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  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    The International Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes

    APRIL 2011$4.75


    Old CovenantRegenerationCharismatic/Pentecostal

    EldersPg. 42

    Didthe Early ChurchAffirm Preterism? PART IIPg.30

    World Conspiracy

    inLightoftheBiblePg. 34

    Hope andResponsibility

    inView of the RapturePg. 19

    Jubileum PartI:Gods Prophetic

    Outlinefor ProsperityPg.14

  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    In 2011, Midnight Call Ministry will begin to send out FREE of charge, via email,

    the latest updated news items relating to Bibleprophecy to all Swift-Word Members.Without charge and with no obligation on your part, youwill receive as a Swift-Word Memberone selected news item with commen-tary six times each week. Read it, pass it on to family and friends or make use of it as you see fit.

    What is the Reason for Swift-WordMembership?We base Swift-Word Membership on Psalm 147:15, Hesendeth forth hiscommandmentupon earth:hisword runnethvery swiftly. That is an up-to-date statement. Today, more thanany other time in history, we are able to send His Word veryswiftly, almost instantaneouslyto any part of the world by emailand Internet.

    We are commanded to be His witnesses to send forthHis Word,or as Ecclesiastes 11:1 says, Cast thy bread upon the waters:forthou shalt find it after many days. Sharing the preciousWord of God will reap fruit foreternity.

    The distribution of the Word of God is the key to salvation.This

    is evidenced in Acts 6:7, And the word of God increased; andthe number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; anda great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.

    Other BenefitsWhen you become a Swift-Word Member, youwill be eligible forspecial,Swift-Word Membership benefits to be determined andimplemented in the future. And, you will be notifiedof specialdiscounted resources from timeto time.

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    ITEM #5250 300 minutes

    $30.00 Author: Arno Froese

    Combines the CD messages of Arno Froese's

    The Delivererseries (Items 3225 through 3229

    a total of five CDs) into one handsome album. The series is

    a commentary on the book of Hosea.

    1 Unfaithful Israel (Chapters 1-3) 3225

    2 Prophetic Promises and Judgments (Chapters 4-6) 3226

    3 Israels Separation from the Promised Land (Chapters 7-9) 3227

    4 Gods Love Declaration Rejected (Chapters 10-11) 3228

    5 Irreversible Judgment Leads to Salvation (Chapters 12-14) 3229



    Signup page at

  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    C O N T E N T S

    6An Incredible StoryBy Thomas Lieth

    Calvary, the death of Jesus on the cross,the darkness at

    midday, the earthquake, the burial in the tomb,the

    resurrection,the opening of the graves, the appearing

    of the Lord Jesus up to His ascensiontruly an

    incredible story! But even if such a story seems

    incredible, this does not mean that it is not true!

    14 Money: Ends and TrendsJubileum Part I:Gods Prophetic Outline forProsperityBy Wilfred Hahn

    Just what does the Bible say about the rich the poor about wealth distribution how things

    will be when Jesus Christ restores all things (Acts 3:21)? Quite a bit.In fact, as much as 40% of the Bible

    is said to deal with these and related topics.

    19 Hope and Responsibility in View of the RaptureBy Norbert Lieth

    The Rapture is the next great event which awaits the Church of Jesus Christ.What hope is connected

    with this,and what is the Churchs responsibility in view of Jesusreturn?

    26 The Calling oftheTwelve Disciples James,theSon of AlphaeusBy Marcel Malgo

    30 Did the Early Church Affirm Preterism? Part IIBy Dr. Ron J. Bigalke

    34 World Conspiracyin Lightof the BibleBy Johannes Pflaum

    MidnightCallAPRIL 2011



    4 Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ByPeterMalgo

    42 Letters to theEditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ByArno FroeseOLD COVENANT REGENERATION...CHARISMATIC/PENTECOSTAL...ELDERS


    37 USA

    Earths Magnetic PoleShift Unleashing Poison

    into the Air?

    39 FRANCE

    A New Global Finance

    System in the Making?

    40 RUSSIA


    Trained to

    Walk on

    Mars on Simulated


    41 ECUADOR

    Chevron Fined $8.6bn for


    41 IRAN

    Iran Has No Nuke


  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    4 M I D N I G H T C A L L

    Now all these things happened untothem for examples: and they arewritten for our admonition,upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore lethim that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall(1 Corinthians 10:11-12).

    E D I T O R S N O T E

    The intensity of natural catastro-

    phes is steadily increasing all

    over the world. While the pastyear already ended as the year with the

    most catastrophes in history, hardly a

    week passes this year in which reports

    of fearful events do not reach us again.

    Australia was hit with special force. Since

    records were kept a hundred years ago, the

    highest rainfall ever recorded took place

    there a few months ago. This led to the

    heaviest floods. The flooded area was as

    large as Germany and France combined. A

    little later the monster cyclone Yasirushed towards Australia. Even while the

    subsequent floods taxed the strength of the

    rescue teams, bush fires in Western Aus-

    tralia were raging beyond control. At the

    same time, unimaginable catastrophes took

    place elsewhere in the world: after heavy

    storms, an entire mountain slope slid

    down and mud avalanches buried hun-

    dreds of people. A resident of that place

    was barely able to save his children but had

    to watch helplessly as his wife was torn

    away with the masses of mud. I could

    have lost everything, but not my wife, hesobbed.

    The list of these disasters could be end-

    lessly enlargedfloods in China, volcanic

    eruptions in Japan, earthquakes in Haiti,

    fire on Mount Carmel in Israel, blizzards in

    the USA, a tsunami in Indonesia. Numer-

    ous people lost their lives in them. It was

    most tragic, however, that many people

    could have been saved if they had paid at-

    tention to the warnings of the security

    forces and obeyed their instructions. In-stead, some preferred to remain in their

    homes, unaware that soon a hot lava

    stream would rush in or a flood wave

    would overflow them in the next few min-

    utes, or a fire would deny them all possibil-

    ity of flight. In January, parts of South

    Germany were also deeply submerged by

    water. A newspaper report described how

    people in traffic who wanted to drive on a

    flooded street simply removed the barriers

    B y P e t e r M a l g o

  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 5

    Published 12 times a year by

    MIDNIGHT CALL, INC.PO Box 280008

    Columbia, SC 29228

    Physical Location:

    4694 Platt Springs Road

    West Columbia, SC 29170

    Founder Dr. Wim Malgo (192292)

    Editor Peter Malgo

    Executive Director Arno Froese

    Contributing Authors Norbert Lieth,Marcel Malgo, Wilfred Hahn,Dr. Ron J. Bigalke, ReinholdFederolf, Samuel Rindlisbacher,Ernst Kraft and Thomas Lieth

    Layout Designers:Michelle Kim and Lisa Dixon Text Typist:

    Lynn Jeffcoat Copy Editor: Kimberly Farmer Customer Service:

    Kathy Roland and Debbie Hale Production Manager:Simon Froese

    Pressroom:Wade Haygood, Dwight Mims and Chad Vining Post

    Press: Dana Hale, Teresa Vining, Melissa Martin, Andrea Hamilton

    and Brian Corbett Special Order:Ruth Froese German-English

    Translators:Ann Fankhauser and Ellen Myers


    USA, $28.95 Canada, $34.50 All other countries, $38

    CHANGE OF ADDRESSOR SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRYPlease send your new address and the name and address exactly asit appears on this magazine or envelope for best service. Pleasesend all changes and inquiries directly to our US address.

    MAILING ADDRESSESUSA and Canada:PO Box 280008Columbia, SC 29228, USA

    Australia:Major Rintje Taekema3 Cleveland Drive, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria 3029AUSTRALIAe-mail: [email protected]

    New Zealand:142 Cambridge Ave., Ashurst

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    P.O. Box 3105, 1729 Witbeck TVL.

    INTERNATIONAL EDITIONSMitternachtsruf (German) Ringwiesenstrasse 12a, 8600Dubendorf, Switzerland; Middernachtsroep (Dutch) Postbus193, 3940 AD Doorn, Netherlands; LAppel de Minuit (French)Ringwiesenstrasse 12a, 8600 Dubendorf, Switzerland; Chamada deMeia Noite (Portuguese) Obra Missionaria Chamada de MeiaNoite, Caixa Postal 1688, 90001970 Porto Alegre RS, Brazil;Llamada de Medianoche (Spanish) Apdo. Postal 1400, 01901Guatemala; CDM Italia (Italian) Via Monte Rosa 88 D, IT 10155Torino TO; Ejfeli Kialtas (Hungarian) H-1135 Budapest, Peloc u. 2(no longer available in Russian)

    OUR TASKMidnight Call Ministries is a nonprofit missionary organization,dedicated to proclaiming the entire Bible as the unfailing and eternalwritten Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the unerringguide for the Christian faith.

