
Jackson Public School District 621 South State Street Jackson MS 39201

Regular Virtual Meeting of the Jackson Public School District Board of Trustees

Tuesday August 4 2020 530 PM

Participated via Teleconference Attorneys and Administrative Staff Letitia Johnson President Dr Errick L Greene Superintendent Dr Ed Sivak Vice President Dr Michael Cormack Chief of Staff Barbara Hilliard Secretary Hon Dorian Turner Board Attorney Dr Jeanne M Hairston Member Dr Kathleen Grigsby Elem Asst Supt Dr Robert Luckett Member Dr Freddrick Murray MS Asst Supt Frank Figgers Member Saundra Lyons Ex Director HR

Sharolyn Miller CFO Secretary to the Board Laketia Thomas High School Asst Supt Rosalind Williams Sherwin Johnson Communications

Pamela Franklin Elem Asst Supt Dionne Woody Elem Asst Supt

I Call to Order The Regular Board Meeting of the Jackson Public School District was shifted to a virtual meeting on August 4 2020 The meeting was called to order at 531 P M by Letitia S Johnson Board President

II Establishment of Quorum A quorum was established as all six (6) members participated via teleconference namely Letitia Johnson Dr Ed Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Jeanne Hairston Dr Robert Luckett and Frank Figgers

III Adoption o f Agenda Dr Hairston moved that the Board adopt the agenda as presented Dr Sivak second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Hairston Dr Luckett and Frank Figgers votes

cast against the motion none PASSED

IV Superintendents Report a Update on School Re-opening b Update on Lake Hico

V Public Participation for General Comments andor Proposed Policy Issues none

VI Information Items Only a Rebranding of the Early College High School b Review of the Annual Dropout Prevention Plan and Restructuring Plans c Review of Memorandum of Agreement between Mississippi Department of Health

and the Jackson public School District (JPSD) d Review of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Jackson Public School

District (JPSD) and the University of Mississippi medical Center (UMMC) School of Nursing

e Bond Update

VII InformationAction Items a Approval of t h e Revised 2020-2021 Academic Calendar Dr Sivak motioned

and Dr Luckett seconded to table this item for later discussion votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion


b Approval of the Virtual Learning Plan The Board voted to approve i tern b Dr Sivak motioned Dr Hairston seconded votes cast for the motion


Transforming lives through excllent education

For Release August 3 2020

Subject JPS Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting

Contact Sherwin Johnson JPS Public Engagement 601-960-8935

As a response to concerns related to the Coronavirus the Jackson Public Schools Board of Trustees will meet via teleconference on Friday August 4 2020 at 500pm Board members will not meet in person but will call in to conduct the meeting remotely The purpose of the meeting is to approve the revised 2020-2021 academic calendar

To participate citizens should follow the following steps

bull Call1-312-626-6799 bull Submit the Meeting ID 825-011-6399

Community members who would like to make public comments should

bull Email their request to make comment to roswilliamsjack sonk12msus no later than 400 pm OR bull Call into the meeting between 430 pm and 445 pm to indicate their desire to comment

Participants lines will be unmuted at the public comment portion and they will be granted the selected time frame to comment

The meeting will be available on our YouTube channel and Facebook page at a later date

The Board may also take up any other matters properly coming before the Board


facebook comJacksonPublicSchoo ls bull youtubecomjpsitv

President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers

and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval of District to District Transfer (Incoming) The Board voted to approve item c Dr Luckett motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion


d Approval of District to District Transfer (Outgoing) The Board voted to approve item d Dr Luckett motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion


e Approval of the Request to Provide Food Services to Ambit~on Prep Charter School The Board voted to approve item e Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

f Approval to Award Bide 3142 for Child Nutrition Point of Sales System The Board voted to approve item f Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

g Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between Hinds County Board of Supervisors Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center and the Jackson Public School District The Board voted to approve item g Dr Sivak motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

VIII Consent Agenda Items - Finance a Approval of the Accounts Payable Claims Docket and Ratification of the

