
1. Scenery in Chapter OneBefore we meet any characters the narrator introduces us to the California valley, along the Salinas River, and its beautiful landscape. 

The description of the green river and its yellow sands is a quiet image, broken only by the entrance of George and Lennie.

2. Where does the story take place?

Salinas, California

3. George“…small and quick, dark of

face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose.”

He was the smart one out of the two characters.

4. Lennie“Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely.”

He had the mind of a child.

5. What things does Lennie say and do that make him seem like a child?

• He copies George.

• He can’t remember anything.

• He is fixated on owning rabbits.

• Like a child he whines for ketchup for his beans.

• Like a child he demands a bedtime story.

• He “babbles” like a baby because George won’t

let him have the dead mouse.

6. What does Lennie pull out of his pocket?

A dead mouse

7. Where does George remind Lennie they are going?

They are going to a ranch to work

8. Why did George and Lennie leave Weed?

Lennie accidently hurt a girl– he wanted to pet her dress, but she did not know it.

9. What did George say he will get Lennie?

He says he will get Lennie a pup

10. What is the dream that Lennie makes George repeat to him?

Their dream of having their own ranch

11. What does George tell Lennie his job will be on their ranch?

To tend the rabbits

12. Where does George tell Lennie to hide if he gets into any trouble?

To hide in the brush by the river


To question or doubt


To soothe; pacify; calm down


In a threatening way


Belittling; insulting


Expressing sorrow; mournful


To twist in a violent manner


Anxious; fearful


Great; Strong or intense Showing great understanding


Pleased; in a satisfied manner


To go before; ahead of
