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  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines




    1. GENERAL

    Section 12, Annex E of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulation(IRR) of R.A. 918 o! the "o#e!nment $!ocu!ement Refo!m Act, !e%ui!es allp!ocu!ing entities implementing go#e!nment inf!ast!uctu!e p!o&ects toe#aluate the pe!fo!mance of thei! cont!acto!s using the 'E A app!o#ed*onst!ucto!s $e!fo!mance E#aluation S+stem (*$ES) guidelines fo! the t+peof p!o&ect eing implemented. Section 12, li-e ise, !e%ui!es all p!ocu!ingentities to include in thei! $!o&ects/ Enginee!ing and Administ!ati#e 0#e!head*ost, the udget fo! *$ES implementation pu!suant to 'E A oa!dResolution 'o. 18 (s. 2 2)3 to esta lish *$ES Implementing 4nits in thei!

    !especti#e offices5agencies5co!po!ations3 and to use the *$ES !atings fo! thefollo ing pu!poses6 a) p!e %ualification5eligi ilit+ sc!eening3 ) a a!ding ofcont!acts3 c) p!o&ect monito!ing 7 cont!ol3 d) issuance of *e!tificate of*ompletion3 e) polic+ fo!mulation5!e#ie 3 f) indust!+ planning3 g) g!anting ofincenti#es5a a!ds3 and in adopting measu!es to fu!the! imp!o#e pe!fo!manceof cont!acto!s in the p!osecution of go#e!nment p!o&ects.


    he *$ES as de#eloped in o!de! to6

    2.1 Esta lish a unifo!m set of c!ite!ia fo! !ating the pe!fo!mance ofconst!ucto!s3

    2.2 e#elop a cent!ali ed ase of info!mation on pe!fo!mance !ating ofconst!ucto!s fo! licensing, p!e %ualification, %ualit+ imp!o#ement, andothe! pu!poses of go#e!nment agencies, p!o&ect o ne!s, financingand insu!ance companies and othe! inte!ested pa!ties3 and

    2.: *ont!i ute in ensu!ing that inf!ast!uctu!e p!o&ects confo!m ith thespecified !e%ui!ements of p!o&ect o ne!s.

    !. SCOPE

    he guidelines shall e used in the pe!fo!mance e#aluation of const!ucto!sunde!ta-ing go#e!nment inf!ast!uctu!e p!o&ects as follo s6

    :.1 ;ocal const!ucto!s licensed + and !egiste!ed ith the $hilippine*ont!acto!s Acc!editation oa!d ($*A )3


  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines



    .1 CIAP !efe!s to the *onst!uction Indust!+ Autho!it+ of the $hilippines,an attached agenc+ of the epa!tment of !ade 7 Indust!+ c!eated +$!esidential ec!ee ($ ) 'o. 1? @ to p!omote, accele!ate, and!egulate the g!o th and de#elopment of the const!uction indust!+.

    .2 C#$s%&' %#& deemed s+non+mous ith the te!m uilde! and hence,an+ entit+ including &oint #entu!e and conso!tium licensed + $*Aho unde!ta-es o! pu!po!ts to ha#e the capacit+ to unde!ta-e o!

    su mits a id fo! inf!ast!uctu!e p!o&ects.

    .: C#$s%&' %#&s Pe& #&*+$ e Ev+,'+%i#$ S-s%e* (CPES) a s+stemof g!ading the pe!fo!mance of a const!ucto! fo! a specific -ind ofp!o&ects using a set of c!ite!ia, app!o#ed + the 'E A I'.

    . C#$s%&' %#&s Pe& #&*+$ e Ev+,'+%#& s (CPE) an indi#idual o!g!oup of e#aluato!s acc!edited + *IA$ tas-ed to unde!ta-epe!fo!mance e#aluation of a const!ucto!/s p!o&ect using the *$ESguidelines and5o! e#aluation !e%ui!ements of the const!uction indust!+.

    . C#&&e %ive A %i#$ P,+$ (CAP) is a plan of action p!oposed + theconst!ucto! to the conce!ned agenc+/s implementing office hich isaimed to co!!ect the non confo!mance findings on the p!o&ect asedon the *AR issued + the *$E(s). he *A$ shall include theconst!ucto!/s specific actions and timeta le to immediatel+ co!!ect thefindings su &ect to the app!o#al + the head of the conce!ned

    implementing office o! his autho!i ed !ep!esentati#e.

    .@ C#&&e %ive A %i#$ Re/'es% (CAR) a !e%uest fo!m he!ein the *$E!eco!ds his5he! #alidated finding(s) including co!!esponding location(s)hich do not confo!m to an+ of the chec-list indicato!s !e%ui!ing

    immediate actions + the const!ucto!.

    .? CPES I*0,e*e$%i$ U$i% (IU) the unit of an agenc+ !esponsi le fo!the implementation of *$ES.

    .8 De e %s Li+ i,i%- Pe&i#d shall e one (1) +ea! f!om p!o&ectcompletion up to final acceptance + the "o#e!nment.

    .9 D'&i$ C#$s%&' %i#$ !ec-oned f!om the time the const!uction is tosta!t as stated in the 'otice to $!oceed (' $) up to su stantialcompletion of the p!o&ect.

