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VOL. 49, NO. 12 • Friday, March 25, 2005 FALL RIVER, MASS. Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

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Pope'smessageto priests

VATICAN CITY (CNS) - In his annualLetter to Priests for Holy Thursday, Pope JohnPaul IT said the words a priest recites when con­secrating the Eucharist must be the words thatguide the way he lives.

Thanksgiving, self-sacrifice, a desire to showothers the way to salvation, rememberingChrist's saving work, holiness and hope mustmark not only a priest's celebration of Mass,but his whole life as well, the pope wrote.

The text of the letter, released at the Vatican,was signed by the pope March 13, shortly be­fore he left Rome's Gemelli hospital after un­dergoing a tracheotomy to ease breathing diffi­culties.

Pope John Paul began the letter by writing,"My thoughts turn to you, dear priests, as I spendthis time recuperating in hospital, a patientalongside other patients, uniting in the Eucha­rist my owri sufferings with those of Christ."

Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, prefect ofthe Congregation for Clergy, told reporters thepope's 2005 letter was unique because "it wassigned in a place marked by the cross of Christ:the hospital."

Christ's cross on Golgotha became the placepar excellence "of the infinite and merciful loveof God for the world," the cardinal said.

Writing from the hospital, the pope, like manysaints, "in the silence of his suffering repeatswith the example of his life given to the end"the offering of suffering as a sign of love for theworld, Cardinal Castrillon said.

In his letter to priests, the pope quoted partsof the eucharistic prayers and explained how

Tum to page 13 - Priests

Easter TV Mass toair at special time

FALL RIVER - The Television Mass onEaster Sunday, March 27, will expand to afull hour and will air at a special time, from11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., on WLNE-TV,Channel 6, Providence-New Bedford.

Bishop George W. Coleman will celebratethe Easter Mass from the Cathedral of St.Mary of the Assumption in Fall River. Fa­ther Edward J. Healey, Cathedral rector, willconcelebrate.

The St. Mary's Cathedral Choir, under thedirection of Madeleine Grace, will lead themusic for the liturgy.

Those unable to attend a parish Mass be­cause of age or infirmity are encouraged tomake this telecast a part of their Easter cel­ebration.

THE 15TH STATION - Christ risesfrom the dead on Easter mqrning, at theNational Shrine of Our Lady of La Salettein Attleboro. (Anchon'Jolivet photo)

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March 28 Acts 2:14,22-33;Ps 16:1-2a,5,7-11; Mt 28:8-15

March 29 Acts 2:36-41 ; Ps33:4-5,18-20,22;In 20:11-18

March 30 Acts 3:1-10; Ps105:1-4,6-9; Lk24:13-35

March 31 Acts 3:11-26; Ps8:2ab,5-9; Lk24:35-48

April .1 Acts 4:1-12; Ps118:1-2,4,22-27a; In 21:1-14

April 2 Acts 4:13-21; Ps118:1,14-15,16-21; Mk 16:9-15

April 3 Acts 2:42-47; Ps118:2-4,13-15,22-24; 1 Pt1:3-9; In 20:19-31

Daily Readings

guage' at the Holy UnionMulticultural Center in Lowell.

Besides her Holy Union Sis­ters, she leaves a brother, WilfredMartel, of Mendon; and niecesand nephews. She was also thesister of the late Leonie Cham­berlain and Gabrielle Sweeney.

Her funeral Mass was cel­ebrated March 18 in SacredHeart Church, North Attleboro.Burial was in St. Mary's Cem­etery, Attleboro. .

The Sperry & McHoul Fu­neral Home in North Attleborowas in charge of arrangements.

11111I1111111111111111111111111THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) PeriodicalPostage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Publishedweekly except for two weeks in July and theweek after Chrisunas at 887 Highland Avenue,Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Pressof the Diocese ofFall River. Subscription priceby mail, postpaid $14,00 per year.POSTMASTERS send address changes to TheA!}c~or, P.O. 8Qx 7.Yall River, MA' 02722.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Teachers' College in Providence,R.I., and a master's degree ineducation from BridgewaterState College.

Sister Theodora spent the first30 years of her teaching careerat Sacred Heart School in NorthAttleboro. She founded the HolyUnion Special School, now theLighthouse School for specialneeds children, located inChelmsford. In her later years shegave private music lessons andtaught English as a Second Lan-

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March 281960, Rev. Alfred J. Levesque, Pastor, St. Jacques, Taunton1972, Rev. Bernard A. Lavoie, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall

River1983, Rev. Dieudonne Masse, OFM, Retired, Montreal, Canada1985, Rev. Howard A. Waldron, Pastor Emeritus, St. Thomas

More, Somerset

~rch 29 .1923, Rev. James H. Carr, S\TIL., Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall River1951, Rt. Rev. Msgr. EdwardJ\~oriaI!Y,Pas..!-~St. Patrick, Fall River2002, Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino$etired'Pastor, Immaculate Con-

ception, NorthEa~~\\ .

. March 3019.63, Rev. Aime Barre, On Sick\kave, Fall River1985, Rev. Benoit R. Galland, Retifed, United States Navy

. \\. '. March 3l~\

1953, Rt. Rev. Msgr. George C. Maxwell, Pastor, SS. Peter &Paul, Fall River ~'

Aprill195&, Rev. George A. Lewin, Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville1974, Rev. Edwin J. Loew, Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole

April 21961, Rev. Adolph Banach, OFM Conv., Pastor, Our Lady of

Perpetual Help, New Bedford1976, Rev. Donald Belanger, Pastor, St. Stephen, Attleboro1993, Rev. James B. Coyle, Pastor Emeritus, St. Dorothea,

Eatontown, N.J.

In Your PrayersPlease pray for the following

priests during the coming weeks

NORTH ATTLEBORO ­Holy Union Sister TheodoraMartel (Gabrielle Lucie), 88, ofMadonna Manor, died March 13.

Born in New Market, N.H.,the daughter of the late Edouardand Lea (Rousseau) Martel, shegraduated from St. Jean BaptisteAcademy Tn Pawtucket R.I., andentered the Novitiate of the HolyUnion Sisters in Fall River, in1934.

She received a bachelor of sci­ence degree from Catholic

RICHARD BOUCHER of the St. Patrick's Church MISSION Community, Wareham, speaksduring a recent kick-off brunch for RENEW. The parish has participated in each season ofthe program and is now focusing on the "Catechism of Catholic Church."

Sister Theodora Martel SUSC

. ®lrHnarn ."

Council at a special ceremony heldduring a business meeting on March10.

Supreme Knight Carl A. Ander­son, president ofthe international or­ganization, iil recognjzing the WalterWelsh Council, said, "Please acceptmy sincere congratulations upon at­taining this prestigious award. Thededication to the principles and aimsof the Order shown by your officersand members is exemplified by thehigh standard of excellence yourcouncil has achieved. May thisaward be a reminder and inspirationto the members of your council."

Accepting the award were PastGrand KnightMichael Medeiros andGrand Knight Joseph Maroon. Ma­roon said, "Receiving this award isquite an honor. We're very pleasedwith this accomplishment."

The Knights of Columbus is aCatholic, family, fraternal, serviceorganization with nearly 1.6 milliondues-paying members worldwide. In2003 they gave more than 6.1 mil­lion hours of volunteer service anddonated $130 million to charitable'and benevolent causes. The WalterWelsh Council has donated numer­ous college scholarships to local highschool graduates, donated to otherworthy causes, and volunteered nu­merous hours to community serviceand Church projects.




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The Knights of Columbus inter­national headquarters located inNew Haven, Conn., made the an­nouncement. Thomas Keogh, FieldAgent for the organization, presentedthe engraved plaque award to the

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Page 3: 03.25.05

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MQRE THAN 500 parents, students and Catholic schooladministrators attended the recent Catholic Schools Advo­cacy Day at the Massachusetts State House, sponsored bythe Parents Alliance for Catholic ~ducation. (PACE photo)

rnility dedicate their time to com­munity service. With a number ofreligious men and women in at­tendance, the full audience re­sponded with spontaneous ap­plause.

Cathedral High School (EastBoston) Junior Miss DayshelTurner shared her experiences atthe school stressing her apprecia­tion of the spirit of teamwork andsupport she receives at theschool, as well as the importanceof tuition assistance in making aCatholic education possible formany of her fellow students.

At the conclusion of the for­mal program, parents and prin­cipals fanned out for one-on-onemeetings with their legislators.Key goals for PACE in this statebudget cycle include 1) restoring$4 million to school nursing, 2)supporting Early Education forAll legislation for a universal,mixed system of preschool by2012 and 3) offering free MCAStesting for private and religiousschool students so they mayqualify for the state-fundedAdams Scholarship.

PACE is a non-profit organi­zation dedicated to serving theCommonwealth's 82,000 Catho­lic elementary and secondaryschool students.


STEVE PERLA, PACE ex­ecutive director, speaks to theass.embly at the recentCatholic Schools AdvocacyDay in Boston. (PACE photo)

"I believe your agenda is con­sistent with the Constitution,"Rogers stated, referring to PACE'sadvocacy goals in the areas ofschool health, school transporta­tion, early education and afterschool programs and equity inAdams Scholarship eligibility.

Rogers also called upon theaudience to show their apprecia­tion for priests and clergy of allfaiths who selflessly and with hu-

BOSTON - The Parents Al­liance for Catholic Education(PACE) sponsored the AnnualCatholic Schools Advocacy Dayon March 15 at the State House.The event came on the heels of afront-page story appearing in TheBoston Globe featuring PACE'srequest for equity for Catholicand Jewish school students inqualifying for the state-fundedAdams Scholarship.

More than 500 parents, stu­dents and Catholic school admin­istrators packed the Great Hall tooverflow capacity while lawmak­ers shared their perspectives onCatholic education - many ofwhom are alumni of Catholic el­ementary and secondary schools.

At the outset, PACE ExecutiveDirector Steve Perla made it clearto participants that in its II-yearhistory, the overarching goal ofPACE has been to ensure socialjustice for students.

House Majority Leader JohnRogers offered passionate re­marks on the topic of "unificationofchurch and state," quoting fromJohn Adams and the state consti­tution, which Adams wrote. Rep.Rogers argued that that intent ofthe state constitution regardingeducation was to serve all theCommonwealth's children.

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PACE-sponsored Catholic SchoolsAdvo~acy Day draws hundreds

'To lill eur friendsnest Wishes for li


ijappv ~aster


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Page 4: 03.25.05

themoorin~. Easter transformation

Friday, March 25, 2005

the living word


forgotten: "Today I tell you: youwill be with me in paradise."The good thief knocked and thedoor of heaven was opened, andthe Good Shepherd arrived inverdant pastures with one of hislost sheep.

His third word was to saints.Jesus had come from heaven tofound a new family. That familyalready had a father, but neededa mother. In a second annuncia­tion, Jesus declared to Mary that

she was to become amother again: "Womanbehold your son!" Thenhe turned to his beloveddisciple and said,"Behold your mother."The new "mother of allthe living," Maryrepeated her "fiat!" andhas ever since helpedJohn and her otherspiritual children to say

the same.In the fourth word, Jesus

shows how he was fulfIlling allthe Old Testament prophecies.In the words of Psalm 22, heturned to his Father and prayed:"My God, my God, why haveyou forsaken me?" This psalmhad predicted that he would bemocked and encircled byevildoers, that others would castlots for his clothing, and that hewould be able to count all hisbones. But that is just a preludeto a message of great hope: thathe would live in God and even

Tum to page six - Jesus

was being hammered to hiscruciform podium. While otherswould have naturally cried outin agony, Jesus cried, rather,"Father, forgive them, for theyknow not what they do!" Thesewords of mercy were invokednot just for his executioners andmockers, but for everyone who .has ever sinned. Little did hisexecutioners realize they werekilling the God-man; little havewe known that by our sins wewere doing the same; But in the

midst .of suffering the worst sinof all, Jesus was beggingforgiveness for us all. The"friend of tax collectors andsinners" was a faithful friend toall such sinners to the end.

