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Page 1: 04-12-1940




As we Americans look a t t h e war si tuat ion in Eu rope t h e outlook fo r an ear ly peace seems to be get t ing more and more remote. Each side seems determined to car ry the w a r to an end, and it now is a question of which can hold out longer.


Both Great Britain and France want this war to end in a decisive victory and not in a negotiated peace (an at t i tude which can be easily understood). The t reaty of Versailles was signed before the people of Germany realized that their army had been defeated. Now Hitler and his aides point to the unfair t rea tment of Germany b> the treaty. If peace could be nego-tiated tomorrow, the German peo-ple twenty years from now would be raising the same cry: that they were treated unfairly.

The one great objective of Ger-many is to dominate Europe. The only terms on which she could afford to make peace would be those which would leave her in fuli control of the continent of Europe. The idea that her people have been taught to believe is that a certain race is superior in every way to other races, and that tha t race, therefore, is entitled to special r ights and advantages. Civilized peoples had gone a long way towards ridding their thinking of this idea when Hitler revived it with his Nordic myth.



All around us we see a steady p r e s s u r e of propaganda being brought to bear upon the people of this country in an effort to divide it into antagonistic racial groups. So far , the common sense of the American people has resisted these efforts to stir up racial prejudices.

It is hard to see how we, as a democratic country, could gain any-thing by taking an active part as a fighting force in this war. There is no point in any nation's going to war unless it stands in danger of losing something precious by not fighting or gains something by

fighting. England and France are both re-

ceiving a great deal of help, in the way of munitions and airplanes, f rom America. If Germany could come and get war materials and pay cash for them we would have to do the same with her. However, it is impossible for her to do that ; but, with characteristic German logic, the Germans are accusing America of discriminating against them.



If Germany should win the war. which is not impossible, we might find ourselves in trouble (for which we might as well prepare) . Hut we would lose more than we could pos-sibly gain by becoming a belliger-ent in the present free-for-all , which, as I see it, is none of our affair .

25 Birthday Dormites Feted With Faculty

Voorhees Hall entertained fac-ulty guests Wednesday, April 10. a t its spring birthday dinner. Ely-nor Spaan, Grand Rapids, senior, acted as general chairwoman of the social event while Evelyn MacCal-lum, Grand Rapids, f reshman, was in charge of the program and Edith Klaaren, Chicago, freshman, took care of the dining room deco-rations.

Faculty guests included Prof, and Mrs. Albert Timmer, Prof, and Mrs. Clarence Kleis, Prof, and Mrs. Paul Hinkamp, Prof, and Mrs. Oscar Thompson, Miss Caroline Hawes, Miss Mildred Schuppert. and Dr. Teunis Vergeer. Birthday Gals

Dormites celebrating birthdays were Miss Elizabeth Faye Connor, Lorraine Timmer, Emilia Moncada, Olive Van Eenwyk, Mildred Dek-ker, Marcella Potter, Winifred Ra-meau, Marion Fisher, Betsy Race, Anne De Young, Marjorie Clark, Kay Marcley, Joyce White, Fanny De Kleine, Marthene Van Dyke, Helen Van Kooy, Louise Becker, Betty Vyverberg, Ruth Stegenga, Bertha Vis, Morrell Webber, Ber-nice Frel igh, Ruth Stryker , Mary Louise T a l m a n , and Ruth De Young.

Hope College Anchor LIII-13 Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan

Colleges Hit By Chicago Prof

Such Liberal Arts

Trainings Termed

Superficial, Failure


Colleges at tached to large universit ies are fai l ing almojt completely to give thei r stu-dents a liberal education. Mort imer J . Adler, professor at the Universi ty of Chicago, told a meet ing of the Student council's committee on Liberal Education at Harvard univer-sity recently.

Adler did not except Chicago from his radical criticism of the university-college s y s t e m , a n d stated that almost everything for which Chicago is famous, including the survey course system, was an educational failure.

His attack on the present set-up hit mainly the narrow and unreal division of subjects into depart-partments, the bad effects of close relations between the post-graduate and undergraduate sections on the liberal arts college, and the "re-search" criterion for academic pro-motion. The necessity of early and frequent scholarly publication was making the supposed teacher a mere specialist, he said.

Lauds St. Johns Claiming that students who fin-

ish the "introductory g e n e r a l " courses at Chicago h&ve at best a "superficial i n d o c t r i n a t i o n " in courses' contents, Adler remarked that the five courses advocated by the Student council to give a "com-mon content" to education at Har-vard would turn into reading courses, similar to the St. John's "great books" plan, if the ideals back of them were logically fol-lowed out. He sees the departmen-


April 12,1940

Blue Key's 1940 Gi f t to College


Arrangements for an orna-mental arch to be placed over the two brick columns at the College avenue entrance of t h e college were completed th i s week by a Blue Key committee

under the chairmanship of E d w i n Luidens, Rochester, New York, senior. The $104 project is one of the g i f t s to the college by this year 's local Blue Key chapter.

In presenting the college with

this campus improvement. Blue Key

Sketch b> Tibber JenninKR

officials pointed to the long stand-

ing need for a campus identifica-

tion of Hope college. The brick

columns, gi f t of the class of '15,

presented the foundation for such a sign and will be suitably recon-ditioned to meet the requirements of the ornamental arch, they said.

Luidens stated that Haven-Busch Co. of Grand Rapids plans to com-plete installation of the arch by the second week in May. The let-ters will be of polished bronze and the iron griliwork will be finished with black enamel.

Van Wyk Aims at Campus Projects

New Officers, Cabinet Assume Duties Tuesday

Defining the aims of YM as two-fold, Gordon Van Wyk, newly elected V prexy, told The Anchor that next year 's organization would seek first to present "worth-while inspirational meetings" and second, to "initiate, as in the past, worth-while campus projects."

Members of the 1940-41 cabinet Van Wyk announced as: Bob Swart, deputation; Don Van Dyke, libra-rian; Blase Levai, membership; Howard Hoekje, missionary; John Westhof, music; Henry Voogd, per-sonal service; Ed Dibble, publicity: Ted Zanstra, social.

The recently elected officers and cabinetmen assumed their duties Tuesday evening at the traditional installation service. Herman Luben, Western seminary junior, spoke on the purposes of the Y on campus and the responsibilities of being connected with such an organiza-tion.