    .1 GPP !efe!s to the "o#e!nment $!ocu!ement $olic+ oa!desta lished unde! Section @:, A!ticle BB of RA 918 .

    .11 3e+d # %4e P '&i$ E$%i%- !efe!s to6 (i) the head of the agenc+ o!

    od+, o! his dul+ autho!i ed official, fo! '"As and the constitutionalcommissions o! offices, and !anches of go#e!nment3 (ii) thego#e!ning oa!d o! its dul+ autho!i ed official, fo! "0**s, "

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    decent!ali ed, the Cead of each decent!ali ed unit shall e conside!edas the head of the p!ocu!ing entit+ su &ect to the limitations andautho!it+ delegated + the head of the agenc+, depa!tment, o! office.

    .12 I*0,e*e$%i$ O i e (IO) 5 !efe! to the unit(s) o! depa!tment(s) ithinthe agenc+ assigned to supe!#ise the implementation of inf!ast!uctu!ep!o&ects.

    .1: INFRACOM !efe!s to the 'E A oa!d *ommittee on Inf!ast!uctu!ec!eated unde! Executi#e 0!de! 'o. 2: , Se!ies of 198?.

    .1 I$ &+s%&' %'&e Pe %s !efe!s to const!uction, imp!o#ement o!!eha ilitation of !oads and high a+s, ai!po!ts and ai! na#igationfacilities, !ail a+s, po!ts, flood cont!ol and d!ainage, ate! suppl+ andse e!age, i!!igation s+stems, dams, uildings, communicationfacilities, d!edging and !eclamation, po e! gene!ating plants, po e!

    t!ansmission and dist!i ution facilities and othe! !elated const!uctionp!o&ects.

    .1 NEDA !efe!s to the 'ational Economic and e#elopment Autho!it+.

    .1@ PCA !efe!s to the $hilippine *ont!acto!s Acc!editation oa!d, oneof the implementing oa!ds of the *IA$ hich is tas-ed amongothe!s, to issue, den+, suspend, o! !e#o-e licenses of const!uctioncont!acto!s + #i!tue of Repu lic Act @@, as amended + $ 1? @.

    .1? PDC !efe!s to the $hilippine omestic *onst!uction oa!d, one of

    the implementing oa!ds of the *IA$ hich is tas-ed to fo!mulate,!ecommend and implement policies, guidelines, plans and p!og!amsfo! the efficient implementation of pu lic and p!i#ate const!uction inthe count!+.

    .18 Pe& e$%+ e 7ei 4% 5 the eight fo! a specific item of o!-, computed

    + di#iding its cost + the total cont!act amount multiplied + onehund!ed (1 ).

    .19 P&eve$%ive A %i#$ P,+$ 5 is a plan of action p!oposed + theconst!ucto! to the conce!ned agenc+/s implementing office hich isaimed to p!e#ent the !ecu!!ence of non confo!mance findings on hison going and5o! futu!e p!o&ects.

    .2 R+%e 5 the sco!e fo! each item of o!- e#aluated, de!i#ed using thec!ite!ia in e#aluating the o!-manship and mate!ials aspects.

    .21 Re,+%ive Pe& e$%+ e 7ei 4% !efe!s to the eight of an item of o!-to e !ated computed + di#iding the pe!centage eight of the item ofo!- to e !ated + the sum of the pe!centage eight of all items.

    .22 Re,+%ive R+%e the p!oduct of the !elati#e pe!centage eight and the!ate fo! each item of o!-.


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    .2: S0#% 5 an a!ea selected f!om the identified location of on going and5o!completed items of o!- hich ill e su &ect fo!e#aluation5inspection.

    .2 U0#$ C#*0,e%i#$ !efe!s to 1 D completion of the p!o&ect as!epo!ted + the Implementing 0ffice. *ompletion of p!o&ect on timeincludes demo ili ation and final clean up.


    he se%uential acti#ities to e unde!ta-en + the *$ES Implementing 4nit(I4), *onst!ucto!s $e!fo!mance E#aluato!s (*$E), *onst!ucto!,Implementing 0ffice (I0), and *onst!uction Indust!+ Autho!it+ of the$hilippines (*IA$) a!e p!esented he!eunde!. he *$ES

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    and fills out the *$ES E#aluation

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    $!io! to actual e#aluation, the *$E and its !esou!cepe!sons5 itnesses shall meet to discuss the follo ing6 pu!pose andmechanics of *$ES3 scope and status of each o!- item (pe!centageof accomplishment) to e e#aluated3 documents supplied + theconst!ucto!/s p!o&ect enginee!3 and othe! facto!s affecting theimplementation of the p!o&ect. ased on said discussion, the *$Eshall update5#alidate all of the standa!ds5tole!ances on !ele#antchec-lists to e used.

    .9 C#$d' % # A %'+, Ev+,'+%i#$ - CPE

    ased on the p!e dete!mined spots to e e#aluated, the *$E and its!esou!ce pe!sons5 itnesses, shall unde!ta-e the necessa!+ e#aluationand !eco!ds findings in !ele#ant chec-lists. he *$E ma+ listadditional indicato!s in !ele#ant chec-lists if needed andco!!esponding findings. he *$E shall also ta-e photos and5o! #ideos

    to su stantiate its findings.

