  • Slide 1

1 Body Language Symbols, Archetypes and Visual Literacy by Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen Slide 2 Avery Nilsen, Our Grandson At the AATH Convention (Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor) Red Skelton Museum in Vincennes, Indiana 2 Slide 3 Doppelgangers: The Evil Eye 3 Slide 4 4 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE Contrast sign language and finger spelling.Contrast sign language and finger spelling. Iconic Sign Language: Male-Female, Past-Future, Hand shape, Location, Movement, Palm Orientation, Finger SpellingIconic Sign Language: Male-Female, Past-Future, Hand shape, Location, Movement, Palm Orientation, Finger Spelling Slide 5 American Sign Language: Finger Spelling vs. Signing 5 Slide 6 Arizona Politics 6 Slide 7 Justin Timberlake and Santa Claus: Cup O Soup: 7 Slide 8 8 In Flags: The Peace Symbol Nuclear Disarmament (N & D) Slide 9 FACE Frown Giggle Grimace Grin Guffaw Laugh Scowl Smile Smirk Snarl 9 Slide 10 10 Slide 11 THE BABYS EVIL EYE: 11 Slide 12 Red Skelton 12 Slide 13 HEAD Flutter eyelashes Grit teeth Hold nose Nod head (yes) Raise eyebrows Shake head (no) Stick out tongue Wink Wrinkle nose Yawn 13 Slide 14 LIE TO ME: 14 Slide 15 15 Slide 16 Curiosity and Exuberance 16 Slide 17 Sadness and Surprise 17 Slide 18 SHOULDERS Rolling shoulder suggestively Shrugging shoulders in disbelief or wonderment 18 Slide 19 The Juggling Politician 19 Slide 20 20 Slide 21 HANDS, FINGERS & THUMB Applauding Extending pinkey Crossing fingers (to lie) Giving the finger Holding hands Pointing Shaking hands (note gender & ethnic differences) Thumbing a ride Thumbs up Twiddling thumbs 21 American Sign Language Applau ding Slide 22 Louis (Sachmo) Armstrong: What a Wonderful World!: 22 Slide 23 Sun Devils and Nerd Fighters 23 Slide 24 Uncle Sam Recruitment Poster 24 Here is Uncle Sams pointing finger. This is a rude gesture in some cultures. Slide 25 25 DAVE CHAPPELLES THUMB Chappelle tells about a high-jacked airplane in which he sees another Black male and they do a thumbs up to each other. We were just communicating that we understood the situation. We were both seeing the same thing. What we understood was simplyterrorists dont take black hostages. (Chappelle 2003) Slide 26 ARMS Limp wrist Raise hand in class Sign of the cross Waving hand (note gender differences) Sports Signals (See the next slide) 26 Slide 27 27 SPORTS BODY LANGUAGE BASEBALL: Fair Ball, Foul Ball, Home Run, Out, Strike Plus Signals from the Catcher to the Pitcher, to the Infield, and to the Outfield Plus Coach Signals for the Batter, from the First-Base Coach, and from the Third-Base Coach BASKETBALL: Basket Counts, Basket Doesnt Count, Blocking Foul, Held Ball, In Bounce, Moving Screen, Offensive Fowl, Out of Bounce, Time Out FOOTBALL: Clipping, Face Mask, Illegal Celebration, Illegal Procedure, Late Hit, Offside, Pass Interference, Roughing the Kicker, Roughing the Passer, Safety, Touchdown, Unnecessary Roughness Plus Metaphors related to most of these expressions like hardball softball and ballpark figure. Slide 28 LEGS & FEET Crossing legs (note gender & ethnic differences) Sitting on a park bench Sitting on a bus seat Slapping knee while laughing 28 Slide 29 MINISTRY OF SILLY WALKS: 29 Slide 30 SPACE BUBBLES: Asian vs. Latin American Doorway, Subway, Elevator University of Texas: Texas Tower Sniper 30 The University of Texas Shooter had the space bubble of a paranoid. Slide 31 31 TIME EXPECTATIONS Latin American vs. Mormon Cocktail Party vs. Dinner vs. Class Slide 32 UNINTENTIONAL BODY LANGUAGE blinking blushing cowering cringing shuddering trembling twisting hair weeping 32 Slide 33 Tim Conway as a Dentist: 33 Slide 34 BODY METAPHORS: To be on your toes To be stuck up To be up in arms To break a leg To count noses To foot the bill To have your tongue in your cheek To keep a stiff upper lip To keep your chin up To play it by ear To put your foot in your mouth To see eye to eye To shake a leg To throw in the towel 34 Total Relaxation Slide 35 Mr. Bean Getting Up Late for the Dentist: 35 Slide 36 Exuberance and Sadness: First Day of School 36 Slide 37 Doppelgangers and Body Doubles Richard Nixon 37 Slide 38 James Carville 38 Slide 39 John McCain 39 Slide 40 Hillary Clinton 40 Slide 41 Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin 41 Slide 42 Sarah Palin and Tina Fey 42 Slide 43 Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: 43 Slide 44 Tina Fey as Sarah Palin Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton 44 Slide 45 Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton: 45 Slide 46 Body Language Plus Intonation Use only the words John and Marsha to indicate the following: Anger vs. Fear Resignation vs. Exuberance Sadness vs. Surprise Pretentiousness vs. Aloofness Hate vs. Passion 46 Desire Slide 47 Happiness 47 Slide 48 Friendship 48 Slide 49 Love 49 Slide 50 50 Slide 51 Full-Body Language 3-YEAR-OLD CONDUCTING BEETHOVENS 5 th SYMPHONY: 51 Slide 52 Amusement and Antipathy 52 Slide 53 Total Involvement 53 Slide 54 Narcisism 54 Slide 55 Android Emotions 55 Slide 56 PARALANGUAGE Giddyup (plus lateral click) Hiss Huh? Raspberry (Bronx Cheer) Shush Swearing (*@+&%$@~*) Tsk tsk Uchhhhh Uh huh (yes & no) Wolf whistle Yuchhhh 56 Slide 57 SLAPSTICK ON CHEERS: 57 Slide 58 EXPLAIN HOW THE FOLLOWING GESTURES ARE INTERPRETED DIFFERENTLY IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Biting your thumbnail Kissing someone on the cheeks Putting your hands on your hips Using arm gestures Using eye gestures Using finger gestures Using hand gestures Using lip gestures 58 Age Differences Slide 59 Social In-Bonding 59 Slide 60 SILENT MONKS SINGING HALLELUIA CHORUS: 60 Slide 61 61 Slide 62 Social Out-Bonding 62 Slide 63 Point of View 63 Slide 64 Physical Workout Dance Humor: 64 Slide 65 Parody 65 Slide 66 Photobombing 66 Slide 67 SEND IN THE CLOWNS! (Frank Sinatra, et. al.): BdREfnIY9Y 67 Slide 68 Four Really Talented Ladies: 68