Play Publicity Plans Are Completed

Rehearsals Scheduled; Stage Aides Chosen

Jay Kapenga, business manager of the senior play, announced Wed-

nesday. April 10, that final plans for advertising, ticket sale and distri-bution, and other essentials were completed during spr ing vacation. Play Chairman Don Poppen re-ports that regular rehearsal ses-sions are in action. Bet ty Van Put-ten and Virginia Ellison have been placed in charge of "foundation ' make-up" and Martha M o r gan heads the costuming department. Tickets Forty Cents

The entire class, marshalled into 1

groups of fifteen, headed by as 1

many leaders, will receive tickets :

selling at for ty cents each shortly.] Several minor changes have been I made in the cast, due primarily, to the inability of those originally



Diary . . . Miss Metta J . Ross, instructor of

English, spent her spring vacation

in Chicago at tending dramatic per-formances, two of which starred Helen Hayes and Paul Muni.

« • •

Nothing like spending spring va-cation in the South, according to Eddie De Pree, Frank Lokker, and Morrie Tardiff, who enjoyed the drawl of those Knoxville, Tenn., belles.

* *

Bob Verburg, Holland junior, is always sticking his finger in some-thing . . . or should we say his elbow? His latest was an explosion in chem. lab.

• • •

Dr. James W a r n e r has been elected secretary of the language and literature section of the Michi-gan Academy of Sciences, Art, and Letters.

Pennings Voted Pi Kap Prexy Wednesday Night

Following the formal initiation of thirteen new members into Pi Kappa Delia Wednesday, April 10, Anthony Pennings, junior, was elected to head the local chapter of the campus speech organization next year. Meeting in the Emeiso-nian house, the honorary forensic-society elected the following other officers for the coming school yea r : vice-president, Mary Ruth Jacob?; secretaiy-treasurer , Charles Stop-ples; debate managers, Ruth St ry-ker and Anthony Dykst ia ; publi-city managers, Edith Rameau and Edgar Dibble.

The thirteen nccphites taken into the society on Wednesday were: Norma Becksfort, Alice Bosch. Betty Daugherty, Mary Felter, Nina Fopma, Peggy Hadden, Cor-rine Poole, Winnefred Rameau, Alma Stegenga, Ruth Stryker, Edgar Dibble, Anthony Dykstra and Blase Levai.

The newly elected officers will be formally installed at the spr ing banquet on May 6.

Queen and Court Chosen Last Night

May Day Committees Report Plan Progress

Completion of May day plans and schedules was announced this week by Althea Raffenaud, general chair-woman for the traditional event. Last night in Voorhees hall over thir ty junior women paraded be-fore judges in competition for queen of the campus.

Under the supervision of Genne Xafe, queen selection chairman, three out-of-town judges voted on the girls: Mrs. Chartier, Miss Es-ther Anderson, and Miss Jane Phil-lips, all of Grand Rapids. Identity of queen and court selection will not be revealed until the corona-tion.

Novel Stunt Promised

Publicity Heads Rose Teninga and Robert Bonthius, promise a novel stunt for advertisement. Only revelation has been the statement that "Someone beside the queen will be crowned."

General Chairwoman Raffenaud stated that inter-class athletic ac-tivities for women will be held in the morning. The inter-fraterni ty meet will be held in the afternoon under the supervision of Robert Powers, Alhambra, Cal., senior. The WAL will present all athletic awards, as in the past .

Grad* Schools Extend Awards In Four Fields

Hinkamp, Denekas, Cordes, Becksfort And Alumnus Van Eck Get Grants From Country's Leading Universities

Five m a j o r scholarships and ass is tantships have been awarded to Hope scholars within the past weeks, it was offi-cially announced th is week by depar tmental heads. Announce-

men t of 1940 scholastic awards continues the pas t record of Hope in sending more than one-third of i ts s tudents into the

ranking graduate

He Opines

- J

HENRY GEERLINGS . . . that "No one can warm up

to an iceberg.

Voorheesites Have Gay Vacation

The ten girls who stayed at the dormitory during vacation had a f a r f rom dull time. Besides having 11 o'clock permission every night , Miss Lichty gave a midnight spread fo r the girls and their guests. Re-maining in Holland were; Bonnie Bosch, Norma Becksfort, Eloise and Nancy B o y n t o n , Mae Clonan, Martha Morgan, Mary Louise Tal-man, Lenore Vandermade, Ruth Van Popering, Betty Van Putten, and Dorothy Zimmerman.

Hope C W L Host To Calvin in 2-Day Conference Here

Tomorrow and S u n d a y Hope

CWLers will be hosts to forty-five

members of Calvin college CWL

at an inspirational conference to be held in Holland. Albert Van Dyke, Chicago senior, is in charge of the event with the help of Committee members Nelvie Vanderbilt, Eloise Boynton, and Bill Miller.

Built around the theme, "Ye Are My Witnesses," the following pro-gram was announced by Chairman Van Dyke this week:

Pieters, Welmers Talk

Saturday at 2:30, registration in Western seminary chapel; Rev. Walters speaking on "Gall to Wit-ness," with Hope's f reshman trio furnishing the music. Saturday a t 6, banquet in Firs t Reformed church at fifty cents a plate; Dr. Albertus Pie ters speaking on the topic, "Experiences of a Witness."

Sunday a t 9 in the morning, de-votional meeting in F i r s t Reformed church with Calvin group in charge. Sunday a t 2:30, meeting in the Western seminary chapel with Prof. Thomas E. Welmers speaking on the subject, "The Message of a Witness"; a Hope CWL mixed quartette will sing.

Future of Hope Subject of Editorial Series

Beginning with today's issue. The Anchor fea tures a series of guest editorials writ ten by prominent alumni of Hope college. First view is tha t of Mr. Henry Geerlings. mayor of the City of Holland for many years and alumnus of the class of '88.

In succeeding issues the paper plans to contact men of Hope throughout the country for their views. Present list of names in-cludes men f rom all walks of life and all sections of the country.

Aim of the guest series is to ga ther opinions of these men on the general question of their aspir-at ions for Hope college in the fu-ture ; needs and possibilities of the college; or their message to college youth.


Changes Are Announced in Scholarship

Mr. Paul Brouwer, personnel di-rector of the college, stated recent-ly that a decision has been made to consider need, academic ability and character in awarding scholar-ships to high school graduates. Formerly the school has awarded scholarships to high school seniors purely on the basis of their scho-lastic standing.

Students interested in applying for the scholarships may obtain ap-plication blanks f rom the office. Applications must be filed with the registrar , who will submit them to a faculty committee for a final de-cision. College students now holding scholarships must make application in the near fu ture for their re-newal.

schools of the

country, many on scholarships.