    Should the!e e a need to assess the const!ucto!/s pe!fo!mancedu!ing the defects lia ilit+ pe!iod, the *$ES I4 ma+ !e%uest the *$Eto unde!ta-e such e#aluation. he e#aluation !esults shall esu mitted + the *$E to the *$ES I4 and5o! conce!ned units of theagenc+.

    .1 C#$d' % # P#s%5Ev+,'+%i#$ Mee%i$

    a. Galidation of

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    of the *AR(s), the *$E leade! shall info!m said enginee! and5o! Autho!i ed Rep!esentati#e that these shall e settled + anapp!op!iate ad&udicating od+ to e designated + the agenc+. Incases he!e the const!ucto! and5o! its !ep!esentati#es a!e a sentdu!ing the *$ES p!o&ect e#aluation, e#en afte! ad#ance andp!ope! notification, the *$ES Rating of the const!ucto! ill econside!ed final and inding.

    e. >onito!ing of *onst!ucto!/s *ompliance on *AR + *$ES I4

    o ensu!e and chec- const!ucto!/s compliance on *AR, the*$ES I4 shall !e%ui!e the go#e!nment p!o&ect enginee! to su mit a>onito!ing Repo!t to the conce!ned Implementing 0ffice, cop+fu!nished the *$ES I4, to #alidate compliance ith the *AR.Emphasis should e on p!o&ects ith Remo#e and ReplaceFp!oposed *A$ and ta-ing into conside!ation the pledged date of

    co!!ecti#e action + the const!ucto!. If possi le, photos shall eattached to p!o#ide e#idence on the o!-s unde!ta-en.

    .11 S' *issi#$ # CPES Re0#&%s %# CPES5IU

    Immediatel+ afte! the completion of the e#aluation, the *$E leade!shall su mit to the *$ES I4 the o!iginal copies of the accomplished*$ES E#aluation

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    .1: Revie9 # CPES R+%i$ ; P&e0+&+%i#$ # Re0#&%s; +$dDisse*i$+%i#$ # I$ #&*+%i#$ - CPES 5 IU

    he *$ES I4, upon !eceipt of the *$ES E#aluation Repo!t fo! apa!ticula! p!o&ect shall !e#ie the completeness, accu!ac+ andconsistenc+ of its contents. Should the contents e in o!de!, the*$ES I4 shall su mit the !epo!ts to the *IA$, conce!ned I0 and othe!depa!tments5units hich need the info!mation.

    Afte! the !e%ui!ed site #isits fo! each p!o&ect ha#e een completed,the *$ES I4 shall issue a *$ES Rating to the const!ucto! uponsatisfacto!+ completion of the necessa!+ co!!ecti#e actions listed inthe *AR(s).

    he *$ES I4 shall su mit to *IA$/s $ * an authenticatedphotocop+ of the *onst!ucto!/s $e!fo!mance Summa!+ Repo!t ithin

    thi!t+ (: ) da+s afte! e#aluation3 except fo! implementing agenciese#aluating mo!e than one hund!ed (1 ) inf!ast!uctu!e p!o&ects hichma+ su mit the !epo!t ithin t o (2) months afte! e#aluation.

    .1 D+%+ +$aximum Rating

    Ho!-manship .>ate!ials .:ime .1


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    ?.1 D'&i$ C#$s%&' %i#$

    a. Ho!-manship >aximum Rating of . J

    Ho!-manship !efe!s to the %ualit+ and %uantit+ of on going and5o!completed items of o!-, hich a!e #e!ifia le, in acco!dance toapp!o#ed plans and specifications. his aspect co#e!s theutili ation of the co!!ect methodolog+ needed in p!oducing thedesi!ed %uantit+ and %ualit+ of o!-. In !ating this aspect,efficienc+ of methodolog+ shall e conside!ed.

    In assessing5e#aluating o!-manship, the follo ing p!ocedu!esshall e o se!#ed6 a) efo!e going to the p!o&ect site, the *$Eshall identif+ the location of on going and5o! completed items of

    o!-s ased on the app!o#ed plan, and ) f!om the locationidentified, the *$Es shall select spots !andoml+ fo! e#aluation.he com ined a!ea of spots shall not e less than 1 D of the ongoing and5o! completed items of o!-s. *hec-lists fo!Ho!-manship fo! !oads and !idges, housing and uilding, po!tsand ha! o!, i!!igation, flood cont!ol, po e! t!ansmission line,su station, *##&i$ + i,i%ies #& 0#9e& +& es +$d diese,0#9e& 0,+$% p!o&ects a!e p!esented in Annex 2. Refe! to Section11. a he!eof in dete!mining the !ating fo! o!-manship.

    In case the!e a!e on going o! completed additional o!-s o!

    #a!iation o!de!s, hich a!e #e!ifia le, at the time of inspection,these shall e !ated if said #a!iations e!e app!o#ed + the Ceadof the $!ocu!ing Entit+.

