Page 1: 1 ELECTIONS IN VILLAGE RESULT IN INCUM E T BEl d · 2006-07-14 · a 1d SId e;, JII 1. 1tl L t l lIre 1 f 4 Mlsslng

la. t-,lt I tl1'> 'cLl t L Gr ,>"

t\. H" 1 ('1001 b<l.~'kt.tlall tl.d nL'\ t) J ord<;ol IIllzh to pl<1\

I 1 tl e clas:" \ ]~CglOlalII J'.- 1 f r~t

St" Patrick's PartyPlanned by Junior

Girl Reserves Club] 1.1 u elcnd fa t St Vatd l1rt to bc COIllJlllcd \1,-Ith th..,t la IlIg 1 .sc~ool J 1110) GIrl Rlnc::. Let 19 '") Pat 1 cl ~ Va

\Iarch 17r\ lCOglllt U 1 M, \IL'.- ,;Ill bl Idel 1

It c selllor g 11 n.sen e::. t t lC JUtl .)

11 ra C 1.. f he 01 ga 1 zatlOn TIm 1 ,{t<l.l1dard recog l1t on l1::.edb all g 1 r


A,. rte\'\ .....\ eeh.s dgO a pIa) Lo) alt) tol11ends {hrected by Barbara Urquhart v, as given fo! thc members

r OJI ()UI tLa ::. d l L ltlr f., \\ )al

I )ttL \tOl oc I )rdso 1 tnd Gro~::'LTu tl Tlc Po tcr~ elrL;, \1) HOC

r tIc r ! r ld J ql t t It "h 1L r r 1'"1 1 \\ "1 J t ;,\ 11 cl'ash Tl

t\O I-, ;, III It..Lt'-, t II 1<1 b t

(.ro ~l 101 t H b1 II d \1 111U

un b t ur ::, utI e'"1"tcrn 1 eagulcl Lllulc Lar lr 1 tnL sLa:,o dcfCMl,tll )0)

C In&tructlOll ,..ark valued at $19;,6/10 '\'va,> U 1dertake 1 dUrlng the ) Cd.r

(ll '\1~r 1 Gn ""f> Po lttI 1rn <; accorch Ig to the bUlldmg per1 ts ls::.ued durlllg that penoel Theanom classes of constructIOn worknd the number of !proJects 111ea{.~ass together with the aggregate valuhon of the work mvolved follow

91 :N ew resldenLe<; $1 906 500007 AddltlOJl<, 23360-009 (.arage<; ,560 GO

?2 1{ Id 21 ';}()OO11 Clt.rchRcpal\ 20000

1 10 I llOlO 100000

I _ _ _~I )5(2'000

I High School QuintetCompetes in Tourney

at Fordson on Friday

I Building in FarmsI for Year Valued at

Nearly $2,000,000



I Inoumhent OfficialsI Suooessful at Pollsin Monday's Election

- ----13, \1'111$200 pel) C if ~1!1glcCoples Scents


CourtL,>y [he DetrOlt ~e",,<;




. ,

of Outdoor Sports


" * * ,>\. i'

Presiden~ Again4 1< * i~ :r ~


l J 'IaltL\

---- - --".,- _._~-_.-101\11 \lIlfl!(,\\ IHl.J,"[)\\ \1\hlll-fTT9\1GR<)~~I

• * •


(lOl t l cJ


New Officers Chosenfor Student Council

trea~u cr

~ ... ,1 x- 7' k ...~,.--,-'I

Ld<l.ll,.cl b)' mo I \\ as elected pres de 11of the ,:.,tude:It Counc I of the Gros"ePo ntl. Hlgh <-'chool Thur::.lld} I tbruary 20 Otrllr offlclr" clc tll rl\V"1111d1 I ] arr \ ce 1 rc" dent (,-eort,tI 10\ d :,ccrd r a d I h, \ Ik

1 hL III 1\ I" I t) '-,t t II t lL tl-,U Iof tJ L 1 It, lcl." IlL 1 '\\ L l h Il\l::. f\1Is~ \1t:rLY J rr tVl t 1(] ro k l('C

Oil nl~h P d I (ro" c P Hea dod on J 11 ~ 1 v \1.if 1 10

Mrs Hayward S Thompson ofGrosse Pomte. bas Jomed Mrs YatesG Smith In New YorI-e la'it week

Police Radio, WRDR, Sent 365Calls(,1 ..,..,C p()1l1"C Pc 1ll( .. till Hoh ut tIll I \\ n hIp ~pt11t J. \ L.rV

hu<.,\ 1111nth 1ll 1 Cbl U in tu. 1dll1h t 11 q>o] i ( f the tlC't1vtiv ot thL I t \f h b d(ltlOll 1 ) 11 tlKI (In ..,..,t P mit.. I (lILe' h. bellO ~tttl 11 \\ RDR t\Lrd ( (101 tc vIllage..,I Ihe 1<"p011 p cpued 1)\ \\ \ \e1 <..,l1PUll1tc11dent ut tht.. llL lCtllt. t omca1., \\c c r{'

<"Ltil 11 pt mtLd 111 th tt tel J It Ih 111 thL I) \ l1">hl]) ,\ III nCJ.rh ('led 1 t ()A L O\l..r d (In 11b 11a

U mblE'rl 111 l1tllllh( t t \ l J tht 1 n (<. 1111":; 11 t 1.h \\ lth the numhLr of J r t l TIlL 0 It 1111 6 c'\.cept 01 tolllJU1 ul t lh.<. n to h o,pIt d" hUllM dI::,O rt 1 t. t111.11<1 ublul tl <1tt-,( r 1 ltU t ciS1) tl c fall.)

h ..un'> l1ldUe h\ p ;ltu. 'll nt l 1.., {11 )1 <1('1~ ru 1\ cd 1)'\ 1 adlO ,,1 C' \IIC del C J3cat I rc '\"'J.~ Llctt1;ld\'\Crt f)1 lllere ''1llcd Ill'" \1 \ctf ]Jollted out l ':luall) \11 1rc,> I It 0" tiC' l:t.U )Clt offical'\crf "tlted 1&t{ :0 dl...,J11Cttl \10, f L1.lh L1C tll th 1. 1fC neCL'l<"'1.I) J e -.,na;,I u1. f II thc1llonth of 1 e )rUUlv t hf( ltc lltull)" \\'1<:; nCCl:"a1\ J c at 19' dlll (. 11 "gl'J \\a-. l

In 'lUmmllll, up 111~It..pOl <"'ujJcr11l1.<..lldUh i\Lf1 p0111tcd out tt1tlt f{l d(d as bu f{ fml) 1 t<1.\) tl C ~C\II '1 tt t d of 365 run'> \VU e n b\ "hl '-:Jv l.1t Utl on the rddlO or ler.., en! L \ Lal d 1 tc" brlJ gIg out Ian. c

brlddcl~t ftom \\RDR ~ 011~ of ;,otCI to ~,\cl1 the tot1.1f he Ilturc ot thl 1 tI1h '11](1 the nmllhcr 11l each da..,o, 10110\\ tlll ber d \otL ('a~t :cJCCt1{) 1 offll. t1<,

EDMuND C~VI<:RNIER 1~ Prowlers r 3 Stolen cars '( rt <,ci tl e I elHs \\cl1 plnsed' lttl

Rc'Sulents. cf .j Ed 1 VernIer s 23 Acctdents ? Boys fighting Itll 1U1her of \ ter5 that took 1.1hcmetown,' the lliage of Loch 11 MIschievous boys I Man accosting women I ltLlc~t III t} l 1ollnt-, i <;peLla1J) \\>1.'>

1 h Il Holdups II, I'J'l \ ( co le dab Ie It \ a

moor take gre$.t l, .. 19 tine eehng 11 FalnIly d sturbance'S '"' '<'~ 7 Doors open )0 te (ut 1 \ C\\ of the extrcmc coldMrs James Lindsey who has been him tn pubhc offif' and las'} Mon 10 r en N •

duo 4. OlSy -parties \catl L th1t 1re\a lcd dun 19 hc day

vIslbng Mr and Mrs Walter L Dun day they elected '<JO- presl eut of 4\ I d 1 W d1 d ;:; ntO:lo;lcate peTSO~S In ow peeper to' cthc \\ Ith t ra' ng <; 10\\ <,t01111ham of Balfour road, Grosse Pomte I Loc:hmoor In a v~1y eClSlve mall ~ P dell 2 B k aI 'bU e ers an arms I I (,ro,,~c Po I te P1rk OttoPark. retul:"ned during the weelt to her ner 1\11' Vernl~i 1$ also Super~ In D 1 W dhome 1n Bradford Pa I visor of the Tow;;' 1110 <1 ogs Ires own ( rot 1 I 1 q h J 1\.( Ik;, Illd Je I n P

_.......----'< __ 6 BreakIng and EnterIng 1 Girl thrown out of car \ (1 k 1 \\ I L rc II (.tL 1 LO 11m u

\Irq R Js;(1 \ ~h,u J J 1-.l 'I rc 21 S 28 M IIC

.. USPIC10US cars Isce aneous reasons r 111 \\ ..lIdu J l 1 J'> ,\1.<, 11.1.1 L 1dr \e aIel daughtcr \lr~ <..., III Banquet onlmlttees 2 Reports of shoobngs 1 Stuc~de clerk II L Ul ~uccc""f 11Ld dldatc<' f\rIllel \ lth her t" 0 cl llr \1 all PhI" h R" liS I I' 1 I d tU IS .....),qulrements tea :mg gasQ me lrom cars n ecen e\posure 0 1 SS1Qcr \\cr \rd l( l1a'11 aa 1d SId e;, JII 1. 1 tl L t l lIre 1 f 4 Mlsslng Chtldren 2 Attemptmg to steal car C ar'e~ PI tI t al 1 \oal Pavc\11~ JJ D\\ f.:,1 Dough h t L b e to J Ic ~tt1{k 1t \ff"\ s COlll11lttLe j 3 intOXicated drIvers 1139 Can or come Into station


I Gro~~c Po tc \ llalc I eo 0 J l

Boca Grdndl 111 elt 1 t t t 1 tl (r <;c POlltL HIgh c1001 let,> ------------- --------- ------.---- td. rt Hcrbcrt 1 1n.>.. <1.1(1Dal \rpe Id thl rl cI J , J t Cl citric 1 the JOe I J cl1ckd rl '" re Elementary Students Pointe Staff Selects.'< Cr 11 \ ere c dlttcd tI u::.tec::. ddedt

I llt f 1: dltcnd'Jlc ,t the hOllor ha 1 I T~ke Part l"nConcert Cover for Year BookMISS VirgInia Delbrldg ... the sub deb t et \ / I ' O!JI, I 1116"Gcorg(. J h.110Cl and "\[at r c\.J 1 tc taff ha::. ~ckCtl I 1 CO;,l r l)(' \ U\ "t 1< l' Co mar a Ie! '\orbcr

daughter of Mr and MrS' Charles F Sch ) <l.lld tltlt:en n <1.11::.1ft , 10 1 fr 'I Co filt ~r'tdc 1up II h. lLL U OdtL tUl tl .... Hu 1 a 1 I P \df \\elc fL clcLted pres dent <? ldDelbrld~e, ot Hendrie Lane, Grosse e,>~entI<11 \u a\et1.~(, of l 11 schol<l.IT.< a t })oroth Ba ber Cl bcr::. l t \f C 1 a 1 (01 pa 1 cllfk rCb))(>t.t d 1 (h\ 1 \ vI,. atka \ S

pOinte r arms plans to spend the .sprmg h p <I. ld :2 1 1 L tll'h~sh l' al e requ red \\o 1 1 L 11 19 JU" tll ('lei II ta \ "d (. \ 'k t (' 1 1 tl c rIll "th tl e ::.ucccs::.tul 01 11CC for tl east ro. ..... --- ~tt de 1t TkJ>1Y be 1 \lted hen lSC at ( chL'~(ra '\\ 11 1rL::'L t t Din duet ot I I llL J al an c1<1.<"~ha<; deflatl16 Stel )C1 \ an Tel }< red

a tc leb cc 111,-,1 <,c olar'>htp and baraLollc fl 11<1.1e<, t Ii fflA 1u 11 cl t jf l1l(' \111 d. d 1m DUlk \11tol1 \ Relaud VVllhal GCl mect 01 \\ Ith 01> lZdtlOllS or ~chool 1l1g thl. mUSIC del art nent ~ Loncel t t01 1 d h welcel ill d list of thelr ac D egd dOe! 1 rank CadH;uxactl\Jt1es vI l,fch 27.. ~ L _, tlvl~le$ to ap?ca): 0t pas-He theIr pIC In GlO::.<,e FOlrlte 1 arms vllch9,cl

