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published online 23 April 2014LupusDA Decker, C Grant, L Oh, PM Becker, D Young and S Jordan

systemic lupus erythematosusImmunomodulatory effects of H.P. Acthar Gel on B cell development in the NZB/W F1 mouse model of


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Lupus (2014) 0, 1–11


Immunomodulatory effects of H.P. Acthar Gel on B cell

development in the NZB/W F1 mouse model of systemic

lupus erythematosus

DA Decker1, C Grant2, L Oh1, PM Becker1, D Young1 and S Jordan11Questcor Pharmaceuticals Inc., Ellicott City, MD, USA; and 2Biomedical Research Models, Inc., Worcester, MA, USA

H.P. Acthar Gel� (Acthar) is a highly purified repository gel preparation of adrenocortico-tropic hormone (ACTH1-39), a melanocortin peptide that can bind and activate specific recep-tors expressed on a range of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-relevant target cells andtissues. This study was performed to evaluate the effects of Acthar in a mouse model of SLE,using an F1 hybrid of the New Zealand Black and New Zealand White strains (NZB/W F1).Twenty-eight week old NZB/W F1 mice with established autoimmune disease were treatedwith Acthar, Placebo Gel (Placebo), or prednisolone and monitored for 19 weeks. Outcomesassessed included disease severity (severe proteinuria,� 20% body weight loss, or prostration),measurement of serial serum autoantibody titers, terminal spleen immunophenotyping, andevaluation of renal histopathology. Acthar treatment was linked with evidence of altered B celldifferentiation and development, manifested by a significant reduction in splenic B cell fol-licular and germinal center cells, and decreased levels of circulating total and anti-double-stranded DNA (IgM, IgG, and IgG2a) autoantibodies as compared with Placebo.Additionally, Acthar treatment resulted in a significant decrease of proteinuria, reducedrenal lymphocyte infiltration, and attenuation of glomerular immune complex deposition.These data suggest that Acthar diminished pathogenic autoimmune responses in the spleen,peripheral blood, and kidney of NZB/W F1 mice. This is the first preclinical evidence demon-strating Acthar’s potential immunomodulatory activity and efficacy in a murine model ofsystemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus (2014) 0, 1–11.

Key words: Systemic lupus erythematosus; NZB/W F1; melanocortin peptides; ACTH; ActharGel; B cells


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an auto-immune disease characterized by diverse clinicalmanifestations, a relapsing–remitting course, andthe production of anti-nuclear autoantibodies.1

Symptoms of SLE are caused by inflammationand tissue damage secondary to immune complexdeposition in the microvasculature of multipleorgans and tissues.1,2 Animal and human studiesindicate that the pathophysiology of SLE mayinvolve defects in B cell tolerance and homeostasis,with subsequent autoantibody production.3–6

Advances in the understanding of the role of Bcell survival and differentiation in the pathophysi-ology of SLE contributed to the recent FDAapproval of anti-B lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS)antibody (belimumab),7 which is thought to haveefficacy as a treatment for SLE by reducing patho-logical increases in B lymphocytes.

H.P. Acthar Gel� (Acthar) is a highly purifiedpreparation of full length adrenocorticotropic hor-mone (ACTH1-39), derived from porcine pituitaryand formulated into a repository gel for prolongedrelease. Historically, the clinical efficacy of Actharwas thought to be due to its ability to stimulateendogenous corticosteroid production by the adre-nal gland. More recently it has been demonstratedthat ACTH1-39, the principal component of Acthar,binds to and activates all five known melanocortinreceptors (MC1R to MC5R), not just MC2R

Correspondence to: Shaun Jordan, Questcor Pharmaceuticals Inc.,

6011 University Blvd, Suite 260, Ellicott City, MD 21043, USA.

Email: [email protected]

Received 28 August 2013; accepted 17 March 2014

! The Author(s), 2014. Reprints and permissions: 10.1177/0961203314531840

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(the primary receptor mediating steroidogenesis inthe adrenal cortex8). Acthar, like other melanocor-tin peptides, may therefore produce anti-inflamma-tory and immunomodulatory effects by directlyactivating MCRs expressed on SLE disease-rele-vant organs, tissues, and immune cells (e.g. B andT cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells).9–11

Previous studies demonstrate that ACTH andother melanocortin peptides inhibit nuclear factorkappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells(NF-jB) activity and suppress pro-inflammatorycytokine production (e.g. interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-8, interferon-g (IFN-g), tumor necrosisfactor-a (TNF-a), IL-2, and IL-17) and cell adhe-sion molecule expression (e.g. ICAM-1).9

