
1. In the convection oven, heated air is ______________________. (375)

1. In the convection oven, heated air is ______________________.

Circulated around the meat

2. In the convection cooking, hot air touches all surfaces _____________ so that the meat cooks evenly and in less time. (375)

2. In the convection cooking, hot air touches all surfaces _____________ so that the meat cooks evenly and in less time.


3.Why is a roast placed directly on the rack without a pan in a convection oven? (376)

3.Why is a roast placed directly on the rack without a pan in a convection oven?

Cooking meat directly on the rack allows the heated air to hit all sides of the roast at the same time.

4.True/False Meat can be broiled in a convection oven.(377)

4.True/False Meat can be broiled in a convection oven.


5. What cuts of meat and poultry are best for cooking in convection ovens?(378)

5. What cuts of meat and poultry are best for cooking in convection ovens?

The same cuts of meat are recommended for dry heat conventional roasting and broiling are fine for preparing in a convection oven, ie tender cuts of beef, pork and lamb and all poultry.

6.How long does it take to cook a 5-pound roast in a convection oven?(379)

6.How long does it take to cook a 5-pound roast in a convection oven?

Generally 1/3 less time than in a conventional oven.

7. What factors will cause variability in the roasting time in a convection oven?(379)

7. What factors will cause variability in the roasting time in a convection oven?

Shape, size and weight of the meat, the same as with conventional roasting.

8.How can the browning of meat and poultry cooked in a convection oven be assured?(380)

8.How can the browning of meat and poultry cooked in a convection oven be assured?

All meat and poultry brown well in a convection oven.

9.Are meats and poultry cooked in a crock pot or slow cooker safe? (381)

9.Are meats and poultry cooked in a crock pot or slow cooker safe?

Yes, if they were prepared properly.

10.Never put _____ meat or poultry in a crock pot--_____ it beforehand .(382)

10.Never put _____ meat or poultry in a crock pot--_____ it beforehand.



11.Do not fill the crock pot or slow cooker more than ___ full.(382)

11.Do not fill the crock pot or slow cooker more than ___ full.


12.In crock pot cooking, use a recipe that includes a ________ (382)

12.In crock pot cooking, use a recipe that includes a ________


13. Before adding the liquid to the crock pot, _______________________(382)

13. Before adding the liquid to the crock pot, ______________________

heat the liquid in a saucepan on a stove.

14.The slow cooker should be set on the _______ setting for _______ minutes then turned down to the low setting for the remainder of the cooking. (382)

14.The slow cooker should be set on the _______ setting for _______ minutes then turned down to the low setting for the remainder of the cooking.


30 to 60

15.Slow cookers generally take over ________ to heat food to bacteria-killing temperatures.(383)

15.Slow cookers generally take over ________ to heat food to bacteria-killing temperatures.


16.Once the food begins to heat in the slow cooker, it can safely cook ________ or ________ and should remain safe as long as the unit is heating .(383)

16.Once the food begins to heat in the slow cooker, it can safely cook ________ or ________ and should remain safe as long as the unit is heating.

All day long,


17. Food should not be refrigerated in the crock pot lining because…..(384)

17. Food should not be refrigerated in the crock pot lining because…..

It will stay warm too long

18. To store crockery-cooked foods safely, remove them from the pot and cool in small shallow containers up to ______ hours before covering and refrigerating or freezing.(384)

18. To store crockery-cooked foods safely, remove them from the pot and cool in small shallow containers up to ______ hours before covering and refrigerating or freezing.

