
    FEBRUARY 2014 Donation or 40p

    Highlights for the monthSaturday 1 Working party 09.00Sunday 9 All Age Service 10.00Thursday 20 Mustard Seed 15.00 all welcomeWednesday 26 The film “Chocolat” 19.30

    Scan the smartcode below to goto our web site

    IN REVIEW available at

  • Vicar Sue Brewer [email protected] Priest Jacqueline Littlewood 560106

    Curate Jo Drew 364367Pastoral Assistant Pam Kilby 332693Pastoral Assistant Jasmine Humphries 392713Pastoral Assistant Colin Parsonson 359713

    Church Warden Jan Osborne 740763Church Warden Ian Brown 356339PCC Secretary Linda Riordan 746988PCC Treasurer Steve Humphries 392713

    Reader Rosemary Austin 358702Reader Sheila Brown 356339Reader John Hougham 352138Reader Betty Martin 352696Reader Martin Sewell 745443

    Who’s Who at Church

    Deadline for the magazine is middleof the month prior to publication. Nextmonth Sunday 16 February forMarch Copy: email [email protected] to a Church Warden or Mike Cubitt

    Christ Church Hall is availablefor hireContact Rachel Pace01474 249508 or 07960 024917Well equipped, very suitable formeetings and childrens parties

    Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 2 February 2014

    Page 2 Who’s WhoPage 3 Message from Sue BrewerPage 4 Coffee RotaPage 5 First StepsPage 7 Mothers’ UnionPage 8 Working with childrenPage 9 Your stories neededPage 10 Church of England newsPage 11 Prayer at Christ ChurchPage 13 Spoilt for choicePage 15 Church of England newsPage 19 Calendar for February

    Inside this Month

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 3 February 2014

    Thursday 27th February 2014:

    Good-Bad & Ugly– an amusing tour of Kentish public libraries (illustrated talk)

    Speaker: Christoph Bull 0770 2287147

    At: TJs public house,

    15 Milton Road, Gravesend DA12 2RF

    Start: 7pm

    Tickets only - £7.50 inc cheese and glass of wine

    by booking with TJs only on 01474 533891

    Sue will beaway for a bitAs many of you are aware, I will be awayfor 3 months this Spring. This is a time ofrefreshment, learning and renewalknown as ‘EMDL’ – Extended MinistryDevelopment Leave – which is availableto clergy who have been in full-time min-istry more than 10 years, and who are notclose to retirement. My EMDL will beginafter the services on Sunday 9th March,and I will be back in post on Friday 13thJune.During my EMDL I will be looking at 2areas of my ministry… spirituality andleadership; as well as taking an opportu-nity to experience other churches andbring that experience back to share atChrist Church. Jeremy and I will be living(mostly) at a house we own in Rochester,although you may sometimes see us in oraround the Vicarage. For about a third of

    the time I will be away on various cours-es, and on retreat. The EMDL period willend with a study tour in the Holy Land. Iwill be keeping a journal of my reflectionsand look forward to sharing it with you allwhen I am back.While I am away, the parish will be in thesafe hands of Revs Jo Drew and Jacque-line Littlewood, the Churchwardens andthe Ministry Team. There is an excellentteam here at Christ Church and I knowthat everyone will rise to the challenge asthey always do. If you need to talk toanyone about anything concerning theministry at Christ Church while I amaway, then please contact Jo or Jacque-line. Emails sent to me will be forwardedto Jo, and it will not be possible to leavemessages on the Vicarage phone. I amvery grateful to the PCC for agreeing sowillingly to this opportunity, and to every-one who will be taking on additional rolesduring this time. I very much look forwardto seeing you all again in the Summer.

    Rev Sue Brewer

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 4 February 2014

    COFFEE ROTA 20142nd Feb Jenny Shoesmith, Pam Lovelace, Sarah Bush9th Feb Barbara Bunyan, Audrey Price, Bianca Mcarther16th Feb Jill Godwin, Jasmine Humphries, Steve Humphries23rd Feb Rosemary, Rita Smith, Jean Stoddart

    Come in and enjoy a cup of tea orcoffee after the 10.00 o’clock

    Sunday service

    Have you had a look on theTraidcraft table recently?