Melanocortin peptides may also promote immuno-suppression by increasing the expansion of regula-tory T cells (Tregs), upregulating anti-inflammatorycytokines (e.g. IL-10), and/or mediating inhibitoryeffects on MCP-1 expression.9,12,13 Additional pre-clinical data suggest that melanocortin peptidesreduce podocyte and renal tubular cell apoptosis,tubulointerstitial fibrosis, oxidative stress, andinflammatory cell infiltration in the kidney,14–16

with published evidence generated from bothanimal studies and in patients with nephroticrenal diseases supporting a role for Acthar in thetreatment of proteinuria.11,17,18

Historical reports support clinical efficacy ofACTH in SLE,19,20 and Acthar is FDA approvedfor use during an exacerbation or as maintenancetherapy in selected cases of SLE. However, the spe-cific immunomodulatory actions of Acthar havenot been previously investigated in preclinicalmodels of systemic autoimmune disease. The pre-sent study was conducted in order to evaluate theefficacy and to begin to explore the potential mech-anisms of action of Acthar in a murine model ofSLE using an F1 hybrid of the New Zealand Blackand New Zealand White strains (NZB/W F1).NZB/W F1 mice spontaneously develop SLE-likedisease manifestations over time so that by the ageof five to six months they display splenomegaly,elevated serum titers of IgG and anti-double-stranded (ds) DNA IgG (especially isotypeswitched IgG2a),21 proteinuria, and immune-mediated glomerulonephritis.22,23 Furthermore,these mice develop altered tolerance checkpoints,including hyperactivation and positive selection ofautoreactive B cells from the follicular compart-ment to germinal centers (GCs).22 Historical datademonstrate that these disease manifestations ofautoimmunity are unique to the NZB/W F1hybrid, as they are not seen in other inbredmouse strains24 and the NZB and NZW parental

strains show only limited autoimmunity.23

Potential beneficial effects of a 19-week course ofActhar were evaluated in NZB/W F1 mice withestablished autoimmunity. Disease assessmentsincluded serial in-life measurement of bodyweight, autoantibody levels, and proteinuria.Terminal endpoints included quantification of sple-nic B, T, and dendritic cell (DC) populations andrenal histopathology. The data presented support asignificant role for Acthar in attenuating diseaseprogression and severity in this murine model ofSLE.



Female NZB/W F1 mice (The Jackson Laboratory,Bar Harbor, ME, USA) were group housed insemi-rigid mouse isolators in an AAALAC-accre-dited conventional animal facility, and maintainedin accordance with the guidelines of the BRMInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee.


At 28 weeks of age, mice with moderate proteinuria(1� 2þ, equivalent to 30–100mg/dl) were assignedto one of three treatment groups (n¼ 10/group) toachieve an equal mean proteinuria score represent-ing established disease. Treatment began withActhar (160U/kg) or an equivalent volume ofPlacebo Gel (Placebo; Questcor Pharmaceuticals,Hayward, CA, USA) administered subcutaneously(s.c.) every other day, or with prednisolone (5mg/kg s.c.; Solu-Delta-Cortef, Pfizer, New York, NY,USA) given for six days each week. This dose ofprednisolone was previously reported to attenuatedisease in NZB/W F1 mice.25 Treatment was con-tinued until animals reached 46 weeks of age unlesspre-defined criteria necessitating early removalfrom the study were met. At the end of the treat-ment period mice were sacrificed by thoracotomyand rapid exsanguination under isoflurane anesthe-sia (1–4%, to effect).

In-life measurements

Body weight was measured at least once weekly (upto three times weekly if proteinuria was � 3þ).Serum samples for measurement of autoantibodytiters were obtained from 28-week old mice priorto the initiation of treatment, and every two weeksthereafter until study completion.

Immunomodulatory effects of H.P. Acthar Gel in NZB/W F1 miceDA Decker et al.



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Flow cytometry

After euthanasia, spleens were gently crushed usingmicroscope slides. Red blood cells were lysed withACK Lysis Buffer (Lonza, Allendale, NJ, USA);lysates were washed with RPMI 1640, and passedthrough a 70mm nylon filter. Cells were counted, Fcreceptors were blocked with TruStainfcX(Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA), and then cellswere stained in three- or four-color panels in CellStaining Buffer (Biolegend, San Diego, CA, USA)on wet ice. Cells were fixed with Cytofix (BDBiosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) on wet ice, thenwashed once and resuspended in Cell StainingBuffer prior to acquisition. The following specificCD19þ B cell subsets were analyzed: activated(CD20þCD69þ), immature (CD21loCD23lo), T1transitional cells (IgMhiIgDlo), T2 transitionalcells (IgMloIgDhi), follicular (CD21intCD23hi), mar-ginal zone (MZ; CD21hiCD23lo), GCs (GL-7þ),and plasma cells (CD20-CD138þ). Other cell popu-lations analyzed included: T cells (CD3þ), T helpercells (CD3þCD4þ), activated T helper cells(CD3þCD4þCD69þ), macrophages (CD11bþ) anddendritic cells (CD11cþ). Gating and analysis wereperformed using FlowJo v7.6.5 software (Treestar,Inc., Ashland, OR, USA).

