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1A - What are digitally published products and how are they used?

By Haseeb Patel

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E – newspapers are mainly made by local newspapers as well as the national ones. A newspaper includes different sets of news which have happened throughout the world or local news such as things going round the borough.

An e-newspaper will always include things like an image to represent the evidence shown by the news. This will always need to be included as it shows the respect earned to allow people to want to read more.

The E-Newspaper sector can be a disadvantage to those that have difficulty in reading. This is mainly because there are a lot of words with a short font so people rather watch it interactively to gain knowledge.

Some people buy newspapers article which can be a waste in my opinion. The news is already on the internet for people to gather knowledge. As the technology has arise, people tend to download apps.

Newspapers are made out of softened paper which is very easy and reliable to recycle and replace things. However an E-Newspaper is an online copy found on the internet or different apps of those that use mobile devices.

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E-Magazines are slightly different compared to e-newspapers as e-magazines include things such as a wide range of celebrity’s only and their beauty, their fitness or even their lifestyle will all be included in an magazine.

E-Magazine is however similar to an e-newspaper as an e-magazine includes things like news such as the latest perfume. E-newspapers are different as we see different sets of news such as political things. E-newspapers are mainly brought for worldwide news whereas e-magazines are mainly to do with celebrities and their daily life.

It’s a form of entertainment for the audience as it brings them away from all their problems they are facing. E-Magazines can help them bring their motivation up.

E-Magazine can also be found online through things like apps as well as websites. The difference between a magazines and a E-Magazine is that it is able to be search on the web or different apps.

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Adverts can be made interactivity through a moving image however can be shown using digital products as well to spread its awareness to its audience.

Adverts are mainly made to promote a business or sometimes a campaign. It allows its products to gain more attention from places such as TV adverts, flyers, banners and many more.

Adverts are mainly made to show how great its products are. Adverts can be seen as humorous or sometimes seriousness depending on what it is based upon for example a charity etc.

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DVD or CD covers

DVD and CD Covers are used for users to look at a specific game as well as a movie CD cover and be aware to gaze attention due to the fact that the blurb was interesting or the images which has been shown were eye catching to the audience.

DVD and CD covers are found in local supermarkets and can be distributed online or in a local shop. This means that its target audience can be found anywhere which makes it a popular sector of digital publishing.

DVD and CD covers illustrate what the users must and mustn’t do for example, if the film category says 18 and over. Any younger viewers are not able to watch it for their own good.

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Flyers are very simple and have one task to do. Flyers are mainly made to distribute products and to gain its target audience.

Flyers are very interesting and very simple to make, however it does have a lot of hard work such as the writing which needs to be involved as well as placing the appropriate images and any extra piece of information.

Flyers are a downside to a business as many businesses still distribute it however it does not get read as we live in a society where technology is around us. Audience prefer to watch interactive based products to help it understand more.

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Leaflets are very similar to flyers as it involves a lot of writing as well as the design of the product is the same. Such as including things like images text tables and many more.

Leaflets do have a bit of differences compared to flyers as majority of leaflets always has a specific way of opening it with three different sections to read.

Leaflets are much more detailed compared to flyers however it is a disadvantage for businesses to use it as an initial idea as mentioned before, It contains a lot of reading which some users and audience are not very fond of.

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Training materials / instruction manuals

Instruction manuals are very different and very unique compared to the other digital products as majority of them ask the audience to persuade its product. However with an Training materials/instruction manuals, it tell the audience what to do.

This could be things like making or helping to make a table. The audience want an instruction manual for guidance to see how it is made appropriately.

Instruction manuals are one of the few digital products which does not asked about selling its product. Instruction manuals are actually part of the processing development of the consumer.

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Moving Image and Audio Products

Moving images and audio products can come in many different ways. Sometimes they can come separately and sometimes together.

Moving Images and audio products can be played separately as an audio product could be something like sound cloud which does not include a moving image inside.

A moving image however can be seen separate such as things like an actual moving image. These can be found using pictures such as GIF images which can be found on websites.

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Interactive media

Interactive media is media which can be displayed and watched. Interactive media can include things like a moving image such as programs, soaps, series and adverts.

Interactive media is one of the most popular digitally publish products to be ever made as it is a wide source of entertainment for the viewers.

Interactive media can also be found on different websites such as YouTube, Twitter as well as Netflix to watch different shows and videos online.

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Promotional material

Many people use the internet such as different social media to attract audience worldwide. As the internet distributes information worldwide, using promotional materials such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is very ideal.

Many people do not have any of these features as they do not have a mobile phone for them to gather news around different social media. So flyers and leaflets are appropriate to them.

However majority of these things attract attention to the audience in many different way hence why the businesses have a lot of ideas in plan if one idea goes astray, the consumers can use the next idea.

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E-books are very special as they can come in different forms. Similar to E-newspapers and E-magazines, an e-book has its own technological device which can be used to read on. These devices are called kindle books.

Kindle books are made for those users that have interested in reading stuff like books, newspapers or even magazines.

E-book holds all the possible books that were made for the user to read, the downside towards an e-book is that it holds storage. So users are only able to buy certain amount of books before their storage runs out.