    We have some new items for sale. You might see something thattakes your fancy.

    If there is something you would like to try but is not on the tablehave a word with John Hill

    There are a number of Christmas related items on the Traidcraftstall, if you wish to order any of these please use the forms provided

    or speak to John Hill

    FIRST STEPSIs a service especially designed for families with pre-school children, althoughall children in the family are welcome to come.We meet in the church at 1.45 pm on the second Wednesday in each monthfor a short service and then to enjoy a chat over a cup of tea.We are finished in plenty of time for parents to meet their other children fromschool.Why not come along with your children, you will be very welcome.Next date is Wednesday 12 February.

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 5 February 2014



    We’re up to cloudy sunshine today andour naughty little sheep is so relieved. We’vehad so much rain over the last few weeks thathe thinks he’s going to turn into a duck! I’vetried to reassure him but he’s becoming quitetraumatised. You know what he’s like about theweather! There is a bit of a breeze as ournaughty little sheep and his friends and I walkup to church and there are still glimpses ofbrightness. Hooray! They decide that they’regoing to hide from those eagle eyed children,so they rush off, trying to beat each other to thebest hiding places. When everything is ready and our doorsare opened, the first to arrive is Grandma Bar-bara with Reuben and Cecily. Time to test thejingle bells. Other Mums and children soonfollow and before long we have our usual love-ly, lively, noisy crowd. Baby Luke is asleepagain. Our naughty little sheep wonders if we’llbe noisy enough to wake him up us this time.We shall see! Time to begin and our naughty littlesheep and his friend, the glittery dragon, aresitting very quietly on our little altar, trying notto get too close to the candles as they’re lit.Singed wool and glitter would be a disaster,wouldn’t it? Today we’re thinking about all theblessings that God has given to us as we stepinto a brand new year. We sing about thepeople we love, thanking God for them, and weremember Jesus’ wonderful love for us, so highwe can’t get over it, so low we can’t get underit, so wide we can’t get round it, O wonderfullove! The children are really good with theactions and our naughty little sheep is veryimpressed. And so am I!

    We thank God for the joy of being to-gether; for the chance to sing about His loveand for His presence with us on this lovely day.Our naughty little sheep asks is we can singabout Jesus our friend and of course we can.Our song reminds us that Jesus died to set usfree and now he is the King of Kings. “PraiseHim!” rings our chorus and it is an excuse tohave another good jingle. Last of all comes everyone’s favourite“My God is so big” with lots more actions. Wethank God for our beautiful world and for theprecious gift of life. It doesn’t hurt us to stopfrom time to time and appreciate what a won-derful gift it is and how very blessed we are. Then it is time for a little bit of hush aswe say our prayers. Everyone is very good andquiet at this important time. Then I hear awhisper that there’s quite a crowd of animalshiding very quietly. Oops! I’d forgotten all aboutthem! My name will be mud! The children rushoff to find them much to their relief. Then with the candles blown out andour naughty little sheep and his dragon friendunsinged, our service is over and we all go outinto the Hall for refreshments and play. Most ofour naughty little sheep’s friends decide to stayin church. I think they’re still sulking becauseI’d forgotten them. But our naughty little sheepand the glittery dragon go into the hall to watchthe children play. And do you know, that babyLuke is still fast asleep. We obvi-ously weren’t noisy enough! As usual the time hasrushed by. We’ve all had a love-ly time together and hope thateveryone will join us again forour next First Steps service on12th February. I’d better not for-get those animals next time.

    God Bless Rosemary Austin

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 6 February 2014

    For carers, those withill health or disabilities

    Gravesend - Windmill StreetGravesend DA12 1BEKent Libraries

    Contact Points 0300 333 you unableto visit the librarybecause of illhealth, disabilityor your caringResponsibilities?

    Let the librarycome to you.