    The object of Midnight Call is to call people everywhere to Christ,to proclaim the Second Coming of Christ, to prepare Christians forHis coming, and to uphold the faith and warn of false doctrines.Midnight Callmagazine is available in twelve languages. All workdone through radio, literature and missionaries is supported entirelyby the gifts and free will offerings of Gods people.


    WE BELIEVEin the divine inspiration of the whole Bible and there-with the infallibility of the Holy Scripture, which is Gods Word, andin the eternal Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    WE BELIEVEJesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived of theHoly Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and shed Hisblood to save mankind. He died and arose bodily the third day andlater ascended into heaven.

    WE BELIEVEthat the Lord Jesus Christ died in the place of eachindividual sinner and that all who believe in Him as their personalSavior are justified through His shed blood and have becomechildren of God.

    WE BELIEVEthat Israel is Gods chosen people, and that therestoration of the Jews to their own land is the fulfillment of theWord of God.

    WE BELIEVEin the pretribulational appearance of Jesus Christ forthe Rapture of His Church (all born again believers).

    WE BELIEVEin the immortality of our souls and the resurrection ofour bodies, and in the resurrection of the just and the unjust, theeverlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment ofthe lost.

    The Prophetic Voice for the Endtimes PRINTED IN 12 LANGUAGES

    ISSN 10948600within the reach of a mudslide. The police spokesman stated: The drivers

    are evidently unaware that they risk great danger because the slope threat-

    ens to slide down.

    Besides these natural catastrophes threatening our physical lives, we

    Christians also risk finding ourselves in areas where our spiritual lives areunder attack. The Bible throws light upon numerous warnings to us. But

    do we heed such warnings? This is drastically shown us by the judgment

    of Sodom. God wanted to save the entire family of Lot and said: Escape

    for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape

    to the mountain, lest thou be consumed (Genesis 19:17). But Lots wife

    looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt (verse 26).

    God also quite concretely wants to keep us away from zones of danger and

    false ways. Therefore, He speaks through circumstances, by His Word, by

    the soft voice of the Holy Spirit in our conscience. But do we pay attention

    to this? In Numbers 22 beginning with verse 22, we read how God tried by

    His angel to turn Balaam back from his wrong way. Finally, God had to use

    very unusual means to open Balaams eyes.

    Today, we live in a time in which the enemys arts of seduction increase

    uncannily. Jesus Himself compares the end time with the time of Noah. It

    is reported about his contemporaries that they knew nothing until the

    flood came, and took them all away. And Jesus continued, So shall also

    the coming of the Son of man be Watch therefore (Matthew 24:39,

    42). Later, Paul wrote the Corinthians: Now all these things happened

    unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon

    whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinks he

    stands take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:11-12).

    E D I T O R S N O T E

    To start or renew yourNews From Israelmagazine subscription,please use the order form on pages46-47, or call 800-845-2420 and haveyour credit card ready.

    32pages$18foraone-yearsubscription 12 issues

    In light of the times, News From Israelisa necessary monthly magazine that will keep you updated on breaking

    developments throughout the Middle East.News From Israeluncovers

    hidden information the news media leaves out!


  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    Calvary, the death of Jesus on the cross, the darkness at midday, the earth-quake, the burial in the tomb, the resurrection, the opening of the graves, the

    appearing of the Lord Jesus up to His ascensiontruly an incredible story! Buteven if such a story seems incredible, this does not mean that it is not true!

    T H O M A S L I E T H

    6 M I D N I G H T C A L L

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    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 7

    Jesus ChristHe truly is the Redeemer and He is the rightful King of Israel.But for this,He received only scornful

    laughter. It is no different today.

    In Mark 15:21 to 16:14, we read of the

    crucifixion and resurrection of theLord Jesus Christ, His appearing after-

    wards, as well as the reaction of those to

    whom He appeared. This event was totally

    incredible, even for His trusted disciples.

    Although Jesus had referred to His resur-

    rection when speaking to them, and they

    had believed Him, trusted Him and fol-

    lowed Him, it was still incredible for these

    believers when the resurrection took place.

    And yet the Lord Jesus had foretold His

    path of suffering three times.

    From that time forth began Jesus to

    shew unto his disciples, how that he

    must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many

    things of the elders and chief priests and

    scribes, and be killed, and be raised

    again the third day (Matthew 16:21, cf.

    Mark 8:31). Peter exclaimed, Be it far

    from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto

    thee. His reaction showed that the disci-

    ple ultimately did not know what tomake of the idea of the death and resur-

    rection of the promised Redeemer, al-

    though He had told them about it, For

    he taught his disciples, and said unto

    them, The Son of man is delivered into

    the hands of men, and they shall kill

    him; and after that he is killed, he shall

    rise the third day. But they understood

    not that saying, and were afraid to ask

    him (Mark 9:31-32).

    When the Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross,in addition to His pain, He had to endure

    mockery and scorn, Likewise also the

    chief priests mocking said among them-

    selves with the scribes, He saved others;

    himself he cannot save (Mark 15:31).

    He saved others; how true that is!

    The Lord Jesus Christ came to the earth

    as a Savior (Romans 10:11-13). He

    saved others, the chief priests and

    scribes said mockingly, but they them-

    selves would not let Him save them. Hecame unto his own, and his own re-

    ceived him not (John 1:11).

    The mockery continued in that they

    said, Let Christ the King of Israel

    (Mark 15:32). Before, when He stood be-

    fore the council, Jesus was confronted

    with His position when the high priest

    asked Him, Art thou the Christ, the Son

    of the Blessed? (Mark 14:61). That

    meant, Are you the Anointed One, the

    promised Messiah-King? And the Lord

    Jesus answered, I am (verse 62). How

    moving this is! He saved others ...

    Christ, the King of Israel. That which

    was meant as scorn and mockery was

    nothing other than an unconscious testi-

    mony to the Son of God.

    Jesus ChristHe truly is the Re-

    deemer and He is the rightful King of Is-

    rael. But for this, He received only

    scornful laughter. It is no different today.Who is more mocked, and who is more

    ridiculed? Buddha? Not interesting! Mo-

    hammed? Life threatening! Any other

    deity? Insignificant! No, in the most

    cases, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is

    slandered and ridiculed. It was the same

    at that time when He hung on the cross.

    Nobody laughed at the two robbers at

    His side. They were not mocked, spat on

    or ridiculed.

    Could it perhaps be because the state-ment of the Lord Jesus Christ, No man

    cometh unto the Father, but by me

    (John 14:6), is so provocative because it

    is the simple truth? If something does

    not affect us, we can overlook it without

    becoming indignant or defending our-

    selves with mockery and blasphemy. But

    woe betide anyone who says something

    that makes us feel they are speaking to

    us, even doubting us! Then it is not

    C O V E R S T O R Y

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    8 M I D N I G H T C A L L

    enough merely to reject Jesus, to nail

    Him to the cross; no, tasteless scorn is

    poured upon Him. With this, peoplecover their conviction; with this they

    want to demonstrate their superiority, al-

    though they are inwardly full of fear and

    uncertainty. Could the Bible be right?

    Could this despised man on the cross be

    the Son of God after all?

    Let Christ the King of Israel descend

    now from the cross, that we may see and

    believe (Mark 15:32). Does this not re-

    mind us of the temptation of Jesus in the

    wilderness? There the devil tempted theLord Jesus with the words, If thou be

    the Son of God, command this stone that

    it be made bread (Luke 4:3). But the

    Son of God did not let Himself be

    tempted; He was obedient unto death

    (Philippians 2:8). His descent from the

    cross would not have been a triumph, al-

    though that would have been an easy

    thing for the incarnate God, who had

    healed blind and lame people and even

    raised people from death. No, the tri-umph was that He conquered death by

    remaining on the cross, voluntarily dy-

    ing there and ultimately being raised

    from the dead. This was the victory of

    God and not some heroic deed of Bat-

    man or Superman. From this we see that

    the words, Descend now from the

    cross were not only a mockery but also

    simultaneously a temptation. Perhaps a

    last desperate attempt of Satan to turn

    away his defeat.

    That we may see and believe! What

    did the Lord Jesus say to His disciple

    Thomas after His appearing? Blessed

    are they that have not seen, and yet have

    believed (John 20:29). Not seeing and

    then believing, but exactly the other way

    round: first believe and then see. For we

    walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthi-

    ans 5:7). Are we prepared to believe?

    Then we will see. If you are not preparedto believe, however, you will not believe

    even if you see.

