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    Published: 21st. June 2008 ShareThis

    Jubilee 2012

    God and the Queen

    1. The Royal Israelite Identity of the British Monarch.

    Today, queen Elizabeth 2 is the head of state of the Great nation of the Hebrew Covenant

    called Great Britain. Her genealogy chart, according to the college of heralds in London,traces her blood line back to Abraham. By connecting 10 dots the true royal Israelite

    identity of QE2 comes into focus:

    1. A Stone known as the Stone of Destiny, the Lia Fail, the Stone of Scone, Jacob's Pillar

    and Bethel has been fitted in the British Throne chair and the British Monarch is

    crowned upon this Stone. The Stone's origins were with Jacob, who slept with his head

    upon the Stone and dreamed of a ladder reaching up to heaven. Jacob had his name

    changed byGodto Israel and fathered the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

    2. The British Monarch's Crown has 12 stones at the base, each one representing each

    ofthe Twelve Tribes of Israel. The twelve stones ofthe Twelve Tribes were also wornon the Breastplate of Aaron, which was the breastplate of the High Priest of Israel of old.

    3. The Union Jackrepresents the reunion of the United Kingdom ofthe Twelve Tribes

    of Jackob Jacob/Israel.

    4. The symbols on the British coat of arms reveal Britain's Israelite origin. According to

    the Bible, the harp symbolizes the Israelite king David, the Lion is the Tribal Standard

    of the Israelite Tribe of Judah and the Unicorn is the Tribal Standard of Joseph's sonEphraim. Joseph and his sons were favored by Jacob / Israel and were blessed and given

    his name Israel. These standards symbolize the Nation of Israel. The motto "Dieu et

    mon droit" means "God is my right".

    5. The hymn "Zadoc the Priest" written by Handel was performed at queen Elizabeth'scoronation in 1952. Zadocthe priest was the Biblical priest who anointed the Israelite

    king Solomon while the people cried "God save the king", "Long live the king", "Maythe king live forever".


    6. During the coronation ceremony the queen turns to face the four corners of the globe.

    The orb carried by the queen represents the world over which the monarch rules.

    7. The monarch's coronation gifts of a rod, bracelets and a ring, are a re-enactment of theBible story of the Israelites Judah and Tamar.

    8. The British monarch wears a Signet ring, which over the millennia has been passed

    from their Israelite ancestors.

    9. The Covenant that God made with Abraham was a promise to make his namegreat

    and to make for him a great nation. TodayGreat Britain is the only nation called Great.

    10. In Hebrew the world Britain literally meansland ofthe Covenant and British

    meansman or people ofthe Covenant. It also means the same in Welsh.

    2. British Israelite Heritage.

    So how did the throne of the ancient Israelites end up in Great Britain?

    In c.588 B.C.,king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was sent byGodto lay siege to and

    overthrow king Zedekiah of Jerusalem as a punishment because he and his people

    weren't keeping the Covenant they agreed with God to obey and keep only God's Law

    in The Torah. Solomon's Temple was destroyed in the siege and Jeremiah the BibleProphet tookking Zedekiah's daughter, princess Teia Tephi; The Ark of The

    CovenantandJacob's Pillar / The Stone of Destiny (The British Throne) to Tanis inEgyptfor safety.

    Jeremiah then tookTeia Tephi and God's Treasuresand left Tanis in a Tyrian Ship,which they sailed acrossthe Mediterranean Sea to Gibraltar. There they changed

    ships and caught a Greek vessel toIreland, stopping in Breogan in Spain andMarazion in Cornwall on the way.

    They arrive inIreland in 583 B.C. and Teia Tephi, the daughter of king Zedekiah ofJerusalem marriedEochaidh Mac Duach, the Ard ri (high king) ofIreland.

    Many of the people living in Ireland at that time were known as the Tuatha de Danaan,

    which means the Tribe of Dan. Dan is the fifth Tribe of Israel. There were also many

    settlers from other Tribes of Israel, including the Tribe of Judah, of which Eochaidhthe high king of Ireland was descended. Being Israelites, the Irish people embraced the

    princess who had come from their old motherland, as their new queen.

    A special secret subterranean tomb was constructed at the Hill of Tara (Torah) in County

    Meath, Ireland, and The Ark of The Covenant was placed in it, along with Teia Tephi'sbody when she died and a number of other significant artifacts, including David's harp

    which features as the Irish People's national emblem.



    The Ark of the Covenant and its contents are a witness to the world that The Ten

    Commandments and God's Laws of The Torah do exist and are from God and its location

    in the British Isles is proof that the British peoples and their descendants, are of the Ten"lost" Tribes of the House of Israel, which will prove that the governments of these

    nations were never allowed to depart from Gods Law and legislate their own laws. It is

    these illegal laws which are enslaving and bringing poverty to most of the world and isdestroying the planet.

    Jacobs Pillar Stone that Teia Tephi brought with her from Jerusalem stayed in Ireland for

    more than a thousand years and all of the Irish kings were crowned upon the Stone until

    c. 500 A.D.

    It was then loaned to Fergus, the brother of Muircheartach (Murdoch) king of Ireland,who had emigrated to Scotland and wanted to be crowned king of the Irish who had

    settled there and had become Scottish.

    The Stone was not returned to Ireland and stayed in Scotland, where it was named theStone of Destiny, and all of the Scottish kings were crowned upon it, until 1296 A.D.

    when Edward "Long-shanks" the first of England invaded Scotland; defeated the Scots

    and took the Stone, from Scone Abbey near Perth, to London where all of the English

    kings were subsequently crowned in Westminster Abbey upon the Stone of Destiny, upto, and including, George the Sixth.

