
TESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015TESTING & DRILLINGINTRODUCTIONTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015 What is the size of my reservoir? How muh wi!! it "ro#ue? What $ui#s are %oi&% to 'e "ro#ue?Client questions: I#e&ti(atio& of "ro#ue# $ui#s) Determi&atio& of reservoir #e!ivera'i!ity) Data use# to "re#it reservoir sizeAim of Well Testing:TESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015Well Testingdetermines Production capailities Well Testing determines !eser"oir properties We!! testi&% is the o&!y teh&i*ue that e+ami&es a si%&i(a&t "ortio& of the reservoir uer #y&ami oitio&s) ,urate- !o&%.term "ro/etio&s a'out a reservoir a&&ot 'e ma#e 'ase# o& wire!i&e a others stati teh&i*ues)) Tests o& oi! or %as we!!s are "erforme# at various sta%es of #ri!!i&% 0after o"e& ho!e !o%%i&%1- om"!etio& a "ro#utio&- a for #i2ere&t "ur"oses) TESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015Data acquired #$en a reser"oir is tested: %lo# rates & oil' gas' #ater & solids Pressure and Temperature ' surface & ottom $ole P(T samples of representati"e reser"oir )uids ' surface and ottom $oleTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015%i*ed rigsJack up Land rigDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015%loating rigsSemi-Submersible DrillshipDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015 Water Dept$ "s+ !ig T,pesDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015- categories of #ell:VerticalDeviatedHorizontalDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015Drilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015.and !igDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015!ig /oisting S,stemDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015!ig %loorDrillers consoledog housedraw worksV-door rampdrivemouse holerat holeDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015!otar, S,stemDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015 3e!!y & Rotary Ta'!e #ri!! 4 /oi&t at a time) 5ower swive! #ri!!s i& stas 06 + 6789: + ;?hear Rams>@!i Rams>,&&u!ar 5reve&ters>Dri!!i&% Aa!ve>Dri!!i&% ChoBe =a&ifo!#0lo# 1ut Pre"entersTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015BO stackDrilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 201501P stac2 3 Pipe !amsCit a s"ei( "i"e sizeNee# "i"e to maBe a sea!Drilling OperationsTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015Drilling Operations01P stac2 3 S$ear !ams@oth shears #ri!! "i"e a sea!s the ho!eCa"aity to ut throu%h D. shows sha!e & !ea& zo&es- %ives &et & %ross "ay Ceme&t 'o !o%s > shows how %oo# the eme&t is Corrosio& !o%s > shows "ossi'!e "ro'!ems i&si#e & outsi#e asi&% 5ro#utio& !o%s > shows $ow i& the we!! CCL > shows the asi&% o!!ars TESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015.ife of a #ell SEIS6IC D!I..ING 3 GE1.1G4 .1GGING DST 3 TESTING P!1D7CTI1N 3 TESTINGTESTING & Drilling IntroductionFTC-SWT August 12, 2015.ife of a #ell?urfae Seismic o&sists of maBi&% a I&oiseF a !iste&i&% for the retur&i&% re$ete# si%&a!sDrilling Operations