    If you are interested in thisservice or know of anyone elsewho may need it then please ringus. 0300 333 6022

    Our friendly volunteers can call atyour home on a regular basisbringing your books (including largeprint), audio books, films and CDs ofyour choice. They will be happy tochat about the books you areenjoying and listen to what youwould like to read.

  • Calling supportersof the Mothers’Union, The Missionto Seafarers andALL KnittersThe Mothers’ Union have received a re-quest to assist the Mission to Seafarersby providing knitted hats, gloves andscarves for seamen working during thewinter months. We have patterns forthese items available on the Mothers’Union table at the back of the church orwe can photocopy one for you. Patternsare still available for our Teddy bearswhich have been donated to chYps, the

    Women’s Refuge, some to the Blyths-wood shoe box appeal and our latestoffering is going to the Red Cross for usein their work supporting families who losetheir homes in fires. Any finished articlescan be handed to MU members there area lot of us about in Christ Church or lefton the Mothers’ Union table at the backof the church. You don’t have to be mem-bers of the Mothers’ Union to knit but weare always happy to welcome you to ourmeetings and events. If you are unable tohelp please pass our message on to a“knitter”. Thank you. Christ Church Moth-ers’ Union

    GRAVESHAM FOOD BANKMany thanks to those who support the food bank.

    Below is a list of items required at the moment

    Milk (UHT) - CustardToothpaste - Hot chocolate

    Shampoo - Sweets/treatsBreakfast cereal (not porridge) - Marmite

    Fruit juice/squash - Toilet rollSponge pudding - Deodorant

    Tinned potatoes - Laundry liquid/tablets

    This list is only a few of the items that can help those less fortunate than ourselves,any tinned or non-perishable items are most welcome

    Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 7 February 2014

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 8 February 2014

    BIBLE NOTESSome people find it useful to have a set portion of the Bible to readeach day.The Bible Reading Fellowship have a booklet called “New Daylight”which sets out a short Bible reading and explanatory notes. Thesebooklets are priced at £4.00 (they do go up each year) for a four monthperiod.If you would like to try one of these booklets please let Julie Hill know.

    Do you help withChildren’s activities

    in Christ Church?

    Rochester Diocese Safeguarding Policy expects ALL volunteers workingwith children to attend some training.

    The next course:- Facing the Unthinkable Child Abuse and the Church is tobe held on Saturday 15 March 2014 at St. Peter’s Church, College Road,Hextable, Kent commencing at 9.00am through to 13.30 pm.

    If you have not been on one of the training days please make a special effortto do so.

    For further information go on-line at orcontact Veronica Read on 01474 534857

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 9 February 2014

    Guided tours of Gravesend Old Town Hall by Christoph Bull(Special topic – The Victorian Gravesend of George Matthews

    Arnold 1826-1908)

    On: Saturday 29th March 2014Morning tour at 11am – afternoon tour at 2pm. Optional lunch or re-

    freshments at the Bridewell Restaurant (which is situated in the OldTown Hall’s former Police Station and cells)

    On: Sunday 30th March 2014Morning tour only at 11am, with optional Sunday lunch at the

    Bridewell Restaurant (which is situated in the Old Town Hall’s formerPolice Station and cells)

    Tours are free – but booking needed on 01474 550 023

    Meet: outside the Old Town Hall by the pillars on the High Street,Gravesend

    Do you or membersof your familyhave anyinteresting storiesfrom World War 1

    As part of the national commemorations of WW1we are looking to reproduce stories that congrega-tion members might like to submit of their relatives,or local men, who engaged in the conflict!

    If you have a family story, perhaps with a photo-graph of the person you are writing about that youwould like to be considered for inclusion in anedition of Christ Church magazine over the nextfour years please let Sue Brewer or Mike Cubittknow.

    We are hoping to get enough copy to enable adifferent story to be produced in the magazineduring the four year anniversary period.

    All photographs will be returned, but please markon the back your name and address.

    Members of the Women's Army AuxiliaryCorps (WAACs) tending the graves of fallenBritish soldiers in a cemetery at Abbeville in


  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 10 February 2014

    The General Synod meets for three daysfrom Monday 10th until Wednesday 12thFebruary, and Churches and individualswho would like to pray for all those on theSynod can use the following (see right)as a guide for prayer.