    . >ate!ials >aximum Rating of .: J

    o imp!ess upon the const!ucto!s the impo!tance of mate!ials inp!oducing the desi!ed %ualit+ of an item of o!-, this aspect is#ie ed sepa!atel+ f!om o!-manship as anothe! facto! inassessing pe!fo!mance.

    >ate!ials means the %ualit+, %uantit+ and t+pe of const!uctionmate!ials including asphalt and !ead+ mixed conc!ete, andcomponents supplied + entities othe! than the const!ucto!s as!e%ui!ed in the cont!act. he const!ucto! gets the full !ating of .:fo! mate!ials in a pa!ticula! item of o!- if he complies ith all theapplica le indicato!s in the chec-list fo! mate!ials in Annex :.Refe! to Section 11. in !ating mate!ials.

    Alte!nati#e const!uction mate!ials used + the const!ucto! ma+also e conside!ed + the *$E in !ating the mate!ials aspect,p!o#ided the!e a!e suppo!ting documents consisting of theapp!o#al + the o ne!/s autho!i ed pe!sonnel and test !esults. If ao!- item does not !e%ui!e the use of mate!ials (e.g., demolition ofexisting st!uctu!e, exca#ation, o! sc!aping), the const!ucto!automaticall+ gets .: in this aspect p!o#ided he gets the full


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    !ating in the o!-manship aspect fo! such o!- item. Co e#e!, ifthe pa!ticula! item of o!- as not done o! inade%uatel+ compliedith, the !ating fo! mate!ial shall e . . ate!ials fo! on going o! completed additional o!-s, hich a!e#e!ifia le, at the time of inspection shall also e !ated p!o#idedsaid #a!iations e!e app!o#ed + the Cead of the $!ocu!ing Entit+.

    4nli-e the o!-manship and mate!ials aspects hich a!ee#aluated on a pe! item of o!-, the follo ing fou! ( ) aspectsshall e app!aised du!ing each #isit ithout pa!ticula! attention tothe o!- items completed5 eing completed + the const!ucto!.

    c. ime >aximum Rating of .1 J his !efe!s to the o#e! all accomplishment in acco!dance ith theapp!o#ed $ER 5*$> o! app!o#ed p!og!am of o!-. heconst!ucto! gets a full !ating of .1 if he is on o! ahead ofschedule ut gets a lo e! sco!e if the!e is an+ dela+ o! slippageatt!i uta le to his fault. he sco!e shall depend on the pe!centageof dela+ as !eflected in the chec-list fo! time aspect p!esented in

    Annex . Refe! to Section 11. c in !ating the time aspect.

    F#& #$%&+ %s 9i%4 $# *+%e&i+,s #& *+%e&i+,s +&e s'00,ied -

    %4e #9$e&; %4e #*0'%+%i#$ # s #&e #& Ti*e +s0e % is0&ese$%ed i$ A$$e? " @ F#& #$%&+ %s 9i%4 $# *+%e&i+,s #&*+%e&i+,s +&e s'00,ied - %4e #9$e&.

    In case the!e a!e on going o! completed additional o!-s o!#a!iation o!de!s, time ould e !ated ased on the effecti#e $ER*$> and S *u!#e app!o#ed + the Cead of the $!ocu!ing Entit+.In case it has not +et een app!o#ed + the Cead of the $!ocu!ingEntit+, time shall e !ated ased on the latest app!o#ed $ER*$> and S cu!#e.

    d. aximum Rating of . :J

    he facilities !efe!!ed to a!e those set up + the const!ucto! p!io! tothe actual sta!t of the p!o&ect and maintained du!ing theconst!uction pe!iod. his aspect co#e!s the p!o#ision of p!o&ectsign oa!d, sanita!+ and5o! field and on site office facilities hichincludes the su!#e+ing, t!anspo!t and communication, testing andothe! e%uipment, appliances, utensils and othe! items as !e%ui!edin the cont!act. he const!ucto! me!its a full !ating of . : if hecomplies ith the indicato!s enume!ated in the chec-list fo!facilities p!esented in Annex . Refe! to Section 11. d in !atingthis aspect.

    In case the cont!act does not indicate an+ p!o#ision fo! campfacilities, to e chec-ed a!e the sanita!+, field and on site office


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    facilities p!o#ided + the const!ucto! fo! its technical staff ando!-e!s.

    e. En#i!onmental, Safet+ and Cealth (ESC) >aximum Rating of. ?J

    he const!ucto! must lea!n to ca!e fo! his en#i!onment and mustt!+ his est not to pollute du!ing p!o&ect p!osecution. Ce musto se!#e safet+ and health measu!es as !e%ui!ed in the gene!aland5o! special cont!act p!o#isions, and safegua!d the li#es of hiso!-e!s and those of the gene!al pu lic. he const!ucto! gets a full!ating of . ? if he complies ith the applica le indicato!senume!ated in the chec-list fo! ESC p!esented in Annex @. Refe!to Section 11. e in !ating this aspect.

    f. Resou!ces eplo+ment >aximum Rating of . J

    In this aspect, to e e#aluated is the const!ucto!/s a ilit+ to deplo+on time, ased on the app!o#ed $ER 5*$> o! p!og!am of o!-,the !e%ui!ed5pledged facilities and !esou!ces such as mate!ials,e%uipment in good !unning condition and manpo e!. Refe! toSection 11. f in !ating this aspect. Resou!ces deplo+mentchec-list is p!esented in Annex ?.