His second word was to onesinner in particular who, in themidst of his own pain, recog­nized Jesus not as a fellowcrucified criminal about to die,but as a king about to conquerand reign. After defendingJesus, he didn't ask to be savedfrom death, only to be. remem­bered. And Jesus respondedwith words that have never been

By' F:ath~r RogerJ. Landry


Putting Intothe Deep

Jesus' valedictory







No greater homily has ever.been given than the one Jesuspreaches today, nailed to hisperpendicular pulpit.

It consists of a mere sevensentences, spread over the spanof three cold and dark hours'. ForJesus to have spoken at allshows how important heconsidered every word. Thehuman person speaks duringexhalation, and for a crucifiedman to talk, he has to thrusthimself upward by his legs toopen his lungs suffi­ciently to exhale. Underordinary circumstances,this would have beenimmensely painful, butfor someone like Jesuswith nails throu'gh thenerves of his feet, suchan action would havealso sent piercing boltsracing through hisbeaten body. Not only was hesuffering while he said thesewords, but he was sufferinganew precisely in order to saythese words.

Well before the Romansoldier had pierced his heartwith a lance to let forth a torrentof blood and water, Jesushimself revealed its contentsthrough his scabbed and parchedlips. And in them, Jesus, likeany great orator and teacher,summarized the most importantparts of what he had spent hislife trying to communicate.

The first word came when he

For people without faith, Easter is a mere commercial interlude. Itis an occasion to promote the sending of flowers and cards, alongwith endless chocolate bunnies and marshmallow eggs.

TIlen there are others who see Easter in the light ofa cultural experiJ

ence. At one tiDIe they might have been churchgoers, but the so-calledgood life has removed them from religious practices. Among this groupwe would find the "Easter Christians and Easter Catholics." Going tochurch regularly would be a quaint practice from the past.

A week to be called "holy" is not on the calendar for many people.We are too busy immersing ourselves into the secular. As a result,fewer people view such religious observances as a relevant part oftheir living. It is so very sad to see so many ignoring priorities, Whichcould help them to truly live their lives with greater meaning. Theemptiness of our culture is creating a spiritual vacuum.

For those who truly are striving to live faith concepts as best theycan with the knowledge they have at hand, Easter is a powerful re­minder of how much God so loved the world.

First and foremost, the mystery of Christ's ~esurrection is a realevent with manifestations that were historically verified, as the NewTestament bears witness. St. Paul put it so very well in his letters tothe Corinthians, "I delivered to you as of first importance what I alsoreceived, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scrip­tures, and that He was buried and that He was ralsed on the third dayand that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve." The "Catechismof the Catholic Church" interestingly remarks that the Apostle speakshere of the living tradition of the Resurrection, which he had learnedafter his conversion. In addition, Paul speaks ofmore than 500 peopleto whom Jesus appeared on a single occasion, and also to James andall of the Apostles. . .

Although we reflect the Resurrection as an historical event that'could be verified, still it remains at the very heart of the Mystery ofFaith as something that transcends and surpasses history. Again, asthe Catechism teaches, "Jesus is conclusively revealed as Son ofGodin power, according to the Spirit ofholiness, by His resurrection fromthe dead." As for the Son, Jesus reflects his own resurrection by virtueof his divine power. He himself announced that the Son of Man willhave to suffer much, die and then rise. He also said, "I lay'down mylife, that I may take it up again." So we believe that Jesus indeed diedand rose again.

We must also recall Paul's wQrds, "If Christ has not been raised,then our preaching is in vain." The resurrection above all constitutesthe confIrmation of all Christ's work and teachings.

Easter is a tiDIe to affirm that by his resurrection, Jesus opens foreach of us the way to a new and better life. We have been called "towalk in the newness of life." People become Christ's brethren not bynature, but by the gift ofgrace. Thus, Christ's resurrection is the prin~

. ciple and source of our future resurrection.Easter, therefore, is nof simply one feast among others. It is the

feast of feasts; the solemnity of all solemnities. St. Athaneus calledEaster ~e "Great Sunday" for all of us who are baptized into the faithof the Lord Jesus. It indeed should bejust that. Celebrating Easter canbe a powerful personal faith experience, Instead of grumbling andgriping about the grave difficulties of our tiDIes, we need to be re­stored and renewed. That will not come from movements and agita­tions. It will be gained by peace of mind, body and soul, achieved inan affirmation of faith; a faith that if we die with Christ we will risewith him as well. For us, resurrection is to be found in a fulfilling faiththat will indeed raise us up above our fragile human failings. Let ustry to make Easter a celebration ofhealing, hope and happiness. Thenour Alleluias will have true meaning and conviction.

The Executive E4itor


l .1

Page 5: 03.25.05

How much should Tedy bear?

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4/1-3 Married Couples Retreat - Fr. Dan Bradley, M.S.:with Ted and Bonnie Cotter,

4/4 Grandparenting Seminar - Dorothy Levesque - 10:30 a.m.4n GriefEduc~nProgram - Sister Judith Costa, SSD - 6:30 p.m.418-10 Women's Retreat - Dorothy Levesque & Fr. Roger Plante, M.S.4/10 Afternoon Recollection - Fr. F. Cassista, M.S.4/12 Grandparenting Seminar - Dorothy Levesque - 7:30 p.m.4/18 GriefEducation Program - Sister Judith Costa, SSD - 10:30am

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St. Anne's frayer"Good St. Anne, Mother of Mary, and

Grandmother of Jesus, Intercede for me and mypetitions. Amen."

having for lunch.Tedy Bruschi is a husband, a

daddy, and a neighbor who has aserious medical problem.

Tedy Bruschi loves NewEngland, proven by the fact hesigned a "hometown discount"contract to finish his career here.

Why is the media trying tochase him back to Arizona? For a

scoop? For an exclusive?For bragging rights?

I'm willing to wagerthat there aren't manyPats fans who care tosee Tedy hounded thisway.

Tedy, as a member ofthe media, I'd like to sayI'm embarrassed andapologize for the breach

of your privacy.And Tedy, as a family mem­

ber, I'd like to say that there aremany of us praying for your goodhealth, your wife, and yourkiddies.

The only news we want to hearis that you're doing well- andonly when YOU want to tell us.

Godspeed neighbor.Dave lolivet is the editor of

The Anchor and aformer sportseditorlwriter. Each week hegives his view ofthe uniqueworld ofsports.

Comments are welcome atdave;[email protected].

gusto, with passion, and with 11'0percent effort.

Tedy Bruschi is not a celeb­rity. To everyone in Patriots'Nation, he's family, and as such,I don't want to see him houndedby the media.

There's no need for a videoshot of Tedy behind somesnowbanks at his home simplytalking to his neighbors.

There's no need for the publicto know his every move.

There's no need for us toknow when his surgery isscheduled, what's the diagnosis,what's the prognosis, what is he

being a millionaire professionalathlete.

Maybe.But as a member of Patriots'

Nation, Tedy Bruschi is notconsidered a millionaire profes­sional athlete.

Tedy Bruschi is a man whoapproaches football as he doeseverything else in life - with

By Dave Jolivet

My ViewFrom the


Most of the time I enjoy beinga member of the newsmedia. Theseemingly endless college writingand reading assignments werewell worth the effort.

But there are those few timeswhen] wish I had devoted myyoung man energies to somethingelse.

There are the occasions here atThe Anchor when thelevel of my Faith isquestioned because ofwhat I put in or omitfrom the pages of thispublication.

Outside these fourwalls, as a newsman Icringe each time I see amicrophone or taperecorder shoved insomeone's face immediatelyfollowing a tragedy. Why agrieving individual owes themedia an answer to, "How doyou feel," at the lowest momentin their life, is beyond me.

This brings me to the mostrecent media meddling episode- New England Patriot TedyBruschi.

Tedy has frustrated the mediaby keeping his health problems aprivate matter - or at least tryingto keep them private.

There are those who say thatathletes trade away their privacyfor the money and notoriety of

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Page 6: 03.25.05

the~ Friday, March 25, 2005

%nten ,%f(ections<:With <:father C)homas ~~cHc.

when Mary ascended the steps ofthe temple and presented to the Fa­ther his own Son, made flesh in herwomb by the overshadowing of theHoly Spirit. In her AssumptionMary is taken up body and soul intoheaven and Christ her Son·presentsher to the whole heavenly court asthe perfect embodiment of what ahuman being ought to be.

Mary was preserved from all sinby the grace that Christ had won.That ~ame.grace is available to us.If we open our hearts to receive it,then he who is mighty can do greatthings for us (Lk 1:49), as he didfor Mary.

The Coronation of Our LadySt. Paul tells us that "tOOse God

called hejustified and those hejus­tified he glorified" (Rm 8:30). Atthe Annunciation Mary was calledto be the Mother of God. At Cal­vary Mary was called to be themother of all Christ's disciples. Inthe Assumption she was called upto heaven, body and soul. She hadlived without sin so her body wasnot allowed to suffer corruption.She has, therefore, been glorifiedabove all others and crownedQueen of Heaven and Earth.

Though Queen, she is still ourBlessed Mother, so we pray to herwith completeconfidence to help us"now and at the hour ofour death."

"Minute Meditations on theMysteries of the Rosary" can beobtainedfrom Holy Cross FamilyMinistries, 518 Washington Street,No. Easton 02356,1-800-299-7729or on the Website

tendency to follow the lines of least resistance- theseare all manifestations of sloth.

An indolent soul is barren in good works (Prov24:30-34), and easily falls prey to the devil, "for idle­ness teaches much evil" (Sir 33:27). As motionlesswater soon becomes stagnant, so a Christian who livesidly will soon become corrupt. Remember Our Lord'semphatic warning about the slothful servant and fool­ish virgins (Mt 25:1-30), and his promise to spew thelukewarm out of his mouth (Rev 3:16).

Hungering for righteousness, or likeness to God, isthe beatitude that remedies sloth (Mt 5:6). God alonesatisfies the deepest desires of the human heart. Sen­suality, technology, money and powerarejust a few ofthe false gods that leave us ultimately empty. Seek thetrue God and you will find him (Mt 7:7-8), and in find­ing him you will have the joy that overcomes sloth.. ''Learn of me," Jesus tells us, ''because I am meekand humble of heart" (Mt 11:29). Imagine our divineSavior on his way to Calvary. Thrice he falls under theheavy load; yet instead of giving up, he gets up withrenewed resolve to fulfill his mission. Then pray: Fromthe sin ofsloth, deliver me, 0 Lord.