Autoantibody measurements

Serum titers of total and anti-dsDNA IgG, IgG2a,and IgM were measured using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits fromAlpha Diagnostics International (ADI, SanAntonio, TX, USA). Assays were performed asper kit manuals in duplicate.

Renal endpoints

Semi-quantitative assessment of proteinuria wasdetermined every two weeks with Uristix (SiemensHealthcare, Tarrytown, NY, USA). If a measure-ment of� 3þwas observed (equivalent to approxi-mately 300mg/dl), an additional test wasperformed the following week. One kidney was for-malin-fixed and paraffin-embedded, then sectionedand stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E).H&E-stained slides were scored for glomerulone-phropathy, dilated tubules, degenerate tubules,and lymphocyte aggregates by an independentpathologist blinded to the treatment groups anddisease status of the mice. All scoring was basedon a 0–5 system (with 0¼ normal, 1¼ least discern-ible or slight, 2¼mild, 3¼moderate, 4¼marked,and 5¼ severe). Representative photomicrographswere viewed on a Nikon Eclipse E400 microscope

(Nikon Instruments, Inc., Melville, NY, USA) andcaptured using a SPOT Insight Color digitalcamera and SPOT v5.0 software (SPOT ImagingSolutions, Sterling Heights, MI, USA). The contra-lateral kidney was flash frozen in optimal cuttingtemperature (OCT) media, then cryosections (6 mm)were used for immunofluorescence staining.Glomerular IgG and C3 deposition were evaluatedusing Alexa-488-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (LifeTechnologies, Grand Island, NY, USA) or FITC-conjugated anti-mouse complement C3 (MPBiomedicals, LLC, Santa Ana, CA, USA) antibo-dies, respectively. Glomerular staining for IgG andC3 was scored by a blinded pathologist using asemi-quantitative scale based on signal present(with 0¼ no signal, 1¼minimal, 2¼mild, 3¼mod-erate, 4¼marked, and 5¼ intense). Representativeimages were captured using a Nikon Eclipse 80imicroscope attached to a Prior Lumen 200Fluorescent Illumination System with a NikonDXM 1200C camera.

Criteria for early study termination

Animals met criteria for removal from the studywith early euthanasia if they displayed one of thefollowing:� 3þ proteinuria on two consecutivemeasurements,� 20% body weight loss, orprostration.

Statistical analyses

All analyses were performed using Prism v6(Graphpad Software, San Diego, CA, USA).Measurements repeated over time (percent ofmice meeting early study termination criteria,body weight, antibody levels, and proteinuria)were analyzed for statistical significance using theFriedman test, followed by Dunn’s multiple com-parison post-test if significance was identified in theprimary comparison. Measurements made at asingle time point (splenocyte subsets, semi-quanti-tative histopathology scores) were analyzed usingKruskal–Wallis, followed by Dunn’s multiple com-parison post-test if significance was identified in theprimary comparison. Statistical significance was setat p� 0.05.


Acthar treatment prevented disease severity andprogression in NZB/W F1 mice

Disease severity and/or progression were signifi-cantly attenuated in Acthar-treated NZB/W F1

Immunomodulatory effects of H.P. Acthar Gel in NZB/W F1 miceDA Decker et al.



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mice. While 80% of Placebo-treated mice devel-oped severe proteinuria requiring early terminationfrom the study and 20% of mice receiving prednis-olone met early termination criteria (including onemouse that developed hindlimb paralysis from aspine fracture and another with� 20% bodyweight loss), all of the Acthar-treated mice survivedthe 19-week treatment period (p� 0.0001 Actharversus Placebo). Shown in Figure 1, the bodyweight of Acthar-treated mice increased through-out the study, while Placebo- and prednisolone-treated animals failed to gain weight during the19-week treatment period (p� 0.0001 Actharversus Placebo; p� 0.0001 Acthar versusprednisolone).