    Should the!e e on going additional o!-s o! #a!iation o!de!s atthe time of inspection not +et co#e!ed + app!o#ed #a!iation o!de!,the p!o#ision on this matte! as stated in Section ?.1 c shall

    li-e ise e adopted.

    ?.2 U0#$ C#*0,e%i#$

    a. Ho!-manship >aximum Rating of . J

    Ho!-manship is one of the th!ee aspects to e e#aluated henthe p!o&ect is one hund!ed pe!cent (1 D) complete as !epo!ted+ the I0.

    he punch lists p!epa!ed + the inspecto!ate team ma+ se!#e asadditional !efe!ence fo! p!o&ect e#aluation. he const!ucto! shallme!it a full !ating of . fo! a pa!ticula! item of o!- if he satisfiesthe applica le indicato!s in the chec-list. Spots comp!ising not lessthan ten pe!cent (1 D) of the enti!e p!o&ect shall e the samplesi e used in e#aluating this aspect.

    . >ate!ials >aximum Rating of .2 J

    In !ating the aspect of mate!ial, a full !ating of .2 shall e gi#ento mate!ials in a pa!ticula! item of o!- if he complies ithapplica le indicato!s in the chec-list fo! mate!ials in Annex :.

    If a o!- item does not !e%ui!e the use of mate!ials (e.g.demolition of existing st!uctu!e, exca#ation, o! sc!aping), theconst!ucto! automaticall+ gets .2 in this aspect p!o#ided he


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    gets the full !ating in the o!-manship aspect fo! such o!- item.Co e#e!, if the pa!ticula! item of o!- as not done o!inade%uatel+ complied ith, the !ating fo! mate!ial shall e . .aximum Rating of .: J

    In !ating the aspect of time, compa!ison shall e made et eenthe app!o#ed cont!act completion time including time extensionsg!anted and actual p!o&ect completion time. *ompletion of ap!o&ect on time includes demo ili ation and final clean up.

    he const!ucto! shall get a full !ating of .: if he is on o! ahead ofschedule ut if the p!o&ect is dela+ed due to his fault, he gets +

    ,#9e& s #&e. T4e s #&e s4+,, de0e$d #$ %4e 0e& e$%+ e #de,+- +s s4#9$ i$ A$$e? " @ U0#$ C#*0,e%i#$.

    F#& #$%&+ %s 9i%4 $# *+%e&i+,s #& *+%e&i+,s +&e s'00,ied -%4e #9$e&; %4e #*0'%+%i#$ # s #&e #& Ti*e +s0e % is0&ese$%ed i$ A$$e? " @ F#& #$%&+ %s 9i%4 $# *+%e&i+,s #&*+%e&i+,s +&e s'00,ied - %4e #9$e& #& U0#$ C#*0,e%i#$04+se.


    o ensu!e the effecti#e implementation of *$ES, each go#e!nment agenc+unde!ta-ing inf!ast!uctu!e p!o&ects shall eithe! c!eate an independent unit o!integ!ate the *$ES functions in an existing unit ith simila! functions hichshall act as the *$ES I4. Ideall+, the *$ES I4 should e unde! the office ofagenc+ head ut it could also e attached to the agenc+/s audit o! monito!ingg!oup. Its o!gani ation and functions a!e as follo s6

    8.1 O& +$i:+%i#$

    he *$ES I4 shall e composed of the follo ing6

    a. 4nit supe!#iso! shall act as the head of the unit3

    . echnical pe!sonnel shall assist the head in the pe!fo!mance ofthe unit/s technical functions3 and

    c. Administ!ati#e pe!sonnel shall pe!fo!m all the administ!ati#e and

    coo!dinati#e !e%ui!ements of the unit.

    8.2 F'$ %i#$s

    he *$ES I4 shall ha#e technical and administ!ati#e5coo!dinati#efunctions as follo s6

    a. echnical


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    a.1 4nde!ta-e acc!editation p!ocesses hich consist of6 a) p!esc!eening and endo!sement of application of *$E applicants3and ) facilitate conduct of *$ES !e%ui!ed t!aining andsemina!s3

    a.2 4nde!ta-e +ea!l+ pe!fo!mance e#aluation of *$Es.

    a.: 4pdate *$E mem e!s on latest de#elopments and othe!technical functions.

    a. 0!ient !esou!ce pe!sons5 itnesses.

    a. Re#ie and p!epa!e *$ES !epo!ts and !ecommendapp!op!iate actions ased on the *$ES Rating3 and

    a.@ Assign its acc!edited *$E staff mem e!5s to act as indi#idual

    *$E5s o! mem e!5s of the *$E g!oup5team as !e%ui!ed.

    . Administ!ati#e5*oo!dinati#e

    .1 ;ist all p!o&ects to e su &ected to e#aluation using *$ES andidentif+5assign pe!sonnel to compose the *$E.