. Father KOOk is chaplain at Charlton MemorialHosp~ in FaD River and part-time~t at StThomas More Parish, Somerset

He has two published books, "Apostolic Succes­sion" (Alba House, 1996) and ''The Refonn of theRefonn? A Liturgical Debate" (Ignatius Press,2003); and essays, homilies and letters have beenpublished in various periodicals, including Homi­letic & PastoralReview; The Catholic Answermaga­zine, First Things, and Adoremus BuUetin.

of God, returned to the Father inglory. For he had revealed the per­fect love of the Father to us by histeaching, his life, his death on thecross and his resurrection, so nowhe could say to his Father: "[ haveglorified you on earth andfinishedthe work that you gave me to do.Now, Father, it is time for you toglorify me with the glory [ hadwithyou before ever the world was" (In17:4-5). But he has not left us or­phans. He has ascended to preparea place for us (In 14:2) so that wemight see his glory and share in it.The Descent of the Holy Spirit

John's Gospel describes the deathofJesus on the cross with the words,"and bowing his head, he gave uphis Spirit" (In 19:30). On Pentecostthe Spirit, which Jesus had given tohis Father, was poured out on theApostles gathered in the upperroorftwith OurLady, herrelatives and sev­eral women. They had been prayingcontinuously for the previous 10days (Act 1:13-14). At last theirminds were open to understand whatJesus had tried to teach them. At lasttheir hearts were open to receive thelove about to be poured into theirhearts. Filled with insight and lovewhen the Holy Spirit came uponthem. they began to preach. .

When we pray and reflect on theScriptures with OurLady, she helpsus open our minds and our heartsto the Holy Spirit, the SpiritofTmthand Love, so we can experiencePentecost for ourselves.

The AssmnptionThe Assumption of Our Lady

into heaven recalls the Presentation,

The last of the seven capital sins is sloth, which St.Thomas Aquinas defines as disgust for virtue, a lan­guor of the soul which deprives it of the power to do

.good. "Pride may be the root of all evil," observestheologian R.R. Reno, "but in our day, the trunk,branches, and leaves ofevil are characterized by a be­lief that moral responsibility, spiritual effort, and reli­gious discipline are empty burdens, ineffective andarchaic demands that cannot lead us forward, inacces­sible ideals that, even if we believe in them, are be­yond our capacity." This is sloth.

Medieval writers often speakofsloth as a waning ofconfidence in the importance and power of prayer. StBernard of Oairvaux speaks of a sterility and drynessofhis soul that makes the sweet honey ofPsalm-ehant­ing seem tasteless. Dante, on the fourth ledge ofPurga­tory, describes the slothful as suffering from a "slowlove" that cannot uplift, leaving the soul stagnant underthe heavy burden of sin. The ancient monastic spiritualwriters, recallingPsalm91 :6, nicknamedsloth the "noon­day devil" who tempts monks to sadness and despair. Inthe heatofmidday, as the monktires and begins to won­derwhetherhis commitment to prayerand solitude wasa mistake, the demon wIllspers, ''Did God really intendfor human beings to reach for the heavens? Does God .really care ~hether we pray or notT

To us moderns, the whispering voice says, "God iseverywhere. Couldn't you just as well worship on thegolfcourse as in a church?" Or, "God accepts you justas you are. Why change?" In our sloth, we avoid anyspiritual discipline, Christian or otherwise. MissingMass on Sundays and holy days, laxity inprayer, dis­regard for the Church's laws of fast and abstinence, a

Lenten meditations on .the Glorious Mysteries

The foUowing meditations aretaken with permission from thebook "Minute Meditations on theMysteries oftheRosary,"by the lateHoly Cross Fa!/rer Thomas M. Fee­ley, who had written Advent andLenten reflectionsfor TheAnchor.

The ResurrectionChrist's words to Mary

Magdalene after the Resurrection,"Do not cling to me because [ havenot yet ascended to the Father" (In20:17) seem puzzling, but not ifwefill in the implied premise. Ifwe do,the reasoning becomes clear:"When I have ascended to the Fa­ther you must cling to me. But Ihave not yet ascended to the Father.Therefore, you must not cling tome." Then he sent her to tell thegood news to his disciples.. Mary showed her deep love andadoration by clinging to the feet ofthe risen Christ that first Eastermorning. We cannot do that nowsince Christ has ascended to theFather. But now we must cling tohim all the more because he is "theWay, the Truth, and the life" (In14:6). Ifwe are strong in faith, hopeand love, as Mary Magdalene was,and cling to him heart and soul, wewill realize the truth of our Lord's'words, "Blessedare they who havenot seen but have believed" (In20:29). .

The AscensionThe cloud in Scripture signifies

the divine presence, so when weread that as the Apostles looked on,Jesus "was lifted up and a cloudtook himfrom theirsight" (Act 1:9),weunderstand that Jesus, the Son

will present aBible study on the Gos­pel of St. Luke from 7-8:30 p.m. atGood ShepherdChurch on March 28,April 4, 11,25, May 2and 9. Formoreinformation call 508-678-2828.

MISCELLANEOUS - TheDaughters of Isabella state conven­tion is being held April 15-17 at theSturbridge Host Hotel and Confer­ence Center. All members of thegroup are invited to attend and takepart in business meetings and inter­act with other Circle members. Con­tact your Circle's regent for furtherinformation.

NEW BEDFORD - The pro­gram "A Closer Look at Our Catho­lic Faith," led by Lisa Gulino willtake place March 30, April 6, 13,20,27 and May 4 at OurLady ofGuada­lupe Parish at St. James Church. Formore information call 508-678- .2828.

SOUTHDARTMOUTH- Themusical group SessionEight will per­form at the 3-N-l Coffeehouse at St.Mary's Parish Center, 783 DartmouthStreet, April 3 from 7-10 p.m. Formore information call 508-992-7163.

YARMOUTHPORT - FatherRoger Landry will lead a Morningof Recollection, themed "BeingRisen with Christ," April 9 at theSacred Heart Chapel on SummerStreet. It will begin with the celebra­tion of Mass at9 a.m. and includesadoration of the Blessed Sacrament,two conferences on prayer and rec­onciliation.

God, was giving his body andshedding his blood to inauguratethe new and eternal covenant, hecried out in triumph "it isfinished!"

His mission successfullyaccomplished, he could nowturn to his heavenly Father andin his last word put an exclama­tion point on the infinite trustthat characterized his entire life:"Father, into your hands Icommend my spirit!"

Jesus had strained to speakthese words aloud so that wecould know what was in hisheart as that heart was about tobeat its last. He proclaimedthem so that we could hear themand base our lives on them.

Today their power andeloquence echo unabated in thecontrite, contemplative' hearts ofhis faithful followers.

Fatller Landry is a parochialvicar at St. Francis XavierParish, Hyannis.

Continued from page four

ACUSHNET - A blood drivewill be held at St. Francis XavierPar­ish, 120 Main Street, April 3 from 8a.m. to 1 p.m. All blood types areneeded and donors are encouragedto eat a light'snack before they ar­rive. For more information call 508­995-7600.

ACUSHNET - The YouthGroup of St. Francis Xavier Parishwill present the Living Stations oftheCross tonight at 7 p.m. Each Stationwill be acted out by the teens and setto music.

ATILEBORO - The NationalShrine ofOur Lady ofLa Salette willhost a healing service March 31 at6:30 p.m. It will include the oppor­tunity for attendees to be anointedand prayed over individually. Formore information ·call 508-222­5410.

WESTPORT- The Fall RiverDiocesan Council ofCatholic Nurses

EAST SANDWICH- The pro- are sponsoring the seminar "Vio­gram "A Closer Look at Our Catho- . "lence and Abuse: Identification, In­lic Faith," led by Lisa Gulino will tervention, Prevention and Re­take place April 2, 9,16,23,30 and source," April 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 3May 7 at Corpus Christi Parish from p.m. at White's of Westport. For9:30-11 a.m. more information call 508-678-


EAST FREETOWN - Em­maus, a Catholic co-ed retreat pro­gram for young adults ages 20-40seeking to grow in their relationshipwith Christ regardless oftheir presentlevel of faith and practice, will beheld at Cathedral Camp April 22-24.For more information call John Grif­fin at 781-341-1709.

FALL RIVER - Lisa Gulino


FALL RIVER - The DiocesanPro~Life Apostolate along with theOrder of Malta will present a freelecture seminar entitled "CatholicTeaching on Morality and Sexual­ity," April 2 from 9 a.m. to 1p.m. atBishop Connolly High School. It willfeature three nationally knownspeakers. .

those who "sleep in the earth"would bow before God. Despitecontrary perceptions, God wasshouting that God had neverabandoned his beloved childrenand would call them back to life!

In the fifth word, he fulfilled. Psalm 69, which foretold that he

would be thirsty and givenvinegar to drink. He who hadcreated all the water in theworld nevertheless clamored "Ithirst!" As with the time heasked the Samaritan woman fora drink, however, his thirst wasto give us himself as "livingwater," to quench our thirsts anddesires forever.

That fifth word leads to thesixth. Scripture scholars say thatthe wine mixed with gall givento Jesus constituted the fourthcup of the Jewish Passover rite,which brought to completi<;m .what Jesus had begun at the LastSupper the night before. As the .new paschal victim, the },.amb of

Page 7: 03.25.05

Friday, March 25, 2005 7


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about our care for loved ones whodie.

Anthropologists often note thatone way we learn the quality of aculture's civilization is how theytreat their dead. We need to besure that how we respect our deadfaithfully reflects our Christianunderstanding of the meaning ofhuman life and death, and ourfaith in the resurrection.

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teaches our students to love God and love true wisdom. Our engaging campus cultureinvites them to seek ongoing personal conversion in the power of the Holy Spirit.This total Catholic educational experience helps smdents achieve the Christian maturity,integrity, and knowledge they need to live as "salt and light" in the world.

Cremation and Catholic FuneralRites" published by the U.S.bishops in 1997 explain the carewe should have for the bodies ofour dead. Both stress a preferencefor burial or entombment of the

deceased, even aftercremation. The latterdocument expresses itvery clearly: 'Theremains of crematedbodies should be treatedwith the same respectgiven to the corporalremains of a human body.

''This includes themanner in which they arecarried, the care and

attention to appropriate placementand transport, and their finaldisposition. The cremated remainsof a body should be entombed ina mausoleum or columbarium (aburial place reserved for ashesafter cremation); they may also beburied in a common grave in acemetery."

The practice of scatteringremains on the sea or on theground, it continues, or keepingcremated remains in the home ofa relative or friend, are not proper.

The same applies to theextraordinary practice of dividingthe cremated remains so they maybe placed in brooches, or neck­laces, or other jewelry. This, too,overlooks some important truths

should steer away from thefragrance-free section. The parishprobably uses tactful little signs orsomething, as opposed to walk­through chemical sensor devicesalong the lines of airport securitycheckpoints that would sound analarm if a particular worshipperexceeded a certain level of scent asmeasured on the smellerometerscale.

Rather than be singled out andembarrassed, however, theseparishioners could be discreetly ledbehind a privacy wall and shrink­wrapped.

E-mail Uncle Dan [email protected].

of the ancient heroes of faith whodid not "see death" but was takenup to God (Heb 11:5). OtherChristian theologians often referto these books. The Letter of Judequotes them at least once (v. 14).

With such a well-known workdevoting considerable attention tothe angel Uriel, among other thingsplacing him in charge of thenetherworld, it is perhaps under­standable that even today certainreligious groups honor him.

Only the three angels named inthe Bible - Raphael, Gabriel andMichael- are honored by namein Christian history and tradition.

