Page 1: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________” (230, line 8).

freedom; slavery

Page 2: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


What have the British done that Henry says makes it obvious they want to subdue (hold down) the colonies? (232, line 37)

sent their armies and navies to the colonies

Page 3: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


What rhetorical device is Henry using in the following quotation?

“What means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission?” rhetorical question

Page 4: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Why does Henry begin his speech with polite references (flattery) to other speakers? (230) 

to make them more inclined to listen to his differing opinion

Page 5: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Why does Henry say, “There is no longer room for hope”? (233, lines 51-53)

They have tried to resolve their problems peacefully, but the British have only mistreated them further.

Page 6: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


What 4 reasons does Henry give that the colonists are ready to fight? (234, lines 70-76)

1. They have 3 million people. 2. They are on their own turf. 3. God is on their side. 4. God will raise up allies to help them


Page 7: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Henry ends his motivational speech with the famous “...give me liberty, or give me death!” Of which rhetorical device is this an example?A. antithesis C. emotional appeal

B. rhetorical question D. parallelism

Page 8: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Whose actions does Thomas Jefferson criticize most in The Declaration of Independence? (242, line 24)

King of Great Britain, King George III

Page 9: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Jefferson states that it is acceptable for people to rebel against governments when? (240, lines 9-12)

when the government no longer protects people’s rights

Page 10: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


What 2 things does Jefferson believe about changing long-established governments? (240-241, lines 15-19)

They should not be changed for insignificant (“light and transient”) causes, and people can put up with a lot of evil from a government, as long as they can bear it, until it is no longer bearable.

Page 11: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


As support for the argument for independence, on page 242, lines 28-29, Jefferson says that the king has done what?

He has refused his assent to laws most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

Page 12: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


What does Jefferson say had been the king’s reaction to the colonists’ repeated petitions? (244, line 92)

The king has just inflicted further harm on them.

Page 13: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Summarize the main idea of the conclusion of The Declaration of Independence in your own words. (244, lines 105-116)

The United States is free.

Page 14: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


In The Crisis, Thomas Paine suggests that a defensive (not offensive) war is justified because the king and his armies act like what? (252-253; lines 29-30, 66-68)

thieves and murderers

Page 15: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


What does Paine say will be a result if the fight for independence fails? (255, lines 119-121)

unsafe homes overtaken by the enemy

Page 16: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


What was a Tory? (252, footnote 2) a colonist who remained loyal to

Great Britain

Page 17: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Paine relates a story about a Tory. What does the Tory say that Paine calls an “unfatherly expression”? (252, lines 35-36)

“Well! give me peace in my day.”

Page 18: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Paine says on page 250, “What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.” What is he saying about freedom? (lines 5-6)

If freedom comes too easily, people will underestimate its value (not appreciate it).

Page 19: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Reread the following excerpt. What strong feeling does Paine try to bring out in his listeners with this emotional appeal?

“. . . America will never be happy until she gets clear of foreign dominion.” (252, lines 43-44) enthusiasm for the cause of freedom

Page 20: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


From page 272, how can you infer that Franklin was serious about the virtue of “Order”?

He listed his daily schedule.

Page 21: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


What can you infer about Franklin’s personality from his plan to list and track his virtues? (270)

He was introspective and aware of his own faults.

Page 22: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Which virtues did Franklin hope would free him from his remaining debt and help him make money? (270)

industry and frugality

Page 23: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Which of Franklin’s aphorisms mean “Seize the day?” (See handout and page 275.)

Lost time is never found again. Never leave that till tomorrow what you

can do today. Make hay while the sun shines. One today is worth two tomorrows.

Page 24: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Be familiar will all of the aphorisms on page 275.

Page 25: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”


Paine says, “the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” What rhetorical device does this exemplify? (250, 229)


Page 26: 1.  In his speech in the Virginia convention, Patrick Henry sees the situation as “nothing less than a question of ________________ or ____________________”

Know the definitions to the following words.

Emotional Appeal  

Ethical Appeal  

Rhetorical Question  