Acthar diminished splenomegaly and activated anddifferentiated B and T cell subsets in the spleen

As shown in Figure 2(a), spleen weights were sig-nificantly lower in Acthar-treated mice as comparedwith Placebo- (p� 0.001) and prednisolone-(p� 0.05) treated animals. The reductions in spleenweight corresponded with significantly lower totalspleen cell counts in Acthar- versus Placebo- andprednisolone-treated mice (p� 0.0001 and p� 0.05Acthar versus Placebo and prednisolone respect-ively; Figure 2(b)). Consistent with the decrease intotal spleen cell counts, spleens from Acthar-treatedmice had a lower absolute number of splenic CD19þ

B cells at all developmental stages (activated, imma-ture, T1 and T2 transitional, follicular, MZ, GC,

and plasma cells) compared with Placebo-treatedmice (p� 0.001), whereas absolute numbers of onlyfive of these CD19þ B cell subsets (activated, T1 andT2 transitional, follicular and MZ) were reduced inprednisolone-treated animals (p� 0.05 versusPlacebo; data not shown).

In addition, shown in Table 1, the frequency ofimmature and T1 CD19þ B cells as a proportion oftotal splenic B cells was significantly increased inActhar-treated mice when compared with Placebo(p� 0.01), while the frequency of follicular (Placeboversus Acthar, p� 0.001) and GC CD19þ B cellswas reduced by Acthar treatment (Placebo versusActhar, p� 0.01). Furthermore, compared withPlacebo, Acthar treatment resulted in a significantincrease in MZ CD19þ B cell frequency (p� 0.05;Table 1).

Figure 2 Effects of Acthar on splenomegaly. (a)Splenomegaly, estimated by measurement of spleen weight,was significantly reduced in Acthar-treated mice as comparedwith Placebo- (p� 0.001) and prednisolone- (p� 0.05) treatedanimals. (b) Spleen total cell number was significantly dimin-ished in Acthar-treated animals as compared with Placebo-(p� 0.0001) and prednisolone-treated mice. Data are presentedas a scatter plot of values from individual mice with the meanvalue represented by a horizontal line (n¼ 10/group).*Denotes significant differences compared with Placebo.þDenotes significant differences compared with prednisolone.

Figure 1 Effects of Acthar on body weight. Comparison ofbody weight between Acthar- (n¼ 10), Placebo- (n¼ 10), andprednisolone- (n¼ 10) treated animals. Body weights weremeasured at least once weekly from 28 weeks up to 46 weeksof age. Body weight increased over time in Acthar-treatedmice, while both Placebo- (p� 0.0001) and prednisolone-(p� 0.0001) treated animals failed to gain weight during the19-week treatment phase. Values shown are the mean� SEM.*Denotes significant differences compared with Placebo.þDenotes significant differences compared with prednisolone.

Immunomodulatory effects of H.P. Acthar Gel in NZB/W F1 miceDA Decker et al.



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T cell frequency was similar across all treatmentgroups, although splenic CD4þ T frequency(p� 0.01) was markedly lower in Acthar-treatedmice as compared with Placebo-treated animals(Table 1). Decreased frequency of DCs was alsoobserved in Acthar-treated mice compared withPlacebo-treated mice (p� 0.05; Table 1).

Acthar prevented the progressive increase of circu-lating autoantibodies

Serum total and anti-dsDNA immunoglobulintiters were similar across groups prior to the initi-ation of treatment at 28 weeks. Shown in Figure3(a), (c), and (e), Acthar significantly preventedthe increase of total serum IgG, IgG2a, and IgMseen in Placebo-treated mice (p� 0.01). Similarly,total IgG and IgG2a were significantly lower inActhar-treated animals when compared with pred-nisolone treatment (p� 0.05). Serum dsDNA auto-antibodies increased progressively throughout the19-week treatment period in Placebo- and predni-solone-treated animals, while increases were notobserved in Acthar-treated mice (p� 0.001for anti-dsDNA-IgG, anti-dsDNA-IgG2a, and

anti-dsDNA-IgM in Acthar- versus Placebo-trea-ted animals; Figure 3(b), (d) and (f)).

Acthar improved renal outcomes in NZB/W F1 mice

Acthar significantly prevented the development ofsevere proteinuria during the 19-week treatmentperiod (Figure 4(a); p� 0.05 versus Placebo),while prednisolone had no statistically significanteffect on this endpoint. None of the Acthar-treatedmice developed severe proteinuria (score� 3þ),whereas eight out of 10 Placebo-treated mice wereremoved throughout the 19-week treatment phasebecause they displayed severe proteinuria on twoconsecutive measurements one week apart.Histologic assessment suggested the protectiveeffects of Acthar on proteinuria were associatedwith evidence of reduced renal inflammation andglomerular pathology. Renal lymphocyte aggre-gates were significantly reduced in Acthar-treatedmice (p� 0.05 versus Placebo), with trends forreduced glomerulonephropathy, renal tubular dila-tion, and renal tubular degeneration histopath-ology scores (Figure 4(b)). In contrast,prednisolone did not significantly alter any ofthese renal outcome measures. In addition, whileboth Acthar (p� 0.01) and prednisolone (p� 0.05)significantly attenuated glomerular IgG stainingwhen compared with Placebo-treated animals,only Acthar significantly reduced glomerular C3staining (p� 0.01) (Figure 4(c)). Taken together,these data suggest that Acthar minimized the pro-gressive renal damage seen in Placebo-treatedNZB/W F1 mice.


