Page 1: Издательский дом «Первое сентября»  WINTER OLYMPIC SPORTS

Издательский дом «Первое сентября» ⦁ w w w . 1 s e p t e m b e r . r u


Page 2: Издательский дом «Первое сентября»  WINTER OLYMPIC SPORTS

Alpine Skiing // Горнолыжный спорт

downhill or straight racing, and slalom

racing round a series of markers

Page 3: Издательский дом «Первое сентября»  WINTER OLYMPIC SPORTS

Biathlon // Биатлон

a Nordic skiing event in which the competitors combine cross-country skiing and rifle shooting

Page 4: Издательский дом «Первое сентября»  WINTER OLYMPIC SPORTS

Bobsleigh // Бобслей

a mechanically steered and braked sledge, typically for two or four people, used for racing down an ice-covered run.

Page 5: Издательский дом «Первое сентября»  WINTER OLYMPIC SPORTS

Cross country skiing // Лыжные гонки

a form of ski touring in which

participants propel themselves across

snow-covered terrain using skis

and poles which is popular in many

places with large snowfields

Page 6: Издательский дом «Первое сентября»  WINTER OLYMPIC SPORTS

Curling // Керлинг

a game played on ice, especially in Scotland and Canada, in which large round flat stones are slid across the surface towards a mark. Members of a team use brooms to sweep the surface of the ice in the path of the stone to control its speed and direction.

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Figure skating // Фигурное катание

the sport of skating in prescribed

patterns from a stationary position

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Freestyle skiing // Фристайл

a form of skiing which used to encompass two disciplines: aerials, and moguls. Besides the two disciplines mentioned earlier Freestyle Skiing now consists of Skicross, Half Pipe and Slope Style

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Ice hockey // Хоккей

a team game played between

two teams of eleven players

each, using hooked sticks with which the players try to

drive a small hard ball towards goals

at opposite ends of a field.

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Luge // Санный спорт

a sport in which competitors make a timed descent of a course riding luges

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Nordic combined // Лыжное двоеборье

a winter sport in which athletes compete in both cross-country skiing and ski jumping.

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Short track speed skating // Шорт-трек

a form of competitive ice speed skating. In competitions, multiple skaters (typically between four and six) skate on an oval ice track with a circumference of 111.12 m. The rink itself is 60 m by 30 m, which is the same size as an international-sized ice hockey rink.

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Skeleton // Скелетон

a fast winter sliding sport in which an individual person rides a small sled down a frozen track while lying face down, during which athletes experience forces up to 5g.

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Ski jumping // Прыжки с трамплина

a sport in which skiers go down a take-off ramp, jump and attempt to land as far as possible down the hill below. In addition to the length of the jump, judges give points for style.

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Snowboarding // Сноубординг

slide downhill on a snowboard

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Speed skating // Конькобежный спорт

a competitive form of ice skating in which the competitors race each other in traveling a certain distance on skates