    The chief priests and the scribes, as

    well as the many who saw Jesus when He

    bore His cross, had heard of the signs

    and wonders of the Lord Jesus, and per-

    haps even experienced them. Those of

    these Jews who did not want to believe

    before Calvary, however, those who had

    closed their hearts to the impressive

    speaking of God in His Son until thistime, would not have believed even if the

    Son of God had descended from the


    Unfortunately, we Christians of today

    also tend to want to see and thereby

    prove the Bible and strengthen our faith.

    Yet we go from believing to seeing and

    not the other way round. Man is not con-

    victed of sin by earthly, visible things and

    heroic deeds, but by the Word of God.

    Unfortunately,we Christians of today also tend to want to see and thereby prove the Bible and strengthen our

    faith.Yet we go from believing to seeing and not the other way round.Man is not convicted of sin by earthly,visi-

    ble things and heroic deeds, but by theWord of God.

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    C O V E R S T O R Y

    Of the death of our Lord Jesus on the cross,Mark says, And Jesus cried with a loud

    voice, and gave up the ghost. And the

    veil of the temple was rent in twain from

    the top to the bottom (Mark 15:37-38).The veil in the temple is torn; now we

    have access to the heavenly sanctuary!

    Having therefore, brethren, boldness to

    enter into the holiest by the blood of Je-

    sus, by a new and living way, which he

    hath consecrated for us, through the veil,

    that is to say, his flesh (Hebrews 10:19-

    20). Hallelujah! The way is free!

    The dividing wall between God and

    man was not the veil in itself, but sin.

    The veil in the temple was torn from topto bottom, from God to man. It was the

    veil that divided off the Holy of Holies.

    This shows us that sin has been blotted

    out and paid for. Just like that? No, not

    just like that. It may seem so to us be-

    cause it is nothing more than undeserved

    favor, but for God this act was not simply

    that; it was the painful, humiliating way

    to the cross, with torture, mockery and

    scorn, with pain, suffering and death.

    Salvation, the now free way to God, did

    not take place just like that, but it wasand is the proof of Gods love for you and

    me (Romans 5:8). And if we look at this

    grace of God, His love and kindness,

    how irrelevant and trivial earthly things


    And when the centurion, which

    stood over against him, saw that he so

    cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said,

    Truly this man was the Son of God

    (Mark 15:39). This Roman officer real-

    ized that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    He would not have contemplated the

    possibility of His resurrection. He did

    not have the hope of the resurrection,

    and stood perplexed and full of fear in

    the face of his realization. He simply

    knew, I am also guilty of the death of

    this just Man. How terrible this thought

    must have been, and how guilty he must

    have felt at this moment. We do not

    know what happened to this centurion.We do not know whether he later met

    the risen Lord and came to saving faith

    in Him. The only thing we know is that

    the crucifixion of this just Man moved

    him deeply. If he confessed his guilt and

    sincerely prayed for mercy, then we will

    see this Roman centurion one day in

    heaven. Then the words of Jesus on the

    cross, Father, forgive them; for they

    know not what they do (Luke 23:34)

    applied to this Roman soldier, who reallyhad no idea who this Man was that they

    nailed to the cross.

    There were also women looking on

    afar off: among whom was Mary Magda-

    lene, and Mary the mother of James the

    less and of Joses, and Salome; (who also,

    when he was in Galilee, followed him,

    and ministered unto him;) and many

    other women which came up with him

    unto Jerusalem (Mark 15:40-41). Who

    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 9

    The dividing wall between God and man was not the veil in itself,but sin.The veil in the temple was torn from top

    to bottom, from God to man.It was the veil that divided off the Holy of Holies.

    C O V E R S T O R Y

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    10 M I D N I G H T C A L L

    were the women of whom these verses

    speak? It is said of Mary Magdalene that

    the Lord Jesus had healed her from her

    demon possession (Luke 8:2). Mary, the

    mother of James and Joses, was the

    mother of the Apostle James, the son of

    Alphaeus; and Salome was the mother of

    the so-called sons of thunder (the

    apostles James and John), the sons of

    Zebedee (Matthew 27:56). These

    women, who are mentioned by name,

    and many others looked where the body

    of the Lord Jesus was taken (Mark


    Notice what love women had for Jesus.Weonly have to think of the ministry of

    Mary and Martha. Think of how lovingly

    Mary anointed the feet of the Lord Jesus,

    and see how these three women bought

    sweet spices to anoint the body of the

    Lord (Mark 16:1-2). This is love, this is

    faithfulness, this is devotion which only

    women are capable of in this measure.

    And entering into the sepulchre, they

    saw a young man sitting on the right

    side, clothed in a long white garment;and they were affrighted. And he saith

    unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Je-

    sus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he

    is risen; he is not here: behold the place

    where they laid him (Mark 16:5-6).

    It is interesting to note that the angel

    spoke of Jesus the Nazarene, i.e. of the

    Crucified One, and not of the Son of

    God. Everything still seems to be taking

    place on earth; it is all about the man Je-

    sus, and only later on with His incredibleascension do we find the transition to

    the heavenly Kingdom of God, which

    Luke hints at, Why seek ye the living

    among the dead? (Luke 24:5). The cen-

    tral thing about this incredible story is

    certainly the fact of the resurrection, He

    is risen; he is not here (Mark 16:6). And

    then the angel, in the guise of the young

    man, continues, But go your way, tell

    his disciples and Peter that he goeth be-

    It is interesting to note that the angel spoke of Jesus the Nazarene, i.e.of the Crucified One,and not of the Son of

    God.Everything still seems to be taking place on earth; it is all about the man Jesus,and only later on with His

    incredible ascension do we find the transition to the heavenly Kingdom of God,which Luke hints at,Why seek ye

    the living among the dead?(Luke 24:5).The central thing about this incredible story is certainly the fact of theresurrection,He is risen;he is not here(Mark 16:6).

  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    C O V E R S T O R Y

    fore you into Galilee: there shall ye seehim, as he said unto you (verse 7).

    Why is Peter specially mentioned?

    The angel spoke of the disciples of the

    Lord Jesus; that should have been

    enough. Peter was one of them, after all.

    I think this has to do with his previous

    denial of Jesus. Peter, who denied his

    Lord and Master three times, was full of

    shame and sorrow over his personal fail-

    ure. How vehemently he had declared

    before this that he would go to his death

    with Jesus. But when theory was turned

    into practice, he denied the Lord who

    loved him so much. And Peter certainly

    loved his Lord. He must have felt all the

    worse after his denial of Him. With the

    command of the angel to tell Peter in

    particular that the Lord Jesus was risen

    from the dead, Peters sadness was to be

    changed into joy. And it should assure

    him, Peter, I forgive you! None of thedisciples suffered as much as Peter, and

    so this news of the resurrection was like

    a tremendous liberation to him. An in-

    credible story for Peter, who, as Luke

    and John report, now hastened to the

    grave to see for himself what they had

    told him (Luke 24:12 and John 20:3).

    But when, where and in what circum-

    stances did Jesus tell His disciples that

    after His resurrection He would go to

    Galilee? This took place when He was onthe Mount of Olives together with His

    disciples, after the last supper, and

    shortly before His arrest in the Garden of

    Gethsemane, when He also predicted Pe-

    ters denial of Him (Mark 14:28). This

    detail was also known to the disciples,

    and yet they were so slow to understand

    all this. I say deliberately to understand

    and not to believe, because I think that

    they really did believe, in the true sense

    of the word, but did not really under-stand. It was all an incredible story for

    them, mere theory and not to be under-

    stood in practice. The angel underlined

    the reliability of the Word of God by ex-

    pressly emphasizing, There shall ye see

    him, as he said unto you (Mark 16:7).

    In other words, and this is valid up to the

    present day, Believe and trust in the

    Word of God; then you will not go


    What a faith it would have been if the

    disciples had made their way to Galilee

    after the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, to

    wait for Him there instead of barricading

    themselves in a house in Jerusalem. The

    apostles should have known, and yet

    they were completely taken by surprise.

    They were not expecting the Lord Jesus,

    really. Are you waiting for the Lord? I do

    not meant theoretically, according to the

    Word, but practically. Are you ready tomeet the Lord, or are you saying, The

    Lord will not come for a long time? As

    he said unto youthese are words that

    should touch our hearts too.

    And they went out quickly, and fled

    from the sepulchre; for they trembled

    and were amazed: neither said they any

    thing to any man; for they were afraid

    (Mark 16:8). An incredible story is our

    theme, and we see by the reaction of the

    women how incredible this all seemed tothem. We could really say they were suf-

    fering from shock. They had reckoned

    with everything, just not an empty tomb.