The pathophysiology of SLE is thought to involvedefects in B cell tolerance checkpoints. When toler-ance checkpoints are active, negative selection(deletion, editing, or anergy) reduces autoreactiveB cells.3–5 This process encompasses the entire dif-ferentiation pathway from immature B cells (in thebone marrow) to mature B cells (in the peripherallymphoid organs), as well as autoantibody produc-tion.3–6,26 Because Acthar and other melanocortinpeptides may suppress inflammation and modulateautoimmunity,9,10,27,28 the present study was per-formed to evaluate the efficacy of Acthar in awell-established murine model of SLE.

Data demonstrating increased frequency ofimmature and T1 B cells in Acthar-treated, butnot Placebo- or prednisolone-treated NZB/W F1mice, suggest that Acthar halted the differentiation

Table 1 Flow cytometric analysis of spleens reported as per-cent frequency of cells

Placebo Acthar PrednisoloneCell populations (n¼ 7) (n¼ 10) (n¼ 10)

Lymphocytes 81.8� 1.5 80.1� 1.2 81.1� 1.9

B cells (CD19þ) 57.7� 3.1 47.8� 1.8 53.4� 5.7

Activated B cells (CD20þCD69þ) 4.7� 0.7 3.2� 0.2 2.3� 0.3a

Immature B cells (CD21loCD23lo) 20.9� 2.1 35.5� 3.3a 32.9� 6.5

T1 transitional B cells (IgMhiIgDlo) 15.6� 2.7 35.3� 4.0a,b 20.4� 2.8

T2 transitional B cells (IgMhiIgDhi) 22.3� 1.9 22.0� 1.7 21.4� 2.5

Follicular B cells (CD21intCD23hi) 58.8� 1.5 35.7� 3.5c 41.7� 5.1d

Marginal zone B cells (CD21hiCD23lo) 16.4� 2.3 25.4� 2.1d 20.5� 2.6

B cell germinal center (GL-7þ) 22.7� 6.4 9.5� 0.5a 11.7� 2.5d

Plasma cells (CD20�CD138þ) 0.6� 0.1 0.5� 0.1 0.7� 0.2

T cells (CD3þ) 38.0� 3.5 43.0� 1.8 34.5� 4.7

T helper B cells (Th, CD4þ) 74.8� 3.1 48.4� 5.0a 64.4� 2.7

Activated Th cells (CD69þ) 36.5� 4.3 29.9� 2.9 27.9� 3.2

Macrophages (CD11bþ) 11.8� 1.9 8.3� 1.2 8.5� 1.0

Dendritic cells (CD11cþ) 7.8� 2.4 2.9� 0.3d 4.4� 1.1

Values presented represent mean�SEM. Absolute numbers of cells

were utilized to calculate frequency of specific splenocyte subsets.

Percent of B cells, T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells were cal-

culated as a fraction of total lymphocyte number. Percent of specific B

and T cell subsets were calculated as a fraction of total number of B

and T lymphocytes respectively.ap� 0.01 compared with Placebo-treated mice.bp� 0.05 compared with prednisolone-treated mice.cp� 0.001 compared with Placebo-treated mice.dp� 0.05 compared with Placebo-treated mice.

Immunomodulatory effects of H.P. Acthar Gel in NZB/W F1 miceDA Decker et al.



