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    Inspector: Roald Olivier Cell No. 082 495 4526

    Inspection Date: 02 June 2011 Time: 09:24

    Client: Another

    Email: [email protected]

    Comprehensive Property Inspection Report

    The objective of the technical evaluation is to establish cost of budget for the 2010 / 2011 financial

    year. A 30% building cost escalation for the following year are inclusive of the cost calculations and

    should not be compared with current price structures.

    The inspection covers the following areas and feedback with visuals will be supplied in the problem

    areas that need attention in the coming financial year.


    Primary Property Description

    This shopping complex with a gross GLA of 48 720m2

    with 3 levels of retail and 2 levels of parkingdecks.

    Structural Integrity

    Structural integrity of the building is sound no

    physical evidence of any movement could be

    found especially in the section after the building

    extension was completed in May of the previous

    year. A special request was raised for feedback in

    this specific section a board member had a

    specific concern with the structural design and

    method 2 years back during development.

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    A very weak cement mixture was used with no

    bonding agent [Flexement] when these ridge tiles

    where installed. After 5 to 7 years the thermal

    movement between the tiles and aging of the

    poor grouting cement, the cement grouting

    becomes brittle and breaks up. On a normal roof

    this will eventually cause water leaks with minor

    to medium damage. In the case of a steep

    gradient as on the towers, above 70' deg, this

    scenario becomes life threatening. The only factor

    that keeps the towers ridge tiles from sliding

    down on to a persons head or a car are a slight

    amount of friction, the design of the tile and mostly the weight of the tile. With strong winds

    during a storm these factors reduce with just enough movement from the wind will cause a tile

    loosen its grip and fall. This has happened in the past on the main tower. Falling cement grouting is

    visible around the smaller towers as well. The ridge tiles have never been waterproofed.

    Measured and calculated length of ridge tiles = 480 linear meter . With average width of 400mm. =

    [ 480 x 0.4 = 192m2 ]. The correct method uses 2.5liters/m2 [ 192m2 x 2.5 = 480l ] Totals: [

    R680/20l = R34/l x 480 = R 16 800 ] ; DURAMESH 20m/roll [ 480lm 20m/roll = 24 ] including

    100mm overlap; [ 30 x R26.50 = R 795] Labor @ [ R45/m2 = 192 x R45 = R8640 ] Final total = [ R16

    800 + R795 + R8640 ] Estimate of --> R 26 235.00

    The roof valleys are in urgent a urgent state of

    repair. Applying membrane from Duraline and a

    final coat of ROOFCRYL for UV protection and

    finishing. The bulk of the work should be covered

    by funds generated from the insurance claim and

    would require a yearly coat of ROOFCRYL to

    maintain 100% waterproofing capabilities. The

    yearly maintenance coat should never be

    wavered, it is the key to maintain a sound UV

    protected and waterproof system.Measured and

    calculated length of valleys = 285lm. With

    average width of 400mm. = [ 285 x 0.4 = 114m2 ].

    The correct method uses 2.5liters/m2 [ 114m2 x 2.5 = 285l ] Totals: [ R680/20l = R34/l x 285 = R 9

    690 ] ; DURAMESH 20m/roll [ 114lm 20m/roll = 6rols ] including 100mm overlap; [ 10 x R26.50 =

    R 265 ] Labour @ [ R45/m2 = 114 x R45/m2 = R 5 130 ] Final total = [ R 9 690 + R265 + R 5 130 ]

    Estimate off --> R 15 085.00

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    The durbigam torch on are in tack over 90% of

    the slab's surface. The durbigam has had no

    additional maintenance over the past 5 years.

    The lifespan of any waterproofing application

    depends on the maintenance on a yearly basis.

    The section of the slab above the Standard Bank

    foyer has just been completed with repairs to

    some sections and applying a coat of UV

    protection. Total of 720 m2 was covered by

    insurance money.

    The corrugated roofs are intact in this section and

    have no corrosion problems. There are however

    areas with very strange repair methods there are

    actually puddles of water forming under the

    pieces of flashing. These need to be stripped off

    and sealed with a back flashing extending all the

    to the ridge of the roof.