    The Synod will be discussing a numberof important issues for the life and mis-sion of the Church, including further leg-islation on Women Bishops,

    Gender-based violence, Girl Guides, theenvironment and ethical investment, anda presentation on the House of BishopsWorking Group on Human Sexuality.

    For podcasts, videos and to view a liveweb stream of the proceedings of Gener-al Synod, please visit: 10 February- Report by the Business Committee- Presentation by the Ethical InvestmentAdvisory Group- Gender-Based Violence: Report by theMission and Public Affairs Council

    Tuesday 11 February-Further work on legislation for Womenin the Episcopate

    Wednesday 12 February- Presidential Address by ArchbishopJustin- Private Member’s Motion on Girl Guid-ing- Presentation on the Pilling Report-Diocesan Synod Motion onEnvironmental Issues

    General Synod February 2014FROM RECENT EDITION OF “IN REVIEW”

    Bishop of Lambethto become newBishop of ForcesBishop Nigel Stock will become Bishop to theForces and Bishop to the Falkland Islands.

    The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby hasappointed the Bishop at Lambeth, the Rt RevdNigel Stock, as Bishop to the Forces and Bishopto the Falkland Islands, upon the retirement ofthe Rt Revd Dr Stephen Venner. He will take upthese additional responsibilities on June 19,


    Bishop Nigel said: “I am delighted to be able totake on this important role and look forward tomeeting the Chaplains and the men and womenof the services, who serve tirelessly, often in themost arduous and dangerous circumstances.”

    Bishop Stephen said: “The links between theForces, the Falkland Islands and the office of theArchbishop of Canterbury are greatly valued. Itis good that these links will be maintained in thisway, and I am particularly delighted that BishopNigel’s own wide experience and many gifts willprovide Episcopal care and support to our chap-lains and those whom they serve in the name ofChrist.”

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 11 February 2014

    ‘Cast all youranxiety on him,because hecares for you’(1 Peter 5: 7)

    We believe in the power of prayer to bringhealing, comfort and the reassur-

    ance of God’s love into the day today problems which we all face.Many people at Christ Church

    have found it helpfulwhen going throughsickness or difficul-

    ties of various kinds, tobring these to God in prayer.

    Sometimes it can also be helpfulto know that others are praying along-

    side you.

    There are a number of ways in which youcan offer your own prayers or ask for the

    prayers of others, within the min-istry at Christ Church. Some ofthem are listed here… pleasefeel free to use any orall of these re-sources whenev-er you feel the need ofGod’s loving support andcare. Rest assured that noproblem is too difficult, and no prob-lem is too trivial… He cares for eachof us and invites us to come to Him justas we are.

    Daily prayers for the sick - those who aresick are prayed for at the Eucharists thattake place nearly every day. If you tellone of the clergy, they will be pleased toadd a name to the list – please alsoremember to say when the person con-cerned has recovered!

    Prayer requests – there are now slips ofpaper in red boxes, close to the candlestand and also at the back of the church.If you write your prayer request on the‘tear off slip’ and put it in the box provid-ed, then prayers will be offered at theWednesday morning Eucharist.

    Candle stand – you are welcome to lighta candle and offer a prayer for a lovedone at any time – the candle stand is inSt Faith’s chapel.

    Prayer tree – there is a prayer tree in theWarrior Chapel… this is another way tooffer your prayers. Just write it on a labelprovided and hang it on the tree.

    Whatever method you choose, we hopeyou will find the help and support you arelooking for through God’s loving pres-ence.

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 12 February 2014


    ‘In order to save on expensive cleaning and maintenance, we hold a monthlyworking party on a Saturday morning starting at 09.30.Together we clean and tidy the church, do a bit of necessary DIY or gardening,have a coffee and often some home-made goodies – and finish by about 11.30.We are enormously grateful to the few loyal helpers who turn up month aftermonth – but we desperately need a few more.Please consider putting the dates into your diary and coming along. All arewelcome – if you can do basic DIY please let us know in advance so that thechurchwardens can plan jobs in advance.