    And now the angel gives them a com-

    mand. This must have seemed like a

    dream to them. And what about the

    command they received to tell the disci-

    ples and Peter of the risen One? Neither

    said they any thing to any man. We do

    not want to judge them, but we acknowl-

    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 1 1

    What a faith it would have been if the disciples had made their way to Galilee after the crucifixion of the Lord

    Jesus, to wait for Him there instead of barricading themselves in a house in Jerusalem.The apostles should have

    known,and yet they were completely taken by surprise.They were not expecting the Lord Jesus, really.

    C O V E R S T O R YC O V E R S T O R Y

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    12 M I D N I G H T C A L L

    edge this fact, and above all we ask our-

    selves, what command has the Lord

    given us? Are we fulfilling it? Go ye into

    all the world, and preach the gospel toevery creature (Mark 16:15). This is the

    Lords command to us too. And what did

    Peter and John say so eloquently after-

    wards, For we cannot but speak the

    things which we have seen and heard

    (Acts 4:20). Is this the case with us, or

    perhaps the words, Neither said they

    any thing to any man; for they were

    afraid, are more applicable where we are

    concerned. Let us each examine our-

    selves and answer for ourselves. Thewords of 2 Timothy 1:7 should encour-

    age us in this connection, For God hath

    not given us the spirit of fear; but of

    power, and of love, and of a sound


    After all this, at last the appearing of theLord took place, Now when Jesus wasrisen early the first day of the week, he

    appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of

    whom he had cast seven devils (Mark


    Only Mark writes of the fact that the

    shocked women did not say anything to

    anyone at first. As the other Gospels re-

    port, these women were full of fear on

    the one hand, but full of great joy on the

    other hand. On the way to the disciples,

    to tell them of their incredible meeting,

    they were silent, knowing that nobody

    would believe them anyway. Who would

    take them seriously as women? The tes-

    timony of a woman at that time had ab-

    solutely no value. This fact is also a proof

    of the credibility of the Bible: if this book

    would have been written later on by peo-

    ple without the inspiration of the holy

    God, then the writers would surely have

    come up with more reliable witnesses

    than a couple of women.

    Mark describes further that the LordJesus met with Mary Magdalene. She had

    possibly not even gotten over the shock

    of His death when the Lord appeared to

    her. Similarly as with Thomas later on,

    first she had to see before she believed

    with all her heart. And she [Mary Mag-

    dalene] went and told them that had

    been with him, as they mourned and

    wept. And they, when they had heard

    that he was alive, and had been seen of

    her, believed not (verses 10-11). Luke24:11 says it even more emphatically,

    And their words seemed to them as idle

    tales, and they believed them not. What

    is our title? An incredible story. They

    did not believe it. It was simply an in-

    credible story. We see this again in Mark

    16:13, after the Lord Jesus had revealed

    Himself to the two disciples on the road

    to Emmaus, After that he appeared in

    another form unto two of them, as they

    And even when the two disciples who had been on the road to Emmaus told the disciples, they were inca-

    pable of regarding the impossible as being possible.Then the Lord Jesus appeared to His disciples,and

    upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen

    him after he was risen(verse 14).

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    C O V E R S T O R Y

    walked, and went into thecountry. And they went and

    told it unto the residue: nei-

    ther believed they them

    (verses 12-13).

    Let us imagine how the

    eleven disciples must have felt

    just before that. A couple of

    days ago, they were there when

    their Lord and Master rode tri-

    umphantly into Jerusalem, and

    then the events leading up to

    the crucifixion took place in quick suc-

    cession. The disciples were despondent,

    desperate, full of fear, unsure and per-

    plexed. And then came Mary Magdalene

    and the other women. But what is the

    reason for Jesus first appearing to the

    women and not His disciples? This testi-

    mony was too incredible to be true. And

    even when the two disciples who had

    been on the road to Emmaus told thedisciples, they were incapable of regard-

    ing the impossible as being possible.

    Then the Lord Jesus appeared to His dis-

    ciples, and upbraided them with their

    unbelief and hardness of heart, because

    they believed not them which had seen

    him after he was risen (verse 14).

    The Lord Jesus had to scold His clos-

    est friends, namely the remaining eleven

    apostles, for their unbelief. Unbelief? In

    what form? They saw in Jesus theAnointed One and Son of God, and con-

    fessed Him as such. The disciples be-

    lieved in Jesus, by all means. Yet they

    showed their unbelief in their practical

    faith-lives. Just as today, many Christians

    believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus

    Christ, but do not put their faith into

    practice. They give no testimony, al-

    though they know of their commission.

    They do not grow, although they should.

    They still consume spiritual milk, al-

    though they should have become teach-

    ers themselves long ago (Hebrews 5:12).

    They complain and despair although

    they know the promises. Are you also

    concerning yourself with the question,

    Who shall roll us away the stone from

    the door of the sepulchre? (Mark 16:3),

    when this stone has been rolled away

    long ago? The women realized it whenthey looked up (verse 4). What are you

    spending more time doing? Looking at

    the stones that you think are in your way,

    or are you looking up to your Lord and


    Do what the scolded disciples did and

    let the admonition of the Lord be an en-

    couragement to grow spiritually. Later

    on, after the Lord Jesus had ascended

    into heaven, they could not do other

    than to proclaim boldly and powerfullythe fact of the resurrection, And with

    great power gave the apostles witness of

    the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and

    great grace was upon them all (Acts


    An incredible story? Yes, indeed. In-

    credible, and yet true. What grace that

    those who believe it will one day go from

    believing to seeing. Praise be to the risen

    Lord Jesus Christ! (MR0410/432)

    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 1 3

    Are you also concerning yourself with the question, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepul-

    chre? (Mark 16:3),when this stone has been rolled away long ago?The women realized it when they looked up

    (verse 4).

    C O V E R S T O R YC O V E R S T O R Y

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    14 M I D N I G H T C A L L

    M O NE Y: E ND S & T R E ND S $For resources on endtime economics and to subscribe to the free newsletter,Eternal Value Review,visit Wilfreds

    website or contact him at: [email protected]

    Jubileum Part I: Gods PropheticOutline for Prosperity

    Just what does the Bible say about the rich the poor about wealth

    distribution how things will be when Jesus Christ restores all things

    (Acts 3:21)? Quite a bit. In fact, as much as 40% of the Bible is said to

    deal with these and related topics.

    B y W i l f r e d H a h n

    Most wonderfully, the

    Bible concerns itself pri-

    marily with the captives

    and the poor, whether in spirit or

    physically. In this 3-part series,

    our aim is to show just how won-

    derfully God has aligned the phys-

    ical creation with his heavenly kingdom

    and work of salvation. Should His re-quirements of love, mercy and forgive-

    ness not be practiced, the societies of

    mankind are designed to malfunction

    and self-destruct.

    We will begin by first consulting the

    Bible for its perspectives on these top-

    ics. In Part II, we will then explore

    Gods ideal plan for economic justice

    on eartha program that will be rein-

    stituted in the Millennium period. Part

    III reflects upon the wonderful bless-

    ings of cancellation and forgive-

    ness. As we will discover, these

    concepts are necessary for both eternal

    salvation and the blessed existence of

    mankind during his temporal, physical,

    existence on earth.

    The Poor and the RichEvery time we risk writing about Bibli-

    cal perspectives on wealth and its distri-

    bution, we seem to invite incendiary

    responses. Quoting Robert E. Lucas, Of

    the tendencies that are harmful to sound

    economics, the most seductive, and

    the most poisonous, is to focus on ques-

    tions of distribution.1 We would agree.

    Even my background as a practitioner in

    the Darwinian world of the global in-

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    Jubileum Part I: Gods Prophetic Outline for Prosperity

    vestment industry, has not spared me

    from being accused a Marxist.

    Therefore, lets settle this point right at

    the outset. We are here more interested

    in the Bibles view on these questions ofwealth, the poor, forgiveness and Gods

    desired economy for mankind, not the

    secular theories of men. As it is, the field

    of economics and its myriad theories

    (which is a subject body that belongs to

    the humanities, not science) has yet to

    settle on a unanimous view. It should

    also be recognized that this field of non-

    sciences has had a terrible, terrible track


    Moreover, populist views and policies

    on these matters tend to change with the

    times and zeitgeist. For example, in

    America today, to speak of wealth

    redistribution from the rich to

    the poor would be economic

    heresy. According to the

    thinking in higher-echelon

    political circles, the rich

    must be protected. In

    short, arent they the onesthat provide the capital that

    provides jobs and incomes

    for everyone else? There-

    fore, the right and privilege

    to achieve huge outsized

    after-tax incomes and wealth must

    be preserved. At least, that is the reason-

    ing that is prevalent in the halls of


    However, lets get back to the Biblical

    view and put these things into properfocus. It is not so much that specific

    tenets of capitalist theories about wealth

    creation and distribution are dead

    wrong. It is that their implementation

    does not always emphasize fairness,

    compassion and love. Dont believe it? If

    that were not the case, one would need

    to wonder why the Holy Spirit went to

    the trouble of inspiring the Bible. Its

    central message would be obviated.

