

EditorialHi everyone!!!

Here’s a new, fresh issue with tons of news, activities and fun facts and games.Thanks again to all those who have made this issue possible. We invite anyone willing to share their work with us to send their productions along.And to treat YOU specially, here are three love poems to go with the springtime mood! Enjoy!!!!!!!

Natalia & Ivana

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Barrio Norte





Villa Crespo

Villa Urquiza

Wednesdays 11:00 to 12:00

Wednesdays 20:00 to 21:00

Tuesdays 20:30 to 21:30

Wednesdays 20:00 to 21:00

Thursdays 20:00 to 21:00


Mondays 18:30 to 19:30

Wednesdays 12:00 to 13:00

Mondays 20:00 to 21:00

Thursdays 20:30 to 21:30

Mondays 19:30 to 20:30

(Cambridge-Available only in September)

Wednesdays 19:00 to 20:00

Tuesdays 20:00 to 21:00


Wednesdays 18:30 to 19:30

Silvia Colombo

Julieta Moreno

Claudio Giannattasio

Edward Belleville

Hearn Ewan

José Suriano


Romina Cheli

(Int.1 & 2/ Lev. 3,4,5) (Ad. 1&2 / Lev. 6,7,8 / Pre. FCE)

2014 Free Converation Courses

August -November

* Cover picture base by Vladimir Pustovit /


(1806-1861) - English poet best known for her love sonnets, particularly those from her greatest work, “Sonnets From the Portuguese.” Her courtship and elopement with her future husband, Robert Browning, remains one of the literary world’s most celebrated romances. “How Do ILove Thee?” (1850) - This well-known poem opens with these famous lines: How do I love

thee? Let me count the ways. / I love thee to the depth and breadth and height ...

SONNET XVIIIWilliam Shakespeare (1564–1616). The Oxford

Shakespeare: Poems. 1914. Sonnet XVIII. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:

Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,5

And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;And every fair from fair sometime declines,

By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;

But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,

10Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,

When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st;So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

THE GOOD -MORROWI wonder, by my troth, what thou and I

Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers’ den?’Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.

If ever any beauty I did see,Which I desired, and got, ’twas but a dream of thee.

And now good-morrow to our waking souls,Which watch not one another out of fear;For love, all love of other sights controls,And makes one little room an everywhere.

Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown,

Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;

Where can we find two better hemispheres,Without sharp north, without declining west?

Whatever dies, was not mixed equally;If our two loves be one, or, thou and I

Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.

John Donne William Shakespeare

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach,when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.I love thee to the level of everyday’s Most quiet need, by sun and

candle-light.I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they

turn from Praise.I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with

my childhood’s faith.I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints,- I love

thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!- and, if Godchoose, I shall but love thee better after death.




The Jungle Book

Anne Frank Museum



Paris in Buenos Aires

Science Museum



Steven Patrick Morrissey was born in Davyhulme, Manchester, England, UK. At a very early age, he took an interest in writing. His top priority was poetry, though he would have his biography on James Dean, “James Dean Is Not Dead”, published by his early 20s. His literary influences ranged from Oscar Wilde to Johann Wolfgang Goethe, though he was also an avid fan of pop music and film. Some of his primary musical idols were David Bowie, Ray Davies and Marc Bolan. In 1982, Morrissey was approached by local Mancunian guitarist and songwriter Johnny Marr. Marr asked him to collaborate, and so began possibly the greatest songwriting duo of the 1980s. Morrissey’s witty and morbidly sentimental lyrics were a perfect match with Marr’s odd chord progressions and unusual tunings. They soon added Marr’s schoolmates Andy Rourke (bass) and Mike Joyce(drums). The duo became a quartet and dubbed themselves The Smiths. The Smiths released six studio albums and several catchy three-minute singles from 1983

ADVANCED I Belgrano – Mondays and Wednesdays 18:30 – listened to this song by a British artist and then wrote emails to the singer imagining they were the girl he is singing to. And we also got an email back from the imaginary man in the song. Take a look!

by Steven Morrissey

CHORUS:The more you ignore me, the closer I get

you’re wasting your timethe more you ignore me, the closer I get

you’re wasting your time

I will be in the barwith my head on the barI am now a central part

of your mind’s landscapewhether you care or do not

yeah, I’ve made up your mind


Beware!I bear more grudges

than lonely high court judgeswhen you sleep I will creep

into your thoughts like a bad debt

that you can’t pay

Take the easy way and give inYeah, and let me in, oh let me in, oh let me, oh let me in

It’s war, it’s war, it’s war, it’s war, it’s warWar, war, war, war

Dear Morrissey,I received your song and I am writing this to tell you my reaction. Though I understand what you mean, I can’t believe you said I ignore you, especially when you don’t even make an attempt to talk to me. And as for the rest, well, whether it is your intention or not, you seem extremely creepy. And just to be clear: No, you are not a central piece of my mind, not even close. You seem to think that I think about you a lot. Newsflash: I don’t. I don’t want to sound rude, but honestly, I think that you are overestimating yourself. I am sorry to be so blunt, but I think you needed a reality check.