    .2 Schedule o!ientation semina! on *$ES fo! in house *$Emem e!s and !esou!ce pe!sons5 itnesses.

    .: "ene!ate latest p!o&ect status, schedule *$E site #isits,

    coo!dinate #isit ith the Cead of the $!ocu!ing Entit+ andconst!ucto! conce!ned, and file5safe -eep all *$ES !elateddocuments.

    . $!o#ide the *$E ith *$ES documents implementingguidelines and fo!ms, and p!epa!e *$E t!a#el documents as!e%ui!ed.

    . ata an-ing and dissemination of *$ES !epo!ts anddocuments to all conce!ned use!s ithin the agenc+, *IA$/s$hilippine omestic *onst!uction oa!d ($ * ), and othe!inte!ested use!s.

    o ensu!e that const!ucto!s unde!stand the mechanics of *$ES andho the+ a!e !ated, thei! Autho!i ed >anaging 0ffice!s (A>0s) o! thei!dul+ autho!i ed Sustaining echnical Emplo+ees (S Es) shall e!e%ui!ed to unde!go a one time 0!ientation Semina! on *$ES to econducted + the *IA$ $ * p!io! to cont!act implementation.


    Each go#e!nment agenc+ shall ha#e the option of tapping in house staff,thi!d pa!t+ e#aluato!s o! com ination of oth eithe! as g!oup5team o!indi#idual to compose the *$E.

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    pe!manent o! ad hoc asis. It is necessa!+ that all *$E mem e!s a!e not inan+ a+ in#ol#ed ith the p!o&ect to e e#aluated in o!de! fo! them to gi#e ano &ecti#e and un iased e#aluation of the const!ucto!/s pe!fo!mance.

    9.1 Mi$i*'* '+,i i +%i#$ # CPES Ev+,'+%#&s

    All *$ES e#aluato!s shall e acc!edited + the *IA$ ased on theminimum %ualifications as follo s6

    a. ;icensed Enginee! o! A!chitect.. >ust ha#e at least +ea!s expe!ience in the actual implementation

    of p!o&ect.c. In full en&o+ment of his5he! ci#il !ights, must not ha#e een con#icted

    of a c!ime in#ol#ing mo!al tu!pitude o! of an+ othe! c!ime fo! hichthe penalt+ imposed upon him5he! is o#e! six (@) months ofimp!isonment.

    d. Hilling to unde!go all sc!eening !e%ui!ements and acc!editationcou!se fo! *$ES e#aluato!s to e conducted + the *IA$/s $ *o! an+ of its acc!edited t!aining institutions.

    $!ofessionals ho ha#e su stantiall+ complied ith the minimum!e%ui!ements stated in items aF to cF a o#e, and ho + !eason oft!ainings o! expe!iences in const!uction, conducted lectu!es on *$ESacc!editation cou!ses upon in#itation + the *IA$/s $ * a!eautomaticall+ acc!edited as *$ES e#aluato!s.

    9.2 P ed'&e +$d Re/'i&e*e$%s #& Re$e9+, # CPE A &edi%+%i#$

    *$E acc!editation shall e #alid fo! a pe!iod of th!ee (:) +ea!s f!om thedate of acc!editation. An application fo! !ene al of *$E acc!editationma+ e filed ith the *IA$/s $ * not late! than t o (2) +ea!s f!omexpi!+ date.

    he *$ES I4 shall endo!se the !ene al application ased on thepe!fo!mance of the *$E.

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    a. Agenc+ !ep!esentati#e tas-ed to fo!mulate5amend the *$ES"uidelines, chec-list, etc.3

    . Resou!ce pe!son du!ing semina!s conducted on *$ES3 and c. Se!#ed as *$E fo! othe! agencies.

    9.: C#*0#si%i#$ # CPES Ev+,'+%#&s

    he composition of each *$E, indi#idual o! g!oup, ho ha#e #otingpo e!, shall e6

    O0%i#$s I$54#'se CPE T4i&d P+&%- CPEC#* i$+%i#$ # I$53#'se +$d T4i&d

    P+&%- CPE"!oup o!eam

    0ne (1) *$E occup+ingsupe!#iso!+ positionho shall act as the*$E leade!.

    0ne (1) o! mo!e *$E5sas mem e!s.

    o (2) o! mo!e *$Esf!om othe! agencies andnot di!ectl+ in#ol#ed iththe p!o&ect to ee#aluated.

    0ne (1) *$E occup+ingsupe!#iso!+ position.

    0ne (1) o! mo!e*$E5s f!om othe!agencies, and notdi!ectl+ in#ol#ed iththe p!o&ect to ee#aluated.

    Indi#idual 0ne (1) *$E notdi!ectl+ in#ol#ed iththe p!o&ect.