Into Four Fields

James Hinkamp, of Holland, and

Milton Denekas, of Pekin, 111., will

do work in organic chemistry, Don-

ald Cordes, of Germantown, 111., will

study b u s i n e s s administration,

Howard Becksfort, of Holland will

continue his work in mathematics,

while Edward Van Eck, '39, will

study medicine. Hinkamp's stipend of $450 plus

tuition, laboratory and breakage fees, received for his services as an assistant , will give him the opportunity to study for one year at Ohio Sta te university at Colum-bus, Ohio. He will teach eight hours per week. Chem and Business

Denekas, who will be occupied in research work ra the r than teach-ing, will receive $500 and his tui-tion. He will study under Dr. Well-man at Western Reserve university in Cleveland, Ohio.

The regents ' scholarship of the University of Michigan, which is annually awarded to the Hope sen-ior who, in the estimation of a fac-culty committee, most deserves the award, was this year presented to Cordes, third ranking senior. He will use his stipend of $400 in the pursuit of fu r the r study in business administration.

Math and Medicine Tulane university in New Or-

leans, La., has awarded an assist-antship in mathematics with a grant of $300 plus tuition fo r two years to Becksfort. He will assist for five hours per week, and will be allowed to carry nine hours of graduate work in addition.

A $500 assis tantship at the Uni-versity of Michigan medical school has been awarded to Edward Van Eck, Hope alumnus. Since his grad-uation, Van Eck has been employed in a health laboratory in Alabama.

Perusal of the college records of the four seniors called to gradu-ate schools reveals well-rounded


Couldn't Be

Cheaper. . . How would you like to be able

to play a season-full of golf for a dollar? Well, tha t ' s practically what Blue Key members are offer-ing Hope students beginning thif week!

In order to raise money for an-o ther gi f t to the college and also to give all you golfers and would-be golfers a swell opportunity to save money Blue Key is selling Student Memberships to the Hol-land Country club again this year. Privilege of the card's owner is to play all t he golf he or she wants the rest of th is school year and in the fall again when school opens unti l the weather prohibits.

Memberships may be purchased from any Blue Key member or from any sorority president for one stone. Blue Key must sell one hun-dred to make the country club's offer hold.

Albion Team Wins Neutrality Debate On First Forensic Day

Climaxing the forensic year on this campus, Hope debated Albion over neutrali ty on the first annual Forensic day, March 27, to lose by a one-to-two vote of the three Western State Teachers college judges.

The winners, Tom Brock and Les-lie Fleming of Albion, upheld the affirmative side, advocating isola-tion. Robert Bonthius, Pasadena, Cal., senior, and Anthony Dykstra , Orange City, Iowa, junior, took the negative for Hope.

o — Af te r two weeks of illness, Dr.

Edward Dimnent has returned to his classes.

Band Plans Concert, Tulip Time Parades

Plans for Tulip Time parading and a Spring concert of classical music are being made by the Hope college band under Director Comie Steketee of Holland, and alumnus of the class of '39.

As the band is anxious to make a big splash Tulip Time, Director Steketee asks for the full coopera-tion of all campus instrumentalists. Regular rehearsals are held on Monday a n d Wednesday after-noons at 4 o'clock in the chapel basement "If you own a horn, play a horn, or can borrow a horn, come out to Monday's rehearsal," Steke-tee urges.

Hope Chemistry club met on Wednesday, April 3.

Page 2: 04-12-1940

Pafi Two Hope College Anchor

Hope College flnchor Campus Capers Student Prints a « ! • i•*!v««« 4Wa aoKrwxl won *• Ki# • Vi»t at nr^ant • nf Tfr\l\P C aIIpiTP Published every two wwks during the school year, by the students of Hope Colleue

Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michiican, at the Bp^cial rate of poatage provided for In Section 1108 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, autboriud October 19, 1918.


N a t i M a l M v e r t i s i i g S a r v i c e ^ l i i c . C*U*i PmHUktn


1939 Mcmb«r 1940

Rssocided Golle6iate Press

Mail subscriptions, one dollar per year Address — The Anchor, Hope College, Holland, Michigan.

Telephone 9436.

Editor-in-chief Kobert H. Bonthius

Associate Ed i to r . . . F r i t z Bertsch


News Edi tors Fr i tz Bertsch, Doug MacDonald, Don Sager

Spor ts Editor Eddie Dibble speedily. . . Ed Clonan botched his

Fea tu re Edi tor Genne Na fe v a C 3 t i o n Upf didn' t he? . . . we ' r e a Headlines Blase Levai, Forres t Prindle, Alma Weeldreyer ^ ^ ^ t h e s e p e o p l e w h o k n o w

Facul ty Adviser P a u l

Vacation Post-Mortems Reveal Less Than Most Imagine, Tis Said

• • *

By T H E T H N O O P E R * * *

We' re a bit t i red of t a lk ing vacat ion when we were so

const ruct ive and everyone else had such a good t ime . . . bu t then . . . we were enl ightened to th i s . . . t ha t a t leairt one young man on the campus w a s n ' t qui te sure who the c a m p u s queen is . . . should we let him in on a secret t h a t everyone else knows . . it seems t h a t a ce r t a in Mr . Dyks t r a has a facu l ty f o r ta lk ing himself into things very


Special Reporters— ^ , n 4i Rose TeninKU, Teddy Meulendyke, Loin Jane Kronemeyer, Ruth Van Popering, uetty Van Putten. Don Saner. Edith Rameau, Ken Fopi>en. Jean VN if.fmt ier. Marthene Van Dyke. Carl Van HartHveidt. John Westhof. Grovene Dick, Dorothy Curtis, Nancy Hoynton, Ruth Stryker. Evelyn MacCallum. Wilfrid Hnsbrouck.

Freshman Repor ters Mary Jane Raffenaud. Alvin Schutmaat, Les Lami>en, Winifred Rameau. Jeanne Horton.

Wi th Klaaren. Florence Dykema.

M A N A G E R I A L S T A F F Business Manager A! Van Dyke Circulation Manager K a y Marcley Lois Heinrichn, Helen Leslie. Louise Keeker. Jean Ruiter. Mildred Slelma. Irma Stoppels.

Mr Editorials and feature articles express the views of the writer. Then

make no claim of representing official Hope College opinion.

Geerlings Urges Four Things

too many answers in the classroom and not enough out . . .

Rube B a r r y must be ge t t ing ex-perience fo r becoming a g lamour boy . . . who was the girl t ha t ad-mitted to a red rinse and also t ha t

she reminded hersetf of something the cat d ragged in? . . . Pe t e r Hamel 's a r t work in Miss Ross ' room persuaded a couple s tudents to visit a r t museums in two differ-ent metropoli . . . the long and the short of it was t ha t one of Miss Lichty's passengers became the guest of another in the eventu-alities of the first vacation week-

end in Detroi t . . . . Kathryn I ' ieper has a different

sort of face . . . at least we like it

Thurs ton Rynbrandt f rom

S T U D E N T S DESIRING All s tudents desir ing renewal

of their NY A gran t must fill out blanks, which may be ob-tained in the office, it has been announced by Prof . Clarence

Kleis, NYA director.


