
Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 1

1. Avian (chicken) skin mites

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 2

2. Avian (chicken) skin of head Favus (Trichophton sp.)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 3

3. Avian (chicken) skin of shanks and feet scaly leg mite

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 4

4. Avian (chicken) Skin of Feet - exfoliatice dermatitis (Knemi...

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 5

5. Bovine hair with lice eggs (Pediculosis)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 6

6. Bovine skin (Stephanofilariasis)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 7

7. Bovine skin scraping (D. folliculorum var. bovis)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 8

8. Bovine dermis fly larvae (Hypoderma bovis)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 9

9. Canine skin of thorax and abdomen (Demodectic Mange)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 10

10. Canine skin cutaneous myiasis, Case #105.16249

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 11

11. Equine skin of hind limbs crusts (Cutaneous Onchocerchiasis)...

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 12

12. Equine dermis (Cutaneous Onchocerchiasis)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 13

13. Feline fleas (C. felis, male R - female L)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 14

14. Frog skin of hind limbs cutaneous capillariiasis

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 15

15. Human head louse (Pediculus capitus)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 16

16. Lizzard skin acariasis (Red Mite Infestation)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 17

17. Monkey subcutis with tapeworm cysts (Multiceps serialis)

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 18

18. Rabbit Skin of Ear - crusts and debris acariasis (Psoroptes ...

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 19

19. Skin scraping (Demodex Mange), Case #87.0263

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 20

20. Snake lung mite infestation

Tufts OpenCourseWare © 2015 Tufts University

Metazoan and Anthropod Disease of the Integumentary System

OCW: Veterinary Gross Pathology Image Collection (R. M. Jakowski) Page - 21

21. Swine skin of face (Sarcoptic Mange)