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of autoreactive B cells and prevented their progres-sion from the T1 to the T2, follicular, and GCstates.29,30 Previously published in vitro studies sug-gest that NF-jB signaling is required for B cell dif-ferentiation into T2 and follicular cells.31 Priorreports suggest that ACTH inhibits NF-jB signal-ing,28,31,32 suggesting a potential mechanism bywhich Acthar might attenuate B cell differentiationin this model. Acthar could also inhibit B cell

differentiation by inhibiting the NF-jB-regulatedexpression of the B-cell activating factor (BAFF)receptor.33 Published literature suggests that block-ade of BAFF-mediated signaling in NZB/W F1mice results in increased immature and T1 cellpopulations, as was seen with Acthar treat-ment.29,30 Potential Acthar-mediated effects onBAFF signaling are supported by evidence thatserum BAFF/BLyS levels were significantly

Figure 3 Effects of Acthar on serum immunoglobulins and autoantibodies. Serum levels of total IgG, IgG2a and IgM and anti-dsDNA IgG, IgG2a and IgM were measured at 28 weeks of age (prior to initiation of treatment) and every two weeks thereafteruntil study completion. Acthar treatment significantly prevented the increase in total serum immunoglobulins as compared withboth Placebo (IgG, Panel (a); IgG2a, Panel (c); IgM, Panel (e), p� 0.01) and prednisolone (IgG, Panel (a); IgG2a, Panel (c),p� 0.05) treatment groups. Acthar treatment also significantly inhibited the increase of circulating anti-dsDNA autoantibodies(IgG, Panel (b); IgG2a, Panel (d); IgM, Panel (f)) compared with Placebo (p� 0.001) over the 19-week treatment period. Incontrast, only anti-dsDNA IgG2a (Panel (d)) was attenuated by prednisolone treatment. Values shown are the mean� SEM(n¼ 10/group).*Denotes significant differences compared with Placebo.þDenotes significant differences compared with prednisolone.

Immunomodulatory effects of H.P. Acthar Gel in NZB/W F1 miceDA Decker et al.



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Figure 4 Effects of Acthar on renal endpoints. (a) Proteinuria worsened during the 19-week treatment period in Placebo-treatedNZB/W F1 mice, while Acthar-treated animals developed significantly less severe proteinuria over time (p� 0.05 versus Placebo).Prednisolone did not significantly attenuate proteinuria progression. Values represent mean� SEM for proteinuria score (n¼ 10/group). (b) Histopathological scoring of kidneys (n¼ 10/group) was performed at 46 weeks of age unless early study terminationwas necessary. Left panel: representative images for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained kidney sections for each treatmentgroup. The numbers in black text on each panel denote the semi-quantitative scores for the representative image (glomerulone-phropathy/dilated tubules/degenerate tubules/and lymphocyte aggregates). Arrows denote areas of lymphocyte aggregates. Rightpanel: average semi-quantitative histopathology scores (values represent mean� SEM). Two H&E-stained kidney sections peranimal were scored for glomerulonephropathy, dilated tubules, degenerate tubules, and lymphocyte aggregates using a 0–5 scoringsystem. Acthar significantly reduced lymphocyte aggregates (p� 0.05) while non-significant trends of reduced kidney diseaseseverity were seen in all other scored categories compared with Placebo. (c) Scoring of immunohistochemical staining of kidneysfor glomerular IgG and C3 deposition (n¼ 10/group) was performed at 46 weeks of age unless early study termination wasnecessary. Left panel: representative images for glomerular anti-IgG and anti-C3 immunofluorescence staining. Right panel:average semi-quantitative immunofluorescence scores (values represent mean� SEM). For analysis of immune complex deposition,two fresh frozen kidney sections per animal were stained with anti-IgG or anti-C3 antibodies. Semi-quantitative scoring (0–5) wasperformed. Acthar treatment significantly attenuated both glomerular IgG (p� 0.01) and C3 (p� 0.01) deposition as comparedwith Placebo. In contrast, prednisolone therapy reduced glomerular IgG deposition (p� 0.05 versus Placebo) but did not signifi-cantly reduce C3 immunofluorescence staining.N.D.: not detectable

Immunomodulatory effects of H.P. Acthar Gel in NZB/W F1 miceDA Decker et al.



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reduced in patients receiving Acthar therapy foropsoclonus myoclonus syndrome.9,34 The import-ance of an increased proportion of T1 cells is rele-vant for treatment of SLE, as sustained clinicalremission in patients with SLE was associatedwith a repopulation of transitional B cells followingB cell depletion therapy with rituximab, whereas arapid repopulation of memory B cells predicted apoor outcome of disease.35

Most transitional B cells differentiate either intoMZ B cells or follicular B cells,36 and studies sug-gest that when B cell maturation is blocked, cellsare channeled into the MZ compartment.37 Theincrease in MZ B cells seen in Acthar-treatedmice therefore suggests a funneling of transitionalB cells to the MZ instead of the autoreactive fol-licular compartment of the spleen.26 Sequestrationand positive selection of autoreactive B cells intothe MZ compartment has been recognized in recentstudies not only as a tolerance checkpoint,5,26 butalso as a potential mechanism for preventing auto-immunity, leading to decreased SLE propensity inmice.35,38