We went brotno for ajrring vac, too. Boy! was that a washout! - S P -

It's a steal, but have you heard the latest definition of a moron? — SP —


Hope Nope

Dope Cope

Tope Mope

Pope Rope

No one can be a leader unless he can sell himself to o thers . This can be done only t h rough a developed personal i ty. Such a personal i ty embodies basic quali t ies which need to be culti- turnips or Turnips, Mich. vated and s t r eng thened .

T h e first of these quali t ies is vital i ty. This is a combinat ion of physical energy and menta l a ler tness . I t includes both physical and moral ea rnes tness and express itself in a v ibrance of voice, b r i gh tnes s of eye, decisiveness of move-ment . It depends in large measure on physical and mental

fi tness, and it involves a conscious e f for t to t h row the total self into the act ivi ty of t h e moment .

A second qual i ty is emotional-i ty. The one whom people like is

the one who likes people. If an individual likes people and believes in t h e m t h e y will find it out, though he may say little RuthieT Helen," Margaret," Phyll'.. „ . . . . a b o u t i t . F o r t h e e x p r e s s i o n o f a n e m o t i o n b r i n g s OU a S i m - a n ( | ^ a r y bade adieu to Mich- sleepy to make decisions for

Bright Eyes and Smile

Real Factors in Life


according to one Van Vleckite this contest for the queenship of the

campus would have been avoided if they'd just taken his advice and adjudged his girl as he does . . . He Made a Ring

Is Art Kronemeyer the victim of an already receding hairline . . . just a passing thought tha t it must be nice to have someone mold a silver r ing for one and with one's own initials hand carved on it . . . four co-eds in the persons of


the lake to t ake care of Milwaukee fo r the first week-end of vacat ion . . . all those girlft who professed

to have the mumps f o r a few ex t r a days ' vacation didn't. . . .

Alumni Back

U. of M.'s vacation sent home these ex-Hopeites: Rod VanLeu-

wen. Bill Jacobs, Howdy Shauble, and all those you saw too . . . the tennis and golf seasons are going to revive a lot of s t agnan t people, we betcha . . . it 's ge t t ing to be about time for the camera season, too, isn' t it . . . Tulip t ime will be the week a f t e r May 18 . . . unti l we heard about the Pope and the Archbishop we thought this was a Dutch Reformed school . . . but we're content to remain with our original contention. . . .

There ' s just one th ing we'd like to request while its still not too w a r m : will those heal thy ones please give us weaklings some idea about the t empera tu re outside these fine mornings by not going wi thout coats . . . we're not exactly hea l thy enough for penumonia this year , and ear ly in the morning we're too


I t 's spr ing, you dope, elope, don't mope! T h a t ' s logical enu f ! — SP —

We hear that Swart has to come now Webber he likes it or not.

- S P -It 's a steal, but have you heard the latest definition of a moron?

— SP — TV// this, //on puzzle parrots. Make the right fit the left:

J . Harvey Muller

Bob Powers Dean Dyks t ra Jim Adams Bud Morgan M. L. Ta lman Bill Tappan Ed Clonan Prof . Lampen Prof . Wol te rs Prof . De Graaf

igan's shores and s teamed across selves.

Let The Sparks Fly

ilar emjbtion in o the rs . It is a f ac t of common experience t h a t smiles beget smiles, happiness begets happiness, admira t ion begets admira t ion , and ridicule begets ridicule. People like us if we like them. No one can warm up to an iceberg.

A th i rd qual i ty is individuali ty. H u m a n beings are inter-es t ing to one a n o t h e r because of thei r differences. Those who are possessed of t h e mos t differences are the leaders (pro-v i d e d t h e s e d i f f e r e n c e s a r e n o t e c c e n t r i c i t i e s o r d e f e c t s ) . A n Dear Edi to r : very clearly by a critic wr i t ing in i d i o t i s d i f f e r e n t f r o m m o s t p e o p l e , b u t h e h a s n o t Does V fulfill its purpose on this column recently: "The respon-

t h e r e f o r e a s t r o n g e r p e r s o n a l i t y , a n d h e i s n o t a l e a d e r . Hope's c a m p u s ? sibility rests upon the shoulders of D e v e l o p i n d i v i d u a l i t y . I^et us remember tha t Hope's Y the Y's to develop a more balanced

T h e f o u r t h q u a l i t y t o b e c u l t i v a t e d is s p i r i t u a l i t y . T o b e faces a different si tuation here than and more inclusive campus pro-spir i tual ly minded means to have does a city Y. The letter is chal- gram which will give proper em-a mind and to use it to such good longed by the opportunity to pro- phasis to all three sides of the Y effect t h a t the mater ia l th ings of v ' ( ie f o r body, mind, and spirit in triangle." The purpose of Y is not l ife take the i r proper place in the a n environment where any one or to present a balanced program; it background. He who is possessed m ( ) r e <,f these phases may be badly is to balance the present program,

of spi r i tua l i ty exa l t s mind over m a t t e r and lives in t h e realm neftlected. Sincerely, of t h e spir i t where mater ia l th ings are only incidental. He At Hope, however the ^ finds lives a life t h a t is genuinely religious. For those who are l t h area of activity alrcadj deter-dependent upon the mater ia l th ings of life f o r happiness will ™ned. Certainly ,n the academic never be happy. T r u e happiness is possible only to those who atmosphere of a liberal arts college U - . . . c n i v i t n p l n t t i t u H p * a n d the mind is being cared for. Inter-

f r a t e rn i ty sports , the WAA, gym

Individuality and Not

Idiocy Underscored

Gordon Van Wyk.

Dear Edi tor :

Dr. Slutz' recent visit made a dist inct impression on many of us. We want to express our thanks to

He'll read this. High potentate. Pinch me, I'll wake up. The face on the floor. "I need you now . . . " I hi fortunate traveler. New shoes, new car, new love.

He studied and steadied. Oh, you Georgia peach! She was a bonny lass. Speak softly but carry a big stick.

— SP — De Pree nose that he'll soon be nursed back to normalcy at Michigan.

— S P -ln pass ing :

We wonder how many chapel cuts W. W. has by now?

— SP — It's a steal, but have you heard the latest definition of a moron?

