Download pdf - 02 meme ide

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Meme IDE

Agenda● Meme IDE screen designer● Building cross-platform● Business Components● Address Book example● Building● Deploying

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What is Meme IDE?● Like HTML5

● Cross-platform

● Unlike HTML5

● Not Browser-based

● Supports Android AND WM6.5. iPhone, Blackberry coming soon

● Meme Script programming language

● Generates native code

– C# Compact Framework WM 6.5

– Java (Android 2.1 or later)● Integrated Graphical Form Designer

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Screen Designer (WM)

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Screen Designer (Android)

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Building Cross Platform


Windows Mobile CAB Installer


Android APK Installer


MXBuild and CAB


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Business Components

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Signature Capture

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Satellite Navigation

● Integration with other mobile client software

● Navigate button next to postcode● Co-pilot● Google Maps

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Enough Talk!

● Installation

● Download Zip file for your platform

● Extract

● Run

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part 2 signature capture

Hello World Video

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Address Book Example

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Import 'Address Book Example'

● Right-click in the project explorer

● Import ..

● General Existing Projects into Workspace→● Next

● Select Archive File

● Browse to examples/

● Finish

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Address Book – Records

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Address Book – Global Variable

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Address Book – Main Form (WM)

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Address Book – Main Form (Android)

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Address Book – List Data

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Opening the First Form

● Create a method called 'startup'

● Startup opens the first form supplying the global variable 'addressBook' as a parameter

function startup(){ open("AddressBookForm", addressBook);}

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Opening the First Form

● Change the Project properties to specify startup function

● Also set the App 'Identifer'

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Person Form Set form Data to 'Person'

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Person Form Set field Data to '.name'

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'addPerson' function

function addPerson(){ var newPerson : Person; = "New Person"; = ""; append(addressBook.addresses, newPerson); refresh("addressList");}

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'editPerson' Function

function editPerson(){ var selectedPerson : Person = getSelection("addressList"); open("PersonForm", selectedPerson);}

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Creating a Menu

● Right-click on Project Explorer

● New Meme Menu

● Name it 'AddressMenu'

● Add Two Menu items● Edit – link to editPerson function● Add – link to addPerson function

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Creating a Menu

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Use the Menu – Main Form

Set the menu for the Form

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Use the Menu – Context Menu

Set the menu for the List ViewGive the List View a name

So we can redraw it

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'savePersonDetails' Function

function savePersonDetails(){ refresh("addressList"); back();}

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Packaging for Deployment (WM)

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Packaging for Deployment (Android)

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Android Manager

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Android Emulator

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● Launch emulator OR

● Plugin real device with USB debugging enabled

● From command line:● adb uninstall● adb install AddressBook1.0.0-debug.apk

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Windows Mobile

● Active Sync

● Copy CAB file onto device

● Run the CAB File

● Find the App in 'Programs'

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● Understand a simple app in Meme IDE

● Know how to build an app

● Know how to deploy an app