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  • 8/7/2019 1. PR & Corp Comm - II


    Planning, Developing &

    Analyzing a PR Campaign

  • 8/7/2019 1. PR & Corp Comm - II


    Public Relation practice is the deliberate, planned and

    sustained effort to establish and maintain mutualunderstanding between an organization and its public.

    British Institute of PR

    Good PR is about control PR people are good at

    manipulating the news media because they understand

    them PR people cultivate reporters, ostensibly for

    friendship or mutual benefit, but more realistically for

    manipulation With years of practice, I learned how to

    respond with a pithy remark if I wanted to be quoted and how

    to baffle them with bullshit if I didnt Be obscure clearly I

    became a master at doing just that.

    -The author of Deadly Spin, former PR man

    Wendell Potter

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    ` Communication skill and ability to work in a team

    ` Leadership and management experience

    ` Ability to work in a high-energy, high-pressure

    environment` Patience, attention to detail

    ` Problem-solving skills

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    ` How and where to collect the historical and biographical information

    needed to plan an effective program

    ` See how your companys locale affects your publicity planning

    ` See the importance of creating a company calendar of past, as well

    as current events` Learn how to search out the new and interesting in both the front

    office and backstage

    ` Learn how to interview key people, including old-timers and

    outsiders, for publicity


    Understand the types and importance of photographs` Learn how to generate publicity ideas

    ` Get samples of one-of-a-kind publicity programs

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    ` Why is a publicity plan necessary

    ` If everyone is happy about the publicity, why


    I. Helps you set priorities

    II. Keeps you on track

    III.Begin with your goal

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    Stage: I- Fact Finding

    Stage: II- Planning

    Stage: III- I le entati n

    Stage: IV- Evaluati n

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    Stage-I : Fact Findingy Collect the facts begin with the history of the company

    y Research your companys financial history

    yAccumulate biographies of all past and presentprincipals

    y Geographical location may be significant

    y Take a trip Backstage

    yWhat is old hat

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    Stage-II: PlanningMBO (Management by Objectives)

    PERT (Programme Evaluation & Review Technique)

    SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities &Threats to Organization )

    y Make a calendar of the companys anniversaries

    yTalk with the key people

    y Talk people who make the product

    y Comb the company files for interesting photographs

    y Get photographs of all old package or trademark designs

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    KFC Logos (the founder ofKFC, Colonel Harland


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    Stage-III: Implementationy Keep your publicityrealistic, like a politicians promise

    y Keep your publicity plan simple

    y Keep your publicity plan flexibley Your publicity programme should be one of a kind


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    Ten Marketing Disasters1.New Coke. [by launching a new formula].

    2. Levi's: There is such a thing as brand superiority.

    3. Burger King head to head with McDonald's in advertising.

    4. Snapple. In the 1990s, with its quirky ads and customer-centred marketing campaigns.

    5. Fruit of the Loom: Instead of reaching out to new customers, it depended on the old,to its cost.

    6. The Edsel: lack of marketing, the Edsel was unable to leverage itself against all the badpublicity it received.

    7. was left with a hefty ad bill and little name-recall."

    8. George Bush re-election campaign.

    9. Taco Bell: This was an example of a great ad that didn't drive people into stores."

    10. Polaroid."Great product, great brand, but all attempts to update it have failed."

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    y Volkswagen, "Think Small", Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1959

    y Coca-Cola, "Thepausethatrefreshes", D'Arcy Co., 1929

    y Marlboro, The Marlboro Man, Leo Burnett Co., 1955

    y Nike, "Just doit", Wieden & Kennedy, 1988

    y McDonald's, "You deserveabreaktoday", Needham,Harper & Steers, 1971

    y DeBeers, "A diamond is forever", N.W. Ayer & Son, 1948

    y Absolut Vodka, The Absolut Bottle, TBWA, 1981

    y Miller Lite beer, "Tastes great, less filling", McCann-Erickson Worldwide, 1974

    y Raymonds, The Complete Man, Since-1925

    y Xerox, "It'samiracle", Needham, Harper & Steers, 1975

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    ` Publicity: Column centimeters of write-up received

    in the press

    ` Readers interest/recall: through formal research of

    interviews and questionnaire type` Readability: through tests, which check attention

    towards and sentences used

    ` Unconstructive indicators: ranging from replies,

    coupons to feedback provided by internal staff,who have contact with the public

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    Evaluation of collected data to analyze

    the magnitude of the problem


    Evaluation of adopted strategy forpresenting the message


    Evaluation of the target audiencereached


    Terminal Evaluation of all feedbacks toasses the impact of message

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    ` A magazine called Shelter: reports the news on

    latest news on architectural design, home dcor,

    and innovative home product (for both home

    owner & professionals in the trade)` Publicity programme for Reastaurant

    ` Paper product company

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    ` Analysis of the situation

    ` Setting of objectives

    ` Identification of the public

    ` Selection of the media and PR activities` Fixing the budget

    ` Evaluation of the result of the campaign

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    ` Open doors to new advertising leads

    ` Influence the maximum number of home product

    advertisers with a minimum expenditure of time

    and money` Penetrate communication barriers isolating top-

    echelon decision makers

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    ` Pinpoint Promotion: Exact greater promotional

    mileage from the executive travel to reach a cross

    section of locally based advertisers

    ` In-depth Coverage: Full fledge of publicity` Focus on specific trade areas to reach designated

    groups of home product and advertisers

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    Target Group Conventional Media Non-conventional

    Public Press, radio, TV, film, videos Exhibitions, direct mail,


    Press Press Conferences, press

    releases, visit to company

    facilities, interview with the


    Hiring of freelance journalist

    and getting them to write for


    Employees House journals, letters,folders, notice boards,

    meeting and speeches etc.

    Using their families, letters,welfare activities

    Government and opinion


    Mail, press, TV, visit to

    company facilities

    Personal contact and A/vs

    Shareholders Annual report, mailings A/vs, posters, exhibitions, etc.

    Community Press, TV sponsorships,donations and upliftmentactivities

    A/V media like propagandavans, personal contacts

    Customers Advertising, personal contact,

    house journals, complaint

    mailings, and annual reports

    Customer service cells and


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    ` Salaries of the PR staff, preferably broken downinto man-hours

    ` Overheads, Office expenses and costs


    Stationery and postage expenses` Transport, car and travel expenses

    ` Printing, photography and other productioncosts

    ` The media costs

    ` Miscellaneous: hiring of equipment, conferencerooms, hospitality etc.

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    ` Observation: Selecting systematically what is reported e.g.

    press coverage

    ` Interviews: With people on how they feel, what they think, and

    what they perceive any why?

    ` Questionnaires: Administrated in person, or by mail, or phone,or coupons in advertisements and literature

    ` Experimental tests: Testing different campaign variations or

    activities in different market areas, something like test


    ` Measuring event behavior or action: Visible difference or shift

    after PR event or activity (bench mark studies)

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    ` Company or Management view: PR is objective

    oriented e.g. in crisis situation, image problem,

    public issues

    ` PR professional view: PR help build image,establish a position for the company, and give it a

    competitive advantage, especially in marketing

    ` Press mans View: PR must be honest and