J ~ l! I'll 0v... r .... dtn-l - - f1he pIal" tor the COlcert have 1)10 mes Beaupre "va" elected prC&1Cl'cIHHochnon nate some oubt dug pupl 'Who ,£1(:,5U1 'Cfy rapId!) tlder the aftar" 1he ~t<l.ft ld" to "ork 01 a very Gn1js and Hall trustees John Rdocs not fall n the 1bove categones La 1 llttce chose I frOll the band and III tcd I udg \\ h ch s approx matdy h.t1 bj derk GcT ....a~e vle1clrul1l trea.,tl c- appo 1tI 1":nt to h( PPlOved h) the orclH"tra I, \fl Igoll III l1cl11bt.r~ hdl t Ia t ,car POlltl btdgLt Thl JIlr a el \\ \. \11aru a~sc,,&or:,tt lent lffalr::. <:011 ttee of tl C01nlHLe arc HCll) I al~on,> I 111 l11 <I. t-,rl t d 1 urL \ork!) II loll loor J dnunl C \Ln c

[ldcl H. tl I J I gl flo I t ff 1L I J t I1t t l. L1u..t( 1 pns 1 It lIc ddc1 d

I Country Store N!ght Saturday at the tl 1 I 1 J II t I II t h '\ 1 t 11 11 ,,\\ (art 1;' 11) '\\<1'> su.h '" II

Alo1T:il Theater l1J1700 In cash and 241troc:ery prizes gIVen d.way free 1) 1 1 II 1 l'1 ~ I t I ct

~--~----- ------~---

vIr a I 1 \! (hdde \ Dc 1

returned th ~ \Hck t tl r a1 C\\ 1<,tOLl101. I (i (S~l r tlha'\ 11g "pc t c\ cr'll el b\.011 a 11 \[la I PcaL1 11



Ice Boating Attracts


Wood For Sale atNeighborhod Club

In New Relief Plan

,\Iood 10r saleDo J ou want to buy any ","ood toU<l.)

lady?ThiS 1-S thc song memhcrs of tht.

Netghoorhood dub are to be- heardS111g'1ng tht.'<lc daJ s folIo'\\rtng tbl"lr attempts to relIeve the unemployment"Mootlon In the dIstnct b) a '\ cry novcland rpraatlcal plall

A seot10n of the womb on thl. 10tl1rOlp estate 'vas put at the disposal ofthe club and unemplojed men largelyof good slzed bm ltes were put to""ork ,\,,.1lth sa.\v and a"'{ fhc resultantcord wood was then offered for sale

The club announced ye<;te1l1ay that£allure threatened the whole schemebecause the 5uppl) now e>.ceedcd thedemand To date 96:/z COI ds ha ..e becn

:to sold but the amount on hand ha::. risen:f. to 125 cords* An un1l1lployment conuultt<.,e \\ a<; or

galllzl..d last year Vv ealthy resldenb~ were IDPproached It was suggested

~hat 11}any could help by .a tempDrar}ncreaSe of theIr houslhold <;'taffs andcr.eM111g odd Jobs about the!r estatesThe plan dId not work out \\ ell

At Chr stmas John::' Rhoda dndCannon N e'\'\berry chIldren of \1 randMrs John S Ne\\Oerry recened presents of $500 each as hahday rell embra~lCe& They turned the n onL.y overto the l\J e1ghborhood club tor U1employ-ment relief and left It to thosedoser than themselve~ to the problemto \'vork out the spendlllg }f thL mal ey

\fts Percival Do d ge -persuadedGeorge V,an Ness Lothrop -adm~msl' Ahe ).."c:tth..~~_J~.stq.te o)"to ..r:eJ~<tsesome low Jymg tlmbedand at the tertnItl1iS <O'f CharlevoIx road near Mackror an exrpertment

Hugh Ledyard -of Clovtrly road agraduate forester surve)ed the \..oodsand marked off the trees that '\\ouldbCar cuttlllg Much -at It '\'vd::' dlad

(Contll1u{.d on Page} our)

1\ U11lcrous nl1pl 0\ emcnts havL bcuearned to C0l11plt..tl0n or to ncar complctlO11 111 t11<.,past ~cv('ral ) Lars 111&ro~sl. POl11tc I arm.., to makc that dl&tnct 1. more attr1ctl' ..c re..,ldcnital com111umtj offi'tlals of the I arms P01l1tcdout thiS w\:ck

\ summary of these ImprO\ emcntsf )l1ows

The tudcs of sewers have bLen 111creascd frOm approx1ll1ately 12 mIles11 1923 to 39 tulles In 1931

-\ good exam:p1e of the progress made111&evver COl1Sh'u-ttlon and samtary relIcf was the relatwely large task ofelm natll1g' the Old Black \1atsh Creekby enc10smg 1t

The llliles of Vvater mall1S have been11Ceased from 12 ml1cs to 31 11111es111t 1C same penod

\1::,0 Ul the same penod the ll111es-ofpa\ l.d streets have been 1l1creased from16 111llcsto 265 n111es A,. recent exampIc of the progress made 111street open11g and pavIng be11g Kercheval avenue\\ luch ::.a cros~ communltv street hav11g a ma ......I111U111pa\ ements \\1dth of 46fcet 'i\ Itlt a mUllmUm '\\ Idth of 36 feet

Such structures a<, the modern Se\\dge Pumpmg StatIon and the recent\ l!fage FlltratlOu Plant and WaterPumpmg Stahor1 have gIven the 'Com11unIt} a relative melependence In thematter of controllmg ther 0\\ tl sel\'vagedI&posal and \\ater sup-pI} problems

OthcI 1111pfOVenents 111protectIOn ofthe v. C' 1 bell1g of the vIllage \\ as tl e111sta1atton of <1.11underground firealall11 S) stem and the 1ecent radIOcc,ulppl1g of PQlIce car"

fo lU1>Uretne l)rorpre futurc bu:tldl11gUfl of the 'Coml11'UllIty a complete andup to date zOt1mg ordInance \'1, asadopted dutmg thIS period

Farms Completes inSeveral Years Many

New Improvements

-------_.. --....~2.00 A YEAR WILL BRINGTHE PAP£R EVERY WEEK


Tom Boyd was rc elected prcsIdentof thr HI Y ('lub of the Grosse POlllteII gh ~choo1 at a rmu"tl11g of the clubat the Hannan Y vI C A 1 he otherofficers elected were Edv,.m Allen vicepresident 1 Albert Mar~hall sccretary

(COIl'tU1ued on Page Three)

High Sohool Hi.Y ClubElects Offioers Friday

\ 01 5-l',o 15

All-Star BasketballGame to be Played

at Club on Saturday


'io Neighborhood Ch..b* Aotivities'io 'io 'io 'io 'io

1 ht... DttfOlt federatIOn of SettlemCllt& IS ~ponsonllg a baslketball gamebct\\ cell the DetrOIt All""std.f Settlel11('ot team and the Cleveland All StarSettlement qU1I1t.ct fhe game 15 to bephyed at the NeIghborhood Club Saturday eV£JlUli$ March 14 Ad1111S1>101l

charge 1<; onlv 15 centsThe proceed:, of the game Me to be

tl'>cd to help ddr1.Y the expenses of"cndlllg the DetrOit bo) s tp Clevelandun \farch 21

1 hree Gtosse POl11tc youth:, aremembers of thL. All Star team and forthat reason strenuous efforts are bcmgmade to have a large representativegroup -of Gros<;e Pomters present durmg ~aturdaj evcnmg S contcst


1 he 1\cIghborhood Club Ju 1I0r~ dcfeated Troop S3 team of the EastmlJ1ster Presbytenan church at the dubgjl11 Thursday last by the over\\.helmlUg score of 50 13 The offense of thevlcton ,\"as extremely fast througpoutthe game and was combmed '''lth astubborn defense Murphy of the \'omners and Sullivan for the vanqUlshedwere the star players of the contest

• • *Any hoy~ Interested In tM formation.

of A model iUrpJane club are req~estedto get IJl to'U.cq.With Mr SJm,~ at

~ \bl> l':l~",}.ltQ*o.d .j;:l"",at ,,"!'" ~* * •

A pubhc card party 1S being g1Venby the Campfire gtrls on rnday March27: at the Nelgl1borhood club T1c}<etsarC to be obtallled from an) of theCan pfre gIrlS or at tht dub Thcprice IS 50 -cents pcr person It isplan 1CI to have a pn.lC for 'Lach tablcRefreShmcnts are to be seq.ed

Page 2: 1 ELECTIONS IN VILLAGE RESULT IN INCUM E T BEl d · 2006-07-14 · a 1d SId e;, JII 1. 1tl L t l lIre 1 f 4 Mlsslng

Telephone Lenox 3222




~()12 12-=~T1112 LAKEPOINTE---$35



For Better Job Printing Call LEnox 1162

14834Kercheval Avenue

r also WIsh to complunent Mr. Snay and his supporterson the fair and clean manner In which they conducted hiScampal8n. 1 am sure they will now assist me In successfully @

conducting the office of PreSident.

Very truly yours,

Large and unusually bright al'ld cheerful rooms Just like new s koomsand bath Large lot and garage Excellent locahoh, between Jeffersonand Kercheval, and only $35 Key at 1114 Lakel'ointe, or Owner, 392"Eastla~n Lenox 51&5

I wish to express my Sincere thanks for the splepdidw suppoN 8iven me In the recent election. I will do everything

possible to merit the confidence shown In electing me VillagePres:tdent.

To the Voters of theV i11age of GrossePointe Farms:


are fresh from our own owens. Everything deliciously fre,h.

Stranahan's Baker)BAKERS since 1910


We wish to thank the Electors of the Village of Lochmoorfor theIr independent and free support for the $ucceslfulcampaign for commissioners.




I .~@@@lill~Jiill@@Jli1J'!ffilJi!J;]JiJJlilJ~~

~ ~iQ@r~i

My sincere thanks to the many friends who supported me in Ithe recent election ,


Mortgage Discharges atRegister's Office G a i n

"t'hur,day March 12 19jY!

:1!~~!I.!1!!J!l!!l!I!!1!l!~.JiJ.!!l!J!!l!l!!l!.l!!l!!L!!l!J!U!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!m!l!J!~W!l!.l!!l!l!~!l!ru:UI K!'-~1iIiiliTiililiiIiliijiljiliTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiTiiIiTiifiliiTiTiiTiIii1iJiiI8JiililiiIiliiJirU1iTiililii1i'fiifiliiJi1iiiiTiirll1i ~

~ ~ ,IA Checking AccountISaves Money a • • • a

~ la~~ ==;::========= = =~ =\~ ==a- -a- A CANCELED CHECK is your receipt! a= ~I YO~~::i~ :~::~,=;Ya:c~~~:~~:na:yl::~e:~ !Ii~~a: Much of your bookkeeping IS done for yOIl II.

by the bank when you have a checkmg ac. =~ ~~ count. This often eliminates the need for ~IiiF- a bookkeeper. At least, it's an economy _r-= ;f.iIii of your own time. Money saved! =I ~= ~I ~#

Clubs Continue to iIi G p. S . B k IMeet After SchoolI rosse olnte a vlngs an ili

rhere are aPl=ate1Y 250 pupJi, iIi Jefferson at Rivard Blvd. IIof the Grosse P01l1te HIgh school iii Unit of the Detroit Bankers Co. I: =enrolled 11 club:. meetlng after school 'I :I ~

Heretofore the number has been 1ii:~n!l!~.IIlI.II~!.I!J.!!l!J.!mm!.I!ruII!.l.!mmHiH~I*!1!l.!UIl!!l.!!i!m!J.!'~~11If.'II.u l!I! 1!.OO!!iI1l00 •F.illiTiIiifili • II • IiTiTiiTifiiTi1iifiTiiIiTiililiiliTiililil • II • lililiiiiTiiTiTiiTiIi, • II • II • n _ liTiIiiTiTiiliijil,greatel but under the new plan many ~- _

clubs have been dlscontlnued and the ~~clr~~\meu1bershlp has decreased conSiderably I ~~~n~~:~:n:t~~c~:~~t1:~cp~I~,~et~~:y~~: I want to thank the electors of Grosse Pomte Village for ~under the <lIrecttol1 of \ir Axel Gruen returning me to the office of Assessor. ~