    In 1950 four Scottish Nationalists removed the Stone from Westminster Abbey; took it

    back to Scotland and a fake stone made of Perthshire sandstone was later placed at

    Arbroath and from there it was taken to London. It was this same fake stone thatElizabeth the Second was crowned upon in 1953, so in actual fact, she has never really

    officially been crowned queen of the British people in the eyes of God, so therefore is notthe true Monarch.

    All of the Irish; Scottish and English Monarchs after 583 B.C., including Elizabeth the

    Second, are descended from Eochaidh and Teia Tephi of the line of David from the Tribe

    of Judah. The Stone was taken in 1950 from the House of Windsor from the line of David

    in fulfillment of God's Prophecies in The Bible Book of Genesis chapter 49:10 - "Thesceptre shall not depart from Judah (the line of David), nor a law-giver from between his

    feet, until Shiloh (Christ) comes"

    3. The Role of the Queen Today.

    The media has mislead the public into believing that QE2 is a symbolic ceremonialfigure-head with little or no real power. That she is a harmless old relic that passes her

    time sipping tea at the palace. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    As British Monarch, queen Elizabeth 2 is the wealthiest, most powerful person on earth.

    She embodies the Crown and supreme world power. Presidents of the United States are





    The power to grant and bestow titles like Sir.

    The power to pardon convicted criminals.

    So why has the queen been allowed to legally possess all of these supreme powers? For

    the sake of tradition?

    The Crown

    What exactly is the meaning of the term "The Crown"?

    The Crown is defined as executive powers exercised in the name of the monarch. The

    actual Crown itself, worn by the monarch is a symbol of the queens executive powers.

    The parliamentary oaths act of 1866 requires all leaders of 54 commonwealth nations to

    swear an oath of loyalty to the queen, not to the people who elected them. Those who donot swear allegiance to the queen are deemed unfit for office, including the prime

    minister, police, military, judges, legislators, lawyers, and public servants. New citizens

    to the queen's commonwealth nations must also swear allegiance to the queen.

    Public land in the queen's colonies like Canada, is called "Crown Land" and includes

    aboriginal land. Government corporations are called Crown corporations. The central

    bank of Canada and the Canadian mint are Crown corporations, independent of most

    government controls.

    Canadian warships are called HMCS - Her Majesty's Canadian Ship. And in Australia

    they are called HMAS Her Majesty's Australian Ship. Canada's national police force iscalled the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

    All government contracts are between a company or individual and Her Majesty. Courtsummons are issued in the name of the queen and all public inquiries are called Royal


    Commonwealth money carries the queen's image, world wide, as a reminder of her


    The queen is the lifetime hereditary head of state of Great Britain and her colonies and is

    un-elected and unaccountable. It is against the law to advocate the abolition of themonarchy.

    What is the cost to British tax payers to support the queen and her entourage? The publicaccounts committee and national audit office are forbidden to examine queen Elizabeth

    Windsor's family finances. But the civil list payments are reviewed every 10 years. So for

    the year ended march 2002, the running expenses of the Windsor household were 7.9million pounds. Family spending 35.3 million. Security 30 million. And the list goes on.



    How much is the queen actually worth? The queen's wealth is divided into three

    categories: Her wealth as the Monarch, her visible personal wealth and her invisible

    personal wealth.

    The queen's wealth as the Monarch includes 54 commonwealth nations world wide.

    Millions of acres of Crown Land and resources, thousands of Crown corporations and theCorporate City State of London, which is the capitol of world finance.

    The queen's visible personal wealth, which was accumulated tax free until 1992, includesRoyal Yachts, Rolls Royce's, Race horses, 5 castles, the world's largest collection of

    jewels, 20,000 old master-pieces and billions in class A shares and blue-chip stocks and

    bonds, which have been invested and re-invested, over and over again, tax free.

    Most of the queen's fortune was inherited from her ancestors' illegal Opium trade withChina and the black slave trade. In 1977 the Bank of England nominees was established

    to hide the queen's personal portfolio of wealth. As the British Monarch, the queen has

    access to privileged information, state secrets and the world's top financiers. She isimmune to accusations of insider trading or conflicts of interest. Her financial portfolio

    includes Rio Tinto, General Electric, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Archer

    Daniels Midland, and the list goes on.

    The queen's accumulation and hoarding of wealth causes dearth and deprivation amongher subjects and is in direct contravention of God's Law of Moses which she as the

    Monarch of the British Israelite people is required to uphold. The Law of Moses clearly

    lays out the role of the Monarch in Deuteronomy chapter 17* and forbids the Monarch

    from accumulating and hoarding wealth, and that he/she must uphold and enforce onlythe God's Law and not legislate his/her own laws or allow others to do so.

    *Deuteronomy 17:14 When thou art come unto the land which the "I AM" thy God giveththee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me,

    like as all the nations that [are] about me;

    17:15 Thou shalt in any wise set [him] king over thee, whom the "I AM" thy God shallchoose: [one] from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set

    a stranger (a gentile) over thee, which [is] not thy brother.17:16 But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt

    (slavery under man-made laws), to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch asthe "I AM" hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way. 17:17 Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither

    shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.17:18 And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write

    him a copy of this Law in a book out of [that which is] before the priests the Levites:

    17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that hemay learn to fear the "I AM" his God, to keep all the words of this Law and these

    Statutes, to DO them:17:20 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from



    the Commandment, [to] the right hand, or [to] the left: to the end that he may prolong[his] days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel.

    The queen's visible millions are but a tiny fraction of her invisible wealth accumulatedthrough the black nobility.