Q. In the eyes of the CatholicChurch, is it pennissible to keepashes of the deceased in thehouse? One priest says it is allright, but others have said it isnot. (New Jersey)

A. Two documents, 'TheOrder of Christian Funerals" and"Reflections on the Body,

and jump up during Mass toretrieve it, even when they arevisiting relatives in another state?

I'll tell you why. It's becausethese latter "conditions" are moreattitudinal than medical or physicallike real chemical sensitivity,which can shut down your wholesystem and send you to theemergency room where peoplewearing green clothes ask you,"When was the onset?" and look atyou funny when you say, "When I

sat down nextto someonewith the new 1.Lo'Glow'perfume atchurch."

This kind ofthing rarelyhappens whenpeople besideyou at Mass ask

you to link up for the Our Father,unless ofcourse they are beingcute and zap you in the palm witha "sucker buzzer."

OK, OK, OK, I am curiousexactly how Blessed Sacrament's"zone" keeps certain scents fromwafting in. You can't help but thinkofsome restaurants' smoking andnonsmoking sections, which areseparated by nothing but imagina­tion.

An official scientific federalstudy surely would prove that OldEnglish cologne or Aqua Nethairspray could penetrate stainlesssteel barriers, much less thedistance of a few pews.

Nor do I know how it iscommunicated to higWybouqueted parishioners (akaCalvin Klein on a Stick) that they

By FatherJohn J. Dietzen



Is there an angel named Uriel?

By Dan Morris

Parishioners with special aversions

The offbeatworld of

Uncle Dan

won't become ill.I know what you are thinking.

Rather than create a special placefor those of us who are chemicallysensitive, maybe we should setaside a special little room forworshippers who splash oncologne with a soup spoon.

On the other hand, you mightbe wondering: Ifa parish can reachout to parishioners who arechemically sensitive, couldn't aparish also create special zones forCatholics who:

- Do not like to hold handsduring the Our Father?

- Must sit at the end of thepew?

- Only lip-sync hymns?- Are terrified oftwo-year-olds?- Tend to forget their pew

envelope on the counter at home

Blessed Sacrament Parish inSeattle has set a new standard forreaching out to parishioners whohave challenges to their ability toattend Mass - something thateven rivals the invention of thecrying room.

The parish has created a"fragrance-free zone" at three of itsweekend Masses - a seating areawhere parishioners sensitive tothings like hairspray or fragrancescan sit and be pretty sure they

Q. As a grade-school religionteacher, I begin each year bydiscussing angels, especiallyguardian angels. Recently I seereligious catalogues advertisingstatues of an Archangel Uriel.Who is this? If he is anarchangel, why do weonly hear of Michael,Raphael and Gabriel?(Maryland)

A. The name Urieloccurs in apocryphalJewish scriptures, theBooks of Enoch, as oneof four archangels.

Enoch, our Bible says,was the father of Methuselah.Genesis (5:24) tells us Enoch"walked with God, and he was nolonger here, for God took him."This implies, so it was believed,that Enoch did notdie but, like theprophet Elijah (2 Kings 2), wastaken alive to heaven.

The three Books of Enoch wereknown widely in the early years ofChristianity. Written around thetime of Christ, they significantlyinfluenced early Christian writings,including the New Testament.

IThey are the first to desIgnate theMessiah with names like the Sonof Man, the Righteous One (e.g.Acts 3:14) and the Chosen One(e.g. Lk 9:35).

The New Testament Letter tothe Hebrews names Enoch as one

Page 8: 03.25.05

Cardinal cites tasks for Catholic-Jewish relations



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cial attention to the 1964·essay opposingsuch dialogue by the late Rabbi Joseph B.

WASHINGTON - Keynoting a three- Soloveitchik, universally regarded as theday Catholic-Jewish theological dialogue, most influential figure in American Ortho­a top Vatican official said among th~ main dox Judaism'in the past half-century. .tasks facing-Catholic-Jewish relations in While acknowledging several importantcorning years are deeper historical studies, points in Rabbi Soloveitchik's essay, Rabbidialogue on fundamental the910gy and ad- Borowitz argued that the kind of dia,Ioguevancing cooperation in charitable and so- Jews have experienced with Catholics overcial work. the past 40 years has not been the "pecti-'

Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the liar encounter in which our confronter will_Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian . command us to take a position beneath himUnity and of the council's Commission for 'while placing himself not alongside of-butReligious Relations With the Jews, spoke above us;" as .envisioned by the late ar­to a packed r90m.~f about 300 ,people at,' ,thodox~leader: Rather, it has been adia-

. The Catholic Uriiv'ersity of America's logue 'oCequals chanict.erized 'by':mui~ai'Pryzb'ylll Centerlast week.' respect; he said. .'.. .. Sharing the podIum with him was Rabbi The conference was .titled· "A Celebra-Eugene B. Borowitz'of Hebrew Union tion of the 40th Anniversary of 'NostraCollege's Jewish ·Institute of Religion in Aetate': Catholic"JewishRelations in Theo:New York, who is widely regarded as the logical Dialogue.". " . . . .' . . . . ..' . "dean of American)ewish philosophers and . CardiiJ.a~. Kasper'sa~d~hat·in "Nostra·· ~~ .... 'GERMAN CARDINAL Walter Kasper 'greets' Rabbi Leon,'Klenicki' aHl]e' .' -the .first teacher o~ W~?~.~ebr~w, lJnion. Aetat.e.":~ the': ~995 ,Seco~d, y~.t~caq. '"start of a.progra.m 0'; the theolo'gical dimensions of Catholic-Jewish .rela-. '"'.'

. has co~ferred the tItle dIst10gUIshed PE<?-, C~)Uncl1 decl~a~Ipn o~<;ath()IJc relatlo.I~s. ·tions recently at The G.ath9Iic'-lJniversity of America in Wa~hington. Cardinalfessor. .' .' .' _. WIth !1on-Chrjstl~rel!glO~~- t~~ .:ourth .. Kasper; president of. the '-Pontifical Qouncii'for; Promoting Christian .Unity, -. RabbI ~or!Jw.Itz ---:- wh?se 1Ovolvement c~apt~r, on ~~d~sm, was 1O..spI~e of all . gave the opening talk of a three-day discussion marking the 40th anriiver-.' .. '~' .::10 CatholIc-JewIsh dialogue goes back to tpe·,cQmprom!s~s OI~e 0'£ t.he most .revo- '. ,,' ,,' . . . ; C' h h d' . ~.:

, the fIrst formal U.S.' Catholic-Jewish col- , l.utionary docurijerits:' prodiJced by' the sary of. No~tra Aetate, :.,the Secon~ Vatlgan . ouncil docum~ntt at re~ ape ,~, 'loquium, Jan. 25c28, 1965, atSt: Vincent's council. . .. '... . '.'... Catl)ohc attitudes toward Jews and Judaism. (CNS photo by N~mcy Wlec~ec) ,~, .

,,' . Archabl;>ey iri'Latrobe,Pa. - strongly ap- .,.. The wor~'that flowed from thaf·docu- c" ".;,:

-~". '. plauded tlle res;ent movement'ofCMholic-, ;·ment "has.fundament~lytransforriled"ihe new' questions andt4eologica(Inv~st.iga- sibletQ ~ayitall'~emainsof value.'.;' .JewisQ consultations into the field of theo- . '. ~most2;OOO-year-old rela~onshipbetweell. tions in both communities... ',' . . H~. said the reGord M'''simple hUglan

". logicaldialogue. . '" .., Jews and Cliristians,'~he~aid: and what has : 'While) ~greeing-" witli '. · 'respect and high human: regard"'inCluis'-H~ gave an overview ~f the history of happ'ened~n·.thepas\ 40 y~ar~ is only ':~e SOioYeltchik's ~iew ofJhe ultimate"incom~' tian-Je~ishdjalogues over the'past40 ye:u:s'

c .~ '..religious.~iscrirninaijoil,isolation.. and op- ';..yety ~~ginningo(,thi~ process." .;: " prehensib.ility 'of the' intim~teenco,!nt.e.r of giye Jews grounds to trust,that till.s mat!Jre,;..~. . .:' pre~sion that gave rise to a long J~wishdis- . " He:.suggested that' il"dynarniclof grow--,. man arid God, RabNBorow:itz comm~ntec;l;' diijogue. :'evidence.s nothing like. the ·hu-:· .~. :-.:::~' ' r.'.' trUst of any sharing ofreligio~sbeliefs with·· -ing. tlieologi<;aL undei~tangi~g Q.etw~en.· ~ "Does: !pat. ~eaI! 'we ~.can't say anything,? man"in~ignitie~ .~abQL~oloveitchik en,:i~...- ...' Christians. :Rabbi .Borowitz' dtwoted :spe- Coostians.aildJews itself willgive.nse"'t<5/: ·1b s~y \\'.hl1t one can say when it iSlmpos-: .~sioned.". ,':. _..... , . c-' <- -: • • -:-..:,,;.-

~"." .. ,' .. > .:."~". "" ····:':·;Ne~:yad.~·;VaS~~~·fu~~um;:~esign~·("··"~

to keep'meinoryofllolocausi .aliv~.:·. .~~."

~: ...;

tive museum norms; 'officials said.' Rose Gineste, a' French' iluI1wh6The musei.un was built to accommo- took forged documents and foo~ _ ~ .~~ .',

JERUSALEM:- A new Israeli date half ~. million visitors a.year; coupons to Jewish children hjdden ..-: ,'~., ,r 1 :

museumw<;iS designed.tobePersonal attendance. reached more than 2.5 in monasteries.' . ., .and keep the memory of the H91q- million in the year 2000 ioiIo~ing '. ','Fro~European and perso,?-al ~~ '-.caust alive, officials said: PopeJohti Pawn's visit, said Shalev. ~chives the museum acquired diaries; ".' As the laSt of.1he~lderly. Ho!o- After the outbfeak ofthe intifada,' art works, letters, notes taken byNazi .'' ....caust surVivors die,the~ will.~ al~ . : or Palestiriian ~piising, the number: officers, lind photographs taken by '1-;

" mo&tno opportunitjesto learn abOut .' of visitors· fell as touiism to Israel' Jews~dNazis, includipg the per- : ~:the Holocaust at a' personal. level, ..·declined. ' .~: ' .,' , .. sonal photQ aIbums of German sol-. L'

.' said Avner, Shalev, chie.f curator .of '. Some 80 percent of the visitors' 'diers who proudly recorded many ofthenewHolocaustH,istoryMuSeUll,l- to ,Yad'Vashem arenon-Jews from their·actionS.· '. ,:'~'

.' at Yad Vashem and chairman of the abroad, Shalev said. .' .. ' '. The chronological exhibits in-Yad VaSh~ni-direCtomte. .. . Whereas ·the old museum had c~udevideoclips of J~wish life ~-.. -. "Our main challenge was how to· . more of aj~xtbookfeel, focusing' fore the war as well as in the gh~ttos .

.build·a pattern of meaningfurre- : mainlyori thefacts of the Nazi pe.. .and concentration camps, authentic -. ':7: ~.

" memb~ce for the third and fourth· riod, the new museum, which is four concentration camp uniforifls ·and ~

generation (aft~r t!ie. Holocaust) : times as large as the old one, weaves . bu:nlc beds, ~treet posts, cobblestones'" _~:. '.withouphesuppoit·ofthe veryper-' theperSon;l1 story ofsom~ 90 indi- and wag<;ms from ghettos, and a "' ...

