
Grasp both sides of the topof the zigzag edge. With anupward motion, gentlywiggle the paper up, justover the exposed hairlineand insert the ZIPA slightlyinto the hair strands alreadysectioned up. (shown by thered arrow) This will create ahook connection on.

Once the paper is secured,take your finger and pressacross the zigzag edge. Thiswill lock the ZIPA in place.When the ZIPA is properlylocked into place, the hair willpop up slightly at the root areaat the top edge of the paper.

Fold the paper in halfand then process.

Use a small brush. Applythe color to the surface ofthe hair, do not oversaturate.

1. Comb hair free of tangles.2. Hair should be dry. This will allow hair to easily be drawn onto the paper.3. ZipA is designed to be placed on angles for back and sides of head.This elimates lines.


5. On the top section of the head foils can bePlaced in any angle.6. For thicker looking weaves or slices, hairShould be back to back.7. Any color or bleach can be used with ZipA.8. ZipA should be removed be for washing.

1 2 3 4Part the hair and securethe hair with a GRIPA.With the paper side facingup, Place the top of thezigzag edge of the ZIPAto the parted hairline.

Move the paper downslightly to expose theparted hairline above thezigzag edge. Place threefingers across the top ofthe ZIPA and gentlyhold down the paper.

Using a pintailComb, skip the first zigzagnotch and slide your combacross the parted hairline,taking a thin layer of hairin sections of weaves anddrawing the hair on to thepaper.

Continue this weavingtechnique along thezigzag edge of the paper.Every time you place thehair onto the paper, skip aspace. This separates theindividual weaves orsmall slices.

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