    In this section of the roof the clip locks are

    defective only a 5 year warranty was given; the

    roof is 8 years old. The whole roof could be

    blown off in a fair to moderate storm. The roof

    need to be put back in to place and secured with

    a product called tiedowns. A section of this

    tiedowns is manufactured from steel cable and

    will compensate for thermal expansion.

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    Whatever method of waterproofing was used are

    beyond me. There are quite a few areas that the

    flashings and termination leaves a big ? A true

    cost will be very difficult to calculate [REPAIR

    METHOD 1] Remove termination inspect

    polyurethane and flashing bondage if intact

    replace only termination membrane @ R 35,00

    l/m calculated on 33% of total of 1200meters = R

    13,860. [REPAIR METHOD 2] Remove termination

    membrane remove flashing clean out termination

    groove, re-cut where needed install new flashing

    re-seal polyurethane and replace termination

    membrane @ 33% of 1200l/m @ R 68.00 l/m = R26,928. [REPAIR METHOD 3] Flashing and

    termination are intact and need only a maintenance coat 396lm = 118m2 5 =23.6l @ R34.00/l =

    R 800

    Parapet walls are incorrectly sealed, On top the

    membrane applied should have gone a minimum

    of 100 mm over both the inside edges to form a

    complete waterproof capping , if you enlarge the

    photo you will notice two cracks in the inside

    corner going across, breakdown of the

    waterproofing has already started and every time

    it rains water penetrates more and more into the


    The slab forming the roof of the tenant parking isleaking badly drip trays are evident of this all over

    and are a short term solution. The tarmac on the

    parking need to be re-sealed, drip trays was

    installed but is not solving the water leak that will

    deteriorate the strength of the slab.

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    The concrete slabs durbigam water proofing are in a desperate need for repairs in certain areas

    an overall UV protection coat applied on a yearly basis will save the waterproofing and

    replacement cost of over R 2,000,000.00 going by Dale's Construction and Waterproofing .

    [Method 1] are to use a bituas filler, covered by a membrane and a polyurethane sealant and a

    final coat of UV stabilizer this is a shorter solution and no ponding should be allowed on the slab.

    [Method 2] Strip all previous durbigam dry prepare and apply new 4mm torch on with 2 coats of

    UV stabilizer. Followed by a yearly maintenance coat.

    Coping Tiles on Parapet Walls

    The joint sealant that was used has dried

    out and cracked allowing water to

    penetrate into the parapet walls. These

    coping tiles will be removed during the

    revamp to seal the copings or parapet walls

    will be a at cost of R 34.00 lm @ 286 meters

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    The ingress of water into the plaster is evident with the mud cracks forming on the plastered walls.

    This is a tell tale sign of what moister is capable of and if not attended you might end up replacing

    all the plaster on such a wall depending on the degree of deterioration. The repair cost now are

    around R 8.00 to R 14.00 per m2 as with replacing the plaster it could run up to R 37.00 to R 56.00m


    Wood Work (Roof Trusses, Doors Ext)

    No gutters were installed during development

    and this is a common defect from this type of

    building structure. There are a range of products

    that can be applied annually that will keep the

    exposed roof structure in a top condition and

    insect free.

    Although the door shows water and infrared

    damage this is only service and if treated now the

    cost of replacement will be saved.

    Exterior door to be sanded down to prevent

    further deterioration. Sand down and apply 2

    coat sanding sealer (4-6 hour drying time

    between coats) and finish of with 1 coat


    annually will keep the exposed exterior doors in a

    top condition.

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    Decorative Coping Tiles

    Porcelain tiles was used as coping tiles for aesthetic value a normal practice in the buildingindustry, due to the incorrect installation (but joining the tiles) there are no gap left for thermal

    expansion the only way is upward forcing, The adhesion cannot withstand this force and will give

    way. Although the tile has a 0% water absorption rating contractors tend to forget about thermal

    expansion a minimum gap is 4mm on a 450 to 500mm tile. The consequences are twofold, a

    fourteen kg tile into somebodys head and water ingress into the parapet wall damaging paint and


    Access and Security

    The external doors in the delivery yard are in

    such a state of poor maintenance the complete

    replacement of the doors plus the door frames to

    be done during the upcoming revamp.