Travel Claims for the Period of June 27 2020 through July 24 2020 The Board voted to approve item a Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

b Approval to Award RFP 2020-04 for Lead Partner for a Pre-K Intervention Program to Waterford Research Institute The Board voted to approve item b Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval to Award RFP 2020-05 to Renaissance learning Inc for the Universal Screener The Board voted to approve item c Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank

Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

d Approval of the Contract with Advanced Instruction Management (AIM) RFP 2020-07 The Board voted to approve i tern d Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

IX Consent Agenda Items - General

a Approval of Various Policies - GADEA JCBAA JDAA JDAB KJ AND JIAB The Board voted to approve item a Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

b Approval of Legislative Approved Policies - EBAB GBFA GADEB GADI GADO IDFB JBO AND JRD The Board voted to approve item b Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval to Re-instate Specific Policies Related to Grading (IGAB) Promotion and Retention (JBJ) Graduation (IGB) and Minimum School Day Attendance Tardiness and Excuses (JBL) The Board voted to approve item c Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

d Approval of Memorandum of Agreement between Health heroes of Mississippi and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item d Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


e Approval of Agreement between CARES School and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item e Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

f Approval of Agreement between Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item f Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


g Approval of Agreement between Educational Based Services (EBS) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item g Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston

and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

h Approval of Agreement between SEAS and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD The Board voted to approve item h Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

i Approval of MOU between Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (JMG) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item i Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank

Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

j Approval of Instructional Management System The Board voted to approve item j Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett

Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


k Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pure Edge Inc and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item k Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

1 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item 1 Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


m Approval of Project Agreements between the Mississippi Food Network (MFN) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item m Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


n Approval of Project Agreements between Junior League of Jackson (JLJ) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item n Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

o Approval of the English Learners District Plan The Board voted to approve item o Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


X Consent Agenda Items - Personnel a Approval of Staff Personnel Matters The Board voted to approve Staff

Personnel as presented Dr Sivak motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Hairston Dr Luckett and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


XI Other Business none

XII Consideration to Hold an Executive Session None

XIII Adjourn Dr Hairston moved and Barbara Hilliard seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting That motion was unanimously approved The meeting was adjourned at 738 pm


ampd~c~ Barbara Hilliard Board Secretary Date


Transforming lives through excllent education

For Release August 3 2020

Subject JPS Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting

Contact Sherwin Johnson JPS Public Engagement 601-960-8935

As a response to concerns related to the Coronavirus the Jackson Public Schools Board of Trustees will meet via teleconference on Friday August 4 2020 at 500pm Board members will not meet in person but will call in to conduct the meeting remotely The purpose of the meeting is to approve the revised 2020-2021 academic calendar

To participate citizens should follow the following steps

bull Call1-312-626-6799 bull Submit the Meeting ID 825-011-6399

Community members who would like to make public comments should

bull Email their request to make comment to roswilliamsjack sonk12msus no later than 400 pm OR bull Call into the meeting between 430 pm and 445 pm to indicate their desire to comment

Participants lines will be unmuted at the public comment portion and they will be granted the selected time frame to comment

The meeting will be available on our YouTube channel and Facebook page at a later date

The Board may also take up any other matters properly coming before the Board


facebook comJacksonPublicSchoo ls bull youtubecomjpsitv

President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers

and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval of District to District Transfer (Incoming) The Board voted to approve item c Dr Luckett motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion


d Approval of District to District Transfer (Outgoing) The Board voted to approve item d Dr Luckett motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion


e Approval of the Request to Provide Food Services to Ambit~on Prep Charter School The Board voted to approve item e Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

f Approval to Award Bide 3142 for Child Nutrition Point of Sales System The Board voted to approve item f Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

g Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between Hinds County Board of Supervisors Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center and the Jackson Public School District The Board voted to approve item g Dr Sivak motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

VIII Consent Agenda Items - Finance a Approval of the Accounts Payable Claims Docket and Ratification of the