~c;,~r:;~du~~~sr~1:~lcEICz::c~~H~I;I I;lopipg that I will fulfill the requirements to your utmost Ikett MISS Wlltna Crowe and MIS:> sahsfa~tJon. fiIEstella Hottenstem Campfire Grlsunder MISS Lulu Anderson,. AquatiCClub under MISS Adele Schwarz andMIS:' l+rances GrIffin Girls AthleticAssoclatlOl1 under MISS Dorns Tefft Iand \fISS Anne Sima Hl.. Y Club \it\\' dham \1ann and Mr George Serrythe AIrcraft Club un-der 1'1; D Vi.DugUId and the Ches,S and CheckerClub under Mr Herbert Hobart Thatthe Art Club wl11 -contlllue 1f enoughpeople are suffiCiently mterested wasmdlcated by Mrs Lola Detthng

The mllumUm number 'Of..member.'>for a club to eXilst IS fifteen and themaxImUm IS set by each club mdlvldually Many of the clubs are iPlannll1gactiVIties to occur m the near future

There 'Vv ere illlore mortgages dlscharged durl11g 1< ebruary than wereplaced on record accordmg to the report of Otto Stoll Wayne CountyregI:.ter of deeds Out of the 3149papers rece1ved on the mortgage $1deof the record 1197 were new mortgages 1245 were discharges of oldmortgages and 303 were aSSIgnments"hlle 404 '\-\fere nllscellanebu,<, documents On the deed Side of the record 2906 warranty deed~ 914 qUltcla1l11deeds 14 land contracts and 622 nus<:ellane,Qus pa.pers '\\ ere recorded Sevenparcels of property 'i\tere redeemed bythe owners from foreclosures at a .costof $1894904 Nllle col1dentnatlOn 110tIces were filed by the City and 80copqes of court dCU::>1011,<, dffect 19 btle:.were plaCt,d on 1~cord

Choose College EarlyAdvice of Brownell

HIgh S{:hool pupIls who plan to goto cotlege should make a. chOIce .0£ conege early Dr S M BrowneJl, super111tendent of schools for Grosse Pomtefold the Board of EducatIOn Mondaynight In hIS summary oi the records off'iecent Grosse POInte Htgh Schoolgraduates In colleges Almost all ofthe graduates mtervieVved for thIS report made therr chOl'Ce of college verylate in thelr high 5.choo1 COU!l"se orperhaps m 50 per cent of the cl3.sesaftergraduatIon The school IS domg everythmg poss'J.ble to mforro parents andstudents df the neceSSIty for earlydho'l-ce of colleges and speCIfic preparabon for such colleges, Dr BrownellsaId

He pQlIlted OUit that the SgeClfic reqUlremel1lt's of the d1ffJ2tcnt tollegesvary and tthat the H~ School IS eagerto help students meet these varymgrreqUlrements If the 'ChOlce has beenmade

In reportmg the study of collegerecords of Grosse Pomte Hlgh Schoolgraduates Dr Brownretl said It IS e"{tremely doubtful that our best grreduatcs are cnter1l1g colLege ror exampleof the 17 g.ra-duates In the cla<ssof June1930- who ranken 111 the upper tht>rdof thc1r class e1g'ht are not enrolled111coIlC'ge thiS year Only tMro IOf thefirst seven In rank are m tollege Asa rule our best peaple are not gomgto the Ul1lVersilty of MichIgan The 18graduates who have entered the Unlverslty of MIchIgan averaged 250 'honorP0111t~111hrgh schoel T~ 16 graduateswho entered CIty College averaged 295honor pomts 111hLgh school

The report was based on a studymarie of Grosse Pamte High Schoolgraduates by S A.. Shoemaker boyscounsellor I

Mr Shoemaker has completed astudy of 201 students who were graduated In the classes from June 1928 toJune 1930 1l1clus~ve Before the do'Seof the present school year data vhll bea"latlalble of all of the Grosse PomteHIgh school graduates beg-ll1nmg wlJtlhthe first class In 1925

Nmety Olle of these 201 boys andgIrls are enrolied i1l1 college~ at present Mr Sh-oenra}{1erfound Th1s IS 45per cent of the gradua.tes In theseclasses

The most popular unstLtutwns andthe nU1UIbeTof graduates enrolled 111e'ach are

Ul1lversIiy of Mclchlgan 18ColLegeor CItycr! D"rout 16Umverslty of Detfiolt 10Marygrove College 7AlbloUCollege6From the classes aJready studIed

goradud.tes have also entered Yale Urnverslt) Brorwn UmveT$lt¥ ColgateUmverslJty and Mt Holyoke

The .pnn(;lp:al an4 boys' and gIrlScounseLlors 01 the Gros~e FOll1te H1ghschool are alwa)s glad to dISCUSS.chOIceaf college WIth pupl1s or their par..entsDr Bl'\l'WuellPOlllt~l! out

Sees f.ut~l'e for SudanOne cannot help admlI mg the cour.

age and the optunism of those men\Vho made posslble thls desel t mail ""ho opened up the SUdan laId outCIties blult irrlJatlOn dams blew upthe Sudd and !made the NIle naVIgable-m ShOlt made the SUdan noton],} a conntry fit to ltve In but aJOlluLI Y Wlt.JI a Iutme F..or a futurpit undoubtedly has Cot ton and IIll~Rtion ale ItS slogans And It IS onl,}1hl0Ugh tlle OPtlllusts who came in"Ith h.itchener In 1898 that the Sudan- the countl y of the blachs andof the Arab<:;-has become a whIteman s country With a great futm e-W J Luyten in the :l\ew York TImes

Recognizuig GreatneesWhoever does not how to re~

ognize the faults of great men is incapable of estlmatltI-g theIr pel feetlo,s -Vortaile

.. ri """,,,,"

Needy Mothel"A h.igh school gill and her mother

'" ere shoppmg and the ~oung womancould not be led away from the Jewell" department

We can just -as well IDm e on 1leally don t need those bel;lds, BaldthE' mother I

• ~ow ~ou know you need them forI have none fit to wear to the JUll10rpal ty' replled the designing daughter-Indlanapohs J\:-ews

FINt AlphabetsThe Glee1.s appear to ha\-e been the

filbt to invent an alphabet 1ll whichthe single sonnds of the-Ir languagevowels as "ell as consonants were exp essed by a seties of letters l-''leteWas a connectLOn between the Greekalphabet and thf' one used by the Semites ot S"yua suggestmg that It wasblOUght to the Gleehs by the PhoemCIana It IS hue that some wrlte-rsattubute the lllventIOn. of the alphabett(}- such mythICal characters as P:cometheus aDd Cadmus It is plobable thatthe Greek alphabet is an adaptatIonof the consonantal alphabet 1m entedin Sjrlft

I m.->.. "lAY

Ab£orbln; ]ochneEnthuS¥\ over hI'S s,w:.cessful IeSillts

III giving :patients la'dlhe in oystersO. :ReJii.tJ!!l.Ojlh~t''''li!i!£!BOld~auxI'1 anc-e d~6.tiire1f tba'ff1"l(l11e idea can beused wIth all 'Ullplea<.;ant IQedIcmesDoctOl Loubatle has been experimentmg WIth other r~lemicals He is mnngthem 1U IDO('j). It., SftllJP- wav \Vhi~t~to perfOlm a .ButgIeal operation on thebIyllhes lrume~se them in IOdLDeuiitnthe:y ha \ e absorbed a quantity thenghe them a sterili:rIng bath lhe patlent eats the oysters in the regUlarway and thus gets mOle lOdtne thanIf taken metely as medlcme The doctOl argues that those \\ ho take mediClue llnplE'RSant to them do not getthe full benefit because the stomachrebels

Lands of Interest Seenby Visitors to Tropics

One of the ql1aintec;:t places in theworld IS the litHe Dutch island 01Curacao 'lhe island Itself IS hbe a11t of old Holland WIth a tropIcaltia ...or lent by its red roofed house~palm trees and wal ill clImate

Mal tImque is French and famousfor the ga1ish bughtly CblOlf'd castumes Ql, ItS native WQ;men The CItySt P.lerJ,e js an awe B;Ispillng sightOnce It nestled COZIly at the foot of'Iaunt Felee, a lowerillg volrana'" hlCh lJlew its own l1ea:d off back In1902 and WIped out the clly below10day It is In ruins <!overed WIthlava dust a city of the dead

Trluldad lanwol.l'~mmlngbIrdsIS a Clt\ of flo'i\el,s'h.of strange peopIes und races anli'tbe home of theworld famous Pitch labe of La BraafWill winch comes asphalt to pave theloads of the world Here al e manyHmdus" rewuaJ;1ts of Fa t IndIanslaves mtloduced mto the Island in1839 1 hp men wem flowmg whiterobes tm bans and SIlk blouses "hllethe wom~n catrv theIr famIly wealthwith them lit all times in the shapeof gold ungs ankl-ets heavy earrlllgsand silver braeelets WhICh cOver th€1ralms flom wrl~ tQ eLbow

Phrases N"j FamiliarTraced to Their Source

Speakmg of 'gettmg the sach" Inthe ~e, enteentb. century mechanic""carrIed their tools 111a big bag Whena man "as fired hIS si'OCk"as handedback to(/l11" that p,!>l'llghtpack uphJS belon'lg1ngs and~ flmit a new jobThele is~~mother st~;( of t Ie Oll1~tnof the phrase and IeS somewhat horrendous A eettam sultan upon tlrmg of :.t WIfe would i1ave her tIed ma sack -and cast mtol~(> sea

• Humb16~ pie'} cordes from England,and it's ol& pun Tbe'JotUD1blesare theheart liver and entraIls of the deerWhen the lord of the mallor dmed onvenison the umbles were made intopie for the servants

, Humbug is straIght Insh Jtcomes flom "mm bog pl0nouncedhumbug which means soft COPPel orworthless money

And we say 'by hook or crook' because in feudal tImes tenants wet..e a110\Hd to collect firewood by hook 01'crook They ~ere pernntted as muchof the underwood as could be cut witha Cloak and as 'much of the loose tirnbel' as could be colfected from theboughs with a hoOW;-Golden Book'Magazine-~

~~ \ f"l'1l ' R.~allJ"n IIt wa~~ durlng;t a domestIc econo-my

teasol} III a Ctev~tand' high school thatthe lIlstru~tor remarked

Most men insist that the glrls theymal ry must b-e good cool~sI,,, ell, that lets: me out snapped agul In ~e !;laCkJ)'ow becanse I don't1l1tend to get :rx.auied to any fellowwho lsn t able to hue a cook."

Wool From CamelCamel ~ haIr IS a te1.tIJe matelial

made of haJrlIhe wool from a camelgenerally light bro",n In color lh(>value depends upon the quallty of th>:>fibers A good grade is very light andsoft Tl;te cloth IS usually tWIll Thefinel unaerha1r of the camel is aboutone mch long and IS soft and SIlkSIhe long, coarse haIrs flom the, campIure three fourths of an inel long IIIthe shearIng process they tRnnot be Iseparated and are baled and exported1

in a mixed condItIOn When spun thehaIrs are sometllues separated butmOle often are "oven togethel gIvIngthe material the rough shaggy appearance-Washwgton Star

M1Ie:ll of Hens'lhe largest pOUlt, y plant 10 the

world oPelated at Reseda Calif sensmore than 130000 old hens each yearand maUl tams a flock of 500000 henssays the Umted States Department ofAgriculture The statIshtallv mmdedcan calculate that if the<:::e l)OO000ChIChens wel e mal chmg in a line afoot apalt the palade \vould e::\.tendmale thag 90 miles

Sealskm Producl1onSealbkm IS obta1l1ed by dressIng

WhICh necessItates the lemOval of thecoalse water hall'S whic.h grow be, ondthe fUl It IS accompltshed by sha \mg down the flesh SIde of the shIll t)cut off the roots or the haIr whichgLOWdeepel than the fur 'lhe haIrs'ue then pulled out and the fur (mg19a1ly a rusty brown is d,yed blackthe process requirmg seven dlppmgsBoth these processes are tra-de secietsand they requue great cale and skillDxperlenced and successful \) ork atonce doubles the value of the skIll

AnCient StockingsAt VIenna among the earllest COl

onattOn robes of the empelor, are afine pair of Thirteenth century stoC"kIngs which were made for '" illiam IIof SICIly They are made of red damask in two part'S the foot and leg belng joined The leg is embroideredand the foot portIOns are made ofplain material

ThE! inventOries of St PaUl s in London mention Thirteenth century stockfngs embrOIdered 'iHth ro<O:f'ftl?afYlp"!