    Working party is almost always on the 2nd Saturday of each month…NOTE the next one will be on 1 February at 9.30.

    See you there, Sue




    2D FILMSEvery second Sunday of the month at 10.00 a.m.

    Ask at the box office of Showcase Cinemas or check the website for more details and film information

    Enjoy the latest films ina convenient andfriendly setting whichincludes:

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 13 February 2014

    Have you noticed recently that we areblessed with two good local tea rooms,after having none for such a long time, all

    of a sudden like theold red doubledecker busses twocome along?Just along the roadat Echo Square wehave “No 84” where

    Adrian Flaherty and his friendly staffserve a freshly cooked breakfast and afairly wide variety of made to order sand-wiches, delicious cakes and hot snacks,and of course tea in a tea-pot.To compliment this there are a number oftheme evenings that are held regularlyduring the month, and No. 84 is availableto hire for private functions and children’sparties. Details of events can be foundon-line at www. latest tea room to open is a littlefurther away, but still only a short walkinto town where Priscilla’s Pantry can befound in Parrock Street close to where itjoins with Lord Street opposite the un-made-up car park.This newest tea room is run by SharonAnnis and Allison Pickering, daughter of

    Maureen Reed who was a member atChrist Church until she moved away, andis currently living at West Malling.Again on offer is a variety of hot breakfastsnacks, along with a number of freshlymade to order sandwiches, delicioushomemade cakes, coffee and again teaserved in a tea-pot!Priscilla’s is also available for privateparties and birthday treats.What is refreshing in both these estab-lishments is that the delights on offer arenot the usual mass produced productspacked in cellophane with a long shelflife, but good locally sourced and home-made products that are fresh on the dayyou eat them. Both deserve our support.On a Wednesday morning, following theweekly 10:00 o’clock service a number ofthe parishionersfrom ChristChurch can befound filling theseats at No. 84,where they callin for a chat andrefreshments af-ter the morningservice.

    Spoilt for choice……but not before time

    Local history and chips evening:” Discover Gravesend” slide show with fishand chip supper

    On: Monday 3rd March 2014At: Reliance Fish Restaurant, Queen Street, Gravesend

    Time: 6pm to eat, talk follows at 7pm.Speaker: Christoph Bull 077022 87147

    Tickets are £10 ( which includes the talk and the supper), and are available at the RelianceRestaurant, 01474 533593

    No 84 Eatery and tea roomPriscilla’s Pantr Vintage tea room

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 14 February 2014

    Exciting new Youth Choir inGravesendIf you are aged between 7 and 17and enjoy singing then comealong!

    Join a friendly group of singers

    Learn great music of differentstyles and

    Perform at concerts andservices

    For further information

    Or call 01474 534517

    Join the

    New youth choir inGravesendWe meet weekly forRehearsalsat Christ ChurchTuesday evenings6.15 pm to 7.30 pm

    Heart of Gravesend historical tour

    Come and discover something at the heart of Gravesend about its history andsecrets. The tour is a short walk along King Street and then inside the CountyCourt building (now The Grand Healthy Living Centre) seeing the restored andunrestored interior and discover its origins. There is the opportunity to haverefreshments and lunch at the Bench Café at The Grand afterwards.

    Tuesday 4th February 201411am outside Gravesend Library, Windmill Street

    Guide: Christoph Bull (Local Historian)

    Cost: £3 per person – no need to book just turn up.The event is part of the Six Ways to Well-Being Week programme.

    Information: Christoph Bull 07702287147 or

    Carl Webster-Dowsing at The Grand on 01474 320123.

