Page 1: 1 Chapter 9 Public Relations. 2 Public Relations Planning Background Situation Analysis Background Situation Analysis PR Plan Objectives Strategies Execution


Chapter 9Public Relations

Page 2: 1 Chapter 9 Public Relations. 2 Public Relations Planning Background Situation Analysis Background Situation Analysis PR Plan Objectives Strategies Execution


Public Relations Planning

BackgroundSituation Analysis

BackgroundSituation Analysis

PR PlanObjectivesStrategiesExecution

PR PlanObjectivesStrategiesExecution

Measurement &Evaluation

Measurement &Evaluation

Other IMC Plans

Other IMC Plans

Page 3: 1 Chapter 9 Public Relations. 2 Public Relations Planning Background Situation Analysis Background Situation Analysis PR Plan Objectives Strategies Execution


Public Relations

“Communications designed to gain public understanding and acceptance.”


External Publics

External Publics

• Employees

• Distributors

• Suppliers

• Customers

• Shareholders

• Media• Governments• Prospective Shareholders• Financial Community

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Roles of Public Relations

PR makes a diverse contribution for the good of an organization:

• Corporate Communications• Reputation Management• Product Publicity• Product Placement and Seeding• Community Relations• Public Affairs• Fundraising

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Corporate Communications

“Advertising designed to convey a favourable image of a company to its various publics.”

1. Often associated with social responsibility initiatives.

2. Also associated with advocacy programs (presenting a point of view on a controversial public issue).

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Reputation Management

PR plays a vital role when an organization faces a crisis situation.

1. Being prepared is essential (pre-plan with system and procedures in place).

2. An open, honest approach is the best communications strategy to follow.

Executives must be ready to meet the demands of the media and more sophisticated consumers.

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Product Publicity

“News about an organization or its products appearing in the media.”

• Part of new product launch strategies

• Advertising clutter enhances role of PR

• Media-based stories more credible than ads.

Advertising campaigns often follow the pre-launch or launch publicity campaigns.

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Product Placement and Seeding

Product Placement

Product Placement

Inserting a brand name good in a TV show, movie or video game.


Product given “free” to group of trendsetters who help create “buzz” for the brand.

Advertising clutter and audience fragmentation have made these options attractive to marketers.

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Community Relations

Companies operate in an environment where social responsibility is important. They want to be perceived as good corporate citizens and contributors to local communities.

1. Invest money and time into communities

2. Sponsor teams and events on a national, regional, and local scale.

The public has to “like you before they will buy you.”

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Public Affairs


Companies need strategies to deal with governments.

Communications and activities designed to influence policy decisions that affect a company or all companies in an industry.

Groups with conflicting views on an issue lobby governments. Governments assess all sides of the issue.

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Public Relations Objectives

Objectives• Creating Awareness• Shaping Attitudes• Altering Behaviour

Objectives• Creating Awareness• Shaping Attitudes• Altering Behaviour

1. Results are difficult to measure due to integration with other activities.

2. The primary goal is to get media exposure in a positive way.

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Public Relations Strategy

Communications strategy is examined based on how to best:

1. Reach opinion leaders

2. Maximize news value

3. Time events to reinforce other marketing communications strategies

4. Reach designated targets

PR deals more with informing and educating rather than motivating someone to buy.

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Dealing with the Press



A document containing all essential elements of a story.



A gathering of reporters to witness release of important information.



A bundle of material given to reporters at a press conference.

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Other PR Executions


Ideal for detailed messages and visual presentations; messages can be updated quickly. Press releases commonly posted here.

A person’s perceptions about a company are definitely influenced by Web site experiences. The experience must be enjoyable.

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Other PR Executions


A publication sent to designated audiences at regular intervals. Often used for communications with employees.

Booklets andBrochures

Booklets andBrochures

Brand-sponsored, multiple page documents that promote branded merchandise.

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Other PR Executions


Provides current and prospective shareholders with financial data and review of company.

Special InterestReports

Special InterestReports

Reports appealing to “special” audiences (social responsibility and community relations content).

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Measurement and Evaluation

OutputsOutputsMeasures transmission of messages and impressions generated by messages.

OutgrowthsOutgrowthsDetermines if target received and understood message.

OutcomesOutcomesMeasures changes in behaviour (pre- and post-research necessary).

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PR Strengths and Weaknesses

StrengthsStrengths WeaknessesWeaknesses

1. Credible source of information

2. Publicity generates “buzz” that lead to sales.

3. Helps establish customer relationships

1. Lack of control (of message) by source.

2. Time and materials can

go to waste.