: sonal encoun~rs between those eye- viduals with the historical story of cattle car used'totranSport ve,ople to, wit;nesses whO are'abl~ to deliver .the.Holocaust: ., ," ..' ··the concentration camps. . :,' .'

'. theIr experiences' :.:'"toyoungsters •. The cUrators' sought to contact " Thenew muse.urn includes a Sec- .~_ ." ~.. ' ~,~ ~und tqe world,'.' said Shalev.. as many .suryivors 'as possible. In tiori about the systematic extermina- . '.>. ,.',The Vatican archivist'andformer addition to ~Ving testimonies about ~ tiOI~ of Gypsies, homo~xuals and, .,:. ;~ . '?~.. foreign ~ruster, Cardinal Jean- . their lives during.those yearS, many . rtental!y apd physically handi- ...~. ,. : '., Lot!-is Tauran.,: was among'the hun- of the sUrvivors"doriat~ personal cappeg people, 9neexhibit i~ re- . ,di"eds.of'iiitemation~ leaders imd artifacts..:...,-sucnas Bluma Walach's served for the stories of.righteous . , .

. .dignitaries a!ten~g:the in~ugura- .. ey.eglasses;, which.he,r da~ght~r, . gentil~;includingCatholicssuch~ "'. '. -<, tion of the museum lastweek. ... " Tola:Walach, carried:with herinbusinessman. Oskar Schindler and ..... :~':,'

..,; . . Tett years iii th'em~g, the new: : concentration camps after they were . two Belgian brothers and priests, Fa~ ,<>r. ".,museumreplacest}:tecurrentHistori-' separated~.Bluma Wallich was ',thers l;;iJis and Huber'Ceis, whO: ..

: cal"Muse~.esta.blished.j.n·the late· . gassed;.b~r daughter survived ~d '. risked'their lives to protect:Jewish·, .".. . )960s as,a part of the yad Vashem' kept the smaIl round,glasses foi,~O, children, . . . " '. ; .

. . ,': .... ~ ,- ."' ......, ,'. .... : :HolocaustM~'andHeroes'Re:years ~foredonating them.!o'the·, muserim is only part of, THE ~~CYC~Eof SI~t~r' M~ne·Rose .Gln.e~te, w..ho helped. membTaflce Atitl.lOrity.Thee~bits . museum.. '" ~ ~ . ,~ ... a multiyear,'$I00 million develop-' ,.,s~ve'J~wlshchlldren.dunng the H..9.lo~aust,. ba,ngs ~n.t.he ne.w . ~wereputtogethei'iritheearly 19705' .. "Several of tIle artifactS have a ment plan oftheeritire Yad Vashein " .,: /' ,

..~.; ., Holocaust History Mu§eum at Yad Vashem .in~Jer~salem..and·hadbecome·outdatedbyt~y's··Catholic·connection;:they"include cOmplex. Most of the fundirig has" ..- . ":(CNS photo ,by Debbie Hill) .,- .• " . ;; sta.ndards of intel'a;Ciive and'inn,?va- thebi~ydi'us~ by Sister Mari~- come frOm private doilat.tons. .<....:. ... .;":!

'. ,~~. • • ;". ..' ~ ~ ••~ - -~ • ';." -~: ..... ~: " \ --J. • ~ . ... -.: ,.' 'Go..' " • ~ ~;p. :

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Page 9: 03.25.05

Friday, March 25, 2005 9

.'c'. '.

'We are here, we are here':Pro-Life Democrat

voices break through

A CROWN of thorns is displayed during a Mass at Jesusthe Good Shepherd Church in Dunkirk, Md., on the fifth Sun­day of Lent. (CNS photo by Bob Roller)

form," he said, adding that anysolution must be industrywidebecause Taco Bell alone "simply

. does not have the clout" to solvethe problems raised by the coali-tion. .

The company purchas~dabout

10 million pounds of Florida to­matoes in 2004, about one percentof the state's commercial crop.

In 2002, the coalition gave theexample of workers for onegrower who were paid 40 cents

for each 32-pound bucket oftomatoes they picked. Therate, which had not changedsince 1978, meant workershad to pick and haul twotons of tomatoes to earn$50.

Employees of that com­pany had no union organiz­ing rights, received no over­time'pay, had no health in­

surance, sick leave, paid holidaysor vacations, and had no pension.

Lucas Benitez, co-director ofthe coalition, said "Not muchmore can be said about the condi­tions in Florida's 'tomato fieldsthat hasn't been said already.Wages are extremely low, work­ing conditions can be brutal ­Florida's fields have seen some ofthe most shameful extremes ofexploitation that this country hasknown, both decades ago and stilltoday. My community is one ofthe poorest communities in thecountry and our sacrifices havehelped make Florida's tomatoessome of the least-expe~sive,high­est-quality tomatoes on the mar­ket today."

. in a recent statement, BishopNicholas A. DiMarzio of Brook­lyn, N.Y., chairman of the U.S.bishops' domestic policy commit­tee, called the agreement "a steptoward justice for farmworkers."

Bishop DiMarzio commendedTaco Bell for its pledge to workwith the coalition to address work­ing and living conditions of agri­cultural workers in Florida as wellas to raise wages.

During the years of negotia-

tions, the U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops had joined thebishops of Florida in appealing toTaco Bell's management "to takethis kind of action and to lead the

. entire industry by their example,"he said. .

Since 1994, the U.S. bishops'Catholic Campaign for HumanDevelopment, the Church's domes­tic anti-poverty program, has regu­larly funded the coalition's grass­roots organizing efforts with grantsof between $25,000 and $35,000.

Emil Brolick, Taco Bell presi­dent, said "We recognize thatFlorida tomato workers do notenjoy the same rights and condi­tions as employees in other indus­tries, and there is a need for re-

. Bishop DiMarzio commendedTaco Bell for its pledge to work withthe coalition to address working andliving conditions ofagricultural work­ers in Florida as well as to raise·wages.


WASHINGTON (CNS) - Af- leader. Reid includes legislation toter feeling alienated by party poli- reduce abortions by preventing un­tics for decades, Pro-Life Demo- intended pregnancies among hiscrats may be encouraged by a Dr. top-10 priorities.Seuss book that could be an alle- Then, Sen. Hillary Rodhamgory for their struggle. Clinton, D-N.Y, told an audience

In "Horton Hears a Who!" the of family planning providers thattiny people ofWho-ville, a complex abortion is a "sad, even tragicworld inside a speck of dust, choice to many, many women," andstruggle to make their voices heard . that emphasizing religious andand save their civilization from im- moral values in encouqiging teenspending doom. to abstain from sex should be em­

Pro-Life Democrats haven't got- braced. She went on to encourageten quite that clear a sign of sup- supporters of legal abortion to fmdport from their party's leadership. common ground with abortion op­And they're not all sure the pot of ponents in preventing unwantedBeezle-Nutoil isn't just sirnmering, pregnancies and providing betteron a back burner. prenatal care.

But since November's election, Most recently, the DemocraticDemocraticleaders have acknowl-· leadership cleared the way foredged they hear the voices of those Pennsylvania Treasurer Robert Ca­who feel alienated by the party's sey, son of the late Gov. Roberthistory of opposing, any law to re- Casey, to run unopposed in the 2006

. . . b d . strict abortion and shUtting out can- primary race for the Senate. Casey,,BISHOP JOHN J. ~evlns of Venice, Fla., nght, ,offers.encourageme~t to me":! ers an didates and activists who disagree. like his father, is Pro-Life, which

supporters of the Coalition of I~~okalee Workers In Venrce ~s they begin ~.15-clty protest Exit polls that showed voters con- not so long ago would have meanttour in late February. The coalition, a grass-roots effort to Improve conditions and labor cerned about "moral values" over- the Democratic Senatorial Cam­standards for farmworkers, recently reached an agreement with the parent company of whelmingly voted for President' paign Committee would haveTaco Bell to increase pay and improve conditions in the'tomato industry. The agreement George W. Bush solidified what steered clear of primary endorse-ends the coalition's four-year boycott against Taco Bell. (CNS photo by Ed Foster Jr.) little-heard voices had been saying ments or supported another candi-

. . . about the Democratic Party for date who backs legal abortion.

FI ··d'. t t' . . 'k . ~a'CO Be'll .years. By persuading two other lead-:, orl a· .·oma 0 wor ers~ II . " . , .NowsomePro-LifeDemoqr,!ts iI,lgDemocratsnottorun,theparty" .. ". . .,., d·' ... think the tide has turned. .' ',-set the scene for Casey, a,Catholic,...... .reach' deal ·on w.'ag,es," con I.tlons . '.'For the first time in 'three de- to rUn unopposed against incum-cades we have a substantial oppor- bent Republican Sen. Ricktunity'to potentially change the'de- "'. saritorum, another Pro-Life Catho­bate in the Democratic Party lind . lic. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.,potentially change the outcome of who heads the senatorial commit­its' policies," said .former Indiana tee, also has been encouraging Pro­congressman Tim Roemer, now Life Rep. Jim Langevin to runhead of the Center for National against Republican Rhode IslandPolicy. Roemer was among those Sen. Lincoln Chafee, who supportswho sought to head the Democratic legal abortion.National Committee. In that case, Eric McFadden, president ofhe said, being Pro-Life created "not Catholicsfor Faithful Citizenship,just a glass ceiling, but a steel one." said he's encouraged by what hasFormer Vermont Gov. Howard happened in the Democratic PartyDean was elected instead at the in the last few weeks and by ef­committee's February meeting. forts from groups such as the

''Being Pro-Life has been a death American Life League to reach outwarrant" for Democrats with their to his members. But he remains a

, eyes on party leadership positions bit skeptical about how muchor the White House, Roemer, a backbone the party will show ifCatholic, told Catholic News Ser- big-money organizations such asvice. But now, "I believe we're get- Emily's List and NARAL Pro­ting traction and momentum. We've Choice America start to flex theirmade more progress in the last six muscle.weeksthanwehaveinthelastthree "Those groups really have adecades." stranglehold on the Democratic

Among the signs encouraging Party," he said. "It's going to takeRoemer and others is the selection someone with courage, like Dean,of abortion opponent Sen. Harry to break it. Whether Dean is will­Reid ofNevada as Senate minority ing to do that remains to be seen."

.. '~ ORLANDO, Fla. - Floridafarmworkers and Taco Bell havereached an 'agreement to improvewages and working conditions inthe tomato industry.

The agreement was reached. two weeks ago by the Coalition

'of Immokalee Workers and TacoBell, adivision of Yum! Brands

. and the largest Mexican-style;fast-food chain in the country. It

, calls fOT an increase of a penny, per pound in the price thecompany pays for tomatoesand for the company towork with the coalition toimprove working conditionsin the tomato industry.

. Since 2001, the coalitionhad led a grass-roots cam­paign to boycott Taco Bell.

. Under the agreement the~,

coalition will end its boy-cott.

Bishop John J. Nevins ofVenicehas worked with the farmworkersori efforts to reach an agreementthat included joining marches andprayer services. He said the

'.' coalition's success would not havebeen. possible without the grass-,roots involvement of peoplethroughout the nation and "all thefaithful, our parishes and other

.. ' 'Ctturch organizations that en"" dorsed the boycott and remained

in solidarity with the coalition.' ..during this struggle."