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 15 February 2014

    Thirteen cathedrals have been awardedgrants totalling nearly half a millionpounds to help repair and enhance theirbuildings for the future.£350,000 will be awarded from the Ca-thedral Fabric Repair Fund, a partnershipbetween the Wolfson Foundation, thePilgrim Trust and the Cathedrals FabricCommission for England (CFCE), all or-ganisations with long records of support-ing England’s historic church buildingsand their contents. A further £149,500 ofcathedral grant funding is being awardedunder the Cathedral Amenities Fund, aChurch of England fund which makesgrants for improvements to the setting ofancient cathedrals and greater churches.The Rt Hon Frank Field MP, Chair of the

    Cathedrals Fabric Commission for Eng-land (CFCE), added: “This is a uniqueand much-needed fund, the only grantsource targeted at critical repairs to Eng-land’s historic cathedrals. Over its fouryears of operation we are pleased tohave been able to help a number of ca-thedrals for which fund-raising is lesseasy, and also to support innovative solu-tions to problems posed by 20th centuryconstruction and changing weather pat-terns”.

    This year’s 10 successful applicants wereBirmingham, Coventry, Exeter, Liverpool,Norwich, Peterborough, Salisbury,Southwark and St Albans cathedrals andYork Minster.

    Half a million pounds for Cathedrals

    Archbishop Justinmeets PatriarchBartholomewThe Archbishop of Canterbury affirmedhis commitment to the reconciliation ofEastern and Western churches during ameeting with His All-Holiness Ecumeni-cal Patriarch Bartholomew in January.

    Archbishop Justin Welby was meetingwith Patriarch Bartholomew during atwo-day visit to Istanbul.

    During their meeting Archbishop Justinsaid that Patriarch Bartholomew hadbeen “an example of peace and recon-ciliation, politically, with the naturalworld, and in your historic visit to the in-stallation of His Holiness Pope Francis I.

    New Bishop ofBath and WellsThe next Bishop of Bath and Wells willbe the Rt Revd Peter Hancock. His cur-rent role is Bishop of Basingstoke in theDiocese of Winchester, which he hasheld since 2010.Bishop Peter says he is “delighted” atthe prospect of becoming the 79th Bish-op of Bath and Wells. Before his ordina-tion to the episcopate, Bishop Peterserved two curacies before serving as aparish priest in the Diocese of Port-smouth., and as Archdeacon of Meon.

    Bishop Peter said he was looking for-ward to leading the Diocese of Bath andWells and joining and supporting thestrong Christian voice already presentacross the region.

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 16 February 2014

    THE Mustard Seed aims to provide an informal and friendly tea at 3.00 pmon the third Thursday of every month in Christ Church hall.It is a venture that offers the opportunity to meet new friends and reminisceabout old times.The Mustard Seed, as the parable says (Mark4; 3-32) is very small - likedust - but has the potential to develop into one of the largest plants.Please join us as we plant the Mustard Seed and assist to make it flourish.Who knows what may happen!TheMustard Seed is in its second year now, and the next gathering will beon Thursday 20 February. You are so welcome.For further details please contact any member of the pastoral careteam. Pastoral assistants Pam Kilby, Colin Parsonson, JasmineHumphries or Curate Jo Drew



    Youth activities for all young people—School Yrs 7—11.

    Regular meetings will be between 4.00-5.30pmat the ’Word on the Street’ house, 7 Warrior Avenue,

    Gravesend DA12 5NA.

    For more information contact:Lusa 01474 352500 [email protected] 01474 352643 [email protected] 01474 249792 [email protected] 01474 364367 [email protected]

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 17 February 2014


    ‘We always need volunteers… thechurch runs because of thegenerous service of volunteers.

    lunteers needed.....o


    If you have time andenthusiasm to spare but youare not sure where yourtalents can be used,Sue would be glad to meetyou for a cup of coffee and totalk through possibilities.

    Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Services, based in Northfleet is a local charityfor local people and here to offer help, advice and support to those living withDementia. We can offer help in a numbers of ways:-

    v Day care,

    v Befriending

    v Support at Home/Support at Home plus/One to One Support

    v Carers Support Groups

    v 24 Helpline (0800 500 3014)

    v Singing for Brain

    v Dementia Cafes………. and so much more.