    0ne (1) *$E f!om othe!agencies, and notdi!ectl+ in#ol#ed ith the

    p!o&ect to e e#aluated.

    he !esou!ce pe!sons5 itnesses, ho ha#e no #oting po e!, shallinclude the follo ing6


    one (1) o! mo!e 0 ne!/s and *onst!ucto!/s $!o&ect Enginee! and5o! *onsultantassigned in the p!o&ect to act as !esou!ce pe!son(s)3

    one (1) (0ptional) Rep!esentati#e f!om an+ of the *IA$ acc!editedconst!ucto!s/ associations nea!est to the p!o&ect site,-no ledgea le in p!o&ect implementation to act as itness3

    one (1) (0ptional) Rep!esentati#e f!om the ;ocal "o#e!nment 4nit (;"4)he!e the p!o&ect is located to act as itness3

    one (1) (0ptional) Rep!esentati#e f!om the end use! (e.g. social,!eligious, o! ci#ic o!gani ation).


    he *$E should ha#e the follo ing documents fo! its !e#ie and !efe!encedu!ing actual e#aluation hich shall e supplied + the I0 and theconst!ucto!/s p!o&ect enginee!6


  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    1 .1 IO5S'00,ied D# '*e$%s

    a. *ont!act documents6 app!o#ed cont!act ag!eement, cont!actd!a ing, gene!al and special5local p!o#isions including plans andspecifications, method of const!uction, safet+ and health measu!es

    . App!o#ed const!ucto!/s const!uction p!og!am6 *$> o!- scheduleo! a! cha!t, mate!ials5manpo e! schedule, e%uipment schedule,o!gani ational cha!t, financial cha!t such as S cu!#e o! cash flo

    c. *onst!ucto!/s statistical !epo!ts6 ph+sical p!og!ess5status,e%uipment and manpo e! schedules ased on the latest app!o#ed$ER 5*$>

    d. >ate!ials testing p!ocedu!es, !eco!ds of tests and !esults,mate!ials %ualit+ cont!ol p!og!am

    e. *onst!ucto!/s ope!ational set up6 gene!al la+ out of facilities,p!o&ect office and %ua!te!s, a!ehouse, shops fo!

    !epai!5maintenance5ca!pent!+5!e a! f. ;ist of su cont!acto!s o! supplie!sg. $unch list (fo! final #isit upon completion)h. Rele#ant chec-lists, *$ES e#aluation fo!m and co#e! sheet

    1 .2 C#$s%&' %#&s Pe % E$ i$ee&5S'00,ied D# '*e$%s

    a. $!o&ect log oo-. 4pdated !eco!ds of tests5!esults and mate!ials %ualit+ cont!ol

    p!og!am monito!ing !epo!tsc. 0the! !elated !epo!ts


    he *$ES e#aluation fo!m and co#e! sheet to e used + the *$E iscontained in Annex 8 and this shall e !ep!oduced + the *$ES I4 fo!dist!i ution to all *$E(s) conce!ned p!io! to site #isits.

    11.1 P+&% 1 5 C#ve& S4ee%

    $a!t 1 of the fo!m is the co#e! sheet, hich is to e filled up + theo ne!/s p!o&ect enginee! contains the follo ing gene!al info!mation6name and add!ess of const!ucto!3 name and add!ess ofo ne!5autho!i ed managing office!3 #alid license num e!3 AR*catego!+3 nationalit+ of const!ucto!3 p!o&ect name, location3 fundingsou!ce3 name of const!ucto!/s p!o&ect manage! and mate!ialsenginee!3 name of go#e!nment const!uction manage!3 o!iginal and!e#ised cont!act amount and du!ation3 scheduled date of p!o&ect sta!tand actual date sta!ted3 and scheduled date of p!o&ect completion andactual date completed (num e! of da+s ad#ance5dela+ed a!e alsoindicated). 0the! necessa!+ info!mation pe!taining to the p!o&ect ma+also e included on this po!tion.

    11.2 P+&% II 5 R+%i$ S4ee% D'&i$ C#$s%&' %i#$

    he *$E shall use $a!t II of the fo!m du!ing the const!uction phaseFfi!st and second #isits, !especti#el+. In case the *$E intends to


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    conduct mo!e than t o (2) #isits du!ing this phase, $a!t II of the fo!mma+ e !ep!oduced to co!!espond to the additional num e! of #isits itshall ma-e. $a!t III shall e used fo! the final #isit.

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    Afte! the o#e! all *$ES !ating of the const!ucto! has een computed,this shall e !eflected in the ox ma!-ed Kualitati#e esc!iptionFased on the !ange of const!ucto!/s *$ES !ating fo! the specific

    p!o&ect unde!ta-en . Annex 8 shall e !e#ised + the *IA$/s $ * toindicate the ne !anges of *$ES !atings and thei! e%ui#alent%ualitati#e desc!iptions, as follo s6

    *$ES Kualitati#e Ranges of *$ESesc!iption Rating

    0utstanding L 9@DGe!+ Satisfacto!+ L 89D M 9@DSatisfacto!+ L 82D M 89D4nsatisfacto!+ L ? D M 82D$oo! M ? D

    11. CPES C4e

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    1. Entail losses to the go#e!nment32. Se!iousl+ affect the sta ilit+ of the st!uctu!e3:. *ause se#e!e damage to the aesthetics (depends on the

    items of o!- in#ol#ed).