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    The palisade fence around the tenant shaded

    parking are in dire straits for rust proofing and a

    coat of paint

    Contracted price at R 38.00 per l/m ate


    Electrical Conditions

    As indicated on the main incomer amp meters

    the 3 phases are fairly well balanced on the

    running as well as the max demand for a centre

    as old as this, its actually surprising. Most of the

    meters are still a Class 2 meter and are inaccurate

    compared with the new class 0.5 meters with

    communication capabilities. This is crucial for an

    accurate recovery. The yearly HT, LT services and

    infrared reports are in order and up to date.

    Services and inspections are carried out every


    Plumbing Conditions

    The galvanized pipe in the mall are fairly rusted

    and at stages the drainage As can be seen on

    the visual, pipe work had to be re-routed becauseof rusted pipes not able to unblock. The safest

    way to do a actual cost calculation on the sewer

    and drainage system is to do a full inspection

    whereby you send a camera down the sewer

    lines t do a visual inspection and at the same time

    acquire measurements if and where needed. In

    conjunction with this you x-ray test the wall

    thickness of the water lines in a few places (same

    type of test that is used to test gas lines or

    pressure vessel tests) It might cost around R 4,000 to R9,000 if used as a preventative measure itmight just help to make the correct decision in the long run.

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    Fire Equipment

    As can be seen the main hydrant valves are

    within in its statutory 3 year service cycle as is the

    other fire equipment within the yearly servicing

    cycle. As per the OSH Act.

    A Truck took out a Hydrant line and the hydrant

    pipe was hidden in the garden. This to be

    investigated why it was not reported and

    repaired immediately, repair cost around of R

    1150.00. The hydrant was moved 2 meter back to

    a safer position. The new position are within the

    guidelines of ASIB and the rational fire design of

    the building as approved by local authorities.

    Lift Services

    The lift service contract is in place and running.

    The services are carried out as per the standardSLA agreements and to the SABS Regulations on

    moving machinery.

    The contractor should note on finer detail and

    take it up with their servicing department. An

    official complaint was lodged and a 7 day notice

    period issued to comply.

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    Window frames was poorly sealed or never

    sealed at all. Remove all existing sealant, remove

    plaster at a width of 15 - 25mm and depth of 10

    15 mm parallel to the window frame on the

    outside, apply 1 coat DURA BOND to create a

    strong bonding surface between the newly

    opened plaster and the new sealant (Polysulfied

    or one of the other various silicon compound

    paintable sealant available on the market) This

    was the main reason for all the water damage

    and dampness inside the building.

    Ceilings and Voids

    Internal walls at passages, in public toilets and

    The Standard Bank foyer obtained water damage

    due to the Durbigam around the skylights not

    maintained and started to leak. Prepare and

    paint 384m2 one cote super acrylic from

    DURALINE or DURAM. In areas that where poly

    filler was used prepare with one cote of bondingliquid if SKIMRITE was used no other preparation

    needed 384m2 @ R45.50 m2 total cost [R

    35.50m2 final cote + R 10/m2 preparation]

    Walkways and Paving

    A small area with minor repair to the existingpaving these types of repairs can be done

    successfully and are normally low cost. However

    if this sagging of the paving are other than poor

    installation or compaction the cost will change. I

    suggest further investigation to ensure it is not a

    leaking storm water drain or something similar

    calving away below the subservice of the paving.

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    Above illustrated defects some minor others critical are a true state of conditions on date of

    inspection. The report is technically complete and covers all defects that were visible on date of

    inspection. The intentions of such a report are informative and to the requirements of the OSH

    Act, JHI, Broll and other statutory bodies laws and by-laws.

    The rest of the buildings services and SLAs are in place and up to standard all service documents,

    registers and certificates for Air-Conditioner Service Records and Filter Replacement Registers,

    Electrical COCs, Emergency Generator Register, Extraction Canopy Services, Smoke Detection Test

    Certificates, Hygiene Registers, Pest Control Service Records, Lift and Escalators Service Records,

    Fire Equipment Register & Service Records and Cleaning Registers are all on site and available for


    This type of report is compulsory for property management companies in the likes of JHI & Broll for

    whom I worked just over seven years.