    If you or someone you knows need help please contact us via our website,, or by telephoning us on 01474 325133 or by writing toAlzheimer’s and Dementia Support Services, The Basement, Dene HolmHouse, Dene Holm Road, Northfleet, Kent DA11 8JY.

    As with most charities nowadays we also need volunteers to help us. We havevolunteer vacancies in all the above areas and of course in our fundraising ef-forts. If you would like to support us by becoming a member or raising funds forus, in sponsorship, holding an event, coffee morning or whatever you feel isappropriate, please do let us know and contact us.

    Alzheimers & DementiaSUPPORT SERVICES

  • Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 18 February 2014

    What happens at Christ Church?

    Weekday ServicesHoly Communion (said)

    Monday and Saturday 8am.Tuesday & Thursday 7.00am.

    Wednesday 10.00am

    Sunday Services8.00 am Holy Communion (said)10.00 am Communion with crèche & God’s Gang

    On the 2nd Sunday All-Age serviceEvening Service - see inside magazine for details.

    Office hoursFriday 6:30 pm until 7:30 pm

    Regular activities and youth organisationsThere are a wide variety of clubs for you:-Daily Christ Church Pre-school (2½ upwards)Monday Music Group; BrowniesTuesday Cubs and SemiquaversWednesday Guides; Mothers Union (1st Wednesday)

    First Steps (under 5’s and carers) 2nd Wednesday 1.45pmIfield Ladies (every third Wednesday)

    Thursday Beavers/Brownies; Choir Practice:3.00 p.m. Mustard Seed (every third)2 - 3.30 Forgetmenot Singing 2nd & 4th Thurs afternoonFriday Scouts; Parent and ToddlerSaturday Working Party (9.30 a.m. every second)

    Registered Charity no. 1130741

    For further informationContact

    The Church Wardens

  • Wednesday







    208.00 Service10.00 Service

    908.00 Service10.00 Service

    16.45 Choral Even-song

    1608.00 Service10.00 Service

    2308.00 Service10.00 Service

    2408.00 Service16.45 ServiceBROWNIES

    2507.00 Service16.45 Service

    CUBS18.15 Semiquavers

    2610.00 Service16.45 Service

    2707.00 Service16.45 ServiceBROWNIES

    Choir practice

    2813.15 Parent and

    Toddlers16.45 Service

    18.30 Office hoursSCOUTS


    08.00 Service

    1508.00 Service


    08.00 Service09.30 Working Party

    108.00 Service

    713.15 Parent and

    Toddlers16.45 Service

    18.30 Office hoursSCOUTS

    1413.15 Parent and

    Toddlers16.45 Service

    18.30 Office hoursSCOUTS

    2113.15 Parent and

    Toddlers16.45 Service

    18.30 Office hoursSCOUTS

    1910.00 Service16.45 Service

    1210.00 Service

    13.45 First Steps16.45 Service

    510.00 Service16.45 Service

    2007.00 Service

    15.00 Mustard Seed16.45 ServiceBROWNIES

    Choir practice

    1307.00 Service16.45 ServiceBROWNIES

    Choir practice

    607.00 Service16.45 ServiceBROWNIES

    Choir practice

    407.00 Service16.45 Service

    CUBS18.15 Semiquavers

    308.00 Service16.45 ServiceBROWNIES

    1107.00 Service16.45 Service

    CUBS18.15 Semiquavers

    1008.00 Service16.45 ServiceBROWNIES

    1708.00 Service16.45 ServiceBROWNIES

    1807.00 Service16.45 Service

    CUBS18.15 Semiquaverss

    Christ Church Milton-Next-Gravesend Page 19 February 2014


  • Gravesend & DistrictOsteoporosis Support GroupThe next meeting of the Group is on

    Tuesday 4th March 2014at

    Christ Church HallOld Road East, Gravesend DA12 1NR

    Time: 7.00 p.m.Entry £2.00

    An Illustrated Talkby Kent, Surrey & Sussex

    Air AmbulanceThere will be a raffle

    Tea/coffee and biscuitsEveryone Welcome!

    Contact the Chair forFurther Information

    01474 564234