    As the Bible repeatedly shows, God

    chooses to observe the motives of the

    heart rather than the punctilious obser-

    vance of ritual or theory. For I desire

    mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledg-ment of God rather than burnt offer-

    ings (Hosea 6:6, see also Matthew 12:7,

    9:13). Through Micah, God admonished

    the Jews, saying, He has showed you, O

    man, what is good. And what does the

    LORD require of you? To act justly and

    to love mercy and to walk humbly with

    your God (Micah 6:8).

    The same message is found in the

    New Testament. Even the gospel cannot

    be operative without love and mercy. If

    I speak in the tongues of men and of an-

    gels, but have not love, I am only a re-

    sounding gong or a clanging

    cymbal. If I have the gift of

    prophecy and can fathom

    all mysteries and all

    knowledge, and if I have

    a faith that can move

    mountains, but have not

    love, I am nothing. IfI give all I possess to the

    poor and surrender my

    body to the flames, but have

    not love, I gain nothing

    (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

    People may have great

    head knowledge of Scriptures or ele-

    gant economic theories about wealth

    creation and prosperity. However, it is

    all insignificant noise if its implemen-

    tation (putting into practice) does notinvolve love. The two Royal Laws,

    which Christ said encompassed all the

    Law and the Prophets (Matthew

    22:40), were best summarized by the

    law expert mentioned in Luke 10:27:

    Love the Lord your God with all your

    heart and with all your soul and with

    all your strength and with all your

    mind; and, love your neighbor as



    If I speak in the

    tongues of men

    and of angels, but

    have not love, I am

    only a resounding

    gong or a clanging

    cymbal. If I have

    the gift of prophecy

    and can fathom all

    mysteries and all

    knowledge, and

    if I have a faith that

    can move

    mountains, but

    have not love, I am

    nothing. If I give all

    I possess to thepoor and surrender

    my body to the

    flames, but have

    not love, I gain


    (1 Corinthians


    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 1 5

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    The very last days of the Church Era

    the terrible times that Paul talks ofare de-

    scribed as being without love,

    unforgiving, instead characterized

    by the love of money and loveof themselves (2 Timothy

    3:2-3). That exactly de-

    scribes the attitudes re-

    quired to underpin an

    environment of eco-

    nomic oppression,

    high indebtedness and

    widening wealth skews.

    That day is here today. If

    anything (by at least some

    measures), these conditions are likely to get

    worse and most certainly, much worse

    by the time the Tribulation unfolds.

    The Bible Versus Political PolemicsUsing such terms as Marxism or Capi-

    talism is not helpful in discussing what

    the Bible actually says and mandates vis-

    -vis wealth. Neither ism is supported

    in the Bible. (In fact, the Bible supports no

    isms of mankind.) Actually, the Scrip-tures and ancient wisdom precede these

    man-made theories by several millennia.

    To the extent that Karl Marx might have

    theorized some of the flaws of capitalism

    (as does the Bible), this did not qualify

    him as a godly man. Much to the contrary.

    His seminal failings were that he did not

    operate out of a spirit of love (more likely

    envy) nor a fear of God. Likewise, any

    rich person or proponent of capitalism

    would not be sinfully wrong, were theyinspired by a sense of justice or love for

    fellow mankind. Without love and mercy,

    the ultimate consequence of even the best

    theory and doctrine will be destructive.

    The essential points and attitudes to

    which we must orient ourselves in rela-

    tion to wealth and physical possessions

    are found in the Bible. These were estab-

    lished long before Adam Smith or Karl

    Marx came along. To emphasize, Biblical

    wealth theory cannot be disassociated

    from love and justice, and has no union

    with concepts of self-interest (Adam

    Smith and later concepts of the good of

    capitalism or affluence); nor asso-ciations with envy nor

    covetousness; and more

    lately, the good of greed.

    Why Are There Poor?Wasnt Abraham, the Bib-

    lical patriarch, wealthy?

    This observation is often

    made in the defense of the

    rich. It completely misses the

    point. To be relatively or absolutely

    wealthy is not a sin (though it is also

    true that very few are capable of justly

    managing wealth). The Bible does not

    condemn the state of being rich; it

    rather indicts the elite rich that oppress

    their fellow mankind and take no con-

    cern for the poor.

    Without a doubt, there were numer-

    ous wealthy individuals mentioned in

    the Old Testament. But, what conclu-sions should we draw from this observa-

    tion? First, we need to draw a

    distinction between those rich that were

    righteous and those that were not. We

    have already drawn attention to the crit-

    ical differentiationlove, mercy and

    justice. However, lets also consider

    some practical aspects. Who would not

    agree that it is impossible for everyone

    in the world to be as rich as Abraham, in

    relative terms. This is simply not physi-cally possible. Nor does the Bible ever

    promise that everyone can be rich (as

    do todays popular and widespread

    [false] Prosperity Gospel teachers).

    The Bible draws a distinction between

    the state of being wealthy and that of

    hoarding. These are not one and the

    same concepts. It is a mathematically-sup-

    portable fact that hoarding must result in a

    wealth distribution skew in other

    16 M I D N I G H T C A L L

    M O NE Y: E ND S & T R E ND S $

    The Bible draws

    a distinction

    between the

    state of being

    wealthy and that

    of hoarding.

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    Jubileum Part I: Gods Prophetic Outline for Prosperity

    words, a relative division in wealth or stan-

    dard of living. In fact, such is the very defi-

    nition of hoarding. As outlined in James

    5:1-6, wealth is described as having been

    heaped or amassed, which is impliedby the Greek word saurizo. This is an im-

    portant distinction, as it gives evidence of a

    wealth skew. Wealth cannot be heaped and

    concentrated without there being a lessen-

    ing or deprivation of someone elses rela-

    tive wealth. The impulse for this effect may

    be unintentional, sin or conspiracy. At the

    very least, we must not forget the innate

    vulnerability of all human flesh. Every-

    thing else being equal, the love of money

    (1 Timothy 6:10), the lust of the flesh

    (1 John 2:16), and all mankind being born

    into sin testify to the corruptible bias of the

    world. Just who is uncorruptible?

    It is no surprise therefore that almost

    the entire emphasis of the Bible in relation

    to the poor is to their defense. But why

    should this be? Just why is it necessary for

    the Bible to counsel special aid and care for

    the poor? While there are godly people

    mentioned in the Bible who were wealthy,just why is it that the rich attract so little

    favorable mention in the Scriptures? The

    answer: the same reason that mankind

    needs salvation and forgiveness of sins.

    Therefore, what the Bible does consistently

    concern itself with are the poor and the op-

    pressed, both physically and in spirit.

    Moses said to the Hebrews, There

    should be no poor among you

    (Deuteronomy 15:4), this being a com-

    mand from God. Jesus said that he cameto preach good news to the poor. (The

    Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he

    has anointed me to preach good news to

    the poor. He has sent me to proclaim

    freedom for the prisoners and recovery

    of sight for the blind, to release the op-

    pressedLuke 4:18.) He also said:

    You will always have the poor among

    you (John 12:8), pointing out the un-

    fortunate state of a fallen world.

    Gods Plan for Fair Dealing withWealthA thorough study of the economic princi-

    ples within the God-given laws to the Is-

    raelites of the Sabbath and the Jubilee Year

    reveals the intended wealth distribution

    that God had planned upon earth. It is not

    unreasonable to take instruction from

    these commanded ordinances of the Is-

    raelites as, after all, they were called to be a

    light to the world (Isaiah 42:6, 49:6).

    But arent ancient laws and principles ir-

    relevant today? No. Consider that Godhimself will again reinstitute these two

    Sabbath ordinances in the Millennium pe-

    riod. Think of it: when Jesus Christ re-

    stores all things (Acts 3:21), the Sabbath

    and Jubilee years will be practiced by the

    entire earth. Civil leaders today would then

    do well if they sought to pursue the same

    principles behind these two ordinances.