Travel Claims for the Period of June 27 2020 through July 24 2020 The Board voted to approve item a Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

b Approval to Award RFP 2020-04 for Lead Partner for a Pre-K Intervention Program to Waterford Research Institute The Board voted to approve item b Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval to Award RFP 2020-05 to Renaissance learning Inc for the Universal Screener The Board voted to approve item c Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank

Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

d Approval of the Contract with Advanced Instruction Management (AIM) RFP 2020-07 The Board voted to approve i tern d Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

IX Consent Agenda Items - General

a Approval of Various Policies - GADEA JCBAA JDAA JDAB KJ AND JIAB The Board voted to approve item a Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

b Approval of Legislative Approved Policies - EBAB GBFA GADEB GADI GADO IDFB JBO AND JRD The Board voted to approve item b Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval to Re-instate Specific Policies Related to Grading (IGAB) Promotion and Retention (JBJ) Graduation (IGB) and Minimum School Day Attendance Tardiness and Excuses (JBL) The Board voted to approve item c Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

d Approval of Memorandum of Agreement between Health heroes of Mississippi and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item d Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


e Approval of Agreement between CARES School and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item e Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

f Approval of Agreement between Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item f Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


g Approval of Agreement between Educational Based Services (EBS) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item g Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston

and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

h Approval of Agreement between SEAS and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD The Board voted to approve item h Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

i Approval of MOU between Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (JMG) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item i Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank

Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

j Approval of Instructional Management System The Board voted to approve item j Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett

Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


k Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pure Edge Inc and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item k Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

1 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item 1 Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


m Approval of Project Agreements between the Mississippi Food Network (MFN) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item m Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


n Approval of Project Agreements between Junior League of Jackson (JLJ) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item n Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

o Approval of the English Learners District Plan The Board voted to approve item o Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


X Consent Agenda Items - Personnel a Approval of Staff Personnel Matters The Board voted to approve Staff

Personnel as presented Dr Sivak motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Hairston Dr Luckett and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


XI Other Business none

XII Consideration to Hold an Executive Session None

XIII Adjourn Dr Hairston moved and Barbara Hilliard seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting That motion was unanimously approved The meeting was adjourned at 738 pm


ampd~c~ Barbara Hilliard Board Secretary Date

President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers

and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval of District to District Transfer (Incoming) The Board voted to approve item c Dr Luckett motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion


d Approval of District to District Transfer (Outgoing) The Board voted to approve item d Dr Luckett motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against the motion


e Approval of the Request to Provide Food Services to Ambit~on Prep Charter School The Board voted to approve item e Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

f Approval to Award Bide 3142 for Child Nutrition Point of Sales System The Board voted to approve item f Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

g Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between Hinds County Board of Supervisors Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center and the Jackson Public School District The Board voted to approve item g Dr Sivak motioned Barbara Hilliard seconded votes cast for the motion President Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Frank Figgers and Dr Hairston

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

VIII Consent Agenda Items - Finance a Approval of the Accounts Payable Claims Docket and Ratification of the

Travel Claims for the Period of June 27 2020 through July 24 2020 The Board voted to approve item a Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

b Approval to Award RFP 2020-04 for Lead Partner for a Pre-K Intervention Program to Waterford Research Institute The Board voted to approve item b Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval to Award RFP 2020-05 to Renaissance learning Inc for the Universal Screener The Board voted to approve item c Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank

Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

d Approval of the Contract with Advanced Instruction Management (AIM) RFP 2020-07 The Board voted to approve i tern d Dr Hairston motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

IX Consent Agenda Items - General

a Approval of Various Policies - GADEA JCBAA JDAA JDAB KJ AND JIAB The Board voted to approve item a Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

b Approval of Legislative Approved Policies - EBAB GBFA GADEB GADI GADO IDFB JBO AND JRD The Board voted to approve item b Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval to Re-instate Specific Policies Related to Grading (IGAB) Promotion and Retention (JBJ) Graduation (IGB) and Minimum School Day Attendance Tardiness and Excuses (JBL) The Board voted to approve item c Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

d Approval of Memorandum of Agreement between Health heroes of Mississippi and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item d Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


e Approval of Agreement between CARES School and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item e Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

f Approval of Agreement between Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item f Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


g Approval of Agreement between Educational Based Services (EBS) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item g Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston

and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

h Approval of Agreement between SEAS and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD The Board voted to approve item h Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

i Approval of MOU between Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (JMG) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item i Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank

Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

j Approval of Instructional Management System The Board voted to approve item j Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett

Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


k Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pure Edge Inc and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item k Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

1 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item 1 Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


m Approval of Project Agreements between the Mississippi Food Network (MFN) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item m Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


n Approval of Project Agreements between Junior League of Jackson (JLJ) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item n Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

o Approval of the English Learners District Plan The Board voted to approve item o Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


X Consent Agenda Items - Personnel a Approval of Staff Personnel Matters The Board voted to approve Staff

Personnel as presented Dr Sivak motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Hairston Dr Luckett and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


XI Other Business none

XII Consideration to Hold an Executive Session None

XIII Adjourn Dr Hairston moved and Barbara Hilliard seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting That motion was unanimously approved The meeting was adjourned at 738 pm


ampd~c~ Barbara Hilliard Board Secretary Date

a Approval of Various Policies - GADEA JCBAA JDAA JDAB KJ AND JIAB The Board voted to approve item a Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against

the motion none PASSED

b Approval of Legislative Approved Policies - EBAB GBFA GADEB GADI GADO IDFB JBO AND JRD The Board voted to approve item b Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

c Approval to Re-instate Specific Policies Related to Grading (IGAB) Promotion and Retention (JBJ) Graduation (IGB) and Minimum School Day Attendance Tardiness and Excuses (JBL) The Board voted to approve item c Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

d Approval of Memorandum of Agreement between Health heroes of Mississippi and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item d Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


e Approval of Agreement between CARES School and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item e Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers

votes cast against the motion none PASSED

f Approval of Agreement between Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item f Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


g Approval of Agreement between Educational Based Services (EBS) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item g Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston

and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

h Approval of Agreement between SEAS and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD The Board voted to approve item h Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast

against the motion none PASSED

i Approval of MOU between Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (JMG) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item i Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank

Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

j Approval of Instructional Management System The Board voted to approve item j Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett

Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


k Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pure Edge Inc and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item k Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

1 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item 1 Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


m Approval of Project Agreements between the Mississippi Food Network (MFN) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item m Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


n Approval of Project Agreements between Junior League of Jackson (JLJ) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item n Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

o Approval of the English Learners District Plan The Board voted to approve item o Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


X Consent Agenda Items - Personnel a Approval of Staff Personnel Matters The Board voted to approve Staff

Personnel as presented Dr Sivak motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Hairston Dr Luckett and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


XI Other Business none

XII Consideration to Hold an Executive Session None

XIII Adjourn Dr Hairston moved and Barbara Hilliard seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting That motion was unanimously approved The meeting was adjourned at 738 pm


ampd~c~ Barbara Hilliard Board Secretary Date

Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


k Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pure Edge Inc and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item k Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

1 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item 1 Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


m Approval of Project Agreements between the Mississippi Food Network (MFN) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item m Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


n Approval of Project Agreements between Junior League of Jackson (JLJ) and the Jackson Public School District (JPSD) The Board voted to approve item n Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr

Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none PASSED

o Approval of the English Learners District Plan The Board voted to approve item o Barbara Hilliard motioned Dr Hairston second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Luckett Dr Hairston and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion none


X Consent Agenda Items - Personnel a Approval of Staff Personnel Matters The Board voted to approve Staff

Personnel as presented Dr Sivak motioned Barbara Hilliard second votes cast for the motion Letitia Johnson Dr Sivak Barbara Hilliard Dr Hairston Dr Luckett and Frank Figgers votes cast against the motion


XI Other Business none

XII Consideration to Hold an Executive Session None

XIII Adjourn Dr Hairston moved and Barbara Hilliard seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting That motion was unanimously approved The meeting was adjourned at 738 pm


ampd~c~ Barbara Hilliard Board Secretary Date


ampd~c~ Barbara Hilliard Board Secretary Date