Hons and in the upper part ;lll(leaves In museums in EnglandFrance Germam Italv and Hungarymany royal and pontJfical sfockmgsof the Tlnrteentb rourteenth and ruteenth centulies are exhibIted

Simple Old Method ofEvading Penalty of Sin

Everyone unacquamted WIth oldEnglIsh customs fs lllterested by thestory of the 8m eater III MaIY \Vebb &novel ' Precious Bane Sm eatersdid not constItute a religIOUS sect1he~ were employed in some counties of England and in '" ales III connecttOn WIth funela1 1lte<o: 'lhelr offiee was to eat b1ead and dunk alewhIch had been placed on the bIerand thu& symbohc~lly take upon themseh es the sIns committed by the deceased person Ha\l11g done thIs thesm eatN pronounced the ease andlest of the dead pelson and asserteuthat to pIocure thIS he had pawnedhis own soul .rhere wel e not wantiog men to pel form thIS tash officebut it was not so rash as mJght appear fOl the sm eater could see to itthat the same means of acqUlring 1mpnnity was 111voked for lum at hIs de('ease so no matter what accumulatIOn of sm he had made hImself respoDsible for the whole burden wouldbe lifted by a subsequent sm eaterThe custom seems to have Ung€>red in'" ales until the forlles of last century -Montreal FamIly Helald

As "Man in the Street" ISees Shortage of Gold I

Ha,nard plofessOls ale domg finelteamworl One scares us half todeath and the other comes along andlreassures us Plofessor Oa" at theInstitute of PolItICS pledlcteu a sellous gold Sh01tage m seals to (orneunless thel e a1 e some mal e Stl Jkeslike KlondIke and South Afrwa ~owProfessor Carver sa~ s there IS no danger Thele is plenty of gold in theeal tll but not all mmes can be workedprofitably when gold is ('heap-that iswhen a gold dollar pUt chases a smallvolume of commodIties

As the purchasIng power of goldrIses it WIll become profitable to goafter the gold in them thar bills Thusthe economic law \Hll operate to pro-VIde the wOlld WIth what gold it re-quires

~ow if a thud Hanard professorwould tell Us how to make that ecanomic law \\ork the same way formdlvlduals the plCture would be pelfect Speaking personal!' we ha\elong been convIllced that the goldc;:hortage started some tIme before wewere born -San Flancisco Chromcle

llad All RoundApropos of Prime l\Itnistel Ma~Don"

aId s effol ts to secure a "olld peacea }wominent manufactur€l saId at ameetIng of thf' Society for UmversalPeace In PIttsburgh

'~We should aU lend a hand in thiSpf'ace movement ,,, e shoUld do sonot only to preHmt am ,oung men

"flom bemg sacllficed but also for ourown benefit

I Warrmg natwns,' he continued"bt1:tTerin llves lost We suffel III ambusme$s, OUl pocketbooks and by consequence we suffer, too, in all our luxUrIE>Sand convenIences

'In a "ord t'J.e fighters trench, then<:5ncombatants retrench"

Vacan"..:rhe houble wIt"} some men who pro

fess to have • open m nds IS thatnothing appears to have ta1.en advantolQ ot th. openings.

'mtit. , t ,ar Z9 lit

Detroit Musician atMichigan Theater

Richard Arlen Starsin Fisher Attraction

Bancroft at Hollywoodin the "Scandal Sheetlf

The Conquermg Horde dnplP111,gWIth eXCItement, aetlons and thNlls ISnow iCurrent at the FIsher theater asthe screen feature The story IS bythe author of The Cover~d W<lJgOlland ,featured 111!the productt-on areRIchard Arlen Fay Wray and ClaudGI11mgtWater

The plot -of the story moves WIthbreath takmg VelOCIty over the vastunclvlhzed ranges of i~he early West, '<:,,1 d I~ CCvunts tll". d r Lures o{ acourageous gIrl and a group of reckless hard rIdmg men as they dnve hundreds of half Wild s-teers over a thousand miles of western wIldeness

Richard Arlen 1S m love '\V1th thegirl and she appears to love hIm He" gUldllg her herd across the pla1l1:"

""hen several thll1gs happen to cause Iher men to distrust hI111and deSIre todo him baddy lllJury The girl saveshiS hfe but orders hIm away from theIrcamp HIS faIthful MeXican boy whoremams WIth the outfit however followsthe trail blazed by Arlen and afterfightmg the Indians, aroused on thewarpath by -a gang of cattle thievesthey arnve safely at theIr destmatlOnThen the gIrl learns that Atlen IS mreality a government officer and shecomes to h1m for forgiveness

DetrOit s own Ruby who recently hasbeen sharmg honors !WIth Leo Reismanat the Paramount 111New York mtroduces a new type of symphony musIcat the Mlchlagn theater thiS week""here he IS leadmg the mammoth stageand screen show

Rulby, born and raIsed In DetrOItwas acclaimed a V'IOlln .prodIgy at theage 'of nme He stud1ed In VIennaunder Arnold Rose later at the Damosch Inst1tute 111 New York CIty Re

cently he has been mtroducmg hiS newtype of mUSIC to New York aud'lences!Where It met WIth tremendous successHe IS dlrectmg the MichIgan Symphony orchestra'<"through some revoluUonary new tunes thiS week

On the screen, Ruth Chatterton ISseen as the star of the danng plcturehIt UnfaIthful' ThiS fPlcture whIchhas been adapted from the story byJohn Van Druten author of YoungvVoodley and other popular stoneshas been the theme of a modern soclety woman who seeks for herself abad reputa>tlon when she learns that herhusband IS dIsloyal to her

'WIll be held 111Washll1gton b C AprIl14 and 15 Plans are bell1g made for aspeCIal tram leavmg Detr01t AprIl 13thp,t 1 30 p m Grosse Pomte memberswho have already made re"ServatlOn ...are Mrs Alger Mrs f1enry B JO)\1:rs James S Holden 1v[rs StuartFraser Mrs J J 0 BrIen Mrs SIdneyD \Valdon \irs DWIght Douglas 1'v1rsC A Dca 1 J r 1v[rs Frank W BrooksJr 1v[rs LUCian S Moore Jr \1rs JW1l1cent Dwyer Mrs Cameron BWaterman Mrs .EchwlU S Barbourvrrs Joseph G Stand art Mrs Fred T\furphy Mrs EdWIn H Brown, MrsJohn W Dyar Mrs Arthur H BuhlMrs Phelps Newberry, Mrs LeWIS LBredm Mrs Allan Shelden Mrs Wesson Seyburn Mrs C CaldwelI WalkerMrs Edwll1 Kneghoff and Mrs JosephFrazer

Moon'. TemperatureThe temperature of the moon

reaches 26.:> uegrees ralnenhelt athigh noon ;nd falls to 196 degreesbe16w zero Jj ahrenhelt at the- time ofa ~~P~e. '" ~ __ ~.=

}< rom underworld and mantllne rolesthe rugged George Bancroft step,s intoa newspa.per office In hIS latest talkieScandal Sheet shO:W1l1g'at the HoUy

wood theater Sunday to ThursdayBancroft IS here seen as a relenttess

uncomprom1Slng tablOid managmg 'Cdltar who pnnts every IOta of news regardless of whOh1 It nllght hit He 1:"

marrIed to a lovely creature but hISwork always comes lfirst-so much sothat when h1s wife becomes Involved'1l1a scandal With hIS best frIend he neverheSitates on what "Course to pursue Hel)r111ts the story and himself engmeersa chmax that br111gs the affair to aspectacular fi111Sh

A bnlhant mterpretahol1 of the ed!tOr IS given by Bancroft and he has theable support of such capable and popuJar players as Kay FranCIS ChveBrook and LUCIen Littlefield

Eddie Loughton happy and versattlemaster of >ceremomes heads another

Isplend1d program The ThreeRhythm GirlS 111 A Flash of Stepsthe FollIes of 1931 a splashy revue actWIth a large cast and Jack Walden andHarnett In l'lLaughs and Thlllgs ' aremcludeu 111the VISltl11g vaudevIlle hstThe Hollywood Merrymakers 'Moll beheard 111new tUne'S Bob Clatke offersan organ sl)eclalty and Laurel andHa.rdy are to be seen In their latestthree reel comedy Chickens tomeHome

As usual on Tuesday and Wednesdayrllghts rthe Holytwood WIll g)\l'e awayfree $300 on -each of these 'M'$'hts andon FrIday and Saturday nIghts a Freenew Ford sedan

., i

'\ORBLRT P ,En\ Illage Clerk

Maryland ElectricContracting and Repairing


Lessons in Personal EfficiencyBy Rev. V. P. Randall

Subject, Friday March 13th"THE-LAW OF EXPRESSION"

Lectures every Friday evening at8 o'clock In the auchtorlum of Gab..riel RIChard School, ~orner of Ker..cheval and McKmley

LEnox 5284 1009 MarylandGrosse Pointe Park

Cook Res., Country Club LaneElectriC Work By

Edlted, 'Publtshed and d1-strtbuted eachweek by


Village of Grosse Pointe

Prohibition ReformDrive Will Begin in

Pointe on March 16

Dated March12 1931

~lite'1'WCI .....=neGroaePeinteRmew


•TO NUISANCESANDAS THEREAFTER AMENDEDAND EFFECTIVE APRIL 11 1931The VIllage Grosse Pomte ordamsSectlO11 1 That SectlOll 27 -of An

Ordmance to ap1end an ordl11ance eftectIve March 1S 1921 III relatlOll tonUIsances by repealmg certam sectionsthereof and addll1g thereto certa1l1oifer secttons be repealed

SectIOn 27 rOWLS AND RABBITS (a) It IShereby declaredto bca nUtsance and It shall be unlawful forany rperson firm 'Of cdrjpOratlon tosuffer Dr permIt any chIckens geeselClu"Cks turkeys pIgeons doves squabsor SImIlar fowls Or any hare or haresor rabbit or rabbits owned or .controlled by him Or It to run at large orgo upon the premises of a,ny other per'\on 1U the Vl11~e of Grosse Pomteor to keep any chickens geese dtu::ks,turkeys pigeons doves squabs or S1l111

lar fowls wlthm 50 feet of any d'VveIlmghouse Or structure used as a dwellmghouse unless such house or structurebe occupIed by hun or It or to keepany chI'Ckens geese ducks turkeyspigeons doves squabs or slml1ar fo\\ IslOr any hare or hares or rabbit or rabbits closer than 50 feet to any streethne or to keep any hare or hares orrabbIt or rabbIts wlthl11 50 feet of anydwelling house or structure used as adwellmg house unless such house orstructure shall be occud,Hed b) h 111 or1t, or to keep any rooster over four (4)mOhths ()ld wlthlll 100 feet of anydwe1!mg house or structure used as adwe1hng unless such house or strucIture shall be-. Qccupled by h1m or ItprOVIded however" that not more than!SIxty (60) regIstered hommg -pIgeons!may be kept wlthm twenty five (25)feet of any street hne dwelhng house-or strudure used as a dwelhng house

(b) It ,s hereby declared to be anUIsance and It shall be unlawful for!any person firm or corporatton to keepon any premises more than fifty (SO)an aU of chickens, turkeys p-lgeol1s anddoves, 'Or hares and rahblts, wlth1l1seventy five (75) feet of any dwellmghouse or structure used as a dwelh.nghouse unless such house or structureshall be occupIed by hun or It or toke ...p 011 aI.l .prem ses more tha 1 tweh e(12) III all of geese ducks and gumeafowls 1Wlthm seventy five (75) feet ofany .mweHmg house or structure a dwelhng house unless such houseor structure shall be occupIed by h111or It

A co lcentra ed drIve w 1 be 1 adl.begmmng Mar<:h 16th by a volunteer!commIttee of seventy five women WIth,Mrs LUCian S Moore yr chairman'VI- hen a house to house canvass '\1\ 111bemade 111Grosse Pomte for new 111em'bers for the:- Women s Orgal11zatlon for/National ProhibItIon Reform Mrsrrank W Brooks Jr and Mrs FrederIck C Ford Will take charge of theW01k 111Crosse P01l1te Park 'lI,t[rsCdxlton HigbIe In Grosse p.o1l1te VIllageMrs D D~Ight Douglas and MrsRobert 0 Lord 111 Grosse PomteTarms and Mrs Fredenck Kldner and\tIrs James Turner 111 Grosse Po nteShores

'vIrs FrederIck M Alger StateiChaIrman announces that the second'annual conventIon of the orgal1lZatlOn



Page 3: 1 ELECTIONS IN VILLAGE RESULT IN INCUM E T BEl d · 2006-07-14 · a 1d SId e;, JII 1. 1tl L t l lIre 1 f 4 Mlsslng

Pa e Three



My re-election to the office of Trustee IS very muchappreciated and I wish to tender my sincere thanks to theelectorate with the assurance that I WIllcontinue to assIst inconducting VIllage matters WIth economy and efficiency atall times. l. • • J l:I. ..


