  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    .E F.E F

    a sy ste m ic ske le ta l d iso rd e rch a ra cte rise d b y lo w b o n e m a ss a n d-m icro a rch ite ctu ra l d e te rio ra tio n o f

    ,b o n e tissu e w ith a co n se q u e n t

    in cre a se in b o n e fra g ility a n dsu sce p tib ility to fra ctu re

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    ste o p e n ia in ch ild re nste o p e n ia in ch ild re n ( )M in e ra liza tio n d e fe ct ra ch itic O ste o p o ro sis O thers

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    n cre a sin g d ia g n o sisn cre a sin g d ia g n o sis im p ro v e d ca re p ro v id e d to ch ild re n

    w ith ch ro n ic illn e ss T h e a v a ila b ility o f m e th o d s to a sse ss

    b o n e d e n sity in ch ild re n p o ssib ility o f m e d ica l tre a tm e n t h a s

    a lso re su lte d in a n in cre a se d

    a w a re n e ss o f o ste o p o ro sis

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany



    Primary intrinsic boneabnormality


    imperfecta (OI)

    Idiopathic juvenileosteoporosis ( IJO)


    Secondary Reduced mobility

    Inflamatory cytokines

    Systemic glucosteroids

    Disordered puberty

    Poor nutrition/lowbody weight

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    v EDUCED MOBILITYEDUCED MOBILITY C e re b ra l p a lsy S p in a l co rd in ju ry a n d sp in a b ifid a

    D u ch e n n e m u scu la r d ystro p h y

    S p in a l m u scle a tro p h y H e a d in ju ry

    U n kn o w n n e u ro d isa b ility

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    v n fla m m a to ry cy to k in e sn fla m m a to ry cy to k in e s Ju v e n ile id io p a th ic a rth ritis

    S y ste m ic lu p u s e ry th e m a to sis

    D e rm a to m y o sitis In fla m m a to ry b o w e l d ise a se

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    v yste m icyste m icg lu co co rtico id slu co co rtico id s R h e u m a to lo g ica l co n d itio n s In fla m m a to ry b o w e l d ise a se

    N e p h ro tic syn d ro m e

    D u ch e n n e m u scu la r d ystro p h y C y stic fib ro sis

    Le u ka e m ia O rg a n a n d b on e m a rrow

    tra n sp la n ta tio n

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    v iso rd e re d p u b e rtyiso rd e re d p u b e rty T h a la ssa e m ia m a jo r A n o re x ia n e rv o sa

    G o n a d a l d a m a g e d u e to

    /ra d io th e ra p y ch e m o th e ra p y K lin e fe lte r sy n d ro m e

    G a la cto sa e m ia

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    v /oor nutrition low body/oor nutrition low bodyweighteight Anorexia nervosa Chronic systemic disease

    Inflammatory bowel disease Cystic fibrosis Malignancy

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    Mostly secondary Endocrine Connective tissue

    GIT , ,Drugs steroids anticoagulants Immobilization

    ( )Primary rare

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    steogenesis Imperfectasteogenesis ImperfectaOII

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    steogenesis Imperfectasteogenesis ImperfectaOII

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    steogenesis Imperfectasteogenesis ImperfectaOII

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    steogenesis Imperfectasteogenesis ImperfectaOII

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    uvenile idiopathicuvenile idiopathicsteoporosissteoporosisIJOJO

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  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    Normal or increased hydroxyprolineexcretion

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    /PP , , ,Bone and joint pains knees tibias

    ,metatarsi back pain , ,Gait abnormalities muscle weakness

    decreased physical fitness ,Fractures thoracic and lumbar,vertebrae long bone metaphyses

    ,deformation of the skeleton shortstature

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    iagnosisiagnosis >BMD 2 SD below normal for age and

    ( - < )sex Z score 2 # (Compression spine no schmorl

    ,nodules deformation of single,vertebara bone atrophy

    In cre a se d A lka n lin e p h o sp h a ta se

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    Diagnosisiagnosis Exclusion of other causes of 2ry OP

    Rheumatic disordrs GIT ( )Chronic liver disease labs

    ( )Chronic renal disease labs Drug intake /Abd U S PTH level ,T3 T4

    ( , )OI increased Procollagen type I (1ry hypoparathyroidism low ca

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany



    .5 t o 2 y s Ca rich diet , ,Ca vit D Calcitonin

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    rognosisrognosis Most children with IJO experience a