— SP — S. P. Bureau of Missing Persons ;

Ghandi 4 sheets to the wind and all 's well. Norman Thomas 3 t imes and out . The Census Taker The man who comes around. Richard III Current ly appea r ing on Broadway. Our Bankroll Mr. Ghost went to town.

— SP — After four years here it's plain to see that Michigan has but two

kinds of weather: Winter and Autumn.

- S P -l t ' s a steal, but have you heard the latest definition of a moron?


We used to think we knew we knew, Put now we must confess—

The mure we know we know we know We know we know the less.

— SP — We can sit back and snicker, for without Reserve, we know tha t most

g radua te courses are str ict ly P. G. To prove our point we pr in t a recent clipping;

"Prof. Waat dew Y. Aknow recently lectured at Blathcrdash Institute on the advantages of open field P. G. work. He stated that Pursuing Gigolos is a favorite recreation of some scholarship students."

— SP — . . . Let 's hope it 's brains over b rawn! Our Congrats to all, really.

— SP — It's a steal, but have you heard the latest definition of a moron?

Well, here 'tis:

'.i>n •<,'/,K7i,iKii CKt /itihi'/k v'-dO^nxr '/wiKn ouxuiS/n fn Atu miUon r-mir !//">.»• azuAr,,! xommnr hn raann'o/ -rcnirnuK

have developed in themselves s t rong spi r i tua l a t t i t udes and . . . K i r a t e n m y sports , me WAA, gym w " ' " - tu express our uianKs vo . j n ( j 1 e a S* „ r , . * -I 1 9 iQiA classes and, of course, the vars i ty the WAL, the YWCA and the JI XNIIP os AQ J.UPJNOM SIBS i iui jds DIN UI ipiiiM JBUI : MRUINIII

H e n r y G e e r l i n g s , A p r i l 12 , 1 9 4 0 . s p o r t s _ a l , t h e s e a r e c a t e r i n l r t o YMCA for sponsoring his visit. - S P - ' 4 4 N < ) a 0 l V

M u s i c

B o x

has developed a hypercri t ical , snob-bish group of people who re fuse to listen to any but the best ar t i s ts . It is t rue that the careless and un-prepared a r t i s t s deserve no credit. But remember that music does not have to be perfect ly performed in order to be beautiful and to be

?ports — all these are ca ter ing the physical. But the spiri tual — here is the province of the Y ' s ; hence, they are sponsoring an hour of worship and inspiration each Tuesday night. Ini t iates Campus Projects

But the inspiration of a meet ing must be t rans la ted into service on

sponsoring In the last discussion group. Dr.

Slutz expressed the hope tha t his visit would not be merely a "gab-fes t , " but tha t it would produce some action!!

The Student council, our most representa t ive body, is the logical group f rom which such action

PARTI\(i SHOT: Nature is wonderful. Did you ever find two lips that wouldn't fit?

Pink Lemonade and Red Punch Splashes Collegienne Clothing This Spring

the campus. It has always been the should emanate . By RUTH STRYKER


Wi: W E R E P L E A S E D to learn last week that Holland will have the privilege of hear ing some of the finest a r t i s t s in the U. S. John Car ter , famous tenor, will open next year 's concert series. Later , the Ionian Singers and the Kreuter tr io will appear . Since, in the past , Holland has had, with a few ex-ceptions, those a r t i s t s which would not be considered in the "first rank," we can consider this a splen-

did privilege.

But don't you think we should be a bit careful about the atti-tude we take in regard to these past concerts? I was as pleased as anybody else to learn that we will hear only the best ar-tists from now on, but I couldn't help recalling an opin-ion which the French writer, Sainte-Beuve, expressed. He wrote; "Nothing is more dis-gusting than the disdain with which people often treat artists of the second rank, as if there were a place only for those of the first."

Few Perform Flawlessly

During the past few years, it has become increasingly easy for us to hear the very best artists in the world, both because of radio and the greater number of concert courses. But at the same time there

appreciated. There is only a small a ' m ()f ^ to see campus and stu-group of people who will ever have <lent needs and to initiate new pro-

the abili ty to per form flawlessly, but this does not mean that they alone deserve an audience.

Some of the early European symphonies of ten gave inferior per formances ; yet do you sup-

pose that the audiences did not love and enjoy the music? In many European towns today there are o p e r a companies which are not of the first rank. But the people support them and enjoy them. And who, do you think, apprecia tes great music more deeply, we or they?

Fooling Ourselves

g r a m s to fill these gaps. But Y has carried the burden of sponsoring a project only until some more spe-cialized organizat ion or group has

risen up to shoulder the responsi-bility.

Dr. Slutz par t icular ly advocated Until now our whole outlook on spr ing , as f a r as clothes a re con-

a social code which would guide t he c e r n e d . has been quite, quite uninspired. For who can possibly feel the relat ionships between the men and "certain someth ing" tha t sp r ing should call f o r t h when t he days a re

women of the college. Why can ' t ( ^ a r k a n < 1 gloomy, and the wea the r a l te rna te ly r a iny and snowy?

Hope have such a code? B u t n ow, with the weather as it should be, a long with the w a r m t h Dutch Treat Any Time and br ightness , comes the desire

We believe a social code should for those long, cool and r e f re sh ing . . . , , . i, , . . - L a t e s t flashes have it t h a t these include, among other things, s t a te - ' soft dr inks ." And fa l l ing in with dr inks, l i teral ly and not figurative-

Note these examples : until the ments relative to such ma t t e r s a s : the general sent iment , the fashion ly, a r e being served a t all the lead-Student council was organized a the propriety of Dutch t r ea t da tes exper ts have brought out two ing beauty salons — gir ls don' t decade or so ago, Y sponsored the at any time (doesn' t the success brand new colors to underscore rush ! '

all-col lege banquets and part ies , of the last ska t ing p a r t y demon- ei ther your new or your old navy Fashion 'Cast Unchansed Men's and women's in t ramura l s t r a t e the populari ty of feminine blue or black outfit . These a re the In genera l , the s p r i n g fashion spor ts had their inception through inv i t a t ions? ) ; some restr ic t ions of new " so f t -d r i nk" colors—pink lem- forecas t is much the same as b4-Y. Before the adminis trat ion took pe t t ing (necking) ; smoking and onade and red punch. These shades fore . Navy blue and black hold over these projects, Y served as a dr inking; and the cooperation of are being f ea tu red in every th ing the i r t rad i t ional places of honor clearing house fo r s tudent employ- the s tudent body in suppor t ing all- f rom suits , blouses, gloves, and with the n e w accents like fluffy

ment and offered vocational guid- college mixers. bonnets, to finger-tip and lip t in t s blouses and spicy colors to real ty ance to the prep and college s tu- We believe t ha t a code embody- —and, incidentally, t hey are "gua r - u she r in s p r i n g properly