Dear Morrissey,I am tired of this situation, give up. I am not going to be yours. I am free, you aren’t my owner. You can’t control my life. I think that the closer you get, the more bored of you I get. You have to have no grudges. I want you out of my life. Take the easy way and give in. The closer you get, the more you disturb me. I have made up my mind and I have seen that you are not good enough for me. There isn’t any war here. You are a shame creeping behind me. In conclusion, this situation makes me very sad, and I repeat, please stop, you can’t get everything you want. Learn it for the future. The closer you get, the more stupid you seem.

Dear Morrissey,Listen to me. I will say it in the terms of your song. The closer you get, the more harassed I feel. I will call the police. So stay out of my life. You are as annoying as a 6-year-old child. I will take this to your lonely high court judges. Oh, stay away, oh, stay away! If you don’t get it, here it goes again, with more rhythm: Stop trying ‘cause you are As annoying as a headache. The morning that you try To play your music louder than ever. Hoping to never see you again. Together never. Your unrequited love.PS: STAY AWAY!

Hi Morrissey!I am writing this email just to let you know my opinion about this situation. I’ll try to be friendly. As I can see, you really love me, but I can’t say the same. Sorry, but it’s the truth. You’ve spent all this month spying on me when I was at the Café, sending me letters and emails, and giving me flowers and expensive gifts. And then you wrote that song. You are my hairdresser, and I’ve been to your hairdresser’s twice! And suddenly you love me! It’s very strange. I can’t understand why you love me that way. The more I think about it, the less I understand. At first, everything was OK, but now I am getting scared, especially because I think you are watching me every time I walk in the street. The closer you get, the more insecure I feel. Please leave me in peace. I am so sorry for hurting your feelings, but I have a boyfriend, and I can’t stand this. Besides, the other day I was on the bus and I realized that you were looking at me, wearing a costume! If you don’t stop following me, I think I should call the police. The closer you get, the nearer to the phone I am. I am not joking. Finally, I won’t let you know anything about me. As you said in your song, it’s war. Hope you can understand. Write me only if you really want to apologise.

Dear lady,The closer you get, the happier you make me. I am sad because I am without you. All day I think about you so I am depressed. The longer I am alone, the more stupid I get. It’s really difficult to play our jokes and games by myself. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. You look like a princess. I hope you will be happy and I hope to be in your heart.Kisses.Anonymous.

to 1987. The band found critical acclaim in both their native England and the U.S. They never broke into the mainstream in the U.S., though they became college radio legends, mainly due to Morrissey’s intelligent but often controversial themes. The band broke up in 1987 over a conflict of musical interest between Morrissey and Marr. Morrissey found solo success after The Smiths, achieving a far greater status in the U.S. than The Smithsever had. His greatest triumph was 1992’s “Your Arsenal”, which was nominated for a Grammy for best alternative album. The album was produced by former David Bowieguitarist Mick Ronson. In 1997, former The Smiths drummer Mike Joyce successfully sued Morrissey and Marr over songwriting royalties. The chance of a “Smiths” reunion seems bleak, but their music will continue to be played by devoted, intelligent fans everywhere. To put it simply, the music of Steven Morrissey and The Smiths was “as smart as pop music gets”.


By Joaquin Guerra

By leon useglio

By florencia sagasti

By nicolas ayunesBy federico guastavino









...and arts...and arts


New seven Wonders of the world

Chichen ItzáThis city was founded in 525 B.C. Inside, there are a lot of interesting constructions. The most important construction is The Pyramid of Kukulkan. Inside, something fantastic happens. During the solar equinox in summer and autumn, where the nine temple ´s platforms made seven triangles projected inverted, forming a snake that descends from the top of the temple.

Christ the Redeemer It is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and was considered the largest statue in the world from 1931 until 2010 when it was topped by the Christ the King statue in Poland. It is 30 metres tall, not including its 8 metres pedestal, and its arms stretch 28 metres wide. A symbol of Brazilian Christianity, the statue has become an icon for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. It is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone, and was constructed between 1922 and 1931.

The Taj MajalIt was built from 1631 until 1654. It was built for Shah Jahan, who was a Mongol emperor. It is in India. The history is amazing. Before Jahan´s wife died, she wanted her husband to build her tomb, look after the children and visit her tomb all years. When the Jahan ´s wife died. Jahan send to build the best tomb in the world for his wife. He wanted all people in the world to remember his wife and his love for her. Currently it is considered the greatest construction made by love for a woman.

The Great Wall of ChinaIt was built in the 5th century A.C. It was built for protection. The Chinese empire wanted to protect themselves from the attacks of the Muslims. Currently there is only 30% of the original wall. To build it, it was necessary more than one million people. When a person died in the jobs, the body was buried in the wall.