    .complete recovery of bone tissueAlthough growth may be somewhat

    impaired during the acute phase of

    ,the disorder normal growth resumes - and catch up growth often occurs

    . ,afterward Unfortunately in some

    ,cases IJO can result in permanentdisability such as curvature of the( )upper spine kyphoscoliosis or a

    collapse of the rib cage

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    ailure to achieve PBMailure to achieve PBM ,Over the past 3 decades there has

    been an increase in the incidence offractures in children

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  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    % - . .63 of 5 17 y o not active enough foroptimal growth

    Adolescents less active than children

    - ( % %)2 12 years old 33 vs 43

    Decline in activity with age and( -gender girls at 14 15 yrs vs boys

    - )16 17 yrs

    : %Girls less active than boys 30 vs% - % %50 at 5 12 yrs vs 25 vs 40 at-13 17 yrs

    -Girls less intense physicalactivities

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    ffects of inactivityffects of inactivity Childhood obesity Type 2 diabetes

    Hypertension Osteoporosis Depression / /Smoking alcohol drugs Adolescent pregnancy

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    , ,T V com p u te r N in te n d o In a ctiv e p a re n ts In a d e q u a te a cce ss to q u a lity p h y sica l

    e d u ca tio n cla sse s La ck o f re cre a tio n a l fa cilitie s

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    MD measurementMD measurement DXA ( /BMD g cm2)= /BMC surface area


    :score .compare the pt BMC to healthy young adults= ( )number of SDs away from the healthy populationmean BMD epidemiological studies have confirmed

    an association between measurements ofBMD and fracture risk in the adult

    population ( ) WHO classification defines osteoporosis

    - .as a T score of 2 5 or Below and- .osteopenia as aT scorebetween1and2 5

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    cquisition of peak bonecquisition of peak bonemassass The rate of bone mass acquisition

    tends to mirror height velocity greatest during puberty Bone

    mass continues to accumulate until, ,the late teens early twenties at( )which time peak bone mass PBM is


    Women tend to reach PBM sooner than

    men and blacks sooner than whites[ ]. , %7 9 On average 90 of PBM isacquired by the age of 19 years

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    MD in pediatricsMD in pediatrics WHO criteria for diagnosing

    osteoporosis in adults should not beapplied to children

    -The use of T scores is not applicablebecause children have not yetreached PBM

    , Instead a child s BMD must be-converted to a Z score by comparison

    .to pediatric normative data Theterm low bone density for

    chronologic age should be used if- - .the Z score is below 2 0 SD

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  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    iagnosis of OP iniagnosis of OP inpediatricsediatrics presence of both a clinically

    significant fracture history one fracture of the long bones in the

    ,lower extremities vertebral

    ,compression fractures or two or more-long bone fractures of the upperextremities

    a n d lo w b o n e m a ss

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    one Health for Childrenone Health for Children -se age appropriate teachingtools ncourage healthy bone building

    :abits Calcium itamin D

    upplemented for exclusivelybreastfed erve fortified foods

    ncourage regular exercise

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    one Health for Adolescentsone Health for Adolescents t risk due to rapid growth ( )alcium 1300 mg hour exercise :void risky behaviors ating disorders -ver exercising

    : , ,eer influence smoking alcohol nabolic steroids

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    oal for Daily Calciumoal for Daily CalciumIntakentake ( )ge years ( )alcium mg to 3 400 to 8 800 -18

    1300 -9 50 1000 +1


  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    dequate Intake of Vitamindequate Intake of VitaminD( )or Healthy Individuals)or Healthy Individuals

    ( )ge years ( )itamin D IU per day irth to 50 200 1 to 70

    400 +1 600 ( ome individuals require much)ore

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    xercise has thexercise has the:otential to:otential to ncrease bone density in youthnd young adulthood

    aintain and may modestlyncrease bone ensity in adulthood revent and minimize kyphosis ncrease muscle mass mprove balance and agility -educe the risk for fall relatedfractures

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    hysical Activityhysical Activity eight bearing

    ut stress through the bone mpact exercises

    Resistance xercises that cause compressionhrough the bone as the musclecontracts

    alance training

  • 8/14/2019 1-12 Osteoporosis in Childern - Dr. Hesham a Ghany


    hysical Activityhysical Activity eight bearing

    ,oderate intensity 30 minutes,o 1 hour ost days of the week

    Resistance ,to 10 exercises 8 to 12,epetitions 2 times per week

    alance training ,ai Chi specific exercises