. Bishop Nevins thanked thecoalition and the company fortheir willingness to work out acQntract and added, "I hope oth­er~ will follow their lead."

- .". '. , "

Page 10: 03.25.05


Friday, March 25, 2005

tima and Medjugorje in Bosnia­Herzegovina. (To date, the latterhas not been officially recog­nized by the Church.)

"Visions of Mary" maintainsa level of objectivity concerningthe debate over "private revela­tions" - refraining from de­bunking them or endorsing themwithout question - and allowsthe voices of both devotees andcritics to be heard. Unfortunately,the otherwise polished programis handicapped by B-movie spe­cial-effects shots of the appari­tions themselves.

"Visions of Mary" providesviewers with a clear understand­ing of why the Catholic Churchhas traditionally taken a prudentapproach when evaluating andauthenticating apparitions. Thereason for the hierarchy's intensescrutiny - usually involving arigorous investigation - is tomake sure that the faithful are notmisled by delusion, mass hyste­ria,-fraud or demonic deception.As one commentator cautions,

"There is a fineline betweendevotion andsuperstition."

Also dis­cussed are thecriteria used byChurch offi­cials in assess­ing each case:Is the visionarypsychologi­

cally stable? Can the events beexplained through naturalmeans? Does the revealed mes­sage conflict with Church teach­ings? Does the experience leadto deeper private or public piety?

Of course, Christians cannotcategorically discredit the possi­bility of such events, since to doso would effectively deny suchsupernatural visitations as theAnnunciation.

According to the program, ofthe 80,000 claims since the thirdcentury, only one percent havebeen recognized by the Church- and none to date in the UnitedStates.

In the 18th century, PopeBenedict XIV, addressing theapprobation granted to "privaterevelations," concluded that,even when the Church gives itsseal of approval, apparitions arenot "required belief' for anyCatholic.

If sincere piety gives way toobsession, and greater impor­tance is placed on "private rev­elations" than the "public rev­elation" of sacred Scripture, itcan, in the words of author J.Michel Miller, "reduce one'sreligious life to a narrowdevotionalism ... distracting thefaithful from the sacramentallife of the Church."

The filmmakers conclude thatin the end the real iniracle ofM~ian apparitions is the faith,hope and love they inspire.

'Visions ofMary"providesviewers with a clear under­standing of why the Catho­lic Church has traditionallytaken a prudent approachwhen evaluating and au­thenticating apparitions.

eNS TV review ­'Visions of Mary'

NEW YORK (CNS) - InMay 1982, a year after survivingan assassination attempt, PopeJohn Paul II knelt and prayed atthe shrine of Our Lady of Fatimain Portugal.

On one lev~l, the gesture rep-. resented the Holy Father's grati­tude to God - and, by way ofintercession, Mary - for sparinghis life. But the papal Fatima also affirmed the im­portance the Church attaches tothe claims of the three peasantchildren, who in 1917 said that

. the Blessed Virgin had appearedto them at that site. The last ofthree visionaries - CarmeliteSister Lucia-dos Santos - diedin February at age 97.

Church history is replete withsimilar stories of such mysticalencounters - known as Marianapparitions - many of which arethoughtfully examined in "Vi­sions of Mary," an intelligent andbalanced documentary airingEaster Sunday, March 27, 8-10p.m. EST on cable's HistoryChannel.

With PaulistFathers FrankR. Desiderioand GregoryApparcel ofPaulist Produc­tions as execu­tive producers,the engagingprogram uses ablend of archi-val photos and footage, religiousartwork, dramatizations and talk­ing-head interviews with notedscholars - both believers andskeptics - to explore one of themost fiercely cherished and con­troversial forms of popularCatholic devotion.

While the number of reportedcases has boomed in recent years,Marian apparitions, as the specialpoihts out, are not a new phe­nomena. The earliest recordedexample dates back to St. Gre­gory in the third century.

Ideal for family holiday view­ing, the film covers the major vi­sions at Fatima, Lourdes and LaSalette In France, and Knock, Ire­land, as well as Our Lady ofGuadalupe in Mexico and lesser-known apparitions. "

Throughout the first millen­nium, most visionaries weremembers of religious orders, a

. pattern which was broken in1531 when St. Juan Diego, a poor

. Mexican Indian, said that Maryappeared to him on Tepeyac Hill,near what is today Mexico City,an apparition of great religiousand cultural importance to His­panic Catholics.

Unlike earlier visions ­Guadalupe included - whichusually involved mystical man­dates to build churches orshrines, more recent cases oftenentail apocalyptic secrets andominous end-time warnings,such as those prophesied at Fa-

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SMOKE RISES from the 150-year-old St Raphael Cathedral in downtown Madison, Wis.,March 14. The early morning fire destroyed the roof of the cathedral and caused significantdamage to the interior. No injuries were reported from the fire. The cause was unknown;(CNS photo by Julianne Nornberg, Catholic Herald) .


~..: .

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Friday, March 25, 2005· 111

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Page 12: 03.25.05

12 +

New Catholic lay group willpromote Church management


Bertone said, is its "denial of thedeath and resurrection of Jesus."

Cardinal Bertone, calling thebook a "castle of lies," said hethinks promotion of the book isan anti-Catholic reaction to all thepositive attention paid to theCatholic Church and the Christianfaith during the Holy Year 2000.

The cardinal said it seems ac­ceptable to be anti-Catholic; "Iask myself what the reactionwould be to a similar book, fullof lies, about Buddha orMohammed or if a novel came outmanipulating the whole story ofthe Holocaust, the Shoah."

Part of the book's marketingstrategy, he said, is to try to con­vince people "that one is not anadult Christian if one has notread this book. But I say, 'Do notread it and', especially, do notbuy it. '"

and his judgment oflove enlightenthe conscience of those he meets,provoking their conversion andprofound renewal," Pope JohnPaul said.

The pope said that in an agewhen people seem to forget aboutGod and ignore the reality of sinpriests and religious educatorsmust work even harder to helppf<ople understand that Christ iscalling them to conversion,"which presupposes a consciousconfession of their sins and the re­quest for forgiveness and salva­tion."

The pope also told the prieststhat people will not approachthem unless they model their livesand 'behavior on Christ, "theteacher and pastor, healer of soulsand bodies, spiritual guide andjust and merciful judge."

Friday, March 25, 2005

Body of Christ," the pope said inhis message. "

The prayers of the Mass under­line the need for "purification andconversion," he said, citing theinitial penitential rite, the sign ofpeace and the prayers immedi­ately before the reception of theEucharist.

The pope said the Gospel read­ings of Lent "help us to better un­derstand the value of this uniquepriestly ministry." ,

"They show the Savi~r whileconverting the Samaritan woman,becoming a source of joy for her;he heals the man born blind, be­coming a source of light for him;he raises Lazarus from the deadand shows how life and resurrec­tion defeat death, the consequenceof sin," the pope wrote.

"His penetrating gaze, his word

Italian' cardinal: 'Da yinci Code'plays on anti-Catholic sentiment

VATICAN CITY (CNS) - about the book in Genoa.The success of Dan Brown's Cardinal Bertone said the mostnovel, "The Da Vinci Code," is ridiculous premise in the novel isthe result of a marketing strategy the Catholic Church's allegedplaying on anti-Catholic senti- "obliteration of the feminine as­ment, s~id Cardinal Tarcisio pect from the Gospel narrativesBertone of Genoa, Italy. and in the life of the Church."

The cardinal told Vatican Ra- "There is nothing more false,"dio he was particularly concerned he said, pointing to the impor­about the fact that the book, first tance the Church gives to thepublished in Italian in 2004, now Blessed Virgin Mary and to theis available in paperback and is attention the Gospels pay topopular among high school stu- Jesus' female disciples, includingdents. the women who announced to the

"There is an idea circulating in male disciples that Jesus hadthe schools that one musft~ad this to understand the dynqntics "There is nothing more falseof history and all the maniPula- than the need to rediscover a ­tions carried out by the Church\I;l how can I say it - an 'amazon'the course of history," Cardinal, Mary Magdalene in order to re­Bertone told Vatican Radio. '(,:uperate the presence of women"

"This is truly sad and terrible," in\the Church, he said.he said, explaining why he had '~he more mystifying ele­scheduled. a public discussion ment" of the book, Cardinal

VATICAN CITY (CNS) ­Catholics must remember thatthey may not receive Communionif they have committed a serioussin and have not gone to confes­sion, Pope John Paul II said.

In the year the Church hasdedicated to the Eucharist, it is im­portant to remind people of theimportance of going to confes­sion, the pope said in a messagesent from Rome's Gemelli hospi-tal. ' ,

The pope's message, releasedat the Vatican last week, was ad-,dressed to priests taking a courseat the Apostolic Penitentiary, aVatican court dealing with mattersrelated to confession and ques­tions of conscience.

"Only one who has a sincereawareness of not having commit­ted a mortal sin can receive the

Pope reminds Catholicsofneed to go (0 confession

CARDINAL TARCISIO Bertone of Genoa, Italy, speaks out against Dan Brown's novel~

''The Da Vinci Code," in a recent interview with Vatican Radio. The cardinal called the boo~

a "castle of lies" and urged Christians not to read or purchase the book. (CNS photo frorry~~~ ;

the U.N. High Commissioner forRefugees. Msgr. Nwachukwu, astaff member at the Vatican's ob­server mission to U.N. agenciesin Geneva, spoke to the commit­tee March 10; a copy of his re­marks was later released at theVatican.

On March 11, U.N. Secretary­General Kofi Annan told the U.N.Security Council that theSudanese government and rebelshad not made any serious attemptin the past month to resolve theDarfur conflict.

esan and parish level - and 21more long-term recommenda­tions. Each set of recommenda­

.lions was divided into three ar-eas of management - gover­nance or administration, fi­nances, and human resources orpersonnel.

Many of the recommendationsfocused on greater use of Catho­lic lay expertise from businessand professional fields in consul­tative or advisory capacities topastors, bishops and otherChurch leaders.

A major component of the re­port was a call for research tohelp identify best managementpractices already in place in somedioceses and parishes. The reportcalled for developing networksand other means to spread theword about those success stories,showing other dioceses or par­ishes how to emulate those prac­tices in their own context.

The report proposed the"Standards for Excellence: AnEthics and Accountability Codefor the Nonprofit Se~tor" as a ba­sic code of policies and practicesthat every U.S. Catholic dioceseand parish should live up to.

Bishop Dale J. Melczek ofGary, Ind., one of the press con­ference panelists, said the goalsof the new round table - find­ing better ways to incorporate layexpertise in the management ofChurch finances and human re­sources, promoting dialogue onthose issues and advancing mod­els of best practices in those ar­eas - are "very much needed inthe Church."

"It's not just a need, it's re­quired of the laity," he said."Even if we had a plethora ofclergy and religious, this wouldbe required of the faithful" be­cause of their call by their bap~

tism "to use their gifts to buildup the body of Christ."

The round table will have itsheadquarters in Washington atthe offices ofFADICA - Foun­dations and Donors Interested inCatholic Activities - an agencywhose members are among themajor U.S. foundations support­ing Church projects and' pro­grams in'the United States andaround the world.



WASHINGTON - A groupof U.S. Catholic bishops and layChurch and business leadershave announced formation of aNational Leadership Roundtableon Church Management.

Its goal is to help Catholic dio­ceses and parishes improve ad­ministrative practices and finan­cial and human resource manage­ment as the Church confrontsclergy shortages and the chal­lenges of training effective layleadership.