SLE B-cell hyper-responsiveness is correlatedwith spontaneous GC formation,1 a process thatwas suppressed by Acthar treatment in this study.Consistent with the observed increases in immatureT1 and MZ B cells, Acthar therapy resulted in a12% decrease of GC formation in NZB/W F1 micewith already established autoimmune disease.These effects were not seen with prednisolone ther-apy, and previous reports suggest that other B celltargeted therapies had less robust effects on GCformation in NZB/W F1 mice.30,39–41 GC B cellsfurther differentiate and undergo clonal expansion,B cell Ig heavy-chain class-switching recombin-ation, and differentiation into long-lived plasmacells generating an autoantibody response.1,26,42

Although the decrease in GC formation was notcorrelated with a significant decrease in splenicplasma cell frequency in Acthar-treated animals,this finding is not unexpected as most antibodysecreting plasma cells would be expected to localizeto the periphery.

In addition to modifying splenic B cell popula-tions and diminishing B cell autoreactivity, Acthartreatment correspondingly prevented progressivedisease assessed by measurement of circulatingautoantibodies. Titers of total IgG, IgG2a, andIgM were lower in NZB/W F1 mice receivingActhar, indicating a dampening of the humoralimmune response in this model. These observationsare supported by previous evidence confirming thatACTH not only binds to B cells, but also signifi-cantly attenuates antigen-induced immunoglobulin

secretion by B cells.43,44 In addition, reduced levelsof circulating anti-dsDNA IgG, IgG2a, and IgMsuggest suppression of autoreactive B cells, whichcould have attenuated disease severity or progres-sion.45–47 Treatment with other clinically efficacioustherapies has not been associated with such markedeffects on circulating autoantibody titers in SLEmurine models. For example, BAFF inhibitiontherapy in NZB/W F1 mice only modestly delayedthe increase in total IgM and ds-DNA IgM in thismodel, and had no significant effects on total IgGor ds-DNA IgG levels.29,30 Similarly, B cell deple-tion therapy was not linked with a change in circu-lating autoantibodies in mice.6,41 Even thecombination of B cell depletion therapy withBAFF blockade in NZB/W F1 mice did not signifi-cantly decrease serum autoantibodies.41

It has been reported that T cells also play animportant role in the autoimmunity that developsin NZB/W F1 mice, as these mice have increasingnumbers of CD4þ T cells as they age,29 and treat-ment with anti-CD4þ T cell antibody preventedautoimmunity in these mice in association withdecreased peripheral CD4þ T cell counts, serumds-DNA autoantibody titers, and proteinuria.22,48

Acthar-treatment was associated with a similar sig-nificant inhibition of CD4þ T cell frequency andserum dsDNA autoantibody titers that usuallyaccompany aging in this model.29 CD4þ T cellstimulation is needed for the differentiation of fol-licular B cells into GC B cells, suggesting that thedecreased T cell frequency could be an importantmodifier of the autoimmune response in these ani-mals.22,26,42 In comparison, prior studies evaluatingthe effects of B cell depletion therapy and inhibitionof BAFF in NZB/W F1 mice did not demonstrate asimilar reduction in the frequency of CD4þ Thelper cells.29,30,41

The beneficial effects of Acthar treatment werenot limited to spleen cell immunophenotyping andreduction of circulating autoantibodies, as Actharalso prevented the development of severe protein-uria in these animals. Severe proteinuria is a meas-ure of glomerulonephritis development and diseaseseverity in NZB/W F1 animals, and has been attrib-uted to increased serum autoantibodies that lead toimmune complex deposition, which drives localinflammatory responses and cellular infiltrationthat lead to tissue damage.45,47,49 The beneficialeffects of Acthar on proteinuria progression maytherefore be explained by alterations in severalpotential mechanistic pathways. First, Actharreduced glomerular IgG and C3 deposition. Priorstudies have demonstrated an association betweenreduced autoantibodies and improved

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proteinuria,29,46 while other investigations suggestthat attenuation of proteinuria progression requiresa reduction in both circulating autoantibodies andglomerular IgG deposition.45 Interestingly, whileboth prednisolone and Acthar reduced glomerularIgG, only Acthar also significantly reduced circu-lating autoantibodies and the development ofsevere proteinuria. Acthar, but not prednisolone,also significantly attenuated glomerular C3 immu-nostaining. In conjunction with reduced circulatingautoantibodies, decreased glomerular C3 depos-ition has previously been linked with reduced pro-teinuria in NZB/W F1 mice.45,47

