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Our first essay topic of the semester was to create a digital history narrative. On my digital history narrative I wrote about social media when it first came out during my middle school years. I found this to be the easiest and most fun topic of the semester. While writing, I talked about how Facebook/ My Space was the key to popularity among peers. When I couldnt create one because of my mother telling me that I was too young, I was devastated. I talked about how social media meant so much to me before but now its another thing to make me upset at people for. I described how I went behind my moms back and created an account anyways. In my original paper, I left a few questions un-answered such as did my mom ever find out about my account. I mustve been extra sneaky back then because lucky, she never found out! I added extra reflective points describing about how it made me feel that I wasnt allowed to have an account and others. My original title for the paper was Growing up in the Era of Social Media, which was boring and non-original. I decided to change it to Social Media: The Modern Day Epidemic which gives more excitement to the story as a whole. I also fixed format errors such as having too much space between my name and title as well as took the underline out of my title.