Let us make sure t ha t we fully dents. Some projects, as f r e shman ing these principles could be main- anteed to leave you fee l ing quite L a r g e br immed h t appreciate the technical and ar t is- orientat ion, a r e still in Y's hands, tained on our campus with g r e a t as gay and giddy as ever a cham- in the Lillian R 6 ' ^ , A e e ^ i n ^ a s

tic perfect ion of the first rank ar- Throughout the years a world benefit to all. The s tudent body pagne cocktail could." bedecked bonnets 8 8 ^

looks to the Student council f o r Koeered Does Wonden. ete, fitted and flaA" ctata"!'bn^hi leadership in the ma t t e r . Pink lemonade is a rose pink that accessories — all these klso do

S , n C e r Lucky Kardux a _ b € a U t i f u l a C C e n t f o r P a 8 t e l t h e i r P a r t to insure the success of

Donald Cordes

t is ts before we discredit those of consciousness has been fostered on the second rank. And al though we the campus through the mission should a lways t ry to hea r the best drives and th rough the appearance musicians we can, let us never fool 0f s u c h men as Dr. Zwemer, Dr. ourselves into believing t ha t we a re Maddaus, Dr. Harr ison, Sherwood too good to listen to those who are Eddy, and Lowell Thomas. The Y not quite so ta lented.

SOME IMPORTANT musi-cal events within the next two weeks: Tuesday, April 16, (in Grand Rapids) Marian Ander-son, contralto; Friday, April 19, Albert Spalding, violinist, with the Grand Rapids Sym-phony. Mr. Osborne announces that the choir will s ing in the Central Reformed church of Grand Rapids on April 21.

collaborated wi th the W A L in con-duct ing the recent Marr iage Clinic. Fostered World Conscioufjness

The p rog ram of Y was defined

Prof. William Schrier re-turned to his home in Kalama-zoo for a few days d u r i n g vacation.

blues, grey, mauve, rose and beige, the season. Red punch is an exciting rose-

red, vivid and slightlyAon the rasp-berry hue. And it will do wonders for costumes of dark grey, navy blue, sharp yellow, turquoise, or black and white.

We Hive Yoiir Favorite Flavor In Cones, Sundaes, Maiteds





| , . I U I J u u u



Kodaks and Kodak Finishing,

Framing and Gifts


Page 3: 04-12-1940

Hope College liolior

Athletes Wait On Old Sol

By E D D I E D I B B L E

Pate Three

They Cash In On Scholastic Ability for New Deals Next Year

At th i s t ime all events in the local spor t world a re f u t u r e ones. T h e end of the sp r ing vacation usual ly marks the be-ginning of ser ious t r a in ing fo r t h e sp r ing sports . Noth ing impor tan t has been done yet, with t he resul t that the re is very l i t t le to be said about the appearance, per formance , or chances of the various teams. The tennis men will soon be out-

doors. Track and baseball men who have been prac t ic ing inside will t ake a l i t t le sun, and the golfers will plod the local course in rain, snow, mud or h igh water .

Coach Jack Schouten wishes to have his warn ing repeated that no man will be allowed to enter the dis tance runs in the May day in t e r - f r a t e rn i t y meet who has not t rained at least two weeks. Anyone who really expects to make a show should have at least this amount of t raining, regardless of t h e event. Last year ' s one-man track team and high-point man, Bud Ferr i s , is not here, thus making it possible f o r the firsts to be be t te r d is t r ibuted. Fer r i s m a d e enough points alone to put the Knickerbockers in second place, ta l lying 41 of 43 points for his house. Those who come th rough this

meet with a certain amount of glory and enough "oomph" to enter another , should make likely dele-ga te s to the MI A A field day. With the present f amine of t r ack men and funds , m a t e r i a l mus t be squeezed of i ts last drop of worth to the school.

As for schedules, none has been set as yet for the wing-foots. The first meet will be held at Kazoo, May 5, less than a week before t h e May day here (if you train for the May day, you might just as easily enter the meet at Kazoo) but beyond tha t , nothing definite is scheduled until the Field day. The baseball t eam has no definite

schedule. The golf team will s ta r t t he season with Hillsdale the re on May 3, then Alma here May 10, Albion there . May 13, Kazoo here May 18, O t t awa here May 20, and Grand Rapids Jun io r some time in this month.

The tennis team is making matches in the league only, also due to a small amount of finances. May 7, the team will meet Alma t h e r e May 10, Kazoo the re May 13, Albion here, and May 17 Olivet there . Hillsdale and Adrian have not replied.

Winners in the college ping-pong tournament emerged the first of the week, J e a n Wishmier for the girls, and Don Van Farowe for the men. J ean Wishmier defea ted Jean Rui ter in the finals, and Van Fa r -

\k i



Scholarships collegiate act ivi ty d u r i n g their yea r s on campus .

Hinkamp has done outs tanding work on the Y cabinet fo r three years , as well as holding the offices of sec re ta ry r t reasure r and vice-president in Chemist ry club the pas t two years . His c lar inet talent in the band gave him, in turn , the

Officials of W A L and W A A Chosen for 1940-41

Election of WAL board officers and WAA sophomore representa-t ives for the coming school year were held last Thursday , March 28.

Those chosen to serve on the W A L boaid are : president , Mar-ga re t Bilkert ; vice president , Jean W i s h m e i e r ; secre tary , Bet ty D a u g h e r t y : and t r easu re r , Beth Marcus. The old and new boards will hold a joint meet ing on April

17, by which date all societies will have elected their new representa-tives.

Fu tu r e Officers

Lorraine Timmer and Carolyn

Kremej-g,, WAA_ represen ta -tives, will officially take par t in the meeting of April 10. These two gi r l s were elected to their positions by popular vote; they will serve on the board two years ; and dur ing the i r senior year one will hold the office of president , the o ther that of t reasurer .

owe beat Ray Ros.

Final shades of the court season . . . Brannock and Slikkers were chosen sixth and eighth ranking players in the s ta te by a poll of coaches con-ducted by the Detroit Free P r e s s. Brannock has also accepted a position as teacher of history a n d coach of the football, basketball , and base-ball t eams at Lake Odessa, Mich. He is the first to get a coaching position.