    Then, just what are these principles? We

    next need to examine the Bibles teachings

    about the Sabbath and Jubilee Years.Of course, the Sabbath finds its origi-

    nal roots at Creation. God rested on the

    7th day. The entire earth was to rest on

    this day. Ever since, all developed cul-

    tureswhether Asian, Western or oth-

    erwisehave operated on a seven-day,

    weekly cycle. Later, the Sabbath Law was

    given to the Hebrews. However, this oc-

    curred in several stages, as we will review

    in Part II.


    As a brief


    considered what

    God said through

    Moses, At the

    end of every

    seven years you

    must cancel


    15:1). As such,

    we see that a

    seven-year debt

    cycle was

    instituted. There

    was no such

    thing as

    perpetual debt:

    every Sabbath

    Year, debts had

    to be laid flat.

    Anyone who

    could not pay

    back his debts

    by that time was

    forgiven this


    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 1 7

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    As a brief foretaste, considered what

    God said through Moses, At the end of

    every seven years you must cancel

    debts (Deuteronomy 15:1). As such, we

    see that a seven-year debt cycle was in-

    stituted. There was no such thing as per-

    petual debt: every Sabbath Year, debts

    had to be laid flat. Anyone who could

    not pay back his debts by that time was

    forgiven this amount. We can imagine

    just how different our economies would

    be today were this same convention ap-


    Points to PonderThe CircaseptanCycleThe seven-day cycle, ending with the

    day of rest, is evidenced by all of Cre-

    ation. Here is an excerpt from an excel-

    lent article on this subject, written by

    Kenneth Westby, entitled The Amazing

    7-Day Cycle.2

    Now we discover that the beat all life is

    tuned to is seven.

    How did seven come to be imbedded

    deep into the ancient genetic building

    blocks of life? Why is seven the key coordi-

    nating rhythm for lifes myriad complexi-


    God didwind up the clockworkleaving

    his fingerprints all over the clock. The new

    science of chronobiology has had some of

    sciences most impressive successes in see-

    ing back to creation with its discovery of

    primitive origins to the seven-day cycle

    found in human cells and other life forms.

    God somehow coded into the infinite

    complexities of life a clock that ticks to the

    time of a seven-day rhythm. We humans

    have no control over these innate circasep-

    tan rhythms and benefit best by simply liv-

    ing in sympathetic harmony with them.

    More importantly, the seven-day cycle in

    physical nature points beyond temporal

    reality to a far greater spiritual reality.

    God, with masterful design, uses time it-

    self and a seventh day rest to call his cre-

    ation to pause and listen.He has a message

    which explains why we were created and

    for what special purpose. His words are so

    majestic, so exciting, so unbelievable, so

    beyond our mundane world that they

    could only be comprehended as coming

    from God himself. His message dispels ig-

    norance, solves lifes grand mysteries, and

    offers a future too beautiful to be true.

    His personal message introduces him-

    self as our creator,he gives us dignity and a

    special relationship to himself by declaring

    we have been made in his image, he then

    offers to save us into an eternity with

    himif we but follow him. He invites us tojoin him on his journey,to walk with him, to

    talk with him, to learn from him, to even

    rule with him.How could we refuse such an


    The mystery of the seven-day cycle was

    never intended to be a mystery, but a call

    from the Creator to get in harmony, in sync,

    with him. It is high time we get in step with


    In Part II and Part III, we will focus onGods perfect plan for economic justice

    and the great gifts of forgiveness and



    1 Robert E.Lucas,The Industrial Revolutions:Past and




    M O NE Y: E ND S & T R E ND S $

    The mystery of

    the seven-day

    cycle was never

    ntended to be a

    mystery, but a

    call from the

    Creator to get in

    harmony, in sync,

    with him. It ishigh time we get

    n step with



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    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 1 9

    And the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to-gether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    Wherefore comfort one another with these words (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).

    B Y N O R B E R T L I E T H


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    The Rapture is the next

    great event which

    awaits the Church of

    Jesus Christ. What hope is con-

    nected with this, and what is the Churchs

    responsibility in view of Jesus return?

    The hope embraces five encouragements. Thefirst one is, And that, knowing the time, that

    now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now

    is our salvation nearer than when we believed

    (Romans 13:11).

    Every day the return of Jesus for His own draws a

    little nearer. For now refers to people who have

    already been redeemed through Jesus (spiritually

    renewed), and gives them the hope of redemption

    from the body at the Rapture, i.e. the resurrection.

    The return of Jesus to take home His Church is the

    conclusion of the process of redemption of the chil-

    dren of God. We could say that it is our ultimate

    salvation or the completion of redemption. Theprocess of redemption which began with the spiri-

    tual renewal will culminate in the transformation of

    the body and the glory of God.

    At our conversion, our soul was redeemed; at the

    Rapture, the body will also be transformed.

    Even we ourselves groan within ourselves, wait-

    ing for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our

    body (Romans 8:23). Everything earthly (physical,

    negative), everything that limits us through our

    physical nature, all physical weakness, such as the

    process of aging, the inclination to sin, sorrow,tears, and worry, will be transformed into eternal

    glory. Paul explains that the new body will be

    adapted to heaven, just as the bodies of birds are

    adapted for flying, the bodies of animals for the

    earth, the bodies of fish to water and the bodies of

    people to the world (1 Corinthians 15:39-49).

    The second encouragement is: For our conver-

    sation (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also

    we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who

    shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned

    like unto his glorious body, ac-

    cording to the working whereby

    he is able even to subdue all things unto

    himself (Philippians 3:20-21).

    I would like to emphasize the word citi-

    zenship. It is so wonderful that the Bible al-

    ways gives us assurance. What is citizenship?

    Citizenship is the state of being a citizen of a coun-

    try. As a German citizen, I have the right to live in

    Germany, and nobody can drive me out. I am a

    child of this people. As a citizen of heaven, I have

    the right to live in Gods kingdom, because I have

    become a child of God through Jesus Christ.

    We are born into the people of a nation. In the

    same way, we are born into the kingdom of heaven

    (through rebirth). Jesus bought us the right to be-

    come a citizen of heaven; through Him we have be-

    come partakers of grace. He is our guarantee, the

    divine signature, our legitimation, our passport.

    Now we are awaiting the Lord Jesus, for Him to re-

    turn to take us home, to the kingdom where He hasprepared a place for us.

    The third encouragement: Looking for that

    blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the

    great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave

    himself for us, that he might redeem us from all in-

    iquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people,

    zealous of good works (Titus 2:13-14). The

    blessed hope is directly connected with the appear-

    ing of the Lord, who is our God and Savior.

    What is blessed? It is the expression for re-

    demption and fellowship with God. Blessed is theterm for attaining to the highest supernatural bless-

    ing that lies beyond the possibility of man. The

    highest blessing is God Himself. Therefore, blessed-

    ness puts everything humanly achievable into the

    shade. The uniting with God through the appearing

    of Jesus is, therefore, our blessed hope.

    The fourth encouragement: And to you who are

    troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be

    revealed from heaven with his mighty angels

    (2 Thessalonians 1:7).

    Paul explains that the new body will be adapted to heaven, just as the bodies of birds areadapted for flying, the bodies of animals for the earth, the bodies of fish to water and the bod-

    ies of people to the world (1 Corinthians 15:39-49).

    20 M I D N I G H T C A L L

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    The Bible tells us that at the return of Jesus for

    the resurrection and Rapture, we will first enter

    into rest, to appear with the angels of His power

    in glory later on. Rest means that we have

    come to rest from all toil, the battle of faith and

    overcoming. We will be liberated from all suffer-

    ing, trouble will be over; life will attain its ut-

    most fullness, the goal of our faith having been


    When Jesus was risen from the dead, it says

    that His head covering in the tomb was folded up

    in a special place by itself (John 20:7). Why is

    this mentioned? It is to draw our attention to the

    fact of what Jesus achieved. The cloth that had

    been wrapped around Jesus head reminds us of a

    sweatband (in the sweat of thy face, Genesis

    3:19): the battle, the trouble and toil were set

    aside. He accomplished the work in our place

    and thereby created a blessed rest, a rest from

    having to work for our redemption ourselves.For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath

    ceased from his own works, as God did from his

    (Hebrews 4:10).

    Fifth encouragement: Blessed be the God and

    Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according

    to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again

    unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus

    Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incor-

    ruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away,

    reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the

    power of God through faith unto salvation readyto be revealed in the last time (1 Peter 1:3-5).

    Notice the correlation: the eternal inheritance

    that Jesus achieved for us is kept for us in

    heaven, and we are kept for this inheritance. Isnt

    that wonderful? The Bible always gives us assur-

    ance! It is not our power that keeps us, or we

    would soon be in trouble; it is Gods power, His

    omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence

    that keep us. We may trust in this power of God

    in faith and act accordingly.