Agam I thank you £01 ) OUI vote at confluence ,1';

expl essed at the Iecent electIOn I V\ 1::>hto assUl e vouthat It was vel) much dpprecIated, emd I pledge you mybest effol b m fulfillmg the dutIes of Clet k dUlln'"{ thecommg yeat

* * *Mr and Mrs Stephen T Stackpole.

former Detr01ters, who have been hvmg In Ch1cago. are returntng to maketheIr permanent home tn Grossepomte Mrs Stackpole has been mAugusta, Georgla, for several" weekswlth her mother, Mrs Henry Dusen~bury Shelden Mrs Shelden returnedto DetrOit last week Mrs Stackpole


r~::;~~ Broks Jr left \10nday for Miaml accompaUled by hettwo sons rrank W Brooks III dnuOhver H Brooks who have 1 etUrl cdfrom St Paul ~ School Concord N Hfor the spr111g vacatlO11

Mrs Brooks and her sons WIll jom\-11S Howard Bonbnght In MIamI

\:frs Brooks father and mother Mra ld M s Truman H Newberry plan toremal1 111the South until the hrst partof \lay 'When they 1;\111 agatn retulllto Dry Brook their home on LakeShO! e road Grosse pomte Farms Atplesent they are 111St Petersburg

• • •Mr and Mrs Walter Thompson and

Mr Mlchael Smlth of Grosse Pomteare stopping at the Mlaml BlltmoreHotel, Florlda, aCCOJ;dll\g to word re.c.elVed frCl1Uthere thl. week

are 111Atlanhc CIty where they wIllViSIt With Mr and Mrs Jerome HRemIck Sr v. ho- are spendmg several\\ eeks there

Every jobless person eventually reacts to the disad.vantage of every job-holder. The jobless are not con-sumersrand whatever your trade, business or profession,you rely, in the last analysis, on consumers. For thecommon good you should resume Normal Buying.

You have "cut down," shaved your budget. Why? Tliereis no answer. But there is an answer to why you shouldbegin buying normally again. A big one! The Unem.ployedl By holding back from normal, sensible buying,you are depriving industry of normal production, depriv-ing industry's w.orkers of jobs, depriving yourself, in turn,of unusual buying opportunities.

MEN and women out of job~ do not want diarity!They want jobs! And it is in your power to helpgive them jobs. You, who are employed and whose

income is not one jot smaller than it was a year ago, canresume Normal Buying.

PO!NTtt ru~vuw

•=I~10.!lli1~111~~II~ III

it;m I


m;;••••~~:!!t"!I";{;i1i~~~'; IIII~llIIw.


I:,' III-- \ ~~!l!!I!IJOl!'~"'.'''."~I~''~.~~~_~l1 •• ~!l!!I!~I~!J!I!!l!!I!~IOOI~_~_!l!!I!IJOl!~~'J!l!!l!!I!!l!!I!!JJl!!l!!I!~'J!l!'J!l!~~_'J!l!!l!!I!!l!!I!_IJOl!!Il!I!!l!!I!!l!!I! __ !J!I!~.1iliiIiTiiTiIiiTiT"n'li1iiTiIiifa'~iIi1i.iIiJiiIiIiililiiliItil'itiiliTiirilii1iliiJiIiiTiJiilili~riiIiliiTJliliIiiIiIiiTi1'iilifiiTiTiiTiliiIiIiiiifiiJiTiililiiJiTiililiiliJiililiili1iiIiliiJi1iiTiiiiliIii1iTiiIiTiililii1iliiJiJiiIiJiiTiTiiliTiiliJjil'iT"niM

• 4 4 • • •


High School Hi- Y ClubElectSlOfficers Friday

(ContI11iue'<l from Page One)and "Vtlham Farr treasurer Wl1hamr d.rr was the only new officer 'CIectHe VIlas a newcomer to the club Id.stterm

A schedule was a1ranged wherebyfour meetmgs are to be held eaclfmonth Two of them are to be bUSiness meetlngs ana the 'Other two areto be socIal gatherp1gs One of thesocIal meetl11gs will be11e1d at the hIgljschool WIth the fathers attendl11g Theother Will be held .at the Hannanbranch of the y M C A WIth Justthe members s.ttemifug

.;tf :: 1

MlSs Constance Bennett whose 1atest starr1l1g effort IS 111 The Eastest'vVay 11O'W 111Its second week at theParamount theater has haU a rapidstage and screen carter

She was b~rn 111New York Ctty andIS the daughter of the famous R1chardBennett FolloVvIng her graduattohfrom MISS Shandor s School of Artsshe went to Europe and won a greatf.o1l0W1l1g by her appearance on 111 Parts

Her motion ptcture contract wassecured throUgh Samuel Goldwynwhom she met at an Actor s EqUIty

Jefferson AvenueMethodist Church

01 Thursday Febrttary 26, all GrossePOInte HIgh school students seerned topot on theIr cOhlpan:5- manners for ane.xtra llnportant vls-ttor v. as rev ewingold and famlhar grounds

\11" Jerome Burtt first pnnc~pal ofthe ne)v Grosse POll1te HIgh schoolnow pr111Cpal of the High School ofCommerce 111 Spnngfield \1a%achuetts \, as VIS1tll1g Grosse POll1te and

seemed to find everythmg Just aboutthe same

He was greeted warmly by everyoneand remarked more than once that Itseemed good to be back even for sucha short while

\:fr Burtt came to DetrOlt to attendthe conventIon of the dClpartmcnt ofSupenntendence of the ~atlOnal Luucat all assoClatlOl1 :He declared tho:l.the hkes It o:l.great deal 11'1Spnngfieldand that It lS a high school WIth an enrollment of more than 1900 ~tudents

It.has classes in salesmansl11p andJournahsm ~hlCh are rather outstand1l1g' he sald

A banquet was also giVen 111honOl ofMr Burtt on Tuesda) February 24The banquet was open to any membersof- the faeulty and guest!>

IFormer Principal 'Visits Ballheld 1U New Vorl, Followmg• ... screen tests she'Vo,ffisgwen a snrall part

School; Dul"lng' Meetrn~ ill "Cytherea' 'WhIchlltln1edtatelybrought her a flood 6f offers for proin~ltent parts Her most recent successeshave beef1 111 Comm:on Clay and 5111Takes a Hohday

Robert MOl1tgomery plays the rolebt her romanttc partner In The EaSIest Way whtch has been adapted fromthe -frank a11d datIng sttvge play byDaVId Belasco Adolph Me1tJou has aprom1l1ent' part whIle the balafLce of thecast IS compo$ed of such favofltes asAmta Page MarJoyw RM1l,QeOtU andClarkG.ble

Surgical KnowledgeAntiseptics have been known to

medical 'ScIence since 1880 and an~esthesiasince18~6

••BcgHll1ll1g last Sunday morn111g and ..

contlUumg through---Easter Sunday DrMoore has arranged a senes of ad (ConlmuedfromP~ge011e)dresses 011 the general theme of The vacahon tn Bprmuda With -a group ofFuture Life The openmg number of school mates.@ Mi •• DelbrIdge attendsthe series What tS a Sp.lrlttlal Body! the Sarah Lawrence School In Brot1.X-set forth the character of the human

Vllle, N Ypersonal1t} after It has passed through * * *that perIOd of transItIon we cq.lI death Mr and \r[rs Earl ParceHs of GrandThe sermon presented some new and l[ bId G P t I d1\ ars'ls OUevar rosse om e sal emany 1nterestlng approache<; to the I d f th t Byestet ay or a I1'10n s VISl In er-whole subject of ll11mortahh IndIvId d Th II b fh t f F kmu a ey Wl e e gues s 0 ranual IdentIty IS not lost, retall1111g 111our G S hramger nntsptrltual bodIes those marks of devo .. * ...t1011 and sacnfice that characterIzed A I ~ f 'h n_ dreru a1" meebug 0 e uar enOUr relatIOn to Jesus Christ and HIS Club of Mlchigan Will be held Thurs"kHfgdom 111 thiS present hfe The..l_ '" h 1t f M D ~ Mmeanmg and value of human hfe was ,:Y tn t e Jd:e"o rtl ....-e"G"f r'erry on ene." on aven""..., roueltfted to a very high plane because 0 POinte Village.. Mi., -Sarah H~ndneItS capacIty for an eternIty ot com~ II ead ~ ut"!__..J,_ .. I f

1Wl r a paper (inl ~W". 0:

pal1lOnshlp WIth God All m al It was .l>• ..J. " th ' , f h h heJVJ.eXlCO, e uu6rrt'la. lon or w IC •such a sermon as statts one rrnar-chmg b ed f b " hI'0' bun rom 0 feY9a rODSw 1e rav"mto the comIng days WIth htgh and IIi Me ng In d1CO.steadfa~t hopes * '* '* ""

Dr' Moore s subject for n'ext Sun Mr anti Mrs JGonle 11 Remtck J1" .,day motlllng at 11 00 a m 15 Where '-' tsHeaven SUI1day evelmlgat 7 30 f.11I0l!!I!Il!l!l!~~!l!!I!II.jI!I!Il!l!llIIi!J!!I!Il!l!ll!l!ll!J!l!!J!I!!J!I!!J!I!IJOl!!J!I!!J!I!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!01!!l!!J!I!ti!I!_'J!l!!!!I!IJOl!IJOl!IJOl!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!'J!l!!J!!I!!1!!!!IJ!J!1JOl!!Il!I!!JJl!!l!!I!!J!I!!J!!J'iliJiiTiiIii1imiIiRiTi1ii1ifimiliJii1iTiiliiliili1iiTifiil'iliiTiJiiTiJiifiTii1iliil'iliififiiliTiiliIiiJiTiiJiTiiTiTiiJiTil1iTiiTiTiiIiTi~iJii1iTiiIiTiiTiJiiTiJiiIiTiiliTiiliIiiiiTiiTiJiiTiTiiliTiiTiTii1'iTiili'fiiTilliI'iTiilil1il'iTiiTiliiTi1'iiTiTii!iTi~.lJ m the sermon theme W'l1f be Iude ~ = ~C1S16nthrough lack of Impulse ' ~ i

The church double quartet 1S addmg _,= ~l\Le~tlyto tlJe'WOrtha,d enjoymentof - ~these serVIces by the excd1en:ce (}f !the = ~mUS1C Church at 11 00 a 111, Semor IE ~Eupworth League at 6 00 iP m and !'i Th · I III~nt~l11edlateEpworthLeagueat 6451 · 18 8 I~

Often~~'i~~:it~:;P~a;OPlewhoii YOU R CH AN CEm:elatm to despise money actually de- !II ~spl" theelfortoftryingtotnakeIt-I~ ~CmcinnatI DnQ.uirel : ~~

Ahelellt W'Ile- IlIQ

.: To #Help The ~Wine e.xll.1b1W!l 41'la mU,\3eum at Speyer on the :abine, is l.600 years oldIt 1$ In an old Roman flask WhIch wa$dISCO'erell durmg euavatlOns.~:!~~t~:~7:~~::;~I~.;.JOBLES.St.lrday .at the R1Vtera theater, starsGreta GaJ.'lbo It IS hel thud ta1kmg a;pIcture and IS iParhcutarty anttclpat:d :mbe.cause It IS the first tIme she has eSt~'.:r sayed a typically glamorous role H1 the ...medIum of sound Her first two talktes 'lliiAnna Chnsite -and Romance were

regarded as departure characteflzattons Iiupon whtch thlS exoitc star rOSe to iiipopulanty achlevmg a umque pos1tlon m- Q;.on the screen _ :;

A noteworthy angle 111thlS -produL •tlOn IS the appearance opPosIte Mtss iiiGarbo of Robert \1:ontgomery the III11l0st popular lead1l1g man on the screLn !IItoday Montgomery flesh from hIS tr1 ~umphs 111 The Big House The Dl Nvorcee Blushl11g Bndes and Vvar ~

Hibernatmg Mosquitoes 1\, urse negotIated a new dash111g role ~ ••promlswg to estaJbhsh hImself fore !!I:!