At a press conference inWashington the group also issuedan 80-page "Report of theChurch in America," reportingthe proceedings and recommen­dations of last July's nationalleadership round table atWharton, the prestigious busi­ness school of the University ofPennsylvania.

That session was a tw()-daymeeting of lay and Church lead­ers from diverse perspectiveswho came together in Philadel­phia to analyze how Church lead­ership can respond more effec­tively to leadership problems thatsurfaced in the clergy sexualabuse crises and, more broadly,to the rapidly changing realitiesin American Catholicism.

Geoffrey T. Boisi, a Long Is­land, N.Y., businessman longprominent in the worlds of busi·ness and Catholic philanthropy,introduced the report and new or­ganization to journalists in a 90­minute session at Washington'sNational Press Club.

Among the initial projects ofthe group are:

- a program with six DVDsand a workbook that the roundtable plans to distribute to allCatholic parishes and dioceses inthe country later this year to ini­tiate a national dialogue on lead­ership and Church managementat the parish and diocesan level;

- creation of Catholic ad­vanced management degree andcertificate programs at key edu­cational institutions around thecountry.

The report concluded with 27priority recommendations ­nine each at the national, dioc-

Vatican official says displacedAfricans, refugees need more help

VATICAN CITY (CNS) ­Facing hunger, rape and death,refugees and displaced people inSudan's Darfur region andthroughout Africa must be givengreater assistance by the interna­tional community, a Vatican offi­cial said.

"The precarious and tragiccondition of these millions of per­sons forcibly uprooted from theirvillages and their lands calls forconcrete and, prompt decisions,"Msgr. Fortunatus Nwachukwutold the executive committee of

Page 13: 03.25.05

· t

'Fritlay, March \~

Va~ican newspaper says Schiavocondemned to 'an atrocious death'



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ity," it said.Whittemore's ruling was imme­

diately appealed to the 11th U.S. Cir­cuit Court ofAppeals in Atlanta. Nodecision on that appeal has beenmade as The Anchor went to presson Tuesday morning.


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Schiavo's suffering recalls the"the agony of love" that comeswhen one remembers to help thosewho are "more fragile and needy,"said the paper.

''The slow, heart-rending agonyof Terri" is "the agony of human-

WOMEN PRAY the rosary outside Hospice HouseWoodside in Pinellas Park, Fla., where Terri Schindler Schiavois a patient. (eNS photo from Reuters)

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"What an eminently sacred re­ality," he wrote.

"We priests are the celebrants,but also the guardians of this mostsacred mystery," the pope said,which is why priests are called tocelebrate with reverence, observ­ing precisely the liturgiCal normsof the Church.


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"At a time when rapid socialand cultural changes are weaken­ing the sense of tradition ... thepriest is called to be, within thecommunity entrusted to him, theman who faithfully remembers theentire mystery of Christ," he said.

The mystery of faith the priestproclaims is a mystery in whichJesus is truly present in the breadand wine on the altar, the popesaid.

feeding tube. However, in this case, "Terri hasOn Tuesday, U.S. District Judge not committed any crime, other than

James Whittemore refused to order that of being 'useless' in the eyesthe restoration ofSchiavo's feeding of a society that is incapable of ap­tube, which had been removed preciating and defending the gift ofMarch 18 by order ofa Florida state life," it said.judge. Earlier, in its March 21-22 edi-

Schiavo's parents had appealed tion, the Vatican newspaper said theto thefederaljudge after U.S. Presi- debate surrounding the future ofdent George W. Bush signed emer- Schiavo has ignored "the heart ofgency legislation Monday allowing the issue" that no one has the rightthem to do so. to determine whether another hu-

But Whittemore said he refused' man being should order restoration of Schiavo's Under an avalanche of"accusa­feeding tube because the woman's tions, appeals, and last-minute sur­parents had not established a "sub- '. prises, one risks losing the truestantiallikelihoodofsuccess" at trial 'heart' of the issue," the paper said.on the merits of their arguments. "A human being, not a veg-

The Vatican newspaper called etable, is slowly dying" and insteadthe reasons behind the court deci- of "provoking a wave of pity orsion "absurd and chilling" and said solidarity," the "authentic drama"Schiavo's "destiny" based on a ofSchiavo is "smothered by the in­court decision was not unlike the decent race to arrogate the right todeath sentence facing the men and decide on the life and death of awomen sitting on death row. human creature," the paper said.

Continued from page onePriests


VATICAN CITY - TerriSchindler Schiavo has been con­demned to die "an atrocious death"in a society that is "incapable ofap­preciating and defending the gift oflife," said the Vatican's newspaper,L'Osservatore Romano.

Ajudge in the United States "hasdecided that Terri's life is not worthliving, at the same time condemn­ing the woman to an atrociousdeath: death by starvation andthirst," the paper said in its Tues­day edition, which was released toreporters at the Vatican.

The paper gave its reaction to thecase of the severely brain-damagedFlorida woman in a front-page edi­torial.

Schiavo, 41, who has been brain­damaged for the past 15 years, can ,breathe on her own but requiresnutrition and hydration through a

those words should shape the lifeof a priest.

Jesus' first words at the LastSupper, he said, were words ofthanksgiving.

A priest "must cultivate a con­stant sense of gratitude for themany gifts he has received in thecourse of his life," the pope said.

"We have our crosses to bear- and we are certainly not theonly ones - but the gifts we havereceived are so great that we can­not fail to sing from the depths ofour hearts our own Magnificat,"the Blessed Virgin Mary's hymnof praise, he said:

Modeling his life on Christwho gave himself for others, thepope said a priest must "offer him­self as a gift, placing himself atthe disposal of the community andat the service of anyone in need."

"This is exactly what Jesusexpected of his apostles," thepope said, and it is what "thepeople ofGod expect of a priest."

Priests are called to be heraldsof the good news that on the crossand through the Eucharist Jesusshed his blood for the salvationof all people, Pope John Paulwrote.

"Yet unless we sense that weourselves are saved, how can webe convincing heralds?" the popeasked.

Credibility, he said, comesfrom knowing that one has beensaved, living a holy life and dem­onstrating that one truly believesthat Christ will come again.

"Vocations will certainly not belacking if our manner of life istruly priestly, if we become moreholy, more joyful, more impas­sioned in the exercise ofour min­istry," he said.

Celebrating the Eucharist,priests also are called to be menwho remember Christ's savingaction, the pope said.

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114 Friday, March 25, 2005

wolves, and astronomy.Students wrote a research re­

port and displayed their findingson impressive display boards.

First-, second-, and third-placeribbons were awarded for the re­search projects and for displayboards.

Notre Dame studentscomplete I-Search projects

FALL RIVER - Seventh- andeighth-grade students at Notre.Dame School, Fall River, haverecently completed an I-Searchproject, a long-term researchproject where students pick theirown science-related topics. Sub­ject matters included leukemia,

Feeh~n faculty enjoysCursillo Experience

BISHOP FEEHAN faculty members recently participated ina CUrSillo weekend retreat. Front row from left: Carla Tirrell, JimSuprenant, Ben Ryder, Mercy Sister Patricia Harrington, CatherineBrandley, Anne Meloni. Back row: Gary Porter, Deacon JamesMeloni, Donna MacPherson, Linda Tyler, Paul Lanciaux, DougMichaud, and Shannon Maher.

SOME OF the I-Search winners at Notre Dame School,Fall River, were, from left: Science Teacher Angie Rivera,Mikala Grimo, Brittany Farias, Adam Wood, Stephanie Dias,Nathan Ferreira, Nick Ratcliffe, Eric Viveiros,. Alex Lees, andPrincipal Christopher Myron. .

ATfLEBORO - Over the past faculty's faith formation. Thefive months, 17 Bishop Feehan High Cursillo Experience is one of manySchool faculty members have partici- ways that the campus ministry pro­pated in 'The Cursillo Experience," gram at Feehan involves its facultya weekend Christian retreat held at in activities that aim to strengthenthe Holy Cross Retreat House in faith.North Easton. ''Cursillo'' is Spanish CarlaTIrrell, director ofCampusfor· "short course" and the weekend Ministry at Bishop Feehan, re­is described as being a ''back-to-ba- marked, "We must be strong rolesics experience which often deepens models. We inspire our students

. and rounds out what one has learned much more by who we are individu-about Christ earlier in life." ally andcollectively than by what we

The campus ministry program, say. We need to continually assimi­along with the administration at . late our Catholicity so that our atti­Bishop Feehan encourages not only tudes, habits and values are penne-students' faith fonnation, but also ated through it." .

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THESE COYLE and Cassidy High School students spent some recent vacation timepainting the Taunton school's food pantry, under the direction of coordinators Ross Perryand Emily Burdick. It was decorated in the school's colors of blue and gold. From left: JulieRobens, Bridget Correia, Kerrin Viveiros, Courtney Kasianowicz, Lindsey Grant, MatthewGerrior and Janelle Joyal.

THIRD-GRADE students in Tammy Pereira's class at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School,New Bedford, sit near a model city they constructed in a recent Junior Achievement activity.The students learned about the different zones used in city planning and the role of a cityplanner within a city.

COACH DEAN Carlson and Assistant Coach Melissa Carlson with the Fall River Fire,one of many teams participating in .the growinQ Futsal League.

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sion" with love not just as some­thing that happens to us, but alsoas the gift that we have to share.Here I speak of love in its mostexpansive state, not just in termsof romantic relationships.

Each day, commit yourself tobe love for others. Sometimesthis is easy. You naturally bumpinto your friends at school andhopefully help them have a bet-ter day.

~••r DO"'" Also, while at school, you'-'.... AI ....11. might extend kindness and re­

spect to teachers, the lunchroomstaff, the maintenance workers,and even to those peers that youdon't know well.

You also can practice bring­ing more love into your home.Occasionally, this is more diffi­cult. You might find that you areangry with your parents or sib­lings. Maybe their behavior hashurt you. '~Colliding" your homewith your love can be challeng­ing!

Even when this is the case,gradually you can change yourfocus. Compassion, forgivenessand the refusal to meet unfair­ness with harsh words remainsa choice. If others do not love, 'you still get to decide who youwant to be and what attitudesyou want to manifest. You canstill make sure that your home"collides" with love.

As for my own life, I do notknow why many of my bestfriends and family have enteredit. Yet, I recognize how love hascollided with my life and I amleft in deep gratitude for all thatremains a mystery.

Your comments are alwayswelcome. Please write to me at:[email protected] or at7125W 200S, Rockport, Ind.,47635.

in marriage. However, I can alsosee that both she and I easilycould have created our lives indifferent ways.

Much mystery surroundswhat happens in our lives.Sometimes, we can "connect thedots" and see why certain peoplecame into our lives. For otherswe cannot. Most of this mysteryis not meant to be "solved." In­stead, we learn to live humblybefore a God who guides us to­ward our highest spiritual pur­pose.

Yet, I would affirm this: Weare meant to "collide" with loveover and over again. Giving andreceiving true caring is one ofthe reasons that our souls aremaking this Earth journey.

We need to see our "colli-

is certain: "You finally findyou and I collide."

Is he right? Are some rela­tionships just meant to be?