    The responsibility embraces five admonitions. First ad-monition: In view of the imminent return of the

    Lord Jesus for His Church, we are told to love one

    another, Owe no man any thing, but to love one

    another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the

    law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou

    shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt notbear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there

    be any other commandment, it is briefly compre-

    hended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy

    neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his

    neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

    And that, knowing the time, that now it is high

    time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation

    nearer than when we believed (Romans 13:8-11).

    A child once wrote the following words to God,

    Dear God, I bet its hard for You to love everyone

    in this world. We are only four people in my family,and I never make it!

    When a person close to us is taken from us by

    death, we often regret many things; we regret not

    having loved them more, for instance. John Wesley

    once said, I have often regretted judging too

    harshly, but only seldom being too compassionate.

    When we stand before the judgment seat of God,

    the Lord will not ask in the first place how much

    we prayed or how much we resisted sin, how well

    we fought and admonished, how faithful we were


    We are born into the people of a nation. In the same way, we are born into the kingdom ofheaven (through rebirth). Jesus bought us the right to become a citizen of heaven; through Him

    we have become partakers of grace. He is our guarantee, the divine signature, our legitima-tion, our passport.

    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 2 1

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    22 M I D N I G H T C A L L

    or how much we did for Him.

    He will ask how much we

    loved. Love is the fulfillment

    of the law; love is the greatest

    thing of all. And the worst

    thing of all is to neglect to

    love. The letter to the Church

    at Ephesus shows us where

    our priorities lie (in Revelation

    2:1-7). Everything else is important too, but love al-

    ways has priority.

    Second admonition: We are admonished to keep

    a pure conscience, Now the Spirit speaketh ex-

    pressly, that in the latter times some shall depart

    from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and

    doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; hav-

    ing their conscience seared with a hot iron (1 Tim-

    othy 4:1-2).

    A man once asked his neighbor, who was a

    farmer, why he had been looking so sad recently.After a while, the farmer admitted, I have a guilty

    conscience because I stole a chain. The neighbor

    encouraged him to give the chain back and put the

    matter in order, so that his conscience would be

    clear and he could be happy again. Days later he

    met the farmer again, but he still looked sad. He

    asked him whether he had returned the chain, to

    which the farmer answered, Yes, I did, but it didnt

    help matters much. After a while, he ultimately

    confessed, Well, there was a cow at the end of the

    chain. We must tell the whole truth, and manypeople are afraid to do this, and therefore they are

    not free.

    Third admonition: We are admonished to await

    Jesus. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glori-

    ous appearing of the great God and our Saviour Je-

    sus Christ (Titus 2:13). Christians have many

    goals that they pursue, and they are awaiting a lot

    of things, but they look far too little for the return

    of Jesus for the Rapture. We await death, the day of

    judgment, the end of the world, but hardly Jesus

    appearing. It is not without

    significance that the New Tes-

    tament speaks less of our ex-

    pectation of death than the

    return of Jesus (cf. 1 Corinthi-

    ans 1:7 and 1 Thessalonians

    1:9-10). Fervent expectation

    belongs to true conversion

    and true service.

    Fourth admonition: We are admonished to hope,

    But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren,

    concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow

    not, even as others which have no hope. For if we

    believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them

    also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with

    himWherefore comfort one another with these

    words (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 & 18).

    People who have no personal relationship with

    Jesus are called outsiders, them that are without;

    in the Word of God, they are people without hope,who have no citizenship in heaven and no comfort.

    The Bible describes the kingdom of heaven for us in

    the most vivid colors, but it also says that we will

    not go there automatically. A personal turning in

    faith to Jesus Christ is, according to the Scriptures,

    essential and cannot be replaced by anything else.

    Fifth admonition: We are admonished to take the

    Word of God seriously. And he said unto me,

    These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord

    God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew

    unto his servants the things which must shortly bedone. Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that

    keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book

    (Revelation 22:6-7).

    The Bible proclaims the judgment of God. It

    speaks of the coming wrath, it speaks of death and

    the possibility of spending eternity far from God.

    We should not ignore these warnings, but take

    them seriously, and they should lead us to turn con-

    sciously to the grace of God in Jesus Christ.


    And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holyprophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.

    Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book(Revelation 22:6-7).

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  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    We are living in an increasingly insecure world.The news media continues to bombard uswith reports,mainly negative, and we can barely digest it all. But theabove Scripturegives us theanswer: its about the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the spirit of grace. Is-raels salvation is at stake.The Gentiles are mentioned in the previous verse: And it shallcome to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come againstJerusalem (verse 9).That sums up theconviction of our world today.

    Thisyears AtlanticCoast Prophecy Conference will be targeted toward Israel, theChurch, and the Gentile world.What it all means and what the Bible has to say about itwill be presentedby our speakers during the21/2 day prophecyconference.So, dont missthis important event!


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    Mail to:Atlantic Coast Prophecy Conference,Landmark Resort Hotel,1501 South Ocean Blvd.,Myrtle Beach,SC 29577Reservations: (800) 845-0658 or Fax (843) 445-7274Please mention Midnight Call or Atlantic Coast Prophecy Conference when calling.

    Arrival Date: Departure Date:

    InteriorviewHotel Rooms $40/night OceanviewHotel Rooms $45/night

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    16-18 October 2011Landmark Resort HotelMyrtle Beach,South Carolina

    And I will pour upon thehouse of David, and upon theinhabitantsof Jerusalem, thespirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they havepierced,and theyshall mourn for him,asone mournethfor his onlyson, and shall bein bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn (Zechariah 12:10).

    2 0 1 1 A T L A N T I C C O A S T P R O P H E C Y C O N F E R E N C E

    24 M I D N I G H T C A L L24 M I D N I G H T C A L L

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    NORBERT LIETHis a graduate of Midnight Call

    Bible School in Montevideo/Uruguay. He has

    served as Midnight Calls missionary in sev-

    eral South American countries. Norbert Lieth is

    the lead speaker for Midnight Call Ministries

    throughout Europe. He has authored 18 books,

    and many have been translated into several languages. He

    and his wife, Elke, and their four daughters reside in Switzerland.

    WILFRED HAHNis known for his writings and

    insights on present-day world economic and

    money trends, viewed from a Biblical perspec-

    tive. He has global investment industry experi-

    ence spanning three decades, having held

    various executive positions from Director of

    Research for a major Wall Street firm, to Chairman of Canadas

    largest global investment group. At one time also a top-ranked

    global analyst and strategist, he continues to write and work as

    a Chief Investment Officer. The Mulberry Ministry, founded in

    1995 with his wife, Joyce, publishes and distributes Eternal

    Value Reviewand over 40 books and booklets. For the past 10

    years, he has been a contributor toMidnight Callmagazine.

    DR. CHUCK MISSLER,a Naval academy gradu-

    ate and former Branch Chief of the Dept. of

    Guided Missiles, had a remarkable 30-year

    executive career. He served on the Board of

    Directors of 12 public companies and was CEO

    of 6 of them. For twenty years, Chuck balanced

    his high-profile corporate career with his teaching commit-

    ment to a weekly Bible study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in

    Southern California. He earned a Ph.D. from Louisiana Baptist

    University in Biblical Studies in 1999. He and his wife Nancy

    established Koinonia House in 1973. Koinonia House publishes

    the monthlyPersonal UPDATE, which highlights the Biblical rel-

    evance of current events to over 50,000 subscribers world-

    wide. After a devastating earthquake in 1992 demolished their

    home in Big Bear, California, Chuck and Nancy moved Koinonia

    House to Coeur dAlene, Idaho, and K-House now reaches tens

    of thousands through its monthly newsletter, radio shows,

    cassette tapes, and conferences.

    DR. GREG HARRIS(Th.D.) has taught at Wash-

    ington Bible College for seven years. Then for

    ten years, Dr. Harris taught Bible and Greek at

    Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

    He continues to serve as an international faculty

    member of the Jordan Evangelical Theological

    Seminary in Amman, and maintains an ongoing international

    conference and pulpit ministry. He is the author ofThe Cup and

    the Glory, The Darkness and the Glory, andThe Stone and the

    Gloryand numerous journal articles. He joined The Masters

    Seminary family in 2006 as Professor of Bible Exposition, and

    also teaches as an adjunct professor at The Masters College. Dr.

    Harris serves as the teaching pastor at Lake Hills Community

    Church in Castaic, CA.