Alternatively, prevention of progressive protein-uria might be due to reduced lymphocyte aggre-gates, as decreased renal lymphocyte infiltrationhas been associated with disease remission inother mouse models of SLE.49,50 Another possibil-ity is that the observed improvements in proteinuriamight indirectly result from a reduction in the fre-quency and absolute number of splenic DCs seen inActhar-treated mice. DCs that migrate into the kid-neys of NZB/W F1 mice during active disease cansecrete chemokines that attract inflammatory cells,including B and T cells, resulting in local upregula-tion of inflammatory mediators and renal

Figure 5 Summary of potential points of Acthar efficacy on systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) pathology in NZB/W F1 mice.(a) Schematic diagram representing the breakdown of tolerance mechanisms that are thought to contribute to SLE pathology inNZB/W F1 mice. Tolerance checkpoint breakdown is denoted by at the following places: 1) maturation of immature B cells toT1 transitional cells and migration from the bone marrow to the spleen; 2) maturation from a T1 transitional B cell to mature T2transitional B cell; 3) maturation from the T2 transitional cells to MZ or autoreactive follicular B cells; 4) differentiation fromautoreactive follicular B cells to clonal expansion in the germinal center; 5) differentiation into long lived plasma cells that secreteautoantibodies into the periphery. (b) Representative schematic diagram demonstrating the observed effects of Acthar at thesetolerance checkpoints in NZB/W F1 mice, suggesting multiple points along this pathway at which Acthar may act to restore B celltolerance and inhibit autoantibody production.

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damage.29,30,46 Finally, Acthar could prevent pro-gression of proteinuria in the NZB/W F1 model viadirect effects on podocytes, as prior evidence dem-onstrates MCR expression on podocytes, as well asprotective effects of this drug on proteinuria in bothanimal and human nephrotic disease.11,16,18

Of note, in these experiments, Acthar treatmentwas not associated with any identified adverseevents. In contrast, prednisolone-treated NZB/WF1 mice failed to gain weight throughout the treat-ment period, and were more likely to require earlytermination from the study. Notably, one predni-solone-treated animal was removed from studyearly due to hindlimb paralysis from a spinal frac-ture, a known complication of glucocorticoid ther-apy.51 Although detailed dose–responserelationships were not evaluated, differencesbetween Acthar- and prednisolone-treated animalsfor efficacy outcomes suggest that Acthar andexogenous corticosteroids could modulate inflam-mation by differing mechanistic pathways.10,16,27,28

In summary, the results of the current studyhighlight that Acthar has profound immunomodu-latory activity in NZB/W F1 mice, impacting B celldevelopment, circulating autoantibody titers andrenal immune complex deposition, while alsoattenuating the severity of proteinuria. The B-cellmediated pathophysiology of autoimmunity inthese mice is summarized in Figure 5(a), and themultiple tolerance checkpoints present throughoutB cell differentiation are identified. Briefly, in NZB/W F1 mice, B cells progress through the tolerancecheckpoints freely, resulting in an increased popu-lation of autoreactive follicular and GC B cells,which then lead to high levels of autoantibodiesin the periphery. As summarized in Figure 5(b),Acthar treatment may restore tolerance checkpointactivity, as demonstrated by increased immature,transitional, and MZ B cell populations, anddecreased autoreactive follicular and GC B cells.Decreased autoreactive B cell populations wouldbe predicted to decrease autoantibodies in the per-iphery, with attenuation of target organ damage.Taken together, these data suggest that Acthar islikely to be an efficacious treatment alternative forpatients with SLE, and may have broader implica-tions for the potential of Acthar as a treatment forother autoimmune diseases.


We would like to thank Paul Higgins (QuestcorPharmaceuticals, Inc.) for his critical review ofthe revised manuscript, and Michael Hawes

(Charter Preclinical Services, Hudson, MA, USA)for acquisition of representative images demon-strating glomerular immune complex deposition.Authors contributed to study activities in the fol-lowing manner. Substantial contributions to studyconception and design: DAD, CG, PMB, DY, andSJ. Substantial contributions to acquisition of data:CG. Substantial contributions to analysis andinterpretation of data: DAD, CG, LO, PMB, DY,and SJ. Drafting the article or revising it criticallyfor important intellectual content: DAD, CG, LO,PMB, DY, and SJ. Final approval of the version ofthe article to be published: DAD, CG, LO, PMB,DY, and SJ.


This work was supported by QuestcorPharmaceuticals, Inc.

Conflict of interest statement

CG is an employee of Biomedical ResearchModels, Inc., the commercial research organizationcontracted (more than $10,000) to perform theanimal experiments. DAD, LO, PMB, DY, SJ areemployees of Questcor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (morethan $10,000) and hold stock or stock options(more than $10,000) in Questcor Pharmaceuticals,Inc.


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