successful, it

will give Kelly AFB another tool to use infinthng and cleaning impacted ground-water.

For more information, call DickWalters at 925-1812 or Mike Estrada at925-7951.


For moreinformation.

Copies of Kelly Air Force BaseInstallation Restoration Programreports and decision documents areavailable in the government docu-ments section of the Central SanAntonio Library. They also are avail-able in the Kelly Air Force BaseLibrary. If you would like moreinformation or to be added to themailing listfor Progress Reports andFact Sheets, contact:

Dick WaltersEnvironmental Coordinator

Office of Public Affairs807 Buckner

Kelly AFB, TX 78241-5842tel: (210) 925-1812

Residents of the South San area serving on Kelly's Restoration AdvisoryBoard are Mr. Armando Quintanilla, 710 Price Avenue, tel. 923-3875 and Mr.Roy Gill, 127 Hollenbeck, tel. 922-5034.

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