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Social Media Action Plan - Recommendations


Prepared by Peter Lloyd Johnson

Marlboro College Graduate Center

Capstone Project

August 7, 2010

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Peter Lloyd JohnsonSocial Media Action Plan

August 7, 2010 - Capstone

Business Drivers Goals


Expenses Metric: $100 annually - (Mailbuild sendouts: $5/mailing + $0.01/email)

Email signups (Leads) Metric: 25 Email sign-ups each month

CustomersMetric: 80% of respondents clicked "yes" to "Was this information helpful?"(Bottom of each page)

Building Community


Thought Leadership Metric: Total Facebook interactions

Timeliness/Relevance Regular and efficient use of social media tools: email, Facebook, YouTube

What to Follow Specific to Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity

Social Trends

Key words and search terms

Influencers to follow

Competitors (Alt sites for info)

Metric: 100 online donations within six (6) months of refreshed site launch. (Site to include "Donate" functionality. Include "Support VPFD" on all social media; links to "Donate" page of website.

Metric: 25 Email sign-ups monthly; Weekly increase in the number of Facebook fans

Metric: Weekly increase in the following Facebook metrics: Total Interactions, Comments, Wall Posts, Likes

Google Alerts: Race, race relations, ethnic and immigration, equal treatment, equal access, harassment, bullying

African American links, Arab American links, Asian American links, Hispanic American links,

Vermont education leadership, state government leadership, local government leadership, faith community leadership in Vermont

[VERMONT] Diversity, discrimination, cultural diversity, racial discrimination, workplace diversity, workplace discrimination, diversity and equality, education diversity, managing diversity, teaching diversity, racial diversity

Customer Experience/Satisfaction

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Peter Lloyd JohnsonSocial Media Action Plan

August 7, 2010 - Capstone

Tool Purpose and Strategy Priority (1 [high] - 3 [low])

Google Analytics Listening, measurement, insight 1

Community Client driven, client care, sourcing trends 1

Twitter 3

Facebook 1

LinkedIn Engagement, networking, recruiting 2

YouTube Presentations, brand awareness 2

SlideShare Content sharing, thought leadership 2

Goals Social Media Output Tools/Tactics to Measure

Utilize online listening

Awareness, thought leadership Unique website visitors, time spent on site, bounce rate, number of Facebook fans, number of Facebook comments.

Access online tools that will reveal more about what people are discussing vis-à-vis VPFD's professional status - more insight, more information

Number of people reached as measured by Google Analytics and Facebook

Conversation monitoring, customer feedback, ear to the ground. What are people talking about and how can we be part of the conversation?

Headlines, engage, sales, solve service issues, competitor insight

Social, friendly, recruiting, links to and conversation with the community
