
Press release

2015/06 Page 1 of 3

Seventh DPD Logistics Lab: students look at the logistics world of today and tomorrow

• Frankfurt Trade Fair becomes project partner

• Student concepts for practical applications such as intelligent ramp management

and ergonomically portable data scanners

• € 500 prize for best project

Aschaffenburg, 17 June 2015 – On the conclusion of the seventh DPD Logistics Lab 19 students from the Fresenius Idstein and Aschaffenburg universities of applied sciences presented a range of ingenious projects on logistics topics of the future. The best presentation was rewarded with a €500 prize by international parcel and express service provider DPD. This time Frankfurt Trade Fair also participated as a project partner in the DPD Logistics Lab. For Frankfurt Trade Fair the winning team presented an algorithm which enables even more intelligent management of the ramp traffic involving stand construction firms and suppliers. The students had three months' time to develop their projects. Since 2009 a total of 150 students from various universities of applied sciences have participated in the DPD Logistics Lab.

"The DPD Logistics Lab provides our company with valuable input for future operational

projects", explains Peter Störring, Director Operations at DPD GeoPost (Deutschland)

GmbH. "I'm delighted that it is proving useful to new project partners such as Frankfurt

Trade Fair. At the same time all the students who participate benefit directly, because the

DPD Logistics Lab teaches them in a practical and accessible way how modern logistics

operates." Prof. Armin Bohnhoff, Dean of Studies for Logistics and Commerce at Fresenius

University of Applied Sciences in Idstein, adds: "The Logistics Lab is a practice-based

course open to a number of universities and is a model of its kind."

In addition to the intelligent management of ramp traffic, the project groups developed

solutions for further practical challenges in logistics. For example, the students focused on

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the subject of so-called 'wearable' devices for data recording such as glove or two-finger

scanners which can be applied for the implementation of barcode scans in parcel sorting

centres. These innovative support systems for sorting can be worn ergonomically on the

body and conveniently leave the hands free for normal working operations. The various

groups were supported by experts from DPD HQ in Aschaffenburg and the students also

received on-site insight into DPD's operations by visiting depots and making delivery trips

with DPD drivers.

Photo: Participants in the DPD Logistics Lab presented their projects at DPD's HQ in Aschaffenburg, with the best group receiving a prize of €500.

The photo is available in print quality at

About DPD

DPD Germany is part of DPDgroup, the second-largest international parcel delivery network in Europe. Throughout Germany DPD has 76 depots and 6,000 DPD ParcelShops. A workforce of 7,500 and 9,000 delivery drivers are in daily operation on behalf of the company’s customers. Every year the No. 2 on the German parcels market ships around 320 million parcels – providing carbon-neutral transport operations at no additional cost to

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the customer.

Through innovative technology, local knowledge and dedicated customer care, DPD provides the best possible experience for both shippers and shoppers. DPD’s industry-leading Predict service is setting a new standard for keeping customers closely in touch with their delivery, with real time tracking of their delivery, a one-hour delivery window and a range of options for redirecting parcels.

As part of DPDgroup, DPD in Germany has access to over 16,000 local Pickup points across Europe, and delivers to 230 countries worldwide. DPDgroup’s 24,000 people work together to deliver over 3 million parcels each day. DPDgroup is the parcel delivery network of GeoPost, a holding company owned by Le Groupe La Poste, which posted sales of €4.9 billion in the year 2014.

Press contact

DPD Dynamic Parcel Distribution GmbH & Co. KGPeter ReyPR OfficerWailandtstraße 163741 AschaffenburgPhone +49 (0)6021 492-7066