In the hIgher leaches of the Rocky most 111the ranks of romantIc stars 1.= -.monnt1\ll1$ In the northelu part ofMontana livps a speetes of mQsquIto I e"l."vlSStone competent 'in any role =1=;that hibernates durmg the wmter un essays another suave charadenzahon =der log~ and lP. sheltered spots and of a Panslan boulevardIer headmg a _.Jl1a;y be- seen flyIng on the first warm remarkable supportl11g cast cOnStst111g litday of .spring r:Lhese IVOSt;l.Ultosare ot Mafjone :Rambeau John Miltan lG_;large with spotted WillgS and ofteq and others !Glare reUrled to as snow mosqUitoes \ ~ACC<!ld1ng to Drs N K-adletz and L Several short talkmg subjects, In iiiKusmlIW RU$~nall sciE1Itfsts these c1udmg a talkl11g comedy a novelty 11_ Q

mosl1uifoes store up fat in the sum Ifilm scelllC travelogue and the latest $I!mer'" as do bears and SUbSIst on it talk111g news events of the daX are lit

whlledOZ::r::::~:~~I:.:~nter ':;::i::~h~::,:n~tOl at IAstorBumshISgeniusfednpon Pat"anaount Theater : =

daIl;y and hourly the ~oaUo.g IDgh"land aIrs that lived arp.{)ng the peopleHe was a muslclan. born Some wIndwould blow 111m a wan4eling line ofverse some anCIent tag of a ballad,and a stlaj,.R of lln entrancmg CeltICmelOd,} Whll-e be dro\c hlS plow

he would wblstJe and chanttlll he .bad wo\.en them fnto'-somethlllg that made all the world in lovewith hIm forever~GIace Rh,}$ 1D flA.Celtic Anthology ,

Dlamond in HistoryIndia was the onginal hOllIe of the

dlamond 1!11a jew~l Fpr centurleltudia 1emained the sole s01ll'ce ofEurope s dIamond supplv About 173Q:diamonds were dIscovered ia BI azUlIn 1867 dlamonds were dn,covered inSottth AfrICa South Afncan diamond!constItute more than 90 pel cent ofthe world s supplj. FlOro their dlscovery to the plesent tmre thev haveyfelded 00 OOO()()()carats 1he dlamonds of the world probahly represent a \alue of $500000000 Theleha,e been some dlamonds found inthe state ot Ai kansas The Arkansa!diamond mme 1U I;'l.b.ecounty has produced se, elal thousand diamondllequal 111color to the best produced inother parts of the world and 1 perc(>nt harder than the haldest fromother parts of the world

A.rchery Pract.ceButt shooting IS au old English te.r~

whl~h means the same thing as tar.,getspootin,&'~ In the olden days the sh6Qtllig grounds were equipped With banksot. dirt cO\ered With sod whichformed the so called butt Over thlslod was usually placed .. piece ot Wi"per to act as a target and the term"butt shooting' "as used to dlstingulsh it from rovelS Rovmg shooting at varwuS targets placedn fields at varymg dtstances The.

archers shoot from one to another,WhICh helps develop theIr judgmentof distances, and in the olden day~meant quite a lot to the yeomen",whose busIness "as shooting the bO"and arrow and on days when they"ere not fightlllg tbey wele in thetiel~" practlclllg rovmg - MontreatFamIly Herald",

World Owes Vast Debtto Icelandic Writers

In that strange Island Icel1nd-burst up the geologists sav by firefrom the bottom of the sea a wildland of barrenness and la \ a swallowed m'\ny months of e\ erv year inblack tempests yet With a wild gleamlng beauiy In summel bme tOwellngup there stern and grim In the 1\orthoceut1 ... "here of all places weleast looked for literatUle or writtenmemorIals th@ record of these thIngs."as written down On the seaboardof thl-8 wild land is a rtnl of grassycountry where cattle can SUbSISt andmen by means of them and of whatthe sea I and)t seemrs they werepoetic IDen these men who had deephoughts i 1 them and uttered musICaly theu:: thoughts Much w9uld be lostthad Iceland not been burst up fromhe sea not been diSCOvered by the

~orthmen' The old 1\orse POE'ts.....eremanv of them nath es of Iceland-Thomas Cal'h Ie in 'Ilerof's and Hero'Worslup"




Funeral Directors

Geist & Company


Daniel G. Allor and t

Sons Ice & Coal Co..

Phone N1agara 2424

f'7ll' Kerloy!l,o.d G. P. FafmsJ-I ~JACOB VAN ZANEN

Gel)eral Carpenter WorkWe Specialize in Repair Work I

24 Ridgemont Niagara-G796Grosse fFointe-~al'mSf M1C~.,

G. P. M. Peat Mossand Driconure


NIagara 4921 102 G. P. Blvd.


Re-Roo6ng, Roof ,Repalrs, New Roofs12 Months Pay Plan

Est1lnates Cheerfully Glven

Wl'HTTIER 8613 •

Review LinersMiscellaneous

WantedvvA", TCD-G", o assls+ \" Ith hou<;e

"'ork to go home l1lghts hV1l1gWIth111walkmg dLstance of Audubon andWaveney Wages $5 OIl references'hagara9537

Work WantedYOUNG LADY WIll care for chIldren

at home targe recreatlon roomWIth all cotwe111ences byhalfor allday reasonable pnce HIckory8500 JCOOKINGHousemork or Laundry

wanted by exper.Jenced colored maid,,y dayorweek Ch4493-Rooms to RentBEACONSFIELD1449- Three room

furmshed apafltment 10 p'l"lvate homenear Mack


LEIB Conservatoryof Music

Phone Lenox 6831A MUSIC Ltcensed Teachers Assocta ..tlOn rule would save parents money andchIldren \tIme and nerve stram Theage for Theory 15 8 plano 10 VlOhn12 Mandohn GUItar. BanjO 14. VOIce,

16 years old

\Ve have a Notice at our school andhranches Expert Muslc Profess10nadVIce gIven You are told what the

Unscrupulous Tea~hers OoutFor further DetalJs Phone Lenox 68310" call at 14950 E Jefferson Ave cor-II '"r Batrmgton facmg yvayburn elt)

Funeral DirectorsEdw Tepper!, Sec. and Trea.

Price IS a matter of your own de$ll'e14911 Kercheval Ave near Alter Road

Lenox 4281


'li\llfiQav' lvIarch 12 1931 r---...,;::.-. ,'IRango" Super-Picture, Old St. Augastbte StillThrills at State Theater Spanish in Charaetel'

The fact that 8t Augu"ltine was atThat much heralded ~P1C 01 the film ready an old town before tha Pligrims

world Rango 15 now shOWing at landed m 1\ew ragland is rarely conthe State theater 111 DetrOit sldEired III comparmg the respective

antlquitv of these t""o events YetRa'lgoISa p,cture"ltl,ou paral, H , to be e1.Rct St At{gustllle hall been III

Iel There has never been anyth1l1g hke l:'Xlst€'llce 53 Hal s when the MasIt before It deals "lth the hves and !lower made Its famous ...o~age to 1\ewhabits of men and 'VIl1dbeasts In a part rnh1and s shores llanslated intoof 'the \vorld-Sumatra m the Dutch more modetn telms when Plymouth} dst Indies-that has never been feat was settled 1n )620 St Augustine wasthe filmed before alteadv older than many of our "est

fhe story IS sImple 111 structUl e yet ern cltle&, are todavthe achon IS as super charged "'11th In 1648 almost a century after tts

foundatIOns St Augustine ",as reporttcmc stlrr1l1g thnlls as the most gun ed to have 300 householders besJdes a::.11 oke lade 1 of the modern underworld rranclscan monastery and R garrisons,p ne chl1ler1> There IS 'Comedy pathos On its oDe hundredth anDlversalY 8ttragedy every ll1gredlent of the truly Augustme was again vIsited by mtsuccessful picture-and .all these quah fOrtune in the person of Captain Da\ls

ties are set forth In such a manner as a tovmg EnglIsh freebooter Whlleto reach the n md and heaLt of the the inhabltants lied to the fOlt for

safeh he sacked the town but failedyoung .a~ well as the old to find much booty

RangQ 1Sthe nan1e of <l baby oran-g 1n 1784 St Augustme aga.ln passc'\doutang-a lovable httie two year old .under Spamsh dominion a.nd contiUuedcreature Vv ho hve~ III the dark and undlstUl bed its dreamy eXIstence litdangerous rungle wtth hlS Lither, tle aftetted b~ the events of thp out

1 1 d t h th sideworld AlthougpIn1821 It a grtzz c pa narc among e embraced in the territory of the United

S,ffilal\ hordes The hIghly absorbmg states It remaIned distlllCtly Spamshand frequently Jotty hves of theS'e an... in (':haracter,. and even today retamsthro Old creatures IS closet paral much of thIS foreIgn atmosphele

'P y Today St Augustllle is one of thele1ed by the 11\ es of Alt a natIve mo~t lntelesting hlstonc citIes of theMalayan {lger hunter and hiS lIttle Umted States its qU.lllllt narrow,',on Bm T'-1ere 1'> an aSsocIatIOn of lIitreets and shaded plaze eloquent of

C'entmies of eXlstence One can notllltercsb between them and agamst the V1Slt tIllS uty wlthout stLangely feelcommott enemy that murderous kIlter tng the romantic eha.1ID of thlS rlchthe tIger htstorical background

Page 4: 1 ELECTIONS IN VILLAGE RESULT IN INCUM E T BEl d · 2006-07-14 · a 1d SId e;, JII 1. 1tl L t l lIre 1 f 4 Mlsslng







less tubes11 tubes-tone control-automat,c t-olun~econtrol-statwn rewcordIng dJ(Jl-exclu8.ueBalanced~Vntt Screen



Otto J. GroehnJoseph L. KolleyJohn P. VerlindenWaldo J. Berns.

ROBERT DARLING17153 E Jefferson Ave.





Automatic Volume Con-,trol in the new Superhet-erodyne-PIus means thatyou can hold distant sta-<'''''ht''d'dbOns Wlt ou .a mg lIna't the same titne preven t

"blasting" oflocal slations.


II Tubes


rThursdaJ:. l\fal chJ2




The underSIgned w1sh to express theil-appreclatlOn of the vote of confidence shownat the Annual Village ElectlOn held on March"9th, and assure all resldents'that theIr effOlt~will be chrected iowa! d the CQntmuatIOn of thepresent economical admllllstration of theaffaIrs ot the VIllage.


To the Residents of theVillage of GrossePointe Park

Thank You!

12 Years 1n Same Locatton

-=~12I2AI2ICleaners and Tailors

- SPECIAL-Men's Suits Cleaned and PressedLadies' Dresses Cleaned and Pressed


Takes this opportunity t6 thank hiS many friendsindorsers for their support in the recent election.


COMMl,INITy RADIO15015E Warren-

7 tube8--all~electne-shJtwn recordtngdwl-budt~m f>lectro~dynaflttCspeaker-black walnut and mapl,. cabm-et

$49!!.! less t..bes


ALL-AMERICAN SPORT SHOP GATES RADIO SHOP14439E J(!{ferson Ave 15116Mack Avenue

The confidence of the electors of thiS Vlilage as expressed

Iby returning me to office is deeply appreciated.

I trust that I may fulfill the requirements of thiS positionto your utmost satisfaction.

