

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Carl G. Jung’s theory of psychological types• Differences between normal healthy

people• Source of misunderstanding and

miscommunication• Enhance understanding of self and others

MBTI is a self-report questionnaire• 50 years of research and development • 3.5m tests each year


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Inborn tendencies to use our minds in different waysEight patterns of normal, predictable, habits of behaviour, or typesIt’s about how we see things:-• Perceiving, as in taking in information• Judging, as in organising information



Sign your name as you normally do

Sign your name using the other


Feels naturalDidn’t think about itEffortless, easyLooks neat, legible, adult

Feels unnaturalHad to concentrateAwkward and clumsyLooks childlike


Extraversion or Introversion

Where do you prefer to focus your attention?

How are you energised?

Do you get energised by doing and talking and having contact with people or

Do you prefer quiet reflect and time to think before acting and speaking?





The MBTI Preferences?

Extraversion (E) Introversion (I)People who prefer Extraversion like to focus on the outer world around them. They like the buzz of people and activity. They direct their energy and attention outwards and receive energy from interacting with people and from taking action.

Characteristics•Attuned to external environment•Prefer to communicate by talking•Work out ideas by talking them through•Learn best through doing or discussing•Have broad interests•Sociable and expressive•Readily take initiative in work and relationships

People who prefer Introversion like to focus on their own inner world of ideas and experiences. They direct their energy and attention inwards and receive energy from quietly reflecting on their thoughts, memories and feelings.

Characteristics•Drawn to their inner world•Prefer to communicate in writing•Work out ideas by reflecting on them•Learn best by reflection – mental ‘practice’•Focus in depth on their interests•Private and contained•Take initiative when situation or issue is very important to them

Where do you prefer to focus your attention? How do you get energised?


Sensing or Intuition

What kind of information do you prefer to pay attention to?How to you get your information?Do you prefer specific information and facts based on practical realities or do you prefer big picture ideas based on insights and patterns which allow for a range of possible futures?





Sensing (S) Intuition (N)People who prefer Sensing like to take in information that is real and tangible – what is actually happening. They are observant about the detail of what is going on around them and are especially focused on the practical realities of a situation.

Characteristics•Oriented to present realities•Factual and concrete•Focus on what is real and actual•Observe and remember specifics•Build carefully towards conclusions•Understand ideas and theories through practical applications •Trust experience

People who prefer Intuition like to take in information by seeing the big picture, focusing on the associations and connections between facts. They look for patterns and what might be rather than what is. They actively seek new ideas and possibilities.

Characteristics•Oriented towards future possibilities •Value imaginative insights•Focus on the patterns and meanings in data •Abstract and theoretical•Enjoy anticipating the future•Stimulated by ambiguity•Trust inspiration

How do you prefer to take in information?

The MBTI Preferences?


Thinking or Feeling

How do you prefer to make decisions?

Do you like objective and logical analysis based on cause and effect thinking or do you prefer more involvement and consideration of the people affected?





Thinking (T) Feeling (F)

People who prefer to use Thinking in decision-making like to look at the logical consequences of a choice or action. They want to remove themselves mentally from the situation to examine the pros and cons objectively. They are energised by analysing and evaluating to identify what’s wrong with something so they can solve the problem. Their goal is to find a standard or principle that will apply to all similar situations.

Characteristics•Analytical•Use cause and effect reasoning•Solve problems with logic Strive for an objective standard of truth•Apply consistent principles•Can be tough minded •Fair – want everyone treated equally

People who prefer to use Feeling in decision-making like to look at what is important to them and to others involved. They mentally place themselves inside the situation to identify with everyone so they can make decisions based on their values about showing respect for people. They are energised by appreciating and supporting others and look for qualities to praise. Their goal is to create harmony and treat each person as a unique individual.

Characteristics•Empathetic•Guided by personal values•Assess impacts of decisions on people•Strive for harmony and positive interactions•Compassionate towards individuals•May appear ‘tender hearted’•Fair- want everyone treated as an individual.

The MBTI Preferences?How do you make decisions?


Judging or Perceiving

How do you go about things?What ‘lifestyle’ do you prefer?Do you prefer things to be orderly, scheduled, controlled and decisive or do you feel constrained by plans and structures and prefer to go with the flow in a spontaneous and flexible way?





Judging (J) Perceiving (P)

People who prefer to use their Judging process in the outer world would like to live in a planned, orderly way, seeking to regulate and manage their lives. They want to make decisions, come to closure and move on. Their lives tend to be structured and organised. And they like to have things settled. Sticking to a plan and schedule is very important to them and they are energised by getting things done.

Characteristics•Scheduled and organised•Enjoy making decisions•Systematic and methodical•Make short and long-term plans•Like to have things decided•Try to avoid last minute stresses.

People who prefer to use their Perceiving process in the outer world would like to live in a flexible, spontaneous way, seeking to experience and understand life rather than control it. Detailed plans and final decisions feel constraining for them; they prefer to stay open to new information and last minute options. They are energised by their resourcefulness in adapting to the demands of the moment.

Characteristics•Spontaneous •Flexible •Enjoy process and no decisions before time •Open-ended and adaptable •Like things loose and open to change•Feel energised by last minute pressures.

The MBTI Preferences?How do you deal with the outer world?


Your MBTI Preferences?Extraversion Introversion


Sensing Intuition

Thinking Feeling

Judging Perceiving

very sure quite sure not sure quite sure very sure

S Nvery sure quite sure quite sure very sure

T Fvery sure quite sure not sure quite sure very sure

J Pvery sure quite sure not sure quite sure very sure

not sure

E or I S or N T or F J or P

My Type