Try a Delicious Soda or Sundae

made with Your Favorite


Attention... Hope Students! Have You Ever Tried Our Economy Fluffed Dry

Service at 9c per Pound? SAMPLE BUNDLE: 3 shirts, 2 drawers, 2 under-shirts, 1 pajama, 3 pair socks. 6 handkerchiefs, 3 soft collars, 3 towels, 3 wash cloths. Average weight, four pounds — 36 cents. NOTE I. This is probably less than the parcel post

charge for sending home and return. NOTE 11. You may have any or all of the shir ts in

this bundle finished at 10 cents each.



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vice-presidency and the presidency, while Blue Key loaded him down with the manager sh ip of the book s tore and F ra t e rna l elected him to the vice-presidency.

Though he spent his f rosh and soph years at Antioch college, Den-ekas has managed in two years at Hope to engage in in te r - f ra te rn i ty t rack, two years of glee club and

choir, and two of Chemistry club.


Fra t e rn i t y activit ies claimed him as Emersonian secre tary this year .

The classical activities of regent m a n Cordes center around l i terary clubs, French and German, having been t r easu re r and secre tary of the l a t t e r . The class of '38 testifies to his ability a s Pull coach and the YMCA to f o u r years of active serv-ice. Exceedingly active in f r a t e r -ni ty work, Cordes has shouldered


the Emersonian house managersh ip fo r two years, been a t rus tee fo r two years and is present president.

Mathematic ian Becksfor t l i s t s athlet ics as his s tel lar field with activity in tennis, basketball , foot-ball and baseball. In Blue Key he co-headed this year ' s S tudent Guide project . Band and YM claimed him f o r two years and Cosmopolitan fo r four.

Lyceum Series At End with Tuesday Concert

Michigan S t a t e a Cappella choir closed the lyceum concert ser ies

Tuesday n igh t Apr i l 9, wi th a re-cital of sacred and classical selec-tions.

Two g roups of sacred numbers and th r ee selections by Bach and Prae to r ius were rendered by t he choir. To vary the concert p r o g r a m , the choir s a n g a Mexican carol, an Engl ish carol, and "Go Down Moses," a Negro spir i tual .

You'll Recognize Them As J immy White if he has t ha t dis-

tant look in his eye, carries a book satchel and is one of the best crew on Lake Michigan.

Kddic Luidens if he has a political sort of smile, rosish cheeks and a determined kind of walk.

Prof . McLean if you see a neat little chap sai l ing into the base-ment of the chapel paying some at tent ion to some buoys and prac-tically no gulls.

Virginia Ellison if her teeth are whiter than ani/one's, her conversation never runs out and she would rather delate than eat.

Virginia V e r s t r a t e if she has a porcelain doll kind of beauty and goes home every weekend for a pa r t i cu la r reason.

Don Sager if he keeps right on talking although you're not sure what about anil if he is sometimes even too subtle for hiinsi I f ,

l>r. Wichers if his white collar is a good inch above his coat collar ana he has eyes tha t a re as inter-es t ing and pene t ra t ing as an ex-pedition to Sumat ra .

Beth Marcus if she seems to bounce from here to there and if she seems to be concentrat-ing on a bit of strategy for collecting dues for the WAL next year.

Rose Teninga and Albert Ship-hors t if they greet each other as " M o m m a " and " P o p p a " nowadays as per "Our Town."

Miss Boyd if she's gut more dates than anybody on the caminis and if she knows when and where you have dates.

Mary Fe l t e r if she winks every t ime she says " H i " and if her room-m a t e ; are Bonny and June .

The Library if more people arc standing up than sitting down and more people are talking than keeping quiet.

Hamilton Westfield


W a t c h Inspectors for P. M. Railroad Elgin Bulova

HOT CHOCOLATE Whipped Cream and Wafers

C m Imagine that!

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PECK'S DRUG STORE Make a date for chocolate and wafers at Pecks '

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the pass ing years.


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CAREER in Search of Men Dentistry offers on oppor -

t un i t y in the f ie ld of health service for men of abi l i ty . Government statistics show t ha t in recent years, for each denta l school graduate, t h e r e have been two physicians and four lawyers.

The M a r q u e t t e Universi ty Dental School is one of t h e 18 d e n t a l s c h o o l s of t h e United States whose diplo-mas are recognized in a l l of the states.

The close relationship of the Dental and Medical Schools a t Marquet te University is an advantage to students.

Entrance requirements: Two years in a recognized College of Liberal Arts wi th satis-fac tory credits in biology, chemistry, and physics.

For c o m p l e t e in format ion concerning opportunit ies in dent istry, wr i te to the Secre-tary, Marquet te University Dental School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.





PEOPLES STATE BANK wishes for Hope College and The Anchor

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BIRD'S -EYE FROSTED FOODS We Supply Your Table Complete

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You're sure to find everything you wont at Wards! Besides

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our Warehouse a t reduced shipping costsl And, you can pay

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fftoHtifometof Ufau/ Phone 3188 25 E. 8th St. J

Page 4: 04-12-1940

Ngi Four Nope College Rnchor

Three-Sided Emphasis, Aim

New Y W C A Leader Names 1941 Cabinet

"I t is our aim to include more completely the three sides of the Y triangle this coming year," stated Eloise Boynton, new YWCA president, in an Anchor interview Monday." We plan a well-integrated schedule of activities."

Miss Boynton also announced her cabinet to be: Margaret Bilkert, big and little sister; Mae Clonan, publicity; Helen Leslie, member-ship; Barbara Folensbee, music; Arlene De Vries, personal service; Margaret Nagy, finance; Ruth De Young, deputation; Mary Bolema, social.

Scheduled for next T u e s d a y night's YW meeting is the YM's play, "The Test," under the direc-tion of Stanley Slingerland, Asbury Park, N. J., junior.

KRONEMEYER'S )f Character


Relief Corps Presents Commons with Flag

Commons President Gertrude Vis-scher announced yesterday tha t she and three other members of the C o m m o n s committee: Robert Bonthius, Marjorie Last, and Henry Voogd, attended the Women's Re-lief corps meeting at the City Hall on April 10, where they were pre-sented with a silk American flag for Hope's commons room.


Play Business

chosen to spend the required time

in preparation. A complete cast will

be issued at a later date, Poppen


Class Cooperation Lauded Both Poppen and Kapenga wen

elated over prospects of the play'.1

preparation. Said Poppen: "Rehear sals as a group and individually have been attended one hundrec per cent. 1 wish to thank every person involved for his fine spirit of cooperation."

Kapenga countered with: "Busi-ness arrangements are always a necessary bugbear but, thanks to the whole-hearted backing of the senior class, alfairs are progressing better than anticipated.

With Treasurer Sager, however, "I put in my word for prompt pay-ment of class dues in order that plans may not be retarded due to lack of that all-important money."