To be honest, I don't know.When I look at my own life, Ican recognize how many aspectscould be different. I feel blessedthat eventually I "collided" withthe woman who would join me

Making sure you collide with loveBy CHARLIE MARTIN - CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

COLLIDEThe dawn is breaking

A light is shining throughYou're barely waking

And I'm tangled up in youBut I'm open, you're closed

Where I follow, you'll goI worry I won't see your face

Light up againRefrain:

Even the best falldown sometimes

Even the wrong wordsseem to rhyme

Out of the doubt thatfills my mind

I somehow find,you and I collide

I'm quiet, you knowYou make a first impression

I've found I'm scared to knowI'm always on your mind

(Repeat refrain.)Don't stop here

I've lost my placeI'm close behind(Repeat refrain.)You finally find

You and I collideYou finally find

You and I collideSung by Howie Day

Copyright (c) 2003 by SonyHowie Day's single "Collide"

is all over pop radio. The songis off his latest disc "Stop theWorld Now." His music featureswhat reviewers call "trademarkguitar" combined with "heart­felt, passionate vocals."

The song offers a poetictribute to an enduring relation­ship. The guy in the song lyri­cally expresses his belief thathis girl and he are meant to betogether. He admits that "doubtfills my mind" at times, andthat "even the best fall downsometimes." Yet, no matterwhat occurs, he feels that this

Friday, March 25, 2005

KIMBERLY SEGURA and Mary Torrance of Corpus ChristiSchool in Mineola, N.Y., rehearse with the Diocese ofRockville Centre's honor band at St. Anthony's High Schoolin South Huntington recently. The honor band, comprisedthis year of nearly 800 musicians from more than 50 Catho­lic elementary schools, performs in concert once a year toshowcase those students who have excelled in music pro­grams taught at diocesan schools. (CNS photo by GregoryA. Shemitz, Long Island Catholic)

DRESSED AS Albert Einstein, Jill Jelinek, a science teacherat St. Stanislaus Kostka School in Michigan City, Ind., workswith sixth-grader Jordan Kubaszyk on constructing graphs ofthe "pi" symbol in pie tins during a celebration of Pi/EinsteinDay. On the anniversary of Einstein's birthday, middle-schoolstudents engaged in a variety of activities related to pi, theratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. (CNSphoto by Karen Callaway, Northwest Indiana Catholic)

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Avoid starring in you'r next teen movieBy KASE JOHNSTUN


Dreams sometimes startwhen you're asleep. Sometimesthey come when you are inbetween sleeping and beingawake, and sometimes theycome when you are wide awake.Sometimes dreams come whenyou are in class and shouldn't bedreaming, and sometimes theycome when you realize yourpotential in sports, academics orcommunication.

I'm sure I'm not alone when Isay that we all have dreamedabout dating someone in class orlockers next to us. This isprobably more common inbigger schools where there is achance you may not knoweveryone around you.

It is easy to slip into a dream­like coma imagining how youtwo could be going to dancestogether, going to the moviestogether or laughing together ona Friday night. These dreamsmake their way onto yournotebook as you scribble eachother's names together withdoodles all around them; eventhe scribbles say things like, "I 'Love ..." or "Me and ... forever."I have seen these colorfulcreations allover notebooks inclass where notes from theteacher should be instead. Andalthough boys may not doodleallover their notebooks about agirl, they still find themselvesliving in this fantasy world,dreaming about how it would beto go out with the girl who sits

across the room from them ingeometry.

Every teen movie outlines thisscenario so commonly. A young



girl falls in love with the coolestguy in school. She then changeseverything about herself so shecan get him to ask her out. Then,of course, as all teen movies go,she finds out he is really a jerk·and realizes she ditched all herfriends for this guy because of

the fantasy she had about himbefore she got to know him.

I think I can safely say thatHollywood puts out a differentversion of this every year, and itrakes in millions. You think wewould catch on to this, but thenthe next year comes along and weflock to the next teen movie towatch the same events take place.

Why?Because we live it. We all

have had those dreams aboutsome guy or girl we don't know,someone we are convinced welove, and in our heads we say,"If he would go out with me, Iwould wear this, lose this muchweight or ditch my friends."Then, just like in the movies, werealize she isn't all that ourdreams made her out to be. We· ,

changed to fit that dream.So, in your life, skip the

middle part of the movie. Don'ttry to change your image, losesome weight or ditch yourfriends so that someone else willdig you. Skip to the part at theend of the movie when yourealize that you are who you are,and that is good - when yourealize your friends and studiesare more important than thatromantic dream.

Let the credits roll without allthe drama of forgetting who youare in order to date someonewho isn't any good for youanyway. Realize you don't needthis particular drama in order tofeel good about yourself. Andthen you can buy a ticket to nextyear's teen drama. '

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ing legalization for undocu­mented workers and expandingopportunities for work and forimmigrants' family members tojoin them in the United States. Hesaid the campaign would includeall immigrants, although therewere "rather large numbers" ofIrish immigrants in cities likeBoston and New York.

Although the Irish Epis-copal Commission forEmi­grants was established in1957 and has helped estab­lish Irish outreach chaplain­cies across Europe, theUnitedStates and Australia,this is only the second yearthe bishops have run an SIAcampaign. The acronym

SIA is also a word in the Irish lan­guage meaning "longer" .or "fur­ther."

Last year the campaign fo­cused on the plight of elderlyIrish emigrants living in Britain,especially London. That cam­paign raised some 614,000 euros($822,000) for the commission,which is spending the funds onoutreach services for the elderlyand isolated Irish in Britain andon the recruitment and trainingof volunteers to work with thoseemigrants.

Friday, March 25, 2005

members abroad."The bishop said he planned to

travel to the United States "tovisit o~r immigrant pastoral cen­ters and to meet with our chap­lains and those working withIrish people. I will also discusswith my colleagues in the U.S.Catholic bishops' conferencehow best the Irish and U.S. bish-

ops can work together to allevi­ate the plight of (the) most vul­nerable of migrants."

Bishop Hegarty said th~ Irishbishops were working with theU.S. bishops' Migration andRefugee Services, which is initi­ating a campaign for immigrationreform.

In Washington, Mark Fran](en,MRS director, said the campaignwill focus on educating Catholicsabout immigrants and will in­clude legislative strategies tochange immigration law, includ-

"St. Patrick's Day is a specialtime for Irish people everywhere.Above all it is a time to rememberin our prayers family membersabroad."


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Irish bishops ask Catholics torem,ember compatriots in U.S.

DUBLIN, Ireland - Ireland'sbishops have asked Catholics toremember the plight of undocu­mented Irish workers living as il­legal aliens in the United States.

The undocumented workersare the focus of this year's Sup­porting Irish Abroad campaign bythe Irish Episcopal Com­mission for Emigrants. AMarch 13 press statementsaid the commission waslaunching this year's cam­paign "to coincide with St.Patrick's Day" March 17.

"This year's awarenesscampaign focuses on thechallenges facing ourpeople who are living furtivelives in the' U.S.," BishopSeamus Hegarty, chairman of theIrish Episcopal Commission forEmigrants, said in a March 13press release on the program.

"St. Patrick's Day is a specialtime for Irish people every­where," he said. "It is an occa­sion both to reach out to thosewho have fallen on hard timesand to celebrate the positive con­tributions of the Irish around theworld. Above all it is a time toremember in our prayers family

A FAMILY AFFAIR - In celebration of its patron saint, The Friendly Sons of S1.Patrick honored a diocesan priest and his three religious Sisters as its Persons of theYear at a Mass and 64th annual-dinner-dance on March '15. At the social at White's ofWestport, seated, from left, are honorees Mercy Sisters Patricia and Kathleen Har­rington; and their broth~r Father Brian J. Harrington, pastor of S1. Julie Billiart Church inNorth Dartmouth, where the tribute Mass was celebrated. At right is their brother, FallRiver Fire Captain Kevin G. Harrington and his wife Joy. At rear, flanking honoree MercySister Sheila Harring~on, are nieces Erin Brigid Harrington and Shannon Mary Har­rington. The Friendly Sons also cited Richard Brown of New Bedford, one of their own,with the prestigious S1. Patrick Achievement and Service Award. (Photo courtesy ofJohn Murphy)

.most basic right of life is a~­

tacked something transcendentawakens in the hearts of others,an awareness' ... that man can~

not be destroyed but is made forimmortality and eternal life,"Cardinal Rouco said.,

Among the 20 bishQps andarchbishops present at the Masswas Bishop Ricardo BlazquezPerez of Bilbao, newly electedpresident of the Spanish bish­ops' conference. Spanish PrimeMinister Jose Luis RodriguezZapatero and opposition leaderswere in the congregation.

The March 11, 2004, bomb­ings not only traumatized Spain,but also left a legacy of politi-cal sniping. '

The then-Conservativ:e gov­ernment initially blamed Basqueterrorists long after Spain's se­curity services said al-Qaida hadcarried out the bombings in re:venge for the presence of Span­ish troops in Iraq. In a generalelection three days after the at­tacks, the Conservatives weredefeated by Zapatero's Social~

ists.Ever since, the Socialists

have argued the Conservativestried to cover up al-Qaida's rolein the attacks, fearing a voterbacklash from a nation that bit­terly opposed Spain's involve­ment in thelraq War.

The Cons~rvatives have ac­cused the Socialists of using thetragedy to score political pointson the eve of the general elec­tion, a day on which campaign­ing is forbidden.

On the anniversary, SpanishCardinalJulian Herranz, presi- 'dent of the Pontifical Councilfor the Interpretation of Legis­lative Texts, warned against anypoliticization of the tragedy.

"Unfortunately, terrorist actsare often used by one (political)party or another, and this is la­mentable," Cardinal Herranz toldthe Spanish news agency EFE.


A MAN pays his respects at one of the platforms at Madrid's.Atocha train station March 11. Spain solemnly commemo­rated the first anniversary of the Madrid train bombings withringing church bells and silent tributes to the 191 people whodied in al-Qaida's worst attack in Europe. (CNS photo fromReuters)

In Madrid, residentsremember trauma ofal-Qaida bombings

MADRID Spain (CNS) ­The railway carriages werepacked full of rush-hour com­muters just after 7 a.m. March11, but no one made a noise.

Spanish media showed silentpassengers with heads bowed,some crying, remembering ex­actly one year before whennearly 200 people traveling onthe commuter train from Alcalade Henares and three othertrains became victims of thedeadliest al-Qaida attack in Eu­rope."

The train passed through sta­tions that 12 months ago hadbeen full, of twisted metal, bod­ies and dazed survivors.

This year, lines of City Hallrepresentatives stood on theplatforms, watching the train'spassing with bowed heads.

At a little before 7:40 a.m.­the time last year when the firstofthe 10 bombs planted in back­packs exploded - 650 churchesin and around Madrid startedpealing their bells. Organized bythe Archdiocese of Madrid, thepeal signaled the official start ofSpain's day of remembrance.

At midday, the Spanish capi­tal marked the anniversary witha five-minute silence on streets,in offices and cafes; the solemnday ended with a memorialMass.

. Addressing the hundreds offriends and relatives of the vic­tims iIi. the capital's Our Lady ofAlmudena' Cathedral for theMass, Cardinal Antonio RoucoVarela of Madrid said that ter­rorism "will never have the fi­nal word."

The cardinal reminded thecongregation, which includedKing Juan Carlos and other

. members of the Spanish royalfamily, of the prayers of Span­ish Catholics on the day of theattacks.

"These prayers ... were aneloquent sign that when man's


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