L~~:"~ERTP. NEFF,,~"~~~~~~,, Village Clerk

For Better Job Printing Call LEnox 1162

Helen AlbynIlene Guyer

George Pl1J?nerJOy~e Reaume

William Lyon PhelpsVisits Grosse Pointe

50 Local TeachersVisit Tire Making

Factory as Guests

Type Students WillEnter Annual Contest

Candidates for the dlstnct t) pewr1t111g contest 11:0be held 111 the GrossePOlllte HIgh S'Chool on May 2 havebeen trymg out for place1:>III thC':lr respectlve events The contest was heldat Roosevelt I-I1gh ::'chool WyandotteMLchlgan last year The candIdatesare as foHows

In the type II e\ entWIth 42 words a nllllute37 Ray Commyl1 33

In the type III event58 Ehne AndreVvs 5852 and Ruth Haas 53

In the type IV event \Iv Ilham Lloyd58 Vlrgulla W1lham~ 55 MargaretCommyn 54 and vfarcella Wyseur53

In the 60 v..ord eVeJ1t Dorothy \faul,72 Ruth S~ble 63 'largaret DcGraeve 5-9 and Lleanor MYlon 55

The team Dorothy Maul RuthSable Margaret DeGraeve Helen. Albyn ElSie AndreN. s W IlhaJll Lloyd andEleanor Myron

The team held a practlce last weekand th~ S'core i\vere as 10110'\1,5 r).or~othy \fa~1 71 ~1l.uthSable 635 HelenAJbyn 55 WIlham Lloyd 57 andEleanor TyIyron 54 The average forthe 'Pracbce Vvas apprOXlmatel) 60 ~~word!> a mlTIute


A speCial announcement l~ made atthot,>tlme of the l11cetl11gto be held onvlarch 17th Due to thc fact that thl~I11l.Ltmg falls on St Pdtr1ck i>Day thePost IS gomg -to ~dcbrate by holdl1lg a"hort bmlllt"'>s mcetlllg and glVl. theobhgatlOll of munlbenh4p to n,ew rlcrUlL'> to bc f'ollorwed by a gala StPatnck s dance fherl. "i'.J11be. a fivepIece or'Chestra to funllsh hot <lancetUIlCS I very eligible vdelan With Insv.t{(.. mother &t..,ter or daughter (over16) IS Il1vllted to 'lttcnd Adml'iMOn andrefreshments ,firec Rcmemlber thePost and dddress -Lt Edw A Hoffman Post 1'-.0 116 Bradley Recrcahon Center 3663 Concord DetrOJtMIchigan

WIth the above words of explanatlOnas to "ho IS eligible for membershIp 111the V F W Lt Edward A Hoffman Post 'Jo 116 Vvnshes to extend apersonal 1nvltatlon to every foreign Ii ~~~--------------~l.rvlcc veteran to Jom up F\\-Ith !themr t Edw A Hoffman Post meets evelYfir&t and third Tue~day of each monthat Bradley RccreatlOll Center 3663Concord

Qualtficatlohs for me1ubershlp 111theV' r W past present d.ud >future arebased on ruhngs of the war and navydepartments grant1l1g 1:>erV!1eenb1>onsand campaign bars to those who partICtpakd 11l ca.mpalgns or cXlpedltlons011 forelgn soil or 111 hostale waterswhere the element of ddnger \\ as 11


hfty Gros~l. P011lte publ c schoolteachers an-d guests ~a\'\ the mak1t1g ofautomob1le tlres from th" weavmg ofthe fabrll'C to the fiIlal mold1l1g of thetlres when the} Visited the ]effer-,StIttavenue plant of tJle U S Rubber con1pan} last Saturda\

ThIS f\VdS one of a senes of educationa! tnps that the teachers take tv.lcea month 011 Saturdays They havealso VISited the Parke Davls CompanyDetr01t 1\ ew~ Detr01t I ree Press andCranbrooh. 'lchool

The tnps are under 111e direction ofEdward h Allen acLmullstratn e asslstant to the SUper11'lotelld.entof schoolsArrangements for the tNp to the lJ ~Rubber Compa.ny 'VI ere made ,"lth MA Clark of Grosse POll1te persQnnel111an.ager of the <:o1!llPany

Grosse PointeLibrary

Americanism Day toBe Observed with

a Patriotic Program

IService in Line of

Duty Necessary toJoin the V. F. W.

Vfl.l1bers of 1< 0 t t PontchartramChapter Daughters of the AmencanRevolU'bton Wlll observe their annualAmenca111sm Day on Frtday a,.fternoonMarch 20th at Rotal Statler MrsCharles H Mooney Stale Chairman ofD A R work at EllIS Island and MrsDean Gray) Amer1lCalll&I't1chamman forthe Chapter WIll opre&e11tthe needs ofthe Elhs lS~and llllmlgrnnts for whoma box of o'ccu~at1ona:l !:l)'tQtenal IS sentannually by the ohapter,SJ As from 200to 300 are gwen hd.nd!ii\t-ork each daywhrle awartlllg adn1Hmon 111tO thiScountry and 80~o of Ithe':.e are menshlrtmg dentin a11d lclmkl are neededfor ga.rrnen"tS th~ merI> are traIned tos.,j.1c1~ fa tl C t :;, ":;, J'rfteen <;e~"'111gmachu1es are 1n .constant use Beadsj

\\001 ylarn and pearl iCotton are .alsoacce.ptable ~r bead '\Votic-ns taught al}dthere are -aJso mach1l1e5 for kl11ttltltgsocks and ,sweaters "fhe 'Immlgrant6are allowed to reta1I1 tJ:relr handIwork

Could 3' 611but see the eager hal1dsreach out f.lleadmgly far someithl11g todo to rvvhlle away theJ tedIOUS hoursand the FW!1stfuleyes folJ.ow our twopand \\-orkel's as they p-MS around tht You s--ee \vhat a tremel1dous effe:ctroom g1V111gout materIal said Mrs I have I come here to dcdlcate thlSMooney recently You '\\I'Ould be more school and the populatlOn doubles dcthan anX1QUS to help them get thelr clared Dr WIlham Lyon Phelps se11l0r1:>hare We ask for your contmued rprofei>!>or for 39 year& at Yale U11lver1l1tercst 111 th15 worthy work S!1ty to the JUUlor as&embly of the

Mrs Albert Harwlth of thc COS1110 Gro&sl. Pomtl. HIgh School F<.bruarypohtan Club wIll gwe .a short talk on 25ththe plan:, and 5f her orgal11za,.; Dr Phelps was mtroduced by MrtlOn Charles A Parcdls, sccretary of the

After the report of the OOlinnatl11& Board of Edu-caholl as one of Amt.r-COJllnllitct- ~ythe ICh<urm-an, tiTs R R 1l.a &grcJ.te1:>t 1..fi1tICi>and tCdchels DrR1ddl{' the program WIll be m !Charge ,phc1p~ g.tVL thl. dc<hcatory addrci>s 'Ofof Mrs fhl%dOlC L Damebon lllU~1'C th£.. hlgh school tll1te years agocha1nnan who ha" arranged a 11llwKalc I de geb so mtercstmg <ilt the t1nIe

Mr" I1c1e;u KLuncdy 'Snyder '\\1ell 1 that I want to <'l.l.a lot {}£ 1t l.ontmuedknown cOlllfalto 'Mil ~g Mr~ Rohc!t DI Phdp& Hl. exprc<,,>'CJ the dt.slreL DUlkt.s \,;llh prt.sent argroup of pI~no thdt hc might bt a modcrn \{cthu~e1ahnumbers f}1~dMr:, ::'ldpey rl.rrlS V10 ... and co llpal td th1" tgl. to fw} landh111st "',,111he accofllW111Cd by Mri> I Ccl.llll.hue tlll& 1110rnmg on a magicI(tlltwth LaJ1dlS calpet he 1 emarked HC111Y J 01(1

1 hl. H01:>tc!>~Comllptcl. for the da} b1111d~ hill 'sdt 7000 magIc carpcts 1

to grclt 1l1,c!ubers 1.nd guests pnor to da) Dr Phclpi> (kdarl.u that 'v1.H..11the usual onl. 0 clock IUllchcon 11c1udes 1ll 1m home rcccntb he hC1rd the\1rs Raymond Foulkmd Mrs \Iarvlll Pope s <lddrcss from Rome But ther Hoagland Mrs Rolbel t \1 Toms Joke of 1t IS he added I bC1rd thl.\11~S Ida L Pa1mer and Mrs fhomas ,>pl.Cch five hour!> before ht ddIvcredL L<Ii\'\ton It

Dr Phelps told the selllOr a~1:>t.tnbhof hIS bicycle tour of the Rhllle country and England After bICyc!mg allof one l11ght he saId he returned tothe home i-\here 11e was guest forbreakfast HIS host remarked, hobody111 the world but an Amencall woulUever done 1 fool thl11g hke that

fhe Grosse POlllte Publll. LlbralY lSa hbrary ror the faullly It has a collectlOl1 of books which cover a wlderdnge of sUQ.Jects fhcr"c IS everyth1l1gfrom helpf\ll hmts fqrc mothel aboutfur11lsh111g the 110me bUYll1g the -chlldren s clothes an-d map~~png the youngest to cllf,hantmg arumal stoncs andthe latest ~j.:tton for rfather and thecl111dren :6e1oVv are 'ns€roup of newbooks at tJ1c hbrary {that wlll be of1I1terest to the faintly ""II


III prescnbmg qualtficatlOm for menfbershlp 111 the Veterans of rorelgl1\i\Tars of the unlted States the orga11l'TatlO1 has ~l1nplv observed the samedlst11letlOn created by the govel nmentItself 111Its ofii>c:tal for~1s of recog111tlOn .c'Ol1lmenlorat ng dlst111ct1VeserVlceMember1:>hJp 11 the V 1< W must be<>arned 111 tthe sa 1 e 111fl-lllleras thesegovernment awards-tby services properb rendered 1n hue ot duty

By virtue of the fact :that CHI) illld.nwho has served 1115co-Y:J1tryashore orafloat on foretgn ~OJI or 111 hostIle '\\ aters 1~ entltled to membenhlp 111 theVeterans of Forc-lgn Wars of the L ~IS the only vetelan orgamzatJon deshned to contlllue on thl0Ughout theh1story of the llatlOn

Me 1 bershlp 11l the Veterd.l1S of lorelgn 'Wars of thLJ U <; IS not >confinedto those \i- ho have seen serVllee 111 <111}U1 0111:> ranks are veterd.m who wore theone war campalg 1 or exped1t1on vVrthl1mform of thelr count1'Y whIle 111 thePhlhP1plnes~ Cuba Ch1l1a B,lltl 1{.e->..l'CO France ('1rl11al1) Sibelia and'\lc;aragua

erature and Engllsh Etble 111the Presbytenan Theologlcal SemmalY of Chlcago Ilhnols Dr Rob111son 'WIll sp.eakthlS Thursda) evenmg on the subJel.tWhat Great Bntam IS Thmkmg ])1

Roblllson served last summer as exchange pi eacher -preachmg m some ofthe most lnfluentIal churches 111 GreatBntal11 Dr Roblllson '\\ as also honored 111uemg 1l1V'lted to speak at theop~nll1g Q{ the General Assembly ofthe Pres4ytenan Churcp 111 Scotland

Ou FneJil} afternoo~l at 2 00 P 111hewJ11 speak to the women 0/1 the sub3cct HeR\en

rnday 1l1ght Dr RobllISO I \\111 <;p<\d.kon The Tr1al of Jesus

Sunda.}- morhlng Dx Rob111S011\'\-111speak all The Glory of God and 111the eve11lng on The Mean1l1g of Pentecost '

Bible ~chool meets at 9 30 a 111Young People'i Group and 1 UX1~

Group meet at 5 30 p 111 for socmlhour and tca DevotIOnal serVIce at6 30


Grace Church

Church of ChristLochmoor

Messiah Lutheran

Mt. Olive LutheranChurch

Presbyterian Churchof the Covenant

Southeast -Corner of I ake\"ood an-dKercheval Avenues A H A Loeberpaslol 1434 Lakeov.ood avenue Te1ephone Lenox 2121

Chanty Will be the subject of thesenno 1 for the comll1g Sunday \farch15 ThiS 'W111be the last of three selmons on the themes 1< alth Hopeand Chant). SerVIces \\'111be held asfolIo,,, s German sen Ice at 9 a 111