    JAMES K. WALKER,the president of Watchman

    Fellowship, is a former fourth generation Mor-

    mon with over twenty years of ministry experi-

    ence in the field of Christian counter-cult

    evangelism, apologetics, and discernment. He

    has been interviewed as an expert on new

    religious movements and cults on a variety of network television

    programs including Nightline, ABC World News Tonight, and The

    News Hour with Jim Lehrer. He has spoken at hundreds of

    churches, colleges, universities, and seminaries throughout

    the United States and internationally.

    ARNO FROESEis the executive director of Mid-

    night Call Ministries and editor-in-chief of the

    critically-acclaimed prophetic magazinesMid-

    night Call and News From Israel. He has

    authored a number of well-received books,

    and has sponsored many prophecy confer-

    ences in the U.S., Canada, and Israel. His extensive travels

    have contributed to his keen insight into Bible prophecy, as he

    sees it from an international perspective.


  • 8/13/2019 04 Apr 2011


    James, the son of Alphaeus, is

    almost always only mentionedin the various lists of the apos-

    tles, and always toward the end of

    them. Apart from this, he is only

    mentioned a few times in connec-

    tion with his mother (Matthew

    27:56, Mark 16:1 and Luke 24:10).

    He is also called James the less in

    Mark 15:40, to distinguish him

    from James, the son of Zebedee. We

    may assume from this that the lat-

    ter was taller or older than James, the son of Al-phaeus.

    How were the disciples called? The brothersPeter and Andrew, and also James and John, were

    called directly from their place of work to follow

    Jesus (cf. Matthew 4:19-22). This was surely

    something that they remembered all their lives,

    that tremendous moment when they were called

    out of their daily routine to follow Jesus, Peter, do

    you remember? John, do you remember?

    The calling of Philip and Nathanael

    or Bartholomew was extraordinary,The day following Jesus would go

    into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and

    saith unto him, Follow mePhilip

    findeth Nathanael, and saith unto

    him, We have found him, of whom

    Moses in the law, and the prophets,

    did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son

    of JosephJesus saw Nathanael

    coming to him, and saith of him, Be-

    hold an Israelite indeed, in whom is

    no guile! Nathanael saith unto him, Whenceknowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto

    him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou

    wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. Nathanael an-

    swered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son

    of God; thou art the King of Israel. Jesus answered

    and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw

    thee under the fig tree, believest thou? Thou shalt

    see greater things than these (John 1:43, 45 &

    47-50). This must have changed the lives of the

    two disciples. Matthew was also called from his

    The Calling of the Twelve Disciples

    James,the Son ofAlphaeusB Y M A R C E L M A L G O

    And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits,to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Now the names of the

    twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son

    of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James

    the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus; Simon the Canaanite, and Judas

    Iscariot, who also betrayed him (Matthew 10:1-4).

    26 M I D N I G H T C A L L

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    A P R I L 2 0 1 1 2 7

    Yet particularly with James, the son of Alphaeus, we could have expected a specialreport of his calling, because he was probably related to Jesus Christ on his mothers

    side. In John 19:25, the following three women are named, Now therestood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his motherssister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.

    tax booth in a special way

    (Matthew 9:9). This must

    have moved this man enor-


    But how was it with

    James, the son of Alphaeus?

    Could he also look back on a

    special moment? One thing

    is sure, at some point there

    was a day in his life in which

    he was received into the cir-

    cle of the twelve. The Bible

    does not speak of this day. It

    gives no information as to

    whether this calling took place in a spectacular

    way. The Bible does not say a word too much, but

    not a word too little either. If it does not say any-thing about the calling of James, the son of Al-

    phaeus to be a disciple, then there is nothing

    spectacular to say. It must have been an insignifi-

    cant event that took place in all stillness. Nonethe-

    less, this James was an apostle who was received

    into the circle of the disciples by Jesus Christ Him-


    Yet particularly with James, the son of Al-

    phaeus, we could have expected a special report of

    his calling, because he was probably related to Je-

    sus Christ on his mothers side. In John 19:25, thefollowing three women are named, Now there

    stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his

    mothers sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and

    Mary Magdalene. The name Cleophas is a Greek

    form of the Aramaic name Chalpaj, which can also

    be translated as Alphaeus. Therefore, Cleophas Al-

    phaeus was the father of the apostle James. This

    made Mary, the wife of Cleophas the mother of

    James. And this Mary was called the sister of Mary,

    the mother of the Lord.

    There are two arguments against this. Firstly,

    that in John 19:25, not three but four women are

    mentioned. According to this theory, hismothers sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas are

    two different people and not, as we presume, one

    and the same person. Most expositors speak actu-

    ally of a total of three women. Secondly, you

    could say that two physical sisters would surely

    not bear the same name. The German Bible trans-

    lator Ludwig Albrecht writes, however, in the

    margin of his Bible, The fact that two sisters

    bore the same name would not necessarily have

    been odd at that time. King Herod the Great had

    two sons who were both called Herod. The Biblescholar Abraham Meister also had no problem

    with this, and he wrote explaining the name of

    Cleophas, Husband of Mary, the sister of the

    mother of Christ.

    Proceeding from the assumption that this

    James was related to Jesus, it is not peculiar to

    think that there must have been a special bond

    between Jesus Christ and the family of Alphaeus.

    In spite of this, we read nothing of the calling,

    life or ministry of this apostle.

    Veronese, Crucifixion 1582

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    28 M I D N I G H T C A L L

    James, the son of Alphaeus,was a man in the background

    and played a rather modest

    role. If this had not been the

    case, then the four evangelists

    would certainly have men-

    tioned him. But James appar-

    ently accepted this subordinate

    role completely. He lived ac-

    cording to the words of Jesus,

    Take my yoke upon you, and

    learn of me; for I am meek and

    lowly in heart: and ye shall find

    rest unto your souls (Matthew

    11:29). Why can this be applied

    to this unknown apostle?

    Let us concern ourselves briefly with the situa-

    tion after the ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:9). Awhole new era began for the disciples. They had to

    ask themselves, Where do we go from here?

    This taking stock would have been the opportu-

    nity for James to make a completely human deci-

    sion, namely, to leave. He had always been in the

    background, in spite of the fact that he was related

    to Jesus. Peter was already the uncontested leading

    figure. You could probably have been able to tell

    from afar that he was an apostle. Perhaps you

    could not say this about this James, the son of Al-

    phaeus. Jesus was no longer there. How couldthings get any better? He could have reviewed the

    supposedly meager years and decided to leave and

    begin anew. But James, the son of Alphaeus, did

    not do this. He remained with the disciples, And

    when they were come in, they went up into an up-

    per room, where abode both Peter, and James, and

    John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas,

    Bartholomew, and Matthew, James the son of Al-

    phaeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother

    of James (Acts 1:13). He was an apostle, and in

    this he was no less than Peter. He would also re-

    ceive the promised reward from Jesus, And I ap-point unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath

    appointed unto me; that ye may eat and drink at

    my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judg-

    ing the twelve tribes of Israel (Luke 22:29-30).

    He had the same rank, the same position; he was

    like all the others, and all the others like him.

    Is this not a message to our hearts? There are

    Christians who experience so much with the Lord

    that we could become green with envy when we

    hear them speak. But there are also many believers

    who do not have such experiences, or merely oc-casionally, and therefore they have nothing to tell.

    Are they the poorer Christians than those who ex-

    perience so much with the Lord? By no means. In

    the first place, it is not about experiencing spec-

    tacular things with the Lord, but having Him.

    James, the son of Alphaeus, experienced much less

    than Peter or John probably, but he did not have

    the Lord any less than they.

    Perhaps you feel like a James, the son of Al-

    phaeus. You are often alone, experience little and

    The Calling of the Twelve Disciples

    James,the Son of AlphaeusJames, the son of Alphaeus, was a man in the backgroundand played a rather modest role ... He lived according to the words ofJesus, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and yeshall find rest unto your souls (Matthew 11:29).

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    Think of James, son of Alphaeus. He could have expected more, seeing that hewalked with his Master, Jesus Christ. He remains in the Bible a

    minor apostle. Did he give up his office as an apostle?No, he carried on after Jesus ascension into heaven,even if his position did not change.are seldom asked for your help, although you wait

    for it. Your experiences with Jesus are fewer than

    those of others. Your life is sometimes monoto-

    nous. You feel underestimated and misjudged. Per-

    haps you ask yourself sometimes, What is the

    point of it all?

    Think of James, son of Alphaeus. He could have

    expected more, seeing that he walked with his

    Master, Jesus Christ. He remains in the Bible a

    minor apostle. Did he give up his office as an

    apostle? No, he carried on after Jesus ascension

    into heaven, even if his position did not change.

    We should all take this to heart. The same Jesus

    dwells through the power of His Holy Spirit in

    each of us. The tasks and the experiences may be

    different, but in Jesus