Mains to Orate

PETER A. SELLES Expert Jeweler and


6 East 8fh St. Phone 3055





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We Invite Divided Payments

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A G o o d P i c t u r e is W o r t h E n l a r g i n g

8 x 1 0 S ize at 33c-

The Model Dru^ Store N. E. Cor. 8th and River Ave.


A R C T I C . . . Pictures Cold A R C T I C p roduc ts are cold, de l ic ious and pa la tab le .

O u r ice c ream is the quickest he lp -ou t in a social

emergency . W i t h all we have a w a r m spo t fo r " H o p e . "

A R C T I C I C E C R E A M C O .


Phone 3886


Makers of Fine Toilet Preparations and

Package Medicines

"Nurse Brand Products"

John Hains, Coopersville sopho-more, will go to Albion next Wed-nesday, April 17, to represent Hope in the State Peace Oratorical con-test with an oration entitled, "The Citadel of Peace."


Univ. Colleges tal system as the chief obstacle to their success.

Adler and Chicago's President, Robert M. Hutchins, both believe strongly in the St. John's plan of liberal ar ts college education. This provides for t raining in the com-plicated ar ts of reading and writ-ing by a chronological study of the so-called '*100 great books" of the Western world, with laboratory and tutoral work but almost no lec-tures. However, both Adler and Hutchins believe that not more than (JO of these books can be read in their meaning of the word read, in a four-year course of study.

English Majors to Elect

English Majors will meet in the

commons room on Monday evening

at 7:30. The meeting will be open

to all junior English majors inas-

much as officers for the coming

year are to be elected. Besides the business meeting, there will be a Shakespearean program.

I Social Life Lines

To Introduce The

Champion Shoe To the men of Hope College, we are, for one week only, giving 1 pair of 25c Allen-A Socks free with the purchase of every pair o f Champion Shoes. $3.95.

ANNIS & BELT 250 River Ave.

Across from Park

ALETHEA Virginia Ver Strate was elected

president of the Alethean society at a tea held in the society room, March 20. Other newly elected officers include Anthonette V a n Koevering, vice-president; Pearl Laman, secretary.

In place of the weekly meeting Aletheans met at the Red Brick the Thursday before spring vaca-tion for a breakfast.

"Magnetism" is the theme of this evening's Alethean meeting.

* * *

DELPHI Spring term Delphian officers will

be elected at a tea to be held at 4:30 this afternoon in the Delphi room.

* » •

DORIAN Dorians elected officers for the

spring term at the March 28 meet-ing which was held in the Dorian room. The newly-elected officers are: president, Dorothy Strabbing; vice-president, Anne Ruth Naber-huis; secretary, Grace Toren; treas-urer, Hulda Rigterink; keeper of

i the archives. Ruthea Martin; WAL representative, Louise Essenberg; reporter. Grovene Dick.

Eleanor Smith is chairman of to-night's Dorian meeting.

a • •

SIBYLLINE At the March 29 meeting of the

Sibylline s o c i e t y the following officers were elected for the spring term: president, Eunice Scholten; vice-president. Alma Weeldreyer; secretary, Joyce Van Oss; treas-urer, Mary Felter; WAL repre-sentative. Nancy Boynton.

Donna Eby and Doris Bettes acted as co-chairmen of a "bully" freshman program. Group singing

Headquarters for . . . .




of "Ferdinand, the Bull" was ap-propriately followed by a clever dramatization in w h i c h E d i t h Klaaren characterized the famous bull. Elaine Veneklasen rendered a piano solo, "The Rosary." The freshman gif t to the society was a set of Venetian blinds for the Sib room.

* * *


At a tea held in the Sorosis room Thursday, M a r c h 28, Sorosites elected Genne N a f e , president; Rose Teninga, vice-president; Betty Van Putten, secretary; Doris Van-der Boigh, WAL representative. Arrangements for t h e tea were made by Helen Van Kooy.

Sorosis sophomores, chairmaned by Carolyn Kremers, will present a radio piogram entitled "Sopho-more Static" this evening.



Dutch-Boy Bread

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RECORDS Orrin Tucker

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Join our Rollins Hosiery Club


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Holland, Michigan

We Suggest . . . if you're afraid you can'i

get a job, read Prof. .Walter B. Pit-kin's series of articles in "Liberty," entitled, "There Is a Job for You" — very encouraging.

. . . If you're within box office range of "Key Largo" by Max-well Anderson give yourself the opportunity of seeing Paul Muni on the legitimate stage. The play IS thought-provok-ing, to say the least. . . . despite all ads for that out-

of-doors complexion, it doesn't come in a box or a bag unless it's a shooting box or a golf bag.

. . . that y o u a n d I will b r e a k down Y E T and buy wedgies. Next year we'll look back and wonder why we ever allowed ourselves to be so un-comfortable in spiked heels.






W. R . Stevenson Optometrist

24 East 8th Street

COSMOPOLITAN After a rigorous song session on

Thursday, March 28, the election of officers followed in which Ken-neth Honholt was elected president, Thurston Reuterdahl, vice-presi-dent; Cy Voogd, secretary, and Theodore Zandstra, chorister. A brief business meeting followed.

J o i n t D e l p h i—Cosmopolitan meeting this evening at the Cos-mopolitan house.

• • •

EMERSONIAN On Friday, March 22, a devo-

tional service was held in charge of Junior Stanley Slingerland, who read a serious paper entitled, "Our Heritage." Several violin selections were rendered by Harold Van Heuvelen.

In the election of officers, which followed the program, Donald Cor-des was elected president; Edwin Luidens, vice-president; Anthony Pennings, secretary; and Edward Sottolano, sergeant-at-arms.

Installation of offtrers will be held tonight followed by officers treat.

• » *


Sorosites and Fraternals held a joint meeting at the Fraternal house on Thursday, M a r c h 28. After a sonorous song session led by Junior Robert Montgomery, sev-eral marimba selections were ren-Jered by Donald Kramer. Dean Dykstra presented a serious paper entitled, "Gone With the Wind." I he humor of the evening was characterized in a hilarious skit, starring Robert Powers and Don-ald Poppen.

Tonight the sophomores will have charge of the literary program.


The fea ture of the Knickerbocker literary meeting March 22, was a smoker. Af t e r a vigorous song service whisked the smoke away, Edwin Carlin introduced one of his novelty numbers. David De Pree was the proud possessor of a prize cigar for weaving the best yarn in a best joke contest. Several a f ter -dinner talks followed a course dinner.

A joint Sib-Knick joint meeting will be held at the Knickerbocker house tonight.



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