Machu PicchuIt was built in the 15th century, in Perú. It was a residence where the First Inca emperor can rest. His Name was Pachacutec. It was considered a religious place. Some people believe that this place was a military base. Colosseum

It was built in the 1st century B.C. It is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy. It was built of concrete and Stone. The original name was amphitheatre Flavio because this was a dynasty name. The Colosseum could hold, it is estimated, between 50,000 and 80,000 spectators. The chairs closer to the sand were for the emperor and senator. After them, as the chairs were farther away from the sand, the social class descended. It was used for the public shows, fights between gladiators, and more.

The City of PretaIt was built in the 7th century B.C. It is a city built with stone, literally in Jordan. It is amazing because all the city was excavated and sculpted.

This was a survey. It was organized by a private company; its name is New Open World Corporation. The vote was public. People could vote by

internet or by phone. This was the result:

Level IV Saturdays- Flores - Thank you Karina Infantino and Silvia Manzur!!!!!By Elizabeth Rosello



In the World Cup of 1974 there was only one team that

wasn’t beaten throughout the tournament. No, not the

winners, West Germany. They lost in the groups stages. The

unbeaten team was Scotland with two draws and a win – it

wasn’t enough to see them through to the knock-out stages



The oldest existing football club in the world is Sheffield FC

– formed in 1857!

The ball used in professional football has remained

the same size and shape for 120 years!

Spanish club Juventus were so keen on another football

club’s strip they decided to copy it – the club setting the

fashion trend? Notts County!





BelgranoThank you

Valeria Pizzuto!!!

Mike Pejic was dropped from the England side in 1974 because he never smiled!

Surely the most superstitious footballer ever is Nobby Stiles – he used to wear

the same underpants for every match! Other superstitious legends include Alan

Shearer and Jack Charlton.

Sunderland FC was originally formed by a group of teachers!

Stuart Pearce, manager of the England Under-21 squad, is a qualified electrician!

In 1889, Preston North End became the first club to achieve

the double of winning the FA Cup (beating Wolverhampton

Wanderers 3-0) and the Football League Championship in the

same season. What made this double particularly special in

that the league was won without a single defeat.

And finally, as it’s a World Cup Year … as yet the World Cup has never

been won by a team appearing in the opening match!




Julieta Falabella

Abril D’Amore


Facundo Madera

Agustín Trombetta

Junior III



Who hasn’t ever said in an English class, “I’m tired”? Probably all of you, readers, have. And yet, have you ever stopped to think about the very word “tired” and its real form? We use the word “tired” pretty much like we use the word “bored”, taking for granted that they are mere, simple, innocent adjectives. But there is much more to them than meets the eye. “Happy” is a real, honest, transparent adjective. So is “beautiful” (although we do not generally realize that “beau” is “pretty” in French and that’s why the spelling is so strange. What we do is, from the French beau /bo:/ we attach the suffix to nominalise it (transform it into a noun) beau + ty and then to that we add the suffix “ful” to get the adjective back. In the end, beautiful means “full of beauty”. But- as Sterne would say- I digress too much). Yet so much honesty is not applicable to “tired” or “bored”. They actually are friends with other adjectives which we do detect as treacherous like “interested”. And this is because we usually associate “interested” with its counterpart, co-worker, partner in business “interesting”. Well both “tired” and “bored” have their own partners in “tiring” and “boring”. These

adjectives are de-verbal, that is, they come from verbs. “Bored” comes from the verb “to bore” (aburrir), and “tired” comes from the verb “to tire” (cansar). So that, if you are bored it’s because something bores you, and if you are tired it means that something tires you. Then again, if you are boring you bore others and if you are tiring you tire others. What these supposed adjectives are is actually participles. “Bored” and “tired” are past participles and “boring” and “tiring” are present participles. They work as adjectives as they modify nouns “a tiring exercise”, “a boring book”; or because they appear in predicative position functioning as complements to the verb “to be”: They are tired of reading this article. So, I won’t bore you anymore. Just let me add that next time, whenever you say something in English, remember what Miranda says to Andrea in “The Devil Wears Prada”-though she refers to clothes and fashion and we are dealing with linguistics here-: you might think you are saying something naïve, innocent and simple, but to language there is no simplicity, in language every teeny tiny word hides a big secret.

Natalia Moltrasio

1) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 2) The Lighthouse of Alexandria 3) The Great Pyramid of Giza 4) The Statute of Zeus at Olympia 5) The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 6) The Colossus of Rhodas 7) The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

The Seven Wonders of the WorldGuess the wonders by coming up with the words (the ones in bold are part of the names already):

The+ killing by choking with a rope+ places where people grow flowers at the back of their houses+ newly born person+ lon.

The + opposite of darkness+ place where people live+ of+Al+ prefix indicating “former”+andria.

The + synonym of “huge”+ constructions typical of the Egyptian architecture + preposition indication possession+ Giza.

The + construction built to honour an important person+ of + name of the Greek god husband to Here+ at Olympia.

The + place where people worship God, it starts with “t” + of + what we generally say when we mean “painting” “dancing” “music” and “literature” + emis at Ephesus.

The + “colour” without “ur” + ssus + preposition indicating possession + first name of the singer known as Stuart with an “h” in it +as.

Which is the wonder that’s missing?