Engli'sh serVIce at 11 b a 111 SundaySchool -at 10 15 a 111

The fifth of the" x n11d week J enten~ervlce" \\'111 take 'Place \VednesdayMal eh 18 at 8 0 clock 111the evell11,llgThe "ubJeet of the sermon \\ 111 beBarabbas vIurdered Free ManThe 1-1en i>Club i-\111meet next Tues

daY \-larch 17 at 8 p 111 and theJ UlHOr Socletv 01 1 nday of next \\ eekMarch 20 at 7 15 p 111

1 he long loaked for meetmg startsnext Lord s Da) Evangelist RockhftIS the p-reaeher on the opel11ng dayMonday and through th~ week Evan-gelIst Johll eTa) 101 You are earncstly mVlted to come and hear th~sepreaeher~ 7 45 ea-eh evcn ng for t\'\o\ eel" Old tllnl. SOl g" plel ty of themand led b} competent kade!'1:> Thls 1~

your opportu111ty to hear somethmg ofVItal rnterei>t a ld fwdl be a real bless1l1g to all who attend

Date, March 15 to 29 hme 7 4::Jea'Chevel11ng place Lochmoor boulevard atMack

ror 1l1fOrmatlOn call },lagara 4447

h.erclc vll dt LakepOIl1tt (llo""ePOInt l-'alk \111m II<lcu".':>llr <pastol1112 I at CpOlIte 'lH11l1t Phone Lenox2_99

':lUl1d ty \111(..h 15-9 20 a III CIHllCh'>chool Ua.':>i>c1:>f( revery d.bC ::, 11l1<111'iupcnntcndl.1 t

10 45 cl. 111-\VOI SlllP \\-ltb sermon onthe .tOPIC Hu 1ger dnd rlmst tlll"bunga "er non on the fOUlth BClt tude1l1strumentd.l llU llbers w1ll lllclllde PaV11c and thl. VIl.Jlllet Pompadour by'Iv achs and Id11lo by Jack

2 00 p Ill-S1xth Easter pageant rehearsal

Yfonday-7 30 9 30 P III Gill s basketbal1 at Defe1 ~(.hool 8 309 30bo). s ba~ketball

Tt1e~day-7 00 p II Do) Scouttroop ~o 142 I-hni> Vvllhelmsen as~ stant scoutmaster 111 charge 8 00P tn 'Castct church mcmbershlp clas"1 hiS Vvlll be thl. first mcet1l1g of thc1dult group which ,\v 11 UllltC vl'lth thechur~h on Ea"ter 'Sunday The lectures at these meetll1gs VI' 11 be givenby the pastor The pubhc is lllvited9 00 P 111 InterlC11Urch uOIwhng league

Wednesday-800 p 111 rourth nl1d\veek I enten scrvIce Senno I subject1he Pled. of Prlate.':> Wlfe Instru

meantl numbers At TWlhght byThome Siesta by Laurens and AChtld s Dream by Gabnel \.fane 9 00pm, chOIr rehearsal

Thursday-12 30 p 111 I nendsh pbreakfast under the ausp ces of thevVomen s 1..>11101 Interesh 19 programmc1udmg a pIa\ 1\11 won en of thec0l1lmul1lty 'Cord ally inVited

Saturday-9 30 a m conn.rmatlOl1class

1 he ~peclal I entell meetmgs at thePre~b)tendll Church of the Covenantare creatl1lg ll1creased mterest eache"enmg The meetmg!> wl1! cont111ueuntil Sunday evenIng March b

The Rev George L Robmson D DL L D IS Professor of Blbhcal LIt

Eastminster Presby- I

terian ChurchRe" Carl E Klrchel 1.':>preachl11g'

some sermons 11 hue wlth Lent looklllg to\vard Easter The "ermon lextSunday lS 01 VI/hat t\ 1 OrolO<lry\1an Can Do

".Je"t .sunday e"enlng the ChnstIanEndeavor Alullllll \vill meet at 630-the young people s group 11 their 111It al ncetlllg Rl v C L Kreher ,\111lead thIS meeting

At 7 30 the vla}er~ of the CadillacDra nat c Club \\'111give a pagea 1t e Itttled Stc\\ arcbh p Thls Will be 111

IIle \\ th the ..erIal \\hat \\mldH<lppen If J e.':>usReturned to Detroit?

19,1 Gam2429 12ZU2270 4142\9 121277 93195 25


35,1 5430 1879


, 184170

Grosse Pointe LibraryShows Gain Last Year

ThiS vear the cJa1:>slS dOll1g somethmg dIfferent They 'Plan to a~e111or assembb wIth all ~elllors partlclpatmg fhe comm1ttee IS composedof Lelai1d Symons Edwlll Allen yV IIIlam Munro Dorothy Gamble Helen.s1l111ffVIrginIa LavIgne

Election of OfficersHeld by June Class

The 1101l1111atlngCOllllmttee \\-as 'Composed of two members from each senlorhon e room 1 he) were Alfred 1h11Bernadll1e Huetteman hleanor "'YhronRoger Bacon Herman Bennett MaryLou ROiberts 1 he comnl1ttee met w1thMI,>s Mary Kre111111111and cIec ded uponthe candtdates

The J u le graduatll1g dass of theGrosse Pomte HIgh school held anelt'..ctlOl1 last week for class officersrhe candidates wefe for preSIde ltAlbert Yfarshall William M u n roRoyer Sehbngman Ed\,;111 W nght forvlee..jprl.Sldent IS3lbelle Brandt HarryPrItchard James '\1.cIlwrcath HelenSutton fOl secretary El zabeth MooreDorothy Maul \ IrgmIa Jay \1ary LouRoberts for treasurer Roger BaconJack Wall Evelyn Rose

fhe cIrculatIOn of book" for hall eU~l. dunng rebruary 1931 "va'l thc Id.rge"t the Grosse POll1te Public LibraryI as cver known whl'Ch augurs well forthe progress and activity for the coml1lg year There has been a notIceablegal11 at the varlO'US lIbranes both 111regIstration and elrculatlOn

fhe number of patrons 111cach vl11age on Yfarch 1 1930 and March 11911 1S as folIo,," s

R1dllOI l.VCllue (J 111(.011 rO'ld) atMack aVl.nue II C Arndt p1s-tor4425 Rddnor 1.vltuur 1 J )lIL ~F16'lra

3023::,ul1chy ':,choo1 9 45 D1VlI1CSC'f\ilCl

lbl. tott! CllLUld.tlon cf bach f)r 1100 t 111 A IHalty '\\oCkOlJk I::, LX1 (1 1 u"e at iht Vdrlan,> 19CIlCIC<'tlur tenckd to all III Out 'Collllllunity to hear111& I ebrtllry 1930 and I (.,bludry 1931 the ~Cr1l1011S011 tl (' follol\Vlllg thel11c~1~ '1~ follo\\ <, I.,Ulylay Md.rch b- I h-(.. Idcal C1m~

1930 1931 G1l11I t1'1n CoUgl egatlOn a 1d It" ChildrenPll)c 3822 6OS7 2265 Wedne'ida) March 18 at 8 p 11 - The,Vllhge 2420 1749 1,,29 High P1IC&t of the Old 1 c~tdm('nt a~1 anm. 540 543 3 cl.Typl. of Chrt'itI ochmoor 267 416 149 The Ladles Aid SocJety mcets ThursShores 285 210 -75 d<ly at 8 P 111 111the 1'vIoeller d.nd KIt

chen bU1ld1l1g7334 11005 3671

At the medll1g ld~t '''cek <It \"hlch28 llcmbcrs of the class \\ el e vresenti>l.\eral plan" I'\,\lrl. prcsenttd \\dllC I

",('Ie not '1cccpta.b1c to both vIl'>" \1<1ryKrcl1l1l11l1hcultv ad\ l'lor and nKl11bcr"

f t1 c Cll~" Ill(' not 01 J lade tn",on 1 tn I 1l1~cr 11 d seconded by ClIbert hulk 1 10 buy a sl.olcbodld "lvlth

c ~OO <Iud prc'<ent t to tl e 1:>chool\\ as votf..d 011 <lnd passed

Aftu thl. l11l.ctJ11g had bccn <leIJOlllncd MISS Krcmmm apPollltcd acan mlttte conslstlllg of lIe '1 norSchneIder Clarencc Pay lC and Jack'\ aunt TlllS COl11111ltteeIS to 'ComultWith Supenntcndent S M Brownella~ to the type of board to he crededand the 11annel of Its plesentatlOll

June '30 Class Plansto Erect Scoreboard

1 he class of Jun~ 1930 of the GlossePomte High ::'chool held a meetmg1 lOOlll 209 at the High school all

Tucsda\ February 23 at 'Which 1t wa!>decided to erect a scoreboard andpresent It to the school Vice preSIdent LeVvl1:>Smart pres~ded at themeetmg called to determme '\\ hd.tshould be done \"Ith the $ZOO 11 theirtreawr) It had 1&een de>Clded beforegraduation to turn the money OVlr to\1r rorrlst GCd.ry to purchai>ea scoteboard for the athletIc field \1r Gecl.r)111 lllvestlgattOl1 fou Id that a ~u table..coreboard would (.Q~t bct\\ etn $450and $500

ParkVIllage1 '1n;J "

II{.d111 oar">1 OJ{"


15001 Charlevoix Ave.

Corner of Wayburn



We offer many items, nationally known.These have been greatly reduced.

60c GlycoThymoline

Hair Brushes69c to

Wlid Cherry Cough 39Syrup, 50c size for C2.25c West's 2967e TOQth Paste ePalmolive 13 ~8ge Men' .. Talc C ~


WE DELIVER LEnox 3547Kercheval at l3eaconsfield


Page Your~--


Packers TarCakeMufti,65cSpecialVAN ESSFo~ DandruffFallinI!' HairP. D& Co.Cod Liver Oil, pt.Moth RepelantCake 15c; 7 for30c GylcoThymolme



"The Costello Case"CARROLl LOMBARD 1n"Fast and Loose"

Wednesday Night Only-12 Inman Blankets Will Be Gwen


Country Store--$17 00 10 Cash, alao24 Grocery Pnzes Free




W!lLJrR IlL~10i'< II

"Abraham Lincoln"


"The Right to Love"



Hook, Line and SinkerAdded AttractIon Monday NIght

Only-$50 00 In Gold GIvenAwf.Y Free--One Prize

Aloma Theatre

EvIl Advh ..eHe who ncl\'Jse~ ~ou to he lesuved

to yonr fl lends w1sh€'s to hetra v ~ouwithout witne~sf'S-Manuel Conde Lu(,'l.nor


Wood For Sale atNeighborhood Club

In New Relief Plan(Contmued from Page One)


'\-ood much of It trees that had beenInjured m one way or other and somecons:LS'ted of sound maple spruce andbee-ches m the lme of a proposed road\Va).

The 'Work ot feUlng started January1 Ten men a week on the averagehave been employed SlOce then It hasbeen a changmg force '\.0 as to ,>prcddthe Income The club promised ddlVav and !>tQlwmg >\ ,,,,age scale of 50cenrts an hour was adopted The GrossePomte market has absorbed nCdrly 100cords but 'ProductIon ha~ exceeded consumptton

>\ racket grcl\\I out Ol the rellef workf1wo men whom the club has not:caught up with got eOldwood somewhere drumtped It 111 backyards 9,11:

l10unced thJt tht1::. w.d::. 'Y\lood from the~ughborhood duh and 1LfI'm wen.('a~h 011dehvl.r) Later phone call::. totho club 1cvealed thl1.t the '\\ ood wasn II:

rl.he Netghborhood club" and the clubknew nothlllg at d.1l about the men

Officlalb of the club amlloul1ced 3' estlr(h.y tJnrt $250 of the $1 500 donatcdby the Newberry chlldren rcmams and{,hat the work can contmue only threew~eks more unless thel e are adcht10ni3.l~UbSCrIptlOns or a WIder market thawsout the frozen assets

fhe frozen as-sets (;Ol1SlI&tof thosl.125 cords o-n hand awaItIng buyer1:>Anyone wantmg a 11lCCbunch of cord-wo-O-dand mterested In ma11ltamtng Jobsfor men who badly need them Will bequoted pnces the Nelghborhood club.<;a).s by calhng h lagara 0771