    Spots ith a single ma&o! defect shall fo!feit all points fo! the !estof the indicato!s in the said spot. ate!ials

    he chec-list fo! >ate!ials is contained in Annex : and sta!ts ith>A follo ed + the lan- space hich is fo! the co!!espondingnum e! of the item of o!- eing e#aluated. he!e a!e fi#e ( )indicato!s fo! this aspect and all indicato!s shall e !ated.*ompliance to each indicato! means full sco!e of one (1) and non

    compliance means sco!e of e!o ( ).

    If the const!ucto! complies ith indicato! num e! 1 hich iscompliance to test !e%ui!ements, then the !emaining fou! ( )indicato!s need to e e#aluated. If the const!ucto! does not compl+ith indicato! num e! 1, ho e#e!, the !emaining fou! ( ) indicato!sshall also e e#aluated fo! *AR pu!poses ut the final !ating isautomatic e!o ( ).

    If a o!- item does not !e%ui!e the use of mate!ials (e.g.demolition of existing st!uctu!e, exca#ation, o! sc!aping), theconst!ucto! automaticall+ gets .: du!ing const!uction and .2upon completion in this aspect p!o#ided he gets the full !ating inthe o!-manship aspect fo! such o!- item. Co e#e!, if thepa!ticula! item of o!- as not done o! inade%uatel+ compliedith, the !ating fo! mate!ials shall e . .

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    Sco!e N 'on *ompliance N x .a.: otal Sco!e N Sum of all the Sco!e (a)a. ete!mine num e! of indicato!s N ( )a. Rate N otal Sco!e (a) 5 'o. of Indicato!s ( )

    c. *hec-list fo! ime

    he chec-list fo! ime is contained in Annex . $a!t 0ne is fo!u!ing *onst!uctionF and $a!t o is fo! 4pon *ompletionF. he

    chec-list shall e !e#ised + the *IA$/s $ * to inco!po!ate thene p!ocedu!e fo! sco!ing of ime aspect hich is th!oughcali !ationF instead of !ac-etedF du!ing const!uction phase.

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    he chec-list fo! ESC is contained in Annex @. hese e!e liftedf!om epa!tment 0!de! ( 0) 'o. 1:, se!ies of 1998 of theepa!tment of ;a o! and Emplo+ment ( 0;E) entitled "uidelines"o#e!ning 0ccupational Safet+ and Cealth in the *onst!uctionIndust!+. he *$E should #e!if+ if each indicato! set fo! this aspectis eing st!ictl+ implemented + the const!ucto!. he *$E shall

    select onl+ the indicato!s hich a!e applica le.

    ete!mining Results, Sco!e, otal Sco!e and

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    maintained + the same shall e made a#aila le to all inte!ested use!s eithe!elect!onicall+ o! in ha!d cop+5dis-ette.

    $u!suant to Section 12 ( ), Annex E of the IRR of R.A. 918 , and to p!o#idefo! a common and unifo!m application + all heads of agencies andinst!umentalities of the national go#e!nment, including go#e!nment o nedand5o! cont!olled co!po!ations ("0**s), go#e!nment financial institutions("

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    &e/'i&e*e$%s # %4e 0e % #9$e& s4+,, e %4e +sis #& %4eiss'+$ e # %4e Ce&%i i +%e # C#*0,e%i#$.

    12 .= Pe % M#$i%#&i$ +$d C#$%, he *$ES !ating5info!mation shalle used + agencies as a !efe!ence fo! p!o&ect monito!ing, audit, and%ualit+ cont!ol in ensu!ing the follo ing, among othe!s6 a) complianceith cont!act p!o#isions and specifications ) p!ompt and effecti#eaction on p!o lems encounte!ed3 c) compliance ith safet+ and health!egulations and d) compliance ith en#i!onmental !egulations.

    12. > ,+

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines


    *IA$/s $ * shall issue *e!tificates of Recognition toconst!ucto!s ith consistent *$ES final !atings of 0utstandingF.

    12. 11 PCA Re is%&+%i#$ +$d C,+ssi i +%i#$ Hhen applica le, the *$ES!atings shall fo!m pa!t of the !e%ui!ements fo! Regist!ation and*lassification of go#e!nment const!ucto!s pu!suant to the guidelines toe issued + the $*A .


    hese guidelines shall e applied to all const!ucto!s of all nationalgo#e!nment agencies, depa!tment, u!eau, office, o! inst!umentalit+ of the"o#e!nment, including go#e!nment o ned and5o! cont!olled co!po!ations("0**s), go#e!nment financial institution ("

  • 8/13/2019 009 Amended Guidelines



    1. A>0 Autho!i ed >anaging 0ffice!

    2. A* ids and A a!d *ommittee

    :. *A$ *o!!ecti#e Action $lan

    . *AR *o!!ecti#e Action Re%uest

    . *IA$ *onst!uction Indust!+ Autho!it+ of the $hilippines

    @. *$E *onst!ucto!s/ $e!fo!mance E#aluato!

    ?. *$ES *onst!ucto!s/ $e!fo!mance E#aluation S+stem

    8. 0;E epa!tment of ;a o! and Emplo+ment

    9. ESC En#i!onmental, Safet+ and Cealth

    1 . "
